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Cardiovascular Physiology 11th Edition

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Achilles J. Pappano, PhD

Professor Emeritus
Department of Cell Biology and Calhoun Cardiology Center
University of Connecticut Health Center
Farmington, Connecticut
Withrow Gil Wier, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Department of Physiology
University of Maryland School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
1600 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Ste 1800
Philadelphia, PA 19103-2899


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To Robert M. Berne and Matthew N. Levy,

whose research and scholarship in cardiovascular physiology have enriched
and inspired generations of students and colleagues
We believe that physiology is the backbone of clinical med- coronary blood flows have received particular emphasis.
icine. In the clinic, the emergency room, the intensive care The theory of cardiac excitation–contraction coupling has
unit, or the surgical suite, physiological principles are the been extensively updated, particularly with respect to new
basis for action. But we also find great intellectual satisfac- understanding of the roles of intracellular calcium ions.
tion in the science of physiology as the means to explain the Whenever available, physiological data from humans have
elegant mechanisms of our bodies. In the eleventh edition been included. Some old figures have been deleted and
of Berne and Levy’s classic monograph on cardiovascular many new figures have been added to aid comprehension
physiology, we have tried to convey both ideas. of the text. Selected references appear at the end of each
Physiology serves as a foundation that students of chapter. The scientific articles included were chosen for
medicine must comprehend before they can understand their depth, clarity, and appropriateness.
the derangements caused by pathology. This text of car- Throughout the book, italics are used to emphasize
diovascular physiology emphasizes general concepts and important facts and concepts, and boldface type is used
regulatory mechanisms. To present the various regulatory for new terms and definitions. Each chapter begins with a
mechanisms clearly, the component parts of the system are list of objectives and ends with a summary to highlight key
first discussed individually. Then, the last chapter describes points. Case histories with multiple-choice questions are
how various individual components of the cardiovascu- provided to help in review and to indicate clinical relevance
lar system are coordinated. The examples describe how of the material. The correct answers and brief explanations
the body responds to two important stresses—exercise for them appear in Appendix A. A comprehensive review
and hemorrhage. Selected pathophysiological examples examination, with explanations of the correct answers, has
of abnormal function are included to illustrate and clarify been added as Appendix B.
normal physiological processes. These examples are dis- We thank our readers for their constructive comments.
tributed throughout the text and are identified by colored Thanks are also due to the numerous investigators and
boxes with the heading “Clinical Box.” publishers who have granted permission to use illustra-
The text incorporates the learning objectives for cardio- tions from their publications. In most cases these illustra-
vascular physiology of the American Physiological Society, tions have been altered somewhat to increase their didactic
except for hemostasis and coagulation. These last-named utility. In some cases, unpublished data from investiga-
topics are found in hematology books. The book has been tions by Robert Berne and Matthew Levy and the current
updated and revised extensively. The relation between authors have been presented.
pressure–volume loops and cardiac function curves, newer
aspects of endothelium function, myocardial metabo- Achilles J. Pappano
lism and its relation to oxygen consumption and cardiac W. Gil Wier
energetics, and the regulation of peripheral, cerebral, and

Overview of the Circulation and Blood

1. Describe the general structure of the cardiovascular 4. Indicate the pressure changes and pathways of blood
system. flow throughout the vasculature.
2. Compare the compositions and functions of the blood 5. Describe the constituents of the blood and explain the
vessels. functions of the cellula elements of blood.
3. Compare the relationship of the vascular cross-sec- 6. Know the importance 0f blooa. group matching before
tional area to the velocity of blood flow in the various blood transfusions.
vascular segments.

The circulatory, endocrine, and nervous systems constitute consists of two pumps in series: the right ventricle to propel
the principal coordinating and integrating systems of the blood througH the lungs for exchange of 0 2 and CO 2 (the
body. Whereas the nervous system is primarily concerned pulmonary circulation) and the left ventricle to propel
with communication and the endocrine glands with reg- blood to all other tissues of the body (the systemic cir-
ulation of certain body functions, the circulatory system culation). The total flow of blood out of the left ventricle
serves to transport and distribute essential substancF to is known as the cardiac output (CO). The rhythmic con-
the tissues and to remove metabolic byproducts. The circu- traction of the heart is an intrinsic property of the heart
latory system also shares in such homeostatic mechanisms whose sinoatrial node pacemaker generates action paten -
as regulation of body temperature, humoral communi- tials spontaneously (see Chapter 3). These action potentials
cation throughout the body, and adjustments of 0 2 and are propagated in an orderly manner through the organ to
nutrient supply in different physiologica1 states. trigger contraction and to produce the currents detected in
the electrocardiogram (see Chapter 3).
Unidirectional flow through the heart is achieved
by the appropriate arrangement of effective flap valves.
The cardiovascular system accomp ishes these functions Although the cardiac output is intermittent, continuous
with a pump (see Chapter 4), a sec·es of distributing and flow to the periphery occurs by distention of the aorta and
collecting tubes (see Chapter 7), and an extensive system its branches during ventricular contraction (systole) and
of thin vessels that permit rapid exchange between the tis- elastic recoil of the walls of the large arteries that propel the
sues and the vascular channels (see Chapter 8). The pri- blood forward during ventricular relaxation (diastole).
mary purpose of this text is to discuss the function of the Blood moves rapidly through the aorta and its arterial
components of the vascular system and the control mecha- branches (see Chapter 7). The branches become narrower
nisms (with their checks and balances) that are responsible and their walls become thinner and change histologi-
for alteration of blood distribution necessary to meet the cally toward the periphery. From the aorta, a predomi-
changing requirements of different tissues in response to a nantly elastic structure, the peripheral arteries become
wide spectrum of physiological (see Chapters 9 and 10) and more muscular until the muscular layer predominates
pathological (see Chapter 13 ) conditions. at the arterioles (Fig. 1.2 ).
Before one considers the function of the parts of the In the large arteries, frictional resistance is relatively
circulatory system in detail, it is useful to consider it as a small, and mean pressure throughout the system of large
whole in a purely descriptive sense (Fig. 1. 1). The heart arteries is only slightly less than in the aorta. The small

2 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Circulation and Blood

Veins Arteries In addition to a sharp reduction in pressure across the

arterioles, there is also a change from pulsatile to steady
Venules flow as pressure continues to decline from the arterial to
Head and neck
Capillaries Arterioles the venous end of the capillaries (see Fig. 1.3). The pulsatile
arterial blood flow, caused by the phasic cardiac ejection, is
Pulmonary veins damped at the capillaries by the combination of distensibility
Arm arteries
of the large arteries and frictional resistance in the arterioles.
Bronchial arteries
In a patient with hyperthyroidism (Graves disease), the
basal metabolism is elevated and is often associated
Right atrium Left atrium Aorta with arteriolar vasodilation. This reduction in arteriolar
Left ventricle resistance diminishes the dampening effect on the pul-
Coronary satile arterial pressure and is manifested as pulsatile
Venae cavae
arteries flow in the capillaries, as observed in the fingernail beds
Right Splenic of patients with this ailment.
ventricle artery
Trunk arteries
Many capillaries arise from each arteriole to form
Hepatic the microcirculation (see Chapter 8), so that the total
vein Hepatic artery
cross-sectional area of the capillary bed is very large, despite
the fact that the cross-sectional area of each capillary is less
Portal vein
than that of each arteriole. As a result, blood flow velocity
Peritubular Renal
becomes quite slow in the capillaries (see Fig. 1.3), anal-
capillaries Mesenteric arteries ogous to the decrease in velocity of flow seen at the wide
regions of a river. Conditions in the capillaries are ideal for
Afferent the exchange of diffusible substances between blood and
Efferent arterioles
Glomeruli arterioles tissue, because the capillaries are short tubes whose walls
are only one cell thick and because flow velocity is low.
On its return to the heart from the capillaries, blood
Pelvic arteries passes through venules and then through veins of increas-
Leg arteries
ing size with a progressive decrease in pressure until the
blood reaches the vena cava (see Fig. 1.3). As the heart is
Fig. 1.1 Schematic diagram of the parallel and series arrange- approached, the number of veins decreases, the thickness
ment of the vessels composing the circulatory system. The cap- and composition of the vein walls change (see Fig. 1.2), the
illary beds are represented by thin lines connecting the arteries
total cross-sectional area of the venous channels dimin-
(on the right) with the veins (on the left). The crescent-shaped
thickenings proximal to the capillary beds represent the arteri-
ishes, and the velocity of blood flow increases (see Fig. 1.3).
oles (resistance vessels). (Redrawn from Green, H. D. (1944). In Note that the velocity of blood flow and the cross-sectional
O. Glasser (Ed.). Medical physics (Vol 1); Chicago: Mosby-Year area at each level of the vasculature are essentially mirror
Book.) images of each other (see Fig. 1.3).
Data indicate that between the aorta and the capillar-
ies the total cross-sectional area increases about 500-fold
arteries and arterioles serve to regulate flow to individ- (see Fig. 1.3). The volume of blood in the systemic vas-
ual tissues by varying their resistance to flow. The small cular system (Table 1.1) is greatest in the veins and small
arteries offer moderate resistance to blood flow, and this veins (64%). Of the total blood volume only about 6% is
resistance reaches a maximal level in the arterioles, some- in the capillaries and 14% in the aorta, arteries, and arteri-
times referred to as the stopcocks of the vascular system. oles. In contrast, blood volume in the pulmonary vascular
Hence the pressure drop is significant and is greatest in the bed is about equal between arteries and capillaries; venous
small arteries and in the arterioles (Fig. 1.3). Adjustments vessels display a slightly larger percentage of pulmonary
in the degree of contraction of the circular muscle of blood volume. The cross-sectional area of the venae cavae
these small vessels permit regulation of tissue blood flow is larger than that of the aorta. Therefore the velocity of
and aid in the control of arterial blood pressure (see flow is slower in the venae cavae than that in the aorta
Chapter 9). (see Fig. 1.3).
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Circulation and Blood 3

Macrovessels 10 mm Microvessels 20 µm
Aorta Artery Vein Vena cava Arteriole arteriole Capillary Venule
Diameter 25 mm 4 mm 5 mm 30 mm 30 µm 10 µm 8 µm 20 µm

Wall thickness 2 mm 1 mm 0.5 mm mm 6 µm 2 µm 0.5 µm 1 µm


Elastic tissue

Smooth muscle

Fibrous tissue

Fig. 1.2 Internal diameter, wall thickness, and relative amounts of the principal components of the vessel
walls of the various blood vessels that compose the circulatory system. Cross sections of the vessels are not
drawn to scale because of the huge range from aorta and venae cavae to capillary. (Redrawn from Burton, A.
C. (1954). Relation of structure to function of the tissues of the wall of blood vessels. Physiological Reviews,
34(4), 619–642.)

Blood entering the right ventricle via the right atrium is Furthermore, blood transports other substances, such as
pumped through the pulmonary arterial system at a mean hormones, white blood cells, and platelets, from their sites
pressure about one-seventh that in the systemic arteries. of production to their sites of action. Blood also aids in
The blood then passes through the lung capillaries, where the distribution of fluids, solutes, and heat. Hence blood
CO2 is released and O2 taken up. The O2-rich blood returns contributes to homeostasis, the maintenance of a constant
via the four pulmonary veins to the left atrium and ventri- internal environment.
cle to complete the cycle. Thus in the normal intact circula- A fundamental characteristic of normal operation of
tion the total volume of blood is constant, and an increase the cardiovascular system is the maintenance of a relatively
in the volume of blood in one area must be accompanied constant mean (average) blood pressure within the large
by a decrease in another. However, the distribution of the arteries. The difference between mean arterial pressure (Pa )
circulating blood to the different body organs is deter- and the pressure in the right atrium (Pra) provides the
mined by the output of the left ventricle and by the con- driving force for flow through the resistance (R) of blood
tractile state of the arterioles (resistance vessels) of these vessels of the individual tissues. Thus when the circulatory
organs (see Chapters 9 and 10). In turn, the cardiac output system is in steady-state, total flow of blood from the heart
is controlled by the rate of heartbeat, cardiac contractility, (cardiac output, CO) equals total flow of blood returning
venous return, and arterial resistance. The circulatory sys- to the heart. The relation among these variables is described
tem is composed of conduits arranged in series and in par- in the following hydraulic equation:
allel (see Fig. 1.1).
It is evident that the systemic and pulmonary vascular Pa − Pra = CO × R (1.1)
systems are composed of many blood vessels arranged in
series and parallel, with respect to blood flow. The total The cardiovascular system, together with neural, renal,
resistance to blood flow of the systemic blood vessels is and endocrine systems, maintains Pa at a relatively con-
known as the total peripheral resistance (TPR), and the total stant level, despite the large variations in cardiac output
resistance of the pulmonary vessels is known as the total pul- and peripheral resistance that are required in daily life. If
monary resistance. Total peripheral resistance and cardiac the Pa is maintained at its normal level under all circum-
output determine the mean pressure in the large arteries, stances, then each individual tissue will be able to obtain the
through the hydraulic resistance equation (see Chapter 7). necessary blood flow required to sustain its functions. Because
The main function of the circulating blood is to carry blood flow to the brain and the heart cannot be interrupted
O2 and nutrients to the various tissues in the body and for even a few seconds without endangering life, maintenance
to remove CO2 and waste products from those tissues. of the Pa is a critical function of the cardiovascular system.
4 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Circulation and Blood


Pressure (mmHg)

40 (Pulmonary

Total cross-section area (cm2) Blood velocity (cm/s)


23 Vena cava
20 (mean) 15


100 Vena cava

10 Aorta
Fig. 1.3 Phasic pressure, velocity of flow, and cross-sectional 4
area of the systemic circulation. The important features are the 0
major pressure drop across the small arteries and arterioles,
the inverse relationship between blood flow velocity and cross-

sectional area, and the maximal cross-sectional area and min-

nu s
C s ce

Ao le

te e


Ve arie
ve esi es

ar arg


el n
ve eft

imal flow rate in the capillaries. (Reproduced with permission

ss sta
R ri




of Taylor & Francis from Levick, J. R. (2010). An introduction
to cardiovascular physiology, 5th ed. London: Hodder Arnold.)

from these stem cells. Most of these immature cells develop
Blood consists of red blood cells, white blood cells, and into various forms of mature cells, such as erythrocytes,
platelets suspended in a complex solution (plasma) of var- monocytes, megakaryocytes, and lymphocytes. The
ious salts, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and gases. The erythrocytes lose their nuclei before they enter the circula-
circulating blood volume accounts for about 7% of the tion, and their average life span is 120 days. Approximately
body weight. Approximately 55% of the blood is plasma; 5 million erythrocytes are present per microliter of blood.
the protein content is 7 g/dL (about 4 g/dL of albumin and However, a small fraction of the pluripotential stem cells
3 g/dL of plasma globulins). remains in the undifferentiated state.
Hemoglobin (about 15 g/dL of blood) is the main
Erythrocytes protein in the erythrocytes. Hemoglobin consists of
The erythrocytes (red blood cells) are flexible, biconcave heme, an iron-containing tetrapyrrole. Heme is linked
disks that transport oxygen to the body tissues (Fig. 1.4). to globin, a protein composed of four polypeptide chains
Mammalian erythrocytes are unusual in that they lack a (two α and two β chains in the normal adult). The iron
nucleus. The average erythrocyte is 7 μm in diameter, and moiety of hemoglobin binds loosely and reversibly to O2
these cells arise from pluripotential stem cells in the bone to form oxyhemoglobin. The affinity of hemoglobin for
marrow. All of the cells in the circulating blood are derived O2 is a steep function of the partial pressure of O2 (Po2)
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Circulation and Blood 5

TABLE 1.1 Distribution of Blood Volume*

Systemic circulation: 4200 84
Aorta and large arteries 300 6.0
Small arteries 400 8.0
Capillaries 300 6.0
Small veins 2300 46.0
Large veins 900 18.0
Pulmonary circulation: 440 8.8
Arteries 130 2.6
Capillaries 110 2.2
Veins 200 4.0
Heart (end-diastole) 360 360 7.2 7.2
Total 5000 5000 100 100
*Values apply to a 70-kg woman; increase values by 10% for a 70-kg man.
Data from Boron, W. F., & Boulpaep, E. L. (2016). Medical physiology, 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier.

7 7
5b 8
5a 1 7

3 10

3 10
3 9

4 9

Fig. 1.4 The morphology of blood cells. 1, Normal red blood cell; 2, platelet; 3, neutrophil; 4, neutrophil, band
form; 5a, eosinophil, two lobes; 5b, eosinophil, band form; 6a, basophil, band form; 6b, metamyelocyte, baso-
philic; 7, lymphocyte, small; 8, lymphocyte, large; 9, monocyte, mature; 10, monocyte, young. (From Daland,
G. A. (1951). A color atlas of morphologic hematology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.)
6 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Circulation and Blood

is often used clinically to increase red blood cell production

Decreased P50 (increased affinity)
100 in anemic patients.
↓ Temperature
Hemoglobin saturation (%)

↓ PCO2 Leukocytes
80 ↓ 2,3-DPG
There are normally 4000 to 10,000 leukocytes (white blood
↑ pH cells) per microliter of blood. Leukocytes include granulo-
Increased P50
60 (decreased affinity) cytes (65%), lymphocytes (30%), and monocytes (5%). Of
↑ Temperature
the granulocytes, about 95% are neutrophils, 4% are eosin-
40 ophils, and 1% are basophils. White blood cells originate
↑ PCO2
from the primitive stem cells in the bone marrow. After
↑ 2,3-DPG
20 birth, granulocytes and monocytes in humans continue to
↓ pH
originate in the bone marrow, whereas lymphocytes origi-
0 nate in the lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus.
0 20 40 60 80 100
Oxygen partial pressure (mm Hg) CLINICAL BOX
Fig. 1.5 Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve showing the satu-
Anemia and chronic hypoxia are prevalent in people who
ration of hemoglobin as a function of the partial pressure of O2
(Po2) in the blood. Oxygenation of hemoglobin at a given Po2 is
live at high altitudes, and such conditions tend to stimu-
affected by temperature and the blood concentration of metab- late erythrocyte production and can produce polycythe-
olites, CO2, 2,3-diphosphoglyerate (2,3-DPG), and H+. P50, the mia (an increased number of red blood cells). When the
partial pressure where hemoglobin is 50% saturated with O2. hypoxic stimulus is removed in subjects with altitude
(From Koeppen, B. M., & Stanton, B. A. (2017). Berne and Levy polycythemia, the high erythrocyte concentration in the
physiology, 7th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier.) blood inhibits erythropoiesis. The red blood cell count is
also greatly increased in polycythemia vera, a disease
at Po2 less than 60 mm Hg (Fig. 1.5). This allows ready of unknown cause. The elevated erythrocyte concentra-
diffusion of O2 from hemoglobin to tissue. The bind- tion increases blood viscosity, often enough that blood
ing of O2 to hemoglobin is affected by pH, temperature, flow to vital tissues becomes impaired.
and 2,3-diphosphoglycerate concentration. These factors
affect O2 transport particularly at Po2 less than 60 mm Hg.
Changes in the polypeptide subunits of globin affect the Granulocytes and monocytes are motile, nucleated cells
affinity of hemoglobin for O2. For example, fetal hemoglo- that contain lysosomes that have enzymes capable of digest-
bin has two γ chains instead of two β chains. This substitu- ing foreign material such as microorganisms, damaged
tion increases its affinity for O2. Changes in the polypeptide cells, and cellular debris. Thus leukocytes constitute a major
subunits of globin may induce certain serious diseases, defense mechanism against infections. Microorganisms or the
such as sickle cell anemia and erythroblastosis fetalis products of cell destruction release chemotactic substances
(Fig. 1.6). Sickle cell anemia is a disorder associated with that attract granulocytes and monocytes. When migrating
the presence of hemoglobin S, which is an abnormal form leukocytes reach the foreign agents, they engulf them (phago-
of hemoglobin in the erythrocytes. Many of the erythro- cytosis) and then destroy them through the action of enzymes
cytes in the bloodstream of patients with sickle cell anemia that form O2-derived free radicals and hydrogen peroxide.
have a sicklelike shape (see Fig. 1.6). Consequently, many
of the abnormal cells cannot pass through the capillaries Lymphocytes
and, therefore, cannot deliver adequate O2 and nutrients Lymphocytes vary in size and have large nuclei. Most lym-
to the local tissues. Thalassemia is also a genetic disorder phocytes lack cytoplasmic granules (see Fig. 1.5). The two
of the globin genes; α and β forms exist. In either case, the main types of lymphocytes are B lymphocytes, which are
disorder leads ultimately to a microcytic (small cell), hypo- responsible for humoral immunity, and T lymphocytes,
chromic (inadequate quantity of hemoglobin) anemia (see which are responsible for cell-mediated immunity. When
upper central panel of Fig. 1.6). lymphocytes are stimulated by an antigen (a foreign pro-
The number of circulating red cells normally remains tein on the surface of a microorganism or allergen), the
fairly constant. The production of erythrocytes (eryth- B lymphocytes are transformed into plasma cells, which
ropoiesis) is regulated by the glycoprotein erythropoietin, synthesize and release antibodies (gamma globulins).
which is secreted mainly by the kidneys. Erythropoietin Antibodies are carried by the bloodstream to a site of infec-
enhances erythrocyte production by accelerating the differ- tion, where they “tag” foreign invaders for destruction by
entiation of stem cells in the bone marrow. This substance other components of the immune system.
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Circulation and Blood 7



hypochromic anemia Sickle cell anemia




Erythrocytes Megaloblastic anemia Erythroblastosis fetalis

Fig. 1.6 Genesis of red blood cells (RBCs), and red blood cells in different types of anemias. (From Guyton, A.
C., & Hall J. E. (2016). Textbook of medical physiology, 13th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders.)

