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The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Postharvest Handling and Processing IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (2022) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1024/1/012047

Effect of Dryer Type on the Characteristics of Egg Flour from Frozen Eggs

M Hayuningtyas1, R Nurjannah1, Ilham2 and C Winarti1

Indonesian Center for Agricultural Postharvest Research and Development; Jln. Tentara
Pelajar No. 12, Bogor 16114
Food Technology, Hasanudin University; Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea, Jln Perintis
Kemerdekaan Km 10. Makassar 90245


Abstract. Drying process is one of the most important factors in the processing of
dehydrated egg flour. Drying affect the characteristics of resulted egg flour and
influence duration of the egg flour processing. Egg flour can be processed from fresh
eggs or eggs that have been stored in the freezer/frozen eggs. Dehydrated egg flour has
many advantages such as increase shelf life without reducing nutritional value, reduce
the volume, and expands marketing reach. The aim of the study was to find out the
characteristics of dehydrated egg flour with the addition of Carboxy Methyl Cellulose
(CMC) from frozen eggs using different type of dryers. The treatments tested consisted
of types of dryers, namely oven blower, oven and Mollen dryer. Parameters observed
included yield, color, rehydration level and proximate analysis. The results showed that
frozen egg can be done as an alternative of egg preservation and result good
characteristics of dried egg flour. The different type of dryer affects the chemical and
physical characteristics of egg flour. The drying treatment affected the color of the egg
flour, but did not affect the rehydration power. The best treatment was oven drying with
a yield of 24.48%, brightness 81.49% and rehydration level of 35.38%

1. Introduction
Eggs are one of the foodstuffs that have nutritional value including fat, protein, and carbohydrates. It
has high nutritional value, low in calories, soft texture and easy to digest. The characteristics of eggs
are easy to damage, both physical, chemical and biological damage, that caused by heating, storage or
microbes. Eggs that have been damaged such as cracked or cracked shells have a short shelf life, so
action is needed to extend the shelf life of eggs. One form of handling that can be carried out to preserve
eggs is by freezing the fresh egg in order to prolong the shelf life, especially when there is over
production of egg or when the price of egg down. Frozen egg will maintain eggs characteristics and can
be processed into several products after thawing. Refrigeration is very effective in preserving egg
quality. The storage of eggs at 4 ºC preserved the internal quality in all egg samples (100%) untill the
end of the 3rd week and extended the shelf life of 20% of eggs by at least 5 weeks longer than observed
by the other preservation methods [1]. Moreover, processing frozen egg into dried egg flour is other
method to preserved this product. Processing egg flour can increase shelf life without reducing
nutritional value, the volume of ingredients becomes smaller, so it saves space and storage costs, egg
flour also allows a wider marketing reach and more diverse uses than fresh eggs.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Postharvest Handling and Processing IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (2022) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1024/1/012047

Drying process is one of the most important factors in the processing of dehydrated egg flour. Drying
affect the characteristics of resulted egg flour and influence duration of the egg flour processing. Several
drying methods applied for producing egg four including hot air drying, freeze drying and spray drying.
Among them, hot air drying is a cheaper process commonly used in the drying process. Hot-air-dried
products can have an extended shelf life, but, unfortunately, the quality of the dried product is
sometimes reduced compared to the original foodstuff as a result of the high temperature used during
the drying process [2]. However, regulating and maintaining the proper temperature and drying methods
might reduce its negative effect. Drying will reduce the moisture content of the egg flour to less than
10%. Moreover, the production process of egg flour promises remarkable benefits in nutritional basis
and also no color change, odor control, glucose regulation, carbohydrate increased egg product without
any complications in production and it challenges low cost, comparatively 80% reduction in costs of
the spray dried products [3]. Besides, application of egg flour can replace chicken fresh egg to be
processed into bakeries products [4]. The importance of dried egg powder has been reported at the
newest research, stated that egg-powders have been accessed their contribution to improve the nutrient
requirements for a child and their potential use as an alternative protein source in ready to use
therapeutic foods (RUTF). The research showed that drying eggs can be applied as nutritive food
systems’ intervention, that can improve the safety and quality of diets in low-income countries like
Ethiopia [5].
The addition of filler like maltodextrin will affect the product properties including rapid dispersion,
high solubility and film formation, low hygroscopicity, low browning properties, and strong binding
power. While CMC (Carboxymethyl cellulose) has the properties of color-less, non-toxic, granules or
powder that is soluble in water but insoluble in organic solutions, stable in the pH range of 2-10,
transparent, and does not react with organic compounds. Filler addition expected can reduce production
costs with characteristics that remain according to standards and can be applied to various processed
products that usually use fresh eggs. One of the desirable characteristics of eggs is the ability to form
foam and emulsion properties. According to Souza and Rojas [6], most hydrocolloids can act as
stabilizers of oil-in-water emulsions, but only a few can act as emulsifiers. The most commonly used
emulsifying polysaccharides are gum Arabic [7], modified starch [8], modified cellulose [9]. The
research aims to find out the characteristics of dehydrated egg flour with the addition of Carboxy Methyl
Cellulose (CMC) from frozen eggs using different type of dryers.

