1035191-All Hallows Eve ReAwakening (Print Priendly) V3

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All Hallows Eve: Reawakening

Two years ago I spent some time creating a fun and twisted Halloween Adventure for 5th edition
Dungeons & Dragons. The group that I ran the event for loved it so much that they hoped it would
return the year after. After updating and running it for a second year as All Hallows Eve: Rebirth they
demanded that I continue to expand it and run the horror again this year. All Hallows Eve:
Reawakening is the third edition of that adventure. It has been expanded with new monstrosities,
new mechanics, new event items, and new locations whilst maintaining the continuation of the
adventurer’s story from the previous editions.

“Let the nightmare begin!” – Headless Horseman

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
10. The Pumpkin Patch ......................... 14
11. William’s Courtyard ........................ 14
Table of Contents 12. Ghost Light Market ......................... 14
Introduction .................................................... 4 13. The Meat Locker ............................. 15
Story Overview ............................................ 4 14. The Eatery ....................................... 15
Running the Adventure ............................... 4 15. Half-Moon Woods........................... 15
Adventure Summary ................................... 4 16. The Bubbling Brewhouse ................ 16
Running Out Of Time .................................. 5 17. Lorne’s Tomb .................................. 16
Character Level ........................................... 5 18. The Hallowgrave West Wing ........... 16
Starting the Adventure ................................... 5 19. The Bobble Head Collector ............. 17
Hook 1 (town/city) .................................. 5 Hallowgrave Horrors ..................................... 18
Hook 2 (forest) ........................................ 6 Agatha, the Mad Maiden .......................... 18
The Doors .................................................... 6 Introduction .......................................... 18
Only Way Forward ...................................... 6 Personality ............................................ 18
Hard Landing ............................................... 7 Mirror Mirror ........................................ 19
Waking William ........................................... 8 Treasure ................................................ 19
A Way Back Home ....................................... 8 Alabaster Witch Sisters ............................. 20
Repeating Adventure .................................. 8 Introduction .......................................... 20
1 Roll...................................................... 9 Personality ............................................ 20
2 Roll ..................................................... 9 Bubble and Trouble............................... 21
3rd Roll ..................................................... 9 Treasure ................................................ 21
4th Roll ..................................................... 9 Asteroth’s Tree ......................................... 22
Hallowgrave Town Map ................................ 10 Introduction .......................................... 22
Welcome to Hallowgrave .............................. 11 Tree Personality? .................................. 22
Points of Interest....................................... 11 Blood Roots ........................................... 22
1. Skelton the Merchant ....................... 11 Treasure ................................................ 23
2. Eve’s Gallows..................................... 12 Laciana, the Spider Queen ........................ 24
3. The Old Church.................................. 12 Introduction .......................................... 24
4. Hallowgrave Cemetery ...................... 12 Personality ............................................ 24
5. Pleasure Manor ................................. 13 Eight Legged .......................................... 25
6. The Lords Tower................................ 13 Treasure ................................................ 25
7. Hallowgrave Butchery ....................... 13 Lazarak, the Pumpkin King ........................ 26
8. Town Park ......................................... 13 Introduction .......................................... 26
9. The Old Cellar .................................... 14 Personality ............................................ 26

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
Pumpkin Smash ..................................... 27 Introduction .......................................... 40
Treasure ................................................ 27 Personality ............................................ 40
Lisbeth, the Temptress.............................. 28 Graveyard Rumble ................................ 40
Introduction .......................................... 28 Treasure ................................................ 41
Personality ............................................ 28 The Headless Horseman ........................... 42
The Playroom ........................................ 28 Personality ............................................ 42
Treasure ................................................ 29 Fright for Your Life ................................ 42
Lord Lichtenstein....................................... 30 Treasure ................................................ 43
The Tower ............................................. 30 Fleeing the Hallow ........................................ 44
The Laboratory ...................................... 30 Password ................................................... 44
Personalities .......................................... 31 Hallows Eve ............................................... 44
Transmogrification ................................ 31 A Soft Landing ........................................... 45
Treasure ................................................ 31 The Meat Locker (Bonus Fight) ..................... 46
Lorne, of the Tomb ................................... 32 Welcome to the Locker ......................... 46
Introduction .......................................... 32 Bonus Boss (William) ................................ 47
Personality ............................................ 33 Treasure ................................................ 47
Mummy’s Got Moves............................ 33 Item Descriptions .......................................... 48
Treasure ................................................ 33 Skelton’s Shop List ........................................ 64
Lucas, of the Waning moon ...................... 34 Ghost Light Market ....................................... 66
Introduction .......................................... 34 The Eatery Shop List...................................... 67
Personality ............................................ 34 The Bobblehead Collector Shop List ............ 68
One Wolf Pack ....................................... 35 Monster Stat Blocks ...................................... 69
Treasure ................................................ 35
Oleg, the Butcher ...................................... 36
Introduction .......................................... 36
Personality ............................................ 36
The Cool Room ...................................... 36
Treasure ................................................ 37
Orisa, the Blood Curdler............................ 38
Introduction .......................................... 38
Personality ............................................ 38
Boiling Blood ......................................... 39
Treasure ................................................ 39
Orrick, the Gravedigger............................. 40

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
Introduction separate again. Time is not on their side and
Once a year when the planes of the mortal being trapped here for a whole year before
realms of existence begin to overlap with the being able to try escaping again does not
eternal realms, a holiday is held wherein the sound appealing.
masses indulge themselves in frivolous events
Running the Adventure
and entertainment. But for those ancient
This is an adventure designed for play in 5th
scholars and sages knowledgeable in the old
Edition Dungeons & Dragons. To run this
ways, it is a far more fearsome night wrought
adventure, the Dungeon Master will need a
with frightening terrors lurking and watching
copy of the Dungeon Masters Guide (DMG)
from the shadows. As the barriers between
and players will need a copy/s of the Players
the realms collide, foreign magic begins to
Handbook (PHB).
seep between the planes causing rifts and
time warps between the planes. Amongst Text presented in a coloured text box such as
these realms is one where the only the dead this is designed for the DM to read aloud
know how to reach and the living cannot when characters first arrive at important
escape. A land where terrifying monsters locations or upon triggering specific events as
roam the streets and evil festers and grows described in the adventure.
without notice, this is Hallowgrave. It is from
the link to this realm where All Hallows Eve Unless the DM is adding extra encounters or
originated. A bad moon is on the rise, all flavours to the game, most monsters and
should watch their steps lest they lose their NPC’s will use custom stat blocks located at
way in the dark. the end of this adventure article where they
can be quickly referenced as they appear and
Story Overview
if any other monsters from other books are
The characters are drawn into this story of
used they will be denoted by their shorthand
their own volition and thirst for adventure
for (MM, monster manual).
into the unknown. On the day of All Hallows
Halloween themed currency, equipment and
Eve, the barriers between the realms are at
magical items that are referenced, found or
their weakest. During this annual event the
used in this adventure have been custom
gateway to Hallowgrave has opened
created and are only found in the rear of the
temporarily, the realm which many centuries
document. Each item will be detailed and
ago inadvertently caused the start of the
their uses or effects explained.
superstitious event known as All Hallows Eve.
Unbeknownst to the characters they Adventure Summary
unwittingly fall through the gateway between The characters are inadvertently drawn into
these worlds finding themselves stranded in the frightening world of Hallowgrave. Upon
this dark realm. Hallowgrave is a town of arrival they will be met by William the
monsters and eternal night. Regular gatekeeper scarecrow. William serves as a
humanoids do not exist in this realm. Local guide to the characters as they attempt to
inhabitants include werewolves, undead, escape this deathly world. William will inform
vampires, demons, abominations and a the characters that they must acquire 6 gear
scattered assortment of vile evils. Thrust into shaped ciphers to reopen the gateway back to
a nightmare filled realm with no way back, the the mortal realm. These ciphers can be found
characters must learn more about this town in various locations throughout the town of
and find a way to escape before the barriers

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
Hallowgrave. Some ciphers are in the monsters and modifying the success DC of
possession of various creatures of the night, skill checks to alter the difficulty of the
whilst others might be up for sale in exchange adventure. When completing a one off it is
for goods or services. The characters will unlikely that characters will level up during
inevitably seek and acquire the ciphers to the course of the adventure. However
progress the story and attempt to flee before levelling between boss fights may help players
time runs out. The final boss of this adventure in place of an additional long rest given the
will always be the Headless Horseman and in time restraint is less than 24 hours.
his possession is always the 6th cipher needed
to leave Hallowgrave. After collecting all the
ciphers and ending any other unfinished Starting the Adventure
business, the characters will return to William The starting location for this adventure can be
and attempt to open the gate. William any moderately sized town or larger city etc.
provides the characters with one final riddle Any settlement of this size will do. At this
to solve in order to open the gateway. Players point the DM may decide to read the
should inevitably leave as quickly as possible following and start the adventure.
lest they be stuck in the Hallow for another
Alternatively at your digression you may
choose to forgo the following town or city
Running Out Of Time hook that is traditionally used and have the
characters stumble through the dense forest
All Hallows Eve is an adventure where time is
of the essence. The barriers that separate the and by sheer luck or lack of said luck
realms are at their thinnest, only allowing discovering the doors.
travel for only a small window of time. At Hook 1 (town/city)
most this window of opportunity is open for a For the past several days the local area has
mere 24 hours or one day before they are been abuzz with excitement and activity. The
sealed shut and another year must past local populace is preparing for an annual
before they reopen. The characters are under festival of grand proportions. The festival
the pressure of this time limit else they will be known as All Hallows Eve is a somewhat
stuck on the other side. religious, somewhat superstitious holiday for
the masses to indulge themselves in frivolous
Despite the time pressure, Hallowgrave is an
entertainment. Hallows Eve is a holiday
independent town with a number of supposedly to represent the single day of the
interesting locations to visit and explore as year when the planes of existence begin to
well as many useful and novelty items to be overlap allowing the realms of horrors to join
acquired. Fun should take precedence over with that of the mortal realms. Many
the time limit in this Halloween adventure to superstitious folk are convinced that on this
day the dead will walk.
ensure everyone can have a laugh as they
trick or treat their way through this session.
At this point feel free to have the party
Character Level
explore the local area and gather supplies or
All Hallows grave is designed for a party of 3-5
information as they see fit. If they are not
level 4 player characters. However this
already formally a party then this makes a
difficulty can be easily modified by the
good point for characters to introduce
dungeon master by reducing or increasing the
themselves and meet up for before the main
hit points and armor class of the boss
adventure begins.

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
Unlike many adventures the true start to this The Doors
adventure is more of a random divine Many believe the doors to be a farce and
occurrence rather than NPC or player input. In nothing more than a traveller’s myth. The
order to peak the characters interest and doors can be thought of as an otherworldly
curiosity we introduce them to the doors. micro realm or a realm between realms. They
are in fact doors that act as gateways to many
Stumbling past a dirty overgrown stone
distant and forgotten realms. It is unknown
gateway you feel an uneasy sense of déjà vu.
Like somewhere you have seen those rusted how these doors function or why they decide
gates before whether in your travels or in a to appear to those that they do.
lost book. Staring intently at the gates in the
corner of your mind you feel the familiar pull Looking into the clearing beyond lies a grove
of strange magical forces willing you to open sporting over a dozen oversized trees growing
the gates. in a slightly scattered ring. A slight breeze
rustles through the undergrowth and the
leaves. Faint echoing whispers beckon you
The gates are rusted and slightly overgrown forth towards the trees as if blown along by
with small stringy vines and require a strength the breeze.
Entering the ring of trees reveals an odd sight.
check of DC15 in order to force them open.
Each massive tree has a large heavy set door
Cutting the fines before forcing the gate open moulded into the base. Each door has a
will reduce the strength check to DC11. symbol carved into its panelling. The whispers
Additional characters assisting to open the beckon you towards a particular tree whose
gate will add advantage to the strength check. door is slightly ajar. A carving of a dark orange
pumpkin sporting a maniacal grin is
Hook 2 (forest) positioned in the centre of the door.
Stumbling through the dense underbrush and
tangled growth of the forest, you have lost
sight of the overgrown path you followed. You Each of the mystical doors represents a
find yourself lost in the deep of the woods as gateway to a foreign realm. Only the
a fading sun steals the light from around you. Hallowgrave door is ajar and can be opened.
As the final ray of light disappears leaving you Attempting to open any other door will result
in darkness you catch a glimpse of light out of in failure. These other doors cannot be
the corner of your eye. A wisp of blue light
opened by any means physical or magical.
These trees surpass even that of legendary
The blue wisps are often referred to as spirits beings. They cannot be burnt, harmed or
of the woods who guide those lost. Whether affected by magic.
by good intentions or ill ones it is unknown
what drives these creatures. Only Way Forward
Opening the already ajar door will increase
Following the direction of the wispy blue light the volume of the whispers around the
as it appears and disappears you begin to feel characters. It is very difficult to make out
the pull of old magic. The trees around you what the whispers are saying, however they
feel familiar somehow as if you had walked are beckon the characters to step through the
this trail before. Ahead the blue wisp flashes
dark portal into the hollow trunk of the tree
one final time before disappearing into a
clearing of trees bathed in fresh moonlight. before them.
If the players decide to step through then
they will immediately vanish from sight. The

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
characters will experience a never ending The courtyard is made of black and grey gritty
falling sensation as they fall through complete stone slabs about 30 by 30 feet in area. The
darkness. walls are of similar material about 10 feet
If the players decide to leave the door alone high with another foot of metal spikes on top
and attempt to leave, the door will swing of the wall. The gateway is the only obvious
open by itself. The air around the characters way out of the courtyard. The strange stone
will suddenly all start to rush towards the table is covered with inanimate magical runes
open doorway as if it is being sucked away. in an unknown dialect. Aside from the oddly
This great moment of wind forces the shaped holes the table is uninformative.
characters towards the doorway with so much
force that escape is impossible.
After each character has made their way
through the door either by choice or by force
it slams shut behind them and is unable to be
opened from that side again.

Hard Landing
After falling through the door with the
grinning pumpkin and falling for what seems
like an eternity, the characters slam into a
cold grimy stone pavement. Normally falling
at this speed would probably kill a character
of level 4, but this world is a little strange and
odd occurrences are certainly common
around here. Characters are allowed to make
a Dexterity Saving Throw of DC15 or take 2D6
bludgeoning damage as they land or half as
much on a successful roll.

Regaining your footing and balance you take

stock of your surroundings. It is the now the
dead of night with an unnaturally large sized
moon hanging overhead. You find yourself in
a grey stone courtyard surrounded by a stone
wall with twisted iron spikes mounted on top.
Behind you is an oddly shaped large stone
table with oddly shaped holes carved into it.
In front of you to the left is a large cast iron
gate decorated with twisted faces. To the
right of the gate stands a pole with a tattered
looking ramshackle scarecrow tied to it. The
scarecrow has a bright orange pumpkin with a
gnarly face carved into it for a head and
appears to be wearing an old fashioned
stained suit.

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
Waking William welcome you poor unfortunate souls to our
If the party attempts to open the cast iron frightfully pleasant town of Hallowgrave!”
gate then immediately read this aloud.

A maniacal voice fills your ears. “Stop right A Way Back Home
there sunshine!” The voice can audibly heard William is more than happy to assist the
coming from the scarecrow next to the gate. characters in finding a way back home. He is
“Who’s been opening my gate?” With these rather insistent that they shouldn’t stay for
final words the scarecrows head snaps at an too long in the Hallow lest the local
odd angle as turns to face the characters. A
monstrosities realize that they are mortal
warm glow shining from its eyes and toothy
mouth. beings whom do not belong in this realm.
William is able to inform the characters of the
“Hahaha, is it that time of year already?” The
scarecrow suddenly straightens its head, his  The gateway back to the mortal realm
limbs coming to life cracking and popping as if can be opened again by collecting 6
they hadn’t moved in a long time. “Forgive my gear shaped ciphers that will unlock
ghastly manners hahaha” it laughs maniacally the gate when inserted into the stone
as it gives what you assume would be a small
table behind them.
bow if not for the rod holding him aloft. “You
 Time is of the essence and the
may call me William! I am the gatekeeper of
this here gate! No not that gates the one characters only have about 1 day
behind you of course! Its limbs swing around before the gateway is sealed for
as he exaggerates his speech. another year.
 The first cipher used to belong to
William, but he sold it to Skelton the
William is the local gatekeeper whom guards
merchant in the town square. The
the gateway between Hallowgrave and the
players may be able to purchase it
other realms. Neither good nor evil William
from Skelton at a higher price.
wishes only to help guide those who pass
 He explains that gold, silver and
through his gate. William serves as a guide to
copper are worthless in Hallowgrave
the characters whilst they spend time in
and that the local currency is Candy
Hallowgrave. He is able to answer most
Corn Pieces or CCP. Skelton is more
questions about the surrounding areas and
than happy to give the players 100
direct the characters to most of the important
CCP to get them started.
locations in the town.
 The other 5 ciphers belong to 5
“Hahaha, well now that you’re here you might dangerous horrors of Hallowgrave.
as well stay, it’s not like you can go back just
yet anyways!” “If you want to leave then Repeating Adventure
you’ll have to listen to me, because All Hallows eve is an adventure that can be
somewhere out there it must be All Hallows repeated each year with slightly different
Eve!” He laughs hysterically. “Oh what changes each time. 4 of the 5 horrors of
frightful fun you will have with your stay, Hallowgrave are chosen at random from a
better be careful though or you might just
predetermined list of horrors. This means that
stay this way. I hope you do better than the
last ones that came; they were too old and each year you will face different horrors to
much to plain.” acquire ciphers than the year before. The final
“So please allow me to be the first to horror or 5th horror is always the Headless

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
Horseman. Use the following tables to 4th Roll
determine the other 4 horrors. The owner of the fifth cipher always has a
name starting with L. This corresponds to the
1st Roll final riddle to open the gateway.
The owner of the second cipher always has a
name starting with A. This corresponds to the ROLL (1D20) This Year’s Horror
final riddle to open the gateway. 1-6 Orrick, The
ROLL (1D20) This Year’s Horror 7-13 Oleg, The Butcher
1-6 Agatha, The Mad 14-20 Orisa, The Blood
Maiden Curdler
7-13 Asteroth’s Tree
14-20 Alabaster Witches
In addition to the previous information
William knows which of the 4 random horrors
2nd Roll are in possession of ciphers. He never reveals
The owner of the third cipher always has a who has the 6th cipher. When asked about the
name starting with L. This corresponds to the 6th cipher he simply replies he’s not sure
final riddle to open the gateway. where that one rolled off to.
William will gladly tell the characters which of
ROLL (1D20) This Year’s Horror
the horrors currently own ciphers and roughly
1-6 Lisbeth, The
Temptress where they can be found or take up
7-13 Laciana, The Spider residence. He can tell them little bits of
Queen information about the horrors but not how to
14-20 Lucas, of The Waning get the ciphers from them or strengths and
Moon weakness.

