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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

I. Activity Proposal
A. Title-A Classroom Activity entitled, “Bringing the Message of Peace and
Reconciliation from ANT Hiroshima Japan to Lusacan National High School”

B. Proponents: Mary Joylyn G. Jaen

Carlo Erba M. Pacinos
Priscilla Z. Serrano

II. Introduction
The Peace Advocacy in schools in the Philippines in coordination with ANT
Hiroshima started in 2012. This was organized and coordinated by a group of young
leaders who were sent to Hiroshima, Japan in 2011 on the topic of Post-war
Reconstruction and Peace Building under the Technical Cooperation Project of the Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The “Peace Caravan: Hiroshima-Nagasaki
Exhibit and Mindanao Peace Forum” was conducted in Ifugao State University with the
assistance of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) assigned in Ifugao
during that year 2012. The ANT Hiroshima Executive Director, Ms. Tomoko Watanabe
and her Friends from Japan arrived in the Philippines to be the resource persons of the
forum. Other resource persons were the young leaders from Mindanao.
In the year 2015, a Film Festival was held in Benguet particularly in the areas of
Baguio, Mankayan, and Abatan and in Manila. This activity was in line with the “Asia
Pacific International Peace Memorial (APIPM).” This was headed by a Japanese NGO
Salubong’s Koji Imaizumi-film director with the support of the Cordillera Green Network,
Hotel Supreme, UP Baguio, UP Manila, St. Joseph Parish in Mankayan, Our Lady of
Perpetual Parish in Abatan, the Defence of Peace, JOCV, ANT Hiroshima’s Tomoko
Watanabe-a film producer and artists Sizzle Otaka-Singer/Musician and
In the year 2019, one of the said trainees from Japan initiated once again a Film
Showing and Exhibit Activity at the Zarraga National High School in the Province of Iloilo.
Overall, all activities were able to raise the awareness of the students on the effects of
war and how advocacy on this topic should be mainstreamed as well, in the related
subjects/courses in school.

III. Rationale

Japan is known nowadays as a developed country when it comes to economy

and culture. A lot of Japanese and even the people of its neighboring countries wanted
to neglect and forget one part of its history since it reminds a tragic and self-torture
memory. However, the key to understanding the present is to look back at the past and
be able to learn from it. During the final stage of World War II, the United States
detonated two nuclear weapons over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on
August 6 and 9, 1945, respectively. The United States dropped the bombs after
obtaining the consent of the United Kingdom, as required by the Quebec Agreement.
The two bombings killed 129,000–226,000 people, most of whom were civilians. They
remain the only use of nuclear weapons in the history of warfare.
( The bombing was the first and only deployment of the atomic
bomb in history. It was a US strategy to end the war. Since 1945 U.S., Russia, UK, France,
China, India, Pakistan and North Korea have collectively conducted around 2,000 nuclear
weapons tests. Also, Israel, India, Pakistan and Iran have developed nuclear bombs since
The U.N.’s Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the New START Treaty between
Russia and the United States are just some actions undertaken internationally to reduce
the possibility of using the nuclear bomb again in the future.
At present, a lot of countries are also working together to prevent war and
militarization. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are now a reminder of the
consequences of war, the reality of war and how destructive it can be. Using nuclear
weapons is a horror in humanity.
With this, there should be a collective effort worldwide to contemplate the
importance of human life in harmony with its surroundings.
With the proliferation of social media platforms, this activity at Lusacan
National High School connects with the popular use of social media as an educational
material for learning.

IV. Objectives
At the end of the activity, the students are expected to:

1. Integrate a part of the history, particularly what happened on

August 6, 1945.
2. In connection to the Most Essential Learning Competencies Filipino
10 the students will be able to:
a. Napanood at natutukoy ang mga popular na anyo ng panitikan na
karaniwang nakikita sa mga social media at bidyo
dokumentaryo.F10PD-IIg-h-73 .
3. Orient the students on the life of people exposed to nuclear

4. Increase the awareness of students to protect human life and its human
rights and also the environment by becoming agents of peace;
5. Lift and act on the School’s Project Banner (ISAMA, ELIAS, Adopt-a-

 Film Showing
 Hiroshima Hibakusha Testimony: Suzuko NUmata’s Story -A Seed of
 Picture Slide Book Story of the Little Messnger
 Exhibit
 Short Discussion
Target Audience
G10-LGL Students

Duration of the Activity

9:00 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Tuesday (May 16, 2023)

1. The school will receive additional educational instructional materials.

2. Integrate a part of the history, particularly what happened on

August 6, 1945.
3. In connection to the Most Essential Learning Competencies Filipino
10 the students will be able to:
a. Napanood at natutukoy ang mga popular na anyo ng panitikan na
karaniwang nakikita sa mga social media at bidyo
dokumentaryo.F10PD-IIg-h-73 .

4. Orient the students on the life of people exposed to nuclear


5. Increase the awareness of students to protect human life and its human
rights and also the environment by becoming agents of peace;

6. Lift and act on the School’s Project Banner (ISAMA, ELIAS, Adopt-a-

The activity will be assisted by :

Kenneth C. Villanueva , Filipino Teacher
Virginia B. Tapire, TLE teacher

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