2. Methods
2.1. Material and methods
The materials used were frozen eggs that have been stored at freezer for about one month. The frozen
egg was originated from chicken fresh egg produced by chicken layer from Sukabumi area. The CMC
(Carboxymethyl cellulose) and commercial egg flour bought from bakery equipment store at Bogor.
The equipments used were Mollen dryer, oven, blower oven, analytical scales, digital scales,
chromameter, and analysis tools with completely randomized design and two replicates.

2.2. Processing Frozen Egg Flour

Frozen chicken eggs were thawed first until they were melting. Once melted, the eggs were given CMC
(Carboxymethyl Cellulose) powder as much as 0.5% (w/w) of the whole sample weight. The samples
were mixed using a mixer until foam was formed for ± 10 minutes of stirring. After that, the samples
were put and spread at trays with 0.5 thick and then dried using three processing dryers, namely oven,
blower oven, and Mollen dryer. The drying temperature was set at maximum 60C. The length of drying
process was different according to the dryer used. The dried sample was cooled and then crushed using
dried blender and sifted to form a fine powder. The resulted egg powder was then stored in the tight
plastic bag until used.

2.3. Rehydration Power

Rehydration power is the amount of water absorbed in the sample during heating. The measurement
was done by weighing 2 grams of egg flour, then adding hot water. Next, the sample was stirred until
dissolved. After that it was weighed. The formula for calculating rehydration power is as follows [10].

The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Postharvest Handling and Processing IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (2022) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1024/1/012047

𝑒𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡−𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡

Rehydration power (%) = 𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡
𝑥 100%

2.4. Color Test

Color testing tool used the Color Reader CR-10 (Konica Minolta Sensing, Inc, Japan). The egg flour
sample was flattened in a container, then slightly pressed with a color reader and measurements are
made by pressing the button on the color reader. Measurements were carried out three times. The color
L* a* b* is a color space defined by CIE (Commission Internationale de I'Exlairage) I'Exlairage in
1967. The color L* a* b* provides views and meanings of each dimension formed, namely the L*
quantity for describes the brightness of the color (values 0 to 100). The a* dimension describes the
green-red-green color type (values -120 to a +120). Dimension b* for blue-yellow blue color type (value
-120 to +120). Lab color models are often used in research studies in food [11].

3. Result and Discussion

3.1. Chemical properties
The moisture content ranges from 2.87 – 5.34%. Drying using Mollen dryer produces the highest
moisture content and significantly different compared to other treatments. However, amost all value has
met the standard for dried egg namely the standard of imported whole egg flour from India
(Unpublished), where the maximum water content of egg flour is 5%. Moreover, according to Koç et
al. [12] egg flour has a water content of 3-6%. Meanwhile, for as content ranging from 3.49 – 5.40%.
Sample treated with oven drier and control have higher ash content than Mollen and Oven blower
treatments. Ash content is not a prerequirement in whole egg flour standard. Until nowadays,
Indonesian standard for dried egg powder only available for white egg powder (SNI 01-4323-1996).
For whole and egg yolk powder have not available.

