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Rajasthan PT Test -7

Ques 1:- In K.N Nagarajappa vs H. Correct answer: Power to take

Narasimha Reddy, Hon’ble Apex additional evidences under section 391
Court held that in a second appeal Cr.P.C akin to Order XLI rule 27 of the
before the High Court, CPC and such power shall be used
a. The High Court has no power to
have factual review Ques 3:- Which of the following is
b. The High Court is empowered to true with respect to section 100 of the
have unlimited Factual review Civil Procedure Code, 1908.
under Section 103 of the CPC
a. It is necessary to hear
c. The High Court is empowered to
respondents while admitting
have limited Factual review under
second appeal under Civil
Section 103 of the CPC
Procedure Code , 1908
d. None of the above
b. It is not necessary to hear
Correct answer: The High Court is respondents while admitting
empowered to have limited Factual second appeal under Civil
review under Section 103 of the CPC Procedure Code , 1908
c. It is necessary to hear
Ques 2:- Mark the correct
respondents while admitting
second appeal under Civil
a. Power to take additional Procedure Code , 1908 as
evidences under section 391 principle of audi alteram partem
Cr.P.C akin to Order XLI rule 27 of shall apply
the CPC d. Both a and c
b. Power to take additional
Correct answer: It is not necessary to
evidences under section 391
hear respondents while admitting
Cr.P.C are opposite to Order XLI
second appeal under Civil Procedure
rule 27 of the CPC
Code , 1908
c. Power to take additional
evidences under section 391 Ques 4:- What is the amount of fine
Cr.P.C akin to Order XLI rule 27 of that is mentioned under section 206
the CPC and such power shall be of the Code?
used sparingly
a. Minimum Rupees 2000
d. Power to take additional
b. Maximum Rupees 2000
evidences under section 391
c. Minimum Rupees 1000
Cr.P.C are opposite to Order XLI
d. Maximum Rupees 1000
rule 27 of the CPC and such
power shall be used sparingly Correct answer: Maximum Rupees
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Rajasthan PT Test -7

Ques 5:- If the list of witness is a. He shall bring it to Court

filed after the issue of process but notwithstanding any objection to
before the appearance of the accused its admissibility
before the court, it is b. He shall bring it to Court only if
there is no objection to its
a. A curable irregularity
b. An incurable irregularity
c. He may bring it to court exercising
c. There is no irregularity
his domain over the document
d. Issuance of process cannot be
d. Both b and c
done without the list of the
witness. Correct answer: He shall bring it to
Court notwithstanding any objection to
Correct answer: A curable irregularity
its admissibility
Ques 6:- Where in a trial the
Ques 8:- The offence of criminal
situation of improper admission or
breach of trust by public servant, or
rejection of evidence arises, such:-
by banker, merchant or agent is
a. Improper admission or rejection of punishable under:
evidence shall not be ground of
a. Section 406
itself for a new trial
b. Section 407
b. Improper admission or rejection of
c. Section 408
evidence may not be ground of
d. Section 409
itself for a new trial
c. Improper admission or rejection of Correct answer: Section 409
evidence may be ground of itself
Ques 9:- Wrongful gain is gain by
for a new trial
________means of property to which
d. Improper admission or rejection of
the person gaining is not legally
evidence shall not be ground of
itself for a new trial or reversal of
any decision in any case. a. Illegal
b. Unlawful
Correct answer: Improper admission
c. Wrongful
or rejection of evidence shall not be
d. Deceptive
ground of itself for a new trial or reversal
of any decision in any case. Correct answer: Unlawful
Ques 7:- A witness is summoned to Ques 10:- In which of the following
produce a document which is in his judgments the Hon’ble Apex Court
possession:- has issued set of directions to
expidite the trial of cheque dishonour
cases under section 138 NI, Act:
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Rajasthan PT Test -7

