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Evaluation of dissimilar friction stir lap joints

using digital X-ray radiography

T. Saravanan*1, H. Das2, K. Arunmuthu1, J. Philip1, B. P. C. Rao1, T. Jayakumar1
and T. K. Pal2
A digital X-ray radiography methodology is proposed for quality assessment of aluminium–zinc
coated steel dissimilar lap joints produced by a friction stir welding process. This methodology
uses digital frame integration for acquisition of data to reduce the image noise followed by high
pass filtering to sharpen the image by gradient operation and contrast adjustments to detect
micro defects in FSW joints. The effect of welding parameters such as rotational and travel speed
of weld tool and penetration depth on quality of the weld is studied. The new methodology has
resulted in three-fold increase in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with improved defect detection
sensitivity. The present study clearly shows that the weld tool rotational speed, travel speed and
plunger depth have a decisive role on the quality of the weld obtained by the friction stir welding
Keywords: Friction stir weld, Lap joint, Digital X-ray radiography, SNR, Weld defects

Introduction (ECT) enables detection and evaluation of defects in the

weld zone. Esmaeili et al.4 have used radiography
Friction stir welding (FSW) is a solid state joining technique to detect weld defects in aluminium to brass
technique and is increasingly used for joining of dissimilar friction stir welds. It has been reported that
aluminium and other light weight alloys. In FSW, a the optical microscopy combined with X-ray radio-
rotating tool is inserted into the interface of two graphy have revealed that the coarse and continuous
materials to be joined and when sufficient plasticity fragments of brass in aluminium matrix, tunnelling and
developed the rotating tool travels along the interface at voids in the weld joints. Kumbhar et al.5 studied the
certain speed. As the tool is moved in the welding mechanical properties of friction welded aluminium
direction, the leading face of the tool forces plasticised 6061 alloys after qualifying the FSW joints to be
material to flow back mainly around the retreating side defect-free by X-ray radiography technique. Saeid
while applying a substantial force to consolidate the et al.6 studied the effect of welding speed on the
weld. Frictional heat is generated both internally by microstructure and mechanical properties of the stir zone
viscous dissipation and at the interfaces between the tool of SAF 2205 grade duplex stainless steel and established
pin and the shoulder. This causes the materials to soften sound FSW joints by X-ray radiography with the traverse
without reaching the melting point, thereby entering the speeds in the range of 50–200 mm min21 at a constant
viscous–plastic domain. The FSW joints show excellent rotational speed of 600 rev min21. They also reported
mechanical properties because of the recrystallised fine that increase of travel speed to 250 mm min21 resulted in
and equiaxed grains in the stir zone.1 For surface formation of a groove like defect along the weld. Akinlabi
modification and for spot joining, the FSW is also highly et al.7 effectively used the X-ray radiography technique
useful.2 The important welding parameters to be chosen on friction stir welds of 5754 Aluminum and C 11000
for sound FSW joints include vertical force, travel and copper dissimilar butt joint configuration to detect
rotational speed of the tool, geometry of tool and the wormhole defects and cracks in the weld joints. The
tilting angle between the tool and the welding material. higher travel speeds resulted in severe lack of penetration
For quality control of FSW joints, X-ray radiography while formation of voids occurred at lower rotational
technique3 is often chosen for detection of voids and speeds. However, at higher rotational speed and opti-
phased array ultrasonic technique (UT) for detection of mized travel speed, defects were not observed in weld
finer porosities. For defects in the root of the joint in region.
electrically conducting materials, eddy current technique Li et al.8 used various NDE techniques to detect and
locate the weld defects in Al-T6 FSW butt welds. They
used X-ray radiography, phased array ultrasonics, eddy
Metallurgy and Materials Group, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic
Research, Kalpakkam, India current and fluorescent penetrant technique to assess the
Welding Technology Centre, Metallurgical and Material Engineering shape and locations of different types of FSW defects.
Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India Using conventional X-ray film radiography technique,
*Corresponding author, email they demonstrated that the FSW weld quality depends

