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Name: Crystal Pearl G. Tolentino

1. The advanced principles of technical writing such as clarity, conciseness and

coherence increase chances of getting an idea across and garner the intended
response from the audience. Both give the readers the opportunity to effortlessly
understand complex contents and develop a smooth flow of ideas. For instance,
writing an essay, we should examine all the sentences for clarity reading. This is
also the best way to spot logical and structural “Falses”.
2. The role of audience awareness, usability testing and feedback mechanism in
refining and improving technical writing is very important. Audience awareness
helps writers to achieve goals by improving their content to meet the audience’s
expectations by writing like conversing with the audience, usability testing that
measures audiences’ understanding and feedback mechanism which helps writer
in improving their work by accepting comments from the audiences on what to add
or what to change in the content.
3. Technical writers may gather information about their audiences’ understanding of
the work by asking for comments about it. Through this, writers will effectively
improve their piece by adding details that can create an impact to the audience.
4. In writing, it is always important to consider our audiences. Writers must create
content that is not biased, flexible and is respectful towards diverse audiences.
5. User manuals assist users in using a particular product, service or application,
technical reports describe the process, progress or results or technical or scientific
research and instructional guides help the audience to acquire new knowledge or
skills. The mentioned genres serve the purpose of improving audiences’
understanding of the text. They may vary in structure such as in technical reports, it
includes several sections like title, terms of reference, summary table etc., while
user manuals and instructional guides includes procedures and instructions.
Examples of these are standard operating procedures and end-user instructions.
6. The use of conventions impacts the audience as well. Through this, writers may
help readers read without hustling in understanding the text. It provides accurate
and relevant information to the readers by considering things like presenting clear
information, avoiding jargon, ambiguity and errors.
7. Choosing the right research methodology is crucial for a successful writing project
because it determines the accuracy, reliability and validity of the information. The
methodology guides how data is collected, analyzed and interpreted, ensuring that
the writing meets the project’s objectives and provides valuable insights to the
intended audience.
8. Honesty in all aspects of research includes reporting on research methods and
procedures. Writers should obtain informed consent, protect confidentiality and
anonymity, avoid harm and acknowledge limitations or biases. As a writer who
chose to maintain integrity and transparency, one should acknowledge biases and
educate oneself to do better. It is always important to be aware and mindful.
9. Using various strategies such as visual aids and content mapping in explaining data
and contents helps readers acquire understanding by allowing them to stimulate
their cognitive capabilities and imagination.
10. A document should have a clear introduction outlining the purpose and goals of the
document, as well as the purpose and goals of the document. Writers may use
various strategies such as summarizing, which identifies important ideas,
paraphrasing that shows understanding of the text by expressing own words and
synthesizing information by combining important ideas in creating a new cohesive

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