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Research Title : Inadequate tools and equipment and Academic performance of

Grade 11 TVL- Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY Students of Baguio

National School of Arts and Trades

A Research Presented to the Faculty of Baguio

National School of Arts and Trades

Baguio Proper, Davao City


Shela Marie V. Asilo

Alexa Kyle Dublico

Luiza Jane D. Caballes

Angelito A. Dingal

Denmark E. Bugtai

Danmesak Enoch

Rose Ann B. Onso

This study investigates the relationship between inadequate tools and equipment
and academic performance among Grade 11 TVL BPP/FBS/COOKERY students using
a survey instrument tailored for this research. The population under study comprises
Grade 11 TVL BPP/FBS/COOKERY students enrolled in Baguio National School of Arts
and Trades. Through analysis of survey data gathered from a sample size of 30
respondents, it was observed that both inadequate tools and equipment and academic
performance were perceived as average among respondents, with no significant
correlation detected between the two factors. These findings imply a need for further
investigation into the nuanced factors influencing academic performance in culinary
education and underscore the importance of addressing resource deficiencies to
optimize student learning experiences in culinary education.
Chapter 1

One persistent challenge faced by cookery students is the lack of access to

adequate tools and equipment. This issue hampers their learning experience, limits their
potential, and ultimately affects the quality of education's ability to effectively practice
and master culinary techniques. Brown J. (2020) stated the role of tools and equipment
in enhancing practical skills and development in cookery, this study explores how the
availability and quality of tools, and equipment impact the student's ability to effectively
practice and master culinary techniques.
According to Vallance and Duncan (2017), The resources and materials as well
as tools and equipment are necessary in order to complete a task but regardless of the
profession no task can be done well without the right tools, this study defined that the
students cannot perform because of the lack of tools and no task can be done because
of lacking of tools and equipment.
The purpose of this research is to study the effects of Inadequate tools and
equipment to the academic performance among Grade 11 TVL BPP/FBS/COOKERY
students. And to identify the extent of the issue, understand its impact on learning
outcomes, explore potential solutions or interventions, and advocate for improvements
in resource allocation to better support educational needs.
Review of Related Literature
This section presents literature and studies to the research problem. These also
validated the conceptual framework of this study.
Conceptual Framework
This study aims to determine the significant correlation between the lack of tools
and equipment and academic of Grade 11 TVL BPP/FBS/COOKERY students.
(IV) (DV)

Inadequate tools and Academic

equipment Performance

In Figure 1 which in the independent variable which refers to the Inadequate ools
and equipment in the BPP/FBS/COOKERY laboratory. It affects the dependent variable
which is the academic performance of Grade 11 BPP/FBS /COOKERY students. Thus,
the study aims to determine the effect of Inadequate tools and equipment to the
academic performance of Grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY students.
Related Literature
Several studies have examined the impact of inadequate tools and equipment on
the academic performance of students in BPP/FBS/COOKERY programs, shedding
light on the challenges faced by learners in resource-constrained environments. For
example, Smith and Johnson (2018) conducted a study investigating the experiences of
culinary students in facilities with outdated and insufficient equipment. Their findings
revealed that students encountered significant obstacles in their learning process due to
a lack of access to proper tools and equipment. As a result, students reported feelings
of frustration and dissatisfaction, which negatively affected their academic performance.
Similarly, Lee et al. (2019) conducted research exploring the relationship
between access to high-quality tools and equipment and student outcomes in culinary
education. Their study found that students who had access to modern and well-
maintained equipment demonstrated higher levels of engagement, skill acquisition, and
academic achievement compared to those with limited access to resources. These
findings underscore the critical role of adequate tools and equipment in facilitating
effective learning and enhancing academic performance in BPP/FBS/COOKERY
Overall, the literature suggests that inadequate tools and equipment pose
significant challenges for students in culinary education, impacting their learning
experiences and academic outcomes. By applying theoretical frameworks such as
Social Learning Theory and Cognitive Load Theory, educators and policymakers can
gain insights into the mechanisms through which resource deficiencies affect student
learning and develop strategies to address these challenges effectively.
Theoretical framework
Vallance and Duncan (2017) The resources and materials as well as tools and
equipment are necessary to complete a task but regardless of the profession no task
can be done well without the right tools, this study defined that the students cannot
perform because of the lack of tools and no task can be done because of lacking tools
and equipment. The findings emphasize that the absence or inadequacy of tools and
equipment directly impacts students' ability to perform tasks associated with their field of
study. This limitation not only impedes skill development but also undermines
confidence and motivation, ultimately affecting academic performance. Therefore,
addressing deficiencies in tools and equipment is essential for creating a conducive
learning environment that supports student success in BPP/FBS/COOKERY programs.
A. Statement of the Problem
This study aims to investigate the relationship of lack of tools and equipment and the PE
academic performance among Grade 11 TVL BPP/FBS/COOKERY students in Baguio
National School of Arts and Trades with the following questions:
1. What is the level of Inadequate tools and equipment in the BPP/FBS/COOKERY
laboratory in Baguio National School of Arts and Trades?
2. What is the level of Academic performance among BPP/FBS/COOKERY students in
Baguio National School of Arts and Trades?
3. Is there a significant relationship between Inadequate tools and Equipment and
Academic performance among BPP/FBS/COOKERY students in Baguio National
School of Arts and Trades?
Null Hypothesis
There is no significant relationship between Inadequate tools and equipment and the
academic performance of TVL BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of BNSAT.
Scope and Delimitation
The scope is limited to the relationship between Inadequate tools and equipment and
the academic performance of Grade 11 TVL BPP/FBS/COOKERY students at Baguio
National School of Arts and Trades for 2023-2024. It is delimited to these senior
students in these demanding programs to investigate the insufficient tools and
equipment –academic performance link in a rigorous culinary field context.

