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The little bird watched helplessly as other birds flied around, soaring through the air with such

and ease. He wanted to fly so badly, but he was afraid. He had never flown before, and he didn’t know if
he could do it. Time had come he had to leave the little nest which had been is home. The rules of the
jungle demanded that he was now on his own, he had to fight for his survival.

He watched his mother and father fly, and he saw how happy they looked. He wanted to be happy like
them, he had to take the chance, fate completely out of his hands, so he took a deep breath and spread
his wings. He jumped off the branch of the tree, and he started to fall. He flapped his wings as hard as he
could, but he wasn’t going anywhere, in is mind maybe flying wasn't just for everybody. He was just
falling, falling, falling.

He closed his eyes and waited for the impact as all hope was lost. Miraculously, he felt a gust of wind lift
him up. He opened his eyes and saw that he was flying! He was flying! He flapped his wings and soared
through the air, just like the other birds. The sudden turn of event made him fly as if he has been doing it
for years, perhaps drawing envy from the other birds.

He was so happy! He flew around the trees, and he even flew over the other birds fueled by is young
energetic energy. They all cheered for him, and he felt so proud. He had finally learned to fly!

He flew for hours, exploring the world from a new perspective. He saw things he had never seen before,
and he felt free. He was a bird, and he could fly! He felt freed, he could now explore4 the entire world.

As he flew, his thought about all the things he would do now that he could fly. He would go on
adventures, and he would see the world. He would meet new friends, and he would have so much fun.
He would do things he never thought he would, he would take all the risks, his young thought exploited
all imagination possible.

He was so excited about the future, and he couldn’t wait to see what it held. He was now a bird, and he
could fly! His once dream as come through and he would now explore the jungle to the fullest.

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