CLINICAL BOX by the antiaggregation action of prostacyclin (PGI2). This

substance is released from normal endothelial cells in adja-
The main T cells are cytotoxic and are responsible for cent uninjured segments of the blood vessel. Platelets also
long-term protection against some viruses, bacteria, release 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin), which causes
and cancer cells. They are also responsible for the rejec- vasoconstriction, and thromboplastin, which accelerates
tion of transplanted organs. blood coagulation.

Bleeding is an important clinical problem, and trauma
Platelets are small (3 μm) anucleate cell fragments of mega- is its most common cause. Bleeding such as from the
karyocytes, which reside in the bone marrow. Upon mat- gastrointestinal tract can cause severe anemia or car-
uration, megakaryocytes fragment into platelets, which diovascular shock. Occult bleeding in the stool can be
enter the circulation. the first sign of peptic ulcer or intestinal bleeding. When
Platelets are important in hemostasis. Damage to the the platelet count is abnormally low, as in thrombo-
endothelium of a blood vessels causes platelets to adhere to cytopenic purpura, tiny hemorrhages (petechiae) or
the site of injury where they release adenosine diphosphate larger hemorrhages (ecchymoses) may appear in the
(ADP) and thromboxane A2 (TAX2), which cause adhesion skin and mucous membranes. Bleeding occurs into the
of more platelets. Platelet aggregation may continue in tissues, especially the joints, in hemophilia, a heredi-
this fashion until some of the small blood vessels become tary disease. This disease occurs only in males, but the
occluded by the aggregated platelet mass. Platelets are pre- genetic abnormality is carried by females.
vented from aggregating along the length of a normal vessel
8 CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Circulation and Blood

Blood Is Divided Into Groups by Antigens Located Group AB plasma has no antibodies to O, A, or B anti-
on Erythrocytes gens. In blood transfusions, crossmatching is necessary
Four principal blood groups, designated O, A, B, and AB, to prevent agglutination of donor red cells by antibodies
prevail in human subjects. Each group is identified by the in the plasma of the recipient. Because plasma of groups
type of antigen that is present on the erythrocyte. People with A, B, and AB has no antibodies to group O erythrocytes,
type A blood have A antigens; those with type B blood have people with group O blood are called universal donors.
B antigens; those with type AB have both A and B antigens, Conversely, persons with AB blood are called universal
and those with type O have neither antigen. The plasma of recipients because their plasma has no antibodies to the
group O blood contains antibodies to A, B, and AB. antigens of the other three groups. In addition to the ABO
Group A plasma contains antibodies to B antigens, blood grouping, there are Rh (Rhesus factor)–positive
and group B plasma contains antibodies to A antigens. and Rh-negative groups.

An Rh-negative person can develop antibodies to Rh- placenta and agglutinate and hemolyze fetal red blood
positive red blood cells if exposed to Rh-positive blood. cells (erythroblastosis fetalis, a hemolytic disease of
This can occur during pregnancy if the mother is Rh- the newborn). Red blood cell destruction can also occur
negative and the fetus is Rh-positive (inherited from in Rh-negative individuals who have previously had
the father). In this case Rh-positive red blood cells from transfusions of Rh-positive blood and have developed
the fetus enter the maternal bloodstream at the time Rh antibodies. If these individuals are given a subse-
of placental separation and induce Rh-positive antibod- quent transfusion of Rh-positive blood, the transfused
ies in the mother’s plasma. The Rh-positive antibod- red blood cells will be destroyed by the Rh antibodies
ies from the mother can also reach the fetus via the in their plasma.

• The cardiovascular system is composed of a heart, • Blood consists of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white
which pumps blood, and blood vessels (arteries, capil- blood cells (leukocytes and lymphocytes), and platelets,
laries, veins) that distribute the blood to all organs. all suspended in a solution containing salts, proteins,
• The greatest resistance to blood flow, and hence the carbohydrates, and lipids.
greatest pressure drop, in the arterial system occurs at • There are four major blood groups: O, A, B, and AB.
the level of the small arteries and the arterioles. Type O blood can be given to people with any of the
• Pulsatile pressure is progressively damped by the elas- blood groups because the plasma of all of the blood
ticity of the arteriolar walls and the functional resistance groups lacks antibodies to type O red cells. Hence
of the arterioles, so that capillary blood flow is essen- people with type O blood are referred to as universal
tially nonpulsatile. donors. By the same token, people with AB blood are
• Velocity of blood flow is inversely related to the referred to as universal recipients because their plasma
cross-sectional area at any point along the vascular lacks antibodies to red cells of all of the blood groups.
system. In addition to O, A, B, and AB blood groups, there are
• Most of the blood volume in the systemic vascular bed Rh-positive and Rh-negative blood groups.
is located in the venous side of the circulation.

Diastole Monocytes
Erythrocytes Pluripotential stem cells
Hemoglobin Pulmonary circulation
Homeostasis Pulsatile arterial blood flow
Humoral immunity Rh (Rhesus factor)–positive
Lymphocytes Systemic circulation
Megakaryocytes Systole
CHAPTER 1 Overview of the Circulation and Blood 9


Adams RH. Molecular control of arterial-venous blood vessel After a knife wound to the groin, a man develops a large
identity. J Anat. 2003;202:105. arteriovenous (AV) shunt between the iliac artery and
Christensen KL, Mulvany MJ. Location of resistance arteries. vein.
J Vasc Res. 2001;38:1.
1. Which of the following changes will occur in his sys-
Conway EM, Collen D, Carmeliet P. Molecular mechanisms of
temic circulation?
blood vessel growth. Cardiovasc Res. 2001;49:507.
Secomb TW, Pries AR. The microcirculation: physiology at the a. Blood flow in the capillaries of the fingernail bed
mesoscale. J Physiol. 2011;589:1047. becomes pulsatile.
Reid ME, Lomas-Francis C. Molecular approaches to blood b. The circulation time (antecubital vein to tongue) is
group identification. Curr Opin Hematol. 2002;9:152. decreased.
Urbaniak SJ, Greiss MA. RhD haemolytic disease of the fetus and c. The arterial pulse pressure (systolic minus diastolic
the newborn. Blood Rev. 2000;14:44. pressure) is decreased.
d. The greatest velocity of blood flow prevails in the
vena cava.
e. Pressure in the right atrium is greater than in the
inferior vena cava.
Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

1. Characterize the types of cardiac action potentials. 4. Describe the characteristics of the fast- and slow-
2. Define the ionic basis of the resting potential. response action potentials.
3. Define the ionic basis of cardiac action potentials. 5. Explain the temporal changes in cardiac excitability.

Experiments on "animal electricity" conducted by action potential is designated phase 0. Immediately after
Galvani and Volta more than two centuries ago led to the the upstroke, thBre was a brief period of partial repolariza-
discovery that electrical phenomena were involved in the tion (phase 1), followed by a plateau (phase 2) of sustained
spontaneous contractions of the heart. In 1855 Kolliker depolarization that ersisted for about 0.1 to 0.2 seconds (s).
and Muller observed that when the nerve of an inner- The otential then became progressively more negative
vated skeletal muscle preparation contacted the surface (P,hase 3), until the resting state of polarization was again
of a frog's heart, the muscle twitched with each cardiac athumed (at point e). Repolarization (phase 3) is a much
contraction. slower process than depolarization (phase O). The interval
The electrical events that normally occur in the heart from the end of repolarization until the beginning of the
initiate its contraction. Disorders in electrical activity can next action potential is designated phase 4.
induce serious and sometimes lethal rhythm disturbances. The temporal relationship between the action potential
and cell shortening is shown in Fig. 2.2. Rapid depolariza-
CARDIAC ACTION POTENTIALS CONS ST tion (phase O) precedes cell shortening, repolarization is
complete just before peak shortening is attained, and the
duration of contraction is slightly longer than the duration
The potential changes recorded from a typical ventricular of the action potential.
muscle fiber are illustrated in Fig. 2.lA. Wn'en two micro-
electrodes are placed in an elect olyte solution near a strip The Principal Types of Cardiac Action Potentials
of quiescent cardiac muscle, no potential difference (time Are the Slow and Fast Types
a) is measurable between the two electrodes. At point b, Two main types of action potentials are observed in the
one microelectrode was inserted into the interior of a car- heart, as shown in Fig. 2.1. One type, the fast response,
diac muscle fiber. Immediately the voltmeter recorded a occurs in the ordinary atrial and ventricular myocytes and
potential difference (Vm) across the cell membrane; the in the specialized conducting fibers (Purkinje fibers ). The
potential of the cell interior was about 90 mV lower than other type of action potential, the slow response, is found
that of the surrounding medium. Such electronegativity of in the sinoatrial (SA) node, the natural pacemaker region
the resting cell interior is also characteristic of skeletal and of the heart, and in the atrioventricular (AV) node, the
smooth muscles, nerves, and indeed most cells within the specialized tissue that conducts the cardiac impulse from
body. atria to ventricles.
At point c, an electrical stimulus excited the ventric- As shown in Fig. 2.1, the membrane resting potential
ular cell. The cell membrane rapidly depolarized and the (phase 4) of the fast response is considerably more nega-
potential difference reversed (positive overshoot), such tive than that of the slow response. Also, the slope of the
that the potential of the interior of the cell exceeded that upstroke (phase 0), the action potential amplitude, and
of the exterior by about 20 m V. The rapid upstroke of the the overshoot of the fast response are greater than those

CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 11

40 A Fast response B Slow response

1 2
0 2

Millivolts –40
0 3 3
e 4
–80 b d 4
–120 ERP RRP

0 100 200 300 0 100 200 300

Time (ms)

Fig. 2.1 Changes in transmembrane potential recorded from fast-response (A) and slow-response (B) cardiac
fibers in isolated cardiac tissue immersed in an electrolyte solution from phase 0 to phase 4. (A) At time a,
the microelectrode was in the solution surrounding the cardiac fiber. At time b, the microelectrode entered
the fiber. At time c, an action potential was initiated in the impaled fiber. Time c to d represents the effective
refractory period (ERP); time d to e represents the relative refractory period (RRP). (B) An action potential re-
corded from a slow-response cardiac fiber. Note that in comparison with the fast-response fiber, the resting
potential of the slow fiber is less negative, the upstroke (phase 0) of the action potential is less steep, and the
amplitude of the action potential is smaller; also, phase 1 is absent, and the RRP extends well into phase 4,
after the fiber has fully repolarized.

fast-response fibers. Slow conduction increases the likeli-

hood of certain rhythm disturbances.

400 ms
Fast responses may change to slow responses under
certain pathological conditions. For example, in patients
50 mV with coronary artery disease, when a region of cardiac
muscle is deprived of its normal blood supply, the K+
concentration in the interstitial fluid that surrounds the
affected muscle cells rises because K+ is lost from the
inadequately perfused (ischemic) cells. The action poten-
tials in some of these cells may then be converted from
fast to slow responses (see Fig. 2.18). An experimental
conversion from a fast to a slow response through the
addition of tetrodotoxin, which blocks fast Na+ channels
7 m in the cardiac cell membranes, is illustrated in Fig. 2.3.

Fig. 2.2 Temporal relationship between the changes in trans-

membrane potential and the cell shortening that occurs in a single The Ionic Basis of the Resting Potential
ventricular myocyte. (From Pappano A: Unpublished record, 1995.) The various phases of the cardiac action potential are asso-
ciated with changes in cell membrane permeability, mainly
of the slow response. The action potential amplitude and to Na+, K+, and Ca++. Changes in cell membrane permea-
the steepness of the upstroke are important determinants bility alter the rate of ion movement across the membrane.
of propagation velocity, as explained later. Hence, conduc- The membrane permeability to a given ion defines the net
tion velocity is much slower in slow-response fibers than in quantity of the ion that will diffuse across each unit area of
12 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

the membrane per unit concentration difference across the for free Ca++ (not bound to protein). Estimates of the extra-
membrane. Changes in permeability are accomplished by cellular and intracellular concentrations of Na+, K+, and
the opening and closing of ion channels that are selective Ca++, and of the equilibrium potentials (defined later) for
for individual ions. these ions, are compiled in Table 2.1.
Just as with all other cells in the body, the concentration The resting cell membrane is relatively permeable to K+
of K+ inside a cardiac muscle cell, [K+]i, greatly exceeds the but much less so to Na+ and Ca++. Hence K+ tends to diffuse
concentration outside the cell, [K+]o, as shown in Fig. 2.4. from the inside to the outside of the cell, in the direction
The reverse concentration gradient exists for free Na+ and of the concentration gradient, as shown on the right side of
the cell in Fig. 2.4.
Any flux of K+ that occurs during phase 4 takes place
A B C D E through certain specific K+ channels. Several types of K+
100 channels exist in cardiac cell membranes. Some of these
mV channels are controlled (i.e., opened and closed) by the
transmembrane voltage, whereas others are controlled by
some chemical signal (e.g., a neurotransmitter). The spe-
cific K+ channel through which K+ passes during phase 4 is
Fig. 2.3 Effect of tetrodotoxin on the action potential recorded
a voltage-regulated channel called iK1, which is an inwardly
in a calf Purkinje fiber perfused with a solution containing epi-
nephrine and 10.8 mM K+. The concentration of tetrodotoxin rectifying K+ current, as explained later (Fig. 2.5). Many
was 0 M in A, 3 × 10−8 M in B, 3 × 10−7 M in C, and 3 × 10−6 of the anions (labeled A−) inside the cell, such as the pro-
M in D and E; E was recorded later than D. (Redrawn from teins, are not free to diffuse out with the K+ (see Fig. 2.4).
Carmeliet E. & Vereecke, J. [1969]. Adrenaline and the plateau Therefore as the K+ diffuses out of the cell and the A−
phase of the cardiac action potential. Importance of Ca++, Na+ remains behind, the cation deficiency causes the interior of
and K+ conductance. Pflügers Archive, 313, 300-315.) the cell to become electronegative.
Therefore two opposing forces regulate K+ movement
across the cell membrane. A chemical force, based on the
− concentration gradient, results in the net outward diffu-
− sion of K+. The counterforce is electrostatic; the positively
− charged K+ ions are attracted to the interior of the cell by

K+ K+
the negative potential that exists there, as shown on the left
+ −
150 mEq/L
side of the cell in Fig. 2.4. If the system comes into equilib-
+ − 5 mEq/L rium, the chemical and electrostatic forces are equal.
+ − This equilibrium is expressed by the Nernst equation
+ −
for K+, as follows:
Electrostatic: Chemical: EK = 61. 5log K + o / K + i (2.1)
EK –61.5 log ([K+]i/[K+]0)
The term to the right of the equals sign represents chem-
Fig. 2.4 The balance of chemical and electrostatic forces acting
on a resting cardiac cell membrane, based on a 30:1 ratio of the ical potential difference at the body temperature of 37°C.
intracellular to extracellular K+ concentrations and the existence The term to the left, EK, called the potassium equilibrium
of a nondiffusible anion (A− inside but not outside the cell.) potential, represents the electrostatic potential difference

TABLE 2.1 Intracellular and Extracellular Ion Concentrations and Equilibrium Potentials in
Cardiac Muscle Cells
Extracellular Intracellular
ION Concentrations (mM) Concentrations (mM)a Equilibrium Potential (mV)
145 10 71
K+ 4 135 –94
Ca++ 2 1 × 10−4 132
The intracellular concentrations are estimates of the free concentrations in the cytoplasm.
Modified from Ten Eick, R. E., Baumgarten, C. M., & Singer, D. H. (1981). Ventricular dysrhythmias: Membrane bias, or, of cur-
rents, channels, gates, and cables. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases, 24, 157-188.
CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 13

that would exist across the cell membrane if K+ were the the sodium equilibrium potential, ENa, expressed by the
only diffusible ion. Nernst equation is as follows:
An experimental disturbance in the equilibrium
between electrostatic and chemical forces imposed by ENa = 61. 5log Na + o
/ Na + i
voltage clamping would cause K+ to move through the
K+ channels (see Fig. 2.5). If the transmembrane poten- For cardiac cells, ENa is about 70 mV (see Table 2.1).
tial (Vm) were clamped at a level negative to EK, the elec- Therefore at equilibrium a transmembrane potential of
trostatic force would exceed the diffusional force, and K+ about +71 mV would be necessary to counterbalance the
would be attracted into the cell (i.e., the K+ current would chemical potential for Na+. However, the actual voltage of
be inward). Conversely, if Vm were clamped at a level pos- the resting cell is just the opposite. The resting membrane
itive to EK, the diffusional force would exceed the electro- potential of cardiac cells is about −90 mV (see Fig. 2.1A).
static force, and K+ would leave the cell (i.e., the K+ current Hence both chemical and electrostatic forces favor entry of
would be outward). extracellular Na+ into the cell. The influx of Na+ through
When the measured concentrations of [K+]i and [K+]o the cell membrane is small because the permeability of
for mammalian myocardial cells are substituted into the the resting membrane to Na+ is very low. Nevertheless, it
Nernst equation, the calculated value of EK equals about is mainly this small inward current of Na+ that causes the
−94 mV (see Table 2.1). This value is close to, but slightly potential of the resting cell membrane to be slightly less
more negative than, the resting potential actually mea- negative than the value predicted by the Nernst equation
sured in myocardial cells. Therefore the electrostatic force for K+.
is slightly weaker than the chemical (diffusional) force, and The steady inward leak of Na+ would gradually depo-
K+ tends to leave the resting cell. larize the resting cell were it not for the metabolic pump
The balance of forces acting on Na+ is entirely differ- that continuously extrudes Na+ from the cell interior and
ent from that acting on the K+ in resting cardiac cells. The pumps in K+. The metabolic pump involves the enzyme
intracellular Na+ concentration, [Na+]i, is much lower Na+, K+-ATPase, which is located in the cell membrane.
than the extracellular Na+ concentration, [Na+]o. At 37°C, Pump operation requires the expenditure of metabolic
energy because the pump moves Na+ against both a chem-
ical gradient and an electrostatic gradient. Increases in
2 [Na+]i or in [K+]o accelerate the activity of the pump. The
quantity of Na+ extruded by the pump exceeds the quan-
Phase 4 tity of K+ transferred into the cell by a 3:2 ratio. Therefore
the pump itself tends to create a potential difference across
K+ current (nA)