Table 1. Proximate characteristics of egg flour eggs from the different drying process
Moisture Ash Protein Carbo- Energy
Treatments Lipid %
content % Content % % hydrate % kkal
Control 3.55b 4.74a 47.25a 39.26c 5.20c 603.09a
Mollen 5.34a 3.59b 31.17c 45.33b 14.55a 520.05c
Oven 2.87b 5.40a 33.14b 46.62a 11.97b 532.62b
Blower Oven 3.22b 3.49b 31.32c 47.62a 14.35a 529.76c
Remarks: a,b superscripts which differ within the same column are significantly different (p<0.05)

The sample with the lowest lipid content was the sample of the Mollen and Blower Oven Dryer
treatment (Table 1) with an average value of 31.17 and 31.32 % respectively. This happened because
during the sample processing, hot air was sprayed at 60C while stirring for approximately two hours
to form a dry solid in these type of dryers. Therefore, the condition of the Mollen dryer treatment caused
the fat content of egg flour to be the lowest compared to the lipid content produced by other treatments.
During processing, the factors that affect the lipid content of a food ingredient are temperature and
processing time. The degree of damage varies depending on the temperature used and the length of
processing time. The higher the temperature used, the more intense the breakdown of fat/lipid [13].
Compared to other researches Ashgar and Abbas, [14] and Ndife [15], the lipid content in their research
are lower, namely 10.48% dan 8.94% respectively. However, the result was comparable to Abreha et
al [5] in which the fat/lipid content is 38.3%.

The lowest protein content was the control sample with an average value of 39.26%. While the
sample with the highest protein content value is the blower oven drying method and oven with the
average value 47.62 and 46.62 %respectively. The protein content of the samples treated with Mollen
dryer was 45.33% . The highest protein content in the blower oven treatment sample was influenced by
the treatment factor which only used a relatively low temperature during processing, namely maximum
60C. This is because the temperature used is not too high so that not much protein or amino acids in
The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Postharvest Handling and Processing IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (2022) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1024/1/012047

egg flour are denatured. In contrast, the control treatment sample had the lowest protein content, which
was an average value of 39.26%. This is because commercial egg flour processing methods generally
use a spray dryer at a temperature of 160-170C. All the result except the commercial egg have met the
imported egg flour from India, in which the protein content of whole egg flour minimum should be
45%. Moreover, the research conducted by Ashgar dan Abbas [14] mentioned that the whole dried egg
has protein content 41,6%. All of the samples produced protein content which meet the egg flour
standard of India (Unpublished), namely minimum 33%. The protein content from the research was
comparable to the research by Abreha et al [5] using oven dryer namely 45.5%. The importance of
protein content in bread making is because eggs have the ability to form strong and complex networks
with gluten because of their binding ability. Due to its whipping properties and forming a stable froth,
egg flour participates in the development of the structure and volume of the cake [16].

The highest carbohydrate content was the sample of the Mollen dryer treatment with a value of
14.55%. On the other hand, the lowest value was the control sample with a percentage of 5.2%
carbohydrate content. The data for egg flour treated with ordinary oven and blower oven are 11.97%
and 14.35%, respectively(Table 1). In food processing, high temperatures will reduce the levels of
glucose or carbohydrates in foodstuffs. The data showed that processing with a not too high temperature
produces high glucose/carbohydrate levels, namely the processing method of the Mollen dryer and the
blower oven which both have a maximum temperature of 60C. On the other hand, high temperature
processing will result in low carbohydrate content. Control processing (industrial scale commercial egg
flour) using the spray dryer method at a temperature of 160-170C only produced 5.2% carbohydrate

3.2. Physical Properties

The yield of egg flour resulted from drying using Mollen dryer, oven, and blower oven, was 21.97%,
24.48%, and 19.03 % respectively. The highest yield value was the oven treatment sample with a yield
percentage of 24.48%. The yield value is one of the variables that can be used as a reference to determine
the effectiveness and efficiency of a drying process [17]. The higher the yield value of a treatment
indicates that the process carried out will be more effective and efficient. Compared from other research,
the yield of whole egg powder of the research is comparable, in which according Abreha et al [5] the
yield of egg powder ranges from 22-25%. This research also reported that comparing oven to spray
drying method, the yield was slightly lower for spray drying (P <.05) but drying was more rapid than
oven drying. The differences was about 1-2%.

