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ELEC4613 – Electric Drive Systems

Solutions of Workshop 1

Question 1



a = 1/3.2 D = 0.5 m

a = 1/3

A. Moment of Inertia of the drum,

r r r r4
=J d ∫= r dm ∫ δ 2π rLr
= ∫0 r dr 2πδ L 4
dr 2πδ L =2 3
0 0

2π × 1 × 7900 × 0.54
= = 4
48.47 kg-m2.

64 60
The total gear ratio is = × = 9.6
20 20

Inertia of the drum referred to the motor shaft=
J dm = 0.52 kg-m2.

B. Inertia of the load referred to the motor shaft

D2 0.52
J L = mr 2 = 500 × = 500 × = 31.25 kg-m2.
4 4

J Lm
= = 2
0.339 kg-m2.

C. Total inertia referred to the motor shaft

J T = J m + J dm + J Lm =0.5 + 0.52 + 0.339 =1.359 kg-m2.

ELEC4613 - Solution of Workshop 1 1 T2,2023

Question 2

V, m/sec

0 t1 = 4 t2 = 14 t3 = 22 Time,

Linear velocity of load, in m/sec, v = rω ,

where ω is the angular velocity in rad/sec and r is the radius of the drum.
Also, load acceleration, in m/sec2

= a =, a rα , where α is the angular acceleration in rad/sec2, and r is the
radius of the drum.

From 0 - t1:

a 2
α= = = 2 rad/sec2
r 4 × 0.25

Referred acceleration: ∴ α m =2 × 9.6 =19.2 rad/sec2.

Tm =
( mg ) r
J T α m + TLm , TLm = ; note all frictions are assumed negligible.

 D
= 1.359 × 19.2 +  mg ×  / 9.6 = 26.1 + 127.7 = 153.8 Nm
 2

From t1 - t2:

α = 0;

=m T=
Lm 127.7 Nm.

From t2 - t3:

a 2 1
Tm = TL − J T α m = TL − J T   × 9.6 = 127.7 − 1.359 × × × 9.6
r 8 r

= 127.7 − 13
= 114.7 Nm.

ELEC4613 - Solution of Workshop 1 2 T2,2023

Note that the motor must develop 114.7 Nm of torque when the load comes to a standstill. Note
that the motor must develop 127.7 Nm of torque continuously in order to hold the load at zero
speed. (Red line in the figure showing the torque variation).

Question 3

To/DmL Motor


Tm= To − DmLω

TL = DLω

JT + DLω =To − DmLω

JT + ( DmL + DL ) ω =


To  −  mL L  t 
 D +D 
To  1
− t
ω= 1 − e  
= 1 − e

DmL + DL   DmL + DL  

where Tc is the time constant of the system. It is the time in which ω reaches 63.2% of the
steady-state (final) value, starting from zero.

In the steady-state,

ωss = rad/sec.
DmL + DL

ELEC4613 - Solution of Workshop 1 3 T2,2023



1 x Tc time

For ω to reach 98% of the final speed,

DmL + DL
ω −
= 0.98= 1 − e
DmL + DL
− tF
e = 0.02

DmL + DL
− ln ( 0.02 ) =
tF = −3.912

3.912 J T
tF =
DmL + DL

Question 4

Motor Gear Box Mandrel

GB ratio = 5:1

Strip speed = 20 m/sec

Coiler radius: 0.3 m - 1 m.

Strip tension = 1000 N.

Torque when coiler is full, Tc = 1000 × 1 = 1000 Nm

Torque when coiler is empty, Tc = 1000 × 0.3 = 300 Nm

ELEC4613 - Solution of Workshop 1 4 T2,2023

Vs 20
Motor output power when coiler is full = ωTc = × Tc = × 1000 = 20,000 Watts
r 1

Motor output power when coiler is empty = = × 300 = 20,000 Watts.

Input power to the =
motor = 23,529.4 Watts, assuming negligible motor losses.

20 20
GB output shaft speed range: to rad/sec or, 191.1 rev/min to 636.9 rev/min.
1 0.3

Motor speed range: 955.4 rev/min to 3184.5 rev/min.

Question 5.

A. Power requirements for 100% flow rate P = HQ =(1000×4243)=4243kNm/min

1Nm/min = 0.01667Watts
∴ P 0.01667 × 4243
= = 70.7 kW
Fan efficiency at 100% flow rate η fan
= 0.5 + 0.3Q =0.8
Motor power =
Pm = 88.37 kW
η fan
The closes power rating is 90kW in the list.

With the damper opening adjustment, when Q =0.5 pu , speed of the fan is fixed at N = 1 pu (i.e.
1500 rpm).
H = 1.03 N 2 + 0.56 NQ − 0.59Q 2 = 1.1625 pu

The power requirement of the fan

P = HQ = 1.1625×0.5=0.58pu =(0.58×1000×4243)×0.01667=41.015kW

Fan efficiency at Q=0.5 pu flow rate η fan

= 0.5 + 0.3Q =0.65
P 41.015
Motor power =
Pm = = 63.1kW
η fan 0.65
Pm 63.1
Motor input power P=in = = 70.1kW
ηm 0.9
Consumed Electrical Energy = Pin × 4000 =280, 450kWh
With the speed adjustment using a VSD when Q=0.5 pu, H =Q2 =0.25pu
The power requirement of the fan
P = HQ = 0.25×0.5=0.125pu =(0.125×1000×4243)×0.01667=8.84kW
P 8.84
Motor power =Pm = = 13.6kW
η fan 0.65

ELEC4613 - Solution of Workshop 1 5 T2,2023

Pm 13.6
Motor input power
= Pin = = 15.9kW
ηm ×ηVSD 0.9 × 0.95
Consumed Electrical Energy = Pin × 4000 = 63, 600kWh

Cost saving = $0.1×(280,450-63600) = $21,685

Question 6.

