General Business Management and Enterprise

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Business Management and Enterprise

What is Business Management and Enterprise?
Business Management and Enterprise investigates how vital business is to individuals and our
society. It requires a combination of skills, aptitude, creativity, initiative and enterprise for
businesses to operate effectively and you will learn how they impact our lives.
How will Business Management and Enterprise help me in the future?
Business Management and Enterprise develops skills that you will need to succeed in the
business world. You will develop skills that make you more strategic, enterprising, ethical, innovative
and creative. Group activities will develop your skills of collaboration. You will be shown many
different business activities and strategies so that you are able to make responsible business
decisions in your own life. Business Management and Enterprise gives important background for
careers like accounting, business management, human resources and financial planning.
What content will I study in Year 11 and 12?

Year 11
Unit 1 Establishing a small business Unit 2 Operating a small business
This unit helps one to understand the This unit involves running a small business in
requirements of establishing a small business the school/local environment. The concepts of
including marketing, market research and innovation, marketing and competition, and key
understanding customers. You will explore factors that influence consumer decision-making
business start‐ups and investigate the factors are introduced. You will consider the
that contribute to success, such as environment, management and people that
entrepreneurship and innovative thinking. impact on a business.

Year 12
Unit 3 Taking the business national Unit 4 Business growth and challenges
The focus of this unit is how business The focus of this unit is how business grows
succeeds at a national level. It explores what it from a local to national level and the challenges
takes to be successful beyond the initial start‐ that it faces in doing so. Students explore issues
up stage, such as marketing campaigns, including intellectual property and protecting
expansion in products and diversification. business ideas.

How will I know if Business Management and Enterprise is right for me?
If you currently enjoy Humanities, you are likely to enjoy Business Management and Enterprise. If
you would like a set of skills and knowledge that can be applied after school, this is for you. There
are no formal pre-requisites.
Talk to:
Mrs Whitley Miss Beekink

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