0 the cell membrane, and thus it is termed an electrogenic

pump. If the pump is partially inhibited, as by digitalis,
EK Phase 2
the resting membrane potential becomes less negative than
The dependence of the transmembrane potential, Vm,
on the intracellular and extracellular concentrations of K+
and Na+ and on the conductances (gK and gNa, respectively)
−4 of these ions is described by the chord conductance equa-
−120 −80 −40 0 40 tion, as follows:
Vm (mV) Vm = [EK (gk /gNa + gk )] + [ENa (g Na /g Na + g k )] (2.3)
Fig. 2.5 The K+ currents recorded from a rabbit ventricular For a given ion (X), the conductance (gx) is defined as
myocyte when the potential was changed from a holding po- the ratio of the current (ix) carried by that ion to the differ-
tential of −80 mV to various test potentials. Positive values ence between the Vm and the Nernst equilibrium potential
along the vertical axis represent outward currents; negative val- (Ex) for that ion; that is,
ues represent inward currents. The Vm coordinate of the point
of intersection (open circle) of the curve with the X-axis is the gx = ix / (Vm − Ex ) (2.4)
reversal potential; it denotes the Nernst equilibrium potential
(EK) at which the chemical and electrostatic forces are equal. The chord conductance equation reveals that the rela-
(Redrawn from Giles, W. R., & Imaizumi, Y. (1988). Comparison tive, not the absolute, conductances to Na+ and K+ deter-
of potassium currents in rabbit atrial and ventricular cells. The mine the resting potential. In the resting cardiac cell, gK
Journal of Physiology, 405, 123-145.) is about 100 times greater than gNa. Therefore the chord
14 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

Potential difference (mV)

Vm Peak membrane
EK potential
–50 20

Membrane potential (mV)


–100 –20


–150 –60

1 2 3 5 10 20 30 50 100 –80 Resting membrane

External K concentration (mM)
Fig. 2.6 The transmembrane potential (Vm) of a cardiac muscle
fiber varies inversely with the potassium (K+) concentration of
the external medium (curved line). The straight line represents
the change in transmembrane potential predicted by the Nernst 8 10 15 20 50 100 150
equation for EK. (Redrawn from Page, E. (1962). The electrical External Na concentration
potential difference across the cell membrane of heart muscle. (% of normal)
Biophysical considerations. Circulation, 26, 582-595.) Fig. 2.7 The concentration of sodium in the external medium is
a critical determinant of the amplitude of the action potential in
conductance equation reduces essentially to the Nernst cardiac muscle (upper line) but has relatively little influence on
the resting potential (lower line). (Redrawn from Weidmann, S.
equation for K+.
(1956). Elektrophysiologie der herzmuskelfaser. Bern, Switzer-
When the ratio [K+]o/[K+]i is increased experimen- land: Verlag Hans Huber.)
tally by a rise in [K+]o, the measured value of Vm (Fig. 2.6)
approximates that predicted by the Nernst equation for
K+. For extracellular K+ concentrations above 5 mM, the its normal value of about 140 mM to about 20 mM, the cell
measured values correspond closely with the predicted is no longer excitable.
values. The measured levels of Vm are slightly less negative Specific voltage-dependent Na+ channels (often called
than those predicted by the Nernst equation because of fast Na+ channels) exist in the cell membrane. These
the small but finite value of gNa. For values of [K+]o below channels can be blocked selectively by the puffer fish
5 mM, the effect of the Na+ gradient on the transmembrane toxin tetrodotoxin (see Fig. 2.3) and by local anesthetics.
potential becomes more important, as predicted by Eq. 2.3. A voltage-gated Na+ channel is depicted in Fig. 2.8; it con-
This increase in the relative importance of gNa accounts for tains an α subunit composed of four domains (I–IV) and
the greater deviation of the measured Vm from that pre- two β subunits (only one is shown). Each domain has six
dicted by the Nernst equation for K+ at very low levels of transmembrane α-helical segments linked by external and
[K+]o (see Fig. 2.6). internal peptide loops. Transmembrane segment 4 serves
as a sensor whose conformation changes with applied volt-
age and is responsible for channel opening (activation).
The Fast Response Depends Mainly on
The intracellular loop that connects domains III and IV
Voltage-Dependent Sodium Channels functions as the inactivation gate. After depolarization,
Genesis of the Upstroke this loop swings into the mouth of the channel to block
Any process that abruptly depolarizes the resting mem- ion conductance. The extracellular portions of the loops
brane to a critical potential value (called the threshold) that connect helices 5 and 6 in each domain form the pore
induces a propagated action potential. The characteristics region and participate in the determination of ion selec-
of fast-response action potentials are shown in Fig. 2.1A. tivity. The Ca++ channels that form the basis of the slow
The initial rapid depolarization (phase 0) is related almost response (see later) are similar in overall structure to Na+
exclusively to Na+ influx by virtue of a sudden increase in channels but have a different ion selectivity.
gNa. The action potential overshoot (the peak of the poten- The physical and chemical forces responsible for the
tial during phase 0) varies linearly with the logarithm of transmembrane movements of Na+ are explained in
[Na+]o, as shown in Fig. 2.7. When [Na+]o is reduced from Fig. 2.9. The regulation of Na+ flux through the fast Na+
CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 15

H3N Extracellular



34 6

3 P


Fig. 2.8 Schematic structure of a voltage-gated Na+ channel. The α subunit is composed of 4 domains (I–IV),
each of which has 6 transmembrane helices; the N and C termini are cytoplasmic. Transmembrane segment
4 is a voltage sensor whose conformation changes with applied voltage. The 4 domains are arranged around
a central pore lined by the extracellular loops of transmembrane segments 5 and 6. The β2 subunit is shown
on the left. P, phosphorylation sites; ScTX, scorpion toxin binding site. (Redrawn from Squire, L. R., Roberts,
J. L., &, Spitzer, N. C., et al. (2002). Fundamental neuroscience, 2nd ed. San Diego, CA: Academic Press.)

channels can be understood in terms of the “gate” con- total electrochemical force favoring the inward movement of
cept. One of these gates, the m gate, tends to open as Vm Na+ is 150 mV (panel A). The m gates are closed, however,
becomes less negative than the threshold potential and is and the conductance of the resting cell membrane to Na+ is
therefore called an activation gate. The other, the h gate, very low. Hence, the inward Na+ current is negligible.
tends to close as Vm becomes less negative and hence is Any process that makes Vm less negative tends to open the
called an inactivation gate. The m and h designations were m gates and thereby activates the fast Na+ channels so that Na+
originally employed by Hodgkin and Huxley in their math- enters the cell (see Fig. 2.9B) via the chemical and electrostatic
ematical model of ionic currents in nerve fibers. forces. Thus activation of the fast channels is a voltage-depen-
Panel A in Fig. 2.9 represents the resting state (phase 4) of a dent phenomenon. The precise potential at which the m gates
cardiac myocyte. With the cell at rest, Vm is −90 mV and the m swing open is called the threshold potential. The entry of Na+
gates are closed while the h gates are wide open. The electro- into the interior of the cell neutralizes some of the negative
static force in Fig. 2.9A is a potential difference of 90 mV, and charges inside the cell and thereby diminishes further the
it is represented by the white arrow. The chemical force, based transmembrane potential, Vm (see Fig. 2.9B).
on the difference in Na+ concentration between the outside The rapid opening of the m gates in the fast Na+ chan-
and inside of the cell, is represented by the dark arrow. For an nels is responsible for the large and abrupt increase in Na+
Na+ concentration difference of about 130 mM, a potential conductance, gNa, coincident with phase 0 of the action
difference of 60 mV (inside more positive than the outside) potential (see Fig. 2.12). The rapid influx of Na+ accounts
is necessary to counterbalance the chemical, or diffusional, for the steep upstroke of Vm during phase 0. The maximal
force, according to the Nernst equation for Na+ (Equation rate of change of Vm (dVm/dt) varies from 100 to 300 V/s
2). Therefore we may represent the net chemical force favor- in myocardial cells and from 500 to 1000 V/s in Purkinje
ing the inward movement of Na+ in Fig. 2.9 (dark arrows) as fibers. The actual quantity of Na+ that enters the cell is
equivalent to a potential of 60 mV. With the cell at rest, the so small and occurs in such a limited portion of the cell’s
16 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

Na+ 60 Na+ 60 Na+ 600
m Na+  65
Na  Na+
90  m h 
h   m h

Vm = –90 mV Vm = –65 mV Vm = 0 mV

A, During phase 4, the chemical B, If Vm is brought to about C, The rapid influx of Na+ rapidly
(60 mV) and electrostatic (90 mV) 65 V, the m gates begin to swing decreases the negativity of Vm. As
forces favor influx of Na+ from the open, and Na+ begins to enter the cell. Vm approaches 0, the electrostatic
extracellular space. Influx is negligible, This reduces the negative charge force attracting Na+ into the cell is
however, because the activation (m) inside the cell. The change in Vm also neutralized. Na+ continues to enter
gates are closed. initiates the closure of inactivation (h) the cell, however, because of the
gates, which operate more slowly than substantial concentration gradient,
the m gates. and Vm begins to become positive.

Na 60 60
+ +
Na  Na+ h Na+ 
20 m h  30 m  

Vm = 20 mV Vm = 30 mV

D, When Vm is positive by about 20 mV, Na+ E, When Vm reaches about 30 mV, the h
continues to enter the cell, because the diffusional gates have now all closed, and Na+ influx ceases.
forces (60 mV) exceed the opposing electrostatic The h gates remain closed until the first half of
forces (20 mV). The influx of Na+ is slow, however, repolarization, and thus the cell is absolutely
because the net driving force is small, and many of refractory during this entire period. During the
the inactivation gates have already closed. second half of repolarization, the m and h gates
approach the state represented by panel A, and
thus the cell is relatively refractory.
Fig. 2.9 The gating of a sodium channel in a cardiac cell membrane during phase 4 (A) and during various
stages of the action potential upstroke (B to E). The positions of the m and h gates in the fast Na+ channels
are shown at the various levels of Vm. The electrostatic forces are represented by the white arrows, and the
chemical (diffusional) forces by the dark arrows.

volume that the resulting change in the intracellular Na+ causes the cell interior to become positively charged (see
concentration cannot be measured precisely. The chemical Fig. 2.9D). This reversal of the membrane polarity is the
force remains virtually constant, and only the electrostatic overshoot of the cardiac action potential. Such a reversal
force changes throughout the action potential. Hence the of the electrostatic gradient tends to repel the entry of Na+
lengths of the dark arrows in Fig. 2.9 remain constant at 60 (see Fig. 2.9D). However, as long as the inwardly directed
mV, whereas the white arrows change in magnitude and chemical forces exceed these outwardly directed electro-
direction. static forces, the net flux of Na+ is still inward, although the
As Na+ enters the cardiac cell during phase 0, it neutral- rate of influx is diminished.
izes the negative charges inside the cell and Vm becomes The inward Na+ current finally ceases when the h
less negative. When Vm becomes zero (see Fig. 2.9C), an (inactivation) gates close (see Fig. 2.9E). The opening
electrostatic force no longer pulls Na+ into the cell. As long of the m gates occurs very rapidly, in about 0.1 to 0.2
as the fast Na+ channels are open, however, Na+ contin- milliseconds (ms), whereas the closure of the h gates is
ues to enter the cell because of the large concentration slower, requiring 10 ms or more. Inactivation of the fast
gradient. This continuation of the inward Na+ current Na+ channels is completed when the h gates close. The h
CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 17

40 random manner. This process is illustrated in Fig. 2.11,

which shows the current flow through single Na+ channels
in a myocardial cell. To the left of the arrow, the membrane
+ 0 potential was clamped at −85 mV. At the arrow, the poten-
– tial was suddenly changed to −45 mV, at which value it was

held for the remainder of the record.

40 Fig. 2.11 indicates that immediately after the membrane
potential was made less negative, one Na+ channel opened
three times in sequence. It remained open for about 2 or
80 3 ms each time and closed for about 4 or 5 ms between
openings. In the open state, it allowed 1.5 pA of current
to pass. During the first and second openings of this chan-
nel, a second channel also opened, but for periods of only
100 ms 1 ms. During the brief times that the two channels were
Fig. 2.10 The changes in action potential amplitude and slope open simultaneously, the total current was 3 pA. After
of the upstroke as action potentials are initiated at different
the first channel closed for the third time, both channels
stages of the relative refractory period of the preceding exci-
remained closed for the rest of the recording, even though
tation. (Redrawn from Rosen, M. R., Wit, A. L., & Hoffman,
B. F. (1974). Electrophysiology and pharmacology of cardiac the membrane was held constant at −45 mV.
arrhythmias. I. Cellular electrophysiology of the mammalian The overall change in ionic conductance of the entire
heart. American Heart Journal, 88, 380-385.) cell membrane at any given time reflects the number of
channels that are open at that time. Because the individ-
ual channels open and close randomly, the overall mem-
gates remain closed until the cell has partially repolarized brane conductance represents the statistical probability of
during phase 3 (at about time d in Fig. 2.1A). From time the open or closed state of the individual channels. The
c to time d, the cell is in its effective refractory period temporal characteristics of the activation process then
and does not respond to excitation. This mechanism pre- represent the time course of the increasing probability
vents a sustained, tetanic contraction of cardiac muscle that the specific channels will be open, rather than the
that would interfere with the normal intermittent pump- kinetic characteristics of the activation gates in the indi-
ing action of the heart. A period of myocardial relaxation, vidual channels. Similarly, the temporal characteristics
sufficient to permit the cardiac ventricles to fill with of inactivation reflect the time course of the decreasing
venous blood during each cardiac cycle, is as essential to probability that the channels will be open and not the
the normal pumping action of the heart as is a strong car- kinetic characteristics of the inactivation gates in the indi-
diac contraction. vidual channels.
About midway through phase 3 (time d in Fig. 2.1A),
the m and h gates in some of the fast Na+ channels resume Genesis of Early Repolarization
the states shown in Fig. 2.9A. Such channels are said to In many cardiac cells that have a prominent plateau, phase
have recovered from inactivation. The cell can begin to 1 constitutes an early, brief period of limited repolarization
respond again to excitation (Fig. 2.10). Application of a between the end of the action potential upstroke and the
suprathreshold stimulus to a region of normal myocar- beginning of the plateau (Fig. 2.12). Phase 1 reflects the acti-
dium during phase 3 evokes an action potential. As the vation of a transient outward current, ito, mostly carried by
stimulus is delivered progressively later during the course K+. Activation of these K+ channels leads to a brief efflux
of phase 3, the slopes of the action potential upstrokes and of K+ from the cell because the interior of the cell is posi-
the amplitudes of the evoked action potentials progres- tively charged, and because the internal K+ concentration
sively increase. Throughout the remainder of phase 3, the greatly exceeds the external concentration (see Table 2.1).
cell completes its recovery from inactivation. By time e in This brief efflux of K+ brings about the brief, limited repo-
Fig. 2.1A, the h gates have reopened and the m gates have larization (phase 1).
reclosed in the remaining fast Na+ channels, as shown in Phase 1 is prominent in Purkinje fibers (see Fig. 2.3)
Fig. 2.9A. and in epicardial fibers from the ventricular myocardium
(Fig. 2.13); it is much less developed in endocardial fibers.
Statistical Characteristics of the “Gate” Concept When the basic cycle length at which the epicardial fibers
The patch clamp technique has made it possible to mea- are stimulated is increased from 300 to 2000 ms, phase 1
sure ionic currents through single membrane channels. becomes more pronounced and the action potential dura-
The individual channels open and close repeatedly in a tion is increased substantially. The same increase in basic
18 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

Channel #1 current
pA 1.5 Channel #2 current

10 ms
Fig. 2.11 The current flow (in picoamperes) through two individual Na+ channels in a cultured cardiac cell,
recorded by the patch-clamping technique. The membrane potential had been held at −85 mV but was sud-
denly changed to −45 mV at the arrow and held at this potential for the remainder of the record. (Redrawn
from Cachelin, A. B., DePeyer, J. E., & Kokubun, S., et al. (1983). Sodium channels in cultured cardiac cells.
Journal of Physiology, 340, 389.)

Current Clone Gene

INa Nav1.5 SCN5A


ICa,L Cav1.2 CACNA1C


2 Voltage
0 mV–
3 Time

IK1 Kir2.1/2.2 KCNJ2


Ito,1 Kv4.2/4.3 KCND2/3

Ito,2 Kv1.4/1.7 KCNA4

Fig. 2.12 Changes in depolarizing (upper panels) and repolarizing ion currents during the various phases of
the action potential in a fast-response cardiac ventricular cell. The inward currents include the fast Na+ and
L-type Ca++ currents. Outward currents are IK1, Ito, and the rapid (IKr) and slow (IKs) delayed rectifier K + currents.
The clones and respective genes for the principal ionic currents are also tabulated. (Redrawn from Tomaselli,
G., & Marbán, E. (1999). Electrophysiological remodeling in hypertrophy and heart failure. Cardiovascular
Research, 42, 270-273.)

cycle length has no effect on the early portion of the pla- During phase 2 (see Fig. 2.12), this influx of Ca++ is bal-
teau in endocardial fibers, and it has a smaller effect on the anced by the efflux of an equal amount of K+. The K+ exits
action potential duration than it does in epicardial fibers through various specific K+ channels, as described in the
(see Fig. 2.13). next section.