Table 2. The yield and rehydration power of dried eggs flour

Treatments Yield (%)
power %
Control - 36.56a
Mollen 21.97a 36.84a
Oven 24.48a 35.38a
Blower Oven 19.03b 35.81a
Remarks: a,b superscripts which differ within the same column are significantly different (p<0.05)

The rehydration power was not significantly different for all treatment as shown at Table 2.
Rehydration power is the capability of product to absorb water and swelling. Different type of drying
which have different temperature and hot air flow will affect the rehydration properties. The protein
might affect the rehydration power. From Table 1 the protein content of egg flour resulted from Oven
and blower are higher than other two treatment. The higher the protein might affect the ability to absorb
water. These also related to the Maillard reaction. According Thao et al [18] who studied the Maillard
reaction and protein crosslinked in relation to the solubility of milk powders stated that advanced
Maillard products can react with amino acid residues to form crosslinked proteins which prevent their
dispersion in water.

The color value of egg flour differ in each treatment, in general, this happens because the difference
in drying treatment results in the interaction of different melanoidin pigment formation due to the
The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Postharvest Handling and Processing IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (2022) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1024/1/012047

Maillard reaction. The Maillard reaction in foods conjointly leads to losses of protein quality. Variety
of studies have analysed the loss of protein quality in foods with reference to the Maillard reaction
supported the loss of lysine [19]. When considering the color of egg flour treated with different drying
methods, the significant in the color value of samples was found in the b* value which indicated the
yellowness of the sample. The b* value of all treatment was hinger than control. Among all treatments,
Mollen dryer produce higher b* value than oven and blower oven drying, which was probably due to
the occurrence of non-enzymatic browning reaction (Maillard reaction). Egg white contains glucose
which is a reducing sugar and an amino group in the egg white protein, thus, the darker yellow in egg
flour using Mollen dryer might have been due to the Maillard reaction during the hot-air drying process
[20]. Moreover, research showed that a rise in temperature and time of heating leads to the rise in color
development, the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and the degree of unsaturation and therefore the chemical
aromaticity [18].
The highest value of L* that indicates whiten appearance or highest brightness level was the control
treatment with a value of L* 90.2 (Table 3), while the value that has the lowest brightness level is the
oven blower treatment sample with a value of L* 80.59. Drying of egg powder tend to lower the
brightness of the powder. Control of egg powder as commercial product might resulted from spray
drying process or might contain my ingredients. Winarti et al (Unpublished) reported that cake produced
using commercial egg powder to replace fresh egg produced the lower quality of the cake. The cake
was not developed well and worst foming performance compared to cake made from fresh egg powder.
The increase in the intensity of the brown color leads to a decrease in the brightness level, the more the
brown color has a lower the L* value. The a* value can describe green (-a*) and red (+a*) colors. The
sample that has the highest a* value is the ordinary oven treatment sample with a value of 10.95. On
the other hand, the lowest a* value was control with a value of 9.43. The sample values for the treatment
of the Mollen dryer and oven blower were 10.22 and 10.78, respectively. The b* value which indicated
the yellowness of the sample, showed that the b* value of egg powder resulted from several dryer was
higher than control. These occur was probably due to the occurrence of non-enzymatic browning
reaction (Maillard reaction). In the egg white contains glucose which is a reducing sugar and an amino
group. According to Kathekong and Charoenrein [2] the darker yellow in the egg powder resulted from
oven dryer might have been due to the Maillard reaction during the hot-air drying process.

Table 3. Colour (LAB) of dried eggs at different drying methods

Treatments L a* b*
Control 90.23 9.43 15.65
Mollen 82.03 10.22 29.54
Oven 81.49 10.95 25.24
Blower oven 80.59 10.78 26.65

Different drying method affect the physical and chemical characteristics of egg flour. The freezing of
fresh egg can be carried out as egg preservation and produce good dried egg flour. The drying treatment
affected the chemical characteristics including lipid, protein and moisture content, the color, but did not
affect the rehydration power of the egg flour. Oven drying represent good performance with a yield of
24.48%, brightness 81.49%, rehydration power 35.38%, and the proximate parameters meet the

The authors greatly acknowledged Sari Intan Kailaku for helping to conduct egg flour from frozen eggs.

The 3rd International Conference on Agricultural Postharvest Handling and Processing IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1024 (2022) 012047 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1024/1/012047

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