Camden Rooney - Argument Essay Revision Reflection

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Camden Rooney




Argument Essay Revision: Reflection

When we consider the options available to high school graduates in the United States, it is clear

that the traditional push for a college education often overshadows equally valid options such as

joining the military or blue-collar jobs -collar that provides rough surfaces.

College is mostly known for its high debt and the promise of high paying jobs. However, this

promise often does not match reality. Many entry-level positions that require a college degree

can pay lower than skilled professionals. For example, the U.S. The Bureau of Labor Statistics

reports that the average salary for electricians is more than $55,000 a year, while the average

starting salary for recent college graduates is $51,000 If you are a transportation or electrical

technician their skills earn more Importantly, entering the profession requires only a high school

diploma and completion of a training program, which is far less expensive and more time-

consuming than a four-year college degree

The Army offers a strong alternative, offering a wide range of benefits such as a free college

education through the GI Bill, which includes in-state tuition and the cost of four years at public

colleges, housing allowance and all book and teaching expenses for . Unlike these support

systems, the military also provides a structured environment with training in self-control,
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teamwork, and the use of various skills, as well as financial benefits such as rental housing, food,

and health care

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