Genesis of the Plateau Ca++ Conductance During the Plateau

During the plateau (phase 2) of the action potential, Ca ++
The Ca++ channels are voltage-regulated channels that are
enters the cell through calcium channels that activate and activated as Vm becomes progressively less negative during
inactivate much more slowly than do the fast Na+ channels. the upstroke of the action potential. Two types of Ca++
CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 19

Epicardium Endocardium
0 0 mV C and 3
50 0
50 ms 10
2000 2000 mV
BCL BCL Action
300 300 potential 30

100 ms C
Fig. 2.13 Action potentials recorded from canine epicardial and
endocardial strips driven at basic cycle lengths (BCLs) of 300
and 2000 ms. (From Litovsky, S. H., & Antzelevitch, C. (1989). 3 mN
Rate dependence of action potential duration and refractori- 0.5
Force 10
ness in canine ventricular endocardium differs from that of epi- 0
cardium: Role of the transient outward current. Journal of the 30 50 ms
American College of Cardiology, 14, 1053-1066.)
Fig. 2.15 The effects of diltiazem, a Ca++ channel blocking
drug, on the action potentials (in millivolts) and isometric con-
iCa2+ –80 –20 tractile forces (in millinewtons) recorded from an isolated papil-
(pA) mV mV lary muscle of a guinea pig. The tracings were recorded under
T current control conditions (C) and in the presence of diltiazem, in con-
0 centrations of 3, 10, and 30 μmol/L. (Redrawn from Hirth, C.,
Borchard, U., & Hafner, D. (1983). Effects of the calcium antag-
50 onist diltiazem on action potentials, slow response and force
4 M of contraction in different cardiac tissues. Journal of Molecular
Isoproterenol and Cellular Cardiology, 15, 799-809.)

generated by voltage-clamping an isolated atrial myocyte.

iCa2+ –30 +30 100 ms Note that when Vm is suddenly increased to + 30 mV from
(nA) mV mV a holding potential of −30 mV (lower panel), an inward
Ca++ current (denoted by a downward deflection) is acti-
L current
0 vated. After the inward current reaches maximum (in the
downward direction), it returns toward zero very gradually
1 (i.e., the channels inactivate very slowly). Thus current that
passes through these channels is long-lasting, and they have
Control been designated L-type channels. They are the predominant
type of Ca++ channels in the heart, and they are activated
during the action potential upstroke when Vm reaches about
4 M Isoproterenol −30 mV. The L-type channels are blocked by Ca++ channel
antagonists, such as verapamil, nifedipine, and diltiazem.
The T-type (transient) Ca++ channels are much less
Fig. 2.14 Effects of isoproterenol on the Ca++ currents con-
abundant in the heart. They are activated at more negative
ducted by T-type (upper panel) and L-type (lower panel) Ca++
channels in canine atrial myocytes. Upper panel, Potential
potentials (about −70 mV) than are the L-type channels.
changed from −80 to −20 mV; lower panel, potential changed Note in Fig. 2.14 (upper panel) that when Vm is suddenly
from −30 to + 30 mV. (Redrawn from Bean, B. P. (1985). Two increased to −20 mV from a holding potential of −80 mV, a
kinds of calcium channels in canine atrial cells: Differences in Ca++ current is activated and then is inactivated very quickly.
kinetics, selectivity, and pharmacology. The Journal of General Opening of the Ca++ channels is reflected by an increase
Physiology, 86, 1-30.) in Ca++ current (ICa,L) that begins during the later phase
of the upstroke of the action potential (Fig. 2.15). When
channels (L-type and T-type) have been identified in car- the Ca++ channels open, Ca++ enters the cell throughout
diac tissues. Some of their important characteristics are the plateau, because the intracellular Ca++ concentration
illustrated in Fig. 2.14, which displays the Ca++ currents is much less than the extracellular Ca++ concentration
20 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

(see Table 2.1). The Ca++ that enters the myocardial cell myocyte is shown in Fig. 2.5. Note that the current-­voltage
during the plateau is involved in excitation–contraction curve intersects the voltage axis at a Vm of about −80 mV.
coupling, as described in Chapter 4. The absence of ionic current flow at the intersection indi-
Neurohumoral factors may influence gCa. An increase cates that the electrostatic forces must have been equal
in gCa by catecholamines, such as isoproterenol and norepi- to the chemical (diffusional) forces (see Fig. 2.4) at this
nephrine, is probably the principal mechanism by which potential. Thus, in this isolated ventricular cell, the Nernst
catecholamines enhance cardiac muscle contractility. equilibrium potential (EK) for K+ was −80 mV; in a myo-
Catecholamines interact with β-adrenergic receptors located cyte in the intact ventricle, EK is normally about −95 mV.
on cardiac cell membranes. This interaction stimulates the When the membrane potential was clamped at levels
membrane-bound enzyme, adenylyl cyclase, which raises negative to −80 mV in this isolated cell (see Fig. 2.5), the
the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP (adenosine electrostatic forces exceeded the chemical forces and an
monophosphate) (see Fig. 4.8). This change enhances the inward K+ current was induced (as denoted by the negative
voltage-dependent activation of the L-type Ca++ channels values of K+ current over this range of voltages). Note also
in the cell membrane (see Fig. 2.14, lower panel) and thus that for Vm more negative than −80 mV, the curve has a
augments Ca++ influx into the cells from the interstitial steep slope. Thus, when Vm equals or is negative to EK, a
fluid. However, catecholamines have little effect on the small change in Vm induces a substantial change in K+ cur-
Ca++ current through the T-type channels (see Fig. 2.14, rent; that is, gK1 is large. During phase 4, the Vm of a myo-
upper panel). cardial cell is slightly less negative than EK (see Fig. 2.6).
The Ca++ channel antagonists decrease gCa during the When the transmembrane potential of this isolated
action potential. By reducing the amount of Ca++ that myocyte was clamped at levels less negative than −70 mV
enters the myocardial cells during phase 2, these drugs (see Fig. 2.5), the chemical forces exceeded the electro-
diminish cardiac contractility and are negative inotropic static forces. Therefore the net K+ currents were outward
agents (see Fig. 2.15). These drugs also diminish the con- (as denoted by the positive values along the corresponding
traction of the vascular smooth muscle by suppressing Ca++ section of the Y axis).
entry caused by depolarization or by neurotransmitters During phase 4 of the cardiac cycle, the driving force
such as norepinephrine, and thereby induce arterial vaso- for K+ (the difference between Vm and EK) favored the
dilation. This effect reduces the counterforce (afterload) efflux of K+, mainly through the iK1 channels. Note that for
that opposes the propulsion of blood from the ventricles Vm values positive to −80 mV, the curve is relatively flat;
into the arterial system, as explained in Chapters 4 and 5. this is especially pronounced for values of Vm positive to
Hence vasodilator drugs, such as the Ca++ channel antag- −40 mV. A given change in voltage causes only a small
onists, are often referred to as afterload reducing drugs. change in ionic current (i.e., gK1 is small). Thus gK1 is
This ability to diminish the counterforce enables the heart small for outwardly directed K+ currents but substantial
to provide a more adequate cardiac output, despite the for inwardly directed K+ currents; that is, the iK1 current
direct depressant effect that these drugs exert on myocar- is inwardly rectified. The rectification is most marked over
dial fibers. the plateau (phase 2) range of transmembrane potentials
(see Figs. 2.5 and 2.12). This characteristic prevents exces-
K+ Conductance During the Plateau sive loss of K+ during the prolonged plateau, during which the
During the plateau of the action potential, the concentra- electrostatic and chemical forces both favor the efflux of K+.
tion gradient for K+ between the inside and outside of the The delayed rectifier K+ channels, which conduct
cell is virtually the same as it is during phase 4, but the Vm the iK current, are also activated at voltages that prevail
is positive. Therefore the chemical and electrostatic forces toward the end of phase 0. However, activation proceeds
greatly favor the efflux of K+ from the cell during the pla- very slowly, over several hundreds of milliseconds. Hence
teau (see Fig. 2.12). If gK1 were the same during the plateau activation of these channels tends to increase IKr (see next
as it is during phase 4, the efflux of K+ during phase 2 would section) slowly and slightly during phase 2. These chan-
greatly exceed the influx of Ca++, and a plateau could not be nels play only a minor role during phase 2, but they do
sustained. However, as Vm approaches and attains positive contribute to repolarization (phase 3), as described in the
values near the end of phase 0, gK1 suddenly decreases, as next section. The action potential plateau persists as long
does IK1 (see Fig. 2.12). as the efflux of charge carried by certain cations (mainly
The changes in gK1 during the different phases of the K+) is balanced by the influx of charge carried by other cat-
action potential may be appreciated through an examina- ions (mainly Ca++). The effects of altering this balance are
tion of the current-voltage relationship for the IK1 channels demonstrated by administration of diltiazem, a calcium
(the channels that mainly determine gK during phase 4). channel antagonist. Fig. 2.15 shows that with increasing
An example of this relationship in an isolated ventricular concentrations of diltiazem, the plateau voltage becomes
CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 21

less positive and the duration of the plateau diminishes. 20

Similarly, administration of certain K+ channel antagonists 1 2 Ventricle
prolongs the action potential substantially. 0

Genesis of Final Repolarization 20 100 msec

The process of final repolarization (phase 3) starts at the
end of phase 2, when the efflux of K+ from the cardiac cell 40 0
begins to exceed the influx of Ca++. At least four outward
K+ currents (Ito, IKr, IKs, and IK1) contribute to the rapid
repolarization (phase 3) of the cardiac cell (see Fig. 2.12).
80 4
The transient outward current (Ito) not only accounts
for the brief, partial repolarization (phase 1), as previ- 100
ously described, but also helps determine the duration of A
the plateau; hence it also helps initiate repolarization. For
example, the transient outward current is much more pro- 20
nounced in atrial than in ventricular myocytes. In atrial SA node
cells therefore the outward K+ current exceeds the inward 0
Ca++ current early in the plateau, whereas the outward
20 200 msec
and inward currents remain equal for a much longer time
in ventricular myocytes. Hence the plateau of the action 0
40 3
potential is much less pronounced in atrial than in ventric-
ular myocytes (Fig. 2.16). 4
The delayed rectifier K+ currents (IKr and IKs) are acti-
vated near the end of phase 0, but activation is very slow. 80
Therefore these outward IK currents tend to increase grad- B
ually throughout the plateau. Concurrently, the Ca++ chan-
nels are inactivated after the beginning of the plateau, and 20
1 Atrium
therefore the inward Ca++ current decreases. As the efflux
of K+ begins to exceed the influx of Ca++, Vm becomes pro- 2
gressively less positive, and repolarization occurs. Two 20 100 msec
types of delayed rectifier K+ currents, IK, are present in car-
diac myocytes. The distinction is based mainly on the speed 40
of activation. The currents that activate more rapidly are 0
designated IKr, whereas the currents that are activated more 60
slowly are designated IKs. The action potentials recorded
from myocytes in the endocardial, central, and epicardial 80
regions of the left ventricle differ substantially in duration.
Fig. 2.13 illustrates some of the differences that prevail in
the epicardial and endocardial layers of the ventricle. Such C
differences are induced, at least in part, by differences in Fig. 2.16 Typical action potentials (in millivolts) record-
the distributions of these two types of delayed rectifying ed from cells in the ventricle (A), sinoatrial (SA) node (B),
IK channels. and atrium (C). Note that the time calibration in B differs
from that in A and C. (From Hoffman, B. F., & Cranefield,
The inwardly rectifying K+ current (iK1) contributes
P. F. (1960). Electrophysiology of the heart. New York: Mc-
substantially to the later repolarization phase. As the Graw-Hill.)
net efflux of cations causes Vm to become more nega-
tive during phase 3, the conductance of the channels
that carry the iK1 current progressively increases. This Restoration of Ionic Concentrations
increase is reflected by the hump that is evident in the The excess Na+ that entered the cell rapidly during
flat portion of the current-voltage curve at Vm values phase 0 and more slowly throughout the action poten-
between −20 and −80 mV in Fig. 2.5. Thus, as Vm passes tial is removed from the cell by the action of the enzyme
through this range of values less negative than EK, the Na+,K+-ATPase. This enzyme ejects Na+ in exchange
outward K+ current increases and thereby accelerates for the K+ that had exited mainly during phases
repolarization. 2 and 3.
22 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

Similarly, most of the excess Ca++ that had entered the Depolarized Polarized
cell during phase 2 is eliminated by a Na+/Ca++ antiporter, zone zone
which exchanges 3 Na+ for 1 Ca++. However, a small frac- − − − − − − − + + + + + + +
tion of the Ca++ is eliminated by an adenosine triphosphate + + + + + + + − − − − − − −
(ATP)–driven Ca++ pump (see Fig. 4.8).

+ + + + + + + − − − − − − −
CLINICAL BOX − − − − − − − + + + + + + +
The cardiac action potential is generated by the interplay
among ionic channels whose currents are produced at
appropriate times and voltages (see Fig. 2.12). Long QT Propagation
syndrome (LQTS) is a condition that can lead to cardiac Fig. 2.17 The role of local currents in the propagation of a wave
arrhythmias. LQTS can be detected as a prolonged QT of excitation down a cardiac fiber.
interval on an electrocardiogram. Molecular genetic
studies show that mutations in genes encoding cardiac potentials in panels B to E, progressively larger quanti-
ion channels are linked to congenital LQTS. Mutations ties of tetrodotoxin were added to the bathing solution to
in KCNQ1, KCNH2, and SCN5A account for most of the gradually block the fast Na+ channels. The sharp upstroke
inherited forms of LQTS. Mutations in these genes alter becomes progressively less prominent in action potentials
the function of the corresponding cardiac ion channel in panels B to D, and it disappears entirely in panel E. Thus
proteins (Kv4.3, hERG, and Nav1.5). Thus loss-of-func- tetrodotoxin had a pronounced effect on the steep upstroke
tion mutation of the KCNQ1 gene alters the KVLQT1 and only a negligible influence on the plateau. With elimi-
protein in the Ks channel, resulting in the LQT1 syn- nation of the steep upstroke (panel E), the action potential
drome. A gain-of-function mutation of the SCN5A gene resembles a typical slow response.
that produces the Nav 1.5 protein for the fast Na+ chan- Certain cells in the heart, notably those in the SA and
nel underlies the LQT3 syndrome. Animal and stem cell AV nodes, are normally slow-response fibers. In such
models of LQTS based on hERG channel mutations fibers, depolarization is achieved by the inward current of
show reduced ionic currents, prolonged action poten- Ca++ through the Ca++ channels. These ionic events closely
tials, and early afterdepolarizations. Inherited LQTS is resemble those that occur during the plateau of fast-­
relatively rare, but there is an acquired form of LQTS response action potentials.
that is quite common. Acquired LQTS is due to the
blockade of hERG potassium channels by drugs.
The propagation of an action potential in a cardiac muscle
fiber by local circuit currents is similar to the process that
Fast-response action potentials (see Fig. 2.1A) may be occurs in nerve and skeletal muscle fibers. In Fig. 2.17, con-
considered to consist of four principal components: an sider that the left half of the cardiac fiber has already been
upstroke (phase 0), an early repolarization (phase 1), a pla- depolarized, whereas the right half is still in the resting
teau (phase 2), and a period of final repolarization (phase 3). state. The fluids normally in contact with the external and
In the slow response (see Fig. 2.1,B), phase 0 is much internal surfaces of the membrane are electrolyte solutions
less steep, phase 1 is absent, phase 2 is brief and not flat, and are good electrical conductors. Hence current (in the
and phase 3 is not separated very distinctly from phase 2. abstract sense) flows from regions of higher potential to
In the fast response, the upstroke is produced by the influx those of lower potential, denoted by the plus and minus
of Na+ through the fast channels (see Fig. 2.12). signs, respectively. In the external fluid, current flows from
When the fast Na+ channels are blocked, slow responses right to left between the active and resting zones, and it
may be generated in the same fibers under appropriate flows in the reverse direction intracellularly. In electrolyte
conditions. The Purkinje fiber action potentials shown in solutions, current is caused by a movement of cations in
Fig. 2.3 clearly exhibit the two response types. In the con- one direction and anions in the opposite direction. At the
trol tracing (panel A), a prominent notch (phase 1) sepa- cell exterior, for example, cations flow from right to left,
rates the upstroke from the plateau. Action potential A in and anions from left to right (see Fig. 2.17). In the cell inte-
Fig. 2.3 is a typical fast-response action potential. In action rior, the opposite migrations occur. These local currents
CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 23

tend to depolarize the region of the resting fibers adjacent portion of the fiber to its threshold potential. The greater
to the border. Repetition of this process causes propaga- the potential difference between the depolarized and polar-
tion of the excitation wave along the length of the cardiac ized regions (i.e., the greater the amplitude of the action
fiber. potential), the more efficacious are the local stimuli, and
For propagation of the impulse from one cell to the more rapidly the wave of depolarization is propagated
another, consider the left half of Fig. 2.17 a depolarized down the fiber.
cell and the right half a cell in the resting state. When the The rate of change of potential (dVm/dt) during phase 0
wave of depolarization reaches the end of the cell, the is also an important determinant of the conduction veloc-
impulse is conducted to adjacent cells through gap junc- ity. The reason can be appreciated by referring again to
tions or nexuses (see Figs. 4.2 and 4.3). Gap junctions are Fig. 2.17. If the active portion of the fiber depolarized very
preferentially located at the ends of the cell and are rather gradually, the local currents across the border between the
sparse along lateral cell borders. Therefore impulses pass depolarized and polarized regions would be very small.
more readily longitudinally (isotropic) than laterally Thus the resting region adjacent to the active zone would
from cell to cell (anisotropic). Gap junction channels be depolarized very slowly, and consequently each new
are composed of proteins called connexins that form section of the fiber would require more time to reach
electrical connections between cells. Connexins vary in threshold.
their composition and in their tissue distribution within The level of the resting membrane potential is also an
the heart. Each cell synthesizes a hemichannel consisting important determinant of conduction velocity. This fac-
of six connexins arranged like barrel staves. The hemi- tor operates through its influence on the amplitude
channel is transported to the gap junction locus on the and maximal slope of the action potential. The resting
cell membrane, where it docks with a hemichannel from potential may vary for several reasons: (1) it can be
an adjacent cell to form an ion channel. These channels altered experimentally by varying [K+]o (see Fig. 2.6);
are rather nonselective in their permeability to ions and (2) in cardiac fibers that are intrinsically automatic, Vm
have a low electrical resistance that allows ionic current becomes progressively less negative during phase 4 (see
to pass from one cell to another. The electrical resistance Fig. 2.16B); and (3) during a premature excitation, repo-
of gap junctions is similar to that of cytoplasm. The flow larization may not have been completed when the next
of charge from cell to cell follows the principles of local excitation arrives (see Fig. 2.10). In general, less nega-
circuit currents and therefore allows intercellular prop- tive levels of Vm are correlated with lower velocities of
agation of the impulse. impulse propagation, regardless of the reason for the
change in Vm.
Conduction of the Fast Response The results of an experiment in which the resting Vm
In the fast response, the fast Na+ channels are activated of a bundle of Purkinje fibers was varied by altering the
when the transmembrane potential is suddenly brought value of [K+]o are shown in Fig. 2.18. When [K+]o was
from a resting value of about −90 mV to the threshold 3 mM (panels A and F), the resting Vm was −82 mV and
value of about −70 mV. The inward Na+ current then the slope of phase 0 was steep. At the end of phase 0, the
depolarizes the cell very rapidly at that site. This por- overshoot attained a value of 30 mV. Hence the ampli-
tion of the fiber becomes part of the depolarized zone, tude of the action potential was 112 mV. When [K+]o was
and the border is displaced accordingly (to the right increased gradually to 16 mM (panels B to E), the resting
in Fig. 2.17). The same process then begins at the new Vm became progressively less negative. Concomitantly,
border. the amplitudes and durations of the action potentials and
At any given point on the fiber, the greater the the steepness of the upstrokes all diminished. As a conse-
amplitude and the greater the rate of change of potential quence, the conduction velocity diminished progressively,
(dVm/dt) of the action potential during phase 0, the more as indicated by the distances from the stimulus artifacts to
rapid is the conduction down the fiber. The amplitude the upstrokes. At the [K+]o levels of 14 and 16 mM (pan-
of the action potential equals the difference in poten- els D and E), the resting Vm had attained levels sufficient
tial between the fully depolarized and the fully polarized to inactivate all the fast Na+ channels. The action poten-
regions of the cell interior (see Fig. 2.17). The magnitude tials in panels D and E are characteristic slow responses,
of the local currents is proportional to this potential mediated by the inward Ca++ current. When the [K+]o
difference. Because these local currents shift the poten- concentration of 3 mM was reestablished (panel F), the
tial of the resting zone toward the threshold value, they action potential was again characteristic of the normal fast
are the local stimuli that depolarize the adjacent resting response (as in panel A).
24 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

0 mV
50 ms
20 mV

K+ = 3 mM K+ = 7 K+ = 10

0 mV

K+ = 14 K+ = 16 K+ = 3
Fig. 2.18 The effect of changes in external potassium (K+) concentration on the transmembrane action po-
tentials recorded from a Purkinje fiber. The fiber bundle was stimulated at some distance from the impaled
cell, and the stimulus artifact (St) appears as a biphasic spike to the left of the upstroke of the action potential.
The time from this artifact to the beginning of phase 0 is inversely proportional to the conduction velocity.
The horizontal lines near the peaks of the action potentials denote 0 mV. (From Myerburg, R. J., & Lazzara, R.
Electrophysiologic basis of cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disturbances (1973). In C. Fisch, (Ed.), Com-
plex electrocardiography. Philadelphia: FA Davis.)