ß 2014 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining

Published by Maney on behalf of the Institute
Received 26 July; accepted 12 September 2013
DOI 10.1179/1362171813Y.0000000172 Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2014 VOL 19 NO 2 125
Saravanan et al. Evaluation of dissimilar friction stir lap joints

on tool shoulder target depth, spindle tilt angle and joining approach to produce sound aluminium steel
fixture clamping conditions on the work pieces, besides weld joints. Studies on X-ray radiography procedure
tool rotational and travel speeds. The lower tool using DDA for examination of dissimilar FSW lap joints
immersion depth results in defective tightness appear- are scarce. It is observed from the earlier reports8 that
ance while higher immersion depth leads to excessive the conventional X-ray film radiography technique is
flash and tunnels due to over tool shoulder pressure.8 It not useful for detection of submillimetre size FSW
is observed from this work that the reduced signal-to- defects (micro-pores or tiny voids) including kissing
noise ratio (SNR) associated with the film systems bond type defects, crack like root flaws.
results in limited achievable contrast sensitivity (CS). The objective of the present study is to develop a
ASTM E-2736 indicates that digital detector array digital X-ray radiography procedure for dissimilar
(DDA) is better than X-ray film systems in detecting aluminium and zinc coated steel FSW lap joints and to
small defects because of higher contrast to noise ratio explore ways for improved SNR and for enhancing the
(CNR) levels. Detection of defects of size less than one defect detection limit. Owing to the quantum nature of
pixel can be possible by frame averaging or integration, the X-rays, normally radiography images are noisy and
longer exposure time, higher energy, higher current and this affects the detection of tiny defect features in
minimum focus detector distance. conventional radiography. This methodology uses digi-
Adamowski et al.9 employed X-ray radiography tech- tal frame integration for acquisition of data to reduce
nique to detect volumetric defects in FSW of aluminium the image noise followed by high pass filtering to
alloys of AW 6082-T6. They reported formation of surface sharpen the image by gradient operation and contrast
opened tunnel defects along the length of the weld due to adjustments to detect micro defects in FSW joints. Using
insufficient downward pressure at a welding speed of this methodology, the quality of the aluminium–zinc
170 mm min21 and at a rotation speed of 1230 rev min21. coated steel FSW lap joints for penetration depths of
Kim et al.10 studied the effect of welding speed on the 2?50 and 2?30 mm under varied travel and rotational
quality of FSW aluminium alloys joints by different NDE speeds is evaluated and the results are discussed.
techniques. X-ray radiography technique revealed that at
250 mm min21 welding speed, a good quality welding Experimental
could be obtained. At 500 and 750 mm min21 welding Friction stir welded lap joints are fabricated with 6061
speeds, cavities and lack of bonding type defects are grade aluminium of 2?0 mm thickness and zinc coated
formed at the joint interface. Park et al.11 used X-ray steel sheet of 1?0 mm thickness. Test specimen dimen-
radiography technique to evaluate FSW bead-on plate sions are 1506100 mm (width6length). The joints are
welds on copper–zinc alloys. Radiography images showed produced using Friction Stir Welder Model RM 1A-0?7,
a groove type continuous void when the tool rotational under displacement control mode. The tool, made of
speed was less. Saliha Gachi et al.12 have reported that X- steel SKD61, comprises of a shank, shoulder (11?0 mm
ray radiography technique revealed the absence of weld diameter) and probe. The tool axis was tilted by 20 with
defects at the surface and at inner zone of FSW weld joints respect to the vertical axis of the plate surface. The welds
of thick aluminium sheets. Yu et al.13 proposed a magnetic were produced for a dwell time of 2 s and for two
non-destructive technique to detect complex tiny flaws in different depths of 2?30 and 2?50 mm. Table 1 shows the
the FSW of aluminium alloys. The anomalous character- welding parameters used for the fabrication of the FSW
istics of the magnetic field in the flaw are analyzed using a lap joints.
magnetic sensor with 1nT resolution in which the X-ray radiography of the welds is carried out using a
difference of the relative permeability of the flaws is 450 kV Balteau constant potential X-ray unit (focal spot
detected in geomagnetic field. Wang et al.14 studied the size 1?2 mm) and flash scan FS35 Thales flat panel
metal transfer and welding arc behaviour of consumable detector was used as the X-ray detector (127 mm pixel
and non-consumable indirect arc droplet welding using a pitch). The radiography exposure parameters used are
high speed digital camera. It was reported that neutron given in Table 2. The X-ray images are acquired after an
radiography technique is a suitable non-destructive tool to exposure time of 4?2 s (frame time) and integration of a
assess the nugget size of spot welds. number of single frame X-ray images is carried out.
Welding of aluminium alloys to steel is of interest to Integration of X-ray radiography images is carried out
the automotive industry. Since, the conventional fusion using data acquisition software VI3 which averages the
welding of these alloys results in formation of brittle multiple frames of data into one image. This digital frame
intermetallic compounds, FSW appears to be a viable integration results in significant reduction in image noise.
Table 1 Parameters used for welding FSW lap joints

