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Textbook of veterinary diagnostic

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Radiology Seventh Edition


Emeritus Professor
College of Veterinary Medicine
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina

Radiologist and Quality Control

IDEXX Telemedicine Consultants
Clackamas, Oregon
3251 Riverport Lane

St. Louis, Missouri 63043


SEVENTH EDITION ISBN: 978-0-323-48247-9
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Kate Alexander, DMV, MS, DACVR Robert Cole, DVM, DACVR

Veterinary Radiologist Assistant Professor
Associate Professor, Diagnostic Imaging Department of Clinical Sciences
Department of Clinical Sciences Auburn University
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Auburn, Alabama
University of Montreal
Saint-Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada Marc-André d’Anjou, DMV, DACVR
Graeme Allan, DVSc, MVSc, FACVSc, DACVR Service Vétérinaire d’Imagerie Médicale Animages inc.
Radiology and Ultrasound Specialist Longueuil, Quebec, Canada
Veterinary Imaging Associates
Newtown, New South Wales, Australia Sarah Davies, BVSc, MS, DACVR
Adjunct Professor Veterinary Radiologist
Faculty of Veterinary Science Veterinary Imaging Associates
University of Sydney Saint Leonards, New South Wales, Australia
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
William Tod Drost, DVM, DACVR
Fabrice Audigié, DVM, PhD Professor in Radiology
Professor in Equine Imaging and Locomotor Pathology Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
CIRALE The Ohio State University
USC Biomécanique et Pathologie Locomotrice du Cheval Columbus, Ohio
Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire d’Alfort France
Sue J. Dyson, MA, VetMB, DEO, PhD, FRCVS
Robert J. Bahr, DVM, DACVR Head of Clinical Orthopaedics
Associate Professor Centre for Equine Studies
Veterinary Radiology Animal Health Trust
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Newmarket, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Center for Veterinary Health Sciences
Oklahoma State University Stephanie C. Essman, DVM, BS, MS, DACVR
Stillwater, Oklahoma Assistant Professor
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Marianna Biggi, DVM, PhD, FHEA, DECVDI-LA, MRCVS Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital
Veterinary Radiologist College of Veterinary Medicine
Head of Vet-CT Equine University of Missouri
St. John’s Innovation Center Columbia, Missouri
Cambridge United Kingdom
Lisa J. Forrest, VMD, DACVR
Lisa G. Britt, DVM, MS, DACVR Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor in Radiology Department of Surgical Sciences
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery School of Veterinary Medicine
College of Veterinary Medicine University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of Missouri Madison, Wisconsin
Columbia, Missouri
Paul M. Frank, DVM, DACVR
James C. Brown Jr., DVM, MS, DACVR Radiologist
Veterinary Radiologist Antech Imaging Services
IDEXX Telemedicine Consultants Hillsborough, North Carolina
Raleigh, North Carolina
Lorrie Gaschen, PhD, DVM, Dr. Med. Vet.
Valeria Busoni, DVM, PhD, DECVDI Professor
Associate Professor of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine Louisiana State University
University of Liège Baton Rouge, Louisiana


George A. Henry, DVM, DACVR Stephanie Nykamp, DVM, DACVR

Clinical Associate Professor of Radiology Associate Professor
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences Department of Clinical Studies

College of Veterinary Medicine Ontario Veterinary College

University of Tennessee University of Guelph
Knoxville, Tennessee Guelph, Ontario, Canada

Assistant Professor; Residency Program Director Adjunct Associate Professor
Diagnostic Imaging/Radiology Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging
Departments of Small and Large Animal Clinical Sciences Institute of Veterinary, Animal & Biomedical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine Massey University, New Zealand
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan Anthony Pease, DVM, MS, DACVR
Section Chief
Martha Moon Larson, DVM, MS, DACVR Diagnostic Imaging Department of Small Animal Clinical
Professor of Radiology Sciences
Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine
Virginia Tech Michigan State University
Blacksburg, Virginia East Lansing, Michigan

Jimmy C. Lattimer, DVM, BS, MS, DACVR Kathryn L. Phillips, DVM, DACVR
Associate Professor of Radiology Veterinarian
Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery Veterinary Surgery and Radiology
Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital University of California, Davis
College of Veterinary Medicine Davis, California
University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri Rachel E. Pollard, DVM, PhD
Assistant Professor
Wilfried Mai, Dr. Med. Vet., MS, PhD, DECVDI, DACVR Department of Surgical and Radiological Sciences
Associate Professor of Radiology School of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Clinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine University of California, Davis
University of Pennsylvania Davis, California
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Elissa K. Randall, DVM, MS, DACVR
Angela J. Marolf, DVM, DACVR Associate Professor
Associate Professor Department of Environmental and Radiological Health
Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences
Sciences Colorado State University
College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Fort Collins, Colorado
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, Colorado Elizabeth Riedesel, DVM, DACVR
Federica Morandi, DVM, MS, DECVDI, DACVR Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
Professor and Director of Radiological Services College of Veterinary Medicine
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences Iowa State University
College of Veterinary Medicine Ames, Iowa
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, Tennessee Ian D. Robertson, BVSc, DACVR
Clinical Assistant Professor
Rachel Murray, MA, VetMB, MS, PhD, DACVS Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences
Senior Orthopaedic Advisor College of Veterinary Medicine
Centre for Equine Studies North Carolina State University
Animal Health Trust Raleigh, North Carolina
Newmarket, Suffolk, United Kingdom
Celeste Guaraglia Roy, DVM, Diplomate AVDC
Nathan Nelson, DVM, MS Veterinary Dentist and Oral Surgeon
Clinical Associate Professor Telemedicine
Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences IDEXX Telemedicine Consultants
North Carolina State University Clackamus, Oregon
Raleigh, North Carolina
Valerie F. Samii, DVM, DACVR
Adjunct Professor
Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio

Tobias Schwarz, MA, Dr. Med. Vet., DVR, DECVDI, Susanne M. Stieger-Vanegas, DVM, PhD
DACVR Associate Professor
Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies Diagnostic Imaging

The University of Edinburgh Clinical Sciences

Easter Bush Veterinary Centre College of Veterinary Medicine
Roslin, Scotland, United Kingdom Oregon State University
Corvallis, Oregon
Gabriela S. Seiler, Dr. Med. Vet., DECVDI, DACVR
Associate Professor Radiology Donald E. Thrall, DVM, PhD, MS, DAVCR
Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences Emeritus Professor
College of Veterinary Medicine College of Veterinary Medicine
North Carolina State University North Carolina State University
Raleigh, North Carolina Raleigh, North Carolina
Radiologist and Quality Control
Kathy Ann Spaulding, DVM, DACVR IDEXX Telemedicine Consultants
Clinical Professor Radiology Clackamas, Oregon
Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences
College of Veterinary Medicine William R. Widmer, DVM, MS, DAVCR
Texas A&M University Professor Emeritus, Radiology
College Station, Texas Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences
School of Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana

s with all previous editions, this book serves primarily interpreters. Details of positioning, and specific anatomic features
as an instructional aid for students of imaging, principally of the body part in question are some of the topics covered
the veterinary student. However, another goal is to in these introductory chapters. These basic chapters offer a
provide useful information for those pursuing advanced training framework upon which to base an understanding of more
in imaging and those in private veterinary practice. Students detailed chapters dealing with specific anatomic areas.
at all levels should be able to find material in the 7th edition Veterinary imaging is becoming increasingly complex and
that helps in the interpretation of basic and challenging images. in private practice there is continuing transition from analog
Valuable features of prior editions such as the self-assessment to digital imaging. As a result, chapters on the basic principles
questions and the normal anatomic material has been retained of digital imaging and the MR imaging features of brain disease
and widespread revision in content has been undertaken. The in small animals have been expanded. Also, the breadth of the
normal anatomy material remains dispersed throughout the CT and MR imaging features of diseases outside of the brain
text so that it can be consulted conveniently, and it is also has been broadened, and chapters covering the physical
available on the Elsevier website. principles of ultrasonography and CT and MR imaging updated
The interface between the book and the world-wide web significantly. New chapters in the 7th edition cover dental
is an important feature of this book. The web portal hosts radiographic technique and interpretation, and radiographic
self-assessment exercises that can be completed online and contrast media, important topics absent from prior editions.
feedback obtained immediately. For some chapters, movies are Details regarding techniques that were once a mainstay of
available online that will assist in the explanation of complex veterinary imaging, such as the upper gastrointestinal examina-
subjects, such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic tion and myelography, remain available on the Elsevier website
resonance (MR) imaging physics, or dynamic disease processes, for reference when needed.
such as tracheal collapse and esophageal disorders. The basis of interpretation used in this textbook remains
As in the 2nd through 6th editions, all chapters have been centered upon description of radiographic abnormalities in
reviewed carefully, making for an extensive, substantive revision. terms of Roentgen signs—changes in size, shape, location,
No chapter has escaped in-depth scrutiny, ensuring that the number, margination, and opacity. I believe that students who
latest and most accurate information is included. Chapters have a firm understanding of Roentgen sign description will
covering the basic aspects of interpretation, applicable when be less inclined to make errors by jumping immediately to a
assessing radiographic images of the axial and appendicular diagnosis rather than thoroughly considering radiographic
skeleton in small and large animals, and the thorax and abdomen changes in an orderly and efficient manner.
in small animals, should be of particular value to beginning Donald E. Thrall


t is impossible for one person to prepare a meaningful, participation. Appreciation is also extended to all who have
comprehensive textbook of veterinary imaging, and I would used prior editions of this work and provided meaningful
like to acknowledge the many talented authors who took feedback, thereby allowing this 7th edition to be what I believe
time from their busy schedules to prepare material for this is the best yet. I also wish to acknowledge IDEXX Telemedicine
book. Several new authors have also contributed to this 7th Consultants for permission to include several images in this
edition and many familiar names are again found as contributors. edition.
The expertise of this team heightens the quality of the informa- Donald E. Thrall
tion contained on these pages and I am honored by their

Radiation Protection and Physics

of Diagnostic Radiology

Physics and Principles

Donald E. Thrall • William R. Widmer


of Interpretation
1 Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology
Donald E. Thrall • William R. Widmer
2 Digital Radiographic Imaging
Ian D. Robertson • Donald E. Thrall
3 Canine and Feline Dental Radiographic Technique
Celeste Guaraglia Roy
4 Physics of Ultrasound Imaging
Wm Tod Drost
5 Principles of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Marc-André d’Anjou
6 Radiographic, Computed Tomography, and Magnetic Resonance Contrast
Mark Owen
7 Introduction to Radiographic Interpretation
Donald E. Thrall

Radiation Protection and Physics of

Diagnostic Radiology

Donald E. Thrall • William R. Widmer

-rays were discovered on November 8, 1895, by Wilhelm The energy of electromagnetic radiation is described accord-
Conrad Roentgen, a German physicist.1 X-rays were ing to the formula:
put to use quickly for medical purposes, and many speed of light
sophisticated applications were soon devised. For example, Energy = Planck’s constant ×
angiography was described in 1896, only 1 year after the initial
discovery of x-rays. Roentgen’s finding revolutionized the Planck’s constant is a proportionality constant between the
diagnosis and treatment of disease, and in recognition he was energy of a photon and its wavelength, and the speed of light
awarded the first Nobel Prize for Physics in 1901. More than is also a constant. Therefore the energy of electromagnetic
120 years after their discovery, imaging using x-rays is one of radiation is inversely proportional to wavelength. The biologic
the most important and widely used diagnostic tests in people effects of electromagnetic radiation are a function of the
and animals. energy.
The unit of energy for electromagnetic radiation is the
electron volt (eV). One electron volt is the energy gained by one
BASIC PROPERTIES OF X-RAYS electron as it is accelerated through a potential difference
of 1V. On an absolute scale, this is a very small amount of
X-rays and gamma rays are part of the spectrum of electro- energy. However x-rays with energy of only 15 eV* can produce
magnetic radiation. The only distinction between x-rays and ionization of atoms. Ionization occurs when an electron is
gamma rays is their source; x-rays are produced by electron ejected from the atom, in this case by an x-ray. This creates
interactions outside the nucleus, and gamma rays are released an ion pair consisting of the negatively charged electron and
from inside the nucleus of unstable atoms having excess energy. the positively charged atom (Fig. 1.2). When x-rays strike a
There is a false impression that gamma rays are more energetic person they can result in ionizations in DNA, leading to (1)
than x-rays, but this is not universally true. The energy of a mutations, (2) abortion or fetal abnormalities, (3) suscepti-
gamma ray depends on the amount of energy released by the bility to disease and shortened life span, (4) carcinogenesis,
unstable atom, and the energy of an x-ray depends on the and (5) cataracts.2 This is why it is so important to minimize
energy of the electron that interacts with the atom. Familiar exposure of personnel working in a radiation environment.
types of electromagnetic radiation other than x-rays and gamma Of course, radiation also causes ionizations in patients under-
rays include radio waves, radar, microwaves, and visible light going medical imaging procedures, but the risk of radiation
(Table 1.1). injury from isolated imaging procedures is offset by the diag-
Electromagnetic radiation is a combination of electric and nostic value of the procedure. Radiation workers, on the other
magnetic fields that travel together, oscillating in orthogonal hand, are subject to potential low level exposure repeatedly
planes in sine-wave fashion (Fig. 1.1). Sine waves are character- in the course of their work and the chance for damage is
ized by two related parameters—frequency and wavelength. increased. Also important is the fact that radiation damage
The velocity of electromagnetic radiation is constant, the speed to DNA can be amplified biologically because DNA controls
of light, and is the product of the frequency and wavelength: cellular processes that extend into subsequent generations of
daughter cells. Additionally, although only 15eV of energy is
Velocity (speed of light in m sec) required for ionization of biologic molecules, the energy of x-rays
= frequency ( second ) × wavelength (m ) used for medical imaging is much higher, and each photon can
lead to multiple ionizations in tissue.
Because the speed of light is constant, frequency and The relative risk of biologic injury from x-rays or gamma
wavelength are inversely related; therefore, as frequency rays is greater than from other types of electromagnetic radiation.
increases, wavelength must decrease, and vice versa. For example, the wavelength of visible light is 10,000 times
Properties of x-rays and gamma rays are given in Box 1.1. longer than the wavelength of x-rays, and the wavelength of
Some properties of electromagnetic radiation cannot be radio waves is even longer (see Table 1.1). Therefore, the energy
explained adequately by the theories of wave propagation of light waves and radio waves is many orders of magnitude
illustrated in Fig. 1.1. Therefore the photon concept was lower than the energy of x-rays, meaning that light and radio
developed to explain the apparent particulate behavior of x-rays
and gamma rays. A photon can be considered as a discrete
bundle of electromagnetic radiation as opposed to a wave. This
makes it easier to understand how x-rays create an image or *The electron volt (eV) should not be confused with the concept of
cause radiation damage. In this book, the terms x-ray and photon kilovoltage peak (kVp) applied in an x-ray tube during an exposure;
are used interchangeably. kVp is discussed later in the Production of X-rays section.

CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 3

field e

th (


Fig. 1.1 All forms of electromagnetic radiation are characterized by
oscillating electric and magnetic fields that move in planes at right angles
to each other. Any form of electromagnetic radiation is described by the Photon
wavelength, λ, which is the distance between crests, and the frequency, f,
which is the number of crests per unit time. The frequency and wavelength

determine the specific characteristics of that form of radiation. The velocity
(c) of all forms of electromagnetic radiation is the same—the speed of
light. The product of wavelength and frequency equals the velocity; c = f
× λ. Therefore, because velocity is constant, as frequency increases the
wavelength must decrease, and vice versa.