the specialized conducting fibers in the atria and ventri-

CLINICAL BOX cles. Conduction in slow-response fibers is more likely to
Most of the experimentally induced changes in trans- be blocked than conduction in fast-response fibers. Also,
membrane potential shown in Fig. 2.18 also take place impulses in slow-response fibers cannot be conducted at
in patients with coronary artery disease. When blood such rapid repetition rates.
flow to a region of the myocardium is diminished, the
supply of oxygen and metabolic substrates delivered to
the ischemic tissues is insufficient. The Na+,K+-ATPase CARDIAC EXCITABILITY DEPENDS ON
in the membrane of the cardiac myocytes requires con-
siderable metabolic energy to maintain the normal trans-
membrane exchanges of Na+ and K+. When blood flow is SPECIFIC CURRENTS
inadequate, the activity of the Na+,K+-ATPase is impaired, Detailed knowledge of cardiac excitability is essential
and the ischemic myocytes gain excess Na+ and lose K+ because of the rapid development of artificial pacemakers
to the surrounding interstitial space. Consequently, the and other electrical devices for correcting serious distur-
K+ concentration in the extracellular fluid surrounding the bances of rhythm. The excitability characteristics of cardiac
ischemic myocytes is elevated, and therefore the myo- cells differ considerably, depending on whether the action
cytes are affected by the elevated K+ concentration in potentials are fast or slow responses.
much the same way as was the myocyte depicted in
Fig. 2.18. Such changes may lead to serious aberrations
in cardiac rhythm and conduction. MOLECULAR BOX
Cardiac ion channels are connected to cellular proteins
CONDUCTION OF THE SLOW RESPONSE to form macromolecular complexes. These complexes
are involved in modulating the transport, membrane
Local circuits (see Fig. 2.17) are also responsible for prop- localization, operation, posttranslational modification,
agation of the slow response. However, the characteris- and turnover of particular ion channels. The carboxy-
tics of the conduction process differ quantitatively from terminals of ion channels link them with several intra-
those of the fast response. The threshold potential is about cellular proteins such as PDZ (postsynaptic density,
−40 mV for the slow response, and conduction is much disc large, and zonula occludens-1) domain proteins,
slower than for the fast response. The conduction velocities whose binding sites interact with synapse-asso-
of the slow responses in the SA and AV nodes are about ciated protein (SAP97), syntrophin, and A-kinase
0.02 to 0.1 m/s. The fast-response conduction velocities are anchoring protein (AKAP5), among others. Different
about 0.3 to 1 m/s for myocardial cells and 1 to 4 m/s for
CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 25

MOLECULAR BOX—cont’d +20 200 ms

macromolecular complexes are found in distinct cellu- c
–20 b
lar locations, and this is thought to underlie ion chan-

nel distribution. The voltage-sensitive sodium channel a
(Nav1.5) is linked with syntrophin/dystrophin at lateral
cell membranes and with ankyrin B, plakophilin-2,
and calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II at the
intercalated disk. Also, different ion channels can be Fig. 2.19 The effects of excitation at various times after the
initiation of an action potential in a slow-response fiber. In this
found in the same complex. Thus Nav1.5 channels
fiber, excitation very late in phase 3 (or early in phase 4) induc-
and inward-rectifying K (Kir2.1) channels can be con- es a small, nonpropagated (local) response (a). Later in phase
nected in a complex, or channelosome, with SAP97. 4, a propagated response (b) may be elicited; its amplitude is
This link not only affects the localization but also small and the upstroke is not very steep. This response, which
allows changes in the abundance of Kir2.1 channels to displays postrepolarization refractoriness, is conducted very
produce reciprocal changes in Nav1.5 abundance; the slowly. Still later in phase 4, full excitability is regained, and the
converse is also observed. Thus the complex contains response (c) displays its normal characteristics. (Modified from
Kir2.1, which sets the resting membrane potential, and Singer, D. H., Baumgarten, C. M., & Ten Eick, R. E. (1981). Cel-
Nav1.5, which accounts for rapid excitation. Colocaliza- lular electrophysiology of ventricular and other dysrhythmias:
tion of these two channels therefore exerts a powerful studies on diseased and ischemic heart. Progress in Cardiovas-
cular Diseases, 24, 97-156.)
effect on excitability and its regulation under normal
and pathological conditions (arrhythmias).

velocity increases as the cell is stimulated later in the rel-

ative refractory period. Once the fiber is fully repolarized,
Fast Response the response is constant no matter what time in phase 4
Once the fast response has been initiated, the depolarized the stimulus is applied. By the end of phase 3, the fast Na+
cell is no longer excitable until about the middle of the channels recover fully from inactivation after several mil-
period of final repolarization (see Figs. 2.1A and 2.10). liseconds in fully repolarized cells. This reflects the fact
The interval from the beginning of the action potential that recovery from inactivation depends on time as well as
until the fiber is able to conduct another action poten- voltage.
tial is called the effective refractory period. In the fast
response, this period extends from the beginning of phase Slow Response
0 to a point in phase 3 when repolarization has reached The relative refractory period during the slow response
about −50 mV (time c to time d in Fig. 2.1A). At about extends well beyond phase 3 (see Fig. 2.1B). Even after
this value of Vm, some fast channels have recovered suf- the cell has completely repolarized, it may be difficult
ficiently from inactivation to permit a feeble response to to evoke a propagated response for some time. This
stimulation. characteristic, called postrepolarization refractoriness,
Full excitability is not regained until the cardiac fiber arises from the long time constant for recovery from
has been fully repolarized (time e in Fig. 2.1A). During inactivation.
period d to e in the figure, an action potential may be Action potentials evoked early in the relative refrac-
evoked, but only when the stimulus is stronger than one tory period are small, and the upstrokes are not very
that could elicit a response during phase 4. Period d to e is steep (Fig. 2.19). The amplitudes and upstroke slopes
called the relative refractory period. gradually increase as action potentials are elicited later
When a fast response is evoked during the relative and later in the relative refractory period. The recov-
refractory period of a previous excitation, its character- ery of full excitability is much slower than for the fast
istics vary with the membrane potential that exists at the response. Impulses that arrive early in the relative
time of stimulation. The nature of this voltage dependency refractory period are conducted much more slowly
is illustrated in Fig. 2.10. As the fiber is stimulated later and than those that arrive late in that period. The lengthy
later in the relative refractory period, the amplitude of the refractory periods also lead to conduction blocks. Even
response and the rate of rise of the upstroke increase pro- when slow responses recur at a low repetition rate, the
gressively. As a consequence of the greater amplitude and fiber may be able to conduct only a fraction of those
upstroke slope of the evoked response, the propagation impulses.
26 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

CL = 2000 ms Effects of Cycle Length

Changes in cycle length alter the action potential duration
APD = 200 ms of cardiac cells and thus change their refractory periods.
Consequently, the changes in cycle length are important
factors in the initiation or termination of certain dysrhyth-
CL = 630 ms
mias. Changes in action potential durations produced by
APD = 180 ms stepwise reductions in cycle length from 2000 to 200 ms
in a Purkinje fiber are shown in Fig. 2.20. Note that as the
cycle length is diminished, the action potential duration
CL = 400 ms decreases.
This direct correlation between action potential dura-
APD = 170 ms tion and cycle length is ascribable mainly to changes in
gK that involve the delayed rectifier K+ channels. The iKr
current activates slowly, remains activated for hundreds
CL = 250 ms of milliseconds before inactivation, and is inactivated
APD = 140 ms
very slowly. Consequently, as the basic cycle length is
diminished, each action potential tends to occur earlier
in the inactivation period of the iKr current initiated by
CL = 200 ms the preceding action potential. Therefore the shorter the
basic cycle length, the greater the outward K+ current will
APD = 130 ms be during phase 2. Hence the action potential duration
Fig. 2.20 The effect of changes in cycle length (CL) on the action diminishes.
potential duration (APD) of canine Purkinje fibers. (Modified from
Singer, D., & Ten Eick, R. E. (1971). Aberrancy: electrophysiologic
aspects. American Journal of Cardiology, 28, 381.)

The transmembrane action potentials that can be • 
Two principal types of action potentials may be
recorded from cardiac myocytes comprise the following recorded from cardiac cells:
five phases (0–4): • Fast-response action potentials may be recorded
• Phase 0, upstroke. A suprathreshold stimulus rapidly from atrial and ventricular myocardial fibers and
depolarizes the membrane by activating the fast Na+ from specialized conducting (Purkinje) fibers. The
channels. action potential is characterized by a large-am-
• Phase 1, early partial repolarization. Achieved by the plitude, steep upstroke, which is produced by the
efflux of K+ through channels that conduct the tran- activation of the fast Na+ channels. The effective
sient outward current, Ito. refractory period begins at the upstroke of the action
• Phase 2, plateau. Achieved by a balance between the potential and persists until about midway through
influx of Ca++ through Ca++ channels and the efflux phase 3.
of K+ through several types of K+ channels. • Slow-response action potentials may be recorded
•  Phase 3, final repolarization. Initiated when the from normal sinoatrial (SA) and atrioventricular (AV)
efflux of K+ exceeds the influx of Ca++. The resulting nodal cells and from abnormal myocardial cells that
partial repolarization rapidly increases the K+ con- have been partially depolarized. The action potential
ductance and rapidly restores full repolarization. is characterized by a less negative resting potential,
• Phase 4, resting potential. The transmembrane poten- a smaller amplitude, and a less steep upstroke than
tial of the fully repolarized cell is determined mainly is the fast-response action potential. The upstroke is
by the conductance of the cell membrane to K+. produced by the activation of Ca++ channel.
CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential 27

Action potential Plateau
Adenylyl cyclase Potassium equilibrium potential
Atrioventricular (AV) node Purkinje fibers
Depolarization Relative refractory period
Effective refractory period Repolarization
Electrogenic pump Sinoatrial (SA) node
Excitation–contraction coupling Sodium equilibrium potential
Ion channels Threshold potential
Membrane resting potential

ADDITIONAL READING Noble D. Modeling the heart—from genes to cells to the whole
organ. Science. 2002;295(1678).
Abriel H, Rougier J-S, Jalife J. Ion channel macromolecular Priori SG. The fifteen years of discoveries that shaped molecular
complexes in cardiomyocytes: roles in sudden cardiac death. electrophysiology: time for appraisal. Circ Res. 2010;107(451).
Circ Res. 2015;116:1971. Sanguinetti MC. HERG1 channelopathies. Pflugers Arch.
Carmeliet E. Cardiac ionic currents and acute ischemia: 2010;460(265).
from channels to arrhythmias. Physiol Rev. 1999; ten Tusscher KH, Noble D, Noble PJ, Panfilov AV. A model for
79(917). human ventricular tissue. Am J Physiol. 2004;286(H1573).
Grant AO. Cardiac ion channels. Circ Arrhythmia Electrophysiol. Zipes DP, Jalife J. Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell To Bedside.
2009;2(185). 4th ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 2004.

CASE 2.1
History flow-deprived region. In this region, the high extracel-
A 63-year-old man suddenly felt a crushing pain beneath lular K+ concentration:
his sternum. He became weak, he was sweating profusely, a. increased the propagation velocity of the myocardial
and he noticed his heart was beating rapidly. He called his action potentials.
physician, who made the diagnosis of myocardial infarc- b. decreased the postrepolarization refractoriness of
tion. The tests made at the hospital confirmed his doctor’s the myocardial cells.
suspicion that the patient had suffered a “heart attack”; c. changed the resting (phase 4) transmembrane
that is, a major coronary artery to the left ventricle had sud- potential to a less negative value.
denly become occluded. An electrocardiogram indicated d. diminished the automaticity of the myocardial cells.
that the SA node was the source of the rapid heart rate. e. decreased the likelihood of reentry dysrhythmias.
Two hours after admission to the hospital, the patient sud- 2. The attending physician was alerted to the possibility
denly became much weaker. His arterial pulse rate was of an arrhythmia because the high extracellular K+ con-
only about 40 beats/min. An electrocardiogram at this time centration could:
revealed that the atrial rate was about 90 beats/min and a. directly increase the entry of Na+ through fast Na+
that conduction through the AV junction was completely channels.
blocked, undoubtedly because the infarct affected the AV b. hyperpolarize the resting membrane.
conduction system. Electrodes of an artificial pacemaker c. increase the rate of slow diastolic depolarization in
were inserted into the patient’s right ventricle, and the ven- SA node cells.
tricle was paced at a frequency of 75 beats/min. The patient d. slow conduction velocity by reducing Na+ channel
felt stronger and more comfortable almost immediately. availability.
1. Soon after coronary artery occlusion, the intersti- e. decrease the release of norepinephrine from car-
tial fluid K+ concentration rose substantially in the diac sympathetic nerves.

28 CHAPTER 2 Excitation: The Cardiac Action Potential

CASE 2.1—cont’d
The most likely mechanism responsible for the
3.  4. While the heart was being paced, the cardiologist dis-
patient’s arterial pulse rate of about 40 beats/min continued ventricular pacing periodically to test the
after impulse conduction through the AV junction was patient’s cardiac status. The cardiologist found that the
blocked is: ventricles did not begin beating spontaneously until
a. excitation of the ventricles via an AV bypass tract. about 5 to 10 s after cessation of pacing, because the
b. conversion of ventricular myocardial fibers to auto- preceding period of pacing led to:
matic cells. a. overdrive suppression of the automatic cells in the
c. firing of ventricular ectopic cells that have the same ventricles.
electrophysiological characteristics as SA node b. release of norepinephrine from the cardiac sympa-
cells. thetic nerves.
d. firing of automatic cells (Purkinje fibers) in the spe- c. release of neuropeptide Y from the cardiac sympa-
cialized conduction system of the ventricles. thetic nerves.
e. excitation of ventricular cells by the rhythmic activ- d. fatigue of the ventricular myocytes.
ity in the autonomic neurons that innervate the e. release of acetylcholine from the cardiac parasym-
heart. pathetic nerves.
Automaticity: Natural
Excitation of the Heart

1. Explain the basis of automaticity. 3. Explain the basis of reentry.
2. Describe the conduction of excitation through the 4. Describe the components of the electrocardiogram.
heart. 5. Explain various cardia/ h):thm disturbances.


Ectopic pacemake rs m 1y serve as safety mechanisms
when the normal pacemaking centers cease functioning.
The nervous system controls various aspects of cardiac func- However, if 1'ri ectopic center fires while the normal pace-
tion, including the frequency at which the heart beats and making center still functions, the ectopic activity may induce
the vigor of each contraction. However, cardiac function either sporadic rhythm disturbances, such as premature
certainly does not require intact nervous pathways. Indeed, a depolarizations, or continuous rhythm disturbances, such as
patient with a completely denervated heart (a cardiac trans- paroxysmal tachycardias. These dysrhythmias are discussed
plant recipient) can adapt well to stressful situations. later in this chapter.
Automaticity (the ability of the heart to initiate its own When the SA node and the other components of the
beat) and rhythmicity (the regularity of pacemaking activ- atrial pacemaker complex are excised or destroyed, pace-
ity) are properties intrinsic to cardiac tissue. The heart con- maker cells in the atrioventricular (AV) node usually
tinues to beat even when it is completely removed from the become the pacemaker for the entire heart.
body; the vertebrate heartbeat is myogenic. f.the coronary Purkinje fibers that constitute the specialized conduc-
vasculature is artificially perfused, rhythmic cardiae con- tion system of the ventricles also possess automaticity.
traction persists for many hours. Apparently, at least some Characteristically, they fire at a very slow rate. When the
cells in the walls of all four cardiac chambers are capable of AV junction is unable to conduct the impulse from the atria
initiating beats; such cells reside mainly in tlie nodal tissues to the ventricles, idioventricular pacemakers in the Purkinje
or specialized conducting fibers of the heart. fiber network initiate ventricular excitation and contractions.
All cardiac myocytes in the embryonic heart have pace- Such contractions occur at a frequency of only 30 to 40 beats
maker properties. Some myocyte synthesize large amounts per minute (beats/min). These low frequencies are usually
of contractile proteins to become "working" myocardium. not sufficient to allow the heart to pump an adequate cardiac
Others retain pacemaking ability and generate impulses output.
spontaneously; the mammalian heart region that ordinarily
generates impulses at the greatest frequency is the sinoatrial CLINICAL BOX
(SA) node; it is the natural pacemaker of the heart. Regions of the heart other than the SA node may initi-
Detailed mapping of the electrical potentials on the sur- ate beats under special circumstances; such sites are
face of the right atrium has revealed that two or three sites called ectopic foci, or ectopic pacemakers. Ectopic foci
of automaticity, located 1 or 2 cm from the SA node itself, may become pacemakers when (1) their own rhyth-
serve along with the SA node as an atrial pacemaker com- micity becomes enhanced, (2) the rhythmicity of the
plex. At times, all of these loci initiate impulses simultane- higher-order pacemakers becomes depressed, or (3) all
ously. At other times, the site of earliest excitation shifts conduction pathways are blocked between the ectopic
from locus to locus, depending on conditions such as the focus and those regions with greater rhythmicity.
level of autonomic neural activity.

30 CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart

Sinoatrial Node A typical transmembrane action potential recorded from

The SA node is the phylogenetic remnant of the sinus a cell in the SA node is depicted in Fig. 2.16B. Compared
venosus of lower vertebrate hearts. In humans it is about with the transmembrane potential recorded from a ventric-
8 mm long and 2 mm thick. It lies in the groove where the ular myocardial cell (Fig. 2.16A), the maximum diastolic
superior vena cava joins the right atrium (Fig. 3.1). The potential of the SA node cell is usually less, the upstroke
sinus node artery runs lengthwise through the center of of the action potential (phase 0) is less steep, a plateau is
the node. not sustained, and repolarization (phase 3) is more gradual.
The SA node contains two principal cell types: (1) small, These are all characteristic of the slow response described
round cells, that have few organelles and myofibrils; and in Chapter 2.
(2) slender, spindle-shaped cells that are intermediate in The transmembrane potential (Vm) during phase 4
appearance between the round cells and the ordinary atrial is much less negative in SA (and AV) nodal automatic
myocardial cells. The round cells are probably the pace- cells than in atrial or ventricular myocytes, because nodal
maker cells, whereas the transitional cells serve a subsidiary cells lack the iKI (inward-rectifying) type of K+ channel.
pacemaker role and conduct the impulses within the node Therefore the ratio of conductances of K+ (gK) and Na+
and to the nodal margins. (gNa), or gK/gNa, during phase 4 is much less in the nodal
cells than in the myocytes. During phase 4 therefore Vm
deviates much more from the K+ equilibrium potential
(EK) in nodal cells than it does in myocytes.
RA free w Although primary SA node pacemaker cells have fast
all Na+ channels, their function is suppressed because they
are inactivated at the maximum diastolic potential of these
cells. Thus tetrodotoxin has no influence on the action
potential (Fig. 3.2A) at the primary SA nodal pacemaker
site. This fact indicates that the action potential upstroke is
CT not produced by an inward current of Na+ through the fast
channels. However, blockade of Ca++ channels by nifedip-
Fig. 3.1 The location of the SA node (SN) near the junction be-
ine suppresses action potential generation in primary SA
tween the superior vena cava (SVC) and right atrium (RA). CT, node cells (see Fig. 3.2B). Subsidiary or latent pacemaker
crista terminalis; SNA, Sinoatrial artery. (Redrawn from James, cells within the SA node have a more negative maximum
T. N. (1977). The sinus node. The American Journal of Cardiol- diastolic potential that allows some Na+ channels to recover
ogy, 40, 965–986.) from inactivation. Tetrodotoxin or local anesthetic drugs

