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Descriptive Essay

Title: Provincial Life

As I rummaged through our old family photographs, I came across those old
photos we took when we went to the province where Mama grew up. Instantly, I
remembered my experiences when I first went there. As I scanned through more of
the photos I reminisced how beautiful that province was; where I could hear the birds
chirping in the morning and every night the sound I could only hear was the croaking
of the frogs. The magnificent mountains were like a botanical garden filled with trees
and greeneries. As I lifted my head even higher, I could see the bright blue skies; so
different from the city where the air is gray, so loud and exploding with the crowd.
One thing that I truly miss about that place was the simple Filipino lifestyle of every
family; eating in a banana leaf with bare hands and living with zero electricity. It truly
made me forget the complexity of the city. Their delightful smiles and warm hugs are
so welcoming. That is why it really breaks my heart to leave that peaceful provincial

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