Table • 1.1 Fig. 1.2 The principle of ionization. A photon ejects an electron from an
atom, causing ionization and forming an ion pair, consisting of a negatively
Wavelength of Common Types of Electromagnetic charged electron and a positively charged atom. After this ionization event,
the photon, depending on its energy, may be completely absorbed, or it
Radiation may interact with other atoms to produce more ionization. The ejected
electron can also interact with biologic molecules, such as DNA, and produce
TYPE OF ELECTROMAGNETIC damage. The relative size of the nucleus, electrons, and orbital shells in
RADIATION WAVELENGTH (CM) this figure is not to scale. The “+” symbol in the nucleus designates the
normal nuclear positivity created by the presence of positively charged
Radio waves 30,000 protons. In a neutral atom, this positive charge in the nucleus is balanced
Microwaves 10 by an equal negative charge of orbital electrons.
Visible light 0.0001
X-rays 0.00000001

Box • 1.1
Properties of X-Rays and Gamma Rays

Have no charge
Have no mass
Travel at the speed of light
Are invisible
Cannot be felt
Travel in a straight line
Cannot be deflected by magnetic fields
Penetrate all matter to some degree
Cause certain substances to fluoresce
Can expose photographic emulsions Fig. 1.3 Careless and unacceptable approach to radiography. The technolo-
Can ionize atoms gist’s hands are in the primary x-ray beam. Careless habits such as this are
perpetuated because of the stealthy properties of x-rays and lead to
unnecessary personnel exposure that could become biologically

waves do not produce tissue ionization or DNA damage. Other

forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as microwaves, can the guidelines for safe practice are followed and the technology
lead to biologic damage such as tissue heating but do not lead available to reduce exposure to personnel is used. However,
to molecular ionization. because x-rays cannot be seen or felt, the idiom “out of sight
out of mind” has never been more applicable, and it is easy
to disregard the potential danger associated with occupational
RADIATION PROTECTION x-ray exposure (Fig. 1.3). As a result, many veterinarians and
technologists have developed a cavalier attitude regarding the
A goal in diagnostic radiology is to obtain maximum diagnostic hazards associated with ionizing radiation and put themselves
information with minimal radiation exposure of the patient, at risk, from both medical and financial perspectives. General
radiology personnel, and general public. This is achievable if principles of radiation protection that can form the basis of a
4 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

Exposure  Exposure
Table • 1.2
Radiation Weighting Factor (Quality Factor) for

Various Radiation Types

High efficiency absorber Low efficiency absorber
Higher absorbed dose Lower absorbed dose
X-rays 1
Gamma rays 1
Beta particle (electron) 1

Neutrons More absorption, fewer Less absorption, more

transmitted photons transmitted photons
<10 keV 5
10–100 keV 10 Fig. 1.4 Two materials are exposed to the same number of x-ray photons,
represented by the arrows. Thus the exposure dose, in roentgens, or in
100 keV–2 MeV 20 coulombs per kilogram, is the same for both materials. However, the efficiency
Alpha particles 20 of x-ray absorption for the two materials is different. The material on the
left is more efficient in absorbing x-rays than the material on the right.
Therefore the absorbed dose will be higher in the material on the left even
though the exposure dose is the same. One real-life example of this
phenomenon is a limb, where bone would be the high-efficiency absorber
and fat or muscle the low-efficiency absorber.

Table • 1.3
Radiation Units

Exposure dose roentgen One electrostatic unit of electricity in roentgen ‡

2.58 × 10−4 C/kg
1 cubic centimeter of dry air at 0° C
and standard atmospheric pressure
Absorbed dose rad 100 ergs/g of tissue gray (Gy) 1 Gy = 1 joule/kg
(1 Gy = 100 rads)
Equivalent biologic dose rem Dose in rads times weighting factor§ sievert (Sv) Dose in Gy times weighting factor
(1 rem = 10 mSv)

*CGS, centimeter-gram-second system of units.

International System of Units.

Although the use of roentgen is allowable under the SI system, it is not itself an SI unit, and continued use is strongly discouraged by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology.
Weighting factor is a radiation type-specific quantity that compares the ionization density of various types of radiation; see Table 1.2.

safe workplace are discussed later. Any specific recommendations Exposure

regarding radiation safety or protection made in this chapter Radiation exposure is based on the amount of ionization in
are subject to overrule by local, state, and/or federal regulations. air that the radiation produces and is quantified by the amount
of electrical charge resulting from the ionization of air produced
Radiation Units by the radiation flux. Radiation exposure is expressed in the
Two related concepts must be understood before radiation units SI system as coulombs* per kilogram of air (C/kg) (see Table
are considered. First, radiation exposure and radiation absorption 1.3). This SI unit of exposure is cumbersome; thus the previous
are not the same. Some tissues absorb radiation more effectively term of exposure, the roentgen, is still used. One roentgen
than others, meaning that exposure to the same amount of equals a charge of 2.58 C/kg in air.
radiation can result in different absorbed doses in these tissues.
Second, the biologic effect of the same absorbed dose can also Absorbed Dose
be different, being a function of both radiation type and energy. The efficiency of x-ray absorption in different materials can
A numeric weighting factor or quality factor has been derived to vary widely. As an example, lead is a much more efficient
estimate the difference in biologic effectiveness of various types absorber than water. Therefore the radiation dose in tissues
of radiation (Table 1.2). with different absorption efficiencies will be different when
Radiation exposure, radiation absorption, and dose equivalent exposed to the same amount of radiation (Fig. 1.4). The SI
each have their own unit of measure that was defined originally unit for absorbed dose is the gray (Gy). One gray is the amount
in the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) system of measures. In
1977, the International System of Units (SI units) was developed
in keeping with the trend toward universal adoption of
the metric system3 (Table 1.3). In general, the system of SI
units has not been universally adopted in the United States,4,5 *A coulomb is the unit of electric charge in the International System
and CGS radiation units are still used, which can be a source of Units. It is the charge transferred by a constant current of 1 ampere
of confusion. in 1 second.
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 5

In the SI system, the unit of dose equivalency is the sievert

(Sv); the Sv is derived from the product of the absorbed dose
Ionizations along path of x-ray in Gy and the weighting factor. Before SI units were accepted,

the unit of dose equivalency was the radiation equivalent in

man, or rem (see Table 1.3). The rem was derived from the
product of the absorbed dose in rads and the weighting factor,
because 1 Gy = 100 rads, 1 Sv = 100 rem.