25 25

0 0 Control


25 25

50 Control 50

75 75

A B 500 ms
Fig. 3.2 At the leading pacemaker site in the sinoatrial node, tetrodotoxin (TTX; 20 μM) does not change SA
node action potential or frequency (A), whereas nifedipine (2 μM) suppresses spontaneous action potentials
completely (B). (Redrawn from Boyett, M. R., Honjo, H., & Kodama, I. (2000). The sinoatrial node, a heteroge-
neous pacemaker structure. Cardiovascular Research, 47, 658–687, with permission from Oxford University
CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart 31

can block such channels and impede conduction from pri- Ionic Basis of Automaticity
mary pacemaker cells to the atrium. Several ionic currents contribute to the slow depolarization
The principal feature that distinguishes a pacemaker that occurs during phase 4 in automatic cells in the heart.
fiber from other cardiac fibers resides in phase 4. In non- In SA node pacemaker cells the diastolic depolarization is
automatic cells the potential remains constant during this affected by the interaction of at least three ionic currents:
phase, whereas in a pacemaker fiber there is a slow depolar- (1) an inward current, If, induced by hyperpolarization; (2)
ization, called the pacemaker potential, throughout phase 4. a calcium current, ICa; and (3) an outward K+ current, IK
Depolarization proceeds at a steady rate until a threshold is (Fig. 3.4).
attained, and then an action potential is triggered. The hyperpolarization-induced inward current, If, is
The discharge frequency of pacemaker cells may be var- carried mainly by Na+ through specific channels that differ
ied by a change in either the rate of depolarization during from the fast Na+ channels. The If current becomes activated
phase 4 or the maximal diastolic potential (Fig. 3.3). A during repolarization of the membrane, as the membrane
change of the threshold potential, the voltage at which the potential becomes more negative than about −60 mV. The
action potential is initiated, is another variable that affects more negative the membrane potential becomes at the end
pacemaker cell frequency. of repolarization, the greater the activation of the If current.
Changes in autonomic neural activity often also induce The second current responsible for diastolic depo-
a pacemaker shift, in which the site of initiation of the car- larization is the L-type calcium current, ICa. This current
diac impulse may shift to a different locus within the SA becomes activated toward the end of phase 4, as the trans-
node or to a different component of the atrial pacemaker membrane potential reaches a value of about −55 mV (see
complex. Fig. 3.4). Once the Ca++ channels become activated, the
influx of Ca++ into the cell increases. The influx of Ca++
CLINICAL BOX accelerates the rate of diastolic depolarization, which then
leads to the upstroke of the action potential. A decrease in
Ordinarily, the frequency of pacemaker firing is con-
the external Ca++ concentration or the addition of a cal-
trolled by the activity of both divisions of the autonomic
cium channel antagonist (see Fig. 3.2B) reduces the ampli-
nervous system. Increased sympathetic nervous activ-
tude of the action potential and the slope of the pacemaker
ity, through the release of norepinephrine, raises the
potential in SA node cells.
heart rate principally by increasing the slope of the pace-
The progressive diastolic depolarization mediated by
maker potential (slope 1 in Fig. 3.3A). This mechanism of
the two inward currents, If and ICa, is opposed by a third
increasing heart rate operates during physical exertion,
current, an outward K+ current, IK. This K+ efflux tends to
anxiety, and certain illnesses, such as febrile infectious
repolarize the cell after the upstroke of the action potential.
diseases. Increased vagal activity, through the release of
The outward K+ current continues well beyond the time
acetylcholine, diminishes the heart rate by hyperpolariz-
of maximal repolarization, but it diminishes throughout
ing the pacemaker cell membrane (slope 4 in Fig. 3.3B)
phase 4 (see Fig. 3.4). Hence the opposition of IK to the
and by reducing the slope of the pacemaker potential
depolarizing effects of the two inward currents ICa and If,
(slope 2 in Fig. 3.3A).
gradually decreases.

Potential (mV)


–40 Threshold
–60 1 3
2 4

Fig. 3.3 Mechanisms involved in changes of frequency of pacemaker firing. (A) A reduction in the slope of
the pacemaker potential from 1 to 2 diminishes the frequency. (B) An increase in the maximum negativity at
the end of repolarization (from 3 to 4) also diminishes the frequency.
32 CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart

clone) open to participate in the slow diastolic depo-

larization and to produce the action potential upstroke
when the membrane reaches the threshold potential in
the SA node cell. Calcium released from the SR may par-
ticipate in diastolic depolarization not only via the Na+/
Ca++ antiporter but also through depletion of SR Ca++.
Store-operated Ca++channels (SOCCs) are activated by
Ca++ depletion from the SR; entry of Ca++ through TRP
channels can also assist diastolic depolarization and the
regulation of SA node frequency. Several TRP channel
isoforms have been detected in the SA node as well as in
iK other cardiac tissues. Thus knockout of TRPM7 (Ca++

permeant channel having kinase activity) was accompa-

nied by reduced automaticity in mouse SA node cells. The
effect was attributed to reduced rise of intracellular Ca++
during diastolic depolarization and reduced expression of
if the gene (HCN4) that encodes the If channel. Attempts to
suppress the expression or activity of various ion chan-
30 pA
nels and the components of the Ca+ clock usually result in

30 mV
the reduction but not abolition of pacemaker frequency.
For example, knockout of the Na+/Ca++ exchange current
200 ms ica had no effect on basal frequency but reduced the positive
chronotropic effect of a sympathetic stimulant.
The number of cells within the SA node and the extent
Fig. 3.4 Transmembrane potential changes (top half) that occur of their interaction via gap junctions influence the effect of
in sinoatrial node cells and their relation to three ionic currents membrane current alterations on impulse initiation within
(bottom half): (1) the current (ICa); (2) a hyperpolarization-induced the SA node. Overall, the structural complexity of the
inward current (If); and (3) an outward K+ current (IK). The thin noisy node, together with the many ionic currents that contrib-
trace shows net membrane current and the approximate time
ute to pacemaking, allow the SA node to sustain this vital
course of repolarizing outward K+ current, IK, hyperpolarization-
function under a variety of physiological and pathological
induced inward current, If, and the L-type Ca++ current, ICa. The
thick bold line in the current trace indicates the magnitude and conditions.
direction of estimated If. (Redrawn from van Ginneken, A. C., & The ionic basis for automaticity in the AV node pace-
Giles, W. (1991). Voltage clamp measurements of the hyperpo- maker cells appears similar to that in the SA node cells.
larization-activated inward current I(f) in single cells from rabbit In cardiac Purkinje fibers, automaticity can be detected at
sino-atrial node. Journal of Physiology, 434, 57–83.) two voltage ranges, from −60 to −100 mV and from −50
to 0 mV. The slow diastolic depolarization in the voltage
The understanding of membranes and currents range from −60 to −100 mV is attributed to a voltage- and
in pacemaking has greatly evolved. Other ionic cur- time-dependent K+ current. The action potential arises
rents (T-type Ca channels, Na+/Ca++ antiporter, sus- from the fast Na+ current. Whether the hyperpolariza-
tained inward Na+current) are present in SA node cells tion-induced inward current, If, functions physiologically
along with transient receptor potential (TRP) channels. in this voltage range remains to be clarified. Automaticity
The generation of membrane current by the Na+/Ca++ at −50 to 0 mV depends on IK and ICa, but the precise mech-
exchanger suggested a possible function of the rather anism is not known.
sparse sarcoplasmic reticulum of SA node cells in auto- Autonomic neurotransmitters affect automaticity by
maticity. A timing mechanism comprised of ionic chan- altering the ionic currents across the cell membranes.
nels in the plasma membrane (“membrane clock”) and The β-adrenergic transmitters increase all three currents
the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) membrane (“Ca++ involved in SA nodal automaticity. The adrenergically
clock”) has been proposed. That is, local Ca++ sponta- mediated increase in the slope of diastolic depolariza-
neously released (termed Ca++ “sparks”) from the SR tion indicates that the augmentations of If and ICa must
during the diastolic depolarization leaves the cell via the exceed the enhancement of IK. Adrenergic transmitters also
Na+/Ca++ antiporter, generating an inward current. As increase automaticity in Purkinje fibers; this is evident at
the membrane depolarizes, L-type Ca++ channels (Cav1.3 both voltage ranges.
CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart 33

700 700 1250 925 950 890 the gradual depolarization of the pacemaker cell during
phase 4 and thereby suppresses its intrinsic automaticity

If an atrial ectopic focus suddenly begins to fire at a
60 mV

high rate (e.g., 150 impulses per minute) in an individual

with a normal heart rate of 70 beats per minute, the
ectopic center would become the pacemaker for the
entire heart. When that rapid ectopic focus suddenly
stops firing, the SA node might remain quiescent briefly
2s because of overdrive suppression. The interval from
Fig. 3.5 Effect of a brief vagal stimulus (arrow) on the trans- the end of the period of overdrive until the SA node
membrane potential recorded from a sinoatrial node pacemak- resumes firing is called the sinus node recovery time.
er cell in an isolated cat atrium preparation. The cardiac cycle
In patients with the so-called sick sinus syndrome, the
lengths, in milliseconds, are denoted by the numbers at the
sinus node recovery time may be markedly prolonged.
top of the figure. (Modified from Jalife, J., & Moe, G. K. (1979).
Phasic effects of vagal stimulation on pacemaker activity of the The resultant period of asystole (cardiac standstill) can
isolated sinus node of the young cat. Circulation Research, 45, cause loss of consciousness.

The hyperpolarization (Fig. 3.5) induced by acetylcho- Atrial Conduction

line released at the vagus endings in the heart is achieved From the SA node, the cardiac impulse spreads radially
by an increased conductance mediated by activation of throughout the right atrium (Fig. 3.6) along ordinary atrial
specific K+ channels that are controlled by the cholinergic myocardial fibers, at a conduction velocity of approxi-
receptors (IK,ACh). Acetylcholine also depresses the If and ICa mately 1 m/s. A special pathway, the anterior interatrial
currents. myocardial band (or Bachmann’s bundle), conducts the
impulse from the SA node directly to the left atrium. Three
Overdrive Suppression tracts, the anterior, middle, and posterior internodal path-
A period of excitation at a high frequency depresses auto- ways, have been described. These tracts consist of a mixture
maticity of pacemaker cells. This phenomenon is known of ordinary myocardial cells and specialized conducting
as overdrive suppression. The firing of the SA node tends fibers. Some investigators assert that these pathways con-
to suppress the automaticity in the other loci because the stitute the principal routes for conduction of the cardiac
SA node has a greater intrinsic rhythmicity than the other impulse from the SA node to the AV node.
latent pacemaking sites in the heart. The configuration of the atrial action potential is
The mechanism responsible for overdrive suppres- depicted in Fig. 2.16C. Compared with the potential
sion appears to be based on the activity of the membrane recorded from a typical ventricular fiber (see Fig. 2.16A),
pump (Na+,K+-ATPase) that actively extrudes three Na+ the plateau (phase 2) is not as well developed, repolariza-
from the cell, in exchange for two K+. During each depo- tion (phase 3) occurs as a slower rate, and the action poten-
larization, a certain quantity of Na+ enters the cell; there- tial duration is briefer.
fore the more frequently it is depolarized, the greater the
amount of Na+ that enters the cell per minute. At high Atrioventricular Conduction
excitation frequencies the Na+ pump becomes more The cardiac action potential proceeds along the internodal
active in extruding this larger quantity of Na+ from the pathways in the atrium and ultimately reaches the AV node
cell interior. This enhanced pump activity hyperpolarizes (see Fig. 3.6). This node is approximately 22 mm long, 10
the cell through the net loss of cations from the cell inte- mm wide, and 3 mm thick in adult humans. The node is
rior. Because of the hyperpolarization, the slow diastolic situated posteriorly on the right side of the interatrial sep-
depolarization requires more time to reach the threshold, tum and is circumscribed by the ostium of the coronary
as shown in Fig. 3.3B. Furthermore, when the overdrive sinus, the tendon of Todaro, and the tricuspid valve. The
suddenly ceases, the Na+ pump does not decelerate instan- AV node contains the same two cell types as the SA node,
taneously but continues to operate at an accelerated rate but the round cells are more sparse and the spindle-shaped
for some time. This excessive extrusion of Na+ opposes cells preponderate. Conduction of the impulse from the
34 CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart

Superior vena cava

Left atrium

Bundle of His

Sinoatrial node Bundle branches

Right atrium Left ventricle

Purkinje fibers

Atrioventricular node

Papillary muscle

Right ventricle
Purkinje fibers
Fig. 3.6 Schematic representation of the conduction system of the heart.

atrium to the AV node has been described as consisting of
fast and slow pathways. There is some anatomical evidence
for this well-known observation. The existence of fast and
slow conduction paths allows a substrate for reentrant cir-
cuits within the AV node. Cells in the inferior portion of
the AV node serve as a subsidiary pacemaker.
The AV node is divided into three functional regions: T
(1) the AN region, the transitional zone between the atrium P
and the remainder of the node; (2) the N region, the mid-
portion of the AV node; and (3) the NH region, the zone in
which nodal fibers gradually merge with the bundle of His, T
which is the upper portion of the specialized ventricular Q ST
conducting system. Normally, the AV node and bundle of S
His constitute the only pathways for conduction from atria QRS
to ventricles.
Several features of AV conduction are of physiological and
clinical significance. The principal delay in the passage of the Fig. 3.7 Configuration of a typical scalar electrocardiogram, il-
impulse from the atria to the ventricles occurs in the AN and lustrating the important deflections and intervals.
N regions of the AV node. The conduction velocity is actually
less in the N region than in the AN region. However, the path In the N region, slow response action potentials prevail.
length is substantially greater in the AN region than in the N The resting potential is about −60 mV, the upstroke veloc-
region. The conduction times through the AN and N regions ity is very low (about 5 V/s), and the conduction velocity is
largely account for the delay between the onsets of the P wave about 0.05 m/s. Tetrodotoxin, which blocks the fast Na+
(the electrical manifestation of the spread of atrial excitation) channels, does not affect the action potentials in this region.
and the QRS complex (spread of ventricular excitation) in the Conversely, the Ca++ channel antagonists decrease the ampli-
electrocardiogram (Fig. 3.7). Functionally, this delay between tude and duration of the action potentials (Fig. 3.8) and slow
atrial excitation and ventricular excitation permits optimal ven- AV conduction. The shapes of the action potentials in the AN
tricular filling during atrial contraction. region are intermediate between those in the N region and
CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart 35

25 ms impulses reach the ventricles over a substantial number

C of atrial depolarizations is called third-degree, or complete
0.1 AV block (see Fig. 3.9C). The delayed conduction or block
–25 induced by vagal stimulation occurs largely in the N region
0.3 of the node.
First- and second-degree AV blocks are most frequently
Fig. 3.8 Transmembrane potentials recorded from a rabbit caused by inflammatory processes (acute rheumatic
atrioventricular node cell under control conditions (C) and in fever), drugs (calcium channel antagonists), or rapid
the presence of the calcium channel–blocking drug diltiazem atrial rates (supraventricular tachycardias). Third-degree
in concentrations of 0.1, 0.3, and 1.0 μmol/L. (Redrawn from AV block is most often caused by a degenerative pro-
Hirth, C., Borchard, U., & Hafner D. (1983). Effects of the cal- cess of unknown cause or by severe myocardial isch-
cium antagonist diltiazem on action potentials, slow response
emia (inadequate coronary blood supply).
and force of contraction in different cardiac tissues. Journal of
Molecular and Cellular Cardiology, 15, 799–809.)
Acetylcholine released by vagus nerve fibers hyperpo-
the atria. Similarly, the action potentials in the NH region are larizes the conducting fibers in the N region (Fig. 3.10).
transitional between those in the N region and the bundle of The greater the hyperpolarization at the time of arrival
His. The relative refractory period of the cells in the N region of the atrial impulse, the more impaired the AV conduc-
extends well beyond the period of complete repolarization; tion will be. In the experiment shown in Fig. 3.10, vagus
that is, these cells display post-repolarization refractoriness nerve fibers were stimulated intensely (at St) shortly before
(see Fig. 2.19). the second atrial depolarization (A2). This atrial impulse
As the repetition rate of atrial depolarizations is increased, arrived at the AV node cell when its cell membrane was
conduction through the AV junctions slows. An abnormal maximally hyperpolarized. The absence of a correspond-
prolongation of AV conduction time is called first-degree ing depolarization of the bundle of His (H) shows that the
AV block (Fig. 3.9A). Most of the prolongation of AV con- second atrial impulse was not conducted through the AV
duction caused by an increase in repetition rate takes place node. Only a small, nonpropagated response to the second
in the N region. atrial impulse is evident in the recording from the conduct-
Impulses tend to be blocked in the AV node at stimulus ing fiber.
frequencies that are easily conducted in other regions of Cardiac sympathetic nerves, on the other hand, facil-
the heart. If the atria are depolarized at a high frequency, itate AV conduction. They decrease AV conduction time
only a fraction (e.g., one-half) of the atrial impulses might and enhance the rhythmicity of the latent pacemakers in
be conducted through the AV junction to the ventricles. the AV junction. The norepinephrine released at the sym-
The conduction pattern in which only a fraction of the pathetic nerve terminals increases the amplitude and slope
atrial impulses are conducted to the ventricles is called sec- of the upstroke of the AV nodal action potentials, princi-
ond-degree AV block (see Fig. 3.9B). This type of block may pally in the AN and N regions of the node.
protect the ventricles from excessive contraction frequen-
cies, wherein the filling time between successive ventric- CLINICAL BOX
ular contractions might be inadequate, and therefore the Third-degree AV block is often referred to as complete
ventricles would be unable to deliver an adequate cardiac heart block because the impulse is unable to traverse
output. the AV conduction pathway from atria to ventricles.
Retrograde conduction can occur through the AV node. His bundle electrograms reveal that the most common
However, the propagation time is significantly longer, and sites of complete block are distal to the bundle of His.
the impulse tends to be blocked at lower repetition rates Because of the slow ventricular rhythm (32 beats per
during retrograde conduction than during antegrade con- minute in the example in Fig. 3.9C), circulation of blood
duction. Finally, the AV node is a common site for reentry, is often inadequate, especially during muscular activity.
a phenomenon explained later in this chapter. Third-degree block is often associated with syncope
The autonomic nervous system regulates AV conduc- (so-called Stokes-Adams attacks) caused principally
tion. Weak vagal activity may simply prolong the AV con- by insufficient cerebral blood flow. Third-degree block
duction time. Stronger vagal activity may cause some or all is one of the most common conditions requiring treat-
of the impulses arriving from the atria to be blocked in the ment by artificial pacemakers.
node. The conduction pattern in which none of the atrial
36 CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart



Fig. 3.9 Atrioventricular (AV) blocks. (A) First-degree heart block; P-R interval is 0.28 s. (B) Second-degree heart
block (2:1). (C) Third-degree heart block; note the dissociation between the P waves and the QRS complexes.

A1 A2 A3
Ventricular Conduction
The bundle of His passes subendocardially down the right
50 side of the interventricular septum for about 1 cm and
AV node then divides into the right and left bundle branches (Figs.
3.6 and 3.11). The right bundle branch is a direct contin-
uation of the bundle of His and proceeds down the right
side of the interventricular septum. The left bundle branch,
which is considerably thicker than the right one, arises
H St
almost perpendicularly from the bundle of His and perfo-
500 ms
rates the interventricular septum. On the subendocardial
Fig. 3.10 Effects of a brief vagal stimulus (St) on the trans- surface of the left side of the interventricular septum, the
membrane potential recorded from an atrioventricular (AV) nod- main left bundle branch splits into a thin anterior division
al fiber from a rabbit. Note that shortly after vagal stimulation, and a thick posterior division.
the membrane of the fiber was hyperpolarized. The atrial exci- The right bundle branch and the two divisions of the
tation (A2) that arrived at the AV node when the cell was hyper- left bundle branch ultimately subdivide into a complex
polarized failed to be conducted, as denoted by the absence of network of conducting fibers called Purkinje fibers, which
a depolarization in the His electrogram (H). The atrial excitations
ramify over the subendocardial surfaces of both ventricles.
that preceded (A1) and followed (A3), excitation A2, were con-
ducted to the His bundle region. (Redrawn from Mazgalev, T.,
In certain mammalian species, such as cattle, the Purkinje
Dreifus, L. S., & Michelson, E. L., & Pelleg, A. (1986). Vagally fiber network is arranged in discrete, encapsulated bundles
induced hyperpolarization in atrioventricular node. American (see Fig. 3.11).
Journal of Physiology, 251, H631–H143.)
CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart 37

AV node
Bundle of His
Right bundle branch
Left bundle branch

Left Right

Fig. 3.11 Atrioventricular (AV) and ventricular conduction system of the calf heart. (Redrawn from DeWitt, L.
M. (1909). Observations on the sino-ventricular connecting system of the mammalian heart. The Anatomical
Record, 3, 475–497.)

