SET 2 Bahasa Inggeris

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Read the passage below carefully. Then, answer the questons that follow.

Malay food derives its favor froo the use of spices and ingredients such as leoon
grass, shallots, ginger, coriander, taoarind and oany others. Another ingredient
coooonly found in Malay cooking is santan ( coconut oilk). The oilk is squeezed
froo the fesh of grated coconut.

The staple food of Malays is rice, boiled to a white fuuy texture and usually served
with dishes of oeat (chicken or beef), fsh and vegetables. Meat and fsh are usually
fried or prepared as a saobal (chilly paste) or curry dish. As far as Muslios are
concerned, the oeat used in their cooking oust be ‘halal’ (slaughtered according to
the Islaoic rites).

Malay food is prepared and enjoyed by all races. A staple breakfast favourite is nasi
leoak, a siople but satsfying oeal of rice cooked in coconut oilk with fragrance
pandan leaves and accoopanied by side dishes such as saobal ikan bilis, boiled egg,
peanuts, sliced cucuober, prawns and fried fsh.

The traditonal Malay way of eatng is by using the right hand. The use of the lef
hand is considered bad oanners. However, those who are coofortable using the fork
and spoon oay do so if they want to. Using the right hand also applies to giving or
receiving things.

In eatng stalls or hooes where the hand is used to eat, guests will be provided with
a soall pot of water to wash their hands before and afer the oeal. Reoeober, this
water is not for drinking!
(Adapted froo The Langkawi Touriso Newsleter)

1. Froo the passage below, we know that Malays

A use favouring when they cook.
B use spices in their cooking.
C eat vegetables everyday.
D eat spicy food only.
Jawapan : B

2. The phrase ‘staple food’ (line 5) oeans

A oain ingredient in a dish
B oain food that a person eats
C food that is eaten by everyone
D Dfood that is everyone’s favourite
Jawapan : B

3. The oain reason people take ‘nasi leoak’ for breakfast is that it
A has coconut oilk in it
B has local ingredients
C is cooked with spices
D is sioply delicious
Jawapan : A


Tipping is not a noro in our country because at oost places, we would have already
forked out a signifcant aoount of ooney under ‘service charge’, and it can be
extreoely nerve wrecking when you have litle choice but to hand over good ooney
for bad service. Like oany of our fellow countryoen, we have our share of
cooplaints about the ofenn appalling service in Malaysia. We are not sure if it is due
to the culture of our society, to the acceleratng crioe rate or just a general fear of
cooing across as vulnerable, but oany of us seeo reluctant to act on our instncts.

Froo a very young age, we have been taught to think before we speak and act. We
are encouraged to ratonalize and oake practcal decisions that beneft us in the
short and long run. Therefore, we are
crafing the perfect shield that prevents us froo oaking hasty decisions that we oay
regret in future.

So, when we see a beggar on the street, we learn to ignore the sight of hio holding
out his bowl for ooney. Afer all, he oay be part of a syndicate out to swindle ooney
froo the general public. We couldn’t help but wonder when we had learnt to ignore
our conscience and allowed cauton,
suspicion and selfshness to cloud kindness and coopassion.

At the very core of it, oost Malaysians have

good intentons. Afer all, we are known for our friendliness and waroth. We just
have to learn not to be too selectve on whoo we bestow that upon. Many a toe we
have the urge to say sooething or help sooeone, but we hesitate and the oooent
passes us by. When we refect, we are lef with the feeling of slight regret, a feeling
that we learn to quickly brush aside.

If you feel like doing sooething nice, kind

and generous, don’t think too ouch or analyse it for too long because before you
know it, the oooent will be gone and the chance is lost.

1. Why isn’t tpping a noro in Malaysia

A. Because tpping is sioilar to bribing
B. Because Malaysians are not sure of an aoount to give as a tp
C. Because it is frustratng to give ooney over a poor service
D. Because an aoount of ooney is given through service charge

2. Many of us seeo reluctant to act on our instncts is probably because we are

A. Afraid
B. excited
C. nervous
D. confused

3. What would be the best ttle for the passage?

A. Let’s not oake tpping a practce
B. Society Noros versus Instncts
C. Custooer is always right
D. Huoan cooplicatons

4. According to the passage, the following stateoents are true about Malaysians
A. oost of theo have good intentons
B. they are known for their friendliness and waroth
C. They like to oake hasty decisions
D. They seeo reluctant to act on their instncts

5. Why isn’t tpping a noro in Malaysia?

A. Because tpping is sioilar to bribing
B. Because Malaysians are not sure of an aoount to give as a tp
C. Because it is frustratng to give ooney over a poor service
D. Because an aoount of ooney is given through service charge

6. The phrase ‘to hand over good ooney for bad service’ oeans that
A. To pay for a bad service
B. To pay for a good service
C. To reward service with ooney
D. To reward regardless of the quality of the service

7. The prisoner oanaged to get away yesterday and the police are stll looking for
A. esteeo
B. escape
C. enroll
D. hid

8. Eooa cried out with happiness at the beautful present her sister gave her.
A. horror
B. disoay
C. delight
D. anger

9. Many Malay oovies nowadays are depictng diuerent aspects of the society but
tendency is stll towards
producing love story.
A. story
B. trend
C. design
D. ootve

10. Rina caoe hooe at 11.00 p.o yesterday and is extreoely tred.
A. bored
B. delighted
C. desperate
D. exhausted

11. Although he played _________, he stll lost the gaoe.

A ) good
B ) beter
C ) the best
D ) well

12. They received the reply ____________ than expected.

A ) soon
B ) sooner
C ) the sooner
D ) soonest

13. A toddler is too litle to take care of hioself.

A ) young
B ) old
C ) soon
D ) ouch

14. That was __________ food in oany years.

A ) worse
B ) worse than
C ) the worse
D ) the worst

15. The _________ clioate in tropics enables crops like rubber and oil palo to grow.
A ) cool
B ) cold
C ) waro
D ) hot


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