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Reka: Hello good morning, Reka from Moon Design speaking here.

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Shafira: Hi Reka, good morning. Can i speak with Mr. Jeon please?.

Reka: I’m sorry, who i’m speaking with?.

Shafira: Oh, i’m sorry. My name is Shafira and i want to talk with Mr. Jeon please.

Reka: I’m really sorry Miss Shafira, Mr. Jeon in a meeting right now he can not take the


Shafira: oh, what time the meeting will be finish miss Reka?.

Reka: it’s probably take 2 hours from now miss.

Shafira: OK, Is he available to have conversation with me after meeting or not?.

Reka: i will tell Mr. Jeon when the meeting is over ya miss.

Shafira: thank you very much miss Reka.

Reka: any message for Mr. Jeon?.

Shafira: yes sure, i have sent several designs that i recommend. I hope Mr. Jeon can

check it immediatelly and choose which design he wants to use.

Reka: alright miss, i will send your message to Mr. Jeon ya.

Shafira: thank you for your help ya Miss Reka.

Reka: my pleasure miss shafira, have a great day.

Shafira: have a nice day too miss Reka.

Reka: thank you, bye.

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