Adaptive Video-Based Algorithm For Accident Detection On Highways

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Adaptive Video-Based Algorithm for Accident

detection on Highways
Boutheina Maaloul∗† , Abdelmalik Taleb-Ahmed∗ , Smail Niar∗ , Naim Harb† and Carlos Valderrama†
∗ University of Valenciennes and Hainaut Cambresis, Valenciennes-France
† University of Mons, Mons-Belgium


Abstract—For the past few decades, automatic accident be used as evidence for further analysis. Consequently, de-
detection, especially using video analysis, has become a veloping a video based algorithm that can be embedded in a
very important subject. It is important not only for traffic System on Chip (SoC) connected to CCTV can accelerate the
management but also, for Intelligent Transportation Systems
(ITS) through its contribution to avoid the escalation of accidents information diffusion to infrastructure.
especially on highways. In this paper a novel vision-based road In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for automatic
accident detection algorithm on highways and expressways accident recognition on highways. It consists of a traffic
is proposed. This algorithm is based on an adaptive traffic motion modeling using Farneback Optical flow [5] for pix-
motion flow modeling technique, using Farneback Optical els velocity vectors estimation and a heuristic approach for
Flow for motions detection and a statistic heuristic method
for accident detection. The algorithm was applied on a set adaptive thresholds setting. First, estimated pixels velocity
of collected videos of traffic and accidents on highways. The vectors are filtered and classified, then a model of traffic
results prove the efficiency and practicability of the proposed motion field is established. Thresholds are then set from
algorithm using only 240 frames for traffic motion modeling. few numbers of frames. Typically 240 frames are used for
This method avoids to utilization of a large database while more accurate detection. Thus, the changes of traffic density,
adequate and common accidents videos benchmarks do not exist.
such as congestion, increasing traffic rate, etc., are taken
Keywords– Accident detection; Abnormal behavior detection; into consideration. Our approach is aimed to be used as
computer vision; Intelligent Transportation Systems; ITS; video a pre-processing technique and may correspond to the first
processing; video surveillance; Farneback optical flow. stage of more complex algorithm for abnormal behavior on
road. Our method can be easily implemented on hardware
I. I NTRODUCTION without recurring to complex deep learning algorithms, while
achieving significant interesting results.
Automatic video surveillance systems have been developed The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 shows a brief
to detect and analyze abnormal behaviors or situations of risk, presentation of existing video-based accident detection algo-
reducing human monitoring of activities captured by cameras. rithms. Section 3 details our approach while Section 4 presents
One of the applications of video surveillance is traffic moni- experimental results. In the last section of the paper, we
toring such as traffic flow detection, cars license plate recog- conclude and we present some perspectives.
nition, vehicle tracking, and vehicle motion analysis[1][2].
In particular, motion analysis aims to detect abnormal traffic
behavior, accidents, and sudden events, especially in the case
of emergency and disaster management. Road accidents can
cause serious injuries leading to lifelong disabilities and even
death. Each additional rescue minute can mean the difference
between life and death as revealed by The Golden hour [3].
Therefore, providing rapid assistance to injuries is mandatory.
Moreover, if not addressed promptly, accidents may cause
traffic jams and eventually accident escalation, especially
on highways, where accidents are most likely to occur. A
statistic study in France shows that the number of accidents in
highways has increased by 25% in 2015 [4], while the number
of accidents in urban region remains the same. Surveillance
cameras or CCTV, covering large areas such as wide roads,
provide detailed information on the accident causes, a direct
communication infrastructure and video storage resources to Fig. 1: General steps for video based accident detection
978-1-5386-3166-9/17/$31.00 c 2017 IEEE algorithms
Ref Motion detection Features extracted Accident recognition Scenario
[7],[8] BS + Vehicle tracking Velocity, acceleration, orientation, area Static threshold Intersections
[9] GMM + Mean Shift Algorithm Velocity, acceleration, orientation Static threshold Highway
[10] BS, KLT Tracker Vehicle trajectory clustered C-HMM Intersections
[11] BS, shadow filtering, vehicle tracking Vehicle lane (trajectory) Calogero-Moser system Highway
[13] Lukas kanade Optical flow HFG Logistic regression Multiple scenarios
[15] Lukas kanade Optical Flow Histogram of words Topic Model Multiple scenarios
[16] Farneback OF, thermal diffusion, enthalpy Model Traffic model SPH Multiple scenarios
[17] Background subtraction, extrating line positions, tacking Time and space model diagram SVM Multiple scenarios
[18] OF-SIFT BOF for feature coding Extream learning machine Highway
Ours Farneback optical flow Velocity and oriention: motion model Dynamic Thresholds Highway

