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112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City


Parents’ Perception on Disability Law in Bacolod City

Thesis/ Dissertation

Presented to the

Faculty of the Graduate Studies

Greenville College

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree


112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

This thesis/dissertation entitled “Awareness and Support of Parents on Disability Law

in Bacolod City”, prepared and submitted by Garry C. Quine, has been examined, and

recommended for approval; acceptance for corresponding ORAL EXAMINATION.

Carmina P. Norona, Ph.D.

Thesis / Dissertation Adviser


Approved by the Committee on Final Oral Examination

Purita Agcaoili, Ed.D.


Cornelio S.J. Doloque, Jr., Ph.D.

________________________ Judito P. Camacho, Ph.D.
Member Member

ACCEPTED in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree



Dean, Graduate Studies
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City


Title: Awareness and Support of Parents on Disability Law in Bacolod City

Name of Student: Garry C. Quine
Name of Adviser: Carmina P. Norona, Ph. D.
Address of Institution: Mangahan, Pasig City
Contact Number:
Home Address:

We certify that the research we have accomplished is original work of the

undersigned and further certify that we have not violated any rules and policies on
academic practices; and is acknowledged jointly with the thesis/ dissertation adviser.
That we have not used another author’s language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as my
own original work;

That we have acknowledged all material and sources used in the preparation,
whether they be books, articles, reports, lecture notes, and any other unit, except where
specific permission has been granted from all unit coordinators involved and that we have
not copied in part or whole or otherwise plagiarized the work of other authors and/ or
persons in previous researches;

That we are conscious that the incorporation of material from other works or
paraphrase of such material without acknowledgement will be treated as plagiarism,
subject to the custom and usage of the subject, according to the University Regulations
on Conduct of Examinations. The source of any picture, map or other illustration is also
indicated, as in the source, published or unpublished, of any material not resulting from
my own experimentation, observation or specimen – collecting.

Student’s Signature

Adviser’s Signature
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

Human rights and equal opportunity are fundamental concepts that ensure dignity

and access to a full life for all people, regardless of background, and are especially

important for those with disabilities. The law embodied in the Magna Carta for Disabled

Persons (RA 7277) in the Philippines, ensures equitable access to education,

employment, healthcare, and basic services, promoting inclusion and social well-being.

Parents play an important role in advocating for individuals with disabilities' rights and

opportunities, especially in SPED programs, by ensuring access to resources, and

encouraging equitable learning. The RAOSOFT calculator was used to determine the

sample size for the study, and it came out to be thirty. In order to investigate the parents'

opinions of the disability law (RA 7277) in Bacolod City, a thorough data collection

process was created using survey questions. The statistical analysis techniques employed

in this study were t-tests, frequency, percentage, and weighted mean. The analysis of the

study showed that the t-values, which present the observed variations in parents'

perception, were not statistically significant in a way that could be discerned. This

implies that while there might be some variance in parents' awareness, it does not amount

to enough to allow for the confident conclusion of significant differences in perception

throughout the group. Therefore, the null hypothesis suggests that there is no significant

difference in parents' perception of disability law in Bacolod City. Among the

recommendations to enhance the study is the implementation of the proposed training and

program, which will give parents in Bacolod City the information and tools they need to

effectively advocate for the rights and welfare of individuals with disabilities.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City


Title Page
Title Page …………………………………………………………………… i
Approval Sheet ……………………………………………………………
Joint Statement Under Oath ……………………………………………………
Acknowledgment …………………………………………………………....

Abstract …………………………………………………………................
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………....
List of Tables …………………………………………………………....
List of Figures …………………………………………………………................


Introduction …………………………………………………………................. 1
Background of the Study …………………………………………………….
Review of Related Literature …………………………………………………….
Synthesis of the Literature …………………………………….
Theoretical Framework …………………………………………………….
Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………….
Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………….
Hypotheses of the Study …………………………………………………….
Significance of the Study …………………………………………………….
Scope and Limitation of the Study …………………………………….
Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………….....

Research Design ………………………………………………………….....
Locale of the Study ………………………………………………………….....
Respondents in the Study …………………………………………………….
Data Gathering Procedure …………………………………………….
Data Gathering Instrument …………………………………………….
Statistical Tools …………………………………………………….
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City



Summary of Findings ………………………………………………………………
Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………
Recommendations ………………………………………………………………

REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………


Appendix A- Letter Request for Obtaining Necessary Records
Appendix B- Letter Request to Conduct the Study
Appendix C- Letter Request to Validate Survey Questionnaire
Appendix D- Letter for the Respondent
Appendix E- Survey Questionnaire
Appendix F- Validator’s Certificate
Appendix G- Statistician Certificate
Appendix H- Result of SPSS
Appendix I- Grammarian’s Certificate
Appendix J- Plagiarism Certificate
Appendix K- Curriculum Vitae
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City




In the contemporary world, equal opportunity and human rights are especially

important for individuals with disabilities, emphasizing the significance of creating a

society where everyone, regardless of ability, receives fair treatment. The concept of

equal opportunity ensures that individuals with disabilities including Special Education

(SPED) students have equal access to education, employment, and other life

opportunities, overcoming barriers that would otherwise prevent them from fully

participating in society. These principles are represented in the Magna Carta for Disabled

Persons, also known as Republic Act No. 7277. This important law, implemented to

promote the economic and social well-being of individuals with disabilities, establishes a

comprehensive framework that guarantees equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and

full integration into mainstream society.

The Magna Carta addresses substantial life issues such as education, employment,

health care, and accessibility, all with the objective of creating an inclusive environment.

By recognizing and addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with

disabilities, including SPED students, amidst discrimination, the Magna Carta for

Disabled Persons aims to cultivate a more equitable and supportive society that upholds

each individual's inherent dignity and rights.

Likewise, the parents' perception on the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons

(Republic Act No. 7277) plays an important role in empowering families to effectively
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
advocate for legal rights and equal opportunities for their children with disabilities

particularly those in Special Education (SPED). Informed parents may access SPED

services, promote equitable learning opportunities, and address discrimination, all of

which help to build a supportive community. Furthermore, understanding the Magna

Carta enables parents to encourage independence in their children in SPED programs and

engage in policy advocacy, thus creating a society that recognizes, respects, and protects

the rights and well-being of individuals with disabilities.