a. Laxmi Dyechem vs State of Correct answer: It amounts to valid

Gujarat, 2021 contract and plaintiff is entitled to claim
b. Mohan Lal vs State of PunjabIn. reward money
c. Re Expeditious Trial Of Cases
Ques 12:- In which case the
Under Section 138 of N.I AcIn.
Supreme Court held that “right to
d. Re Practice Direction For Cheque
life” does not include “right to die”?
Dishonour Cases
a. GianKaur vs. State of Punjab
Correct answer: In. Re Expeditious
(1996 SC)
Trial Of Cases Under Section 138 of N.I
b. Rajesh Ranjan Yadav @ Pappu
Yadav vs. CBI (2007 SC)
Ques 11:- In a case, the young boy c. Rudul Shah vs. State of Bihar
ran away from his father’s home. The (1983 SC)
father eventually issued a pamphlet, d. None of the above
offering a reward in these terms.
Correct answer: GianKaur vs. State of
“anybody who finds trace of the boy
Punjab (1996 SC)
and brings him home,will get INR
500.” The plaintiff was at the Ques 13:- What does Section 10 of
dharamshala of a railway station the Specific Relief (Amendment)
when he saw a boy, overheard part of Act,2018 provide for?
the conservation, and realised that
the boy was missing boy and a. Mandatory nature of enforcement
promptly took him to the railway of specific relief
station and sent a telegram to the b. Discretionary nature of
boy’s father that he had found his enforcement of specific relief
son. c. Either mandatory or discretionary
nature of enforcement of specific
a. It amounts to valid contract and relief
plaintiff is entitled to claim reward d. None of the above
b. It amounts to valid contract but Correct answer: Mandatory nature of
plaintiff is not entitled to claim enforcement of specific relief
reward money Ques 14:- The Specific Relief
c. It is not a valid contract Amendment Act, 2018 introduces
d. It is not a valid contract as there “Special Courts” under Section 20B.
was no express or implied These special Court will be :
a. Civil Court
b. Quasi Civil Court
c. Quasi Criminal Court
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Rajasthan PT Test -7

d. Administrative Court Ques 18:- Which of the following is

not an essential ingredient of
Correct answer: Civil Court
Ques 15:- ‘A’, intending to murder
a. Making of any gesture or
‘Z’, buys a gun and loads it. By doing
preparation by a person in the
this, ‘A’ has committed :
presence of another.
a. Attempt to Murder b. Intention or knowledge of
b. Attempt to Culpable Homicide likelihood that such gesture or
c. Offence of assault preparation will cause the person
d. No offence present to apprehend that the
person making it is about to use
Correct answer: No offence criminal force to him
c. Causing of some actual hurt is
Ques 16:- Under which provision of necessary for constituting assault.
the Code, the act of destructing d. The person threating must be in a
electronic record or document to position to carry his treat into
prevent its production as evidence, is effect.
punishable? Correct answer: Causing of some
a. Section 199 of IPC actual hurt is necessary for constituting
b. Section 201 of IPC assault.
c. Section 202 of IPC Ques 19:- Whenever a witness may
d. Section 204 of IPC refresh his memory by reference to
Correct answer: Section 204 of IPC any document:-

Ques 17:- X obtains property from a. He may refer to a copy of such

Z by saying that your child is in the document
hands of my gang and will be put to b. He cannot refer to a copy of such
death unless you send us ten lakh document
rupees. X commits- c. He may refer to a copy of such
document only if court permits.
a. Criminal breach of trust d. None of the above
b. Extortion
c. Theft Correct answer: He may refer to a
d. Dacoity copy of such document only if court
Correct answer: Extortion
Ques 20:- The presumption that
every document called for and not
produced after notice to produce,
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Rajasthan PT Test -7

was attested, stamped and executive definition of ‘evidence’ given under

in the manner required by law is, Section 3 of the Act.
c. The expression ‘matter before it’
a. Presumption of law
here means ‘evidence’ before it
b. Presumption of fact
d. Both (a) and (c)
c. Mixed presumption of law and fact
d. Presumption of law but rebuttable Correct answer: ‘Matter before it’
includes materials which do not fill with
Correct answer: Presumption of law
in the definition of ‘evidence’ given under
but rebuttable
Section 3 of the Act
Ques 21:- Mark the correct
Ques 23:- Under section 309, CrPC,
the Judicial Magistrate has the
a. Default bail granted erroneously competency to grant which of the
can be cancelled by High Court following?
under Section 439(2)
a. Police custody
b. Default bail granted erroneously
b. Judicial custody
can be cancelled by High Court
c. Either (a) or (b)
under Section 401only
d. Neither (a) nor (b)
c. Default bail granted erroneously
cannot be cancelled by any Court Correct answer: Judicial custody
d. Default bail granted erroneously
Ques 24:- In which of the following
can be cancelled by High Court
provisions provides for service of
under Section 482 only
summons outside the local
Correct answer: Default bail granted jurisdiction?
erroneously can be cancelled by High
a. Section 67
Court under Section 439(2)
b. Section 68
Ques 22:- In order to decide as to c. Section 69
whether a particular fact is proved, d. Section 70
the court has to consider the matter
Correct answer: Section 67
before it. Here:-
Ques 25:- Which among the
a. ‘Matter before it’ includes
following interests is not
materials which do not fill with in
the definition of ‘evidence’ given
under Section 3 of the Act a. Vested interest
b. Matters before it’ includes only b. Continent interest
that material which falls in the c. A right to future maintenance
d. All of the above
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Correct answer: A right to future d. (II) is true and (I) is false

