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Data Gathering Procedures

To gather data, the procedure used survey questionnaire to analyze and evaluate
the Inadequate tools and equipment and academic performance among Grade 11
students of BNSAT by using the data gathered from the scope of respondents and
acquire further conclusions.
Data Analysis
The data collected and retrieved from the respondents were analyzed and
interpreted with the use of one statistical method.
1. Means was used to measure the level of academic performance among the
Grade 12 Cookery of Baguio National School of Arts and Trades in Second Semister
2. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) is the most common way of measuring a linear
correlation; a number between –1 and 1 that measures the strength and direction of the
relationship between two The dependent variable changes to the degree and direction
in the independent variable influence it. In this study, the inadequate tools and
equipment experienced by the respondents in the school was measured to be
correlated to their academic performance.

0.00 No Correlation
±0.01 to ± 0.20 Very low positive/ negative correlation
±0.21 to ±0.40 Slight positive/ negative correlation
±0.41 to ±0.70 Moderate positive/ negative correlation
±0.71 to ±0.90 High positive/ negative correlation
±0.91 to ±0.99 Very high positive/ negative correlation
±1.00 Perfect Correlation
r-value Descriptions

Ethical Considerations
A consent letter from the researcher was sent to the president of each specific
classroom Charity. This letter of approval contains of sentences saying that they can
conduct their study to the Grade 11 students of Baguio National School of Arts and
Trades (BNSAT). Prior to the survey, the researcher asked permission to the teacher.
Chapter III
Presented in this chapter are the analysis and presentation of data. The order of
discussions was highlighted on the following subheadings: levels of Inadequate tools
and equipment and academic performance, and significant relationship between
Inadequate tools and equipment and academic performance among Grade 11
BPP/FBS/Cookery Strand Students of Baguio National School of Arts and Trades.

Table 1. Level of Inadequate tools and equipment BPP/FBS/COOKERY Laboratory

Scale Range Frequency Interpretations

4.50 – 5 Strongly Agree Always experienced Inadequate

tools and equipment

3.50 – 4.49 Agree Sometimes experienced Inadequate

tools and equipment

2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Agree Frequently experienced Inadequate

tools and equipment

1.50 – 2.49 Strongly Disagree Infrequently experienced Inadequate

tools and equipment

1 – 1.49 Disagree Did not experienced Inadequate

tools and equipment

On the other hand Table 2 shows that their Academic Performance was measured in

the same table in the Inadequate tools and equipment.

Table 2: Academic Performance of BPP/FBS/COOKERY students

Scale Range Frequency Interpretations

4.50-5 Strongly Agree Academic performance is

very high

3.50-4.49 Agree Academic performance is


2.50-3.49 Moderately Agree Academic performance is


1.50-2.49 Strongly Disagree Academic performance is

below average

1-1.49 Disagree Academic performance is


Table 3; The level of Inadequate tools and equipment among Grade 11

Table 3 shows that most of the respondents strongly agreed which means they
always experienced Inadequate tools and equipment in BPP/FBS/COOKERY. In the
survey, the majority of them had concluded that they always experienced Inadequate
tools and equipment in BPP/FBS/COOKERY Laboratory this suggest a high level of
dissatisfaction or concern about the current state of resources available for practical
work. this implies that the tools and equipment provided are insufficient or not up to
standard for carrying out necessary tasks effectively.
Table 3. The Level of Inadequate tools and equipment among Respondents
N Mean Description

Inadequat 3.79 Strongly Agree

e tools and
This reflects the findings of Wang et. al. (2018) revealed that peer influence may
be favorable or unfavorable. But, according to Fidel, et. al (2019), students excel
academically when surrounded by those who have an interest in learning. Thus, being
encouraged by peers to continue their good performances would have a favorable
impact on a member’s attitude toward learning, Similarly, respondents of this study
experienced this occasionally only. This means that with or without their peers’
presence, they can still manage to accomplish their academic requirements in all their

The Level of Academic Performance among Grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY

Respondents of BNSAT
Table 4 below shows that the overall mean of academic performance is 3.743
which means academic performance was satisfactory. This shows that the respondents
successfully achieved the academic requirements but at an average level. Yet, it also
shows that some did not perform as expected in terms of their academic success
throughout their first semester.

Table 4. Level of Academic of Respondents

Level Description

Academic 3.743 Strongly Agree


The Significant Relationship between the Grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY Respondents’

Inadequate tools and equipment and Academic Performance.
A Pearson correlation was performed to determine if there is a correlation
between variables Inadequate tools and equipment. There is a medium, positive
correlation between variables Peer Pressure and GSA with r(102) = -0.1463 and p
= .143136, in this sample.
Table 6. Significant Relationship between Peer Pressure and Academic Performance of
the Grade 11 GAS Respondents

r p (2-tailed)
Inadequate Tools and Equipment
and Academic Performance 0.1463 .143136

Comparing the results of the independent variables to the dependent variables, the
overall mean of (3.07) to (84.22) in the same degree level revealed that the level of
academic pressure on the respondents did not increase the academic performance of
the respondents.
Additionally, Filade,, (2019) attested that peer group participation is essential for
the effectiveness of the educational process and for improving the academic
performance of students through school systems. In this connection, this study reveals
lack of productivity of peers’ participation on the respondents’ academic success. Thus,
looking into positive efforts of peers to the increase of academic performance of the
students must be studied also.

Chapter IV
In this chapter, the researchers present the summary of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.

Restatement of the Problem

This study aims to investigate the relationship between Inadequate tools and
equipment to academic performance among the respondents with the following
1. What is the level of Inadequate tools and equipment among Grade 11
BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of Baguio National School of Arts and Trades?
2. What is the level of academic performance among BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of
3. Is there a significant relationship between Inadequate tools and equipment and
academic performance among Grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of BNSAT?
This employed correlational design through simple random sampling to
accumulate substantial data from Grade 11 Cookery Students.

Summary of Findings
Based on the data analyzed and interpreted, the researchers summarized the
1. The grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY moderately agreed that they experienced forms
of Inadequate tools and equipment
2. The grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY respondents had satisfactory academic
3. The grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY respondents Inadequate tools and equipment
had no significant relationship to their academic performance.

Based on the findings, the researchers concluded as follows:
1. The Grade 12 Cookery Strand students moderately agree that they had experienced
Inadequate tools and equipment on their academic performances during their first
2. Not all of the respondents from the Cookery Strand in grade 12 reached satisfactory
to outstanding academic performance, some got fairly satisfactory standing in their
3. The Grade 12 Cookery students can handle Inadequate tools and equipment without
affecting their studies. Therefore, peer pressure is not significantly correlated to
academic performance among the Grade 12 Cookery students of BNSAT.
Lack of tools and equipment
is poor
Lack of tools and equipment
is occasionally
Lack of tools and equipment
is frequently
Lack of tools and equipment
Lack of tools and equipment
is nothing less
Lack of tools and equipment
is poor
respondents and orient them the purpose of the Study. The respondents will sign a
consent form as proof of their willingness to cooperate, and that they are not coerced in
any way. Lastly, the researchers explained to them that their identity will be
protected unless they permit to using or including their name in the study.

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