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Maria Erika A.

Manuel SOCSCI 1S

1) Make a timeline about the stages of Industrial Revolution and its effects/inventions.

2) Essay. What is the significance of Industrial Revolution in history?

 Industrial revolution played a significant role in the history especially in the

Western Europe where it all started. Industrial Revolution was the transition to new
manufacturing processes; it is a social, cultural and political change that was
experienced by the citizens. The significance of Industrial Revolution to the history
are; (1) socially, industrial revolution increased the number of migration and
growth of urban population because of this, the people experienced change in their
lifestyle. Production and technological advancement increased and the middle class
arise. (2) Culturally, due to the advancement of the manufacturing processes and
the inventions of different technology the culture of the people was widely
affected. (3) And lastly, due to industrial revolution there were many political
ideologies that emerged. In the end industrial revolution widely affected all aspects
of human life. For without industrial revolution we will always stay uncivilized and
zero progress. Due to industrial revolution we adapted to different changes and
because of it we experienced a better society.

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