Correct answer: Both (I) &(II) are true
Ques 26:- Actionable claim can be and (II) is true explanation of (I)
transferred as per the provisions of:
Ques 29:- Section 3 of The
a. Section 130 Limitation Act, 1963 :
b. Section 131
a. Cast duty on the Court to dismiss
c. Section 132
the suit if it is beyond the period
d. Section 133 for limitation
b. Direct the Court to dismiss the suit
Correct answer: Section 130 if it is beyond the period for
Ques 27:- Mark the correct c. peremptory in nature
statement d. Both (a) & (c)
a. Intention to contract is a Correct answer: Both (a) & (c)
specific element under Section
10 of Contract Act Ques 30:- If a person loses a copy
b. Intention to the contract has not of the Judgement and applies again
been made a requirement of for the same, meanwhile time for
Contract by the express appeal is lost :
statutory provisions
c. Test of intention to contract is a. He is entitle to exclusion under
subjective Section 12(2) of Limitation Act
d. None of the above b. He is entitle to exclusion under
Section 12(3) of Limitation Act
Correct answer Intention to the c. He is entitle to exclusion under
contract has not been made a Section 5 of Limitation Act
requirement of Contract by the d. None of the above
express statutory provisions
Correct answer: He is entitle to
Ques 28:- Read the following exclusion under Section 5 of Limitation
statements and mark the correct Act
I. In criminal proceeding, lapse of Ques 31:- A enters Z’s house
time does not bar the right of the through a window, A commits, Which
State to prosecute an offender of the following offence
II. “Crime never dies”
a. TrespassHouse
a. Both (I) &(II) are true and (II) is b. breaking House
true explanation of (I) c. trespass
b. Both (I) &(II) are true and (II) is not d. All of the above
true explanation of (I)
c. Both (I) &(II) are true false Correct answer: House breaking
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Ques 32:- When Section deals with d. Matter of judicial prudence

punishment for rape on woman under
twelve years of age? Correct answer: The whole of the
evidence is to be rejected.
a. Section 376 AA
b. Section 376 AB Ques 35:- Some footprints were
c. Section 376 DA found near the place of occurrence.
d. Section 376 DB The prosecution led evidence of a
tracker to prove those footprints were
Correct answer: Section 376 AB that of the accused

Ques 33:- Mark the incorrect a. The evidence is relevant under

statement in reference to Section 91 Section 7
of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. b. The evidence is relevant under
Section 45
a. Trial Court can summon or rely c. The evidence is admissible
upon documents not made part d. All of the above
of the charge sheet.
b. If the court satisfied that the Correct answer: All of the above
material available with the
investigator not made part of Ques 36:- The plaintiff had filed a
the charge sheet, has crucial suit for the recovery of some money.
bearing on the issue of framing Summons were duly served on the
of charge, the court can issue respondent on 01-01-2021. The
summon for the production of written statement had to be filed by
document. 31-01-2021. However, WS was filed
c. Ordinarily the Court has to with a delay of 40 days. In such a
proceed on the basis of case:
material produced with the
charge sheet for dealing with a. Written Statement must
the issue of charge. mandatorily be accompanied with
d. None of the above a written application setting out
the reasons for delay.
Correct answer: None of the above b. Written stamen can be filed
without any special application for
Ques 34:- If irrelevant evidence is delay
so mixed up with relevant evidence to c. Such delay can be explained in
make it impossible to separate one WS itself or by self examination of
from the other:- the defendants
d. Both b and c
a. The whole of the evidence is to be
rejected. Correct answer: Written Statement
b. Relevant part will be taken into must mandatorily be accompanied with
consideration a written application setting out the
c. The Court will accept the whole reasons for delay.
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Ques 37:- Which of the following is Ques 40:- Presumption as to

correct with respect to Order VII rule genuineness of certified copies is
11(d) of the CPC. that:-