Radiation Safety
Ionizations along path of  particle
Principles of radiation safety are based on establishment of
Fig. 1.5 Representation of the ionization density along the paths of an guidelines to prevent undesirable and unnecessary exposure
x-ray and an alpha particle. The ionization density along the path of the of radiation workers and the general public to ionizing radiation.
alpha particle is much higher because of its large mass and 2+ charge. This The premise of radiation protection is that some low level of
will lead to greater biologic damage on a Gy-per-Gy basis, and a correction
factor will be needed to compare the biologic damage resulting from equal
radiation exposure to radiation workers is permissible and will
absorbed doses of x-rays versus alpha particles. not lead to significant abnormalities or disease. Adverse effects
can be classified as either deterministic or stochastic. Deterministic
effects have a threshold. In other words, below some dose
there is no effect, but above the threshold dose the severity
of radiation leading to absorption of 1 joule*/kg of tissue. Before of the effect is dose related. Radiation-induced cataracts are
SI units were accepted, the unit of absorbed dose was the rad, an example of a deterministic effect. Conversely, stochastic
which is equal to 100 ergs†/g of tissue (see Table 1.3). The (random) effects have no dose threshold, and the severity of
term rad is obsolete, but it is so engrained in the radiology the effect is independent of dose. Radiation-induced cancer is
lexicon that it has not been replaced universally by the Gy, an example of a stochastic effect.6
its SI counterpart. One Gy is equal to 100 rad. Maximum permissible dose (MPD) is the maximal amount
In soft tissue such as muscle, exposure to 1 roentgen amounts of absorbed radiation that can be delivered to an individual as
to an absorbed dose of approximately 0.9 centigray (cGy) or a whole-body dose or a dose to a specific organ and still be
0.9 rad. In comparison, bone is a more efficient absorber of considered safe. The term safe in this context means that there
x-rays than soft tissue, and exposure to bone of 1 roentgen is no conclusive evidence that individuals receiving the MPD
results in a bone-absorbed dose of more than 0.9 cGy. This will suffer harmful immediate or long-term effects to the body
difference in absorption between bone and soft tissue may be as a whole or to any individual structure or organ as a result
as great as a factor of 4 or 5 with low-energy radiation. Dif- of the exposure. Although the effect of very low doses of
ferential x-ray absorption between various tissues is the basis radiation is not known with certainty, it is safe to assume that
of radiographic image formation, and without this difference any amount of radiation will have some effect on the subject,
making a meaningful radiograph would not be possible. As and taking steps to minimize one’s dose below the MPD is
discussed later, the magnitude of the difference between important. An analogy could be made to smoking a cigarette
exposure and absorbed dose is the greatest for low energy once a month. There is no evidence that physical damage
photons and decreases as photon energy increases. results from this frequency of smoking, but with increasing
frequency the probability of physical damage escalates by virtue
Dose Equivalent of a cumulative effect. Unfortunately, an absolute threshold
As noted earlier, the same absorbed dose, in Gy, from different below which damage will not occur or above which damage
types of radiation may not produce the same biologic effect. will definitely result has not been established for either cigarette
For example, damage from particulate radiation, such as an smoking or radiation exposure.
alpha particle‡ is greater on a Gy-for-Gy basis than damage There are multiple levels of bureaucracy regarding the
from the same dose of x-rays (see Table 1.2). This is related establishment of guidelines for radiation exposure, aimed at
to differences in ionization density for different types of radiation. avoiding deterministic and stochastic effects. Understanding
A large heavily charged particle, such as an alpha particle, the mission of all involved organizations can be confusing.
creates many ionizations that are close together compared to Furthermore, different exposure limits are defined for radiation
a small lightly charged particle, such as an electron, or an x-ray workers versus the general public. These exposure limits vary
that has no charge or mass where the ionizations are much according to risk versus benefit. For example, the small risk
more widely spaced (Fig. 1.5). The closer the ionizations are to a member of the general public from being subjected to a
to each other, i.e. greater ionization density, the more biologic radiographic study is outweighed by the benefit of a diagnosis.
damage results from a given dose. Therefore deposition of Likewise, the slightly higher exposure limits allowed for radiation
1 Gy from an alpha particle does more biologic damage than workers are considered acceptable with respect to the missions
deposition of 1 Gy from an x-ray. The difference in biologic of the occupation.
damage from the same absorbed dose of various radiation types The International Commission on Radiological Protection
is estimated by the weighting factor, as described above (see (ICRP) is the primary international body focusing on protection
Table 1.2). against ionizing radiation. The ICRP is an independent,
international, non-governmental organization. The ICRP provides
recommendations and guidance on protection against the risks
associated with ionizing radiation. Their recommendations are
*The joule is the unit of energy in the International System of Units. published approximately four times each year as the journal
It is the energy exerted by the force of one newton acting to move Annals of the ICRP. The whole-body limit for radiation workers
an object through a distance of one meter. set by the ICRP for avoiding stochastic effects is 20 millisievert

The erg is the unit of energy in the centimeter-gram-second (CGS) (mSv) per year, averaged over 5 years, with the provision that
system of units. It is the energy exerted by the force of one dyne acting
to move an object through a distance of one centimeter. dose in any one year should not exceed 50 mSv.7

An alpha particle is a helium nucleus, containing two protons and In the United States, the National Council on Radiation
two neutrons, without orbital electrons. An alpha particle has an Protection (NCRP) was chartered by Congress in 1964. Some
electrical charge of 2+ and a mass more than 7000 times larger than of the objectives of the NCRP are to develop recommendations
that of an electron. about radiation protection and to cooperate with the ICRP.
6 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

The whole-body limit set for radiation workers by the NCRP

for avoiding stochastic effects is 50 mSv per year with a lifetime
accumulation not to exceed 10 mSv × age in years.8 The NCRP

also recommends that no occupational exposure occur until

the age of 18 years. Interestingly, neither the ICRP nor the
NCRP has any jurisdiction to enforce its recommendations.
In the United States, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
(NRC) is the agency officially responsible for defining federal
exposure standards. The NRC has adopted the annual radiation
dose to adult radiation workers as recommended by the NCRP,
a maximum of 50 mSv (5 rem) per year.9 However, the NRC
has not established an upper limit for cumulative exposure.
Previously, the NRC recommended that cumulative exposure
be less than 5 rem (50 mSv)/year x (n −18), where n is the
age of the individual. This recommendation has been overruled
in favor of the as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)
principle, which is discussed later. Fig. 1.6 An estimate of sources of exposure dose from ionizing radiation
The allowable limit for radiation workers who become in the United States. (From Ionizing Radiation Exposure of the Population
pregnant is lower than for nonpregnant radiation workers. of the United States. Bethesda, MD: National Council on Radiation Protection
Contrary to popular belief, some occupational radiation exposure and Measurements; 2009. NCRP report 160 with permission.)
of pregnant workers is allowed, but this should be minimized.
Guidelines state that the monthly exposure limit for the embryo
or fetus should not exceed 0.5 mSv (0.05 rem). It is the
responsibility of the pregnant radiation worker to notify the should be trained in patient positioning for radiography, machine
supervisor of the pregnancy so that any change in work habits operation, and image processing so that repeat studies are
needed to stay within the recommended dose limit can be minimized. Technologists should be instructed on the proper
implemented. Declarations of pregnancy must be made to the use and care of radiation protection equipment such as protec-
supervisor in writing. tive aprons and gloves, and in the concepts of the ALARA
For the general public, radiation exposure, excluding that principle.12 As noted earlier, rather than focusing on any par-
related to medical use such as diagnostic imaging and radiation ticular dose limit, ALARA, as defined by the NRC, means
therapy, should not exceed 1 mSv (0.1 rem) per year. making every reasonable effort to maintain exposures to ionizing
The difference in opinion between the NRC and the NCRP radiation as far below the dose limits as practical, consistent
regarding the limits for cumulative exposure can be confusing. with the purpose for which the licensed activity is undertaken.
Although the NRC is the agency officially responsible for The major variables used in adhering to ALARA are distance,
identifying federal exposure standards, it has eliminated recom- time, and shielding.
mendations regarding cumulative exposure limits, probably
because of the uncertainty of such predictions. The NCRP, Distance
however, has elected to establish an estimate for acceptable The distance between the technologist and the x-ray tube
cumulative exposure that is more conservative than recom- should be as great as possible because distance is one of the
mended previously by the NRC (the NRC recommendation most effective ways of reducing dose. Doubling the distance
was 50 mSv/year versus the NCRP recommendation of 10 mSv/ reduces exposure by a factor of 4, not by a factor of 2 as one
year). Rather than focusing on a specific number for cumulative might expect. Holding cassettes by hand for equine radiography
or annual exposure, the goal should be to minimize any should be discouraged because this can place the employee in
exposure. This is the basis of the ALARA approach, discussed the primary beam. Hand-holding of portable x-ray machines
later. for radiography of the equine distal limb is safe, as long as the
In addition to occupational exposure of radiation workers, machine is adequately shielded.13 Hand-holding of companion
the entire population is exposed continually to very low levels animals for radiography is permissible, but having parts of
of radiation, both natural and man-made. A revised breakdown the body near the primary x-ray beam should be avoided and
of relative exposure of the U.S. public to radiation by various no part of the body should ever be in the primary beam,
sources was published by the NCRP in 2015 (Fig. 1.6).10 Revised regardless of whether protective aprons and gloves are used.
estimates were needed because in 2006 Americans were exposed With the use of chemical restraint and tape and sandbags for
to more than seven times as much ionizing radiation from positioning, it may be possible for the technologist to exit the
medical procedures as was the case in the early 1980s, mainly room during the exposure. Some state veterinary practice acts
due to increases in CT imaging. The number of CT studies stipulate that the technologist cannot be in the room during the
performed in human patients doubled between 1997 and 2006.11 exposure.
In 2006 medical exposure constituted nearly half of the total
radiation exposure of the U.S. population from all sources. The Time
next largest contributor to population exposure was background Time is directly related to the number of views or remake
radiation, mainly from radon gas. The relative level of back- views needed. Time can be minimized by using sedation or
ground radiation varies on the basis of geographic location. anesthesia for uncooperative patients, or for complicated
For example, exposure to cosmic radiation increases at higher examinations such as spine or skull studies. Time can also be
elevations, and household radon exposure is greater in the minimized by making sure that technologists are familiar with
eastern United States. In general, these types of radiation equipment operation. Rotation of the technical staff through
exposures are not considered harmful, providing the use of the radiology service will also dilute any exposure over a larger
medical imaging is monitored. pool, leading to reduction in individual exposure levels.