From here William will let the characters pass

3rd Roll as the cast iron gates swing open with a loud
The owner of the fourth cipher always has a
painful screech. He will laugh maniacally and
name also starting with L. This corresponds to
wish them well as they leave his courtyard.
the final riddle to open the gateway.
Players may return to William at any time if
ROLL (1D20) This Year’s Horror they are in need of information or if they
1-6 Lord Lichtenstein become stuck and require a few clues William
7-13 Lazarak, The Pumpkin is always happy to oblige.
14-20 Lorne, of The Tomb

Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
Hallowgrave Town Map

10 | P a g e
Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
Welcome to Hallowgrave 1. Skelton the Merchant
Beyond the gateway is the town square of True to his name Skelton the merchant is
Hallowgrave. It is about 200 by 250 feet in indeed a skeleton walking around as if it owns
size. This is the central hob of the town and the place (technically he does own the place).
the adventuring area. All points of interest in His and we assume it’s a he, long deceased
and around the area can be accessed via the body was resurrected by an overly powerful
town square. The town square is also home to necromancer many years ago for the price of
a number of points of interest to the his soul. Unfortunately for Skelton, It’s even
characters including the gallows and Skelton harder trying to find a job in this place when
the merchant. you’re extra dead.
He has the appearance of a bleached bone
Passing through the iron gate reveals a large skeleton whose right arm is detached from
town square made from the same black and the body. He unceremoniously carries this
grey gritty slabs of stone. The square is light arm around using it as some sort of cane.
with green flickering lamps burning brightly
Additionally he wars atop his head a rather
under the moonlight. The area is filled with
various horrors, nightmares, and other fancy velvet top hat. Unfortunately for the
creatures from myth and legend as they party Skelton is mute as he has no vocal cords
wander about their nightly business in an or any organs for that matter. But he
almost humanoid like fashion. The centre of somehow still understands everything being
the square is taken up by a large raised said.
wooden platform atop which stands a large
set of gallows. Across the square can be seen Several wooden wagons have been pulled into
an outdoor merchants shop front. Twisted a half circle and their frames ramshackle into
buildings and winding alleyways stretch off what appears to be a small market place lit
into the distance as they curve out of sight. with flickering green lanterns hung from the
eves. A click clack sound can be heard as a
skeleton wonders amongst the rows of
The lighting around Hallowgrave is strange goods straightening and adjusting the
consistently kept at a dim flickering glow by merchandise available. Upon your approach
the green lanterns. There is a slight breeze he turns and greets you with a hearty wave of
that occasionally ruffles leaves along the his bony hand.
ground. There is a sightly damp musky smell
in the air. Travelling around Hallowgrave takes
Skelton is the local general goods store in
an average amount of time, despite the
town square and is the location at which
twisting mess of alleyways, twisting spires and
characters may spend their hard earned
ramshackle houses the streets are clearly
Candy Corn Pieces to purchase a wide
defined and well signposted. For those paying
assortment of All Hallows Eve themed items
attention it is difficult to get lost.
ranging from weapons, novelties, useful tools
and food. A description of each item and a list
Points of Interest
of available goods and prices may be found in
Hallowgrave Is filled with many sightseeing
their own chapters towards the rear of the
opportunities for the casual traveller. Most
article. It is from Skelton that the characters
are exceptionally dangerous and terrifying but
may purchase one of the Ciphers needed to
that makes it all the more fun. The primary
points of interest are mainly concerned with
the Hallowgrave horror residencies.

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2. Eve’s Gallows on the chains will fade allowing her to move
At the centre of the town square lies the freely.
gallows. This is a prominent landmark for The truth surrounding Eve’s plight is a mystery
Hallowgrave residence, a constant reminder to all.
of their places in society. These gallows are
often given a birth by the local residents; the 3. The Old Church
reason for this is unknown why. If anyone The old church is located to the west of the
town square and is easy to find with its
enquires about the gallows they will be
brushed off and told not to speak of it. toppled bell tower. Even for the local
residents of Hallowgrave this landmark is one
At the dead centre of the town square lies a to be wary of. Agatha the Mad Maiden finds
raised wooden platform with ropes hanging residence in this dilapidated church. Agatha is
from a beam across the top. A small creaky one of the potential horrors that the
staircase leads up to the platform. characters might face in order to retrieve one
Atop the platform to your shock stands a
of the ciphers needed to escape.
young elvish woman no more than 200 years
old tied to a small post with a rusted heavy
The bold moonlight shines strongly down
length of chain. A noose can be seen draped
upon the cold grimy stone of an old church.
over her neck. The chains keep her in place
Blackened windows and a toppled bell tower
and she is unable to move.
leave much to be desired in the way of
Hearing your footsteps her head snaps to look
upkeep. The grass is shrivelled brown and
at you a look of terror and pain upon her face.
beds of dead rose vines cover a small wall at
A single word escapes her parched lips “help”.
the front walkway. A heavy set wooden door
with rusted hinges stands strong at the front
of this ominous building. This unholy place
The woman tied to the post is called Eve. She
emanates a chill to those who think of
is a prisoner here in the Hallow and wishes to venturing forward.
escape at all cost. She cannot remember how
long she has been here, who brought her here
or why she is being kept chained atop the 4. Hallowgrave Cemetery
gallows platform. She hasn’t been fed or paid On the south eastern outskirts of Hallowgrave
any attention by anyone since being tied to one may find the local cemetery. It is a cold
the post. She secretly knows that others have dark place littered with graves. Some of which
tried to help her in the past but does not part have been filled, some of which have been
this information willingly. She is desperate to opened and others which are yet to be used.
escape her chains and return to the mortal Orrick the Gravedigger can most often be
realms and even begs for your help promising found here at the cemetery digging graves
them treasure and power in return for help. and in many cases filling them with
The chains that surround her are in fact a unsuspecting victims. Orrick is one of the
Chains of Torment item and cannot be potential horrors that the characters might
broken, unlocked, or pried open with magic. face in order to retrieve one of the ciphers.
Every attempt to tamper with the chains
The foul moon shines closely overhead,
causes them to start tightening around her,
somewhere in the distance crows squawk as
crushing her ever so gently. The only way to they pick apart a small critter. The cemetery is
free Eve from the chains is to defeat the surrounded by tall stone walls topped with
Headless Horseman towards the end of the gnarled metal spikes. A large solitary wrought
adventure. Upon his defeat the enchantment iron gate embellished with laughing skulls is

12 | P a g e
Property of JR-K, Artwork property of PR
the only apparent entrance. On closer large keep roosts atop this tower, bright lights
inspection a strong earthy smell invades your can be seen shining from the grubby window
senses. panes. A rusty metal gateway swings inward
to a small courtyard leading to the base of the
tower and hopefully a way up.
5. Pleasure Manor
A small grassy hill rises on the eastern side of
town. Atop this hill lies a small quaint manor. 7. Hallowgrave Butchery
Everyone in town knows where the pleasure In the western district of Hallowgrave lies one
manor is. Said to be a joyous establishment of the few local independently owned food
where dreams really do come true, or so they shops, namely the Hallowgrave butchery. It is
say at least. The reality might be much more a small shop located on a busy corner near a
terrifying. The pleasure manor is the local warehouse and is said to be the carver of the
residence of one Lisbeth the temptress finest flesh and bone in town or so their
another of the potential horrors that the business card says. The owner of this fine
characters may come across in their quest to establishment is Oleg, the Butcher another of
find the ciphers. the possible horrors the characters may need
to face to gain their freedom with another
Beside the road is a well-trimmed lawn and cipher.
garden complete with hedges and a small
gate. Beyond the small archway is a long The small shopfront looks slightly out of place
stone path that winds from the main road up in the mottled grey stones of Hallowgrave. A
the hillside towards a slatted wooden building wide doorway and a large grimy window take
painted bone white. The path ends at a small up most of the shop front with a small
front porch. As you approach the house it is tattered awning and a rustic looking sign
very noticeable that this estate is well swinging overhead. The sign reads
maintained compared to the other buildings Hallowgrave Butcher and creaks gently in the
in the town. breeze. It’s too dark to see much beyond the
dirty window it appears the lights are off and
no sounds can be heard from inside. Despite
6. The Lords Tower this the air surrounding the shop feels slightly
A tall narrow tower with a bulbous keep at warm. Somebody must be home.
the pinnacle lies directly north of the town
square. It is very difficult to mistake this
8. Town Park
building for one of less importance as it is the
Seems odd doesn’t it having a park in a dark
tallest building in all of Hallowgrave. Few
realm such as this but rest assured even the
people have reason to go knocking on that
creatures of the night need a quiet place
tower and even fewer are said to ever return,
where they can play and gaze at the moon.
best you steer clear of it. The lords tower is
The town park is in fact quite famous as it
home to Lord Lichtenstein himself and his
contains the resting spot of Asteroth, a
abomination pet Fletcher. One of the more
legendary demon who once called
powerful beings in Hallowgrave he commands
Hallowgrave his home. His grave is marked by
much respect as one of the possible horrors
a leafless enormous tree that dwarfs all other
the characters might have to face to earn a
plants around it sucking the ground dry of
cipher for their freedom.
nutrients in order to survive. It is said that the
A tall crooked tower stretches up before you tree grew from Asteroth’s corpse. Asteroth’s
like a narrow column of poor architecture. A Tree is in fact one of the possible horrors the

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characters may face in their quest to find one watches over the proper development of this
of the ciphers. important commodity. Lazarak is another of
the potential horrors that the characters must
The full moon and ghastly green lamps face for yet another cipher.
illuminate the well-trimmed grass and
cobblestone pathways of the hedged off park. A low moss covered stone wall stretches
It is about the size of a football field and is around the low lying hill. A Dirt path leads to a
scattered with trees, small seat benches, a small opening into the patch. Vines have
murky looking pond and small ornamental spread and stretch across nearly every inch of
statues. Above all else at the centre of the ground, with broad leaves shining in the
park stands a large dark wood tree devoid of moonlight. Bright bulbous pumpkins in
any leaves. The tree takes a prominent place various stages of growth hang loosely from
in the park with a small stone plaque the vines onto the ground covering the whole
embedded at its base. It reads “Asteroth’s hill with vegetation.

11. William’s Courtyard

9. The Old Cellar A small walled off courtyard that connects
Through a hole in the wall down a small side
through a gate to the town square. This is the
street lays the once grand establishment of
initial starting point when characters first
the Leopold Cellars. What was once a grand
arrive into Hallowgrave. It is also where
warehouse filled to the brim with the strong
William and the gateway back to the mortal
smell of wines aging in heavy oaken barrels
realms can be found. Creatures will rarely
has been replaced by a heavy musk and thick
venture here as it is a place of foreign magic
webs. The old cellars newest resident is that
and watched closely by William and his
of Laciana, the spider queen whom makes her
unknown masters. It is unknown whether
nest in the damp confines beneath the
William watches the gate to stop things
ground. Laciana is one of the possible horrors
coming in, or to stop things going out.
that the characters may face in order to gain
another cipher. 12. Ghost Light Market
The Ghost Light Market is a lesser known and
Squeezing down the tight street the alley more dubious marketplace hidden well away
abruptly ends at a tall wall. A dusty heavy set
from the prying eyes of others. Run by a
of reinforced oak wood doors have been set
into the wall. Blowing gently across the door clever and sly acting Minotaur who refuses to
and swiping the dust away reveals a once well divulge his name, this underground
carved and gold leaf painted sign. It reads marketplace is a good place to find some
“Leopold Cellars”. There is no other entrances unusual items that the regular merchants
into the alleyway save for the one behind you don’t stock. The items this market sells can be
and the doors before you. Somewhere in the located in the Ghost Light Market Shop list
corner you can hear a spider rustling as it
and the item descriptions can be found with
traps a squealing mouse.
the regular descriptions. The Minotaur wears
simple dark clothing and is missing one of his
10. The Pumpkin Patch horns. He has a gruff nature refusing to say
On the southern outskirts of Hallowgrave lies more than what is necessary. Despite being a
a small farm. It is here that all the pumpkins in more secretive establishment, most people
Hallowgrave are grown. The pumpkin patch is seem to know where it is hidden.
lorded over by Lazarak, the Pumpkin King who

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The alleyway looks just like every other, cold, experience in the whole town. Serving a
grimy stonework with an uneven footpath. plethora of otherworldly cuisine to suit even
About halfway down the narrow alley there is the most ghastly of dining patrons. Caution is
a door frame etched into the stonework with advised however, if you don’t eat the food
no obvious handle. Touching the door
than the food might just eat you instead.
releases a soft red glow shining from within
the carved lines. The door swings inwards and From the eatery players may acquire an
cool air brushes against your face. Before you assortment of food and drink items in
lay a steep stair case heading into the ground. exchange for Candy Corn Pieces. The items
the eatery sells can be located in the Eatery
Shop list. At this stage in development there
13. The Meat Locker
are no item descriptions for these
The meat locker can be found in the same
consumables, they are simply classified as
street nearby the Hallowgrave Butchery. It is a
regular food and drink. The eatery is run by
large warehouse where the fresh meat is
Belphegor the demon of gluttony’s daughter
interred and preserved in its cool depths. This
Bella, whom takes the utmost pride in serving
building is locked well and truly tight and
only the most treacherous meals she can
there is no known way in save for the front
concoct in her hellish kitchen.
door which is locked with an incredibly
powerful enchantment. The only way to gain The chilly evening breeze gently swings the
access to this building is by using a Meat Key rusted chains of the creaking sign back and
and unlocking the front door. forth in front of the small stone walled cafe.
The Meat Locker has been unlocked and The sign is grimy and rotting, but you can still
clearly make out the faded word ‘eatery’. In
made available to players for the first time in
the air around the small café you can smell
this year’s update. The Meat Locker is
the pungent odour of strong spices mixed
designated as a side objective and is not with something rotten that instantly makes
essential to the completion of the story. Deep you gag.
in its cool depths the Meat Locker is the local
fighting ring, for horrors to test their
otherworldly strengths. At this location 15. Half-Moon Woods
players have an opportunity to fight a bonus To the west on the far edge of the town of
boss to attempt to gain extra rewards. The Hallowgrave stands the enormous trunks of
only bonus boss at this time is William. the foreboding Half-Moon Woods. Each
ancient oak is at least dozen feet wide at the
A looming building stands before you and trunk and creates a dark endless maze of
stretches put taking up most of the town trees whose high canopies of branches
block with its dead vine covered walls. There prevent even the astonishing moonlight from
are no windows no lights and nothing of any falling upon the ground. Even amongst the
interest surrounding this building save for the
horrifyingly strong residents of Hallowgrave,
almost ornate door set firmly at its front.
Looking closer at the hefty wooden door few will willingly enter the half-moon woods
reveals that there is no handles. Only a large for fear of the creatures within. One of these
oddly shaped keyhole offset from the centre. brave souls is in fact a professional hunter and
trapper whom goes by the name Lucas. Lucas,
of the waning moon is one of the possible
14. The Eatery
horrors that the characters may face to
The local Hallowgrave eatery is the most
retrieve another cipher.
popular and also the most horrifying dining

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A thick low lying grey fog rolls slowly out from 17. Lorne’s Tomb
the foot of the giant oaken forest. The stained Hallowgrave itself has existed for an untold
trunks easily 12 feet wide and maybe over age, perhaps before the dead had even begun
100 feet tall spread out their thick branches to walk or the graves had filled the cemetery.
like huge awnings catching the moonlight and
It is common knowledge to the residents
plunging the woods into a deep shadow.
There is no breeze, the trees do not sway and however that the oldest grave in all of
the air is thick with a damp smell of the Hallowgrave belongs to a being known as
undergrowth. A chill runs down your spine as Lorne. His mausoleum like tomb stands higher
the long howl of a wolf splits the silence of the and wider than any other grave in the realm.
trees. None know whom built it or why it was so
grandly constructed. Lorne’s Tomb is located
just south of the town square overlooking the
16. The Bubbling Brewhouse
Located on an eastern side street off the town Hallowgrave cemetery in its grizzly splendour.
square stands the small cottage like shop The tomb itself has never been opened, but it
known locally as the Witches Brewhouse. To is the residence of Lorne whom is in fact a
the local residents, the Brewhouse is the living embalmed Mummy. Lorne is one of the
source off manner of concoctions, potions, potential horrors that the characters may face
poisons and foreign ingredients used in many in their quest to locate the ciphers.
horrific professions. The shopfront often has a
The smooth slated stone of the once
bustling trade of goods during its regular intricately carved tomb entrance had fallen
opening hours. The shop itself is run by the into disrepair and become eroded and brittle
Alabaster Witch sisters. A trio of sisters who with age. The crumbling roof is shaky and
also just happen to be witches. The Witch barely held aloft by the six cracked stone
sisters on their own aren’t particularly pillars that formed the walkway to the tomb
door. The air around the tomb is dry and
powerful, but each specializes in a specific
dusty as decades of dust is disturbed under
field. When working together however the your footsteps. The door to the tomb, once a
witches become a dangerous force not to be beautiful mosaic of stone and glass now
reckoned with. The Alabaster Witch Sisters stands as a firm blockade of cold unadorned
make up one of the possible horrors that the stone, serving as a reminder to all, that
characters may need to face in order to nothing can stand the tests of time.
acquire another.

The warped and oddly shaped cottage sat 18. The Hallowgrave West Wing
nestled alongside the cobblestone road. A In the sparse area to the east of the
multitude of small twisted chimneys poke Hallowgrave town square lies an expansive
above the rooftop, each softly billowing network of buildings, spires, offices and wards
plumes of smoke of an assortment of colours. that belong to the Hallowgrave hospital. Even
A small neatly swept path leads up to the the horrors of the night need to stay healthy
rotund door at the front of the cottage. A
and fit for the next delightful fright. The
darkened window sits offset to the door with
golden lettering attached to the glass panes. hospital itself is equipped with the most
“The Witches Brewhouse” is spelled out in a professional of staff and the latest of horrific
lopsided arc. equipment for all your needs. The hospital
itself is broken into several wards or wings
with different caretakers managing the
operations of each department. At this time

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only the West Wing is available for access. township. It almost looked like a regular toy
Others may become accessible in later shop if it weren’t for the manor of slightly
updates. The west Wing is home to a skilled creepy bobble heads lining the front display
and dangerous physician known as Orisa, the window. Looking closely at the bobble heads
in the window you notice that as you move,
Blood Curdler. She is one of the Horrors of
some of the bobble heads turn to face your
Hallowgrave and the characters may need to ever slightly. Slight chills run down your spine
face her diabolic form of healthcare to acquire
another lost cipher.

