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Juan Carlos D.

Garcia May 20, 2024

BSCS – 2A Sir Nortz

1. What is Truth Table?

- A truth table is a mathematical table helpful in logic, more precisely with Boolean algebra
and propositional calculus. It enumerates all the possible values of logical variables and the
effect of these values in logical expressions. In simple terms, truth tables set out to determine
whether a logical statement holds true under various combinations of inputs. Truth tables
have one column for each of the variables inputted and one last column that identifies the
output of the logical operation that it represents.

2. How is a truth table constructed?

- The truth table is constructed as such in an organized, step-by-step process. It starts by
identifying the variables and the total number of rows needed for all possible outcomes,
which could be true or false. Then comes the logical expression evaluation for each row, and
columns for the outputs to be completed. In this way, a truth table will be functional, covering
all logically possible outcomes.

3. When should we use truth tables? Can we use it all the time? Why or why not?
- Truth tables plays a major role in the analysis, verification, and logical understanding of
expressions and digital circuits. In other words, they are very good at tackling a small to
moderately sized problem that consists of a reasonable number of variables. Nevertheless, by
nature, they grow exponentially and sometimes get too complex, so they might not be the
best tool to use for large problems. Alternative methods should be considered where
efficiency and accuracy are crucial specially when dealing with huge projects and problems.

4. What is the purpose of a truth table?

- The purpose of truth tables are designed for systematic analysis of the behavior of logical
expressions or propositions. They offer an organized way of looking through all possible
combinations of truth values for variables in a logical expression. Exhaustively listing such
combinations and their corresponding truth values, truth tables help in the clear
understanding of logical relationships. They thus help in testing the validity of arguments and
determining if an expression is ever, sometimes, or never true under different conditions.

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