Individuals with disabilities have fundamental freedoms that are protected by

various legal systems and social norms. These rights include communication with their

parents who play a crucial role in supporting and promoting their entire family. However,

the rights of parents may not have been expressly covered by the Magna Carta, but the

fundamental ideas it established have had a profound impact on legal systems, ensuring

the preservation of all people's rights, including parental rights. Establishing a framework

that supports and protects parents in their crucial roles of raising and nurturing their

children is made possible by the emphasis on the rule of law, equality, and protection

against arbitrary acts.

Background of the Study

Parents of children with disabilities face unique challenges as they navigate

complex social, educational, and medical support systems. However, the Magna Carta for

Disabled Persons (Republic Act No. 7277) in the Philippines provides opportunities for

advocacy, access to essential resources, and legal protections, serving as a source of hope

and empowerment for these parents. The Magna Carta's creation of legal guarantees for
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
individuals with disabilities is one of its most important accomplishments. These

agreements can be used by parents to support their child's rights in several areas, such as

social services, work, healthcare, and education. For instance, the law ensures that all

children have access to inclusive, high-quality education, giving parents the power to

make sure their kids have the help and accommodations they need in school. It also

forbids discrimination in the workplace and encourages equitable job possibilities, giving

parents the authority to stand up for their children's rights to employment and vocational


Many parents in Bacolod City may be unaware of the current disability laws and

provisions. This lack of understanding can result in missed chances to get benefits,

services, and protections accessible to individuals with disabilities and their families.

Promoting the rights and welfare of children with disabilities relies heavily on parental

perception. Parents may become strong advocates for inclusion and equality when they

possess awareness of disability laws and have the authority to stand up for their children's

rights. Without this understanding, they may find it difficult to get the necessary services

and resources, such as healthcare, assistive technology, education, and vocational training

programs. This lack of awareness may also restrict the chances for personal development

and independence for individuals with disabilities and affect their overall well-being and


Discrimination and stigma towards individuals with disabilities are still rampant

in Bacolod City and the wider community. Some parents may be afraid of social

disapproval or stigma if they ask for help or speak up for their kids' rights. This fear of
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
discrimination and stigma can discourage individuals with disabilities and their families

from seeking much-needed assistance and resources, as they worry about potential

mistreatment or judgement. Consequently, this may lead to a lack of knowledge about

disability legislation and rights as well as an underutilization of the available services.

Even when parents are aware of disability laws, they may still encounter difficulties in

obtaining support services for their children. These might include challenges like

extended waiting lists for specialized services, insufficient funding for inclusive

education programs, or an absence of people with the necessary training to assist

individuals with disabilities.

In the absence of sufficient support services, parents might find themselves

responsible for covering the cost of their disabled child's treatments, assistive technology,

and other modifications. This financial burden can greatly affect the family’s capacity to

get other necessary resources, potentially affecting their overall financial stability. The

implementation and upholding of disability laws have a rapid impact on children with

disabilities. Equally significant is the impact on families and caregivers of individuals

with disabilities who frequently play a crucial role in advocating for their loved one's

rights and ensuring that they receive the assistance and accommodations they need to


The purpose of this study is to safeguard the rights and advance the welfare of

individuals with disabilities. It is crucial to carry out research on parents' perception on

disability laws, particularly the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (Republic Act No.

7277) to guarantee that these rights are properly conveyed and maintained. Parents play
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
an important part in advocating for their disabled children. They may more effectively

navigate organizations, access support services, and advocate for their kids' rights in a

variety of contexts, such as the workplace, healthcare, and education if they are

knowledgeable about disability laws.

Evaluating the parents' understanding of disability laws allows the community to

collaborate and establish support networks. By working together, parents, advocacy

organizations, medical professionals, educators, and lawmakers can create partnerships

that help improve the welfare and rights of those with disabilities.

Review of Related Literature

Nearly 60% of Filipino children with disabilities did not attend school in 2019,

according to a study from the Department of Social Welfare and Development Listahanan

(Chi, 2023). The Council for the Welfare of Children Sub-Committee on Children with

Disabilities also cited difficulties obtaining educational resources and services as a major

issue in its 2020 survey (UNICEF, 2021). The "An Act Instituting a Policy of Inclusion

and Services for Learners with Disabilities in Support of Inclusive Education," or

Republic Act 11650, was recently adopted to address this issue. This law seeks to support

inclusive education for students with disabilities and provides a legal basis for the current


Moreover, it is important to include individuals with disabilities in the decision-

making processes surrounding the creation of social programs and services in the

Philippines (Rotas & Cahapay, 2021) (Cahapay, 2020a, 2020b). Republic Act 7277,

popularly referred to as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons in the Philippines, is the
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
motivation behind this request and is a major motivator for improving educational

services for children with special needs. The law promotes educational institutions to

meet the unique needs of students with disabilities and requires that their exceptional

needs be considered when developing educational policies and programs.

Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of integrating disabled children

into mainstream classrooms for their social skills, academic performance, and self-esteem

(Resilient Educator Editorial Team, 2020). Nevertheless, Lynch (2020) has noted a few

disadvantages with this approach:

One problem is that certain special needs children have social disadvantages

because of their behavioral issues, which need to be addressed in the classroom. In

addition to bothering their classmates, these issues can also make the children feel

embarrassed, which could be more detrimental to their social and self-esteem than if they

were not integrated.

Additionally, there are also academic difficulties to consider. Even if they have

access to the same curriculum as their peers, students with special needs might find it

difficult to keep up with the workload. Their loneliness may worsen as a result of feeling

like "the odd one out" or unusual. Furthermore, teachers' attempts to make sure every

student understands the content could unintentionally take away from the rest of the

class's learning experience, slowing down the class's progress and thus making it more

difficult to meet established goals for learning. In addition, there's the whole tolerance

issue. Although cultivating tolerance has many benefits, it might be an expense. There is

a possibility that students without special needs would feel unfairly treated and resentful

of their friends who perform since they believe they receive special care.
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Synthesis of Literature

Internationally and locally, International and local studies on parent perceptions of

disability laws, notably the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (Republic Act No. 7277),

are crucial for understanding the problems and possibilities in advocating for children's

rights with disabilities. Research has indicated that inclusive education policies and legal

frameworks are crucial for ensuring that children with disabilities have equitable access

to school. Research studies have demonstrated the importance of inclusive educational

strategies that cater to the unique needs of students with disabilities and foster an

encouraging learning atmosphere for all students. Additionally, parents are becoming

more and more acknowledged for their advocacy role on behalf of their children's rights,

especially while negotiating the complex social, educational, and medical support


