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After electricity generation, it undergoes a voltage increase through a step-up transformer, enabling it
to traverse long distances to various locations. In these designated areas, the electricity is then
subjected to a step-down transformer, reducing the voltage to 120 volts for the purpose of supplying
power to buildings and factories. Current emanates from the main circuit breaker panel and courses
through the distribution panel, disseminating electricity to all switches within the electrical system.
Activation of the intermediate switch directs current flow to the energy-saving lamp, completing the
circuit and causing illumination. The photocell, triggered by darkness, allows current to flow to two
lamps connected in parallel, creating illumination. Activation of the bell switch directs current to the
step-down transformer, which reduces the voltage to 18 volts, enabling current flow to the electric bell
and completing the circuit, resulting in the ringing of the bell. The two-gang switch, when activated,
directs current to two independently controlled lamps, completing the circuit and illuminating the
lamps. Closing the SPST switch allows current flow to the socket outlet, providing power to electrical

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