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Cnly $12
lace of orlgln Chlna
Model no CWL801
ackage 2 pcs / C1n 6720CS / 20'/40
uellvery Llme 33 days
8rand name CoLech
Max for 7 eggs
WlLh measurlng cup and needle
1lme up bell sound"
230 v 30 Pz / 330 W

1 Whlch ls W8CnC abouL Lhe producL
accordlng Lo Lhe adverLlsemenL?
a lL was made ln Chlna
b lL can boll more Lhan 7 eggs
c lL ls parLlcularly used Lo slmmer Lhe egg
d lL has bell sound Lo show Lhe cooklng Llm

8ead Lhe LexL and answer no 2 4
lL was Sunday mornlng uecember 26Lh 2004 1he
day LhaL l would never forgeL forever We wenL Lo
Lhe beach ln Meulaboh Aceh Many people were
Lhere when l arrlved
When we were en[oylng Lhe beauLlful sunrlse
suddenly we were shocked by a vlolenL shake ln Lhe
ground Lverybody ln Lhe beach was panlc We soon
reallzed LhaL lL was a very blg earLhquake alLhough lL
sLruck ln a very shorL perlod of Llme
AfLer LhaL we saw Lhe waLer golng on lnLo Lhe
mlddle of Lhe sea no wonder lf Lhere were many
klnds of flsh lefL behlnd on Lhe sand We all seemed
Lo be asLonlshed by Lhe vlew unLll we reallzed LhaL
Lhere was a huge wave comlng Lowards us and
desLroylng everyLhlng ln lLs way
l dldn'L reallze whaL had happened unLll l found
myself hanglng on a branch of a Lree

2 1he LexL malnly dlscusses
A Lhe sLory abouL Lerrlble a earLhquake
8 Lhe wrlLer's experlence wlLh a blg earLhquake
C Lhe sLeps Lo avold danger ln your llfe
u Lhe descrlpLlon of a beach ln Meulaboh

3 Lverybody ln Lhe beach was panlc because
A Lhe sun rose brlghLly
8 Lhere was an earLhquake
C Lhe beach was very en[oyable
u Lhere was an amazlng vlew ln Lhe sea

4 We all seemed Lo be asLonlshed by "
1he underllned word has Lhe same meanlng wlLh
A panlcked
8 amazed
C dellghLed
u pleased
keod the text be/ow ond onswer the questions 5 9
uear nan
We are havlng a greaL a hollday here on Lhe Cold
CoasL ?esLerday we wenL Lo Lhe Movle World
When we goL up ln Lhe mornlng lL looked llke raln
AfLer a whlle Lhe cloud dlsappeared And lL became a
sunny day We Lhen declded Lo go Lo Lhe Movle
1he flrsL rlde l wenL on was LeLhal Weapon nexL l
saw Lhe ollce Academy show AfLer LhaL l had lunch
as l was really hungry Meanwhlle Mum and kelly
queued for Lhe 8aLman rlde
AbouL one o'clock we goL a llghL shower of raln buL lL
cleared up soon afLer We Lhen wenL on all Lhe oLher
lL was a Lop day See you when you geL back
Love sam
3 WhaL ls Lhe leLLer abouL?
A Sam's hollday
8 1he Cold CoasL
C 1he Movle World
u 1he Shower of 8aln

6 WhaL ls Lhe maln ldea of paragraph 3?
A 1he weaLher ln Cold CoasL
8 ollce Academy Show
C Sam's acLlvlLles ln Lhe Movle World
u A greaL hollday ln Lhe Movle World

7 Where dld Sam spend hls hollday wlLh hls famlly?
A Cn Lhe Cold CoasL
8 ln Lhe Movle World
C ln LeLhal Weapon
u AL Lhe ollce Academy

8 WhaL dld Lhey geL aL one o'clock?
A Lunch
8 Shower
C A llLLle raln
u 8aLman rlde

9 1he word 'we' ln Lhe LexL refers Lo
A Sam and nan
8 Sam and Mum
C Mum and kelly
u Sam Mum and kelly

keod the text ond onswer questions 10 ond 11
l [usL goL a bad news As you know nlLa's faLher ls
hosplLallzed Pe passed away lasL nlghL lease
forward Lhls message Lo our frlends
10 Who [usL passed away?
A !ack's faLher
8 8ram's frlend
C nlLa's faLher
u WrlLer's faLher
11 As you know nlLa's faLher ls hosplLallzed"
1he underllned word refers Lo
A !ack
8 8ram
C 8eader
u nlLa's faLher

keod the fo//owinq text for questions 12 to 15

D|etary Supp|ement
600 mg 100 Soft ge|s
Supp|ement Iacts
Serv|ng s|ze 1 soft ge|
AmounL per 1 sofL gel ually value*
vlLamln u 200 lu 30
Calclum (from mllk) 600 mg 60
Zlnc 13 mg *
*ually value has noL been esLabllshed
CLher lngredlenLs CelaLln Clycerln urlfled WaLer
ulrecLlons As a dleLary supplemenL Lake one sofL gel
for adulLs dally
ManufacLured for Lx 04 27 10
nuPLAL1P 8CuuC1S CC LC1 2 73 61
WalnuL CA 91789
Made ln uSA

12 When would lL be dangerous Lo consume Lhe
A 8efore Aprll 27
8 AfLer Aprll 27
C uurlng Aprll 4
u Cn Aprll 4

13 ually value has noL been esLabllshed" (Llne 10)
WhaL ls Lhe meanlng of Lhe word
A Crdered
8 ueLermlned
C Carrled
u Pelped

kead the fo||ow|ng text for quest|ons 16 to 19

14 Where dld Lhe wrlLer and hls famlly seL up
Lhelr LenL?
A near Lhe rlver C AL Lhe back of Lhe rlver
8 near Lhe blg Lree ular away from oLher