The study aims to contribute to the existing literature to close the knowledge gap between

international research findings and Bacolod City's local context by offering an

understanding of how parents see disability legislation and how it affects inclusive

education. The study contributes to a better understanding of the obstacles and enablers to

children with disabilities access to educational resources and services by looking at the

perspectives and experiences of parents. The results might also guide the creation of

focused programs and regulations that support the welfare and rights of children with

disabilities in Bacolod City and other settings globally.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Theoretical Framework

The social learning theory provides important insights into the use and effects of

the Republic of the Philippines' Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA 7277) across

various domains including education, employment, discrimination, and Special Education

(SPED) students. In the context of RA 7277, this suggests that effective implementation

of disability rights and accommodations depends on offering visible and approachable

examples of inclusive behavior, like equal opportunities and reasonable accommodations

for individuals with disabilities. Furthermore, Bandura's emphasis on mediating processes

between stimuli and responses highlights the role of cognitive factors in influencing

behavior. This suggests that promoting an inclusive culture by the Magna Carta and

raising public awareness of disability rights and barriers is essential to enacting

behavioral change.

There are four mediational processes. Whether imitation happens after being

exposed to a model depends on each of these factors (Bandura, 1969, 1971, 1977).

Firstly, attention is crucial in highlighting the rights and needs of disabled individuals as

emphasized by RA 7277. By emphasizing the rights and needs of individuals with

disabilities, attention serves as a catalyst for behavioral change, encouraging employers

to adopt inclusive hiring practices and provide reasonable accommodations as mandated

by the law. Attention plays a crucial role in addressing discrimination, supporting

employees of Special Education (SPED) schools, and improving communication within

the context of RA 7277. These efforts are helpful in advancing the rights and well-being

of individuals with disabilities in the Philippines. Moreover, humans tend to be attentive

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
to the actions of models who possess high status, talent, intelligence, or share similarities

with the observer in some aspect (Bandura, 1985).

Secondly, in imitation, people retain a model's action in their thoughts

symbolically, including individuals and employers within Special Education (SPED)

schools. To successfully imitate these behaviors, observers need to deliberately organize

them into readily recalled templates and store these behaviors in symbolic representations

(Bandura, 1972). Discriminatory actions, stored symbolically, can serve as templates for

future behavior, potentially perpetuating discrimination in the workplace. Thus, it is vital

for SPED school administrators and employers to actively counteract discriminatory

practices by providing positive models of inclusive behavior. This ensures that

discrimination is not perpetuated, fostering inclusive and supportive environments for all

employees, in line with the Republic of the Philippines Act 7277.

Thirdly, motor reproduction is the capacity to exhibit the behavior recently shown

by the model. Every day, we witness a lot of behavior that we wish we could mimic, but

it's not always possible for us to replicate it, no matter how much we would like to, due to

our physical limitations. In the context of discrimination in employees of Special

Education (SPED) schools, this concept implies that even if individuals recognize and

desire to emulate inclusive behaviors, they may face barriers in physically reproducing

these actions. Internal symbolic images of observed behaviors serve as a guidance for

motor reproduction processes. (Bandura, 1972). When an observer uses symbols as a

guide, they can inwardly imitate an action even when it isn't demonstrated externally.

(Manz & Sims, 1981).

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Lastly, In the context of discrimination in employees of Special Education

(SPED) schools, motivational and reinforcement processes play a crucial role in

evaluating the advantages or disadvantages of replicating the behavior of the model.

These processes can either intensify or reduce the tendency to emulate. Employees may

evaluate the perceived advantages or disadvantages of engaging in discriminatory

practices, which can influence their tendency to replicate such behaviors. Imitation is

more likely if the advantages are thought to exceed any possible drawbacks. On the other

hand, the spectator is less likely to copy the behavior if they do not think the rewards that

are being shown are important.

Another key component of social learning theory is observational learning. It

plays an important role in addressing discrimination among employees in Special

Education (SPED) which highlights how people pick up behaviors by watching other

people. The effectiveness of observational learning was highlighted by Bandura's

research, which included the Bobo doll experiment and showed how children mimic the

aggressive behaviors they see in adults (Bandura, 1961).

Aligned with RA 7277, the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons in the Philippines,

this theory can be applied by observing positive role models who demonstrate inclusive

behaviors and attitudes towards individuals with disabilities. Employees may be more

likely to emulate these behaviors themselves. Stakeholders participating in the

implementation of RA 7277 must act as positive role models for inclusive behavior.

When policymakers, educators, employers, and community leaders actively promote and

implement practices and policies that respect, accommodate, and assist individuals with
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
disabilities, it creates a culture of inclusivity and respect within the Special Education

(SPED) schools.

Conceptual Framework

The purpose of this research is to provide clarity and guidance to the parents of

Bacolod City regarding the role of Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (RA 7277) in

ensuring equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities, including the Special

Education (SPED) students.

Republic Act No. 7277, known as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, serves

the purpose of facilitating the reintegration of individuals with disabilities to society

through the pillars of rehabilitation, self-development, and self-reliance. This legislation

extends legal protections and specific considerations to the employment sector with

respect to persons with disabilities (Pedron, 2024).

The primary challenge faced by individuals with disabilities is the significant

disparity between their skill sets and the demands of the current job market. While RA

7277 mandates government agencies to establish vocational rehabilitation and counseling

programs; these programs might not adequately address industry requirements (Pedron,


RA 7277 does not mandate private institutions to hire individuals with disabilities.

Instead, the law relies solely on incentives to encourage their participation in employing

individuals with disabilities. The law primarily protects the right to reintegrate into the

workforce for individuals experiencing accidental disabilities or medical conditions

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
following rehabilitation. The scope of protection may need to be expanded to encompass

a broader range of disabilities (Pedron, 2024).

Indeed, it is expected that the findings of this study may help promote equality

and a more inclusive environment for individuals with disabilities.

Figure 1 presents the conceptual paradigm of this study, providing readers with an

overview of its scope and structure.

Parental Rights

Parents' Awareness &


Magna Carta For

Human Rights Equal Opportunity Disabled Persons (RA

Figure 1. Conceptual Paradigm

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the level of parents’ perception on disability law in

Bacolod City. More specifically, this study seeks to answer the following specific

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
1. To what extent is the level of parents’ perception on disability law in terms of

education and employment?

