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Telephone Revision

Choose suitable words for the telephone dialogue below:

sure message hold afraid this help repeat through call

 Operator: Hello, Frank and Brothers, How can I ______ you?

 Peter: This is Peter Jackson. Can I have extension 3421?
 Operator: Certainly, please ______ and I'll put you _________...
 Frank: Bob Peterson's office, Frank speaking.
 Peter: ______ is Peter Jackson calling, is Bob in?
 Frank: I'm _______ he's out at the moment. Can I take a _______?
 Peter: Yes, Could you ask him to ______ me at 9147 6320. It’s urgent.
 Frank: Could you ________ the number please?
 Peter: Yes, that's 9147 6320, and this is Peter Jackson.
 Frank: Thank you Mr Jackson, I'll make ______ Bob gets your message.
 Peter: Thanks, bye.
 Frank: Good bye.

Circle the appropriate preposition for the sentences/questions below:

1. I can’t hear you I’m sorry, you are breaking in/up. May I hang in/up and call you
straight back?
2. Would it be okay if I called you back in/at 15 minutes?
3. Thank you. I really am very grateful to/at you for/at all your help.
4. I’m calling on/about the low interest rate loans.
5. I’ll send you a confirmation on/in writing. You should receive it by/within Friday.
6. I’m sorry, I’ve been on/in the phone for the last hour.
7. Could I speak at/with Mr Brown please?
8. William, there was a call to/for you when you were at lunch.
9. I’m afraid that Christine is not in/at her office right now.
10. I can take your details over/in the phone now if you have time.

What would you say to someone on the phone if…

1. you couldn’t understand their name?

2. you answered your colleague’s phone and he/she was out at lunch at that moment?

3. you had called him/her and the line was very bad (i.e. it was very noisy and you
couldn’t hear them well)?

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