a. Res judicata is a cogent ground a. The copy is true copy of original

to reject a plaint under order VII b. Regarding the genuineness of the
rule 11(d) CPC contract of the document
b. Res judicata is a valid and c. Both (a) and (b)
cogent ground to reject a plaint d. Presumption is that the copy is
under order VII rule 11(d) CPC true copy original and the court
c. Res judicata is not a ground to shall also presume that any
reject a plaint under order VII officer by whom any such
rule 11(d) CPC document purports to be signed
d. Both a and b or certified, held when he signed
it, the official character which he
Correct answer: Res judicata is not claims in such paper.
a ground to reject a plaint under
order VII rule 11(d) CPC Correct answer: Presumption is that
the copy is true copy original and the
Ques 38:- Whenever an court shall also presume that any officer
application under section 407 of by whom any such document purports to
the Code is made, the High Court be signed or certified, held when he
may order signed it, the official character which he
claims in such paper.
a. Committal of the case
b. Withdrawal of the case Ques 41:- Which Article lays down
c. Transfer from a criminal court the rule that a money bill shall not be
subordinate to its authority to any introduced in the Legislative
other such Court or equal or Council?
superior jurisdiction
d. All of the above a. Article 198(1)
b. Article 198(2)
Correct answer: All of the above c. Article 198(3)
d. Article 198(4)
Ques 39:- The presumption as to
the document purporting to be a Correct answer: Article 198(1)
power of attorney can be raised only
with respect to the:- Ques 42:- Mark the correct
a. Execution of the document
b. Authentication of the document a. Evidence of hostile witness shall
c. Both (a) and (b) be rejected en bloc
d. None of the above b. Hostile witness defined under
Section 154 of Indian Evidence
Correct answer: Both (a) and (b) Act, 1872

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c. Evidence of hostile witness cannot c. Third stage in establishing the

be relied the prosecution version. offence of cheating
d. Evidence of hostile witness need d. Fourth stage in establishing the
not rejected en bloc, but should be offence of cheating
considered with caution
Correct answer: First stage in
Correct answer: Evidence of hostile establishing the offence of cheating
witness need not rejected en bloc, but
should be considered with caution Ques 46:- Which Section deals with
punishment for gang rape on woman
Ques 43:- If a witness is unable to under sixteen years of age?
communicate verbally. The court
shall take the assistance of an a. Section 376 A B
interpreter or a special educator in b. Section 376 DA
recording the statement. Videography c. Section 376 DB
of the recording of such statement is: d. Section 376 E

a. Mandatory Correct answer: Section 376 DA

b. Directory
c. Discretionary Ques 47:- Escaping from lawful
d. Rules of the prudence custody is :

Correct answer: Mandatory a. Not a specific offence under

Indian Penal Code
Ques 44:- Culpable homicide is not b. Is an specific offence under
murder when the person whose death Section 221 of Indian Penal
is caused, being above the age Code
of_______ years, suffers death or c. Is an specific offence under
takes the risk of death with his own Section 224 of Indian Penal
consent. Code
d. Is an specific offence under
a. 12 Section 229 of Indian Penal
b. 15 Code
c. 18
d. 21 Correct answer:

Correct answer: 18 Is an specific offence under

Section 224 of Indian Penal Code
Ques 45:- Under the Code, the
element of deception has been Ques 48:- Limitation Act bars the
held to be the: remedy. It does not destroy the :

a. First stage in establishing the a. Primary right accrued in favour of

offence of cheating a party
b. Second stage in establishing the b. Substantive right accrued in favour
offence of cheating of a party
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c. Both (a) & (b) Ques 51:- Delay to file suit for
d. None of the above Specific Performance:

Correct answer: Both (a) & (b) a. Is a ground to deny relief always
b. Is not a ground to deny relief if it
Ques 49:- Mark the correct option: was filed within limitation period
c. Is a ground to deny relief always if
a. The Law of Limitation bars an it was not filed within limitation
action and not a defence period
b. It is therefore, open to the d. Both b and c
defendant in a suit filed by the
plaintiff to set up a plea in defence Correct answer: Both b and c
which he may not be able to
enforce by filling suit Ques 52:- In which of the following
c. In voidable transaction, the situation it is not possible to claim
defendant may raise any plea for both the reliefs together on one
enforcing the transaction, though cause of action?
he could not have filed suit for its
enforcement on such plea. a. When the cause of action to sue
d. All of the above are separate.
b. When the factual ingredients
Correct answer: All of the above necessary to constitute the
respective cause of action for both
Ques 50:- Which of the following is the reliefs/claims are different
correct with respect to injunction as c. When both the reliefs are
mentioned in Specific Relief Act, governed by separate articles of
1963. Limitation Act, 1963 with respect
to accrual of cause action.
a. The conduct of the plaintiff is very d. Any of the above
relevant consideration for purpose
of injunction. Correct answer: Any of the above
b. The conduct of the plaintiff is
irrelevant consideration for Ques 53:- Hon’ble Apex Court in
purpose of injunction SurinderKaur vs. Bahadur Singh has
c. The conduct of the plaintiff and held that
defendant is irrelevant
consideration for purpose of a. Relief of specific performance can
injunction be refused for non-performance of
d. The conduct of the plaintiff is an essentials promise in contracts
irrelevant but conduct of defendant by plaintiff
is relevant consideration for b. Non-performance of an essential
purpose of injunction. promise in contract amounts to the
failure on the part of the plaintiff to
Correct answer: The conduct of the prove his readiness and
plaintiff is very relevant consideration for willingness to perform his part of
purpose of injunction. Contract
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c. Court cannot deny specific Correct answer: Both b and c

performance of contract where the
plaintiff has failed to perform only Ques 56:- Under The Sexual
a part of the contract whether Harassment of Women at Workplace
substantial or not (Prevention, Prohibition and
d. Both (a) and (b) Redressal) Act, 2003 on which of the
following grounds, a presiding officer
Correct answer: Both (a) and (b) or member of internal committee
shall not be removed?
Ques 54:- The Amendment Act of
2018 has a. if he is convicted of an offence
b. If he is found guilty in disciplinary
a. Amended Section 20 of Specific proceedings
Relief Act, 1963 c. If he has abused his position as to
b. Substituted the previous provision. render his convenience in office
c. Repealed the previous provision. prejudicial to the public interest
d. Both (b) and (c) d. If he contravenes the provisions of
section 18
Correct answer: Both (b) and (c)
Correct answer: If he contravenes the
Ques 55:- A petitioner had filed a provisions of section 18
Summary suit for recovery of debt
under Order XXXVII of the Code o f Ques 57:- Which of the following
Civil Procedure, 1908. During that suit sections under the Sexual
proceeding under section 138 of the Harassment of Women at Workplace
Negotiable Instrument Act, initiated (Prevention, Prohibition and
for the cheques issued to pay Redressal) Act, 2003 provides for
abovementioned debt. The Judicial penalty for publication or making
Magistrate took coznizance of the known contents of complaint and
offence. inquiry proceedings?

a. Cognizance of an offence under a. Section 15

Section 138 of NI Act proceedings b. Section 16
should automatically lead to c. Section 17
passing of a decree in a civil suit d. Section 18
based on the very cheques.
b. Cognizance of Section 138 NI Act Correct answer: Section 17
offence by JM will not
automatically result in decree in Ques 58:- Which among the
civil suit for cheque dishonour following statements is incorrect ?
c. Cognizance of an offence under
Section 138 of NI Act proceedings a. No child in conflict with law shall
should not automatically lead to be sentenced to death or for life
passing of a decree in a civil suit imprisonment without the
based on the very cheques. possibility of release
d. Both b and c
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b. A child in conflict with law and a served on the aggrieved person

