Ahmed - Anirban - 100458913 - BUSM 5110 P02 - Leadership & Followership

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Reflection 3 - Leadership & Followership:

Leadership and followership are the main bases for forming a group. These two things hold a
team together to achieve their goals.

In class, our tutor discussed about the leadership and followership. She illustrated some
examples of leadership and followership. Also did some in-class activities to learn about
these two things elaborately. We did group discussions from which I learned the
ineffectiveness of leadership can have a bad impact on a group.

Leadership and followership lead to a fine team. It helps a team to grow together and work
together. From this learning event, I think I will choose Leadership. Leadership can be in both
ways transactional and transformational. The main thing in leadership is to build trust.

From this reaction, I learned about the effectiveness of leadership. A leader doesn’t always
have to lead the team standing forward. A leader can support the team by guiding them like a
wolf pack. In a wolf pack, there are five groups. The first group, old and slow wolves lead the
pack because they know about the path where they are heading. The second or middle
management group makes sure they keep up with the first group. They manage to keep the
wolves in the first group with good intentions, blind and deaf to innovative ideas coming
from the rear. Big group, the general employees just follow the way. In the last group, they do
the leadership work. They tend to cut out from the old ways and want to form a new
movement in a group. The last wolf leads the group by securing the premises from being
attacked. The last wolf is the actual leader of the group. So, if you want to lead a team it's not
mandatory to always lead from the front you can support the team by guiding the ways.

In my opinion, if I become a leader, I will always try to gain the trust of my teammates and
always try to help them by supporting their thoughts and their innovative ideas.

So in conclusion, I want to illustrate that good leadership always helps to achieve a goal
while working in a team environment.

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