Joint identification Rotational speed/min21 Travel speed/mm min21 Target depth/mm

J1 500 50
J2 500 100
J3 1000 50
J4 1000 100
J5 1000 150
J6 1500 50
J7 1500 100
J8 1500 150 2?50
J9 500 100
J10 1000 100
J11 1500 100 2?30

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2014 VOL 19 NO 2 126

Saravanan et al. Evaluation of dissimilar friction stir lap joints

2 Plot of SNR versus square root of number of frames

integration for exposure

and then, it saturates beyond 25 frames. This behaviour

at higher frame acquisition is attributed to the contribu-
tion of the digital detector structural noise which is
significant in comparison to the statistical quantum
noise of the X-ray exposure. Thus, the number of frames
for integration is fixed as 25. The higher SNR achieved
enhances the contrast sensitivity. In order to further
improve the contrast sensitivity, gradient based high
pass filtering followed by contrast and brightness
adjustment is employed.
The contrast sensitivity is given by the product of
1 Flow chart of the proposed methodology for digital X- SNR and effective attenuation
ray radiography of FSW joints
~SNRmeff (2)
This is achieved by calculating the arithmetic mean of the
signals collected for certain number of images. The where CNR is the contrast-to-noise ratio, Dw is the
integration of the frames results in improved SNR which minimal change in material thickness and meff is the
facilitates the detection of microdefects effectively. effective attenuation
Figure 1 shows the flow chart of the proposed Figure 3a and b shows the radiographic images
methodology for radiography of FSW joints. SNR is obtained with 1 and 25 frames exposure respectively
determined with varied number of frames of exposure. for a typical FSW joint made at a rotational speed of
The SNR measurement is carried out using ISee 500 min21 and travel speed of 50 mm min21 for a
software15 for region of interest (ROI), i.e. the weld, plunger depth of 2?30 mm. The former resulted in a
using the ASTM E -2737 procedure. In this procedure, normalised SNR of 114 whereas the latter gave a SNR
the SNR is defined as the ratio of the mean grey value to of 169. The radiographic image (Fig 3a) is not accep-
median single line standard deviation. table, as the ASTM E 2737 accepts the images with
SNR.130. Figure 3c shows the high pass filtered image
ðSNRÞROI ~ðGray valueÞmean =ðsÞsingle line (1) of Fig. 3b. The SNR measured on the same ROI is 527.
Figure 3d shows the contrast and brightness adjusted
image of Fig. 3c where the pores and voids (encircled)
From the quantum nature of the X-ray radiation, the
are clearly seen along the length of the stir zone.
SNR improves by a factor of !N where ‘N’ is the
number of frames used for integration of the exposures.
Figure 2 shows the plot of SNR for varied square root
of number of frames of integration. As can be seen, SNR
increases linearly up to 20 frames of integrated exposure

Table 2 Radiography exposure parameters for FSW

Voltage applied/kV 135
3 Digital X-ray radiography image of FSW joint with rota-
Current/mA 1
Exposure time/s 105 tional speed of 500 min21 and travel speed of
Number of frames 25 frames integration 50 mm min21 for plunger depth of 2?30 mm a exposure
Source-to-object distance (SOD)/mm 1000 performed at 1 frame (!N51), b exposure with 25
Object-to-detector distance (ODD) Contact frames integration (!N55), c high pass filtered image
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) 169 and d magnified view of FSW weld portion showing
Magnification 1?0
pores and voids encircled