person who is not a child can be on the respondent
tried together in a joint
proceedings under section 223 of Correct answer: 30 days from date on
CRPC which the order made by magistrate is
c. No proceedings shall be instituted served on the aggrieved person on the
and no order shall be passed respondent
against any child under chapter
VIII of the CRPC Ques 62:- Which provision The
d. None of the above Indecent Representation of Women
(Prohibition) Act, 1986 prohibits
Correct answer: A child in conflict with publication or sending by post of
law and a person who is not a child can books, pamphlets etc containing
be tried together in a joint proceedings indecent representation of women?
under section 223 of CRPC
a. Section 3
Ques 59:- Which among the b. Section 4
following is marked incorrectly? c. Section 5
d. Section 6
a. Observation Homes - Section 47
b. Children’s Home- Section 50 Correct answer: Section 4
c. Fit Person - Section 51
d. Adoption - Section 56 Ques 63:- A special public
prosecutor applied under POCSO,
Correct answer: Fit Person - Section 2012 under Section 32 shall be
51 deemed to be a public prosecutor
within the meaning of
Ques 60:- Under Domestic Violence
Act, Penalty for breach of protection a. Section 21 IPC
order, or interim protection order by b. Section 2(p) IPC
respondent shall be – c. Section 2(u) IPC
d. Section 166 IPC
a. 30 days from date on which the
order made by magistrate is Correct answer: Section 2(u) IPC
served on the aggrieved person
on the respondent Ques 64:- Which among the
b. 15 days from date on which the following authorities has the duty to
order made by magistrate is ensure public awareness about the
served on the aggrieved person act?
on the respondent
c. 90 days from date on which the a. State Government
order made by magistrate is b. Central Government
served on the aggrieved person c. High Court
on the respondent d. Both (a) and (b)
d. 60 days from date on which the
order made by magistrate is Correct answer: Central Government
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Ques 65:- Which of the following a. Within three months from the date
statements is correct? such certificate becomes
a. The Supreme Court is bound by
its own previous cases. b. within six months from the date
b. The House of Lords is the highest such certificate becomes
court of appeal in England and executable
Wales c. Within nine months from the date
c. There are no appeals from such certificate becomes
decisions of the Court of Appeal executable
d. A principle of law set down in a d. Within 12 months from the date
case may be overruled by statute. such certificate becomes
Correct answer: The Supreme Court
is bound by its own previous cases. Correct answer: within six months
from the date such certificate becomes
Ques 66:- Under section 21of the executable
Rajasthan Rent Control Act, the
documents filed before the rent Ques 69:- 14. Which among the
tribunal by the petitioner shall be following statements is correct in
marked as- relation to Probation of Offenders
Act, 1958?
a. Ex-1 and Ex-2
b. Ex-P-1 and Ex-P-2 a. Central Government may with
c. Ex-A-1 and Ex-A-2 approval of State Government
d. Ex-R-1 and Ex-R-2 make rules to carry out purposes
of this act.
Correct answer: Ex-1 and Ex-2 b. State Government may with
approval of Central Government
Ques 67:- Which Among the make rules to carry out purposes
following sections under Rajasthan of this act.
Rent Control Act has the same c. State Government may make
underlying spirit as that of Section 6 rules to carry out purposes of this
of Specific Relief Act, 1963? act without the approval of Central
a. Section 6 d. None of the above
b. Section 8
c. Section 10 Correct answer: State Government
d. Section 11 may with approval of Central
Government make rules to carry out
Correct answer: Section 10 purposes of this act.
Ques 68:- What is the time period Ques 70:- "We find that the
within which certificate for recovery attention of the Court was not drawn
of possession issued under Section 8 to sub Section (10) of Section 360
has to be filed for execution? which provides that Section 360 will
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not affect the provisions of 1958 Act c. आसन डोलना

or other similar laws for the time d. आसमान टू ट पड़ना
being in force for the treatment,
training or rehabilitation of youthful Correct
offenders. Still further, Section 4 of answer: अपनी खचड़ी अलग पकाना
the 1958 Act has a non obstante
clause, giving overriding effect over Ques 73:-
any other provisions of law.The आ ा ' का िवपरीताथक श बताइए ?
conjoint reading of the provisions of
both the statutes, we find that the
a. अना ा
provisions of Section 360 of the Code
are in addition to the provisions of b. अनादर
the 1958 Act or the Children Act, c. अमीर
1960, or any other law for the time d. इनम से कोई नही ं
being in force for the treatment,
training or rehabilitation of youthful Correct answer: अना ा
offenders." This has been help by the
apex court in the case of- Ques 74:- पु कौन - सा श है ?

a. Siya Ram Vs State of MP a. त म

b. Jugal Kishore Prasad vs State of b. त व
c. दे शज
c. Lakhanpal vs State of MP
d. All of the above d. िवदे शज

Correct answer: Lakhanpal vs State of Correct answer: त म

Ques 75:- मृगनयनी म कौन -
Ques 71:- सा समास है ?
इनम से हवा का पयायवाची कौन है ?
a. अ यीभाव
a. धीर b. ब ीिह
b. तनुज c. त ु ष
c. बयार d. कमधारय
d. नाराच
Correct answer: कमधारय
Correct answer: बयार
Ques 76:- िन िल खत श ों म से कौन -
Ques 72:- सा श ि या - िवशेषण है ?
' ाथ होना ' इस अथ का मुहावरे बताइ
ए? a. सू य दय
b. नीला
a. अपनी खचड़ी अलग पकाना c. िवगत
b. आँ च न आने दे ना d. धीरे – धीरे
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Rajasthan PT Test -7