2. What is the level of parents’ perception on disability law, RA 7277, in Bacolod

City regarding its conditions associated with accessibility and auxiliary social


3. Is there a significant difference in the level of parents’ perception on Disability

Law (RA 7277) in terms of gender?

4. According to the research findings, what training program can enhance awareness

and support for Disability Law (RA 7277) among parents in Bacolod City?

Hypothesis of the Study

There is no a significant difference in the level of parents’ perception on

Disability Law (RA 7277) in terms of gender.

Significance of the Study

This study holds importance for several reasons:

Firstly, it may safeguard the rights and promote the well-being of individuals

with disabilities, especially those enrolled in Special Education (SPED), and their


Secondly, it may help the parents to understand that their perception of the Magna

Carta for Disabled Persons (Republic Act No. 7277) can help them effectively advocate

for their children’s legal rights and access SPED services, thus providing an equitable and

supportive community.
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Third, the study may contribute to broader discussion on equality and human

rights by showing how laws like Republic Act No. 7277 can be used to advance social

justice and fight discrimination.

Fourth, this study provides valuable insightful information about the role of

Magna Carta for Disabled Persons in advancing a more equitable and inclusive society,

while also highlighting the continued work to guarantee the full realization of rights and

opportunities for disabled persons and their families.

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study may not entirely represent the perceptions of parents from various

regions or countries other than Philippines as it is only focused on parents residing in

Bacolod City. Difficulties may also present themselves in terms of accurately assessing

the extent of parental perception given that responses could potentially be affected by

limited access to information or social desirability bias. Because of this and time

restriction, the study may not take in all characteristics of parental perception.

Additionally, this study is bounded to examining the parents' perception of

disability law, that is the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (Republic Act No. 7277) in

Bacolod City. It will look into how well-informed parents of children with disabilities are

regarding their rights and opportunities. It will further explore how parental perception

influences different aspects of the law, such as access to SPED services and the

promotion of equitable learning opportunities.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Definition of Terms

1. Magna Carta for Disabled Persons (Republic Act No. 7277) - This refers to the

particular law implemented in the Philippines aiming to provide individuals with

disabilities the same rights as other people.

2. SPED - Stands for Special Education. It is a style of training created to

accommodate the needs of students with disabilities, enabling them to acquire the

same knowledge and abilities as other students at the school.

3. Equal Opportunity - This concept emphasizes the principle that every person

can participate freely and equally in public life such as in the workplace, in

education, and in accessing goods and services regardless of their background or

abilities. In disability rights, equal opportunity refers to making sure that

individuals with disabilities have equal access to employment, education,

healthcare, and other opportunities in society.

4. Parental Rights - This refers to the legal rights and responsibilities parents have

with relation to their children, such as the freedom to choose how the children

will be raised, educated, and treated. It is important to understand parental rights

in order to support the families of disabled persons and fight for their rights.

5. Discrimination - This term refers to the unfair treatment of an individual or

particular group of people based on characteristics such as race, gender, religion,

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
and disability in a way that is worse than the way people are usually treated. In

disability rights, it is when a person with disability faces less favorable treatment

in the public life such as ỉn employment, in education, in healthcare, and in

accessing goods and services.

6. Inclusive Environment - This refers to the environment where people of all

cultural orientations can openly express who they are, their own thoughts, and

points of view. They can also fully participate in teaching, learning, work and

social activities without feeling uncomfortable and feel safe from abuse,

harassment or unfair criticism.



This chapter aims to present the research methodology, locale of the study, the

study's respondents, data gathering instrument, data procedure, and the statistical tools.

Research Design

This study will delve into the parents' perceptions of the disability law, RA

7277 or the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons in Bacolod City along with a few of its

key provisions related to accessibility, auxiliary social services, education, and

employment. It will adopt a quantitative research method, and a structured survey

questionnaire will be issued to the parents residing within Bacolod City to gather data

regarding their understanding of these specific components of disability law.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
To ensure a representative sample, sampling procedures will be

implemented to include parents from diverse demographic backgrounds within Bacolod

City. The survey instrument will involve items designed to assess the level of parents'

perception of accessibility, availability of auxiliary social services, quality education

provisions, and opportunities for employment for individuals with disabilities and Special

Education (SPED) students.

Upon data collection, descriptive statistical analysis will be conducted to

examine the frequency, distribution, and central tendencies of parents' perceptions

regarding the highlighted aspects of the disability law. Furthermore, to explore the

possible differences in perceptions among different groups of parents, t-test or ANOVA

may be used. By focusing specifically on parents' perceptions of disability law and its

specific provisions, this study aims to provide refined insights into their understanding

towards disability law, RA 7277, in Bacolod City. These findings hold the potential to

inform advocacy efforts and development of effective policies that are aimed at

improving accessibility, social services, education, and employment opportunities for the

community of individuals with disabilities and Special Education (SPED) students.

Locale of the Study

This study aims to focus on Parent’s Perception on Disability Law (RA 7277)

which includes its provisions regarding accessibility, social services, education, and

employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities and Special Education (SPED)

students, as well as public Special Education facilities and educators within the
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
boundaries of Bacolod City. The researcher has the opportunity to gather relevant

insights and data to accomplish the purpose of the study.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were selected using the RAOSOFT calculator,

which determined that a sample size of 30 would be sufficient for this study, despite the

total number of barangays being 61.

Data Gathering Instrument

For this study, a comprehensive data-gathering procedure was developed to examine

the parents’ perceptions of disability law (RA 7277) in Bacolod City. This methodical

approach included creating a survey questionnaire, collecting data, and analyzing the

results, all with the objective of ensuring the reliability and relevance of the information


The first step involved developing a comprehensive survey questionnaire that

addressed the key components of parents’ perception on disability law. The questionnaire

was then thoroughly reviewed for validity, reliability, and clarity, with feedback from a

selected group of Special Education (SPED) professionals and teachers. Once completed,

the survey questionnaire was personally distributed to a sample of parents in Bacolod

City. Throughout the procedure, the parents’ responses were kept confidential and

anonymous to ensure an environment open to honest feedback.

After data gathering was complete, the focus shifted towards evaluating the

information acquired. Appropriate statistical techniques, such as descriptive statistics,

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
were employed to identify response patterns, central tendencies, and distributions.