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2014 VOL 19 NO 2 127

Saravanan et al. Evaluation of dissimilar friction stir lap joints

4 a radiography image of typical FSW weld with IQI wire and b its grey level profile across wires

Measurement of sub-pixel contrast gradients in the kernel which enhances the visualisation
of sub-pixel IQI wires, by grey value transitions between
resolution the image gradients and filter template elements. i.e. the
To study the capability of the proposed methodology sharpening after filtering.
concerning contrast sensitivity, 13FE–EN IQI wire
penetrameter is pasted on the FSW joint. Figure 4a Results and discussion
shows the radiography image of a typical FSW weld.
From the grey level profile (Fig. 4b) across the IQI wire Results of radiography of FSW lap joints with
on the image, it is observed that the higher frames of two different tool shoulder depths i.e.
integrated exposure followed by high pass filtering, penetration depth viz. 2?50 and 2?30 mm are
contrast and brightness adjustment resulted in detection discussed
of 63 mm thick wire using a 127 mm pixel size flat panel Figure 5a–c show the 1 frame and 25 frames integrated
array detector. The chosen high pass filter has negative radiography images of the FSW lap joints fabricated

5 Digital X-ray radiography images of FSW joints of a J1, b J2 and c J3

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6 X-ray radiography images of FSW joints of a J4 and b J5

with the friction stir welding parameters as indicated in heat energy produced is optimal which resulted in sound
Table 1 for a target depth of 2?50 mm. Evaluations of FSW joints. For J3, since the heat energy produced is
the radiography image for the joint J1 shows that a lack higher due to the higher tool rotational speed and low
of bonding defect is observed at the root side. For the travel speed of tool, the thickness of the thermomecha-
welding conditions of J1, the insufficient heat energy nically affected zone (TMAZ) in the FSW plate is
produced by 500 min21 rotational speed of the tool, reduced which facilitates the improved contrast of TMA
results in a cold weld for the dissimilar FSW aluminium zone as indicated in the radiography image. Figure 6a
steel lap joint configuration. Thus, the inadequate shows the radiographic image of the joint J4. Figure 6a
recrystallisation of swirl zone on root side of the weld shows that the heat flux produced is optimum as J3 and
resulted in original faying surface below the stir zone. In no defect indications are observed. Figure 6b shows the
Fig. 5a–c, it is observed that among the two exposure radiographic image of the joint J5 prepared with
conditions, the initial 1 frame image revealed defect 1000 rev min21 rotational speed and 150 mm min21
features with less contrast and sensitivity. travel speed. Similar to J3 and J4, the heat input is
Figure 5a also shows the presence of steel debris on sufficient to produce a good quality weld joint for the
the aluminium plate side while the steel plate is not welding parameters of J5. Although, the linear heat flux
plasticised due to inadequate stirring of the high density is less at the higher travel speed of 150 mm min21 in J5,
steel metal. This result is in good agreement with the it has sufficiently plasticised the stir zone.
results obtained on aluminium steel dissimilar friction Figure 7a–c show the 1 frame and 25 frames
stir welds by Shimoda et al.16 The photograph on the integrated radiography images of the FSW joints of J6,
right side of Fig. 5a shows that the weld surface is J7 and J8 for a tool rotational speed of 1500 rev min21
smooth and this is an indicator of the colder weld, as with welding speeds of 50, 100 and 150 mm min21
reported by Adamowski.8 Figure 5b shows the radio- respectively. In the case of travel speed at 50 mm min21,
graphic image of the lap joint J2. In comparison to the due to higher thermal gradient at higher tool rotational
Fig. 5a, the joint J2 is welded with a higher travel speed speed of 1500 min21, small cavities are present in the
of 100 mm min21. In the joint J2, as indicated by weld as indicated by circles. At a constant travel speed of
arrows, the lack of bonding defect is present to a great 50 mm min21, with increase in rev min21, energy input
extent along the length of weld (WZ) zone due to the increases from 88?9 to 223?8 kJ mm21, the Z force
combined effect of higher travel speed and lower decreases from 6 to 3?5 kN and the torque decreases from
rotational speed of the tool. Figure 5c shows the 15 to 11?2 Nm. As expected, material is more softened
radiographic image of FSW joint with conditions of with increasing energy input, a more sticking condition is
J3. For the welding parameters of 1000 min21 rotational achieved at 1500 rev min21 and 50 mm min21, material
speed and 50 mm min21 travel speed of joint J3, the reaches to a state of abnormal stirring with a very low