13 Lhe rlver had been occupled by" 1he
underllned word ls slmllar ln meanlng Lo
A auLhorlzed
8 lnhablLed
C robbed
The weather was very clear. My family and decided
to go camping last holiday. Father prepared the tent and
other equipment. Mother prepared the cooking and eating
utensils. took my fishing rod and my brother brought his
sport equipment. When everything was ready, we left for
the camping site in countryside.
. There were many campers when we arrived at the
camping site. Unfortunately, the good location near the
river had been occupied by other campers so we had to
look for another place. Finally,, we found a good place little
bit further. t was near a big tree. After setting up the tent,
my father and went fishing. We joined other people sitting
on the rock near the river.
n the evening, father made a fire. Mother cooked the
fish we caught. could say that it was the best fish had
ever tasted. Sleeping in the tent was a very wonderful
experience. woke up early in the morning. felt fresh.
Then accompanied my brother playing ball.
n the afternoon, we went back home.
u grabbed

keod 1he text be/ow for uestion no 117

My frlends and l have [usL reLurned from an
lnLeresLlng and amuslng hollday aL Manln[au Lake
near adang 1he lake was a craLer surrounded by
dense foresLs and rlce flelds We swam ln Lhe lake
aLe flsh from Lhe lake and en[oyed Lhe cool breeze
lrom Lhere we had a Lwo hour Lrlp Lo
8uklLLlnggl a small hlll Lop Lown whlch was
clean cool and frlendly uay Lrlps around Lhe hlll
Look us Lo some specLacular counLryslde wlLh
coffee clove and clnnamon farms 1he
LradlLlonal Mlnangkabau houses wlLh Lhe roof
shaped llke a buffalo's horns are everywhere

Cn Lhe followlng day we wenL by plane Lo
Medan and Lhen a bus [ourney Lo 8uklL Lawang
home of Lhe WWl Crang uLan 8ehablllLaLlon
CenLer We sLayed ln Lhe [ungle ln a very
charmlng hoLel" wlLh no runnlng waLer and
elecLrlclLy We Look a baLh ln Lhe rlver and had
dlnner under a kerosene lamp 8uL lL was qulLe a
wonderful slghL Lo see Lhese glanL creaLures LhaL
came swlnglng along on Lrees 1he surroundlng
[ungle was allve wlLh monkeys and glbbons

We spenL one nlghL ln Lhe [ungle afLer Lhe
exhausLlng Lrek over mounLalns and Lhrough
rlvers lrom 8uklL Lawang we Lraveled Lo
8rasLagl and cllmbed Cunung Slbayak 1hen we
wenL Lo 1oba Lake en[oylng Lhe beach of Samoslr
lsland WhaL a greaL experlence!

16 Where dld Lhe wrlLer and hls frlends sLay
when Lhey vlslLed 8uklL Lawang?

a ln a small house
b ln a good moLel
c AL Lhe luxurlous hoLel
d ln Lhe nuL near Lhe rlver

17 Whlch ls correcL based on Lhe LexL above
A lL Look four hours from lake manln[au Lo
8uklL 1lnggl
8 1he wrlLer and hls frlends vlslLed flve
lnLeresLlng places durlng Lhelr
C 1he !ourney Lo 8uklL Lawang could only
be done by plane
u Manln[au Lake was locaLed far away from
Lhe foresL and rlce flelds

1Lx1 3 AyrLon Senna
Some say he ls a genlus oLhers call hlm arroganL
WhaL ls cerLalnly Lrue ls LhaL AyrLon ue Sllva Senna ls
Lhe (18)man ln moLor raclng Pe won Lhe World
Champlonshlp ln 1988 and 1990 and he has won
more Lhan LwenLy Crand rlx alLogeLher
AyrLon Senna was born on 21sL March 1960 ln
8razll AL 3 fL 9 ln (1m 76 cm) AyrLon ls a llLLle Laller
Lhan mosL oLher raclng drlvers Pe ls goodlooklng
wlLh shorL wavy dark halr and dark brown eyes
Senna does noL llke Lo Lalk abouL hls prlvaLe llfe Pls
marrlage ln Lhe early 1980s lasLed a year 1o be
marrled Lo a lormula Cne drlver he says ls an
lmposslble llfesLyle for a wlfe 8uL l wlll geL marrled
Pe has an older slsLer and a younger broLher Pls
parenLs llve ln a large house ln Lhe norLh of Sao
aulo (19) Senna hlmself llves ln Monaco ln
As far as hobbles go he llkes flylng model planes Pe
also (20) [eL skllng on waLer and flylng wlLh hls
faLher over Lhe caLLle counLry whlch hls famlly owns
ln 8razll
WhaL moLlvaLes hlm Lo wln? urlvlng doesn'L seem
llke a [ob l sLarLed drlvlng when l was four l love
feellng Lhe power of Lhe englne and Lhe wlnd ln my
face When l drlve l experlence new sensaLlons and l
always wanL more 1haL ls my moLlvaLlon
AyrLon Senna was Lraglcally kllled ln a hlgh speed
crash aL Lhe San Marlno Crand rlx aL lmola ln lLaly
on May 1sL 1994 aL Lhe age of 34

18 A fasLer C more fasLer
8 fasLesL u mosL fasL

19 A lf C when
8 alLhough u buL

20 A en[oys C en[oylng
8 en[oy u en[oyed

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