Furthermore, a review of quantitative and qualitative findings was conducted to acquire a

thorough understanding of parental perceptions and their capacity to navigate disability


Ethical issues were crucial during the study process. All participants were provided

with informed consent, with approval secured from the superintendent of the School

Division before it started. Measures were also established to preserve participants’

privacy and confidentiality, protecting their dignity and rights throughout the study.

In conclusion, the purpose of this study was to collect thorough and reliable data on

parents’ perceptions of disability law (RA 7277) in Bacolod City. Valuable insights were

provided through data collection and analysis, laying the groundwork for community-

wide inclusive education efforts.

Data Gathering Procedure

The parents were asked for their consent to participate in the survey

questionnaire, and this was done with the assistance of the school. Physical copies were

subsequently handed to parents. There were a total of 44 parents invited to share their

perceptions through answering the survey questionnaire.

Following the completion, the survey questionnaire was collected by the

researcher from the parents. The responses were processed and analyzed, and the

researcher performed all these tasks in a comprehensive manner. These gathered

responses presented in the tables are carefully reviewed along with their important

outcomes, and they served as the groundwork for developing conclusions and

recommendations that closely aligns with the results of the study.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

Statistical Tools

To determine the parents’ profiles, the Frequency and Percentage will be used.

The formula is as follows:

%= ×100


% = Percentage

f = Frequency, and

N = Number of respondents.

To determine the parents’ level of perception of Disability Law in Bacolod City,

the weighted mean will be used. The formula for calculating the weighted mean is as




X = weighted arithmetic mean,

fx = sum of f and x: where f is the frequency and

X is the weight

f = sum of all the respondents.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
To determine the significant difference in the level of parents’ perception of

disability law in Bacolod City, a t-test will be used. To find the t-value, the following

formula will be utilized:

1 2
x −x
( 1 1
√ (s 2 + )
n1 n2 )

t = t-test

x1 = mean of group one,

x2 = mean of group two,

s1 = variance of group one,

s2 = variance of group two,

SD2 = variance of group two,

N = number of respondents
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City



This chapter represents the discussion, analysis, and interpretation of the collected
data, presented in tabular format, concerning parents' perceptions on disability law in
Bacolod City.

I - The level of parents’ perception on disability law in Bacolod City in terms of

education and employment.

Table 1 presents the weighted mean and rank distribution on the items of Parents’
Perception on Disability Law in Bacolod City in terms of education and employment.

Table 1
Weighted Mean and Ranks of Items on Parents’ Perception on Disability Law in Bacolod City in terms of
education and employment.

Items on Parents' Perception of Disability Law in Bacolod City Weighted Rank



1. I think people with disabilities should have equal job opportunities. If

they have the right qualifications, they should be treated fairly with the 3.86 14.5
same pay and benefits as others with similar qualifications.

2. I can explain that 5% of certain job positions in government departments

like Social Welfare, Health, Education, and others are reserved for people 4 8.5
with disabilities.

3. I can elucidate the guidelines that if suitable employment for disabled

persons cannot be found through open employment, the State shall endeavor
to provide it by means of sheltered employment. In the placement of 4.13 2.5
disabled persons in sheltered
employment, it shall accord due regard to the individual qualities,
vocational goals, and inclinations to ensure a good working
atmosphere and efficient production.
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
4. I can explain that if disabled individuals cannot find open jobs, the
government is dedicated to providing suitable employment 3.93 12.5
through sheltered programs. We consider their skills and preferences for a
good work environment.

5. As a responsible citizen, I suggest encouraging private companies to

support the well-being of disabled individuals and provide job opportunities 3.86 14.5
by offering incentives for hiring them.

6. I can tell you about benefits for companies hiring skilled disabled
workers. They can get a 25% deduction from their income by showing
proof, certified by the Department of Labor and Employment, that they 3.96 10.5
employ disabled individuals accredited by both the Department of Labor
and Employment and the Department of Health, confirming their disability,
skills, and qualifications.

7. I can explain that private businesses improving facilities for disabled

individuals can get a 50% deduction from their taxable
income for the direct costs, excluding those required by Batas Pambansa 3.6 16
Bilang 344.

8. I can talk about equal job opportunities for all, including disabled
workers. The government aims to help disabled individuals develop their 3.93 12.5
skills and compete for good job opportunities in the market.

9. I can tell you that the government will help disabled people in rural areas
with job training and support services. It will also encourage teamwork
between the government, non-governmental organizations, and private 4.1 4
groups involved in vocational rehabilitation activities.

10. I recognize that the Department of Social Welfare and Development will
create training programs to give disabled individuals vocational skills for
jobs or businesses, and the Department of Labor and Employment will do 3.93 12.5
the same for livelihood skills.

11. I can talk about the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s
role in helping disabled individuals with vocational guidance and
counseling to find, keep, and progress in jobs. They will make sure there are 3.9 13
trained counselors for this purpose.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
12. I can explain how the government ensures that disabled individuals have
fair access to quality education and opportunities to develop their skills. It’s
illegal for any school to deny admission to a course based on a person’s 4 8.5

13. I can show how the government considers the needs of disabled
individuals when creating education policies and programs. It encourages 3.96 10.5
schools to accommodate special requirements like facilities, schedules, and
physical education for disabled students.

14. I can construct a written statement on how the State shall promote the
provision by learning institutions, especially higher 4.13 2.5
learning institutions, of auxiliary services that will facilitate the learning
process for disabled persons.

15. I trust that the government will help financially struggling disabled
students in post-secondary or tertiary education with
scholarships, student loans, subsidies, and incentives in both public and 4 8.5
private schools. Additionally, at least 5% of the funds for the Private
Education Student Financial Assistance Program under R.A. 6725 will be
reserved for disabled students in vocational, technical, and degree courses.

16. I can justify that the State establishes, maintain, and support a complete,
adequate, and integrated system of special education for the visually
impaired, hearing impaired, mentally retarded persons, and other types of
exceptional children in all regions of the country. Toward this end, the 4.16 1
Department of Education, Culture and Sports establish special education
classes in public schools in cities, or municipalities. It also establishes,
where viable, Braille and Record Libraries in provinces, cities or

17. I have faith that the National Government will allocate the funds
necessary for the effective implementation of the special education program 3.93 12.5
nationwide. Local government units may likewise appropriate counterpart
funds to supplement national funds.

