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Research II

3rd Quarter
Assignment # 3.___

ARAGON, Karl Mateo D. Grade 10 – Mendel (STE)

Mrs. Cedelyn Collin Cabanilla-Yumol February 29, 2024


A fertility clinic in Michigan ran an experiment whether hormone B will result less mood
swing complaints in women injected with than those women who underwent normal
pregnancy. 15 women were injected with hormone B monthly while 13 underwent all natural.
The number of mood swing complaints were recorded in the span of 60 days.

Determine if there is a significant difference in the result using α = 0.01.

Women injected with

Number of 6 13 5 18 23 21 19 17 22 9 13 27 21 10 12
hormone B
complaints Women who undererwent all
13 26 33 19 41 23 33 36 18 9 35 41 51

Step 1: State the Problem

Is there a significance between the number of mood swing complaints in women

injected with hormone B and those undergoing a natural pregnancy in Michigan recorded in
the span of 60 days?

Step 2: State the Hypothesis

Null Hypothesis: There is no significance between the number of mood swing

complaints in women injected with hormone B and those undergoing a natural pregnancy in
Michigan recorded in the span of 60 days.

Alternative Hypothesis: There is a significance between the number of mood

swing complaints in women injected with hormone B and those undergoing a natural
pregnancy in Michigan recorded in the span of 60 days.

Step 3: Identify the significance level (alpha) and the sample size.

Independent t-test assuming Unequal Variances

Step 4: Identify the level of significance and type of hypothesis test.

Level of significance: a = 0.01
Type of hypothesis test: 2-tailed
Step 5: Run the test program.

Step 6: Copy the generated results.

P-value = 0.002
α = 0.01
t Stat = -3.50
t Crit two tail = 2.87

Step 7: Decision Making

Using the p-Value Approach: Based on the t-test table, p-Value two tail (0.0025) < α =
0.01, thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. This means that there is a significant difference
between the mean observations of the two groups at 0.01 level of significance.

Step 8: State the conclusion

There is a significance between the number of mood swing complaints in women

injected with hormone B and those undergoing a natural pregnancy in Michigan recorded in
the span of 60 days.

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