Correct answer: धीरे – धीरे Ques 81:-

' े शन ' िकस भाषा का श है ?
Ques 77:-
नवल सु र ाम शरीर म कौन - a. चीनी
सा अलं कार है ? b. डच
c. च
a. उ ेख d. अं े जी
b. उपमा
c. पक Correct answer: अं े जी
d. अितशयो

Correct answer: उ ेख Ques 82:- पुरोिहत म उपसग है –

Ques 78:- a. पुरस

िन िल खत म से वा के शु प का b. पुरः
चयन कीिजए – c. पुरा
d. पुर
a. म गाने की कसरत करता ँ ।
b. म गाने का अ ास करता ँ । Correct answer: पुरः
c. म गाने का शौक कर रहा ँ ।
d. म गाने का ायाम कर रहा ँ । Ques 83:-
' बहाव ' श म यु य कौन -
Correct सा है ?
answer: म गाने का अ ास करता ँ ।
a. बह
Ques 79:- b. हाव
िन िल खत म से िवराम िच नही ं है ? c. आव
d. आवा
a. अलप िवराम
b. पूण िवराम Correct answer: आव
c. िनदशक िच
d. अवतरण Ques 84:-
िन तर श का शु सं िध िव े द है –
Correct answer: अवतरण
a. िन + उ र
Ques 80:- अ य के िकतने भेद है ? b. िनः + उतर
c. िनर + उ र
a. 3 d. िनः + उ र
b. 4
c. 5 Correct answer: िनः + उ र
d. 6

Correct answer: 4
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Rajasthan PT Test -7

Ques 85:- इनम से कौन - c. Shredding

सी श शु है ? d. Disposing

Correct answer: Shredding

a. भ
b. िहं दु Ques 89:- In each of the following
c. िच questions, pick out the most effective
d. ाण words from the given words to fill in
the blanks to make the sentence
Correct answer: ाण meaningfully and complete.
His companions prevailed upon
Ques 86:- In each of the following him not to --------- to violence.
questions, out of the given
alternatives, choose the one which a. refer
best expresses the meaning of the b. resort
given word. c. Prone
CITE d. Provoke

a. Illustrate Correct answer: resort

b. Reveal
c. Recollect Ques 90:- In each of the following
d. Quote questions, some alternatives are
suggested for the idiom/phrase in
Correct answer: Quote bold letters in the sentence. Choose
the one which best expresses the
Ques 87:- In each of the following meaning of it.
questions, choose the word opposite The boy turned a deaf ear to the
in meaning to the given word . pleadings of all his well-wishers.
a. listened carefully
a. Submissiveness b. was deadly opposed
b. Dependence c. posed indifference
c. Subordination d. did not pay any attention
d. Slavery
Correct answer: did not pay any
Ques 88:- In each of the attention
following questions, find out which
one of the words given below the Ques 91:-
sentence can most appropriately
replace the group of words bold in How long ________ wait for me?
the sentence. (Correct verb)
He spent a long time cutting all
the waste paper into pieces a. did you waited
b. did you wait
a. Slashing c. is you waitin
b. Ripping d. gare you wait
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Rajasthan PT Test -7

Ques 92:- Would you like tea c. men

__________ cold drink. d. mens

a. and Correct answer: men

b. so
c. or Ques 97:- We gave _________
d. but presents on Christmas Day.

Correct answer: or a. ourselves

b. each-other
Ques 93:- You look confused Amrit c. us
___________ help you. d. all

a. can Correct answer: each-other

b. will
c. must Ques 98:- There is Plenty ________
d. should tin left in that mine.

Correct answer: can a. in

b. at
Ques 94:- What ________ you do if c. of
you are in my position. d. over

a. would Correct answer: of

b. could
c. should Ques 99:- Were there _______ girls
d. must at the fair?

Correct answer: could a. much

b. more
Ques 95:- His master _________ an c. many
explanation (appropriate Phrasal d. the few
Correct answer: many
a. called upon
b. called at Ques 100:- “Upto the mark” Means-
c. called for
d. called about a. in the same level
b. quite satisfactory
Correct answer: called for c. influential
d. in tune with
Ques 96:- Three of four _________
are sitting on chairs. Correct answer: quite satisfactory

a. man
b. mans
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