Practical Considerations Shielding

Technologists assuming the role of radiation workers in vet- State building codes require structural shielding to protect
erinary practices must be aware of the risks of radiation. They personnel and the general public, such as clients in the waiting
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 7

or examination rooms, from unnecessary radiation exposure. The following are some reasonable responsibilities of a
The specific details regarding requisite structural shielding can radiation supervisor:
be obtained from the state radiation protection office. • Establish and supervise the implementation of written

The most effective personal shielding for radiation workers operating procedures for all employees involved with
is lead-impregnated aprons, gloves, thyroid shields, and eyeglasses. radiography.
Protective aprons and gloves designed for use in the x-ray • Periodically review procedures to ensure conformity with
room are usually 0.5 mm Pb equivalent. These devices serve local regulations.
their intended purpose only if used for every examination. • Instruct all personnel in proper radiation protection
Wanton disregard for routine use of lead aprons and gloves practices.
leads to unnecessary personnel overexposure. When rushing • Oversee conduction of required radiation surveys and
to acquire images, especially of an unruly patient, staff may keep records of such surveys and tests, including
be tempted to forgo the use of protective aprons and gloves summaries of corrective measures recommended or
to position the patient and to intentionally place their hands, instituted.
either shielded or unshielded, in the primary x-ray beam. This • Routinely observe and periodically test interlock switches
is, of course, unacceptable and exemplifies the ultimate in poor and warning signals.
radiation safety practice (Fig. 1.7, A; see Fig. 1.3). More com- • Ensure that warning signs and signals are properly
monly, when lead gloves are not used, the technologist attempts located.
to keep the unshielded hands outside of the primary beam, • Ensure that all equipment is maintained in top-notch
thinking that the collimator eliminates radiation exposure in working order. Perform annual evaluation of radiation
this area. This is not true. There is always enough scattered protection equipment.
radiation outside the primary beam to capture an image of • Determine the cause of each known or suspected case of
parts of the patient or technologist in that area, and this also excessive abnormal exposure and take steps to prevent
leads to unnecessary personnel exposure (Fig. 1.7, B). Addition- its recurrence.
ally, the hand will frequently end up in the periphery of the • Train staff in proper radiographic positioning and
primary beam, leading to even higher exposure. In fact, in Fig. restraint procedures.
1.7, B the tip of a finger (white arrowhead) is in the edge of
the primary beam, but the fingertip is not visible because of Personnel Monitoring
overexposure. Personnel monitoring is used to check the adequacy of the
Another common mistake is the belief that because lead radiation safety program, disclose improper radiation protection
aprons and gloves are very heavy they can be used to shield practices, and detect potentially serious radiation exposure
body parts within the primary beam (Fig. 1.7, A). This is also situations. A radiation dosimetry badge, also called a film badge,
not true. Lead aprons and gloves are designed solely for protect- is the most commonly used personnel monitoring device. A
ing against scattered radiation and must never be placed in radiation badge consists of a plastic holder, measuring approxi-
the primary beam because they do not attenuate high energy mately 2 to 3 cm on a side, which has a clip allowing it to be
x-rays. It is commonplace for technologists to hold a body part secured to clothing. Originally, radiation badges contained a
in the primary beam without gloves and then cover the hand small piece of film wrapped in paper that became exposed
with a lead glove or apron. This is not adequate protection, when struck by ionizing radiation, and the radiation dose
and the hand will receive unnecessary and excessive radiation was extrapolated from the degree of film blackening. Modern
(Fig. 1.7, C). The effects of scattered photons from the floor radiation badges contain either radiation-sensitive aluminum
of the x-ray room are also usually ignored, but these are an oxide or lithium fluoride crystals. These modern dosimeters
important source of scattered radiation (Fig. 1.7, D). Lastly, trap electrons energized by oncoming radiation, and the number
radiation protection gloves with a slit in the palm are available. of trapped electrons can be quantified and related to the amount
Extending the fingers through the slit facilitates positioning of exposure. These badges provide more accurate dosimetry
but reduces the amount of overlying protective lead material than the original film badge. Radiation badges should be analyzed
and leads to excessive extremity dose whether the hand receives at least quarterly, but a monthly analysis is preferable so that
primary or secondary radiation. any exposure problems are detected sooner after occurrence.
Improper care of lead aprons and gloves results in cracking Badges for declared pregnant workers should be analyzed
or separation of the protective layering that reduces their monthly.
effectiveness. Aprons and gloves should be placed on racks Personnel monitoring should be performed in controlled
when not in use. This decreases the risk of creasing and folding areas for each occupationally exposed individual who has a
that lead to cracking or separation of the protective lead layering. reasonable possibility of receiving a dose exceeding 10% of
Use of a glove rack also facilitates the evaporation of perspiration the applicable MPD. A qualified expert should be consulted
that reduces odor. Aprons and gloves should be inspected visually on establishment and evaluation of the personnel monitoring
on an annual basis, and any portion that appears physically system. The radiation badge must be worn only in the workplace
damaged should be evaluated radiographically for evidence of and never when the person is exposed to ionizing radiation as
a crack. part of his or her own medical or dental examinations. The
badge is intended to monitor occupational radiation exposure
Radiation Supervisor and medical exposure is not considered in annual occupational
Identifying a member of the technical staff as a radiation dose limits. The radiation badge must not be worn outside of
supervisor will optimize the quality of images produced and the workplace as this can lead to erroneous readings from
minimize the chances of radiation overexposure. The radiation temperature exposure if left inside a closed car in warm weather.
supervisor can assume the responsibilities defined later and be The radiation badge should be worn on the upper or lower
in charge of establishing safe working conditions that comply torso. When a protective apron is worn, the radiation badge
with all pertinent federal, state, and local regulations. Having should be on the outside of the apron for monitoring the
a dedicated radiation protection supervisor provides the radiation environment, but a second radiation badge may also
technologist with ownership in the process, which will increase be worn inside the apron when an estimate of body exposure
quality. The continuity of supervision will contribute to a steady is desired. Radiation badges should not be shared between
stream of high-quality images and low personnel exposure employees and the film badge of another person should never
readings. be tampered with.
8 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation


Incomplete photon
attenuation by glove

Lead glove


photons will
strike hand


Fig. 1.7 Examples of poor radiation safety practice. A, Hands were placed in the primary beam to position
this small patient. Although gloves were used, they are not adequate for shielding against the primary x-ray
beam and the hands will receive an unacceptable dose. B, Dorsoventral skull radiograph of a dog. A sandbag is
being used to secure the neck. The technologist is not wearing lead gloves and has grasped the ears of the dog,
which are outside of the primary beam, to keep the head in the proper position. The dog’s right ear can be
seen (black arrow). On the left side, the technologist’s fingers can also be seen (white arrow), because of exposure
from radiation outside of the primary beam. A tip of a finger is also in the primary beam (white arrowhead). A
portion of the technologist’s hand can also be seen on the dog’s right side, peripheral to the dog’s ear but not
to the extent that it is identifiable as a hand. The most rostral portion of the dog’s nose is also visible outside
of the primary beam. C, A lateral radiograph of a canine skull was being made. The technologist held the ears
in the primary beam with an unprotected hand and then covered their hand with a lead apron, thinking the
apron would attenuate the x-rays. It did not. The bones in the technologist’s hand are clearly visible (black
arrows) because of x-rays penetrating the apron. D, A small patient is being restrained by an unprotected hand
but a lead glove is placed on top of the hand, similar to the situation illustrated in part C of this figure. As
already stated, this is ineffective because many of the oncoming high energy photons will penetrate the glove
and strike the hand. Also, photons penetrating the cassette and table will strike the floor and be scattered back,
also striking the hand. Radiation backscatter is also a reason that the technologist should not sit on the edge
of the x-ray table while restraining a patient for radiography. In that instance the scattered photons are going
to strike a body part or parts that are more revered than a hand.
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 9

Basic Radiation Safety Rules for

Diagnostic Radiology
The basic radiation safety rules for diagnostic radiology are: 100 94

• Only personnel necessary to complete the procedure

should be in the x-ray room at the time of exposure.
• Persons younger than 18 years and pregnant women
must not be in the x-ray room during the examination.
• Personnel who assist with radiographic
examinations should have a rotating duty roster to mA kVp
minimize exposure to any one person.
• Sandbags, sponges, tape, or other restraining devices
should be used for positioning the patient rather
than manual restraint. .015
• Anesthesia or tranquilization should be used when
possible to facilitate patient restraint. 1.5
• No part of the technologist should be in the primary
beam, whether or not protected by gloves or aprons.
• Protective aprons should always be worn when
Time (sec)
positioning an animal.
• Protective gloves should be worn if hands are near
the primary beam. Fig. 1.8 Typical x-ray machine control panel. The time (in seconds), the
• Protective glasses should be worn if the work level is mA (milliamperes), and the kVp (in kilovolts) are indicated by digital
displays and are adjustable individually. As mA and/or time change, the
heavy or when radiographing large animals. These
resulting mAs is calculated and displayed automatically.
glasses provide 0.25 mm Pb equivalent protection to
the lens.
• Thyroid shields should be considered. These are
“mini-aprons” that are worn around the neck to envelope
protect the thyroid gland.
• The primary beam should be collimated so each
image has an unexposed border, proving that the
primary beam does not exceed the size of the
cassette or imaging plate.
• All personnel involved with patient radiography
should wear a radiation badge during working hours.
• The radiographic procedure should be planned
carefully and the machine settings double-checked Rotating
prior to exposure. anode
Fig. 1.9 Photograph of an x-ray tube with a rotating anode. The target
(anode) rotates at high speed, dissipating heat over a large surface area.
PRODUCTION OF X-RAYS Electrons emanate from the filament (cathode). The x-ray tube is encased
in a glass envelope from which air has been evacuated. This vacuum prevents
X-rays are produced when high-speed electrons strike metal. electrons from interacting with air molecules when the electrons are
For radiography, this occurs in the controlled environment of accelerated to the target. In the x-ray machine, the x-ray tube is encased
an x-ray tube. An x-ray tube contains a positively charged in a steel cylinder to control the direction in which x-rays are emitted.
target, the anode, and a negatively charged filament, the cathode, (Courtesy of Oak Ridge Associated Universities.)
within a glass envelope. X-ray tubes provide for acceleration
of electrons from their source at the filament to the metal
target where x-rays are produced. To create a source of electrons, the kilovoltage peak (kVp) control on the x-ray machine control
electric current is passed through the x-ray tube filament raising panel (see Fig. 1.8). Increasing kVp increases the voltage dif-
its temperature in much the same way that an electric current ference between the filament and target, and electrons are
is used to heat the filament of an incandescent lightbulb. The accelerated to higher velocities and have more kinetic energy
heating allows electrons to “boil” off the surface of the filament, when striking the target (Fig. 1.9). Higher energy electrons
forming a cloud of free, negatively charged, electrons. The can produce higher energy x-rays.
number of electrons in the cloud is directly related to the X-rays are produced by two mechanisms when electrons
amount of electric current passing through the filament, which strike the target: collisional and radiative interactions. Collisional
is regulated by the milliamperage (mA) control on the x-ray interactions occur when the oncoming electron hits an orbital
machine control panel (Fig. 1.8). Increasing the mA is analogous electron and ejects it from the target atom. Energy is subse-
to increasing the wattage of a lightbulb. A 100 W bulb has a quently released as an x-ray (Fig. 1.10). The energy required
hotter filament and emits more light rays instantaneously than to eject an orbital electron is specific to the atom and the
does a 60 W bulb because more current flows through the shell the orbital electron resides in, and this is called the binding
filament of a 100 W bulb. energy. Because the binding energy is specific, the x-rays
Electrons produced at the filament are accelerated to the produced by collisional interactions also have specific energies
metallic target by applying a voltage differential between and are termed characteristic x-rays—characteristic of the atom,
the filament and target. As electrons are negatively charged, the shell from which they are ejected, and the source of electron
they will be attracted to the target when the target is positively that fills the shell vacancy. X-rays created by collisional interac-
charged with respect to the filament (opposite charges tions account for only a small fraction of the total number of
attract). The energy of the x-rays produced is dependent on x-rays produced in a diagnostic x-ray tube.
the energy of the electrons striking the target. The voltage In a radiative interaction (Fig. 1.11), the oncoming electron
difference between the filament and target is adjusted with passes close to the nucleus of the tungsten target atom, attracted
10 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

e e

1. Electron from
filament deposits
energy and ejects
electron from inner e Tungsten 3. These electrons
shell. Electron from nucleus may participate in
filament continues  other interactions
at lower energy. and produce x-rays,
but the x-rays are
of low energy and
e will not escape
the target.


2. Outer shell electron fills

inner shell void and energy e
deposited by electron from
filament is released as a
characteristic x-ray that is
part of the useful x-ray beam.
Fig. 1.10 The collisional method of x-ray production. An electron from the filament (shown here in black for
illustrative purposes) strikes a tungsten atom in the target after being accelerated to high speed through a
voltage difference. The oncoming electron deposits energy and ejects an inner shell electron from the target
atom. The electron from the filament continues at a different angle, with reduced energy. Atoms with vacancies
in electron shells are unstable, and the vacancy is quickly filled by a more peripheral electron. When the electron
shell vacancy is filled, the energy deposited by the electron from the filament required to eject the target
electron, called the binding energy, is released in the form of a characteristic x-ray. The electron ejected from
the inner shell and the electron from the filament may continue on and be involved in other interactions and
produce additional x-rays, but these x-rays are of low energy and usually do not escape the target. The relative
size of the nucleus, electrons, and orbital shells is not to scale. The “+” symbol in the nucleus designates the
normal nuclear positivity created by the presence of positively charged protons.

3. This electron may

e produce more useful
x-rays through additional


1. Electron from
filament bends
around nucleus and e Tungsten e
“brakes” as a result nucleus
of large difference in  e
electric charge.



