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FGV Holdings Berhad (800165-P)

No. Petugas : 1211812

Tarikh : 01 April 2023

Muhammad Syahmi Bin Ahmad Zaini

FGV Palm Industries Sdn Bhd



Tahniah! Anda akan menerima Kenaikan Merit Tahun 2023 berkuatkuasa pada 1 April 2023
berdasarkan prestasi individu seperti maklumat di bawah:

Gaji Pokok Semasa Gaji Pokok Baru

(RM/ Bulan) (RM/ Bulan)

RM3,130.00 RM3,260.00

Sebagai makluman, faktor penentuan peratus kenaikan gaji adalah ditentukan oleh KPI, kedudukan
gaji semasa, Penanda Aras Industri dan Indeks Harga Pengguna.

Selaras dengan usaha FGV dalam meneruskan pembentukan Budaya Prestasi Tinggi, pihak
Pengurusan telah membuat keputusan bahawa hanya petugas yang mendapat minimum
prestasi Tahap 3 adalah layak diberikan Kenaikan Merit Tahun 2023.

Pengurusan FGV ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua petugas di atas usaha
dan tenaga yang telah dicurahkan dalam memastikan pencapaian prestasi cemerlang FGV.

Terima kasih.

***** Surat ini adalah cetakan komputer dan tandatangan tidak diperlukan ******

FGV Holdings Berhad (800165-P)

Level 13, Wisma FGV, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T + 603 2789 0000
FGV Holdings Berhad (800165-P)

Employee No : 1211812
Date : 01 April 2023

Muhammad Syahmi Bin Ahmad Zaini

FGV Palm Industries Sdn Bhd



Congratulation! You have received a Year 2023 Merit Increase effective from 1st April 2023 based
on individual performance as detailed below:

Current Basic Salary New Basic Salary

(RM/Month) (RM/Month)

RM3,130.00 RM3,260.00

The guiding principles in determining the merit increase percentage are by the KPI, current salary
position, Industry Benchmark and Consumer Price Index.

In line with FGV's efforts pivoting towards High Performance Culture, the Management has decided
that only employee who obtained a minimum of performance Rating 3 are eligible to receive the
Year 2023 Merit Increase.

The Management would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your dedication and
commitment to the FGV's excellent performance and look forward to sharing our ongoing success.

Thank you.

*****This is a computer-generated document. No signature is required*****

FGV Holdings Berhad (800165-P)

Level 13, Wisma FGV, Jalan Raja Laut, 50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
T + 603 2789 0000

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