Henry Ford

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Cristofer lorenzo



Henry Ford was one of the

eight children of William Ford
and Mary Litogot. He was
born on the family farm near
Dearborn, Michigan, they
were a very poor family.


Ford attended a one-room

school for eight years when
he was nothelping his father with the harvest.

Education and formation

At the age of 16 he traveled to Detroit to look for work inmechanical

workshops, because he was not happy to live on the farm.

He collaborated first in a watchmaker's workshop and later fixingsteam-powered

engines, there he learned mechanics knowledge.

Three years later he returned to the farm and met Clara Bryant, married her and they
had their son Edsel.

Married Ford moved to Detroit in 1891, Ford went from mechanic to chief engineer at
Detroit Edison Company and began designing a gasoline-powered vehicle.

By 1896, he had completed his first horseless carriage, the "Quadricycle," so named
because it had four horsepower and four bicycle wheels.

In 1903, Ford founded The Ford Motor Company with just $ 28,000 in cash contributed
by ordinary citizens, the company was a success, designing low-priced cars for
ordinary people and not for the rich.

Henry Ford was an inventor who obtained 161 patents registered in that country.

I founded the Ford Motor Company, a multinational company, specialized in the

automotive industry.

He created FORDISM, the manufacture of a large number of cars atlow cost, with the
use of machinery and many workers with good wages.

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