2. As electron slows,
it releases energy as
an x-ray that forms
part of the useful
x-ray beam.
Fig. 1.11 The radiative, or braking, model of x-ray production. An electron from the filament, (shown here in
black for illustrative purposes) changes direction as it nears the nucleus because of the attraction of differing
charges. The deflected electron decelerates (brakes) and releases energy in the form of an x-ray. As the deflected
electron may pass within various distances of the nucleus, braking radiation has a spectrum of energies. The
deflected electron may be involved with additional interactions and produce additional x-rays that contribute
to the useful x-ray beam. The relative size of the nucleus, electrons, and orbital shells is not to scale. The “+”
symbol in the nucleus designates the normal nuclear positivity created by the presence of positively charged
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 11

Localized peaks on curve 1/60 sec

are due to contribution to
spectrum from

characteristic x-rays.
Number of x-rays



50 100 150
X-ray energy (keV) kVp
1/120 sec
Fig. 1.12 The spectrum of x-ray energies produced by braking and
characteristic radiation. The maximum x-ray energy achievable is equal to
the kVp (kVp = 150 in this example). For this to occur, an electron must
be accelerated at the time when the voltage differential between the filament
and target is at the maximum value and then the electron must lose all of
its energy in one interaction at the target. As illustrated, the number of
x-rays with energy equal to the kVp is very small.
1/120 sec
by the opposite charge. The oncoming electron does not hit kVp
or eject another electron or interact with the target atom in
any way, but instead the oncoming electron slows (brakes) as
it bends around the nucleus and releases energy in the form
of an x-ray. The nucleus of the tungsten atom has a high positive
charge due to the presence of 74 positively charged protons.
The much smaller electron, with a charge of only -1, is therefore kVp
attracted strongly to the nucleus causing the electron to deceler-
Fig. 1.13 The concept of rectification and the ripple factor. The upper
ate, or “brake.” X-rays generated by a radiative interaction are panel shows the typical waveform of alternating current in the United
called bremsstrahlung (from the German, translated as braking States. One complete cycle occurs each 1/60 sec. If this current were used
radiation). Braking radiation has a broad spectrum of energies, to apply the kVp in the x-ray tube, the target would be positive with
depending on the energy of the oncoming electron and how respect to the filament, which is desired, only 50% of the time. The other
much it slows as it bends around the nucleus. The closer to 50% of the time, the filament would be positive with respect to the target.
the nucleus the electron travels, the more it curves, the slower This is a waste of time because electrons are not attracted to the target to
it becomes, the more energy it loses, and the more energetic produce x-rays when the filament is positive. Also, any free electrons at
the x-ray produced. Most oncoming electrons undergo multiple the target created by heat buildup would travel to the filament, causing
damage. The second panel illustrates the waveform obtained when current
braking interactions with the target, and thus a single electron
is not allowed to flow during the negative phase of the cycle; this is termed
can lead to the production of multiple braking x-rays. half-wave rectification. In this instance, the filament is never positive with
Collisional and radiative processes both contribute to the respect to the target, but half of each cycle is wasted. Fortunately, there
overall energy spectrum of an x-ray beam (Fig. 1.12), but most are electronic methods to reverse the polarity of current flow in the negative
x-rays arise from radiative processes. The most energetic x-ray portion of the cycle leading to the waveform shown in the third panel. This
possible in the spectrum will have an energy, in kiloelectron is called full-wave rectification and results in one useful pulse of current
volts (keV), equal to the kVp that was set at the control panel. every 1/120 sec. This increases the efficiency of x-ray production by 100%.
For a photon to have this maximal energy, an electron must Now, with what is termed a high-frequency generator, electronic circuitry
be accelerated from the filament at maximal velocity. This is used to convert alternating current to nearly direct current with
little voltage fluctuation during the cycle. The waveform of this current is
occurs when the voltage between the target and filament is at
shown in the bottom panel. The target is always positive with respect to
its maximum (the pattern of voltage fluctuation in the x-ray the filament and the voltage difference between the filament and target
tube is discussed in the next paragraph). This electron must approximates the kVp at all times. Thus, the voltage fluctuation, or the
then lose all of its energy in one radiative interaction. The ripple factor, is the lowest with current from a high-frequency generator,
number of x-ray photons in the spectrum with energy equal and this increases the efficiency of x-ray production significantly.
to the kVp is very small (see Fig. 1.8). The additional x-rays
coming from collisional interactions have specific energies and
therefore create peaks at specific points on the curve (see increased to the selected kVp in a transformer. At a kVp of
Fig. 1.12). 80 for example, the 120V or 240V current is increased to a
It is important to understand the difference between kVp voltage of 80,000. The alternating nature of the incoming
and keV.* The kVp is the maximum voltage applied across current results in the voltage difference between the filament
the target-filament gap. In the United States, electric current and target fluctuating between +kVp and −kVp every 1/60 of
is alternating at 60 Hz (60 cycles per second). Current coming a second unless the waveform of the current is modified (Fig.
into the x-ray machine is either at 120V or 240V, but this is 1.13). The kiloelectron volt (keV), on the other hand, is a unit
of energy that describes the energy of either electrons or photons.
If the kVp is 100 (100,000V maximum voltage difference
*An electron volt (eV) is the amount of energy an electron gains as between the target and filament), electrons traveling from fila-
it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1V. 1 keV = 1000eV. ment to the target have energies equal to or less than 100 keV
12 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

(100,000eV). There are very few electrons having an energy

of 100 keV because of the fluctuating nature of the voltage
differential as shown in Fig. 1.13; the voltage differential is at Rotating Electrons Electrons

the peak value of 100,000 volts for only an instant in each target from large from small
cycle. So, if an electron is accelerated exactly when the voltage filament filament
difference between the filament and target is 100,000 volts,
the electron will have, by definition, an energy of 100 keV. If
this electron loses all of its energy in one single radiative
(bremsstrahlung) event, the x-ray created will also have an Act Act
energy of 100 keV, the same energy as the kVp in the x-ray u u
foca al fo al
tube. However, this is very uncommon. Most electrons are spo l spo cal
X-rays t siz t siz
accelerated at a voltage lower than the kVp, and most also do e e
not lose all of their energy in one braking reaction. This is
what leads to the wide spectrum of energies of x-rays present Effective focal
in beam (see Fig. 1.12). spot size
If alternating current (see Fig. 1.13, top panel) is used for
Fig. 1.14 Illustration of the principle of effective focal spot size in an
x-ray production, the target is positive with respect to the fila- x-ray tube. By angling the edge of the rotating anode, the size of the focal
ment only 50% of the time. During the other 50%, the filament spot from the perspective of the patient appears smaller than it actually
would be positive with respect to the target 50% and any free is. This facilitates heat distribution. On the left, the electrons have emanated
electrons at the surface of the target that might be present from the large filament in the x-ray tube. Although the size of the effective
because of the high temperature of the target would be attracted focal spot is reduced compared to the size of the electron stream, the
to the filament and damage it. To avoid this, the negative phase effective focal spot can be reduced even further to improve radiographic
of the alternating current is eliminated by a process called detail, as shown on the right, by having the electrons emanate from a
rectification (see Fig. 1.13, second and third panels). An in-depth smaller filament.
discussion of rectification is beyond the scope of this text.
What must be understood here is that rectification results in
the target always being positive with respect to the filament,
despite the use of alternating. Thus, electrons travel only from
the filament to the target. Table • 1.4
X-ray production is a very inefficient process with more
than 90% of the energy of the electrons striking the target Sample of mA and Time Combinations That Result
being converted to heat, not x-rays. Therefore, the target in 5 mAs
becomes very hot and must be constructed of material with
a high melting point. Targets are often made of tungsten, which mA TIME (sec) mAs
has a melting point of 3422° C (6192° F). Even with this high
melting point, the target in high-output x-ray tubes is designed 50 0.1 5
to rotate to increase the surface area struck by the oncoming 100 0.05 5
electrons. Rotation of the target prevents the target from melting 500 0.01 5
or becoming “pitted,” as would happen if electrons struck the 1000 0.005 5
same region of a stationary target continually. Tungsten also
has a high atomic number (74), which increases the efficiency
of x-ray production. The high positive charge of the nucleus
of tungsten target atoms leads to more effective braking and
bending of electrons from the filament that pass nearby. As already stated, the number of electrons, and thus the
The focal spot is the location on the target struck by electrons number of x-rays, produced is directly related to the mA setting
and is the site of x-ray production. The smaller the focal spot, on the x-ray machine control panel. The number of x-rays
the better the detail on the radiograph. A practical example produced can also be controlled by the length of time that
of this principle is the sharpness of a shadow cast by a small current is allowed to pass through the filament. The timer on
versus a large light source. A shadow of an object cast by a the x-ray machine panel (see Fig. 1.8) controls the length of
small light source will be sharper than the shadow cast by time current is applied to the filament and is also the time
a large light source. Therefore, radiographs produced using that voltage is applied across the gap between the filament
a small focal spot will have more detail than radiographs and target of the x-ray tube. X-rays are produced only when
produced with a large focal spot. Angling the anode is one a source of electrons and a voltage differential are present
way to make the focal spot appear smaller than it really is, across the filament-target gap.
creating a small effective focal spot, while at the same time The milliampere second (mAs) is the unit that quantifies
maintaining a larger area being struck by electrons to facilitate the amount of radiation produced and is analogous to leaving
heat distribution (Fig. 1.14). a 60 W light bulb burning twice as long as a 120 W light bulb.
Some x-ray tubes have two filaments of different sizes, In both instances, the total number of light rays emitted would
allowing the technologist to select the size of the filament be roughly the same, although the intensity at any one time
from which the electrons originate. A smaller filament leads would be twice as great for the 120 W bulb. The mAs is the
to a smaller effective focal spot. This is illustrated in the right product of mA and time in seconds. A variety of combina-
side of Fig. 1.14, where the width of the electron path from tions of milliamperage and time can be used to produce the
the filament has been reduced by 50% by using a smaller fila- same mAs value and thus the same number of x-rays (see
ment. As a result, the size of the effective focal spot is also Table 1.4).
reduced. Reducing focal spot size is useful theoretically when The x-ray tube is one of the two major components of
enhanced image detail is necessary, as for radiographing a small the x-ray machine, the other being the x-ray generator. The
bird or reptile. A disadvantage of using the small filament is generator has a high-voltage circuit that increases the voltage
that higher mA values cannot be used so as to prevent the of the incoming current to provide the large potential voltage
filament from overheating and burning out or melting. difference between the filament and target. The generator also
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 13

