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Autoridad Educativa Federal en la Ciudad de México

Dirección General de Innovación y Fortalecimiento Académico

Dirección de Programas de Innovación Educativa
Coordinación de Inglés



1 animal n. //ˈænɪml// any living thing that is not a plant or a human

adj. /ˈæŋɡri/ having strong feelings about something that you dislike very much or about
2 angry
an unfair situation
3 apple n. //ˈæpl// a round fruit with shiny red or green skin and firm white flesh
n. //ɑːm// either of the two long parts that stick out from the top of the body and connect
4 arm
the shoulders to the hands
5 baby n. //ˈbeɪbi//a very young child or animal
n. //bæɡ//a container made of paper or plastic, that opens at the top, used especially in
6 bag
7 banana n. //bəˈnænə// a long curved fruit with a thick yellow skin and soft flesh

8 bed n. //bed//a piece of furniture for sleeping on

9 big adj. //bɪɡ//large in size, degree, amount, etc.

10 black adj. //blæk//having the very darkest color, like coal or the sky at night

11 blue adj. //bluː// having the color of a clear sky or the sea/ocean on a clear day

12 body n. //ˈbɑːdi// the whole physical structure of a human or an animal

n. /bʊk/ a set of printed pages that are fastened inside a cover so that you can turn them
13 book
and read them
14 boy n. //bɔɪ// a male child or a young male person
n. //bʌs// a large road vehicle that carries passengers, especially one that travels along a
15 bus
fixed route and stops regularly to let people get on and off
n. //keɪk// a sweet food made from a mixture of flour, eggs, butter, sugar, etc. that is
16 cake
baked in an oven
n. //kɑːr// a road vehicle with an engine and four wheels that can carry a small number of
17 car
18 cat n. /kæt/ an animal with fur that is kept as a pet

19 chair n. //tʃer// a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, with a back, a seat and four legs
v. //klæp// to hit your open hands together several times to show that you approve of or
20 clap
have enjoyed something

Autoridad Educativa Federal en la Ciudad de México
Dirección General de Innovación y Fortalecimiento Académico
Dirección de Programas de Innovación Educativa
Coordinación de Inglés

v. //kloʊz// to put something into a position so that it covers an opening; to get into this
21 close
22 color v. //ˈkʌlər// to put color on something using paint, colored pencils, etc.

23 cow n. //kaʊ// a large animal kept on farms to produce milk or beef

24 crayon n. //ˈkreɪən// a colored pencil or stick of soft colored chalk or wax, used for drawing
v. //kʌt// to make an opening or a wound in something, especially with a sharp tool such
25 cut
as a knife or scissors
26 dad n. //dæd// Father
n. //ˈdɑːktər// a person who has been trained in medical science, whose job is to treat
27 doctor
people who are ill/sick or injured
28 dog n. //dɑːɡ// an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet
n. //dɔːr// a piece of wood, glass, etc. that is opened and closed so that people can get in
29 door
and out of a room, building, car, etc.
n. //eɡ// a small oval object with a thin hard shell produced by a female bird and
30 egg
containing a young bird; a similar object produced by a female fish, insect, etc.
31 eye n. //aɪ// either of the two organs on the face that you see with

32 face n. //feɪs// the front part of the head between the forehead and the chin

33 family n. //ˈfæməli// a group consisting of one or two parents and their children
n. //fɑːrm// an area of land, and the buildings on it, used for growing crops and/or keeping
34 farm
n. //fɪʃ// a creature that lives in water, breathes through gills, and uses fins and a tail for
35 fish
36 floor n. //flɔːr// the surface of a room that you walk on

37 food n. //fuːd// things that people or animals eat

n. //frɔːɡ// a small animal with smooth skin, that lives both on land and in water (= is an
38 frog
n. //fruːt// the part of a plant that consists of one or more seeds and flesh, can be eaten as
39 fruit
food and usually tastes sweet
n. //ɡeɪm// an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against
40 game
each other
41 girl n. /ˈɡɜːrl/ a female child or young woman

Autoridad Educativa Federal en la Ciudad de México
Dirección General de Innovación y Fortalecimiento Académico
Dirección de Programas de Innovación Educativa
Coordinación de Inglés


42 glue n. //ɡluː// a sticky substance that is used for joining things together

43 good adj. //ɡʊd// of high quality or an acceptable standard

44 green adj. //ɡriːn// having the color of grass or the leaves of most plants and trees

45 hand n. //hænd// the part of the body at the end of the arm, including the fingers and thumb
adj. //ˈhæpi// feeling or showing pleasure; pleased
46 happy
n. //hæt// a covering made to fit the head
47 hat
n. /hed/ the part of your body that contains your brain, eyes, ears, mouth, nose, etc.
48 head
exc. //həˈloʊ// used as a greeting when you meet somebody, when you answer the
49 hello
telephone or when you want to attract somebody’s attention
v. //help// to make it easier or possible for somebody to do something by doing something
50 help
for them or by giving them something that they need
51 home n.//hoʊm// the house or flat/apartment that you live in, especially with your family

