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Name:__________________________________________ Date:________________

Inside Out Note-Taker

1.) Who is the first character we see/meet in the movie?

2.) Which character/emotion is responsible for keeping Riley safe?

3.) Why are “core memories” so important?

4.) What is Riley’s favorite sport?

5.) What is the first major conflict/change that arises in Riley’s life in the movie?

6.) Riley and her family move to what new city?

7.) Where is Riley from?

8.) Which character kept trying to touch and hold the core memories?

9.) How does Riley feel before her first day at her new school?

10.) What do the “mind workers” do?

11.) What is Riley’s best friend’s name?

12.) Who is the fuzzy pink elephant character?

13.) What powers his rocket?

14.) What is the first island to die?

15.) What is Anger’s idea for making new core memories?

16.) Who is Jangles?

17.) How does Riley get money for a bus ticket?

18.) What role does sadness end up playing in Riley’s life? Why is it an important

19.) List at least two conflicts/issues Riley and her family face in the movie.

20.) How would you and/or your family handle these issues?

21.) In what ways could Riley and her family have handled their issues better? (Think
about the conflict management and resolution techniques we’ve studied in class.)

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