The white washed doors of the building

seemed eerily clean compared to the rest of
the town. An unnaturally white light filtered
through the glass window panes. The slight
smell of chemicals fills your nose as you
approach. The green street lamp light flickers
upon the letters of the sign arched above the
door labelled the building as “West Wing”. A
small Bronze plaque beside the door spelled
out the name of the proprietor of the west
wing “Dr. Orisa”.

19. The Bobble Head Collector

The Bobble head Collector is a local private
specialist found to the south of the town
square. The owner is a devout collector of
rare and unique bobble heads and other small
collectible items and trinkets. The collector
never reveals their true identity but one can
assume they are a humanoid of some
description who is always wearing a long black
cloak and a twisted mask covered in blue
eyes. The owner speaks in excited whispers
and is polite with his business. He collects
bobble heads as more of a long passion rather
than a hobby. Beyond this he won’t reveal
why he collects them or so many of them. The
Bobble Head collector is another small
specialist market available to the players to
spend their Candy Corn. This market is basic
at the moment and is intended to be
expanded upon in a future update that will tie
into the greater world of Hallowgrave.

The small humble shopfront of the collector

almost stood out of place amongst the
grizzled buildings of the Hallowgrave

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Hallowgrave Horrors I have guests. Tell me what kind of men are
Hallowgrave’s most notorious and dangerous you? The kind who come to revel in my beauty
or have you come to profess your love and ask
beings are the only ones worthy of protecting
my hand in marriage? I must warn you though
these special ciphers. Even the monsters of please, do not displease me fair gentleman I
the night won’t stray too close to these true am a fragile woman after all.”
horrors and it would be wise if you took care
when facing them too. Stat blacks are located Appearing out of nowhere, weaving in and
at the end of the document amongst the covered mirrors like a ghost, she
is clearly a thin elegant woman in what once
Agatha, the Mad Maiden would have been a white wedding dress. Its
cloth fading to yellow, the edges rotted to
Agatha also known as the Mad Maiden is a
black and patches of deep red splattered
rather frightful woman. Even many of the
across it. As she turns to face you a growing
more terrifying creatures of Hallowgrave sense of fear and dread begins to overcome
choose to avoid her if possible. She is an you as well as the urgency to throw up. The
exceptionally vain creature whom delights in woman’s face is pale white, her eyes are
her own beauty, even if this beauty is bloodshot red, her lower jaw is missing as if it
misguided and twisted in her mind. Agatha had been torn off, open wounds drip black
blood down her neck and a large row of
can always be found residing in the old church
spiked teeth similar to that of a man eating
in the western part of Hallowgrave. worm can be seen lining her exposed and
ghastly throat. This was not a woman of
The heavy doors creeks open loudly into the beauty; this was the pure vanity of a monster.
silence of the church. The old church is rather
run down and a fine layer of dust covers
everything. The interior is mostly cold grey Personality
stone and carved archways supporting the
Agatha has a rather strange personality. She is
ceiling. But where rows of pews would have
been sits numerous lines of tall unidentified rather courteous and speaks with the tongue
objects draped with heavy cloth. They are of a noblewoman. She loves compliments and
arranged in a circular pattern facing toward gifts of a high calibre. However she is very
the centre floor of the church. The church easily displeased. Should you insult her or
walls have many dirty stained glass windows become to careless in your speech or even
that have been smashed or shattered allowing reveal your true intentions she will quickly
bright rays of moonlight to spread across the
lose her pleasant demeanour and become

If the party removes any of the cloths seated Agatha knows about the ciphers and their
over these objects they will immediately purpose but does not like discussing them as
recognize these objects as large high quality one was a late gift. She does not take kindly to
mirrors. Agatha in her rampart vanity has those poking around for them. Agatha knows
collected these mirrors so that she can bath in about the layout of Hallowgrave and basic
her own beauty but because of her true details about some of the other horrors,
nature and delirium she has covered them so however talking to much about any topic
she cannot see her true self. other than herself quickly bores her, resulting
in her becoming very unhappy.
Seemingly out of nowhere whispers a
woman’s tender voice. “Oh my how delightful,

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Once Agatha has become bored or enraged However at this point she has taken too much
she will immediately enter initiative against damage and as she claws at her eyes digging
the party. into the hollow sockets, she will slowly but
surely slump into death.
Mirror Mirror
“So you reveal your true intentions to me, the Treasure
real reason you are here. How dare you insult Searching Agatha’s corpse will yield the
me so broadly! You’re all just like my husband unique item Agatha’s Wedding Rings, one on
caring about other things more than me! He each hand and 500 Candy Corn Pieces.
cared about his mother so much more than
me SO I ATE HIM!!!” Players searching the remainder of the church
building will find 2D6 random Candy Corn
Once Agatha has begun combat with the Pieces and a small unlocked chest.
characters she will start her attack using the The chest contains a bottle of Blood Wine, 20
actions specified in her stat block. Whilst not Candy Corn Pieces, a gear shaped cipher (the
overly physically strong, Agatha can present a one needed to escape the Hallow), a small
high risk to a single target using her devour photo album of ‘previous husbands’ and a
ability. Additionally she does not have a large humanoid skull covered in small chew marks.
amount of HP, but she does have resistances
to most forms of standard damage. The
strategy to this fight is not to simply charge in
and maximise the amount of damage done to
her. Instead parties should think carefully and
use her vanity against her.

It is entirely possible to finish this fight

without laying a single blade upon Agatha.
She is extremely vain, however it is a false
belief that she has structured in her head. A
mental image of how she once looked before
becoming a monster. This is the key reason all
the mirrors are covered in heavy cloths.
Because she cannot see her true reflection
she can imagine whatever she wants. The
party can use this to their advantage. By
uncovering a mirror and forcing Agatha too
look at her true self they are effectively
dealing a blow to her fragile psyche. She will
take psychic damage as she destroys the
mirror. There are many mirrors within the
fight area to make use of.

If she takes enough damage through the use

of the mirrors, she will eventually be driven
mad enough to scratch out her own eyes in an
attempt to hide the truth from herself.

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Alabaster Witch Sisters Each wore a curved pointed hat with a wide
Amber, Amethyst and Aqua, the notorious trio brim that from behind fell their long plaited
known in Hallowgrave as the Alabaster witch hair. Each was dressed identically to the
others. Astonishingly the three women
sisters. The trio of beautiful maidens are in
physically look near identical to one another.
fact all sisters, and have earned their The only means of telling them apart you
nickname due to their unnaturally pure notice is their eyes, one soft yellow, another
alabaster coloured skin. The three sisters are deep violet and another light blue.
often mistaken for one another, the only
defining difference between the three of The three woman all smile at you in eerie
unison before individually making a small
them being their eye colour. Together the
curtsey, their eyes always directed at the
sisters run an elixir shop that specializes in
same person when looking around the room.
potions and magical brews and is highly “Welcome to the Bubbling Brewhouse, the
regarded as the best in the trade. The finest brewer of elixirs in the realm and
Alabaster Witch Sisters can always be found beyond. Be it greed, lust, pride or envy we
toiling away in the Bubbling Brewhouse. cater to all your needs”.
They spoke in a perfect unison of soft voices.
The painted green rotund door swings in with “I am Amber, I am Amethyst, and I am Aqua.
a pleasant jingle as the shop bells chime How may we be of service to you this
above you. The interior looks much like the evening?”
shop front you would expect to find. The walls
lined with rows upon rows of locked cabinets
stocked with all manner of potions and elixirs Personality
both known and new to you. In the far end of The witch sisters have an odd relationship.
the rotund room stands the counter with a Since a young age despite being three
wooden door behind it. The centre of the powerful and independent witches, the sisters
room is sparse and contains only a large cast have practically operated as a single person.
iron cauldron bubbling softly. A few green
Each of the sisters represents a source of
flames seep from beneath it keeping it hot.
The air is filled with the sweet smell of different power that makes up their combined
lavender and maybe something else. prowess. They always speak in unison, even
when speaking to one another, it is unknown
if they possess some form of telepathy or if
The potion cabinets are locked to deter theft somehow they have a hive intelligence that
of their products. If any of the sisters catch a allows them to do so consistently.
character attempting to break open or steal
any merchandise it will initiate immediate The sisters will act cordially and pleasantly to
combat as the sisters punish the would be their customers no matter how gruesome
thieves. William knows of the witch sisters, they may be. They are often unfazed by the
proclaiming that they make some mighty fine horrors of Hallowgrave. Their expression
brews that he loved to drink when he was doesn’t really change, unless they become
younger. infuriated. They will retain their small smiles
and pleasant demeanour otherwise. The
Introduction sisters will do their best to aid the characters
The door behind the counter creaks, with their enquiries into their elixirs and
prompting you to turn towards the noise.
practices, as they are running a business.
From the depths within steps out three pale
Talking of the cipher however might put the
skinned, tall, slender, but beautiful women
dressed in long wispy billowing black robes. sisters on edge as it is a valuable resource that

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they use to fuel their potion making services. three ability which can inflict huge amounts of
The cipher is actually hidden inside the damage in a large area.
bubbling cauldron.
During the fight with the sisters the shop and
The witch sisters have had dealings with many the majority of the potions and contents
of the other Hallowgrave horrors and seem to within the cabinets will be destroyed due to
know the location of all of them, often making the immense power being unleashed leaving
deliveries to their residences. The sisters nothing to be salvaged. This is useful to avoid
won’t divulge too much information about the the characters from becoming too rich or too
horrors due to client confidentiality. overpowered with potions etc. The sisters will
become increasingly aggravated as one by
Bubble and Trouble one they fall eventually losing all reasoning as
“You won’t take it from us, it belongs to us, they attempt to revenge their sisters.
the prime evil gave it to us, and it is our right,
our purpose! We will wash your filthy hands Treasure
from this sacred place through the tradition of Searching the three sisters will yield three
pain!! You will BURN, you will FREEZE, and you
unique items, the Amber Witches Hat, the
will be ELECTRIFIED by our own hands!
Amethyst Witches Hat and the Aqua Witches
Hat in addition to a combined total of 500
If the encounter results in a fight then the Candy Corn Pieces.
characters must be prepared to take on 3
dangerous foes in a confined space. The Players may find the gear shaped cipher in
alabaster witch sisters operate on the same the cauldron if it was tipped over during the
initiative as a group, but each has her own fight. If they search thoroughly they will also
stat block, abilities and actions. Each sister will find it in the base of the cauldron by looking
make actions independently each turn that into its murky liquid and see the shiny metal
makes for a devastating round of attacks. in the bottom.

Individually the sisters do not have a lot of HP Players may search the shop for anything else
or high defence, this makes them vulnerable useable. They may find 45 CCP in the cash
in one on one fights. But together if they are register, 2D4 Bottles of non-broken Blood
able to get the chance their combined attacks Wine and a smashed portrait frame depicting
can be devastating to behold especially for the sisters in their youth, noticeably part of
grouped enemies caught unaware by their the picture is missing.
different magic.

Each sister makes use of a different element

of magic for their attacks. Amber makes use
of fire magic, Amethyst wields the power of
lightning and Aqua freezes her enemies with
cold based magic. This multitude of varied
attack elements can make it difficult to fully
defend against. The sisters always operate as
a group never travelling far from one another
willingly. Their magic is at its strongest when
they are together, especially for their sisters

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Asteroth’s Tree process is long and slowly twists and warps
The great arch demon Asteroth was a local the tree from the inside creating a thirst for
celebrity amongst the evils of Hallowgrave blood as a food source. Asteroth’s Tree is very
back in his prime. He had gained himself a much alive and waits patiently for its next
reputation as a ruthless general with a savage victim.
hunger for war and blood. Asteroth is even
It is impossible to tell that the tree is alive
mentioned in mortal records in the other
while it is motionless. Touching or harming
realms as his tyranny and conquest spilled out
the tree will instigate an immediate response
from his own realm into others. Alas his reign
and begin initiative. If the characters do not
was not to last, betrayed by his own wife on
bother the tree or are taking too long, it may
the eve of their anniversary, Asteroth found a
be wise to have the tree sense their fresh
sword through his heart and an end to his life.
blood and attack them with a surprise round.
But the rage of Asteroth burned even stronger
in death as his body lay slumped against a Tree Personality?
small sapling in the park. Asteroth can no Asteroth’s Tree is a mindless being and
longer be found, but his grave can be found at doesn’t have a mental personality. It does
the base of the great tree at the town park. however attack forcefully and recklessly,
driven by its own hunger. Without sources of
A great withered tree stands before you, its
fresh nutrients wandering past, a Jubokko will
limbs naked of leaves as the bare tree creaks
and sways in the breeze. A small plaque at the wither into a death like state as it hibernates
base reads “Asteroth’s Tree”. A simple yet while waiting for its next meal.
grim reminder that this is where the feared For obvious reasons there is no simple way to
horror met his untimely demise. pacify Asteroth’s Tree in a diplomatic way.
Something about the tree makes you uneasy.
The rest of the park is luscious green, well- Blood Roots
kept and alive. But this tree stands alone and Asteroth’s Tree will continue to fight until it is
decaying despite its size towering over the finally hacked down by the characters. It
others. should be noted that when the tree is inflicted
damage it does indeed bleed from its wounds.
Asking William or another appropriate NPC The tree cannot move but offers devastating
who knowns the whereabouts of the ciphers melee attacks and some reach. The simplest
doesn’t know that the tree is the one in way to defeat this horror is to pick it off from
possession of the cipher. They only know that range with magic or burn it all down.
Asteroth had it with him when he died and
Once the tree is finally defeated it will slowly
they can only assume it was still with his
uproot as the whole trunk falls over, revealing
a small space beneath the tree.
As the great tree fells and tears its dead roots
Asteroth is indeed dead however his rage and from the ground it reveals a small space
bloodlust have lived on in the growing sapling beneath where it sat. Looking into this space
that consumed his body for nourishment as one can see what could only be the skeletal
his body decayed at its base. The tree in fact remains of the great demon Asteroth, half
became a Jubokko, a vampiric tree that buried in the damp soil that once sustained
sprouts often on battlefields, drinking in the the young sapling before Asteroth’s blood
cursed it.
fallen creature’s blood for nutrients. This

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The felled tree can be looted. The local
delicacy of blood wine is actually made from
aged Jubokko blood. Players may gather 1D6
Bottles of blood wine from the felled tree.

Players may collect the wood and lumber

from the tree if they wish, however it is
nothing special aside from the very noticeable
fact that the timber bleeds.

In the small space beneath the felled tree

characters may find 500 Candy Corn Pieces, a
gear shaped cipher and the unique item
Asteroth’s Betrayal.

Characters may also search the remainder of

the park for any additional items. Searching
may yield 2D6 Candy corn pieces and some
old bat jerky.

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Laciana, the Spider Queen unwaveringly.
Laciana, the Spider Queen or also known as
the mother of spiders to some is a woman “Come closer my dears, there is no need to
brandish your weapons, I mean you no harm. I
who commands terrifying respect from her
am but a humble mother looking after her
subjects. She is a creature of cunning matched kin”.
by no other. Her strikes are true and her love “However creatures rarely come here, let
for her hatchlings rivals that of obsession. The alone mortals how intriguing. A gather it is the
spider queen is content to stay out of the cipher to William’s gate that has brought you
spotlight of Hallowgrave, preferring to pull the here?”
“Here as a gift from a queen you may take it,
strings of politics and relations from behind
it serves no purpose to me and I am feeling
the scenes with her web of deceit and lies. It
dreadfully exhausted”. “Would you be so kind
is known to many that Laciana is an ancient to close the door on the way out, it creates a
and powerful Jorogumo and is capable of terrible draft down here”.
taking the form of a beautiful woman at will.
Often in her time she would take this form in
order to lure unsuspecting men to their True to her word Laciana will give you the
doom. Laciana can always be found in the old cipher as simply as that. But to any character
cellar surrounded by her webs. who wishes to do an insight check can tell that
she is hiding something. No one has been
The old door swings open without making a willing to give up the ciphers so easily before
sound. A cold stone stairway leads deep now.
under the buildings around you. Your Laciana is definitely up to something. If the
footsteps echo in the silence. The only other
characters attempt to leave now they will
sound breaking the silence is the occasional
discover that the door is already closed and
scuttling of something small hidden in the
darkness. After descending for some time the locked firmly. Upon this discovery Laciana will
air has become cool and damp. Another door sneak up behind the characters and attempt
stands before you. It is difficult to open. to bind them in web for her midnight meal.
Pulling the door open and stepping into the She will transform into her oversized spider
room reveals what looks like a nest. A nest form before attempting a surprise round.
made of webs strung from every column to
This will now instigate initiative after her
every corner. This was the home of a spider
there is no mistaking it. surprise round.

Laciana makes her nest at the base of the Laciana is a fearful creature, not just because
cellar beneath the town of Hallowgrave and of her fearsome strength and nasty abilities
has for quite some time now. She finds it a but also because of how intelligent she is.
perfect place to raise her children. Characters There are many cunning creatures in the
should mind their step lest the crush one of Hallow and Laciana has outsmarted most of
her eggs beneath their foot. them, ensuring her reign as the spider queen
goes unchallenged so that her young may
Introduction spread throughout the realms. Laciana is not a
Moving you way into the nest, a small swath picky eater, although she does like to keep
of light can be seen among a long mound of creatures living for a few days after binding
pristine web. Atop this web lays an attractive them in her silken thread. It is possible to
woman draped in a simple gown. She already
convince her to let you go freely, however it
knows you are here, her eyes watch you

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will take some excellent convincing and
deception to do so. She does not like to pass
up a free meal for herself nor her children.

Eight Legged
Laciana will engage pre-emptively with her
webs attempting to restrain characters quick
as possible to make them easier targets later
on. If she is in trouble she will use her spider
eggs to attempt to even the battle field.
Unlike some other bosses she will not attempt
to flee when her life is in danger, she will fight
to the bitter end.

Upon drawing her final breath, all the little

spiderlings will crawl to her body and begin to
eat it slowly. A queen provides for her
subjects even in death.

The players had best not stick around for too

long lest they become the next target for
another spider’s meal. There are a lot of
hungry little mouths to feed.

Characters game enough to brush aside the
swarm of spiders may search Laciana’s body.
Doing so will reveal 500 Candy Corn Pieces
and the unique item Mothers Mockingbird. If
she hasn’t already given the players the cipher
she will also be carrying the gear shaped

Players may also search the webbed cellar if

they like revealing some bat jerky, 1D6 Candy
Corn pieces and a bottle of blood wine.

Players daring enough may steal a spider egg

either for profit or a possible companion.

Additionally players may cut down some of

the web resulting in the Spider Thread Rope
Item described in the later item descriptions.