52 house n.//haʊs// a building for people to live in, usually for one family
v.//dʒʌmp// to move quickly off the ground or away from a surface by pushing yourself
53 Jump
with your legs and feet
n. //kaɪt// a toy made of a light frame covered with paper, cloth, etc., that you fly in the air
54 kite
at the end of one or more long strings
55 lamp n. /læmp/an object that makes light

56 leg n. //leɡ// one of the long parts that connect the feet to the rest of the body

57 long adj. /lɒŋ/ having a large distance from one end to the other
n. //mæp// a drawing or plan of the earth’s surface or part of it, showing countries, towns,
58 map
rivers, etc.
n. //mɪlk// the white liquid produced by cows, goats and some other animals as food for
59 milk
their young and used as a drink by humans
n. //mɑːm// a mother
60 mom

61 monkey n. //ˈmʌŋki// an animal with a long tail, that climbs trees and lives in hot countries

Autoridad Educativa Federal en la Ciudad de México
Dirección General de Innovación y Fortalecimiento Académico
Dirección de Programas de Innovación Educativa
Coordinación de Inglés


62 mother n. /ˈmʌð·ər/ someone’s female parent

n. //maʊθ// the opening in the face used for speaking, eating, etc.
63 mouth
n. //neɪm//a word or words that a particular person, animal, place or thing is known by
64 name
n. //noʊz// the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, used for breathing and
65 nose
smelling things
number n. //ˈnʌmbər/ a word or symbol that represents an amount or a quantity
open v. //ˈoʊpən// to move or be moved so that it is no longer closed
pen n.//pen/ an instrument made of plastic or metal used for writing with ink
n.//ˈpensl// a narrow piece of wood, or a metal or plastic case, containing a black or
69 colored substance, used for drawing or writing
n. //pɪɡ// an animal with pink, black or brown skin, short legs, a broad nose and a short tail
70 which curls round itself
pink adj. //pɪŋk// pale red in color
n.//plænt// a living thing that grows in the earth and usually has a stem, leaves and roots,
72 especially one that is smaller than a tree or bush
play v. /pleɪ/ when you engage in a sport or game, you compete or are involved in.
exc. //pliːz// used as a polite way of asking for something or telling somebody to do
74 something
n. //ˈræbɪt// a small animal with soft fur, long ears and a short tail. They live in holes in the
75 ground or are kept as pets or for food
n. //ræt// a small animal with a long tail, that looks like a large mouse, usually considered
76 a pest
red adj. //red// having the color of blood
run v. //rʌn// to move using your legs, going faster than when you walk
sad adj. //sæd// unhappy or showing unhappiness
school n.//skuːl// a place where children go to be educated
shoe n.//ʃuː// one of a pair of outer coverings for your feet, usually made of leather or plastic

Autoridad Educativa Federal en la Ciudad de México
Dirección General de Innovación y Fortalecimiento Académico
Dirección de Programas de Innovación Educativa
Coordinación de Inglés


short adj. //ʃɔːrt// measuring or covering a small length or distance

sister n. //ˈsɪstər// a girl or woman who has the same mother and father as another person
small adj. //smɔːl// not large in size, number, degree, amount, etc.
n. //spuːn// a tool that has a handle with a shallow bowl at the end, used for stirring,
85 serving and eating food
stop v. //stɑːp// to no longer move
n. //ˈstɔːri// a description of events and people that the writer or speaker has invented in
87 story order to entertain people or an account, often spoken, of what happened to somebody or
of how something happened
n. //ˈʃʊɡər// a sweet substance, often in the form of white or brown crystals, made from
88 the juices of various plants, used in cooking or to make tea, coffee, etc.
table n.//ˈteɪbl// a piece of furniture that consists of a flat top supported by legs
taxi n. //ˈtæksi// a car whose driver you pay to take you somewhere
tiger n.//ˈtaɪɡər// a large wild animal of the cat family, that has yellowish fur with black lines
toe n. //toʊ// one of the five small parts that stick out from the foot
toy n. //tɔɪ// an object for children to play with
tree n. //triː// a tall plant that can live a long time
wash v.//wɔːʃ// //wɑːʃ// to make something/somebody clean using water and usually soap
n. //ˈwɔːtər// //ˈwɑːtər// a liquid without color, smell or taste that falls as rain, is in lakes,
96 rivers and seas, and is used for drinking, washing, etc.
v. //wɜːrk// to do something that involves physical or mental effort, especially as part of a
97 job
yellow adj. //ˈjeloʊ// having the color of lemons or butter
yes Intj. //jes// used to answer a question and say that something is correct or true
n. //zuː// a place where many kinds of wild animals are kept for the public to see and
100 where they are studied, bred and protected

*Definitions and phonemic transcriptions taken from

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