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Tutor: Javier Acevedo Torcuato English Center

Monthly Lesson plan 1

Class: Pre-intermediate Date : 9th March Time: 10:00- 1:00

Knowing each other- revision part 1

• Realizing things in common among SS
• Revising some elementary language points: Vocabulary sets, grammar structures (present simple and
continuous) by saying and writing short sentences correctly.

Loudspeaker, PC and Projector, board, pens and books.

Stage timing Activity Procedure

Institutional 10’ Materials – institute T will greet SS and will encourage SS to introduce
information information themselves. Then T will provide information about
materials and where to go to get them, important
dates and institutional information related to
teachers, coordination and administration.
Lead -in 20’ Things in common T will have the learners work in groups to find
out what they have in common. T will provide
the following starters on the board…
-Have you got a ….? / Do you have a…?
-Do you like…?
-Can you …?
-Did you visit…?
-Are you studying…?
SS will take notes, then each S should tell the
class about one of the things the group have in
common. T will provide the bold phrases, for
All of us…have (got) a sister or a brother
Most of us live in Don Torcuato / San Miguel.
Some of us have a cat
None of us is studying Maths. Etc.

Grammar 1 20’’ Simple present vs present T will project a Word wall game for SS to speak
(revision) continuous using the present simple and continuous. T will
monitor their productions and help them with any
key item SS need.
present-vs-present-continuous . After SS have
finished, they will work as a whole class using the
following game:
nt-simple-vs-present-continuous First SS will
match the phrases with the correct tense then as
a follow up SS will write 3 or 4 sentences using the
phrases from the game in the correct form. For
example: “On Mondays I go to the gym” once
they have finished SS will read their answers
aloud. T will check and provide help if necessary

Vocabulary 20’ Categories T will put SS in pairs or threes and will write the
(revision) following categories on the board:
Countries -foods -jobs – animals – furniture-
clothing- colours then T will give the class a letter
e.g., letter G. each team must think of one word
from each category which begins with that letter.
After a time (3 mins) T checks the words. Teams
only score a point if no other team has though of
their word. As a follow up each S will choose a
word and make a sentence using: I like XXXXX
because. Once all SS have finished T will provide
the prompt, I hate XXXXXX because and
SS will repeat the process again.

Revision part 2
• Revising sentence structures (past simple and continuous) by talking and writing sentences.
• Saying a set of tongue twisters quickly and correctly.
• Reviewing common verb phrases and expressions with GET/HAVE /GO

Stage timing Activity Procedure
Writing 10’ to 15’ Adding words T will write a simple sentence on the board e.g.
“It was Saturday”. One by one, SS must then
suggest one or two words which can be added to
the sentence e.g. “It was Saturday night” once
the words are written in and the S who suggested
the word (s) reads the new sentence aloud. The
class then decides if the sentence is
grammatically correct. Finally, the T may indicate
a place in the sentence where new word (s) can
be added and invite suggestions from the class as
a whole. E.g., “It was Saturday
night and I went to the cinema with a friend”
Grammar 2 20’ Past simple T will project a word wall game for SS
e-past/speaking-about-past-events SS will spin the
roulette and talk about actions they did. T will
monitor and help with any key language SS may
Pronunciation 10’ Tongue twisters T will write a set of easy tongue twister for SS to

-She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

-A proper copper coffee pot.
-You know New York, you love New York
-66 sickly chicks.
-Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie
Then T will read one by one slowly with SS then
T will read them faster. Then T will ask for

Homework: SS will bring the booklet for class

volunteers to try to say them quickly three

Vocabulary 15’ Verb phrases/ go, have, get ( T will write a set of common verb phrases and
Flyswatter game) expression with GO, HAVE and GET SS learnt in the
previous course. Then T will ask SS to form two
teams in rows. Then T will read a sentence that
includes the expressions on the board and SS will
use the flyswatter to hit the expression they hear,
the first S who hits the word adds a point to the
Homework To get the books ready for the upcoming lessons.
Tutor: Javier Acevedo Torcuato English Center

Class: Pre-intermediate Date: 16th March Time: 10:00- 1:10

UNIT 1 A “Are you, Can you? Do you? Did you?”