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Lazarak, the Pumpkin King soft rumbling can be heard from beneath your
Lazarak the grower of pumpkins or as he likes feet. Looking past the leaves you see an
to refer to himself the pumpkin king is a enormous living pumpkin resting amongst the
leaves. It was a mottled orange colour with a
horror in his own right. Lazarak is a by-
huge grizzly face carved into its side. The
product of a mad scientist raving mad attempt creature of sorts appears to be asleep. The
to splice genes into pumpkins to win the town loud rumbling caused by its deep breaths as it
harvest festivals largest pumpkin award. slumbered in the moonlight.
Needless to say the experiment went horribly Embedded in the monstrosities forehead
wrong and Lazarak was born. A self-aware and glinted something silver in the moonlight. It
looked oddly like a gear.
self-righteous pumpkin the size of a small
house was born. After devouring the house
and the scientist along with it Lazarak Lazarak is undoubtedly sleeping and
remained at his birthplace to watch over the embedded in his forehead is the cipher the
future generations of his younglings so that characters need to activate Williams’s gate. At
they would not meet the same fate as he. this point the characters can attempt to
Lazarak is one of the potential horrors who stealthily steal the cipher from Lazarak if they
own one of the ciphers needed to unlock the wish. His size can be quite intimidating and
gate back to the mortal realms. Lazarak is avoiding combat may work to the characters
unable to move and resides at the pumpkin advantage if they have engaged in lots of
patch on the southern outskirts of town. combat so far.

On the outskirts of Hallowgrave where houses Personality

a few and far between, you come across a low Lazarak is an oversized sentient pumpkin and
lying wall circled around a wide hill. On the
has the ego to go with it. Inheriting his
other side of this wall lay hundreds upon
creator’s passion for growing the best
hundreds of large bright orange pumpkins
ripe for picking. pumpkins in all the Hallow he strives day and
A small rusted gate is wedged between the night to grow the ultimate pumpkin of
edges of the wall. A small overgrown path perfection, albeit by more natural means than
leads up to the peak of the pumpkin covered his predecessor. Lazarak takes a more natural
hill. approach to life and often sounds like a
Atop the hill in the shadowy moonlight rests
druidic sage as he rambles on with the beauty
some large green leaves soaking up the
moonlight. of natural life. It would not be wise for anyone
to point out that he is in fact not a product of
natural life. He speaks in a booming voice and
Introduction is actually quite light-hearted.
Lazarak is an enormous pumpkin monster and
as such is unable to move from his roots. Lazarak knows little about the other horrors
Beneath the leaves at the crest of the hill is of Hallowgrave or the ciphers. He doesn’t
where he resides. really even notice the one stuck in his
forehead. It is possible that his creator was
As you follow the overgrown path up the hill the original horror entrusted with the cipher.
you can begin to full appreciate the size of the Lazarak has little need of gold or items. He
leaves ahead of you. Each one easily the size cares only for his pumpkin patch. He is
of a bedsheet of not bigger. A strong earth
however willing to sell his pumpkins for a
smell invades your nostrils.
As you step onto the crest of this leafy hill a hefty fee. He eats and Candy corn he is given.

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Pumpkin Smash guerrilla tactics during the fight to wear him
Lazarak’s perception isn’t the highest so it down slowly.
may be possible for the characters to steal the
cipher. If the characters wish to attempt this Treasure
course of action then they must compare the Players whom wish to search the pumpkin
stealth rolls against Lazarak’s passive patch will find themselves in the possession of
perception when he is sleeping. Additionally as many pumpkins as he or she can carry.
Additionally players may also find 1D4
the cipher is stuck in his forehead and
requires a DC18 Strength check to pull out. 3 Pumpkin Seeds, 4D6 Candy Corn Pieces and
failed checks will result in Lazarak waking up. 1D4 Pumpkin Bombs. A high level search will
also yield the unique item Squashling.
If Lazarak is woken up he will converse with
the characters assuming they are there to When Lazarak is defeated players may search
observe his majestic pumpkin patch. his body or eat it if they really wish. Searching
his body will yield 500 Candy Corn Pieces, a
“Ugggghhhhh. Who dares stand before the gear like cipher if it hasn’t already been
pumpkin king as he slumbers on this fine claimed and the unique item Pumpkin Heart.
moonlit night! I should have your head knave
for your rudeness. Have you no shame as to
watch one sleep?”

The giant pumpkin rears its enormous orange

head. Its eyes alive with a bright orange glow
and a jagged line of teeth sprouting from its

“Well seeing as you have travelled all this way

to my humble domain allows me to introduce
myself. I am Lazarak, King of the Pumpkin
Patch! And now that we are properly
acquainted you have my audience! What can
this gracious king assist the commoners with

Players may choose to attempt and bargain

with Lazarak or to engage in combat. If
Lazarak is insulted or if the players happen to
anger him in some way or hurt his pumpkins
then they will feel his wrath beginning the
combat encounter.

Combat with Lazarak can be a lengthy task

due to the nature of the combat area and
Lazarak’s area of effect attacks that can cause
lots of damage quickly. The advantage is that
Lazarak is unable to move from his rooted
spot giving the players a chance to use

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Lisbeth, the Temptress “I suppose if you want a name, you may call
Lisbeth is an otherworldly beauty whom is me Lisbeth if you like, at least, when I let you.”
known to all creatures of Hallow as being a Her tail swishes back and forth like a cat. “Is
this what you’re looking for?” She holds up a
flirtatious and extremely friendly being. None
rather familiar looking cog shaped item. “I’ll
would dare make enemies of her lest they tell you what, if you play with me, I’ll let you
lose any advantages she might provide to have it free of charge”.
them. Lisbeth uses her charm and wiles to her
advantage to manipulate others as though it
were her given right. Lisbeth can always be Regardless of whether the characters accept
found in her manor atop the hill just outside or decline, the door closes firmly behind them
of town. and cannot be opened until after the
encounter. Lisbeth will instigate combat by
The manor is quite large up close. It is flying down to the nearest character and
impossible to see through the windows and getting a short bonus round to use her
there is only one visible entrance. A large seductive strike ability in an attempt to charm
silver leaf ornate door stands at the front of
one of the characters.
the building. It beckons you forward as you
turn the large handle, it is not locked. The Personality
door glides silently inward. A sweet smell
Lisbeth is cunning, wily and beautiful. She
wafts from inside the doorway, a downward
staircase leads forward into the darkness. The knows that she can use her many assets to
staircase leads downward and ends abruptly her advantage and has no reservations doing
at another door. Opening the second door it so. Her knowledge about Hallowgrave, the
swings in smoothly and opens out into a large ciphers and the other horrors is vast and
well lit room. Small braziers with glowing fire extensive; however she will not willingly nor
light the room. The sweet smell is ever strong voluntarily share any of this information.
in here. The room is filled with piles of
Lisbeth talks in a courteous but seductive
cushions and assorted stuffed animals. You
cannot see any other doors leaving this room. manor, conversing with her for too long will
slowly coerce characters into believing or
agreeing anything she says. Lisbeth is playful
This area, in which you have been and enjoys being entertained by her visitors;
inadvertently lead to, is Lisbeth’s playroom however her form of entertainment is a little
where she entertains her various guests in sadistic.
whatever twisted manipulative ways she
desires. The Playroom
Lisbeth is a relatively weak individual. What
Introduction she lacks in brute strength or stamina
“Oooooohhh more pets for me to play with, I however she makes up for in cunning. This
do hope we’ll have a good time.” mainly comes in the form of charming
members of the party in order to have them
Sitting on the rafters above you, you do in fact
do the majority of the fighting for her. In
see the figure of a rather beautiful scantily
clad woman. A small leathery tail swishes order to break the charm effect Lisbeth has on
behind her, small twisted horns curl out of her the character, payers must defeat Lisbeth or
forehead and velvet leathery wings protrude render their companion unconscious.
from her back. She looks at you all and smiles Characters will need to juggle fighting their
devilishly. companion and fighting Lisbeth at the same

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time. Beyond this mechanic the fight is
straight forward.

If the characters reduce Lisbeth’s hit points to

a critical level below 5 remaining points, she
will immediately disengage and fly up
amongst the rafters clearly distressed. She will
attempt to bargain with the characters to
spare her life. If they choose to spare her life
she will drop 500 Candy Corn pieces, the gear
shaped cipher and the unique item Horny
Devil, which is fact, one of her own horns. This
magic item can only be obtained by letting
Lisbeth go. After this she will promptly
disappear through a hidden exit and the door
into the playroom will reopen.

In the event that the players decide not to let

Lisbeth leave quietly, they will be able to
search her corpse. Searching her will yield,
500 Candy Corn pieces, the gear shaped
cipher and Lisbeth’s Lucky Charm. This magic
item can only be acquired by killing Lisbeth.

In addition to the items the characters can
acquire by letting Lisbeth go freely, they may
search the playroom for additional goods.

Searching the room will yield, 5D6 additional

Candy Corn Pieces, a bottle of Blood Wine,
1D4 Death Sticks and the unique item clearly
labelled Only Friend.

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Lord Lichtenstein rustic brass elevator cage forming the
Lord Lichtenstein, the self-elected mayor and standing space. The elevator looks relatively
resident professor or the arcane arts of sturdy and well used.
Hallowgrave. There is a fine line between
genius and madness and Lichtenstein leaps far The lift is operated by a simple lever. Using
clear of that line right to the top and his ever the lift poses no risk when used. It can fit 6
increasing knowledge expands on a day to day medium sized humanoids in it and faction
basis. By day he attends to political matters normally. Going over the weight limit will
such as councils with the wolves and ensuring cause the system to struggle and possibly
that there is a good supply of blood trade for break.
the vampires. By night however he retreats
into his laboratory where he concocts all The Laboratory
manner of foul monstrosities in his attempt to The laboratory level is where Lord
create the ultimate horror. He is rather skilled Lichtenstein and his pet Fletcher reside and
with alchemy and has been known to cause a where the encounter will take place.
few minor plagues in his time.
You are met with warm light in a well-lit
Lord Lichtenstein can always be found at the
circular room. The far edge of the room has a
top of his tower in his makeshift laboratory. raised portion with a short stair case either
side, sporting a balcony that looks over the
Making your way to the base of the tower, rest of the room. The walls of the room are
you see that it is surrounded by yet another lined with all kinds of alchemical potions,
stone wall with twisted metal spikes on top. equipment and experiments. The floor in the
At the front stand two tall pillars with a rusty centre of the room is remarkably bear though.
metal gateway between them. Hangings from As the party attempts to step forward, a loud
the gate are two skeletons chained there until slow clapping can be heard.
death it would seem. The right hand pillar
appears to have a small box about head “Bravo, bravo heroes, no one has made it this
height with a skeletal hand sticking out of it. far since before I can remember. It is rather
Pulling the hand will cause a magical scream unfortunate, had I known we were having
to occur. A few moments later the rusty gates guests I would have had Fletcher prepare us
will magically open for you letting you pass some light refreshments.”
freely through the overgrown garden to the
base of the dark tower. The door at the base Coming into view high up on the balcony is a
of the tower is already open awaiting your light purple skinned elven looking man with
arrival. long silver hair tied behind him, circular
spectacles adorn his face ad a long thin
moustache bristles from his face. It would
The Tower
appear that this man is Lord Lichtenstein.
Lichtenstein’s tower is separated into 2 floors,
the base living floor and the upper laboratory “However dawn draws near, and as it would
floor. The only way to ascend this tower from seem your timing could not have been more
the inside is to use the lift present at the base. perfect, I’ve wanted to test out my new
experiments for a while now. And you
Entering into the base of the tour is a well-lit unappreciative fools will make excellent test
circular room. The opposite wall appears to be dummies! Fletcher! Show our guests your
a kitchen and dining area. The wall to the left most fabulously grotesque services!”
is a small living area with a few sturdy looking
bookcases. In the centre of the room is a A deep gurgling sound can be heard by the

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party as a large grotesque abomination of a throwing various colour potions at the
creature waddles its way into view before characters. Each colour potion has a different
jumping with an extreme amount of effort effect and will hinder the players in various
smacking into the flooring in front of you. It ways giving them reason to adapt strategies
was more a bloated amalgamation of
mid fight.
creatures rather than a single entity, hot drool
dripping from its slack jaw. In its hands he
holds 2 oversized looking meat cleavers that
Searching the lower living floor of the tower
looked as if they hadn’t been washed since
the last meat sack stumbled on in. will reveal 4D6 Candy Corn Pieces, 1D4 bottles
of Blood Wine and 1D6 Sickly Sweet Candy.
There are no unique items to be found down
Personalities here.
Lord Lichtenstein is the personification of a
mad scientist with a god complex. Nothing to After defeating Lord Lichtenstein his body
him is more important that his research into may be searched revealing 250 Candy Corn
creating the most atrocious of abominations. Pieces, a gear shaped cipher.
He is interested only in furthering his
After Fletcher is defeated he can also be
knowledge to aid in his mad quest. He
searched, yielding 250 Candy Corn Pieces,
considers himself to be the most respectable
some half-digested candy and additionally
and knowledgeable source on all things
Fletchers meat cleavers can also be taken.
related to monsters. He knows everything
Due to their size they should be treated as
about the Hallowgrave horrors and what
great swords.
makes them tick. But he will never divulge this
information as it is his knowledge to use Searching the alchemy laboratory will reveal
nobody else’s. He is quite fond of his pets an extra 5D6 Candy corn pieces and 1D4
even giving the ones who survive names. bottles of Blood Wine. A high enough
investigation check will yield Licht’s Monster
Fletcher is unable to speak but he can
understand the most basic of instructions
from Lichtenstein. He is a fairly slow moving
target but can take quite a beating. Whatever
conscious mind he has is shattered and he
sees his only purpose is to serve Lord
Lichtenstein and that is all. Despite this he
sometimes has nightmares of fragmented
memories, perhaps something from a
previous life.

Once initiative has started in this encounter,
Fletcher will do his best to defend
Lichtenstein from any potential attackers. He
will disengage from ne attacker to another if
Lichtenstein is in any immediate danger even
at risk to Fletchers own life. In the meantime
Lord Lichtenstein will assist fletcher, by

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Lorne, of the Tomb Slowly the darkness is faded by the bright
Lorne is possibly the oldest resident in all of light of the grizzly full moon as it returns to
Hallowgrave. Some say he is the first human the sky from behind a dark cloud. Streaks of
moonlight fall around the ruins of the tomb,
to die, others think he was cursed to live a life
illuminating its surfaces, including the door.
of un-death and some believe he is the As the moonlight shines on its haphazard
incarnation of a risen deity. But the only surface a vibrantly coloured message begins
answer Lorne would ever give, is that he was to appear before your eyes.
just down right unlucky. Wrong place, at the “DON’T KNOCK!!! I AM NOT HOME!!!” is
wrong time. Long before there was a town or hastily scrawled in the luminescent ink.
even a cemetery, Lorne’s tomb stood as a
solitary reminder that even in death you can Introduction
still have a nice place to sleep. Although what After the characters have knocked on the
once was a stunning tomb fit for a king, is now door a few precious seconds will pass before
a dusty ruin of its once former splendour. they can begin to hear a soft tapping noise
It also seems that the sole proprietor of this that is steadily growing louder. It seems to be
tomb hasn’t been seen in many a moon. This coming from the door.
rumour seems to have some of the local
residents on edge, does this mean that there A faint tapping noise, like something stamping
is a death even after death, or is something on stone can be heard steadily growing
far more sinister occurring within the cursed louder. It echoes through the unseen edges of
the door. Suddenly the noise stops and for a
grounds of Hallowgrave?
few seconds there is complete silence before
Lorne can always be found inside his own a loud cracking noise ripples through the
tomb just north of the Hallowgrave cemetery. ruins. Dust is disturbed and shaken loose from
all around the seals of the tomb door. Slowly
Broken glass and tile from the fallen mosaic with a loud grating noise of stone sliding on
crack underfoot as you tentatively step the stone the tomb door swings outwards
forward towards the tomb door. The air towards you. Within the dark portal created
surrounding the tomb is still and dry. In the by the opening door a shadowy figure stands.
distance you can hear a crow squawking in
deathly mockery. “Hoooowwww many times must I tell you
Observing the tomb door there is no obvious darn whipper snappers to stop knocking on
way of opening it from this side. The smooth my door!!! I ain’t trick nor trickin you no more
stone is etched and riddled with small cracks dangnamit!!!”
and patches of plaster from the mosaic. From the shadows hobbles what appears to
Looking down at the crumbled mess under be an extremely aged man with sunken eyes
your feet you are unable to make any sense of and loose flappy skin around his face. His thin
what it used to look like. and frail body is hunched over as he leans on
a sturdy wooden cane for support. In place of
clothes he is wrapped in a multitude of
Despite the door appearing to be difficult to yellowing and stained bandages from his feet
open, it is in fact rather easy. Knocking loudly to his neck and down his arms.
on the tomb will cause Lorne to open the door
from the inside to yell at the young whipper “You have disturbed the dead and that is
snappers for disturbing him. If the players are unacceptable! Now I am gonna give you little
punks your last warning, leave now and don’t
having difficulty with deciding what to do you
come back or I’ll give you a good smackin!!”
may add the following as a plot hook.

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Personality in the way of the gentleman’s mummy!!!”
In a nutshell if one were to describe Lorne in a
single word it would be, Senile. Lorne has
been around long before the town of For a creature who is in a constant state of
Hallowgrave was established and has the death and lacking any real magical power,
demeanour to show for it. He is old, gets Lorne certainly hits harder than a shrivelled
snappy quickly, doesn’t like it when people old walking corpse normally would. Lorne
talk back, likes his peace and quiet and has a neither uses flashy attacks or fancy weaponry.
passion for yoga as he thinks it keeps him in Despite its shrivelled age his body a perfectly
top shape. The reason for Lorne’s honed weapon of undead steel.
disappearance wasn’t anything drastic, he Lorne’s fight encounter is a fairly straight
simply scared off all the people that used to forward beat down where ganging up on him
visit him in the dead of night and has spent or picking him off from range make excellent
the past 100 years living peacefully in the strategies. If Lorne is able to single out a
solitude of his tomb. character however, he can unleash a torrent
Most inhabitants of Hallowgrave know about of pain and damage with his heavy melee
Lorne and who he is but nothing about his attacks. Lorne also makes up for his lack of
past aside from rumours and speculation. He ranged attacks by having a large movement
keeps mostly to himself and tends to avoid speed allowing him to dart around the
answering questions about himself battlefield closing in the distance on his
proclaiming that people are invading his enemy. It is advised to have the tank take
privacy. All that can be known is that Lorne is point for this fight.
older than old and the knowledge and Treasure
experience he must have to last this long, If Lorne is defeated in combat his corpse may
must be something precious indeed. be looted yielding 500 Candy Corn Pieces
Lorne knowns just about everything there is tucked away inside his lower body frame, the
to know about the other Horrors of unique Item Lorne’s Bandages, the unique
Hallowgrave and the ciphers and the inner item Gentleman’s Cane and a gear shaped
cipher buried into his rib cage. Unfortunately
workings of Hallowgrave. However he is not
inclined to provide information to people who during the fight Lorne’s tomb door has closed
have disturbed his rest. and is unable to be opened from the outside.
Players may scrounge around the ruins finding
Mummy’s Got Moves 1D6 CCP.
Talking your way through this encounter is
very difficult, Lorne sees small talk as wasting
his time and has no respect for showmanship.
It makes it more difficult in that the cipher is
embedded into the front of Lorne’s rib cage
beneath the bandages.

