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Third Summative Assessment

Academic Year 2023/2024
Subject : English

Grade : I (One)

Date : Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024

Semester : Second Term

Scores Signatures

Name: .......................................... TP. 2.1 TP. 3.2 TP. 4.1 Teacher Parents

Class: 1 …… No: ………

Part A - TP 2.1
Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, or c.

1. Shanum: What are you wearing today?

Ashley: I’m wearing a . . .

a. shoes b. sweater c. shorts

2. Keenan: What are you wearing today?

Sam: I’m wearing a . . .

a. shoes b. sweater c. shorts

3. Alysia: What are you wearing today?

Chloe: I’m wearing a . . .

a. sweater b. shorts c. dress

4. Marco: Are you wearing pants?
Deva: No, I’m not. I’m wearing a . . .

a. shorts b. hat c. sweater

5. Leia: Are you wearing . . . ?

Diandra: Yes, I am.

a. shoes b. t-shirt c. pajamas

KD 3.7 – TP 3.2

6. …. are made for sleeping in.

a. boots b. hats c. pajamas

7. I’m cold. I’m wearing a . . .

a. sweater b. pajamas c. t-shirt

Answer the question based on the text below.

8. Rosie is wearing ….. sun hat.

a. pink b. purple c. yellow

9. Rosie is wearing . . . shoes.

a. red b. yellow c. green

10. Rosie is wearing … dress.

a. blue b. purple c. orang

Part B – TP 4.1

Look, read, and write

Boots Skirt Pajamas Hat Jeans T-shirt

1. I’m wearing a ____________. 4. It’s a dress-up party! I’m

I’m happy! I like dress-up parties wearing a _________.

2. Brrr! I’m cold. I’m wearing 5. I’m wearing ___________.

_____________ It’s my special one.

3. I’m wearing ____________.

For sleeping.

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