CLINICAL BOX the heart; estimates of conduction velocity vary from 1 to 4

m/s. This permits a rapid activation of the entire endocar-
Impulse conduction in the right bundle branch, the main
dial surface of the ventricles. Purkinje cells have abundant,
left bundle branch, or either division of the left bundle
linearly arranged sarcomeres, just like myocardial cells.
branch may be impaired as a consequence of a degen-
However, the T-tubular system is absent in the Purkinje
erative process or of coronary artery disease. Conduc-
cells of many species but is well developed in the myocardial
tion blocks in one or more of these pathways give rise
cells (see Chapter 4).
to characteristic electrocardiographic patterns. Block of
The action potentials recorded from Purkinje fibers
either of the main bundle branches is known as right or
resemble those of ordinary ventricular myocardial fibers
left bundle branch block. Block of either division of the
(see Fig. 2.16A). In general, phase 1 is more prominent in
left bundle branch is called left anterior hemiblock or
Purkinje fiber action potentials (see Fig. 2.3) than in action
left posterior hemiblock.
potentials recorded from ventricular fibers (especially endo-
cardial fibers), and the duration of the plateau (phase 2) is
Purkinje fibers are the broadest cells in the heart, at 70 longer.
to 80 μm in diameter, compared with 10 to 15 μm for ven- Many premature activations of the atria that are con-
tricular myocytes. The large diameter accounts in part for ducted through the AV junction are blocked by the long
the greater conduction velocity in Purkinje than in myo- refractory period of the Purkinje fibers. Therefore they fail
cardial fibers. Conduction of the action potential over the to evoke a premature contraction of the ventricles. This
Purkinje fiber system is faster than in any other tissue within function of protecting the ventricles against the effects of
38 CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart

premature atrial depolarizations is especially pronounced S S

at slow heart rates, because the action potential duration,
and hence the effective refractory period of the Purkinje
fibers, varies inversely with the heart rate (see Fig. 2.20). L R L R
At slow heart rates, the effective refractory period of
the Purkinje fibers is especially prolonged; as the heart
rate increases, the refractory period diminishes. Similar A C B C
rate-dependent changes in the refractory period also occur
in most of the other cells in the heart. However, in the S S
AV node, the effective refractory period does not change
appreciably over the normal range of heart rates, and it
actually increases at very rapid heart rates. Therefore at
high heart rates, it is the AV node that protects the ventricles
when atrial impulses arrive at excessive repetition rates.
The first portions of the ventricles to be excited are the
Fig. 3.12 The role of unidirectional block in reentry. (A) An exci-
interventricular septum (except its basal portion) and the
tation wave traveling down a single bundle (S) of fibers contin-
papillary muscles. The wave of activation spreads into the sep-
ues down the left (L) and right (R) branches. The depolarization
tum from both its left and its right endocardial surfaces. Early wave enters the connecting branch (C) from both ends and is
contraction of the septum tends to make it more rigid and extinguished at the zone of collision. (B) The wave is blocked
allows it to serve as an anchor point for the contraction of the (blue squares) in the L and R branches. (C) Bidirectional block
remaining ventricular myocardium. Also, early contraction exists in branch R. (D) Unidirectional block exists in branch R.
of the papillary muscles prevents eversion of the AV valves The antegrade impulse is blocked (blue square), but the retro-
during ventricular systole. grade impulse is conducted through (jagged line) and reenters
The endocardial surfaces of both ventricles are activated bundle S.
rapidly, but the wave of excitation spreads from endocar-
dium to epicardium at a slower velocity (about 0.3–0.4 m/s). because the tissue beyond has just been depolarized from
Because the right ventricular wall is appreciably thinner than the other direction, and therefore it is absolutely refractory.
the left, the epicardial surface of the right ventricle is acti- The impulse cannot pass through bundle C from the right
vated earlier than the epicardial surface of the left ventricle. either, for the same reason.
Also, apical and central epicardial regions of both ventricles Panel B of Fig. 3.12 shows that the impulse cannot
are activated somewhat earlier than are their respective basal make a complete circuit if antegrade block exists in the
regions. The last portions of the ventricles to be excited are two branches (L and R) of the fiber bundle. Furthermore,
the posterior basal epicardial regions and a small zone in the if bidirectional block exists at any point in the loop (e.g.,
basal portion of the interventricular septum. branch R in panel C), the impulse will not be able to reenter.
A necessary condition for reentry is that at some point in
An Impulse can Travel Around a Reentry Loop the loop the impulse can pass in one direction but not in the
Under certain conditions, a cardiac impulse may reexcite other. This phenomenon is called unidirectional block. As
some region through which it had passed previously. This shown in panel D, the impulse may travel down branch L
phenomenon, known as reentry, underlies many clinical normally and may be blocked in the antegrade direction in
disturbances of cardiac rhythm. Reentry may be ordered branch R. The impulse that was conducted down branch L
or random. In the ordered variety, the impulse traverses and through the connecting branch C may be able to pene-
a fixed anatomical path, whereas in the random type, the trate the depressed region in branch R from the retrograde
path continues to change. The principal example of ran- direction, even though the antegrade impulse was blocked
dom reentry is fibrillation. previously at this same site. The antegrade impulse arrives
The conditions necessary for reentry are illustrated in at the depressed region in branch R earlier than the impulse
Fig. 3.12. In each of the four panels, a single bundle (S) of that traverses a longer path and enters branch R from the
cardiac fibers splits into a left (L) and a right (R) branch opposite direction. The antegrade impulse may be blocked
with a connecting bundle (C) between the two branches. simply because it arrives at the depressed region during
Normally, the impulse coming down bundle S is conducted its effective refractory period. If the retrograde impulse is
along the L and R branches (panel A). As the impulse delayed sufficiently, the refractory period may have ended,
reaches connecting link C, it enters link C from both and the impulse is conducted back into bundle S.
sides and becomes extinguished at the point of collision. Unidirectional block is a necessary condition for reen-
The impulse from the left side cannot proceed further try, but not a sufficient one. The effective refractory period
CHAPTER 3 Automaticity: Natural Excitation of the Heart 39

of the reentered region must also be less than the propagation A CL = 2 s B CL = 4 s

time around the loop. In panel D, if the retrograde impulse
is conducted through the depressed zone in branch R and 0–
if the tissue just beyond is still refractory from the ante-
grade depolarization, branch S is not reexcited. Therefore
the conditions that promote reentry are those that prolong C CL = 6 s
conduction time or shorten the effective refractory period.
The functional components of reentry loops responsi-
ble for specific dysrhythmias in intact hearts are diverse.
Some loops are very large and involve entire specialized
conduction bundles; other loops are microscopic. The D CL = 10 s
loop may include myocardial fibers, specialized conduct-
0– 20
ing fibers, nodal cells, and junctional tissues, in almost any
conceivable arrangement. Also, the cardiac cells in the loop
may be normal or deranged. 2s
Fig. 3.13 Effect of pacing at different cycle lengths (CLs) on ce-
sium-induced early afterdepolarizations (EADs) in a canine Pur-
CLINICAL BOX kinje fiber. (A) EADs not evident. (B) EADs first appear (arrows).
Accessory AV pathways are present in some people. The third EAD reaches threshold and triggers an action poten-
tial (third arrow). (C) EADs that appear after each driven depo-
Such pathways often serve as a part of a reentry loop
larization trigger an action potential. (D) Triggered action poten-
(see Fig. 3.12), which could lead to serious cardiac tials occur in salvos. (Modified from Damiano, B. P., & Rosen,
rhythm disturbances in these patients. Wolff-Parkinson- M. (1984). Effects of pacing on triggered activity induced by
White syndrome, a congenital disturbance, is the most early afterdepolarizations. Circulation, 69, 1013–1025.)
common clinical disorder in which a bypass tract of myo-
cardial fibers serves as an accessory pathway between
atria and ventricles. Ordinarily, the syndrome causes no and delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs). EADs occur at the
functional abnormality. It is easily detected in the elec- end of the plateau (phase 2) of an action potential or about
trocardiographic reading, because a portion of the ven- midway through repolarization (phase 3), whereas DADs
tricular myocardium is preexcited via the bypass tract. occur near the very end of repolarization or just after full
Slightly later, the normal excitation of the remainder of repolarization (phase 4).
the ventricular myocardium via the AV node and His-Pur-
kinje system imparts a bizarre configuration to the Early Afterdepolarizations
ventricular (QRS) complex of the electrocardiogram. EADs are more likely to occur when the prevailing heart rate
Occasionally, however, a reentry loop develops in which is slow; rapid pacing suppresses EADs. In the experiment
the atrial impulse travels to the ventricle via one of the shown in Fig. 3.13, EADs were induced by cesium in an
two AV pathways (AV node or bypass tract), and then the isolated Purkinje fiber preparation. No afterdepolariza-
impulse travels back to the atria through the other of the tions were evident when the preparation was driven at a
two pathways. Continuous circling around the loop leads cycle length of 2 seconds (s). When the cycle length was
to a very rapid rhythm (supraventricular tachycardia), increased to 4 s, EADs appeared; their incidence increased
which may be incapacitating because the rapid rate may as cycle length increased to 6 and 10 s. Some EADs were
not allow sufficient time for ventricular filling. subthreshold, but eventually others reached threshold to
trigger an action potential.
EADs may be produced experimentally by interventions
AFTERDEPOLARIZATIONS LEAD TO that prolong the action potential. Because EADs may be
initiated at either of two distinct levels of transmembrane
potential, namely at the end of the plateau and about mid-
Triggered activity is so named because it is always coupled way through repolarization, two different mechanisms
to a preceding action potential. Consequently, dysrhyth- may be involved in generating them.
mias induced by triggered activity are difficult to distin- Considerable information has been obtained about the
guish from those induced by reentry, which is also always mechanism responsible for those EADs that appear at the
coupled to a previous action potential. Triggered activity is end of the plateau. The more prolonged the action poten-
caused by afterdepolarizations. Two types of afterdepolar- tial, the more likely are EADs to occur. For those action
izations are recognized: early afterdepolarizations (EADs) potentials that trigger EADs, the plateau appears to be
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depend on the proportion of the power to the resistance; in short,
they had no clear idea of accelerating force. This defect runs through
all their mechanical speculations, and renders them entirely

We may exemplify the same confusion of thought on mechanical

subjects in writers of a less technical character. Thus, if men had any
distinct idea of mechanical action, they could not have accepted for a
moment the fable of the Echineis or Remora, a little fish which was
said to be able to stop a large ship merely by sticking to it. 1 Lucan
refers to this legend in a poetical manner, and notices this creature
only in bringing together a collection of monstrosities; but Pliny
relates the tale gravely, and moralizes upon it after his manner.
“What,” he cries, 2 “is more violent than the sea and the winds? what
a greater work of art than a ship? Yet one little fish (the Echineis) can
hold back all these when they all strain the same way. The winds
may 191 blow, the waves may rage; but this small creature controls
their fury, and stops a vessel, when chains and anchors would not
hold it: and this it does, not by hard labor, but merely by adhering to
it. Alas, for human vanity! when the turreted ships which man has
built, that he may fight from castle-walls, at sea as well as at land,
are held captive and motionless by a fish a foot and a half long! Such
a fish is said to have stopped the admiral’s ship at the battle of
Actium, and compelled Antony to go into another. And in our own
memory, one of these animals held fast the ship of Caius, the
emperor, when he was sailing from Astura to Antium. The stopping
of this ship, when all the rest of the fleet went on, caused surprise;
but this did not last long, for some of the men jumped into the water
to look for the fish, and found it sticking to the rudder; they showed it
to Caius, who was indignant that this animal should interpose its
prohibition to his progress, when impelled by four hundred rowers. It
was like a slug; and had no power, after it was taken into the ship.”
1Lucan is describing one of the poetical compounds produced in
Huc quicquid fœtu genuit Natura sinistro
Miscetur: non spuma canum quibus unda timori est,
Viscera non lyncis, non duræ nodus hyænæ
Defuit, et cervi pasti serpente medullæ;
Non puppes retinens, Euro tendente rudentes
In mediis Echineis aquis, oculique draconum.
Etc. Pharsalia, vi. 670.

2 Plin. Hist. N. xxxii. 5.

A very little advance in the power of thinking clearly on the force

which it exerted in pulling, would have enabled the Romans to see
that the ship and its rowers must pull the adhering fish by the hold
the oars had upon the water; and that, except the fish had a hold
equally strong on some external body, it could not resist this force.

3. Indistinctness of Ideas shown in Architecture.—Perhaps it may

serve to illustrate still further the extent to which, under the Roman
empire, men’s notions of mechanical relations became faint,
wavered, and disappeared, if we observe the change which took
place in architecture. All architecture, to possess genuine beauty,
must be mechanically consistent. The decorative members must
represent a structure which has in it a principle of support and
stability. Thus the Grecian colonnade was a straight horizontal beam,
resting on vertical props; and the pediment imitated a frame like a
roof, where oppositely inclined beams support each other. These
forms of building were, therefore, proper models of art, because they
implied supporting forces. But to be content with colonnades and
pediments, which, though they imitated the forms of the Grecian
ones, were destitute of their mechanical truth, belonged to the
decline of art; and showed that men had lost the idea of force, and
retained only that of shape. Yet this was what the architects of the
Roman empire did. Under their hands, the pediment was severed at
its vertex, and divided into separate halves, so that it was no longer
a mechanical possibility. The entablature no longer lay straight from
pillar to pillar, but, projecting over each 192 column, turned back to
the wall, and adhered to it in the intervening space. The splendid
remains of Palmyra, Balbec, Petra, exhibit endless examples of this
kind of perverse inventiveness; and show us, very instructively, how
the decay of art and of science alike accompany this indistinctness
of ideas which we are now endeavoring to illustrate.

4. Indistinctness of Ideas in Astronomy.—Returning to the

sciences, it may be supposed, at first sight, that, with regard to
astronomy, we have not the same ground for charging the stationary
period with indistinctness of ideas on that subject, since they were
able to acquire and verify, and, in some measure, to apply, the
doctrines previously established. And, undoubtedly, it must be
confessed that men’s notions of the relations of space and number
are never very indistinct. It appears to be impossible for these chains
of elementary perception ever to be much entangled. The later
Greeks, the Arabians, and the earliest modern astronomers, must
have conceived the hypotheses of the Ptolemaic system with
tolerable completeness. And yet, we may assert, that during the
stationary period, men did not possess the notions, even of space
and number, in that vivid and vigorous manner which enables them
to discover new truths. If they had perceived distinctly that the
astronomical theorist had merely to do with relative motions, they
must have been led to see the possibility, at least, of the Copernican
system; as the Greeks, at an earlier period, had already perceived it.
We find no trace of this. Indeed, the mode in which the Arabian
mathematicians present the solutions of their problems, does not
indicate that clear apprehension of the relations of space, and that
delight in the contemplation of them, which the Greek geometrical
speculations imply. The Arabs are in the habit of giving conclusions
without demonstrations, precepts without the investigations by which
they are obtained; as if their main object were practical rather than
speculative,—the calculation of results rather than the exposition of
theory. Delambre 3 has been obliged to exercise great ingenuity, in
order to discover the method by which Ibn Iounis proved his solution
of certain difficult problems.
3 Delamb. M. A. p. 125–8.

5. Indistinctness of Ideas shown by Skeptics.—The same

unsteadiness of ideas which prevents men from obtaining clear
views, and steady and just convictions, on special subjects, may
lead them to despair of or deny the possibility of acquiring certainty
at all, and may thus make them skeptics with regard to all
knowledge. Such skeptics 193 are themselves men of indistinct
views, for they could not otherwise avoid assenting to the
demonstrated truths of science; and, so far as they may be taken as
specimens of their contemporaries, they prove that indistinct ideas
prevail in the age in which they appear. In the stationary period,
moreover, the indefinite speculations and unprofitable subtleties of
the schools might further impel a man of bold and acute mind to this
universal skepticism, because they offered nothing which could fix or
satisfy him. And thus the skeptical spirit may deserve our notice as
indicative of the defects of a system of doctrine too feeble in
demonstration to control such resistance.
The most remarkable of these philosophical skeptics is Sextus
Empiricus; so called, from his belonging to that medical sect which
was termed the empirical, in contradistinction to the rational and
methodical sects. His works contain a series of treatises, directed
against all the divisions of the science of his time. He has chapters
against the Geometers, against the Arithmeticians, against the
Astrologers, against the Musicians, as well as against Grammarians,
Rhetoricians, and Logicians; and, in short, as a modern writer has
said, his skepticism is employed as a sort of frame-work which
embraces an encyclopedical view of human knowledge. It must be
stated, however, that his objections are rather to the metaphysical
grounds, than to the details of the sciences; he rather denies the
possibility of speculative truth in general, than the experimental
truths which had been then obtained. Thus his objections to
geometry and arithmetic are founded on abstract cavils concerning
the nature of points, letters, unities, &c. And when he comes to
speak against astrology, he says, “I am not going to consider that
perfect science which rests upon geometry and arithmetic; for I have
already shown the weakness of those sciences: nor that faculty of
prediction (of the motions of the heavens) which belongs to the
pupils of Eudoxus, and Hipparchus, and the rest, which some call
Astronomy; for that is an observation of phenomena, like agriculture
or navigation: but against the Art of Prediction from the time of birth,
which the Chaldeans exercise.” Sextus, therefore, though a skeptic
by profession, was not insensible to the difference between
experimental knowledge and mystical dogmas, though even the
former had nothing which excited his admiration.

The skepticism which denies the evidence of the truths of which

the best established physical sciences consist, must necessarily
involve a very indistinct apprehension of those truths; for such truths,
properly exhibited, contain their own evidence, and are the best
antidote 194 to this skepticism. But an incredulity or contempt
towards the asserted truths of physical science may arise also from
the attention being mainly directed to the certainty and importance of
religious truths. A veneration for revealed religion may thus assume
the aspect of a skepticism with regard to natural knowledge. Such
appears to be the case with Algazel or Algezeli, who is adduced by
Degerando 4 as an example of an Arabian skeptic. He was a
celebrated teacher at Bagdad in the eleventh century, and he
declared himself the enemy, not only of the mixed Peripatetic and
Platonic philosophy of the time, but of Aristotle himself. His work
entitled The Destructions of the Philosophers, is known to us by the
refutation of it which Averrhoes published, under the title of
Destruction of Algazel’s Destructions of the Philosophers. It appears
that he contested the fundamental principles both of the Platonic and
of the Aristotelian schools, and denied the possibility of a known
connection between cause and effect; thus making a prelude, says
Degerando, to the celebrated argumentation of Hume.
4 Degerando, Hist. Comp. de Systèmes, iv. 224.

[2d Ed.] Since the publication of my first edition, an account of

Algazel or Algazzali and his works has been published under the title
of Essai sur les Ecoles Philosophiques chez les Arabes, et
notamment sur la Doctrine d’Algazzali, par August Schmölders.
Paris. 1842. From this book it appears that Degerando’s account of
Algazzali is correct, when he says 5 that “his skepticism seems to
have essentially for its object to destroy all systems of merely
rational theology, in order to open an indefinite career, not only to
faith guided by revelation, but also to the free exaltation of a mystical
enthusiasm.” It is remarked by Dr. Schmölders, following M. de
Hammer-Purgstall, that the title of the work referred to in the text
ought rather to be Mutual Refutation of the Philosophers: and that its
object is to show that Philosophy consists of a mass of systems,
each of which overturns the others. The work of Algazzali which Dr.
Schmölders has published, On the Errors of Sects, &c., contains a
kind of autobiographical account of the way in which the author was
led to his views. He does not reject the truths of science, but he
condemns the mental habits which are caused by laying too much
stress upon science. Religious men, he says, are, by such a course,
led to reject all science, even what relates to eclipses of the moon
and sun; and men of science are led to hate religion. 6
5 Hist. Comp. iv. p. 227.