“I see you are still on my porch! Very well I

warned you pranksters. You better not be
screamin now and take what’s coming cause I
ain’t gonna hold back just cause you a
scrawny youngster! Now let me educate you

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Lucas, of the Waning moon Introduction
Lucas of the waning moon, the moonlit hunt, After travelling around in what seems like an
the night shadow, the dark prowler, the dark endless maze of the enormous trunks the
paw and hunter of the moon are just some of players may come to the conclusion they are
the names that he is known by. Lucas is lost. Luckily for them Lorne has been
Hallowgrave’s resident arch werewolf. He is a following them the entire time, watching and
hunter whom prowls the depths of the Half- waiting. When they stop moving he will take
Moon Woods in search of unsuspecting prey. his chance.
Lucas has the keenest nose in the realm and
You hear a stick snap somewhere in the
can sniff out his prey far into the distance as
darkness nearby. A chill runs down your spine.
they flee. He stalks them from the shadows, You feel as if something is watching you from
watching and listening for the moment where the shadows.
he may tear them apart with a powerful You catch a fount movement from the corner
ferocity fit only for an animal. Lucas wasn’t of your eye. Turning to look you see a swirl of
always living the life of a solitary hunter fog and nothing more. You hear a scrape
against a nearby tree. Surely it’s just your
trudging the murky swamps of the woods. In
imagination right, your mind playing tricks on
fact he once wasn’t even a werewolf, or a
you in this strange world, it’s just a normal
human for that matter. Lucas was in fact a forest, nothing to fear here.
pet, a house dog who one night protecting his
mistress was bitten by a werewolf. Through A fear stirs within you, as you turn to face
the infected bite he became part man part your companions. A hulking shadow sprints
wolf but in this case from the animal side of on all fours across the clearing. The large furry
beast pounces forward on its powerful hind
the equation. But alas that was many years
legs with wild yellow eyes as it goes for the
ago and once an animal always an animal, throat. A great werewolf of mattered grey fur
turning feral long after his mistress had leaps before you in the full moonlight.
moved on leading to his current day
profession as a full time horror of
Hallowgrave. Personality
Lucas can always be found stalking the Lucas has reverted to his animal instincts after
characters in the depths of the Half-Moon stalking the woods for so long and as a result
Woods to the north west of town. doesn’t talk or really know how to any more.
Anyone who may commune with animals or
The damp fog seemed to spill onto the ground speak to animals can converse with him,
from the roots of the enormous trees. It was albeit jarringly. However his only motive in his
knee deep, which made for difficult footing as current existence is to hunt. The Half-moon
you moved through the silence. The
Woods are his domain and few horrors would
occasional leaf flipped along the wind before
disappearing underfoot into the fog. The air seldom set foot in such a place for any reason,
among the trunks is humid and heavy to lest they be mauled by Lucas. Nothing gets in
breathe. In the distance you can hear a small or out of the woods without him knowing
bird chirping before it is violently cut short about it.
mid song in a brutal squawk. Something in this
woods will be feasting tonight. It is unknown how Lucas came to live in such a
place as Hallowgrave. Some say that perhaps
it has to do with his owner passing on before
Lorne is already stalking the characters from
he could. Perhaps something happened
the shadows, who are unaware of his intent.

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during her departure that left him with a deep in the back of his drool covered jaw. Players
regret or burning rage that drove him to be may also skin and sell his pelt if they wish. The
the monster he is. pent is worth an additional 400 CCP to Skelton
the Merchant or 150 GP in the Mortal Realm.
One Wolf Pack
Lorne’s encounter will rapidly evolve into a Players daring enough may attempt to search
full blown flight. There is nothing to be gained parts of the woods for additional treasure if
by attempting to reason or converse with they wish. They may be able to find 1D4 CCP
Lorne while he is in this state. He has gone and a few scattered bones, but nothing else
completely feral as can be seen by the due to the fog and swampy undergrowth.
tenacity of his attacks with both his fangs and
his claws as he slashes his way across the

The rippling muscles can be seen stretched

and turn under the lengths of tattered fur and
knots of hair that covered its body as it reared
back standing at full height on its two hind
legs. The sharp yellow eyes glowed under the
full moon light. Fog rolled from its drooling
jaws sporting rows of teeth perfect for
stripping flesh from bone. The creature’s ears
flicked silently back and forth, waiting for you
to make a move and leave yourself
vulnerable. This is the apex predator of the

Lorne is a ferocious melee fighter who

specializes in mortally wounding his enemies
with claw marks, puncture wounds and other
grizzly injuries that will slow down his prey. He
prefers this method of fighting as he won’t
have to chase down the runners, at least not
too fair. He loves the smell of fresh blood in
the air and it is nigh impossible to hide from
his powerful nose. Characters should take
care to either avoid or try and spread out the
effects of his attacks as over time they can
become quite debilitating and arduous to
continue fighting. Lorne will attempt to
disable all enemies before finishing them off.

If Lucas is defeated in combat, his corpse may
be looted yielding 500 Candy Corn Pieces
from his insides, the unique Item Lucas’s
Collar, and a gear shaped cipher found lodged

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Oleg, the Butcher carcase dangling in front of him. It looks
Oleg the butcher is the finest carver of meats vaguely humanoid.
in the whole of Hallowgrave. His name is
He speaks in a gruff voice.
known for and wide in the great darkness, for
“If you’re here to buy me meat then I won’t
creatures of veil and beyond come to acquire be just a moment, if you want something else
his finest of succulent meats. No matter the then you know where the door is. I’ve got a
cut, no matter the creature, Oleg the butch busy schedule and still have the deliveries to
shall provide. Oleg is the head butcher and run so don’t be wasting my time”.
proprietor of the Hallowgrave butchery
located to the west of the town square. His
residence is located onsite so he is never very
Oleg despite his appearance is an obscenely
far from his workplace and can be found
passionate man. His attention to detail when
easily. Anyone you ask will know where to
carving up carcasses of foul beasts and
find his shop. All his meat is kept nearby in the
everything else in between is often something
Meat Locker, though no adventurer living or
to be admired. Of course passion can quite
undead should set foot in that place.
often lead to obsession and this is true of
There is a tinkle of a shop bell as you open the Oleg. Oleg has become addicted to the fine
door to the strangely normal and pristinely arts of carving meat and rending flesh from
cleaned butchery shopfront. Looking around it bone and is always looking to further his skills
would appear that they are open yet nobody and keep them sharpened. If you wish to do
greets you. A small counter top with a register business with him and purchase some of his
sits opposite the door and a glass case neatly
fine meats then you have no problem. If you
displaying many odd cuts of meat that you
wish to dispose of some interesting meats
have never heard of.
A white door behind the counter appears to then you also will have no problem. Oleg can
be the only other entrance. turn even the scraps of carcasses into perfect
cuts and his always on the lookout for new
tests of his skill. Tampering with his wares or
Whenever the adventurers arrive at the insulting him will incur his wrath.
butchery Oleg will not be present at the
counter. Oleg will always be in the cool room Oleg knows little about the other horrors of
out the back butchering his meat Hallowgrave save they exist and prefers to
keep to himself and his business. Oleg has one
Introduction of the needed ciphers and doesn’t really see
Slowly opening the white door you are hit the need for it and might be willing to trade
with a chill of cool air wafting from within this
but he can become quite impatient if the
room. It smells of raw meat and ice.
Hanging from the ceiling hoisted on large characters take too long to persuade him.
hooks hang unidentifiable carcasses of beasts
The Cool Room
and creatures in various states of carving.
A sickening chopping and slicing can be heard In the event the characters are unable to
towards the back of the cool room. come to an agreement with Oleg, they insult
Oleg or if they decide to throw caution to the
Weaving you way into the rear of the room wind and go straight to combat, Oleg will
reveals to you a gruesome sight. An obese happily indulge the characters in a brutal
man with stunted facial hair wearing nothing combat.
but a bloodied apron is swinging an enormous
butcher’s knife, easily cleaving the fresh

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Oleg’s combat encounter is fought in the
confines of the cool room where it is easy to
get cornered by his relentless attacks. The
long straight alleys are perfect for Oleg’s meat
hook making it difficult to dodge before
sweeping with the butcher’s knife. Oleg may
not have fancy attacks or mechanics but when
it comes down to it he can prove to be a
challenging opponent.

If Oleg has struck a bargain with the
characters then he will only offer up the
cipher as a reward.

If Oleg is defeated in combat his corpse may

be looted yielding 500 Candy Corn Pieces, the
unique Item the Butcher’s Knife, the unique
item Meat Hook and a gear shaped cipher.

Oleg doesn’t take kindly to people snooping

about his shop or cool room but if players
insist they can search the location.
50 Candy Corn pieces can be found in the
shops till. An assortment of strange meats can
be acquired. Among these strange meats
players may find several servings of bat jerky
and 2 bottles of blood wine.

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Orisa, the Blood Curdler Orisa is found within her office at all hours of
Proprietress and head mistress of the the night seeing her clients. However the
Hallowgrave West Wing, Orisa is a delicate characters may find it strange that they never
handed mother figure to all those who seek meet any other creatures living or dead when
her aid. At least that’s how a horror from paying her a visit. They will probably soon
Hallowgrave might describe it. The residents learn why that is.
have another nickname for the West Wing, its
most common nickname, The Blood Bank.
It is up to the characters to decide how they
Orisa is one of the few pure-blooded queen
wish to enter. If they are polite and decide to
vampires still in existence. It is speculated that
knock or call out then Orisa will call out saying
due to her practices here in Hallowgrave she
the door is open or please come in. If they
hasn’t travelled far from home into the lands
barge in without any concern then she will be
wrought with dangerous adventurers. But in
displeased but courteous none the less.
truth it is because she is sadistically insane
and when she sets her blood red eyes on a The door opens silently on well-oiled hinges.
meal, they never get away. Skilled with a Stepping into the large office you are
scalpel, sharp with a needle, Orisa is the prime surprised to see the room look rather normal
subject for an award winning physician if that at first glance. In the far corner sat a freshly
award was for dismembering and drinking the made examination bed with leather restraints
hanging loosely at the side. A glass medicine
blood of clients who irritate her. She has a
cabinet stands against the wall filled with an
profound medical knowledge compiling both array of grizzly mechanical devices and tools.
the mundane and the worlds of horror that The patient chairs sat in front of a heavy
far exceeds normal standards. This is a result wooden desk stained with what one might
of years of perfecting her practices on live assume is dried blood. Behind the desk
corpses. Aside from the grotesque truth she is covered in books and notes sits a slender
elegant woman with straight dark hair
the best physician in town, the prices are
wearing a tight fighting nurses scrubs showing
good too, she only takes her fees out of your off her figure. She looks at you with deep red
blood stream. eyes and a blood red smile. The tips of her
Orisa can always be found in her office in the fangs are unmistakable amongst her pearl
Hallowgrave Hospitals West Wing. teeth.

The pristine white halls of the west wing “Welcome to the West Wing my guests. You
echoed under your footsteps through the may call me Orisa. I will be your physician this
empty halls. The ghostly lamps in the building evening. To what may I owe the pleasure of
were unnaturally white compared to the your visit this fine moonlit night? What ails
regular murky green lamps. They shone a pale you that you must seek me out so urgently?”
white light all around leaving no room for She smiles again with a bloodthirsty delight in
shadows. Even the floors are immaculately her eyes.
clean without a trace of dirt nor dust with a
hint of chemical smell wafting in the still air.
Trudging down the long halls you spot signs Personality
pointing to various offices. The largest of Hallowgrave has no shortage of powerful
these signs directed you to the office of Orisa. Horrors or monsters. But some of the most
After twisting and turning through the maze dangerous are the ones who don’t look it.
of halls you eventually come to a simple
Orisa is a powerful woman and a powerful
wooden door with a brass plaque mounted
next to it. Orisa, Licensed Practitioner it read. vampire. She is one of the few remaining

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queen vampires not to have been hunted her victims. Her sharp yet painful blows
down in cold blood. From a young age she always seem to hit their mark, and what she
was pampered and spoilt being a full-blooded lacks in raw strength she makes up for with
vampire comes with certain quirks. Quickly her surgical skill. While her attacks may seem
she learnt that the people around her were small and easy to withstand, her skill begins to
merely tools for getting what she wanted. show the longer the fight goes along, using
Alas her hunger could never be sated, the her vampiric powers to prolong your suffering
more blood she drank the more she craved it so that the blood stays fresh for as long as
like an itch that could never be scratched. possible. She will attack quickly and try to
restrain you as soon as she can so that she
After a tragedy befell her family she was left may drain you at her pleasure. It is best to
as the sole heir to her bloodline. She is avoid her small attacks and take her out as
obsessed with the power of blood and seeks quickly as possible. A long fight could mean
to release herself from her insatiable thirst. worse than death.
Using her position as the Proprietress of the
West Wing she secretly conducts research Treasure
through her patients looking for the key to Searching Orisa’s corpse will leave players
unlock her chains and ascend as a new breed with 500 Candy Corn Pieces a set of bloody
of vampire. She does not get angry easily, scrubs worth nothing and the unique item
every move she makes is calculated and cold. Orisa’s Scalpel, one of her weapons of choice.
As a noble vampire she always retains her
Players may search her office if they wish.
image of flawlessness. Even when staring
They will numerous piles of papers and books
down her parents would be slayers, she
detailing the anatomy of many creatures from
simply smiled and slaughtered them all.
many different worlds, a small notebook
Boiling Blood detailing her favourite types of blood to drink,
Orisa recognises that the adventurers are not 2D6 CCP and the unique item Blood Shunt. At
from Hallowgrave and has no intention of this time the remainder of the Hallowgrave
letting them leave. Fresh mortal subjects for hospital is not open and cannot be searched.
her experiments are hard to come by in this
realm. She want’s their blood and she will
take willingly if offered or by force.

“Oh my poor lost souls, that’s what doctors

are here for. To make everything better once
more. It is but a simple procedure, just a small
prick of the needle and all your troubles will
fade from your mind. I will be gentle, you can
trust your doctor, I can guarantee it. Now
show me those soft arteries and let’s get this
blood bath started!”

Unlike other powerful horrors who rely on

their brute strength, awesome magical power
and downright brutal attacks Orisa is more of
a precision attacker hitting the weaknesses of

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Orrick, the Gravedigger determine where the noise and vibrations are
Orrick is a large, simple and untroubled fellow coming from. In Orrick’s hands he is carrying
whom is content with his purpose to dig and some description of an oversized mechanical
drill operated by a rotating crank on its left
fill the graves of the Hallowgrave Cemetery.
side. Orrick is drilling out the grave holes using
Orrick isn’t the most charismatic of folks and this unique device. Fixed upon its front is a
prefers the company of corpses and the holes gnarly drill piece covered in dirt that could
he fills them will all night long rather than pierce straight through plate armour. The drill
social gatherings with the living. Orrick can easily moves the hard ground with little
always be found at the Hallowgrave cemetery resistance.
on the southern edge of town.
Once the characters move within 50 feet of
Through the rusty iron gates of the cemetery
is a cold dark place littered with hundreds of Orrick he will cease his digging and turn to
graves, some of them are overgrown, some face the trespassers. Even though his
cleanly cut and others freshly made. The perception is remarkably low, he does sport
graveyard is surrounded by large stone walls 50 feet of Tremorsense allowing him to feel
topped with spikes similar to those found in the subtle vibrations of movement around
William’s courtyard. An earthy smell invades
himself. He will clamber out of his freshest
your nostrils, it smells mossy and damp. Just
inside the gate is a fully laden cart. The cart is grave where his full size can now be seen. He
filled with bodies wrapped in grubby clothes is tall and wide for a man, he sports a rotund
and bound with rope, ready to be laid into belly covered in grime and dirt. Beneath the
freshly made graves. muck long scars can be seen.
Into the distance a rattling sound of
something mechanical can be heard. Personality
Orrick is not the most intelligent of men,
preferring to content himself with the menial
Characters should be wary when moving labours of his beloved cemetery. He speaks in
through the graveyard, lest they become broken common with a thick blubbery voice
victim of an open grave yet to be filled in. that is sometimes difficult to understand.
Players willing do to so may also attempt the Orrick knows little cares less about the other
dig up graves and rob them of any valuables horrors and going on of Hallowgrave. It is
as set out in the treasure sub chapter of extremely difficult to reason with Orrick and
Orrick’s encounter information. The cemetery he’s not one for negotiating. Orrick sees the
is Orrick’s domain and he is highly familiar cemetery as his own personal domain and any
with how it should me and knows every grave who would tamper with that will feel his
here. wrath. Characters will find that physical
Introduction actions are really the ones that will resonate
After venturing further into the cemetery the with Orrick.
characters can catch their first glimpse of
Graveyard Rumble
Orrick. Irritating Orrick or not leaving post haste will
incur his wrath. This will put him straight into
Orrick is a large chubby grotesque man
wearing oversized overalls and some twisted initiative as he blindly attacks the characters.
miner’s helmet with a small green light on the
front. He wears no shirt exposing a grubby “Dead bodies don’t walk! Stop walking and
chest. As you move closer you can now get back in you grave! Licky will be angry at
me if any dead bodies escape again. You no

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take shiny form me again! I make you not
move ever again!”

Orrick’s combat is very simple. He is a large

slow moving target with a moderate sized
health pool who boasts some devastating
attacks should one get caught in them. His
drill charge ability has the most potential to
do high amounts of damage to multiple
targets. The trick here is to ensure that
players are staggered and spread out so that
he cannot catch more than one victim at a
time. Orrick’s borrowing ability can have its
damage minimised through the same
strategies of not clumping together.
Additionally players need to be wary of the
numerous graves in the area around the fight
area in case they stumble into them.

Aside from these basic strategies, Orrick is a

straight out brawl. Oddly enough once Orrick
is defeated he will stumble around as if dazed.
Eventually he will trip and fall into one of his
freshly dug graves assuming the characters
are still fighting within the cemetery.

Searching Orrick’s corpse will leave players
with 500 Candy Corn Pieces, the gear shaped
cipher and the unique item Orrick’s Ghost

Searching the cart of bodies near the entrance

of the Cemetery will yield 2D6 Candy corn
pieces and the unique item the Plague Bearer.