18. I can create a plan for the government to train disabled individuals in
civics, vocational skills, sports, and fitness. The Department of Education 4 8.5
will set up special vocational training in at least one government school per
province and design sports programs tailored for disabled persons.
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
19.I can share the State curriculum for non-formal education programs
focused on the overall development of disabled individuals, with ample 3.96 10.5
resources dedicated to addressing their special needs.

20.I know that each State University or College in regions or provinces

plays a crucial role in developing tools an d aids for disabled persons. 4.06 5

21.I know that each State University or College in regions or provinces

plays a crucial role in the development of training materials for vocational 3.96 10.5
rehabilitation and special education instructions.

22.I’m aware that State Universities or Colleges in regions or provinces play

a vital role in researching challenges faced by
disabled students, including those with visual, hearing, speech, and 4.03 6.5
orthopedic impairments, mental retardation, and multiple disabilities,
aiming to eliminate social barriers and discrimination.

23.I know that each State University or College in regions or provinces

plays a crucial role in inclusion of the Special Education 4.03 6.5
for Disabled (SPED) course in the curriculum.

24.I trust the National Government to equip state universities and colleges
with special facilities for visually, hearing, speech, and 4 8.5
orthopedically impaired students and allocate the needed funds for support.

Average Mean 3.98 100%

Table 1 above presents the weighted mean and ranks of items reflecting parents'

perceptions on disability law (RA 7277) in Bacolod City in terms of employment and

education. This analysis aims to clarify the level of perception among parents regarding

RA 7277, which is designed to protect the rights and welfare of Persons with Disabilities

(PWDs), including Special Education (SPED) students, within their communities.

Remarkably, the highest-ranking item concerning parents' perceptions of

disability law in Bacolod City in terms of employment and education is the “Special
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Education” sub-item under the ‘Education’ which has a weighted mean of 4.16. This

reflects a strong perception among parents in Bacolod City regarding the importance and

effectiveness of the government's efforts to establish, maintain, and support a

comprehensive system of special education. This high level of awareness reflects the

important role of government in addressing the needs of individuals with disabilities,

emphasizing its responsibility to establish and maintain accessible and inclusive

educational opportunities for all.

The second highest-ranking items concerning parents' perceptions of disability

law in Bacolod City are the "Access to Quality Education" sub-item under the

‘Education’ category and the "Sheltered Employment" sub-item under the ‘Employment’

category, both with a mean of 4.13. This indicates that parents are equally aware of these

aspects of disability law. Despite the relatively higher perception level, there are still

areas in this category that require attention, as indicated by the range of ranks (4 to 18).

This emphasizes the need for additional education or training to increase parents’

perception regarding Person with Disabilities (PWDs) and Special Education (SPED)

students in educational settings, particularly those who may lack a thorough

understanding of the related concerns.

At the lower end of the scale, the "Vocational Rehabilitation" sub-item under

'Employment' reflects a weighted mean of 3.6, indicating a relatively lower awareness

among parents regarding the vocational rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities

(PWDs). This identifies an area for improvement in improving parental awareness and

comprehension of vocational rehabilitation programs for PWDs, underlining the

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
importance of targeted initiatives to promote awareness and knowledge about such

programs in Bacolod City.

II - The level of parents’ perception on disability law in Bacolod City in terms of

auxiliary social services and accessibility.

Table 2 presents the weighted mean and rank distribution on the items of Parents’
Perception on Disability Law in Bacolod City in terms of accessibility and auxiliary
social services.

Table 2
Weighted Mean and Ranks of Items on Parents’ Perception on Disability Law in Bacolod City in terms of
accessibility and auxiliary social services.


1. I recognize the government’s vital role in providing essential support to

marginalized individuals, including disabled persons, to
restore their social participation. The Department of Social Welfare and 4.03 2
Development will create programs for auxiliary social services to meet the needs
of marginalized disabled persons.


2. As a responsible citizen, I must work towards creating an accessible

environment for disabled persons, allowing them entry
to public and private buildings, as per the ‘Accessibility Law’ (Batas Pambansa 3.93 3.5
Bilang 344).

3. I can discuss how the national and local governments shall allocate funds for
the provision of architectural facilities or structural features for disabled persons 4.06 1
in government buildings and facilities.

4. I can facilitate the government agency on how to promote the mobility of

disabled persons. Disabled persons shall be allowed to drive motor vehicles,
subject to the rules and regulations issued by the Land Transportation Office 3.86 5
pertinent to the nature of their disability and the appropriate adaptations or
modifications made
on such vehicles.

5. I have faith in the Department of Social Welfare and Development in

developing a program to assist marginalized disabled persons in gaining access in 3.93 3.5
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
the use of public transport facilities. Such assistance may be in the form of
subsidized transportation fares.

Average Mean 4.77 100%

Table 2 above shows the weighted mean and ranks of items reflecting parents'

perceptions on disability law (RA 7277) in Bacolod City in terms of accessibility and

auxiliary social services. This analysis aims to clarify the level of parents' understanding

of RA 7277, a law aimed at safeguarding the rights and well-being of Persons with

Disabilities (PWDs), including Special Education (SPED) students, within their localities.

The highest-ranking item reflecting parents' perceptions on disability law (RA

7277) in Bacolod City in terms of accessibility and auxiliary social services is the

“Barrier-free Environment” sub-item under the ‘Accessibility’ which has a weighted

mean of 4.06. This reveals that most parents are aware of the importance of having a

barrier-free environment for the persons with disabilities (PWDs). This awareness shows

that people recognize the difficulties faced by those with disabilities in public spaces.

This awareness shows that parents are willing to support equal rights and opportunities

for people with disabilities in the community.

The second highest-ranking item reflecting parents' perceptions on disability law

(RA 7277) in Bacolod City in terms of accessibility and auxiliary social services is the

“Auxiliary Social Services” sub-item under the ‘Auxiliary Social Services’ which has a

weighted mean of 4.03. This reveals that most parents are also aware of the importance of

additional support and services for people with disabilities (PWDs). This awareness

shows that the parents are concerned for the well-being of PWDs within the community.
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
It also reveals a willingness to support and advocate for the availability of these support

services, aiming to improve the quality of life and foster inclusivity for PWDs.

