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• Swelling :
is an enlargement or protuberance of
body area but not due to cell proliferation.
(-usually in relation to body surface.)

• Lump :
is a vague mass of the body tissue.
(-usually in relation to body cavity.)
Tumor (Growth):
is an abnormal & independent purposeless
growth of mass of cells which
may stop or continue to proliferate
in an atypical & relentless manner even after
the stimulus that initiate the growth has been
Abscess :
Localised collection of pus in the living tissues
covered (bounded) by a pyogenic membrane.

Pus :
is a collection of dead polymorpho nuclear
leucocytes from which
the proteolytic enzymes liberated cause
liquefaction of the tissues.
• Boil/Furuncle:
An acute staphylococcal infection of a
hair follicle with perifolliculitis, which usually
proceed to suppuration and central necrosis.

• Carbuncle :
It is an infective gangrene of the subcutaneous
tissue due to staphylococcal infection
(common in elderly & DM pt.).
• Blister:
A painful swelling on skin in which epidermal
elevation containing clear fluid due to heat or

• Vesicle :
is a small blister of size < 5mm diameter
due to collection of transparent or opaque
fluid in elevated horny layer of epidermis.
• Papule :
is a small solid elevation of skin < 5 mm in

• Pustule :
is a circumscribed elevation of skin
formed due to purulent exudates that may
be white, yellow or greenish yellow.
Ulcer :
is a break or breach in the continuity of skin
or mucous membrane due to molecular death
or traumatic removal of cells.

Wound :
is a break in the continuity of soft tissue
from violence or trauma to the tissue or
surgical procedures.
Slough :
is a piece of dead soft tissue which
becomes separated from living tissues
during the process of ulceration. (in situ)

Granulation tissue:
Neoangiogenesis with
fibroblast proliferation
• Necrobiosis :
Physiological or gradual death of cells in
consequence of degenerative or retrograde

• Necrosis:
Microscopic death of group of cells in the
living body due to toxin, injury or disease.
(Morphologic changes caused by progressive
& degradative action of enzymes on lethally
injured cells.)
Macroscopic death of tissue with putrefaction.
(Superadded by saprophytic bacteria)

Excessive/Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the
interstitial tissues or spaces.
Corns :
it is a horny induration of cuticle with a hard
centre caused by undue pressure, chiefly affecting
toes and foot.

Callosity :
It is a localised thickening/hardening of skin
caused by friction.
It is a raised thickened patch of hyperkeratosis.
(Epidermal hypertrophy)
• Scar :
It is a mass of devascularised fibrous tissue.

Hypertrophic scar :
It is a type of scar characterised by
hypertrophy or proliferation of mature fibroblast
or fibrous tissue without any proliferation of blood

Keloid :
It is characterised by proliferation of immature
fibroblast, collagen fibrils and immature blood
vessels in the scar.
Inflammation: :
The vascular and cellular reaction of living
tissues to an irritant, provided the irritant is not
of such a degree as to destroy the structure and
vitality of the tissues.

Invasion of living body tissue by microorganisms
with multiplication causing adverse effect.
• Cellulitis :
It is an inflammation spreading along the
subcutaneous or a facial plane often due to
infection with streptococcus pyogenes
after even a trivial injury.

• Suppuration:
It is a process in which damaged living tissues and
inflammatory exudates are liquefied by the action
of pyogenic organisms.

• Debridement:
Excision of all devitalized tissues & foreign
bodies from the wound
Viable Micro Toxin Proliferation of
organisms in Circulating in septic foci in
blood stream blood blood stream

+ - -


Viable microorganisms in blood stream.

Toxemia (Pyemia):
Viable microorganisms in blood stream
+ circulating toxins in blood .

Viable microorganisms in blood stream
+ circulating toxins in blood
+ Proliferation of septic foci in blood stream

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