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Summary of the poem The Duck and the Kangaroo

“The Duck and the Kangaroo’ written by Edward Lear is a funny poem that tells
us about a conversation between a Duck and a Kangaroo. Such poems which
have no deep meaning and are quite humorous are known as ‘Nonsense
Verse’. Edward Lear is famous for writing innumerable such ‘Nonsense Verses’.
A Duck who is bored with his humdrum life in a nasty pond, speaks with a
Kangaroo. The Duck is impressed by the Kangaroo’s prowess to hop swiftly and
over long distances. So, he requests the kangaroo to take him for a ride on his
back, because he (the Duck) wants to explore the world beyond. The Duck
promises to sit still and say nothing but ‘Quack’. He even charts out a route
and names the places they could visit. After listening to the Duck’s request, the
Kangaroo replies that he needs to think it over a little. He tells the Duck that
although he is ready to agree to the /duck’s wishes, there is one objection- the
Duck’s feet are ‘unpleasantly wet and cold,’ and he (the Kangaroo) is afraid
they might give him ‘Roomatiz(rheumatism- a condition in which joints of the
hands and feet become painful). The Duck sits on some rocks to think of a
solution to the problem- he has bought four pairs of worsted socks and a cloak
to keep out the wetness and the cold. He also says that he will smoke one cigar
everyday for warmth. On hearing this, the kangaroo say that he is ready to
take the Duck on a ride. He then tells the Duck where and how he should sit.
Once everything is to their satisfaction, the two take off. They journey round
the Earth three times, and are the two happiest creatures in the world.

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