If players wish to dig up some of the graves to

attempt to find some treasure, roll on the
following grave table to see what they find
when they unearth a grave.

1 A skeleton appears
2-3 1D6 Candy Corn
4 Nothing
5 2D6 Candy Corn
6 1 Sickly Sweet Candy

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The Headless Horseman himself. Talking with others serves only as a
The headless horseman is a Dullahan from the purpose for breaking their minds and souls.
darkest depths of myth and legend. Little is The horseman’s mind is dark and foreboding
known about him, but it is said that he only and twisted beyond imagine. He is older than
appears when someone is about to die. The anyone can remember and no one knows
horseman is always the final best at the end where he came from. He knows many things
of this adventure, there is no alternatives. The that even historians have forgotten and can
horseman will only reveal himself to the party see things the gods can’t even comprehend.
in the town square after the other 5 ciphers The horseman is death incarnate.
have been collected. He holds the 6th and final
“These mortals have trespassed on these
cipher, there is no way to talk or deceive your
hallowed grounds where only the darkness
way through this encounter, the horseman may rest. For the crimes committed against
heralds’ only death. this realm under my protection I shall right the
scales of the light and the dark. These rodents
After collecting 5 of the 6 ciphers you return will now pay the price as offering to thee.
to the town square. Upon your return a cold Prepare thy selves mortals for your afterlife a
shiver runs down your spine. waits!”
Entering into the square you find it to be
devoid of the usual undead life. A thick fog
begins to roll across the cobblestones, and the Fright for Your Life
moon in all its splendour returns from behind After finishing his small monologue, the
the clouds.
horseman will instigate combat regardless of
The silence is split by the familiar sound of
heavy horses hooves on cobble. Entering your whether the players are prepared for combat
vision of the square from a crooked alleyway or not, the horseman waits for no one.
is a most terrifying sight. A tall skeletal steed
easily 20 hands tall with shreds of rotted The horseman is a very tough opponent even
fabric draped over its body, magical purple for the most seasoned of players. His single
flames adorning its hooves, tail and mane, target attacks are deadly and his area of effect
two piercing amethyst eyes seated in hollow action can be equally deadly for those caught
sockets. Atop its back rides a tall shadowy unaware.
figure clad in a tattered black cloak. A skeletal
hand holds the reigns to this mighty felsteed. Once the horseman has been reduced to half
A long ghastly scythe held aloft in his right health, on his next turn he will immediately
hand. Most terrifying of all, atop this
use his soul reap ability to separate the
horseman’s shoulders stands no head. A
primal fear is stirred within you. This is a characters souls from their bodies. Creatures
creature to be feared. dealt damage while under this effect take
additional damage. This final fight can be very
terrifying and difficult.
The horseman, despite not having a head, is When the horseman is slain he and his steed
indeed able to talk, although it’s more of a will crumble to ground, the brightly coloured
loud creepy echo that emanates around you. flames with extinguish and the pile of bones
There is no right or wrong to the horseman will dissolve into nothing leaving little but his
only his corrupted sense of balance amongst tattered cloak and his scythe behind. A cold
the order of things. The horseman does not echoing laugh will fill the town square before
speak of material things or insight into disappearing into the distance.

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Moving the horseman’s cloak will cause a
scattering of Candy Corn Pieces to drop all
over the ground and a gear shaped cipher.
There is 1000 individual Candy Corn Pieces for
characters to pick up.

The players may also retrieve the unique item

the Horseman’s Scythe and his tattered cloak.

After the encounter characters may free Eve

from the Gallows. When the Horseman is
defeated the chains around Eve lose their
enchantment becoming a regular chain.
Additionally Skelton will resume business as
normal and the local population will take back
to the streets as if nothing has happened.

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Fleeing the Hallow loudly as they begin to turn.
Arriving back into William's courtyard with all A strong magical aura can be felt as two large
blue transparent skeletal hands take form
6 ciphers and Eve if the party chose to rescue
above the ciphers mechanism. They clasp the
her from the gallows, William instructs the air as if it were a solid mass and with extreme
party to insert the cog shaped gears into the might physically tear the air between them
stock mechanism behind them. creating a rip in space, opening a dark portal.
A strong gust of wind blows into the portal
Once all six cogs are inserted there is an drawing you near.
ominous clunk as the symbols on the outer
edge of the cogs begin to light up red.
Saying their final farewells to William, one by
one the party members may jump through
Skelton knows that a password must be the portal, once again falling through the
entered correctly using the cogs in order for planes of existence.
the gate back to the realm of the living to be
opened. He gives them the riddle as described Hallows Eve
in the description below, but he cannot give If any party member remains or watches as
them the answer. The answer is in fact Eve attempts to pass through the gate, they
HALLOW. will become immediately aware that no
matter how hard she tries, she cannot pass
If the party asks William about the password
through the gate. Before they are given a
he will simply respond with the following.
“What is that you are afraid of? Where do you chance to ask William, all remaining party
flee, from what is it that you hide. Tell me, members are swept of their feet by a
what are you running from?” powerful wave of shadows throwing them
backwards into the portal. Players may make
a DC15 Dexterity saving throw to cling to the
Password mostly stable edges of the portal. Clinging on
The ciphers represent a 6 letter word the edges of the portal keeps you from falling
combination that when rotated to the correct it also begins to deal fire damage to your
letters will unlock the gate and allowing hands at the rate of 1D6 every turn.
passage. The correct password is in fact
HALLOW. It should be noted that the first Still clinging to the hot edge of the portal all
letter of the true names of each of the sounds are sucked away from you. You watch
Hallowgrave horrors that own the ciphers that helplessly as Eve screams as she tries to push
through the portal to reach you.
characters will face each year will always add
An enormous shadowy hand comes into you
up to HALLOW. vision and rears up behind Eve. It grabs Eve
For example H for the Headless Horseman, A and drags her away from the portal
for Asteroth’s Tree, L for Lisbeth, L for screaming.
Laciana, O for Orrick and W for William.
William is the only not fightable horror of You cannot see where the shadow is coming
from but you do feel a cold presence creeping
Hallowgrave and he is always the original
up your spine. A cold raspy voice booms
owner of the W cipher as he sold it to Skelton.
through the courtyard, ringing through your
ears and echoing deep into the void.
Rotating the final cog into the correct symbol
causes an audible clunk. The symbols change
“You have trespassed on hallowed ground!
to a bright green colour and begin to clank
Upset the natural balance of the world! And

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the nerve to steal what is rightfully mine! You
struggled so hard and fought so bravely and
now you will suffer, knowing that you could
not save even one insignificant life. You will
live on knowing that you were powerless in
the face of true strength. Better luck next time

With that final insult the portal begins to

collapse around the edges, slowly closing in.
Any players hanging on will lose their grip,
unable to hang on to the rapidly degrading
edges any longer. All are swallowed into the
void once more.

A Soft Landing
Once more you feel the rush of movement as
you fall endlessly in the void. The other end of
the gateway opens up into a familiar looking
overgrown courtyard. The party falls out of
the gate at speed and slam into the grassy
ground. A sinister laugh echoes around you as
the portal above stitches itself back together
leaving no trace of its existence. There is no
way back from what you can find.

The doorway to the Hallow has closed once

more, the barriers between worlds have
formed, and the plains of the living and the
dead are separated once more.

Well, at least until next year.

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The Meat Locker (Bonus Fight) with fresh hanging corpses secured to the
The Meat Locker, an old ramshackle rusted roof of the warehouse.
This place doesn’t hide what it is. A gloriously
warehouse located just near the Hallowgrave
brutal massacre, a fight for survival, the worst
butchery. This warehouse is quite popular against the worst.
amongst the denizens of the town as an
underground arena where the true horrors pit
themselves against any willing champions in a Welcome to the Locker
brutal death match held within its four walls. The locker is a bonus boss fight for confident
This is a place for underdog horror’s to prove player characters who wish to try their hand
their tenacity to the rest of the dark town. at earning greater rewards of Candy Corn and
Fights within the grounds of the meat locker items during the All Hallows Eve event.
are not grudge matches and being the winner This bonus boss fight is not required to finish
or loser all must be gracious lest the higher the adventure nor is it crucial to the story,
powers gut them on the spot for defacing this although some hints and clues may be
sacred place. scattered throughout for the observant. It is a
side venture for the daring to tackle some
The Meat Locker is an opportunity for even more dangerous Hallowgrave Horrors
adventurers who are confident in their skills that they normally wouldn’t encounter during
of combat and stats to risk it all to reap the regular adventure. Additionally all bonus
greater rewards during this annual holiday bosses are legendary creatures and have
event. The Meat Locker can only be opened appropriate stat blocks with legendary
using the Meat Key that can be purchased via abilities. These stat blocks are located with
the Ghost Light Market. It is a high cost for the regular Monster Stat blocks towards the
entry as each meat key can only be used once. end of this document.

An almighty clunk of a hidden metallic The bonus boss for each meat key is randomly
tumbler turning in the lock can be heard as assigned when the doors to the Meat Locker
you turn the gruesome key in its socket. As
are opened. The DM may pick a specific boss
the seal of the door cracks open on its rusty
hinges before you, a foul stench invades your to engage if they wish or roll a dice on the
senses. A damp musky smell of spilled blood table below to decide which horror will be
lingers heavily in the cool air. From inside the faced by the party.
dimly lit space before you echoes the sounds NOTE: There is only one bonus boss available
of stamping feet and drums. Your challenge at this time, more shall be implemented in
has been accepted and the patrons of the future updates.
Meat Locker have gathered in the
grandstands around the arena in front you ROLL (1D20) Bonus Horror
awaiting the next blood bath.
1-20 William, the Watcher
Save for the grandstands and bookie stands
taking wagers, the grim warehouse is bare of
furnishings. One look at the floor makes you
gag as the slippery muck that remains of
previous challenges dribbles towards large
drainage grates in the floor. A chill runs down
your spine as you hear the tinkle of chains
above you. Looking up to see hundreds of
chains adorned with meat hooks and some

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Bonus Boss (William) referenced to the appropriate loot table
That’s right, the ever so helpful watcher of the below and rewards given out accordingly.
gate William is also a boss. Most people tend
to forget that William is indeed one of the
Hallowgrave Horrors who ruthlessly guards Group Loot Roll Boss Drops
and runs the inner workings of the Hallow (Average) Upon Victory
from the shadows. On top of this William is 1-5 500 CCP Each
not only a horror, but he is an original horror. Ember of Evil Each
He is one of the six original evils of the Hallow Crow Egg
6-10 500 CCP Each
realm who wreaked havoc and spread terror
Ember of Evil Each
far and wide in his youth. Despite being a
William’s Grass
bonus boss within the Meat locker, William is Cutter
not inherently evil in his pursuit of destruction 11-15 1000 CCP Each
of the players and also will not disappear from Ember of Evil Each
his post at the gate if he is defeated. His William’s Eye
presence at the gate is more or less a 16-20 1000 CCP Each
Ember of Evil Each
projection of himself so that he may keep his
William’s Pocket Gate
immense power hidden from others.

William frequents the Meat Locker arena as a

means of training and scouting new potential
horrors. He will gladly accept the challenge
presented by the adventurers and though he
has no desire to kill them, he will not hold

A booming maniacal laugh fills the air

alongside the creaking and splintering of
straw and wood.
“Hahaha!! And so the weary travellers
stumble their way into the belly of the
proverbial beast once more. You should watch
where you step young mortals and you had
better run fast, for you could fall into your trap
and it could be your last!
If you are afraid you best turn back, lest you
find yourself strung up in the sack. But if you
are brave and wish to fight, then I William will
show you all my might!”

When rolling for Treasure, each party member
rolls a D20. The DM then takes the average by
dividing the added total of the rolls by the
number of players. This result is then

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Item Descriptions during the enemy’s last activation then any
The Hallow is a mysterious realm filled with attacks made with this sword for that turn will
different customs, dark magic and strange be made with advantage as the blade seeks its
powerful beings. These chaotic forces lead to revenge for the betrayal just like the one that
the creation of many unusual and twisted killed its original master.
items that whilst may be a regular household
item for this frightening realm, cannot be Batikans
readily found within the regular planes from Uncommon Item, Thrown Weapon
whence the adventures hail from. The items These small shuriken like weapons are made
described here should only be found within from a high quality dark metal and have been
this annual Halloween adventure (Unless the honed, and sharpened into the shape of a bat
adventurers decide to sell these exotic items with its wings spread wide. It is considered a
upon their return). ranged weapon with an effective range of 30
ft. It will inflict 1D4 Piercing Damage, plus an
Agatha’s Wedding Rings additional 1D2 Fire Damage on a successful
Wondrous Item, Unique hit.
A pair of simple but pretty silver rings
engraved with elvish patterns. Any creature Bat Jerky
whom touches one of the rings can feel a Common Item, Consumable
ravenous hunger emanating from within. This This local delicacy is quite popular amongst
item counts as two separate magical items. the lesser horrors and demons that inhabit
When two creatures are attuned to one of the the Hallow realm. Each small wax paper
two rings each, damage received by either packet contains half a day’s rations worth of a
creature is divided equally (rounded up) black leathery jerky that resembles a small
amongst the two creatures. wing. Tastes just like salty chicken and has no
nutritional value.
Anti-Decay Serum
Rare Item, Utility Blood Curse
This small clear vial with a red wax seal Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment
contains a viscous golden oil that smells like A tattered scroll bound with a bright red cord.
rotten fish. Applying this oil to a fresh corpse This is a single use enchantment that can be
will prevent it from decaying, prolonging the used to enchant one melee or ranged
time that the body has to be revived or weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse
reincarnated. One vial contains enough for causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and
one body to last an additional 3 days before give off a slight red glow. Dealing damage
decaying. The oil may be reapplied to extend with an item enchanted by this curse deals an
the process. extra 1D4 Fire Damage on a hit and the
creature holding this weapon at the time loses
Asteroth’s Betrayal that same amount of hit points. These
Wondrous Item, Unique Great Sword weapons do not require attuning.
A finely forged silver great sword sealed
within an ornate black leather scabbard. This
is the blade once carried into battle by the
arch demon Asteroth. When wielding this
weapon if the creature was dealt damage

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Blood Shunt Bone Blade
Wondrous Item, Unique Rare Item, Creature Enchantment
A thin silver metal tube edged into a serrated A tattered scroll bound with a pale white
tip at one end is covered in small scratches cord. This is a single use enchantment that
from overuse. The blood shunt was once used can be used to enchant a single willing
to Orisa to slowly drain her victims of every creature within touch. Using this
last drop of their blood by inserting it into a enchantment on a creature is extremely
major artery. This dangerous tool can be used painful and the target creature will lose 5D6
as a magical weapon that is treated as a Hit Points over the course of the enchantment
regular dagger with the added effect that if it process. If the process is successful the
deals damage to a living creature the creature creature is now able to expend an action and
will be inflicted with a bleeding effect. At the sacrifice 10 Hit Points to protrude a short
beginning of each of the bleeding creature’s blade crafted using some of their own bones
turns it is dealt an additional 1D2 damage as it from beneath their wrist skin. This blade is
bleeds out. This effect can stack 5 times. treated as a short sword and can be replaced
back after finished being used. If the blade is
Blood Flask broken or lost it will take 24 hours for the
Uncommon Item, Consumable creature’s body to create a new one.
A strong musky aroma fills the air as you flip
the clasp on this dented metal flask. A thick Butcher’s Knife
red liquid swirls inside the container. This is Rare Item, Unique Weapon
something you drink when you need, not out The butcher’s knife is a simple stout blade
of choice. It is a distilled version of blood wine pressed into a wooden handle. The blade
also made from the blood of a Jubokko tree. despite its obvious wear and tear is razor
It’s Type-O so it won’t make you sick and sharp and can easily cut through flesh as
makes an even better emergency blood though it were paper. The Butcher’s knife
transfusion. Upon drinking this consumable feels heavy in one’s hand; this is a tool for
item you will immediately regain 2D6 hit rending flesh and cracking through bones. The
points (like a health potion but evil). weight of this purpose will frighten some but
drive others forward. This weapon should be
Blood Wine treated as a +5 Dagger.
Uncommon Item, Consumable
A sweet musky aroma fills the air as you
uncork this small bottle. It is a fine red wine Candy Corn Pieces
made from the blood of unknown creatures. It Common Item, Currency
is perfect for serving in a chilled glass Gold should be used not squandered away
alongside the finest of meats. It’s always and silver should be locked away on the
Type-O so it won’t make you sick and makes deepest bowels of the earth. The local
for a good emergency blood transfusion. currency of this strange realm is the brightly
Upon drinking this consumable item regain coloured and sweet tasting Candy Corn Piece.
1D6 Hit Points (similar to a health potion). Made from 100% real sugar these little
delights can be traded for an assortment of
items (or bribes) fro, Skelton the merchant in
the spooky square.

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Carving Tools through invisibility and sometimes catch
Common Item, Tools glimpses of the unseen.
A small set of rustic scoops and knives perfect
for sculpting all manner of creepy faces into Chimera Curse
things. Roll a D20 to determine how creepy Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment
the face is (20 is terrifyingly good). A tattered scroll bound with a bright yellow
cord. This is a single use enchantment that
Cauldron Water can be used to enchant one melee or ranged
Common Item, Consumable Drink weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse
This small glass bottle of murk brown liquid causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and
looks rather disgusting and has small chunks give off a slight yellow glow. Dealing damage
floating amidst it. Drinking this liquid tastes with an item enchanted by this curse deals an
absolutely foul and leaves you with a bad extra 1D4 Force Damage on a hit and the
tummy ache. For the next hour you have an creature holding this weapon at the time loses
unending flow of mist escaping from your that same amount of hit points. These
mouth and nose from the liquid you just weapons do not require attuning.
drank in your stomach. It billows around you
like a small damp fog. It is completely Ciphers
harmless. Rare Item, Unique Key
This is an odd key. It is a medium sized heavy
Chains of Torment Cog with exactly 26 teeth surrounding its cold
Wondrous Item, Unique grey metallic body. Each tooth face has a
The chains of torment consist of a rusty black single letter imprinted into it. These ciphers
set of chain about 6 feet long and emanate a must be collected in order to open the
dark longing for pain. This is an item left over gateway back to the mortal realms.
from a dark age of terror and torture. This
item is used to restrain or tie up creatures and Crow Egg
beasts. The chain is made from an Rare Item, Companion Pet
unbreakable material and its links cannot be This is a speckled blue and brown crow’s egg
separated. Once these chains have been about the size of a small rock. If looked after
placed on, any attempt to tamper or free carefully this egg hatches into a tameable
oneself from their embrace will cause the small sized crow hatchling within 2D4 days
chain to slowly tighten crushing its victim and can become a pet or companion as set
towards death. Only the one whom placed the out in the official rules. It has the statistics of
chains on a creature can remove them safely. a regular crow.