TABLE I: A comparison study of the different video based approaches for accident detection

II. R ELATED WORK Sadek et al.[13] proposed a framework for accident recog-
nition, based on a new algorithm named Histogram of Flow
Video-based road accident detection approaches are mainly Gradient (HFG) for motion detection and feature extraction.
done using three steps: 1) Motion detection, 2) Feature Extrac- HFG is similar to Histogram of Oriented Gradient (HOG) [14]
tion and then 3) Features Analysis and Accident Recognition running on Lukas Kanade OF estimated vectors. A map for
as shown in figure 1 [6]. all motions is created and logistic regression is applied to
The most frequently used algorithms for motion detection detect accidents. However, they use OF vectors without noise
are Background Subtraction (BS) and Optical Flow (OF). filtering, thus eliminating perturbed and uncoherent vectors.
Features related to traffic motion and vehicles trajectories Ahmadi et al. in [15] exploit the Topic Model technique.
can be extracted using different processing techniques such In this technique a model of normal traffic motion is used
as tracking. Finally, analysis of these traffic features can based on Lukas Kanade OF vectors indexed in a document of
differentiate normal motion versus abnormal. words. Each word represents velocities in a specific range of
For the past few decades, researchers presented different orientation. Abnormal traffic is detected when the computed
techniques to increase the detection rate of road accidents. words are different from the model.
Some approaches use tracking algorithms to extract vehicles On the other hand, Ullah et al. [16] used Farneback OF
parameters, such as speed, acceleration, orientation, position for motion detection then applied Thermal Diffusion to find
and dimension. These features are compared to a predefined the coherent motion field. They used the Enthalpy Model
thresholds to detect an accident. In [7] and [8] vehicle tracking to filter particles and model the traffic motion which is the
is performed by looking for the same vehicle in the next feature in these case. Then they used Smoothed Particle Hy-
frame using its area, then accident is detected when vehicles drodynamics SPH for accident recognition. In another related
parameters exceed the predefined thresholds. The features work, Ren et al.[17] proposes to extract moving objects using
extracted are velocity, acceleration, area and the orientation background subtraction then extract road segments and lines
per vehicle. Zu et al.[9], however, uses the Gaussian Mixture positions. Then a traffic tracking and time and space diagram
Model (GMM) for motion detection then the Mean Shift is generated. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) was used for
algorithm for tracking to extract vehicles features (velocity, classification and accident recognition.
acceleration and orientation). Chen et al.[18] extract OF and Scale Invariant Feature
The accident recognition is also performed by comparing Transform (SIFT) features. Then they use Bag of Feature
to static thresholds. In some other approaches, vehicles trajec- (BOF) for features encoding and finally they use extreme
tories are extracted, clustered and compared to a pre-learned learning machine classifier for accident detection. All related
models of normal traffic trajectories. For instance, Akos and sited works are summarized in Table.1. However comparison
al [10] and Lee and Oh [11] use trajectory sudden change in terms of efficiency and reliability study remains not
for accident detection. They used BS and the continuous possible. The main reasons is databases and metrics used to
Hidden Markov Model (C-HMM) in [10] and Calogero-Moser measure the accuracy of these approaches are not the same.
system in [11] for motion detection and features extraction and
analysis. We also added our approach in Table.1 using different
Unfortunately, these approaches were based on tracking algorithms for accident recognition based on different
algorithms which are very sensitive to change in luminosity, extracted features. Our work uses the Farneback OF for
presence of shadow and occlusion. This may cause the loss of motion detection to extract the velocity and the orientation
the target and hence, may give unsatisfactory results. For this of pixels. Using this features and a heuristic approach for
reason researchers propose to consider the road scene as one adaptive thresholds setting for accident recognition. The
entity to be analyzed instead of decomposing it and analyzing aim of our approach is to achieve a significant accuracy
the motion of each vehicle seperately. They focus on particles considering the change of luminosity and traffic density
(pixels) motion, so a traffic motion field is extracted using using adaptive threshold. On the other hand, our algorithm is
Dense OF [5] or Sparse OF [12]. theoretically implementable on hardware architecture.
225 315