The lowest-ranking item reflecting parents' perceptions on disability law (RA

7277) in Bacolod City in terms of accessibility and auxiliary social services is the

“Mobility” sub-item under the ‘Auxiliary Social Services’ which has a weighted mean of

3.86. This reveals that most parents are not unaware of the importance of mobility for

people with disabilities (PWDs). It may indicate a lack of knowledge in understanding

the challenges faced by PWDs. This lack of awareness shows that there is a gap in

understanding and support for making transportation and movement easier for (PWDs).

Addressing this gap may require targeted education and outreach initiatives to promote

inclusivity for individuals with mobility limitations.

III - The significant difference in the level of parents’ perception on disability law

in Bacolod City in terms of gender.

Table 3 presents the mean scores, mean difference, t-value, and description of the

parents' perception on disability law in Bacolod City in terms of gender

Table 3.

Mean Scores, Mean Difference, t-value, and Description of the Parents' Perception on Disability Law in

Bacolod City in terms of gender.

Parents’ Average Mean Mean t-Value Description

Perception Difference

Female 3.97
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Male 3.84
0.13 1.99 Not Significant
At 0.01 level of significance - is 2.660

The table 3 above shows a comprehensive overview of parents' perceptions

regarding Disability Law (RA 7277) in Bacolod City. As illustrated in the third table, the

mean difference provides insights into the variations among the responses of the surveyed

parents. In this study, the mean difference for parents' perception was calculated as 0.13,

indicating a significant difference in the level of awareness among the respondents.

The t-values obtained from the t-tests are numerical indicators of the magnitude of

detected differences in parents' perceptions in comparison to the variability within the

respondents. The computed t-value for parental perception was 1.99.

This means that there is a significant difference in the level of perception among

parents regarding Disability Law (RA 7277) in Bacolod City. However, the observed

differences in parents' perception, as indicated by the t-values, do not appear to be

statistically significant in a detectable manner. This implies that while there may be some

variation in parents' awareness, it does not reach a level where we can confidently

conclude that there are significant differences in perception among the respondents.

Therefore, the null hypothesis indicates that there is no significant difference in the

parents’ perception on disability law in Bacolod City.

IV - Below is the proposed Training Program aimed at enhancing parents'

perception on disability law in Bacolod City.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

Table 4 presents the proposed Training Program designed to enhance parents'

perception on disability law. It includes the theme, topics, activities, expected outputs,

personnel involved, time frame, and resources.



Training Scheme

This training program for parents' perceptions of disability laws in Bacolod City

aims to empower and educate parents about their rights, duties, and opportunities within

the legal framework provided by disability laws, namely RA 7277. Parents who complete

this program will have a thorough awareness of disability legislation and their

consequences, which will help them to successfully advocate for the needs and rights of

people with disabilities. This seeks to educate and empower participants by empowering

them with the knowledge, skills, and resources they need. To promote inclusion and

equality for people with disabilities, parents will learn how to engage in advocacy work,

access support resources, and understand the legal environment around disability rights.

In Bacolod City, education and empowerment are the first steps toward

inclusiveness and equity for people with disabilities. We are inviting parents from every

aspect of life to join us for a five-day training session focused on disability laws and

rights as we establish an initiative to promote knowledge and advocacy. The five-day

training program aims to provide parents with the necessary information, abilities, and
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
self-assurance to effectively advocate for disability rights and affect positive change in

Bacolod City. Participants will have a significant impact on improving the rights and

well-being of people with disabilities and creating a more inclusive society through

cooperation, education, and community involvement.

Phases of the Program:

I. Needs Assessment:

● Conduct an assessment to discover parents' individual needs and issues with

disability law awareness.

● Gather feedback from parents to identify their degree of comprehension and areas

of particular interest in disability rights.

● Utilize the results to modify the training program to ensure effectively the needs

that have been identified.

II. Planning and Preparation:

● Locate and recruit certified instructors or facilitators with experience in advocacy

and disability rights.

● Acquire the required resources, such as training materials, venue selection, and

administrative support.
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

III. Implementation:

● Organize the training sessions in line with the training program and timeline that

have been created.

● Facilitate interactive and engaging sessions that encourage active participation

and learning.

● Provide chances for practical exercises, group discussions, and activities to

improve learning outcomes.

IV. Monitoring and Evaluation:

● Establish a system to monitor attendees' participation and feedback during the

training sessions..

● Conduct assessments on a regular basis to determine how well the training

program achieves its goals.

● Gather feedback from participants on their experiences learning, areas for

development, and ideas for the next sessions.

V. Adjustment and Adaptation:

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
● Determine areas that need improvement by utilizing the input gathered throughout

the phase of monitoring and assessment.

● Make changes to the training content, structure, or delivery methods in response

to participant input and changing needs.

● Maintain the program's relevance and efficacy in meeting parents' changing

requirements by making constant adjustments.

VI. Follow-Up and Support:

● Provide ongoing support and resources to participants beyond the training


● Provide chances for skill development and ongoing education through online

resources, peer support groups, or follow-up training.

● Maintain open lines of communication with participants to address any questions,

concerns, or challenges they may encounter in applying their learning.

Table 4.

Proposed training program to enhance parents’ perception on disability law in Bacolod City.


112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Introductio Parents,Facilitat Mu
n to RA or, Resource presen
Understanding of
7277 and Discussion Person and 2 hours ha
RA 7277
Its Individuals with summ
Importance disabilities. p
Participants will
Understand have a complete
ing the grasp of the
Individuals Individuals with
Parents, Expert Han
with Disabilities
Discussion Guest Speaker 1 hour Pre
Disabilities Education Act
and Individuals M
Education (IDEA) including
with disabilities
Day 1: Act its purpose and
Understa (IDEA): important
nding provisions.
Disability Key
Law (RA Provisions
7277) of
Disability Understanding Pre
Group Parents, and
Rights the system of 2 hours Sl
Discussions Individuals with
Laws:Unde law. H
A Brief Awareness of the Facilitator,
Overview A Group rights and Parents,
of Discussion on privileges that are Individuals with
2 hours Pro
Disability Disability extended to disabilities and
Rights Rights Law individuals with community
Laws disabilities. members.