Chain-O-Lantern Cyclops Eye

Rare Item, Lantern Rare Item, Magic Source
A medium Sized black cast iron jack-o-lantern The cyclops eye is a magic wielders best
swinging from a short chain. Turning the small nightmare. Physically it looks like a sticky eye
knob on the side will open the sharp toothed with some essential nerves hanging out of the
jaw revealing a small arrange light inside. The back of it, it has a blue iris. Made from the
lantern illuminates the immediate area (15ft) carefully extracted eye of a cyclops, this magic
in a warm orange glow. Allows you to see source grants the user extra abilities. This

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item is considered a +1 Magic Source and False Teeth
must be attuned too. This item grants the Common Item, Novelty Weapon
owner the magical ability to temporarily look This set of 100% real vampires teeth is full
through the eye of the cyclops where ever it adjustable to fit into any creatures mouth be
may be within 60 feet of the user. While using it big or small or have no teeth at all! Wearing
this ability the user cannot see through their this item will allow the user to replace their
own eyes and is considered blind. unarmed strike with a bite attack that inflicts
1D4 Piercing Damage on a successful hit.
Death Sticks
Common Item, Consumable Fel Curse
A sickeningly strong odour of smoke and dried Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment
herbs wafts from these 3 inch brown sticks. A tattered scroll bound with a bright green
Death sticks are made from a rather potent cord. This is a single use enchantment that
combination of deadly plants and when can be used to enchant one melee or ranged
smoked or inhaled will cause you to pass out weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse
near immediately. This effect will cause your causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and
heartbeat to slow right down giving you the give off a slight green glow. Dealing damage
likeness and appearance of death to all but with an item enchanted by this curse deals an
the most knowledgeable eye. The effect lasts extra 1D4 Poison Damage on a hit and the
1 hour before regaining consciousness. creature holding this weapon at the time loses
that same amount of hit points. These
Ember of Evil weapons do not require attuning.
Wondrous Item, Unique Material
A small rough pitch black stone wrapped in Fresh Pumpkin
shifting tendrils of red light. The ember is hot Common Item, Consumable
to the touch and exudes a dark power that It consists of a single large orange pumpkin
beckons you to it. The stone is weak enough straight from the Pumpkin King’s patch. What
that it can be crushed by squeezing it firmly. else were you expecting?
If a creature crushes this ember it will explode
outward in a thick cloud of dark fog. The red Funnel Web Cake
tendrils will wrap themselves around the Common Item, Consumable
target creature constricting their way around A delectable fried dish made from real funnel
its body. The effect of this item lasts 1 minute. web spiders. Finished with a fine sprinkling of
While a creature is under the effects of this bone powder, this cake is sure to be a sure hit
item they are immune to all damage and for all midnight parties. If you can manage to
conditions and gain a +5 to all attack and stomach this cake you can feel the strange
damage roles. During this time the creature sensation of insects crawling under your skin.
will viciously attack relentlessly, if there are Creatures that fully consume this cake gain
no enemies to attack the creature will attack the Spider Climb ability for 1 hour.
its own allies. When this effect wears off, any
damage that was dealt to the creature while Gentlemen’s Cane
under the effects of the ember will be dealt to Wondrous Item, Unique Cane
the creature all at once as the glowing tendrils This sturdy walking can is polished to a
leave its body. moonlit shine and features a small red crustal

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orb as the handle. The cane itself is made
from a Jubokko tree and the orb is made from Ground Gargoyle
the crystalized blood of the same tree. Rare Item, Magic Utility
Tapping the cane on the ground firmly causes This small black pouch contains a grey sand
the red orb to glow from within, illuminating a made from the crumbling stone of gargoyles
15ft area around in in a deep red hue of light. who are no longer attached to this world.
Tapping the cane again will extinguish the Sprinkling this fine powder onto a living
light. creature will slowly turn it to stone petrifying
it permanently. This effect can be ended by
Ghostly Curse removing the curse. Sprinkling this powder on
Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment a stone statue will temporarily bring it to life.
A tattered scroll bound with a bright white It is advised to wear gloves when handling this
cord. This is a single use enchantment that powder.
can be used to enchant one melee or ranged
weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse Ground Pixie Wings
causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and Rare Item, Magic Utility
give off a slight white glow. Dealing damage This rare powder sparkles in its vial. It is made
with an item enchanted by this curse deals an from real pixie wings caught by the outlying
extra 1D4 Cold Damage on a hit and the rappers and hunters of the Hallow. Sprinkling
creature holding this weapon at the time loses the contents of this vial onto a creature or
that same amount of hit points. These oneself will give you the gift of flight for 1
weapons do not require attuning. hour before wearing off. It is very hard to
come by. Each vial only has enough for one
Greater Mystery Pumpkin Box creature or person.
Uncommon Item, Novelty
This is a novelty item in which players have a Hallowed Axe
chance of getting a random price as shown in Uncommon Item, Axe
the table. Open the box and roll a D20 to see A common double sided battle axe with its
what you get. A greater mystery pumpkin box heads shaped into that of razor sharp bats. It
has a higher chance of getting better rewards has a matt black coat of paint with a little
and always guarantees a useful prize. dried blood. This axe is a +1 Battle Axe and
ROLL ITEM when swung around it makes the sound of
1 Headless Horseman screeching bats.
Bobblehead Pumpkin
2-4 A whole box of moths Hallowed Bow
5-7 One Large Bone Uncommon Item, Bow
8-10 Poison Apple A common Short Bow fashioned from limbs of
11-13 Fresh Batch of the fallen and guttural strings. The work
Pumpkin Cookies appears gnarly but is actually quite sound for
14-16 Pumpkin Bomb its use of materials. This is a +1 Short Bow.
17 20 CCP Coupon for
Firing an arrow from this bow will cause it to
the Eatery
18 Spider’s Egg emanate a high pitch scream as it flies
19 40 Candy Corn Pieces through the air.
20 Skelton’s Favour

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Hallowed Dagger Headless Horseman Bobblehead (Green)
Uncommon Item, Dagger Rare Item, Novelty
A common black dagger whose handle is This is a novelty collectible item that was
fashioned from a skeletal hand. This is a +1 available during the 2016 running of this
Dagger. Swinging this weapon around or adventure. It is a miniature bobble head
throwing it causes the skeletal hand to make model of the headless horseman that glows
sickening sounds of bones cracking. faintly with green light. Seems a little
pointless doesn’t it?
Hallow Ring
Rare Item, Magic Ring Headless Horseman Bobblehead (Green)
This ring is carved from a single piece of Rare Item, Novelty
bleached bone and feels cold to the wearer. This is a novelty collectible item that was
This ring gives its wearer resistance to available during the 2019 running of this
necrotic damage. adventure. It is a miniature bobble head
model of the headless horseman that glows
Hallowed Shield faintly with purple light. Seems a little
Uncommon Item, Shield pointless doesn’t it?
A common Buckler Shield fashioned into the
shape of a grimacing Jack-o-Lanterns face. Headless Horseman Bobblehead
This black toothy shield is cold to the touch Pumpkin Head (Orange)
and is great for intimidating foes. This is a +1 Rare Item, Novelty
Shield Hitting things or letting the shield be hit This is a novelty collectible item that is only
results on a demonic laugh echoing around it. available as a rare prize from the greater
mystery pumpkin box. It is a special edition
Hallowed Sword orange version of the Headless Horseman
Uncommon Item, Short Sword Bobblehead that has a grinning pumpkin for a
A common Short Sword with a hilt made from head and glows faintly with orange light. Not
gnarled bones and a small creatures skull. This as pointless this time.
is a simple and brutal yet effective weapon.
This is a +1 Short Sword. When swung this Horny Devil
weapon howls like a wolf as it moves through Wondrous Item, Unique
the air. A broken fragment severed from a succubus’s
horns. This shard of darkened horn is filled
Headless Horseman Bobblehead (Blue) with persuasive magic’s and emanates a
Rare Item, Novelty powerful aurora around those whom own it.
This is a novelty collectible item that is While this horn is in your possession you have
available during the 2017 running of this advantage on charisma based checks.
adventure. It is a miniature bobble head Sometimes these checks work a little too well.
model of the headless horseman that glows
faintly with blue light. Seems a little pointless Invisible Sheet
doesn’t it? Wondrous Item, Magic Sheet
You cannot see this item. But you may feel it,
hold it and can definitely touch what you
cannot see. It feels like a soft blanket and is

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warm to the touch. The sheet is completely that same amount of hit points. These
see through. Hiding under the sheet will not weapons do not require attuning.
hide you from anything. They can see straight
through the sheet. Only the sheet is Invisible Licht’s Monster Manual
Not sure what this is useful for yet. Wondrous Item, Unique
The manual is a tattered book that appears to
Jack-O-Lantern Seeds be bound with some kind of leathery skin. This
Uncommon Item, Seeds tome contains all the secret research that
This small brown paper packet contains Lord Lichtenstein has conducted on many
several small assorted flat seeds. Planting creatures from across the realms of existence.
these seeds and caring for them will result in a This tome can be used to ascertain the
healthy patch of 3D6 medium sized Jack-O- weakness and resistances of the most
Lanterns in 85-125 average days. These common monsters, creatures and beasts
lanterns come pre-carved and already have a known (up to DM).
candle inside ready to light. Almost seems too
easy. Lisbeth’s Lucky Charm
Wondrous Item, Unique
Lantern Shield This small heart shaped locket is a prized
Uncommon Item, Shield possession of those who deal with the
This gruesome shield resembles that of a strength of the mind. Inside the locket is a
typical round buckler shield, at least until you faded portrait of an unknown origin.
notice all of the sharp rusty spikes protruding Replacing the portrait will prevent the charm
around all edges of the shield. In the centre of from working. Creatures that wear and attune
the strong iron shield is a large hook where an to this item have immunity to becoming
oil lantern currently hangs from. The shield is charmed unless they are willing to do so.
useful for carrying a light source while still
maintaining ones defence. Lorne’s Bandages
The lantern shield provides a +2 bonus to AC. Wondrous Item, Unique
Additionally the wielder may expand an action This item consists of a small pile of stained
to make an attack using the spiked edges of yellow bandages that have seen far better
the shield which inflict 1D6 Piercing damage days and probably shouldn’t be used to
on a successful hit. actually bandage wounds. Wrapping these
cursed bandages around a corpse that has
Leviathan Curse been dead for no more than 10 days will
Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment temporarily revive the corpse as a mummy for
A tattered scroll bound with a dull brown as long as it remains wrapped in the
cord. This is a single use enchantment that bandages. It is not permanent and can be
can be used to enchant one melee or ranged dispelled by removing the curse. The body will
weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse cease to decay while wrapped but if the
causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and bandages are destroyed the effect will cease
give off a slight brown glow. Dealing damage
with an item enchanted by this curse deals an
extra 1D4 Acid Damage on a hit and the
creature holding this weapon at the time loses

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Lucas’s Collar causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and
Wondrous Item, Unique give off a slight blue glow. Dealing damage
Lucas’s Collar was once bright red leather with with an item enchanted by this curse deals an
a silver clasp, but now is faded to a mottled extra 1D4 Psychic Damage on a hit and the
brown and stained with the blood of a creature holding this weapon at the time loses
thousand kills. It is wide and chucky but can that same amount of hit points. These
be worn comfortably. Attuning to and wearing weapons do not require attuning.
this item around one’s neck grants the user
the ability to smell fresh blood within 100ft of Mothers Mockingbird
the user. They are also able to determine the Rare Item, Musical Instrument
direction in which the blood is from their Mother’s mockingbird is actually a small
current position. expertly crafted ornate music box that can be
played by turning a small crank handle on its
Meat Hook side. When turned it plays a delicate melody
Wondrous Item, Unique tool that soothes the soul. Listening to this song
A rusted and bloodied length of chain with a for too long will eventually put any creatures
razor sharp jagged hook attacked to one end. within 20 feet to sleep for at least an hour.
A tool used by butchers to string up meat for
aging and carving. Oleg the butcher Mystery Pumpkin Box
discovered a more practical use for the hook Uncommon Item, Novelty
when using it to catch still moving carcasses in This is a novelty item in which players have a
his cool room. When the hook is thrown the chance of getting a random price as shown in
chain extends 25 feet before the hook returns the table. Open the box and roll a D20 to see
back to the throwers hand pulling anything it what you get.
happened to catch or tangle up with it. ROLL ITEM
1 Jack in the box
Meat Key 2-4 Assorted Bones
5-7 Bat Jerky
Wondrous Item, Unique Key
8-9 Moths
This grotesque contraption is made from 10-11 Small Pumpkin
several parts of dead animals and somehow 12-13 Rusty Dagger
vaguely looks like a key with bits of broken 15-16 Wooden Stake
bones sticking out of it at odd angles. Its smell 17 5 CCP Coupon for the
makes you want to heave just by being near it Eatery
let alone touching it. Comes with a free fly or 18 Blood Wine
19 20 Candy Corn Pieces
two to any who are brave enough to take it
20 Hallow Ring
home. This item is used to unlock the door to
the Meat Locker arena in future updates.
Only Friend
Wondrous Item, Unique Spear
Mind Curse This unique spear is a long hard thick wooden
Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment shaft with a large metallic pointy end adorned
A tattered scroll bound with a bright blue with strange carvings. Like a regular spear this
cord. This is a single use enchantment that deals 1D6 piercing damage when thrown as a
can be used to enchant one melee or ranged weapon. If the user is attuned to the item it
weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse

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will then immediately return back to its Plague Bearer
owners hand in a flash. It gets very lonely. Wondrous Item, Unique
This small enchanted silver incense burner is
Orisa’s Scalpel attached to a short chain making it useful to
Wondrous Item, Unique Blade swing back and forth. There is no obvious
This scalpel is remarkably clean, almost incense inside to burn; however there is a
weightless and razor sharp. It is less than a small blacked wick. Lighting this wick will
hands length long and has the letters OC immediately cause thick green smog to drift
etched into the handle. The owner of this aimlessly from the burner. The smog will
item may choose to inflict 2 Slashing Damage spread over a 30ft cube. Nay creature caught
to a willing, living target within melee range in this smog must make a DC14 Constitution
coating the blade in blood. The owner will saving throw or become poisoned for 1
gain advantage on Medicine checks for the minute. The save can be repeated at the end
target that the scalpel caused damage to. This of that creatures turn.
effect lasts until the blood is cleaned from the
blade. Pop-Up Scarecrow
Rare Item, Utility
Orrick’s Ghost Lamp This Item comes preloaded in a medium sized
Wondrous Item, Unique tatty wooden box. The box has a hinged lid
This slightly dirt filled and blood stained head with a small bronze latch at the front. When
lamp comes with an adjustable elastic strap the latch is released a loud ticking noise will
that fits any head or helm size. A small will-o- start coming from the box. After 1 minute the
wisp inhabits the interior of the lamp and lid will fling open and a medium sized
when rattled around will emit a green light in scarecrow will bounce from the box on a large
a 20 foot radius around the item. This is spring. It is draped in a tattered cloak and has
mighty useful for people who need both a small jack-o-lantern for a head. The eyes
hands in the dark. and mouth glow and it makes a cackling noise
that can be heard by creatures within 100 ft.
Pitcher of Poisons Makes for great tricks and even better
Rare Item, Utility distractions. It can be reloaded.
This metal jug looks fairly plain and ordinary.
Nothing stands out about this jug, there is no Pumpkin Blood
engravings or inscriptions. Just a plain cold Rare Item, Curse
grey metal jug. It can hold 20 ounces of liquid. This rectangle vial with an orange rubber
Any liquid poured into this jug instantly stopper contains a thick orange liquid that has
becomes poison no matter what it is. The type pulp floating inside it. Drinking the contents of
of poison is random based on the table below. this vial will cause the one who ingested it to
(These poisons can be found in the PHB) become violently ill. There is a DC15 chance
ROLL (1D4) Poison that within 24 hours the user will be cursed
1 Assassin’s Blood and turn into a pumpkin. A person cursed
2 Midnight Tears with this item will turn into a pumpkin and be
3 Pale Tincture unable to move, speak, use items or generally
4 Truth Serum
do anything. They will remain a pumpkin until
the curse can be lifted or they get eaten. This

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curse can be removed by high level spells and Constitution saving throw every time you
blessings. open your mouth. If you fail the contents
come back up in projectile vomit 5ft in front
Pumpkin Bomb of you. Take 1D4 force damage if you get hit
Uncommon Item, Explosive Consumable by the vomit.
It is about the size of your fist, a small orange
pumpkin with an evil grin carved into one Scarecrow Blood
side. The stem is made of what appears to be Rare Item, Curse
some kind of fuse. When the fuse is lit the This small oval vial with a brown rubber
pumpkin will emit cackling laughter for 1D6 stopper is filled with a watery sawdust made
rounds before exploding in a fiery blaze. The from straw. Drinking the contents of this vial
explosion deals 1D10 Fire damage in a 10 foot leaves a woody taste in your mouth and will
cube from the pumpkin bomb. cause the one who ingested it to become
violently ill. There is a DC15 chance that
Pumpkin Heart within 24 hours the user will be cursed to
Wondrous Item, Unique become a scarecrow with a jack-o-lantern
The pumpkin heart is a small juicy husk of head, no longer needing food or water to
vents and pipes that ooze an orange coloured sustain their life, but becoming vulnerable to
juice. The heart unceremoniously beats slowly fire damage. This curse can be removed by
and softly in your hand, oozing more juice in a high level spells and blessings.
never-ending supply. The heart beats faster
the closer you are to good quality pumpkins. Scorpion Tail
The better the quality pumpkin it is facing the Rare Item, Weapon
faster and juicier it beats. Might be useful on This weapon consists of a large flail fashioned
those Mystery pumpkins? to look like a scorpion’s tail. The handle is
about a foot long and is made from a sturdy
Pumpkin Playing Cards oak tree. The chain links are made from a
Common Item, Novelty strong steel connecting the handle to the
The pumpkin playing cards of Hallowgrave are scorpion’s stinger at the head. The scorpion
the perfect way to pass the boredom in the stinger makes for a painful experience as it
dead of night. These premium cards are made smashes into the frail bodies of your enemies
from a special pumpkin parchment that will and leaves them with a nasty surprise waiting
neither fade nor tear. Warning to all users for them at the tip. This weapon is single
however, if you lose a game while playing handed and inflicts 1D8 Bludgeoning Damage
with these cards you will instantly lose 1 Hit and also inflicts an additional 1D2 Poison
Point. damage as the scorpions poison seeps from
the tip of the tail.
Pumpkin Punch
Common Item, Consumable Screaming Arrows
Trust me friend you don’t actually want to Uncommon Item, Consumable
know what went into this punch. Just know These arrows are expertly crafted from the
that if you drink it, it’s definitely going to bones of a slain centaur and the feathers of a
come back up whether you like it or not. After sacrificed crow. Each of these arrows is a +1
consuming this drink make a DC12 Magical Arrow that when fired emits a high

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pitched screaming sound as they fly, inflicting Skelton’s Favour
Necrotic Damage instead of piercing damage. Rare Item, Unique
This special item can only be won from the
Sickly Sweet Candy Greater Mystery Pumpkin Box. It is a small
Common Item, Consumable grubby silver amulet emblazoned with a
This small clear packet contains an orange and depiction of a skeleton holding a candy corn
black swirled piece of candy. It is extremely above its skull. Owning this item and
sticky to the touch and hard to chew. Upon presenting it to Skelton when making
consuming this sweet a creature immediately purchases will allow you to receive 10% off all
enters a sugar rush and their initiative score products in his store rounded up. This item is
increases by 1 for an hour. This buff is bound and cannot be traded. Giving it up will
stackable, but eating to man candies can cause the amulet to rust away.
make you sick or give you tooth decay.
Sly Bag
Silvered Colt Rounds Rare Item, Magic Bag
Wondrous Item, Unique Ammo This small brawn bag looks perfectly normal
These are special silvered bullets that can only to say the least. However the cannot be
be fired from the legendary Silver Colt opened. No matter how much force is applied
weapon. Each bullet takes a painstakingly long to it, it simply won’t open. The owner of this
time to make and is extremely rare. It’s said in item may choose to focus on one other
legends that a single one of these bullets fired regular bag they can see within 30 ft. They
from the colt can kill any creature it hits. may then open the Sly Bag. The sly bag will
show all the contents of the bag that the
Skeleton Horse Idol owner is focusing on. You can move them
Wondrous Item, Utility Mount around and look at the items in the bag, but
This item is a small figure that depicts a you cannot take items from the focused bag
skeleton horse rearing back on its hind legs. this way only look at what’s inside.
The idol is carved from a single piece of bone
and is imbued with old magic. The owner of Soul Scythe
this item may summon a skeletal steed for up Wondrous Item, Unique Scythe
to a maximum of 24 hours. At the end of this This legendary item was once carried by the
time or if the horse is dismissed the horse will feared horseman, now it’s in your measly
disappear and the Idol cannot be reused for hands. As a regular scythe it deals 2D6
10 days. slashing damage and is considered heavy and
has a 5ft of reach. Once a creature has
Skeleton Key attuned to this scythe they will have the
Wondrous Item, Utility Key ability to temporarily separate a soul from its
From this small leather strap hangs a rotted body using the scythes magic. The separation
looking key that has been carved from a single wears off after about an hour. Just make sure
piece of some long dead creature’s bone. This that the soul makes it back to the right body.
key can unlock any lock as long as it has a
keyhole. The skeleton Key can be used once
per day to unlock one single lock.