Optical flow and Computing 180 360

noise filtering Model

135 45

Frame1 SVA(1) SVB(1)


Frame N SVA(N) SVB(N)

Optical flow and

noise filtering SVA(i) SVB(i)




Fig. 2: Flowchart of the proposed approach for accident detection on highways

computed using equations (1) and (2) respectively. Following,

we first filter the noise and then we create our model before
III. P ROPOSED APPROACH finally comparing to the normal traffic model to detect an
In this section, we will elaborate our proposed approach for accident.
accident detection on highways. At first, we consider a traffic
motion scene in a motorway as normal motion flow when →
− p
the velocity vector of each moving vehicle (vehicle speed) k V k = (xi+1 − xi )2 + (yi+1 − yi )2 (1)
has a constant or gradual magnitude, and have an orientation (yi+1 − yi ) 180
θ = tan−1 . (2)
suitable to the shape of the road. Consequently, an accident (xi+1 − xi ) π
including one or more vehicles could be detected when a
sudden and sharp change in their velocity vectors occurs. This
may concerns either their magnitude and/or orientation.
It is important to note that velocity and orientation pa- A. Velocities classification and noise filtering
rameters depend on the position and the calibration of the After observation, we distinguish two categories of velocity
camera. Hence, detecting an accident needs first the extraction vectors: vectors generated by video distortion (dust, wind,
of normal motion flow parameters from different traffic scenes etc) and vectors related to the vehicles motion. Since OF is
captured by the same camera to create a normal traffic model. sensitive to change of luminosity and noise, distorted vectors
This model is composed of a number of thresholds that we could appear. These vectors typically have small magnitudes
update at every frame with normal motion flow in the video. so that a threshold ε has been set for filtering. Every vector
The initial thresholds are calculated based on the first N frames with a smaller magnitude than ε is filtered. The threshold ε is
of the video. The N frames value is explained in the following calculated by performing OF on a fixed number of successive
section. frames on which no traffic is detected. In out case, we fixed
The normal traffic model is created by analyzing the traffic the number of frames to calculate ε to 10. ε is computed once,
motion field. This is done using the Farneback OF which and depends on the camera location and calibration.
estimates the next position of each moving pixel (particle) Remaining velocity vectors, vectors related to the vehicles
between two given frames in a predefined Region Of Interest motion, belong to the following groups: vectors with orienta-
(ROI). In our case, ROI is limited to the highway road tion corresponding to the normal motion flow and distracting
segment. Given a moving pixel P with coordinate (xi , yi ) in vectors with other orientations. These orientations can be
f ramei , OF computes its coordinate in the next f ramei+1 caused by the motion of the wheels, the presence on the road of
(xi+1 , yi+1 ). The velocity and the orientation of P can be shadows, the variation in the light reflected on the car’s body,
Fig. 3: Traffic velocity variation: SVA (on the left) and SVB (on the right)

