Pottery English

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Pottery ©Liselott Daun

Drops Nord (01 white)
Nordic Sky (7)
One skein of each color. 50g=170-200m
Alternative yarn should have the length of 160-210m./50g
Double pointed needles: 2,5 mm
2.0-3, 0 mm. depending on how hard you stitch.

Half mittens*:
Cast on 68 stitches on double pointed needles 2, 5 mm. and place them 15 stitches on each needle.
Stitch the first row in the back loop.

Knit the cuff 1 knit, 1 purl for 6 cm.

Now you can start the pattern.

Do not knit the yellow fields.

Spread the stitches like this: 8 stitches on the needle where the thump is.
The other needles have 20 stitches each. Follow the pattern and increase after instruction and there will be
20 stitches on each needle.

Follow the chart to the dotted line for the thumb. Slip the 15 stitches onto yarn. Cast on 15 new stitches
behind and continue the pattern until it ends.

When the pattern is completed you end with 1 row knit where you decrease 8 evenly divided stitches.

Knit 1, purl 1 for 3 cm. Cast off.

Put the 15 stitches on needle.
Pick up 15 new stitches + 2 on each side = 32 stitches.
Knit 1, purl 1 for 5 cm.
Cast off.

*Have fun and

If you post your finished project on
Instagram I would be very glad if you
tagged me with

Pottery half mittens ©Liselott Daun

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