Quadrant 1

dTL dT
= −
dω dω
dTL dT
At point A, is −ve ; is +ve
dω dω

dTL dT
∴ K= − is −ve
dω dω

∴ The operating point is unstable.

Quadrant 2

dTL dT
is −ve ; is +Ve
dω dω

∴ K is −ve

∴ The operation point is unstable.

Quadrant 3

dTL dT
− + ve , stable
dω dω

Quadrant 4


Question 7

T aω − b ; TL = cω 2

TL − T= cω 2 − aω + b

(a) In the steady state, TL − T =


ELEC4613 - Solution of Workshop 1 6 T2,2023

a ± a 2 − 4bc
∴ cω 2 − aω + b = 0 or ∴ω =
(b) For two real speeds: a − 4bc > 0

(c) For stability, K > 0 ∴ 2cω − a > 0

dTL dT d (TL − T )
− = = 2Cω − a
dω dω dω

Question 8

TL cω 2 + d
T aω − b ; =

dT dTL
=a; = 2Cω
dω dω

This must be +ve .

At the equilibrium point,

T − TL = aω + b − cω 2 − d = 0

a ± a 2 − 4c( d − b)
∴ω =

For real speeds, a 2 > 4c( d − b) .

Question 9

Total mass during acceleration

Ma= Mc + Mj
= [4×(28+30) +(8×20)]+ 4×(0.06×28+0.14×30) = 415.52 ton

1ton = 1000 kg.

Maximum tractive force Ftr = Ma×maximum acceleration

Maximum acceleration amax = 3km/hr/s = 0.833m/s2

Ftr = 415.52×1000×0.833 = 346.267kN

Required Traction Power Pt= Fmax × speed

Speed va = 35km/hr = 9.722m/s

Ptr =346.267 × 9.722 = 3.366MW

Force to overcome rolling resistance Fr = R×Mc.
For va = 35km/hr the rolling resistance, R =1.867 + 0.0359va + 0.000745va2 =4.036 kg-g/ton
= 4.036×9.8 = 39.535N/ton

ELEC4613 - Solution of Workshop 1 7 T2,2023

Force to overcome rolling resistance Fr = R×Mc = 39.535× 392 =15,503.6N
Power required Pr = Fr × va = 150.73kW
Total power P = Ptr +Pr = 3.516MW
Total motor power Pm_tot = P/η = 3.516/0.97 = 3.625MW
Each M car has 4 motors and there are 4 M cars. Thus, total number of motors = 4× 4 =16
Rating of each motor Pm = 3.625/16 =226.54kW

Gear ratio = 7.07
Wheel diameter =0.82 m, wheel radius r = 0.82/2=0.41m
v 48 / 60 / 60 60
Wheel speed in rpm ωwh = = × =310.47 rpm
r 0.41 2π
Motor speed in rpm
= ωm 7.07
= ωwh 2195rpm

v 100 / 60 / 60 60
At 100km/hr, the wheel speed in rpm ωwh = = × =646.97 rpm
r 0.41 2π
Motor speed in rpm
= ωm 7.07
= ωwh 4574rpm
From part A, motor power Pm = 226.54kW
Input power to the motor Pin = Pm/η = 226.54/0.92 = 246.24kW
Input KVA = Pin/pf = 246.24/0.85 = 289.7kVA

Question 10

30 



F = mg

F = mg = 900 × 9.8 = 8820N

= sin θ 8820 sin

FL F= = 30  4410N

= cos θ 8820 cos

FV F= = 30  7638N

Friction force = Fr =0.3FV =0.3 × 7638 =2291.4N

The total force on the wheel:

ELEC4613 - Solution of Workshop 1 8 T2,2023

4410 − 2291.4N =
= 2118.6 N

Torque on the motor

= 2118.6 × 0=
.3 635.58Nm

The developed power:

V 50000
= ω 635.58 ×= 635.58 ×
P T= = 29425 Watts
r 60 × 60 × 0.3

{ 50, 000m / hr = m / sec }
60 × 60

P 29425
=I = = 700.59 A
VDC 42

This neglects the losses in the motor. This current also is the charging current of the battery
returning the energy of the overhauling motor to the DC source, as shown in figure below. It
should be appreciated that if the battery charging current is maintained at 700.6A by closed loop
control, the vehicle speed will be maintained at 50 km/hr, for the given conditions. If the current
is maintained at a lower value, the vehicle speed will be higher and if the current is held at a
higher value, the vehicle speed will be slower. Thus, the control voltage ec which regulates the
charging current, is equivalent to the foot pressure on the brake pedal of a conventional vehicle.
In an electric or hybrid vehicle, the foot brake pedal is thus a variable potentiometer setting the
level of charging current of the battery.

42V Converter M


Energy regenerated in 1 minute = P × 60 = 29425 × 60 Joules

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