Exploring Facilitator,
Day 2: Disability Enhanced Parents, 30 Pre
Navigatin Laws and Awareness Individuals with minutes M
g Policies disabilities.
Rights: A
Discussions, Facilitator, Hando
Journey Empowerin Empowerment
Reflective Parents, ion w
of g Parents as and enhanced 1 hour
exercises and Individuals with and p
Understa Advocates knowledge.
Case studies. disabilities. s
nding and
Advocacy Summary Facilitator, Q and
Development of
of Q&A session Parents, guid
action plans for 2 hours
Disability and reflection. Individuals with pa
supporting PWDs
Rights: disabilities. reflec
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Disability Facilitator,
Discussion and
Day 3: Rights and Increased Parents, Pre
group 1 hour
Building Advocacy knowledge. Individuals with m
Bridges: in Bacolod disabilities.
Strengthe City
Support Parents are
for Enhancing becoming more
Presentation Parents,
Persons Parental involved and 1 hour Ha
and reflection. Individuals with
with Awareness vocal about
Disabilitie disability rights.
s Development of Facilitator,
Parental Parental Panel Nam
strategies for Parents,
Engagemen Discussion and 2 hours pre
effective parental Individuals with
t Sharing. m
engagement disabilities .
Phase: Monitoring Ensured C
Progress Trainers,
Monitorin progress and implementation M
and Resource Ongoing
g and Support and support for S
Providing Persons
Evaluatio Sessions action plans M

Table 4 outlines the proposed training program activities crucial for the

development of parents' understanding on disability law in Bacolod City. Activites is

composed of discussion, group discussions, reflective exercises and case study, Q&A

session and reflection, presentation and reflection, parental panel, discussion and sharing,

monitoring progress and support sessions.

Through this program and its various activities, parents can enhance their

confidence in comprehending disability law, advocating for their children's rights, and
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
identifying appropriate sources of assistance. This empowerment equips them to become

advocates for their children's rights and interests within the legal system.



This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the study, covering the

research objectives, methodology, analysis of findings, and resulting conclusions and



This study determined the level of parents’ perception on disability law (RA

7277) in Bacolod City.

More specifically, this study seeks to answer the following specific questions:

1. To what extent is the level of parents’ perception on disability law in terms of

education and employment?

2. What is the level of parents’ perception on disability law, RA 7277, in Bacolod

City regarding its conditions associated with accessibility and auxiliary social


3. Is there a significant difference in the level of parents’ perception on Disability

Law (RA 7277) in terms of gender?

4. According to the research findings, what training program can enhance awareness

and support for Disability Law (RA 7277) among parents in Bacolod City?
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

Hypotheses of the study

There is no significant difference in the level of parents’ perception on Disability

Law (RA 7277) in terms of gender.


The findings of this study include:

1. The computed average weighted mean of 3.98 revealed that there is a moderate

level of perception among parents.

2. The computed average weighted mean of 4.77 indicates a moderate level of

perception among parents.

3. There is no significant difference in the level of parents’ perception on disability

law (RA 7277) in terms of gender.

4. A training program that prioritizes clear explanations of the legislation and

guidance in navigating legal procedures, alongside providing parents with

opportunities to share and reflect on their experiences.


Based on the findings of this research study, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. The parents who are moderately aware on disability law in terms of employment

and education need sessions regarding the law to deepen their understanding and

enhance their ability to understand the law in terms of employment and education.
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
2. Parents with moderate awareness on disability law (RA 7277) concerning

auxiliary social services and accessibility need sessions to delve deeper into the

law to enhance their comprehension and ability in understanding the law in terms

of auxiliary social services and accessibility.

3. This implies that while there may be some variation in parents' awareness, it does

not reach a level where we can confidently conclude that there are significant

differences in perception across the sample. Therefore, the null hypothesis

indicates that there is no significant difference in the parents’ perception on

disability law in Bacolod City.

4. A comprehensive training program that includes clear explanations of legislation,

guidance in navigating legal procedures, and opportunities for sharing and

reflection can help parents to improve their knowledge and understanding

regarding the disability law.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, the following research

recommendations are proposed:

1. Implement the suggested training and program, which will provide parents in

Bacolod City with the knowledge and resources they need to effectively advocate

for the rights and well-being of people with disabilities in terms of employment

and education. By raising awareness of disability law and support services, the

program can help to create a more inclusive and supportive community, ensuring

that people with disabilities receive the education, opportunities they deserve.
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
2. Implement the proposed training and program aimed at equipping parents in

Bacolod City with the necessary knowledge and resources to advocate for the

rights and welfare of individuals with disabilities, particularly focusing on

auxiliary social services and accessibility. By increasing awareness of disability

law and available support services, the program aims to foster a more inclusive

and supportive community, ensuring that individuals with disabilities have the

necessary support and accessibility tailored to their needs.

3. Considering the result indicating that gender does not significantly influence

parents' perceptions on disability law, it's advisable to persist in promoting

inclusive educational initiatives and outreach efforts that equally target both male

and female parents. Prioritizing gender-neutral approaches in disseminating

information and providing support can ensure equitable access to resources and

opportunities for all parents to enhance their understanding and awareness of

disability law.

4. Parents are encouraged to attend training programs that includes clear

explanations of legislation, guidance in navigating legal procedures, and

opportunities for sharing and reflection to raise awareness and improve their

perception on disability law.

112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City


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Workforce in The Philippines.


Republic Act No. 11650. (n.d.).
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Save The Children. (n.d.). Save the Children Philippines lauds enactment of Inclusive

Education Law.


UNICEF in partnership with the Council for the Welfare of Children - Subcommittee on

Children with Disabilities. (2021, May). Situation of Children with Disabilities in

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112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Table Description Page
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Figure Description Page
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City


Current Job
E-mail Address:
Mobile Number:







112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City

Font Style: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12
Margin: Top: 1.00 inch Bottom: 1.00 inch Right: 1.00 inch Left: 1.50 inch
Gutter Position: Left

Table Presentation: (Example)

Table 1
Weighted Mean on the ……………

⮚ Follow APA 6th Edition

⮚ Categorize according to Articles, Books, Unpublished and Published Theses and

Dissertations, Legal Documents, Journals etc.

Likert Scale

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation

5 4.21-5.00
4 3.41-4.20
3 2.61-3.40
2 1.81-2.60
1 1.00-1.80
112 Belfast St. Pasig Greenpark Village, Manggahan, Pasig City
Scale Range Verbal Interpretation
4 3.25-4.00
3 2.51-3.25
2 1.76-2.50
1 1.00-1.75

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