• Practicing the order of words in questions by completing short sentences correctly.
• Using common verb phrases in a dialogue.
• Revising the spelling of numbers.
Koenig-Latham, Christina New English File- Pre intermediate 4th Edition
Loudspeaker, PC and Projector, board, pens and books.
Stage timing Activity Procedure

Lead -in 10’ How old are you? T will ask SS to say their ages. T will start first by
writing his age on the board in numbers andletters.
One by one SS will say their ages. Then T will write
the numbers 30- 13; 40 and 14 and elicit from SS
the difference in spelling between
these numbers
Vocabulary and 30’ Common verb phrases ACT Nº1 P. 6 SB. Part a T will point out the
speaking examples in the questions in Getting to know
you. Then SS will complete the other questions.
In Parts b and c, T will play a track to check the
answers and drill pronunciation, rhythm and
intonation. Finally in part d T will point out the
advice box (returning a question) and go through
it with the class. T will role model the example
and SS will work in pairs to ask and answer all
the questions. T will monitor the conversations
to check oral level. T will encourage SS to follow
up some answers to add more information

Grammar 30’ Word order in questions ACT Nº2 P.7 SB- SS will focus on instructions and
point pout the example given. T will ask SS to read
questions 2-6 and tick or correct them. T gets SS
to compare their answers with a partner and then
check. Then T will ask SS to read the rules and
complete the exercises form grammar bank on p.
126 SB. T will monitor and help SS. Then SS will go
back to p. 7 and read instructions in part c and
complete the exercise.
Pronunciation 20’ Vowel sounds /the alphabet ACT Nº3A P.7 SB- T will ask a few Students their
Communication task name and to spell it so that T will write them on
the board. Then SS will say the group of letters in
part a in the book. T will monitor pronunciation.
Then in part b, T will highlight the sound pictures
and read the questions. Then listen and write the
missing words. Then T will ask SS to complete the
chart with the missing letters. Finally, T will drill
pronunciation. To round up the section T will ask
SS to do a communicative activity on pp. 102-108
T will explain the procedure and SS will perform. T
will monitor.
Listening. 30’ Understanding personal ACT Nº 4 P.7 SB: SS will focus on instructions in
information part a, making sure SS understand that they are
going to listen to 6 complete conversations. SS
will go through the words in 1-6. T will explain
unknow vocabulary. T will play the audio for SS
to listen and write. Then SS will compare their
answers and T will elicit information to write it
on the board. (T will pre- teach @, = at, . = dot,
etc.) then SS will focus on part b, read
instructions and check they get the idea of the
activity. T will play the audio, pausing after each
conversation to give SS time to number a-f, he
will play the audio twice if necessary. Finally, SS
will go through the scripts to learn new phrases,
chunks and any unknown word they may need
to understand. To wrap up the lesson T will
encourage SS to complete the form in part c
using all the vocabulary form the lesson.
Homework UNIT 1 A. PP. 4-5 WB ( all tasks)
Tutor: Javier Acevedo Torcuato English Center

Class: Pre-intermediate (Saturdays) Date: 23th March Time: 10:00- 1:00

UNIT 1 B “the perfect date?”
• Revising the present simple in all forms in short sentences.
• Using vocabulary for physical description
• Writing a short description using the vocabulary and grammar accordingly.
Koenig-Latham, Christina New English File- Pre intermediate 4 th Edition
Loudspeaker, PC and Projector, board, pens and books.

Stage timing Activity Procedure

Homework 15’ Homework correction T will tell SS to check homework given last
correction class. T will check as a class and correct any
serious mistake
Warm -up 10’ Family T will write a chart on the board with the
headings: direct family/ other relatives /
husband / wife’s relatives, then T will elicit and
add more words to each category. T will help SS
with difficult pronunciations e.g., Daughter.
Vocabulary and 30’ Describing people ACT Nº1 p. 8 SB – SS will focus on instructions in
reading part a. T will play the audio for SS to answer the
question. Then SS will listen again to answer the
questions in part b. (T will elicit the meanings of
SS to go to VOCABULARY BANK p. 150 and
complete the activities in part 1, appearance.
Part 2, personality. T will monitor and help in
each part. Then, check as a class.
SS will go back to p. 8 SB and focus on
instructions in part d. T will pre- teach
vocabulary (marital status, date, etc.) then SS
will go through activities e and f. T will
encourage SS to work in pairs and check the
answers as a class. Finally SS will discuss the
questions in part g.
Grammar 25’ Present simple ACT Nº 3 A P.9 SB- SS will focus on the instructions
in part a, T will allow some minutes to complete
the gaps. Then SS will focus on task b, they will
read and tick the correct sentences. T will check
answers. Then SS will go over the rules and
practice using the GRAMMAR BANK P. 126 SB. SS
will complete the exercises in pairs. Then T will
check by asking to volunteers to read their
sentences aloud. Check pronunciation.

