meossepII 3002

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Sr. No. 3
Function: Controlling the Operation of The Ship & Care for Persons on Board at
Management Level

M.E.O. Class II
(Time allowed - 2hours)
India (2002) Morning Paper Total Marks 100
N.B. - (1) Answer SIX Question Only.
(2) All questions carry equal marks.
(3) Neatness in handwriting and clarity in expression carries weightage

1. What do you understand by the terms CONVENTION, PROTOCOL and

AMENDMENTS. State in which order these will be adopted by the IMO. What
procedure is nowadays followed for putting the amendments into effect.
2. In relation to SOLAS convention define the following
(a) Passenger ship
(b) Special category spaces
(c) Control station
(d) Dead ship condition

3. Describe the difference between weather tight and water tight doors. Your answer
should include the locations these are fitted and method of construction and operation.

4. Expand and briefly describe the following :

(a) LTA (b) B C Code (c) B L U Code
(d) I N F Code (f) EDI (e) NLS
(g) HNS (h) I L O

5. Annex VI of the MARPOL 73/78 deals with Prevention of Pollution of air from ship.
(a) State the different sources on board ship which causes this pollution.
(b) Is this Annex in force? What certificates are being issued in respect of this annex.
6. Regulation 13F of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78 deals with prevention of oil pollution
in the event of collision or stranding. Describe a double hull type of construction and
state if any other type of construction provides equivalent protection.

7. Chapter VII of STCW ’78 as amended in ’95 deals with “alternative certification”.
What are the functions covered under such a certificate. State the principles which shall
be taken into a account for issue of such certificates.

8. With respect to Fire Control Plan, briefly discuss the following

(a) Is this an approved plan? If so, who is the approving authority.
(b) Which all are the location it is stowed/ displayed in.
(c) What information does it provides.

9. The purpose of the vessel inclining experiment is to :

(a) Determine the location of metacentre
(b) Determine the lightweight center of gravity of ship
(c) Verify data in the vessel’s operating manual
State the precautions taken during conduct of inclining experiment.


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