etc. It is due to these vectors that the optical flow precision is


B. Normal motion flow modeling C. Adaptive threshold computation and accident detection
Our normal motion flow is presented in Figure.2 as a After N processed frames, we start the detection step
flowchart of the proposed approach in case of one way road. by comparing every new sub-model extracted from the
The first step of motion detection consists on applying OF following frame to the normal traffic model thresholds. In
for each f ramei , followed by noise filtering. Next step is case of exceeding values, an accident is reported. The alert is
feature extraction: for each f ramei we compute the sum of the performed by a simple alert message. On the other hand, if
vectors with orientation range corresponding to the direction the sub-model presents a normal traffic flow, threshold will
of traffic [θ1 , θ2 ], SVA (which are presented in green color be updated using the late sub-model as a new sample in LN
in Figure.2) and the sum of the remaining distracting vectors and thus deleting the first saved sub-model sample. In this
(presented in yellow color in Figure.2) SVB. SV Ai and SV Bi case, car line change, traffic density, and luminosity change
present a sub-model of traffic motion of f ramei . The range from day to night and night to day are not detected as an
of orientation [θ1 , θ2 ] corresponding to normal motion flow accident thanks to our adaptive threshold. This, on the other
is already known as the position of the camera is known. hand does not affect the precision of our system since these
Figure.3 shows an example of the sum of the vectors changes are progressive while accidents cause brutal changes.
velocities SVA and SVB variation as a function of frames,
for an example of normal traffic sequence. in the Figure.3 we
show also some different frames and the values of SVA and IV. E XPERIMENTAL RESULTS
SVB indicated in the two curves. We notice that, the more The algorithms is developed on Visual C++ 2010 express,
the vehicles are close to the camera, the more the velocities using the OpenCV library running on windows 7 machine
magnitude are important. with Intel i7 processor. Experimentation was performed on
We assume that the variation of SVA and SVB follows 40 different videos collected from YouTube as samples of
the binomial parameter. So, we compute the average of the different quality, orientation and environmental conditions,
different SVA and SVB and their respective standard deviation with normal traffic on highways and others with accidents.
σ1 and σ2 for N frames. These N samples are saved as a This helps establishing parameters needed to compute traffic
list LN of N sub-models. The thresholds THA and THB are models and building a calibration method (THA, THB). These
the normal traffic model and are computed as formulated in parameters are N: the number of frames for modeling, and λ:
equations (3) and (4). λ is a tunable constant fixed to acquire the constant that defines the thresholds.
higher precision for the model. λ and N are the parameters To obtain the adequate parameters giving the most accurate
that will be experimentally determined and fixed later. results, the algorithm was tested on videos using different
combination of values of N and λ. The accuracy of obtained
1 N results is measured using the F1 score formulated in equation
T HA = Σ (SV A)i + λσ1,i (3)
N 1 (5) where p is the precision given by the result of the division
1 of the number of Correct Positive Results(CPR) divided by
T HB = ΣN (SV B)i + λσ2,i (4)
N 1 the number of All Positive Results (APR) and r is the recall
Fig. 4: Variation of p, r and F1 score for different values of
N and λ

given by result of the division of CPR by the Effective Positive

Results (EPR) that should have been returned.

F1 score = 2. (5)
p= (6)
r= (7)
We present the results of the test of the different combination
of N and λ as curves in Figure.4. The horizontal axis presents Fig. 5: Examples of detected accident scene with the proposed
the number of frames. The first vertical axis presents the approach. Accidents are annotated by rectangles
values of p and r, The second vertical axis presents the values
of F1 score. The black curves presents the values of the p,
r and F1 score as a function of N for λ equal to 1 and the Array) implementation of different algorithms of Optical flow
green ones presents the variation of the values of the p, r and such as [19][20]and [21]. The heuristic part of our algorithm
F1 score as a function of N for λ equal to 2. Results show can be performed on a processor such as ARM.
that for N equal to 240 and λ equal to 1, we achieve the
highest value of F1 score equal to 0,77. While for N equal to
60 and λ equal to 1 we achieve the lowest value of F1 sore In this paper we proposed a new approach for road acci-
equal to 0,19. Figure.5 shows annotated accidents detected dents detection on highways. Our approach is based on OF
by our approach in some traffic accident videos. estimation and heuristic computation for adaptive thresholds.
Experimentation proved the efficiency and practicability of the
Since there is no a proper benchmark of video accidents, proposed algorithm using only 240 frames for traffic motion
comparing to stae of the art results is not valuable. In addi- modeling. We achieved a precision of 0.68, a recall of 0.91
tion, learning techniques and tests become more complicated. and an F1 score of 0.77.
Hence, the motivation of creating an approach based on a In our future work, we will improve the algorithm to
few and sufficient number of frames to model the traffic detect accidents in other scenarios such as in intersections
flow and set adaptive thresholds. In addition, the advantage and in tunnel. Next, we will focus on the implementation
of using a reduced amount of data makes the approach more of our algorithm on a hardware heterogeneous architecture
appropriate for further hardware implementation. For instance, making surveillance camera automatically capable of detecting
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