Pronunciation 20’ Final -s / -es ACT Nº 3 A P.9 SB- SS will focus on the chart, T
and speaking will point out the different pronunciation of final -
s – es, T will elicit the pronunciation of the SOUND
PICTURES. then SS will focus on instructions in
part b. T will draw a chart on the board and SS will
classify the words according to the sounds. Finally,
SS will focus on task c (communication) SS will
work in pairs and T will monitor SS performances.
Listening 25’ Identifying the ACT Nº 4 P.9 SB- SS will focus on the photo and
person being instructions. Highlight the glossary. T will play the
audio and SS take notes. Then they will compare
described their notes and T plays the audio again. Then SS
will focus on task b, and read the instructions. T
will get SS to check their answers in pairs. then SS
will read 1-6 and match the phrases with the men.
Finally, SS will go over the questions in parts d and
e. T will play the audio and SS will discuss their
Writing 20’ Describing ACT Nº1 P.113 SB- SS will go to the writing
yourself section. T will encourage SS to check carefully this
section. SS will focus in part a and the instructions.
T will work in pairs and answer the questions. T
will check. Then they will follow the instructions in
part b (common mistakes) finally SS will follow
instructions in part c and complete the chart
following the model and T will set a WRITING
TASK for HOMEWORK ( T will point out the check
list before SS hand in their productions.
ACT Nº 1, 2, 3 pp. 6-7 WB
Tutor: Javier Acevedo Torcuato English Center

Class: Pre-intermediate (Saturdays) Date: 30 t h March Time: 10:00- 1:00

By the end of the lesson SS will be able to:
• Learn vocabulary related to clothes and revise prepositions of place by matching pictures and filling gap sentences.
• Revise and consolidate the use of present continuous and contrast it with the present simple in the context of an article.
• Speaking to describe a picture.
Koenig-Latham, Christina New English File- Pre intermediate 4th Edition
Loudspeaker, PC and Projector, board, pens and books.

Stage timing Activity Procedure

Homework 15’ Homework correction T will tell SS to check homework given last class.
correction T will check as a class and correct any serious

Lead in 10’ Hangman T will play hangman with the word CLOTHES. T
will elicit pronunciation, then he explains the
rules of singular and plural forms of the word.
Finally, T will elicit some verb that collocates
with the word e.g.; wear, buy, try on etc.
Vocabulary 1 15’ Clothes ACT Nº 1 P. 10 SB- SS will follow instructions in
task a, and focus on the photo to elicit opinions.
Then in task b, SS will look for the items of
clothing. In pair SS will complete and check the
activity. Next, T will get SS to complete the
activities form the vocabulary bank p. 151 SB. T
will drill pronunciation of items and point out
singular and plural nouns and related verbs
(carry, wear, use, etc.)

Pronunciation 15’ Stressed sounds and phrases ACT Nº2 P.10 SB- SS will listen to the words and
practise saying them, then in part b SS will
underline the stressed syllable in the words.
Next SS will get SS to work in pairs to ask and
answer using the prompts in part d. T will
monitor SS exchanges.

Grammar 15’ Present continuous ACT Nº3 P. 10 SB- in part a, SS will focus on
instructions and complete the sentences. then in
part b SS will underline the correct form of the
verb. Next in part c, SS will practise and
consolidate the tense concepts using the
grammar bank pp. 126. SS will work in pairs, and T
will allot time for SS to work and give answers
Listening 15’ Checking hypothesis ACT Nº 4 P. 11 SB- SS will focus on instructions in
part a, and in pairs they will try to answer the
questions. Then T will play a track for SS to listen
and check their guesses. Then SS will listen again
and make notes using the prompts in part c. T
will check their answers. Finally, SS will go over
the scripts to learn new chunks of language and
check unknown vocabulary they may need.
Vocabulary 2 10’ Prepositions of place ACT Nº5A P.10 – T will place a book on the table
and elicit the PREPOSITION (on), then he will
look AT the door and elicit the preposition (at)

Next, SS will focus on instructions in part a and

complete the sentences with the words on the
box. T will ask for volunteers to read their
Then T will play the audio for SS to check their
answers. Finally, SS will work in pairs and follow
instructions in part b to ask and answer using the
Speaking 15’ Describe and draw ACT Nº 6A P.10 SB – T will point out the helping
box to describe a picture. Then in part a, SS will
work in pairs to interview each other using the
photos on pages 102 and 108. T will explain the
instructions carefully first and model then he will
encourage SS to use the prepositions of place for
the pictures SB. Finally, as a wrap up SS will
discuss the questions in part b. (if time allows)
Homework ACT 1, 2 and 3
pp. 8-9 WB

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