Research Design
The researchers employed the correlational method to look at how the lack of
tools had affected the academic performances of the Grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY
students. As stated by Campbell and Stanley (1963) is the study of relationships
between variables as they exist in the real world, without experimental manipulation.
Correlational research is non-experimental which means that the researcher does not
manipulate any of the variables. Researchers can present the outcomes utilizing a
numerical value referred to as the correlation coefficient. Thus, correlation coefficient
between lack of tools and equipment and academic performance.
Respondent of the study
The respondents in this study are the Grade 11 TVL Home Economics
BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of BNSAT. A total of 30 students. The respondents were
Grade 11 TVL Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY students since they were the
ones who were affected by the factors mentioned. Aside from the study's topic being
related to Grade 11 TVL Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY students. The
researchers also wish to tell TVL Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY students
dealing with a variety of issues.
Locale of the Study
This study was carried out in Baguio Proper, Baguio District, Davao City, Baguio
National School of Arts and Trades. It is situated between Barangays Malagos and
Sample and Sampling Procedure
The survey questionnaire method is the most common method of correlational
research. It involves random sampling of the subjects in the research who fill out a
survey questionnaire test associated on the variables of interest. Random sampling is
crucial to the generalizability of a survey's result. It was employed to identify the 30
respondents of 11-Charity, who composed the sample of this study
Sampling Size
To ensure a thorough understanding of the relationship between inadequate
tools and equipment and academic performance within this particular group, the total
(30) sample size will be determined by TVL Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY
Research Instrument
Survey questionnaires were distributed to the respondents of Grade 11 TVL-
BPP/FBS/COOKERY Students of Baguio National School of Arts and Trades.

Scale Range Frequency Interpretations

4.50 – 5 Strongly Agree Always experienced Inadequate
tools and equipment
3.50 – 4.49 Agree Sometimes experienced Inadequate
tools and equipment
2.50 – 3.49 Moderately Agree Frequently experienced Inadequate
tools and equipment
1.50 – 2.49 Strongly Disagree Infrequently experienced Inadequate
tools and equipment
1 – 1.49 Disagree Did not experienced Inadequate
tools and equipment

On the other hand Table 2 shows that their Academic Performance was
measured in the same table in the Inadequate tools and equipment.
Scale Range Frequency Interpretations
4.50-5 Strongly Agree Academic performance is
very high
3.50-4.49 Agree Academic performance is
2.50-3.49 Moderately Agree Academic performance is
1.50-2.49 Strongly Disagree Academic performance is
below average
1-1.49 Disagree Academic performance is

Data Gathering Procedures

To gather data, the procedure used a survey questionnaire to analyze and evaluate
the Inadequate tools and equipment and academic performance among Grade 11
students of TVL Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of BNSAT by using
the data gathered from the scope of respondents and acquire further conclusions.
Data Analysis
The data collected and retrieved from the respondents were analyzed and
interpreted with the use of one statistical method.
1. Means was used to measure the level Inadequate tools and equipment and
academic performance among the Grade 11 TVL Home Economics
BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of Baguio National School of Arts and Trades.
2. The Pearson correlation coefficient (r) is the most common way of measuring a linear
correlation; a number between –1 and 1 that measures the strength and direction of the
relationship between The dependent variable changes to the degree and direction in the
independent variable influence it. In this study, the inadequate tools and equipment
experienced by the respondents in the school was measured to be correlated to their
academic performance.
Table 3: Table for r value
0.00 No Correlation
±0.01 to ± 0.20 Very low positive/ negative correlation
±0.21 to ±0.40 Slight positive/ negative correlation
±0.41 to ±0.70 Moderate positive/ negative correlation
±0.71 to ±0.90 High positive/ negative correlation
±0.91 to ±0.99 Very high positive/ negative correlation
±1.00 Perfect Correlation
r- value descriptions

Ethical Considerations
Prior to the survey, the researcher asked permission to the respondents and orient them
the purpose of the Study. The respondents will sign a consent form as proof of their
willingness to cooperate, and that they are not forced in any way. Lastly, the
researchers explained to them that their identity will be protected unless they permit to
using or including their name in the study.
Chapter III
Presented in this chapter are the analysis and presentation of data.

