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Anthropology is relevant in contemporary settings because anthropologists contribute

unique and vital knowledge and information to diverse groups (Libretexts, 2021). The group
includes local communities, nations, and global social movements, such as feminist, racial, and
indigenous, through their research. Most anthropologists now recognise that all societies in the
contemporary setting are involved in enormously complex processes. For instance, migration,
climate change, global economic crises, and the transnational movement of ideas. Accordingly,
anthropological knowledge can aid in making sense of the contemporary setting because
communication between culturally diverse groups has risen dramatically in recent years. Long-
distance travel is now more popular, safer, and less expensive for the global middle classes than
it was previously (“Why anthropology matters,” 2015). These movements introduced new ways
of doing, being, and thinking and piqued people's interest in others.
Moreover, we can see everywhere that culture is changing faster than ever in our age.
Traditional lifestyles are undeniably evolving, such as the changes in food preferences that lead
to more variety within many nations. Hence, anthropological research in contemporary settings
can educate us about the world's cultural mixing, interaction, and ourselves. As well as explain
why other people are the way they are, both culturally and physically. In this regard,
anthropology is a distinctly 21st-century body of knowledge.

Libretexts. (2021, July 23). Why is Anthropology Important? Social Sci LibreTexts.'s_Community_Coll



Why anthropology matters. (2015, October 15). EASA.

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