6 Essai, p. 33.

195 6. Neglect of Physical Reasoning in Christendom.—If the

Arabians, who, during the ages of which we are speaking, were the
most eminent cultivators of science, entertained only such
comparatively feeble and servile notions of its doctrines, it will easily
be supposed, that in the Christendom of that period, where physical
knowledge was comparatively neglected, there was still less
distinctness and vividness in the prevalent ideas on such subjects.
Indeed, during a considerable period of the history of the Christian
Church, and by many of its principal authorities, the study of natural
philosophy was not only disregarded but discommended. The great
practical doctrines which were presented to men’s minds, and the
serious tasks, of the regulation of the will and affections, which
religion impressed upon them, made inquiries of mere curiosity seem
to be a reprehensible misapplication of human powers; and many of
the fathers of the Church revived, in a still more peremptory form, the
opinion of Socrates, that the only valuable philosophy is that which
teaches us our moral duties and religious hopes. 7 Thus Eusebius
says, 8 “It is not through ignorance of the things admired by them, but
through contempt of their useless labor, that we think little of these
matters, turning our souls to the exercise of better things.” When the
thoughts were thus intentionally averted from those ideas which
natural philosophy involves, the ideas inevitably became very
indistinct in their minds; and they could not conceive that any other
persons could find, on such subjects, grounds of clear conviction and
certainty. They held the whole of their philosophy to be, as
Lactantius 9 asserts it to be, “empty and false.” “To search,” says he,
“for the causes of natural things; to inquire whether the sun be as
large as he seems, whether the moon is convex or concave, whether
the stars are fixed in the sky or float freely in the air; of what size and
of what material are the heavens; whether they be at rest or in
motion; what is the magnitude of the earth; on what foundations it is
suspended and balanced;—to dispute and conjecture on such
matters, is just as if we chose to discuss what we think of a city in a
remote country, of which we never heard but the name.” It is
impossible to express more forcibly that absence of any definite
notions on physical subjects which led to this tone of thought.
7 Brucker, iii. 317.

8 Præp. Ev. xv. 61.

9 Inst. 1. iii. init.

7. Question of Antipodes.—With such habits of thought, we are not

to be surprised if the relations resulting from the best established
theories were apprehended in an imperfect and incongruous
manner. 196 We have some remarkable examples of this; and a very
notable one is the celebrated question of the existence of Antipodes,
or persons inhabiting the opposite side of the globe of the earth, and
consequently having the soles of their feet directly opposed to ours.
The doctrine of the globular form of the earth results, as we have
seen, by a geometrical necessity, from a clear conception of the
various points of knowledge which we obtain, bearing upon that
subject. This doctrine was held distinctly by the Greeks; it was
adopted by all astronomers, Arabian and European, who followed
them; and was, in fact, an inevitable part of every system of
astronomy which gave a consistent and intelligible representation of
phenomena. But those who did not call before their minds any
distinct representation at all, and who referred the whole question to
other relations than those of space, might still deny this doctrine; and
they did so. The existence of inhabitants on the opposite side of the
terraqueous globe, was a fact of which experience alone could teach
the truth or falsehood; but the religious relations, which extend alike
to all mankind, were supposed to give the Christian philosopher
grounds for deciding against the possibility of such a race of men.
Lactantius, 10 in the fourth century, argues this matter in a way very
illustrative of that impatience of such speculations, and consequent
confusion of thought, which we have mentioned. “Is it possible,” he
says, “that men can be so absurd as to believe that the crops and
trees on the other side of the earth hang downwards, and that men
there have their feet higher than their heads? If you ask of them how
they defend these monstrosities—how things do not fall away from
the earth on that side—they reply, that the nature of things is such
that heavy bodies tend towards the centre, like the spokes of a
wheel, while light bodies, as clouds, smoke, fire, tend from the centre
towards the heavens on all sides. Now I am really at a loss what to
say of those who, when they have once gone wrong, steadily
persevere in their folly, and defend one absurd opinion by another.” It
is obvious that so long as the writer refused to admit into his
thoughts the fundamental conception of their theory, he must needs
be at a loss what to say to their arguments without being on that
account in any degree convinced of their doctrines.
10 Inst. 1. iii. 23.

In the sixth century, indeed, in the reign of Justinian, we find a

writer (Cosmas Indicopleustes 11 ) who does not rest in this obscurity
of 197 representation; but in this case, the distinctness of the pictures
only serves to show his want of any clear conception as to what
suppositions would explain the phenomena. He describes the earth
as an oblong floor, surrounded by upright walls, and covered by a
vault, below which the heavenly bodies perform their revolutions,
going round a certain high mountain, which occupies the northern
parts of the earth, and makes night by intercepting the light of the
sun. In Augustin 12 (who flourished a. d. 400) the opinion is treated
on other grounds; and without denying the globular form of the earth,
it is asserted that there are no inhabitants on the opposite side,
because no such race is recorded by Scripture among the
descendants of Adam. 13 Considerations of the same kind operated
in the well-known instance of Virgil, Bishop of Salzburg, in the eighth
century. When he was reported to Boniface, Archbishop of Mentz, as
holding the existence of Antipodes, the prelate was shocked at the
assumption, as it seemed to him, of a world of human beings, out of
the reach of the conditions of salvation; and application was made to
Pope Zachary for a censure of the holder of this dangerous doctrine.
It does not, however, appear that this led to any severity; and the
story of the deposition of Virgil from his bishopric, which is circulated
by Kepler and by more modern writers, is undoubtedly altogether
false. The same scruples continued to prevail among Christian
writers to a later period; and Tostatus 14 notes the opinion of the
rotundity of the earth as an “unsafe” doctrine, only a few years
before Columbus visited the other hemisphere.
11 Montfaucon, Collectio Nova Patrum, t. ii. p. 113. Cosmas
Indicopleustes. Christianorum Opiniones de Mundo, sive
Topographia Christiana.

12 Civ. D. xvi. 9.

13 It appears, however, that scriptural arguments were found on

the other side. St. Jerome says (Comm. in Ezech. i. 6), speaking
of the two cherubims with four faces, seen by the prophet, and the
interpretation of the vision: “Alii vero qui philosophorum stultam
sequuntur sapientiam, duo hemispheria in duobus templi
cherubim, nos et antipodes, quasi supinos et cadentes homines

14 Montfauc. Patr. t. ii.

8. Intellectual Condition of the Religious Orders.—It must be

recollected, however, that though these were the views and tenets of
many religious writers, and though they may be taken as indications
of the prevalent and characteristic temper of the times of which we
speak, they never were universal. Such a confusion of thought
affects the minds of many persons, even in the most enlightened
times; and in what we call the Dark Ages, though clear views on
such subjects might be more rare, those who gave their minds to
science, entertained the true opinion of the figure of the earth. Thus
Boëthius 15 (in the sixth century) urges the smallness of the globe of
the earth, 198 compared with the heavens, as a reason to repress
our love of glory. This work, it will be recollected, was translated into
the Anglo-Saxon by our own Alfred. It was also commented on by
Bede, who, in what he says on this passage, assents to the doctrine,
and shows an acquaintance with Ptolemy and his commentators,
both Arabian and Greek. Gerbert, in the tenth century, went from
France to Spain to study astronomy with the Arabians, and soon
surpassed his masters. He is reported to have fabricated clocks, and
an astrolabe of peculiar construction. Gerbert afterwards (in the last
year of the first thousand from the birth of Christ) became pope, by
the name of Sylvester II. Among other cultivators of the sciences,
some of whom, from their proficiency, must have possessed with
considerable clearness and steadiness the elementary ideas on
which it depends, we may here mention, after Montucla, 16 Adelbold,
whose work On the Sphere was addressed to Pope Sylvester, and
whose geometrical reasonings are, according to Montucla, 17 vague
and chimerical; Hermann Contractus, a monk of St Gall, who, in
1050, published astronomical works; William of Hirsaugen, who
followed his example in 1080; Robert of Lorraine, who was made
Bishop of Hereford by William the Conqueror, in consequence of his
astronomical knowledge. In the next century, Adelhard Goth, an
Englishman, travelled among the Arabs for purposes of study, as
Gerbert had done in the preceding age; and on his return, translated
the Elements of Euclid, which he had brought from Spain or Egypt.
Robert Grostête, Bishop of Lincoln, was the author of an Epitome on
the Sphere; Roger Bacon, in his youth the contemporary of Robert,
and of his brother Adam Marsh, praises very highly their knowledge
in mathematics.
15 Boëthius, Cons. ii. pr. 7.

16 Mont. i. 502.

17 Ib. i. 503.
“And here,” says the French historian of mathematics, whom I
have followed in the preceding relation, “it is impossible not to reflect
that all those men who, if they did not augment the treasure of the
sciences, at least served to transmit it, were monks, or had been
such originally. Convents were, during these stormy ages, the
asylum of sciences and letters. Without these religious men, who, in
the silence of their monasteries, occupied themselves in transcribing,
in studying, and in imitating the works of the ancients, well or ill,
those works would have perished; perhaps not one of them would
have come down to us. The thread which connects us with the
Greeks and Romans would have been snapt asunder; the precious
productions of 199 ancient literature would no more exist for us, than
the works, if any there were, published before the catastrophe that
annihilated that highly scientific nation, which, according to Bailly,
existed in remote ages in the centre of Tartary, or at the roots of
Caucasus. In the sciences we should have had all to create; and at
the moment when the human mind should have emerged from its
stupor and shaken off its slumbers, we should have been no more
advanced than the Greeks were after the taking of Troy.” He adds,
that this consideration inspires feelings towards the religious orders
very different from those which, when he wrote, were prevalent
among his countrymen.

Except so far as their religious opinions interfered, it was natural

that men who lived a life of quiet and study, and were necessarily in
a great measure removed from the absorbing and blinding interests
with which practical life occupies the thoughts, should cultivate
science more successfully than others, precisely because their ideas
on speculative subjects had time and opportunity to become clear
and steady. The studies which were cultivated under the name of the
Seven Liberal Arts, necessarily tended to favor this effect. The
Trivium, 18 indeed, which consisted of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric,
had no direct bearing upon those ideas with which physical science
is concerned; but the Quadrivium, Music, Arithmetic, Geometry,
Astronomy, could not be pursued with any attention, without a
corresponding improvement of the mind for the purposes of sound
knowledge. 19
18 Bruck. iii. 597.

19 Roger Bacon, in his Specula Mathematica, cap. i., says

“Harum scientiarum porta et clavis est mathematica, quam sancti
a principio mundi invenerunt, etc. Cujus negligentia jam per
triginta vel quadraginta annos destruxit totum studium Latinorum.”
I do not know on what occasion this neglect took place.

9. Popular Opinions.—That, even in the best intellects, something

was wanting to fit them for scientific progress and discovery, is
obvious from the fact that science was so long absolutely stationary.
And I have endeavored to show that one part of this deficiency was
the want of the requisite clearness and vigor of the fundamental
scientific ideas. If these were wanting, even in the most powerful and
most cultivated minds, we may easily conceive that still greater
confusion and obscurity prevailed in the common class of mankind.
They actually adopted the belief, however crude and inconsistent,
that the form of the earth and heavens really is what at any place it
appears to be; that the earth is flat, and the waters of the sky
sustained above a material floor, through which in showers they
descend. Yet the true doctrines of 200 astronomy appear to have had
some popular circulation. For instance, a French poem of the time of
Edward the Second, called Ymage du Monde, contains a metrical
account of the earth and heavens, according to the Ptolemaic views;
and in a manuscript of this poem, preserved in the library of the
University of Cambridge, there are representations, in accordance
with the text, of a spherical earth, with men standing upright upon it
on every side; and by way of illustrating the tendency of all things to
the centre, perforations of the earth, entirely through its mass, are
described and depicted; and figures are exhibited dropping balls
down each of these holes, so as to meet in the interior. And, as
bearing upon the perplexity which attends the motions of up and
down, when applied to the globular earth, and the change of the
direction of gravity which would occur in passing the centre, the
readers of Dante will recollect the extraordinary manner in which the
poet and his guide emerge from the bottom of the abyss; and the
explanation which Virgil imparts to him of what he there sees. After
they have crept through the aperture in which Lucifer is placed, the
poet says,

“Io levai gli occhi e credetti vedere

Lucifero com’ io l’ avea lasciato,
E vidile le gambe in su tenere.”
. . . . “Questi come è fitto
Si sottasopra!” . . . . .
“Quando mi volsi, tu passast’ il punto
Al qual si traggon d’ ogni parte i pesi.”
Inferno, xxxiv.

. . . . “I raised mine eyes,

Believing that I Lucifer should see
Where he was lately left, but saw him now
With legs held upward.” . . . .
“How standeth he in posture thus reversed?”
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Thou wast on the other side so long as I
Descended; when I turned, thou didst o’erpass
That point to which from every part is dragged
All heavy substance.” Cary.
This is more philosophical than Milton’s representation, in a more
scientific age, of Uriel sliding to the earth on a sunbeam, and sliding
back again, when the sun had sunk below the horizon.

. . . . . “Uriel to his charge

Returned on that bright beam whose point now raised,
Bore him slope downward to the sun, now fallen
Beneath the Azores.” Par. Lost, B. iv. 201

The philosophical notions of up and down are too much at

variance with the obvious suggestions of our senses, to be held
steadily and justly by minds undisciplined in science. Perhaps it was
some misunderstood statement of the curved surface of the ocean,
which gave rise to the tradition of there being a part of the sea
directly over the earth, from which at times an object has been
known to fall or an anchor to be let down. Even such whimsical
fancies are not without instruction, and may serve to show the reader
what that vagueness and obscurity of ideas is, of which I have been
endeavoring to trace the prevalence in the dark ages.

We now proceed to another of the features which appears to me

to mark, in a very prominent manner, the character of the stationary

The Commentatorial Spirit of the Middle Ages.

W E have already noticed, that, after the first great achievements

of the founders of sound speculation, in the different
departments of human knowledge, had attracted the interest and
admiration which those who became acquainted with them could not
but give to them, there appeared a disposition among men to lean on
the authority of some of these teachers;—to study the opinions of
others as the only mode of forming their own;—to read nature
through books;—to attend to what had been already thought and
said, rather than to what really is and happens. This tendency of
men’s minds requires our particular consideration. Its manifestations
were very important, and highly characteristic of the stationary
period; it gave, in a great degree, a peculiar bias and direction to the
intellectual activity of many centuries; and the kind of labor with
which speculative men were occupied in consequence of this bias,
took the place of that examination of realities which must be their
employment, in order that real knowledge may make any decided

In some subjects, indeed, as, for instance, in the domains of

morals, poetry, and the arts, whose aim is the production of beauty,
this opposition between the study of former opinion and present
reality, may not be so distinct; inasmuch as it may be said by some,
that, in these subjects, opinions are realities; that the thoughts and
feelings which 202 prevail in men’s minds are the material upon
which we must work, the particulars from which we are to generalize,
the instruments which we are to use; and that, therefore, to reject the
study of antiquity, or even its authority, would be to show ourselves
ignorant of the extent and mutual bearing of the elements with which
we have to deal;—would be to cut asunder that which we ought to
unite into a vital whole. Yet even in the provinces of history and
poetry, the poverty and servility of men’s minds during the middle
ages, are shown by indications so strong as to be truly remarkable;
for instance, in the efforts of the antiquarians of almost every
European country to assimilate the early history of their own state to
the poet’s account of the foundation of Rome, by bringing from the
sack of Troy, Brutus to England, Bavo to Flanders, and so on. But
however this may be, our business at present is, to trace the varying
spirit of the physical philosophy of different ages; trusting that,
hereafter, this prefatory study will enable us to throw some light upon
the other parts of philosophy. And in physics the case undoubtedly
was, that the labor of observation, which is one of the two great
elements of the progress of knowledge, was in a great measure
superseded by the collection, the analysis, the explanation, of
previous authors and opinions; experimenters were replaced by
commentators; criticism took the place of induction; and instead of
great discoverers we had learned men.

1. Natural Bias to Authority.—It is very evident that, in such a bias

of men’s studies, there is something very natural; however strained
and technical this erudition may have been, the propensities on
which it depends are very general, and are easily seen. Deference to
the authority of thoughtful and sagacious men, a disposition which
men in general neither reject nor think they ought to reject in
practical matters, naturally clings to them, even in speculation. It is a
satisfaction to us to suppose that there are, or have been, minds of
transcendent powers, of wide and wise views, superior to the
common errors and blindness of our nature. The pleasure of
admiration, and the repose of confidence, are inducements to such a
belief. There are also other reasons why we willingly believe that
there are in philosophy great teachers, so profound and sagacious,
that, in order to arrive at truth, we have only to learn their thoughts,
to understand their writings. There is a peculiar interest which men
feel in dealing with the thoughts of their fellow-men, rather than with
brute matter. Matter feels and excites no sympathies: in seeking for
mere laws of nature, there is nothing of mental intercourse with the
great spirits of the past, as there is in 203 studying Aristotle or Plato.
Moreover, a large portion of this employment is of a kind the most
agreeable to most speculative minds; it consists in tracing the
consequences of assumed principles: it is deductive like geometry:
and the principles of the teachers being known, and being
undisputed, the deduction and application of their results is an
obvious, self-satisfying, and inexhaustible exercise of ingenuity.

These causes, and probably others, make criticism and

commentation flourish, when invention begins to fail, oppressed and
bewildered by the acquisitions it has already made; and when the
vigor and hope of men’s minds are enfeebled by civil and political
changes. Accordingly, 20 the Alexandrian school was eminently
characterized by a spirit of erudition, of literary criticism, of
interpretation, of imitation. These practices, which reigned first in
their full vigor in “the Museum,” are likely to be, at all times, the
leading propensities of similar academical institutions.
20 Degerando, Hist. des Syst. de Philos. iii. p. 134.

How natural it is to select a great writer as a paramount authority,

and to ascribe to him extraordinary profundity and sagacity, we may
see, in the manner in which the Greeks looked upon Homer; and the
fancy which detected in his poems traces of the origin of all arts and
sciences, has, as we know, found favor even in modern times. To
pass over earlier instances of this feeling, we may observe, that
Strabo begins his Geography by saying that he agrees with
Hipparchus, who had declared Homer to be the first author of our
geographical knowledge; and he does not confine the application of
this assertion to the various and curious topographical information
which the Iliad and Odyssey contain, concerning the countries
surrounding the Mediterranean; but in phrases which, to most
persons, might appear the mere play of a poetical fancy, or a casual
selection of circumstances, he finds unquestionable evidence of a
correct knowledge of general geographical truths. Thus, 21 when
Homer speaks of the sun “rising from the soft and deep-flowing
ocean,” of his “splendid blaze plunging in the ocean;” of the northern

“Alone unwashen by the ocean wave;”

and of Jupiter, “who goes to the ocean to feast with the blameless
Ethiopians;” Strabo is satisfied from these passages that Homer
knew the dry land to be surrounded with water: and he reasons in
like manner with respect to other points of geography.
21 Strabo, i. p. 5.

204 2. Character of Commentators.—The spirit of commentation,

as has already been suggested, turns to questions of taste, of
metaphysics, of morals, with far more avidity than to physics.
Accordingly, critics and grammarians were peculiarly the growth of
this school; and, though the commentators sometimes chose works
of mathematical or physical science for their subject (as Proclus,
who commented on Euclid’s Geometry, and Simplicius, on Aristotle’s

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