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Sira and Her Elephant Friend

Assalamualaikum and Good Morning judges, teachers and all my friend. My name is
Nur Adra Farha and I am nine years old, from SK Kemubu. Today I would like to
tell you a story about ‘Sira and Her Elephant Friend’.

Sira was an Orang Asli Temiar girl who lived deep in the Malaysian rainforest with
her family. She had long black hair and loved wearing her colorful beaded
necklaces. Her favorite thing was spending time surrounded by the incredible
animals and plants of the forest.

One day when Sira was 10 years old, she was walking alone picking berries. She
heard a loud trumpeting sound “Huuummmpphh”. Sira froze. She knew that an
elephant was nearby. Sira loved elephants but she knew they could be dangerous if
they felt threatened.

“Hmmm, it might be dangerous. But I must go there,” whispered Sira.

Slowly, Sira made her way towards the sound. That's when she saw it - a huge
elephant stuck in the mud of a swampy area. The elephant trumpeted again, clearly
distressed. Sira felt sadness seeing the poor animal trapped.

“I must help the elephant,” said Sira.

Using her knowledge of the forest, Sira found some strong vines. She managed to
throw one end to the elephant, who grabbed it with his trunk. With Sira pulling
from one side and the elephant pulling from the other, he was freed from the mud.

“Hooraayy, finally you are free!’ shouted Sira.

The elephant looked at Sira with his big eyes. He seemed to understand she had
helped him. He made a loud rumbling sound, almost like a purr.
From that day on, Sira and the elephant became best friends. Sira named him
Belari, which means "wanderer" in her language. Belari would wait for her in the
same spot every day. The two would spend hours roaming through the rainforest
together. Belari used his trunk to move aside branches for Sira. She would feed
him bananas and other fruits.

Sira felt so lucky to have such an amazing friend. She had learned about elephants
from her elders, but experiencing them up close was something else entirely. She
was in awe of their intelligence, strength and family bonds.

No matter what Sira did later in life, she knew nothing would replace the magic of
her childhood spent living among the rainforest elephants as Belari's friend.

The moral of the story is, we must always be kind to animal. The End. Thank you.

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