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The Great Gatsby

Vocabulary Words Part 2

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defunct x

fluctuate x

juxtaposition x

façade x

vestige x x

intermittent x

tumult x

fortuitous x

superfluous x

surmise X zXZ

Pathway to Understanding Words

Word Pathway to Understanding

defunct Definition:no longer in effect or use; not operating or functioning

Part of speech: adjective
Synonym: disused,extinct,unusable
Antonym: working,extant
Example: the company is now defunct

fluctuate Definition: rise and fall irregularly in number or amount

Part of speech: verb
Synonym: vary, differ, shift
Antonym:be steady, remain
Example: trade with other countries tends to fluctuate from year to year
juxtaposition Definition: the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: contact,nearness,proximity
Antonym: distance,remoteness
Example: The juxtaposition of two such facts seemed to me auspicious.

façade Definition: the face of a building, especially the principal front that looks onto a street
or open space.
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: front face, outside
Antonym: character, personality
Example:He kept his hostility hidden behind a friendly façade.

vestige Definition:a trace of something that is disappearing or no longer exists.

Part of speech: noun
Synonym: relic, echo,sign
Antonym:information, lot
Example:the last vestiges of colonialism

intermittent Definition:not happening regularly or continuously

Part of speech: adjective
Synonym: irregular, broken,odd
Antonym: continuous, steady
Example: Two weeks later, five rangers ascended the west face in intermittent rain and

tumult Definition:a loud, confused noise, especially one caused by a large mass of people.
Part of speech: noun
Synonym: din,loud noise,racket
Antonym: silence,calm,stillness
Example:a tumult of shouting and screaming broke out

fortuitous Definition: happening by accident or chance rather than design

Part of speech: adjective
Synonym: fortunate, odd random
Antonym: calculated,designed,planned
Example: the similarity between the paintings may not be simply fortuitous

superfluous Definition: unnecessary, especially through being more than enough.

Part of speech: adjective
Synonym: excessive, unneeded , useless
Antonym: reasonable,useful
Example: he purchaser should avoid asking for superfluous information

surmise Definition: suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
Part of speech: verb
Antonym: fact, proof ,reality
Example: he surmised that something must be wrong

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