Results and Discussions

The level of Inadequate tools and equipment among Grade 11
Table 3 shows that most of the respondents Agree which means they Sometimes
experienced Inadequate tools and equipment in BPP/FBS/COOKERY Laboratory. In
the survey, the majority of them had concluded that they sometimes experienced
Inadequate tools and equipment in BPP/FBS/COOKERY Laboratory this suggest a high
level of dissatisfaction or concern about the current state of resources available for
practical work. this implies that the tools and equipment provided are insufficient or not
up to standard for carrying out necessary tasks effectively.
Table 3. The Level of Inadequate tools and equipment among Respondents
N Mean Description

Inadequat 3.794 Agree

e tools and

This reflects the findings of (Velandia & López, 2017) Studies have shown that
the availability and quality of tools and equipment significantly impact the learning
outcomes in culinary education. Inadequate tools can limit students' ability to practice
techniques effectively, resulting in lower skill acquisition and competency levels.
The Level of Academic Performance among Grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY
Respondents of BNSAT
Table 4 below shows that the overall mean of academic performance is 3.74
which means the respondents Agree that academic performance was high. This shows
that the respondents successfully achieved the academic requirements in terms of
insufficient tools and equipment.
Level Description

Academic 3.743 Agree

This reflects the findings of (Lee & Wang, 2017) Overcoming obstacles related to
inadequate tools and equipment can foster resilience and determination in students.
Students who demonstrate perseverance in the face of challenges are more likely to
excel academically and succeed in their culinary careers.
The Significant Relationship between the Grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY
Respondents’ Inadequate tools and equipment and Academic Performance.
A Pearson correlation was performed to determine if there is a correlation
between variables Inadequate tools and equipment and the academic performance of
the respondents . There is a slight positive/negative correlation between with r(30) = -
0.26 and p = .3974, in this sample.
Table 6. Significant Relationship between inadequate tools and equipment in

r p (2-tailed)

Inadequate -0.26 .3974

tools and
equipment and

Comparing the results of the independent variable (inadequate tools and

equipment) with a mean of 3.79 to the dependent variable (academic performance) with
a mean of 3.743 in the same degree level revealed that a average level of inadequate
tools and equipment in the laboratory corresponded to an average academic
Additionally, this reflects the findings of (Brown & Garcia, 2020) the literature
reveals a correlation between inadequate tools and equipment in culinary education
laboratories and academic performance. Studies have found that when the mean level
of inadequate tools and equipment is compared to academic performance scores, there
exists a moderate correlation between the two variables.

Chapter IV
In this chapter, the researchers present the summary of findings, conclusions
and recommendations.
Restatement of the Problem
This study aims to investigate the relationship between Inadequate tools and
equipment to academic performance among the respondents with the following
1. What is the level of Inadequate tools and equipment among Grade 11
BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of Baguio National School of Arts and Trades?
2. What is the level of academic performance among BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of
3. Is there a significant relationship between Inadequate tools and equipment and
academic performance among Grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY students of BNSAT?
Summary of Findings
Based on the data analyzed and interpreted, the researchers summarized the following:
1. The grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY Agreed that they sometimes experienced forms
of Inadequate tools and equipment
2. The grade 11 BPP/FBS/COOKERY respondents had Agreed that their academic
performance high.
3. There is no significant relationship between the levels of Inadequate tools and
equipment and academic performance among BPP/FBS/COOKERY students.
Based on the findings, the researchers concluded as follows:
1.The data revealed that Grade 11 TVL Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY
students sometimes experienced forms of inadequate tools and equipment in their
educational environment.
2.Respondents indicated that their academic performance was generally high,
suggesting that despite encountering inadequate tools and equipment, they were able
to achieve satisfactory academic outcomes.
3.Analysis of the data did not find a significant relationship between the levels of
inadequate tools and equipment and academic performance among Grade 11 TVL
Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY students. This implies that while students may
occasionally face challenges due to insufficient resources, it does not necessarily hinder
their academic success.

Based on the data analysis and interpretation, the researchers concluded that
while Grade 11 TVL Home Economics BPP/FBS/COOKERY students acknowledged
experiencing forms of inadequate tools and equipment, their academic performance
remained high. Additionally, there was no significant relationship found between the
levels of inadequate tools and equipment and academic performance among these
students. Therefore, it can be inferred that despite occasional challenges posed by
inadequate resources, students in this cohort are able to adapt and excel academically
in their chosen field.

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