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Spiders Egg Squashling
Rare Item, Companion Pet Rare Item, Companion Pet
This is a sticky webbed spider’s egg about the The Squashling is a small pint sized pumpkin
size of an average fist. If looked after carefully with a toothy grin. Despite its appearance this
this egg hatches into a hand sized spider in pumpkin is alive and living. Half a dozen
2D4 days and can become a pet or companion thorny roots sprout from its base allowing it
as set out in the official rules. It has the to move around like miniature legs. The
statistics of a regular spider. Squashling is another of Lazarak’s creators
failed experiments. It is quite friendly and
Spider Thread Rope enjoys eating sweets. It has 5HP and 8AC. This
Rare Item, Utility creature can become a companion pet.
This rope is finely woven naturally by spiders
and has a remarkable sticky property that Staff of Human Heads
allows it to stick to almost any surface and still Rare Item, Magical Staff
sustain a large amount of weight. When a This gnarled and twisted staff is made from a
loose end is thrown in will stick to the surface single piece of charred black wood that has
it comes into contact with and can hold quite been polished to a dark shine. Atop this
heavy objects such as characters climbing etc. twisted tree limb sits two severed human
It does take quite a strong tug though to pull heads whose necks have sprouted from the
it free afterwards. It should be used with wooden shaft. One is the head of a brown
caution don’t want to get wrapped up in it. haired woman and the other of a black
bearded man. Neither head appears to be
Spider Venom Cider decaying. This staff is considered a +1 Magical
Common Item, Consumable Source that requires attunement.
This highly toxic drink is made from fresh The user may use the staff to determine if a
spider venom and smells like death if death creature is telling the truth or lying. The staff
had a smell. It is difficult to stomach but if you understands all spoken languages and always
can keep it down you receive resistance to knowns when a creature is lying. After a
poison attacks for 1 hour. creature has answered a question in the
presence of the staff, the user may command
Spinal Blade to staff to pass judgement. If the man’s head
Rare Item, Weapon speaks ‘Guilty’ then the creature has lied. If
This gruesome weapon is made from the the woman’s head speaks ‘innocent’ then the
gnarled spine of a great spined serpent. It is creature has told the truth. This command can
about 5 feet long and each vertebrae has be used without rest. The heads do not lie.
sharp hooks of bone that will rip into the flesh
of unsuspecting enemies. The bone is strong Tormenting Nails
but yellowing from age. This weapon is Uncommon Item, Tools
considered a two handed sword that has the This brown packet comes with 5 rusty nails
heavy attribute that inflicts 3D4 Slashing each about 5 inches long with a wide head
damage on a successful hit. perfect for hammering. Coating the nail with
blood will cause the nail to become
immovable and unable to be pulled out. This
effect will only work if the nail is nailed into
something it will still drop to the ground from

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the air and the object it is nailed into may still Undead Curse
be moved if possible. But it’s good for nailing Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment
down pesky critters who want to run away. A tattered scroll bound with a dull black cord.
This is a single use enchantment that can be
Torturers Tools used to enchant one melee or ranged
Common Item, Tools weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse
A medium sized roll up set of rusty tools of causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and
varying sizes. This set includes pliers, knives, give off a slight black glow. Dealing damage
hooks, scoops, barbs and wire. Everything with an item enchanted by this curse deals an
provided in this set is purpose made for the extra 1D4 Necrotic Damage on a hit and the
task of acquiring information for unwilling creature holding this weapon at the time loses
patrons. Using these tools when attempting that same amount of hit points. These
to intimidate will give the user advantage. weapons do not require attuning.

Treat Bag Unholy Water

Wondrous Item, Magic Bag Uncommon Item, Magic Utility
This small black satchel was once used by a This is a simple rusted iron flask with a
particularly nasty group of trick or treaters pungent smelling thick liquid inside. It feels
who supposedly stole all the candle in the cold to the touch and grimy. Splashing the
world in a single night and this bag is how contents of this flask onto radiant or holy
they did it. The bag as an endless supply of items or symbols will cause them to decay
candy stored in a sub dimension inside. Once rapidly and dissolve into dust. It will also deal
per day you may reach in and grab a small 1D6 necrotic damage to creatures or 2D6
handful of 1D4 random candy pieces. Each necrotic damage to creatures of holy, celestial
coloured candy will grant you resistance to a or similar status.
damage type for 1 hour, only 1 may be used
at a time. Unicorn Blood
Red Candy – Eating this candy will grant you Rare Item, Curse
resistance to Fire Damage. This small round vial with a bright pink rubber
Green Candy – Eating this candy will grant you stopper is filled with a glittering silver liquid
resistance to Acid Damage. that looks like it is made of thousands of tiny
Blue Candy – Eating this candy will grant you specks of silver. Drinking the contents of this
resistance to Cold Damage. vial will cause the one who ingested it to
Purple Candy – Eating this candy will grant become violently ill. There is a DC15 chance
you resistance to Lightning Damage. that within 24 hours the user will be cursed
White Candy – Eating this candy will grant with a weak form of immortality. For the next
your resistance to Radiant Damage. 24 hours you cannot be more mortally
Black Candy – Eating this candy will grant you wounded or receive massive damage. Damage
resistance to Necrotic Damage. that would reduce your Hit points to 0 will
Brown Candy – Eating this candy will grant reduce it to one instead. You still feel pain.
you resistance to Thunder Damage Once this effect wears off you will receive 5
levels of exhaustion immediately.

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Vampires Blood Werewolves Blood
Rare Item, Curse Rare Item, Curse
This small vial with a red rubber stopper is This square vial with a grey rubber stopper
filled with a thick black liquid that seemingly contains a thick deep red liquid that bubbles
emanates hunger. Drinking the contents of in its container. Drinking the contents of this
this vial will cause the one who ingested it to vial will cause the one who ingested it to
become violently ill. There is a DC15 chance become violently ill. There is a DC15 chance
that within 24 hours the user will be cursed that within 24 hours the user will be cursed
with a form of Vampirism and must feed on with a form of Lycanthropy. A person cursed
fresh blood regularly to survive. This curse can with this item will turn into a rabid tattered
be removed by high level spells and blessings. wolf under the light of a full moon. This curse
can be removed by high level spells and
Void Curse blessings.
Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment
A tattered scroll bound with a bright purple Wicker Candle
cord. This is a single use enchantment that Common Item, Light Source
can be used to enchant one melee or ranged This item consists of a small red wax candle.
weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse When lit this candle lets of a warm glow in a
causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and 20ft radius. Releasing this candle mid-air will
give off a slight purple glow. Dealing damage cause it to float motionless until it is either
with an item enchanted by this curse deals an moved or until the candle burns out. These
extra 1D4 Lightning Damage on a hit and the are very popular amongst sorcerers and
creature holding this weapon at the time loses cultists. Floating candles really add to the
that same amount of hit points. These dramatic effect.
weapons do not require attuning.
William’s Eye
Wondrous Item, Unique
Although it is called William’s Eye, this
Weakening Curse wondrous item is in fact not actually an eye
Rare Item, Weapon Enchantment and nor does William have any actual eyes.
A tattered scroll bound with a metallic bronze This item consist of a small transparent glass
cord. This is a single use enchantment that marble that glows with a soft orange light. A
can be used to enchant one melee or ranged faint foul tasting magic exudes itself from the
weapon. Enchanting a weapon with this curse surface. Holding the glass marble up to your
causes it to emanate faint traces of magic and eye allows you to see directly through it albeit
give off a slight bronze glow. Dealing damage the colours are tainted with orange. While
with an item enchanted by this curse will looking through this glass marble the creature
cause the creature to suffer a -1 effect to all has the ability of True Sight. This true sight
their attack and damage rolls and skill checks has a range of 30 feet.
for the next hour. This does not stack. These
weapons do not require attuning.

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William’s Grass Cutter either side. The top of the hat spirals up and
Wondrous Item, Unique bends over into a pointed curl.
The grass cutter scythe is William’s physical Amber Witch Hat – Wearing and attuning to
weapon of choice when it comes to cutting this hat will provide the user with immunity to
down the lives of his enemies. This long grass fire damage and the Ability to use the Flame
scythe has a gnarled wooden pole for a Lash Cantrip using your wisdom modifier as
handle that looks remarkably similar to your attack bonus. Flame Lash is a ranged
William’s scarecrow stake. A long thin curved spell attack that deals 4D4 Fire Damage to a
blade is supported at its head and curves single target within 25ft range.
outwards like a crescent moon. As a regular Amethyst Witch Hat - Wearing and attuning
scythe it deals 2D6 slashing damage and is to this hat will provide the user with immunity
considered heavy and has a 5ft of reach. A to lightning damage and the Ability to use the
wielder who is attuned to this item may use Lightning Spark Cantrip using your wisdom
its internal magic to summon a swarm of modifier as your attack bonus. Lightning Spark
crows that will obey the wielder for a is a ranged spell attack that deals 4D4
maximum time of 1 hour. Lightning Damage to a single target within
25ft range.
William’s Pocket Gate Aqua Witch Hat - Wearing and attuning to
Wondrous Item, Unique this hat will provide the user with immunity to
The pocket gate is a small intricately carved cold damage and the Ability to use the Ice
mess of small cogs wound around a small Spear Cantrip using your wisdom modifier as
wind up dial. Each cog is a slightly different your attack bonus. Ice Spear is a ranged spell
colour in a mix of bronze, copper and silver attack that deals 4D4 Cold Damage to a single
metals. The contraption emits a low level of target within 25ft range.
archaic dark magic in steady pulses. Winding
up the dial starts the mechanism and cogs Wolf Gloves
moving. As the cogs move around the magic it Uncommon Item, Fist Weapon
emits increases rapidly. As it reaches its peak This rugged leather gloves have been made
a single creature that is holding the item can from the trophy paws of a feral werewolf
teleport to any unobstructed location within caught in a hunters trap. Each finger has a
30 feet of its location. After this teleportation large stained claw protruding from each tip.
occurs the device ceases its movement once While wearing this item the user may replace
more. The pocket gate can only be used once their unarmed strike with a claw attack that
before needing to recharge its power. To inflicts 1D4 Slashing Damage on a successful
recharge the pocket watch must be rewound hit. These gloves are considered to have the
once every day for 7 days. After this has been light attribute.
completed the contraption can be used once
more. Charges do not stack. Wooden Stake
Uncommon Item, Weapon
Witches Hat (Variants) A simple and crudely crafted wooden stake
Wondrous Item, Unique Hat made from the branch of an Aspen tree. This
The different types of witch’s hats are type of wood is commonly believed to ward
identified by the colour fabric used on the off evil spirits. This particular wooden stake is
inside of the hat. Each hat is made of a faded used for hunting Vampires. This stake is
black fabric and sports a wide brim that sags considered a +2 magical weapon when

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fighting Vampiric Creatures that is considered
a Light weapon and inflicts 1D6 Damage on a
successful hit. Against any other type of
creature it does not have the +2 magical

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Skelton’s Shop List Candy
This is a list of all the items that Skelton sells Spider Venom Lots 15
from his merchant shop as well as
recommended retail prices and an estimate of
how much of each item he has readily in stock Item Name Number in Cost
to purchase. (Enchantment) Stock (CCP)
Blood Curse Limited 200
Item Name Number in Cost Bone Blade Limited 300
(Armaments) Stock (CCP) Modification
Batikans Lots 20 for 5 Chimera Curse Limited 200
Hallowed Limited 50 Fel Curse Limited 200
Axe Ghostly Curse Limited 200
Hallowed Limited 50 Leviathan Limited 200
Bow Curse
Hallowed Limited 50 Mind Curse Limited 200
Dagger Undead Curse Limited 200
Hallowed Limited 50 Void Curse Limited 200
Shield Weakening Limited 300
Hallowed Limited 50 Curse
Lantern Limited 100
Shield Item Name Number in Cost
Pumpkin Lots 50 (Novelty) Stock (CCP)
Bomb False Teeth Lots 35
Screaming Lots 20 for 100 Greater Lots 50 or 5 for
Arrows Mystery 200
Silvered Colt Scarce 500 Pumpkin Box
Rounds Headless Sold Out 25
Wolf Gloves Limited 50 Horseman
Wooden Limited 25 Bobblehead
Stake (Blue)
Headless Sold Out 25
Item Name Number in Cost Bobblehead
(Consumables) Stock (CCP) (Green)
Bat Jerky Lots 5 Headless Limited 25
Blood Flask Limited 125 Horseman
Blood Wine Limited 50 Bobblehead
Cauldron Lots 15 (Purple)
Water Mystery Lots 25 or 5 for
Death Sticks Limited 10 Pumpkin Box 100
Fresh Lots 5 Pop-Up Limited 100
Pumpkin Scarecrow
Funnel Web Lots 15 Pumpkin Lots 10
Cake Playing Cards
Jack-o-Lantern Lots 10
Pumpkin Lots 15 Item Name Number in Cost
Punch (Utility) Stock (CCP)
Sickly Sweet Lots 15 Anti-Decay Limited 100

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Carving Tools Lots 25
Chain-O- Limited 250
Pitcher of Limited 150
Skeleton Key Limited 350
Sly Bag Scarce 350
Tormenting Lots 50 for 5
Wicker Lots 5

Item Name Number in Cost

(Unique) Stock (CCP)
Chains of Scarce 500
Invisible Scarce 300
Treat Bag Scarce 500
William’s Unique 100

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Ghost Light Market
This is a list of all the items that can be
purchased quietly from the Ghost Light
Market as well as recommended retail prices
and an estimate of how much of each item
there is readily available in stock to purchase
during the adventure.

Item Name Number in Cost

(Armaments) Stock (CCP)
Cyclops Eye Limited 300
Scorpions Limited 200
Spinal Blade Limited 250
Staff of Limited 400

Item Name Number in Cost

(Curses) Stock (CCP)
Pumpkin Limited 1000
Scarecrow Limited 1000
Unicorn Limited 1000
Vampires Limited 1000
Werewolves Limited 1000

Item Name Number in Cost

(Utility) Stock (CCP)
Ground Limited 500
Ground Pixie Limited 500
Meat Key Unique 1000
Skeleton Scarce 1250
Horse Idol
Torturers Limited 100
Unholy Limited 100

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The Eatery Shop List Item Name Number in Cost
This is a list of all the items that can be (Desserts) Stock (CCP)
Black velvet Lots 10
purchased on the go from the kitchens of
Bella’s Eatery, as well as recommended retail
Cursed Lots 10
prices and an estimate of how much of each Cupcakes
item there is readily available in stock to Poisoned Lots 15
purchase during the adventure. (This is Apples
actually themed food and drinks that we have Scream- Lots 10
during our Halloween adventure night!) Cheese
Item Name Number in Cost
(Drinks) Stock (CCP)
100% Juice of Lots 5
Fire Newt
Dried Feet of Lots 5
Black Crow
Unfiltered Lots 5
Witches Lots 5

Item Name Number in Cost

(Snacks) Stock (CCP)
Ghoul Lots 5
Flavoured Lots 5
Candy Corn
Jelly Lots 10
Pixie Dust Lots 10
Reaper Chips Lots 15

Item Name Number in Cost

(Meals) Stock (CCP)
Batty Bat Lots 25
Condemned Lots 30
Cob Loaf
Monster Lots 30
Meat Balls
Toxic Mac Lots 25

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The Bobblehead Collector
Shop List
This is a list of all the items that can be
purchased quietly from the Bobblehead
Collector as well as recommended retail
prices and an estimate of how much of each
item there is readily available in stock to
purchase during the adventure. Additionally
The Bobblehead Collector will purchase a
Bobblehead the players may be willing to sell.

Item Name Number Cost Purchase

(Novelty) in Stock (CCP) Cost
Agatha the Limited 50 20
Fletcher Limited 50 15
Headless Sold Out - 75
Headless Sold Out - 75
Headless Limited 25 15
Lisbeth the Limited 50 30
Lord Limited 50 20
Orrick the Limited 50 20
William the Limited 50 20

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Monster Stat Blocks
These are in alphabetical order.

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Thank you to Arcana games for providing the
parchment background

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