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7 X-ray radiographic images of FSW joints of a J6, b J7 and c J8

downward force and torque (3?5 kN and 11?2 Nm Figure 9a–c shows the 25 frames integrated radiography
respectively).These may lead to the formation of cavity.10 images of the FSW joints made for the penetration
In the case of higher travel speeds of 100 and depth of 2?30 mm with a travel speed of 100 mm min21
150 mm min21, at 1500 rev min21 speed, the quality of at different rotational speeds of 500, 1000, 1500 min21
welds is good as indicated in Fig. 7b and c since heat respectively. It is observed from these radiographic
energy produced is comparatively less to that of the images that the voids and porosities are present as
50 mm min21 case. Evaluation of the joints J6, J7 and J8 indicated in the magnified images of Fig. 9d–f. The
indicates that though the rotational speed of 1500 min21 formation of these weld defects is attributed to poor
is higher, the heat energy is optimum with the higher material flow ability as the frictional heat input
travel speed of the tool and this resulted in good quality produced is lower in the case of 2?30 mm penetration
FSW lap joints particularly in the case of J7 and J8. It is depth. The poor weld quality obtained for the joints J9,
observed from Fig. 7a that the tiny defect features at 1 J10 and J11 is attributed to the welding parameters
frame are not detected. used as indicated in Table 1. With the decreased tool
penetration depth of 2?30 mm, tool torque is less which
Penetration depth of 2?30 in turn, lowers the shear flow stress of the metal acting
Figure 8a–c shows the radiography images of the weld perpendicular to the direction of tool rotation, thus
joints J9, J10 and J11 exposed at 1 frame respectively. resulting in defective joints with voids as shown in

Science and Technology of Welding and Joining 2014 VOL 19 NO 2 130

Saravanan et al. Evaluation of dissimilar friction stir lap joints

8 Digital X-ray radiography image of FSW joints of a J9, b J10 and c J11 exposed at 1 frame

Fig. 9g. This finding clearly demonstrates that at 1 quality. However, welds with 1000 rev min21 rotational
frame due to higher image noise, the microdefects are speed and travel speeds of 50, 100 and 150 mm min21
not detected. resulted in good quality FSW joints, essentially due to
sufficient heat energy is produced. The welding para-
meter combination of 1500 rev min21 rotational speed,
Conclusions 50 mm min21 welding speed have produced cavities in the
A digital X-ray radiography methodology is presented to joints, due to excessive heat energy. A penetration depth of
detect micropores and voids in aluminium–zinc coated 2?30 mm for a welding speed of 100 mm min21 at
steel dissimilar friction stir lap joints. The studies rotational speeds of 500, 1000, 1500 rev min21 resulted
confirmed that by using this methodology, the SNR in the formation of micropores and voids that are
improves from 114 to 527. This methodology has been detrimental to the weld joints. The results highlight the
successfully used to study the effect of rotational speed, need for optimisation the FSW parameters to obtain
travel speed of weld tool and weld penetration depth. It is defect-free weld joints. Studies clearly indicate that the
observed that FSW joints produced with 500 rev min21 proposed methodology can be effectively used for
rotational speed at a penetration depth of 2?50 mm and 50, examination of Al–Zn coated steel dissimilar weld joints
100 mm min21 travel speeds resulted in a poor weld produced by friction stir welding process.

9 25 frames integrated X-ray radiography image of FSW joints of a J9, b J10, c J11, d magnified view of box region of
a, e magnified view of box region of b, f magnified view of box region of c and g SEM micrograph showing voids

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