e e

1. Incoming x-ray Tissue

deposits energy and e
ejects inner shell atom
Fig. 1.15 The photoelectric absorption process. An x-ray from the x-ray tube electron from tissue nucleus
ejects a tissue electron, usually from an inner shell (K shell) of a tissue atom. atom. Incoming x-ray
The incoming x-ray is absorbed completely. The ejected electron, the photo- absorbed completely.
electron, has sufficient energy to create additional ionizations in tissue but
does not contribute in any way to image formation.
2. Outer shell
electron fills vacancy e
in inner shell.
3. Ejected photoelectron
is capable of producing
additional ionizations in

has a low-voltage circuit to provide current to heat up the Coherent Scattering

filament. The generator contains a timer to control the time A photon interacts with an object and the direction of the
that the filament is hot and the time that the voltage difference photon is changed, but the object does not absorb the photon,
is applied between the filament and the target; that is, the and the energy of the photon does not change. The fraction
exposure time. Finally, the generator configures the nature of of x-rays striking a patient that undergoes coherent scattering
the cyclic current used in the high voltage circuit. As already is small, approximately 5%. Not only is coherent scattering
mentioned, one manipulation that is done to increase the not useful in the production of the radiograph; it is disadvanta-
efficiency of x-ray production is to reverse the polarity of geous because the scattered photons may strike the x-ray film
the negative phase of the 60 Hz alternating current so that the and degrade image quality, or they may strike the technologist
target is always positive with respect to the filament—that is, and increase personnel exposure.
full-wave rectification (see Fig. 1.13, third panel). This increases
the efficiency of x-ray production, but there is still a large Photoelectric Effect
amount of time during each phase of the cycle when the voltage The photoelectric effect is the most important type of radiation
is relatively low; in fact, the voltage is at zero every 1/120 second interaction with reference to producing a radiograph. The
(see Fig. 1.13, third panel). Therefore, if the cyclic nature of photoelectric effect is what results in an image being formed.
each cycle could be minimized, there is great opportunity to In a photoelectric interaction, the x-ray striking the patient is
increase the efficiency of x-ray production. Such an improvement absorbed completely (Fig. 1.15), and therefore there are no
has been made possible by the technology of high-frequency scattered x-rays to contend with. The complete absorption of
generators. the oncoming x-ray leads to reduced exposure of the film or
High-frequency generators are the state-of-the-art power imaging plate under that part of the patient. The absorbed
source for x-ray tubes. These generators produce nearly constant x-ray photon ejects an electron, called a photoelectron, from an
voltage output (see Fig. 1.13, bottom panel). The elimination inner shell of a tissue atom. The photoelectron may then go
of the valleys of the voltage waveform increases the efficiency on to produce multiple ionizations in the tissue but will
of x-ray output significantly. In a direct comparison of a eventually be absorbed in the patient.
conventional generator with a high-frequency generator, the When the vacancy created by ejection of the photoelectron
high-frequency generator was approximately two times more is filled by a peripheral shell electron, a characteristic x-ray is
efficient with a better reproducibility.14 High-frequency genera- given off.* The energy of characteristic radiation is a function
tors are compact, relatively inexpensive, and easily maintained. of the atomic number of the atom from which it arises. Because
Therefore, they are the most desired type of x-ray generator tissue atoms have a low effective atomic number, the energy
and are commonly used in x-ray machines that are manufactured of characteristic x-rays produced in tissue is very low, and they
for permanent installation in veterinary practices. Portable units are absorbed locally where they contribute to the absorbed
used in the field have voltage waveforms more typical of that dose in the patient being radiographed, but not to production
shown in the second or third panels of Fig. 1.13. of the radiographic image. This low-energy characteristic x-ray
production is not shown in Fig. 1.15.
The probability of a photoelectric interaction increases
INTERACTION OF RADIATION WITH MATTER proportionally to the third power of the atomic number
(proportional to Z3) and decreases proportionally to the third
To understand how radiographs are produced it is necessary power of the photon energy (proportional to 1/E3). The third-
to understand how photons interact with matter. Photons can power relationship between the photoelectric process and
interact with matter in one of five possible mechanisms: (1) atomic number is very important because it amplifies differences
coherent scattering, (2) photoelectric effect, (3) Compton
scattering, (4) pair production, and (5) photodisintegration.
Pair production and photodisintegration have no relevance to
diagnostic radiology and are not discussed. A basic description *This is similar in principle to the characteristic x-ray given off in the
of coherent, photoelectric, and Compton processes is given target of an x-ray tube when the oncoming electron from the filament
herein; sources for more detailed reading are available.15 creates a vacancy in a target atom.
14 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

in absorption between various tissues, such as bone versus soft per cubic centimeter) of the tissue. The probability of a
tissue and soft tissue versus fat. If it were not for the third-power Compton interaction increases with increasing photon energy
atomic number dependence of the photoelectric effect, there and then decreases at photon energies over 1.02 MeV. The

would be insufficient differential absorption of x-rays between independence of Compton scattering on atomic number is
tissues for the resultant image to have any contrast. That is, disadvantageous with reference to producing a radiograph
all tissues would be of similar radiographic opacity and the because all tissues tend to absorb x-rays similarly. For example,
radiograph would be useless. The complete absorption of the the atomic number dependence of photoelectric absorption
x-ray in the photoelectric effect, rather than having a scattered results in great differences in absorption between tissues
photon, is also advantageous because there are no scattered such as bone and muscle, and thus good tissue contrast. With
photons to result in fogging of the x-ray film and increased Compton absorption being independent of atomic number,
personnel exposure. differential absorption by different tissue types is diminished,
The photoelectric effect occurring in the patient should and image contrast is reduced. Thus, if the Compton absorption
not be confused with collisional x-ray production in the x-ray predominates, the image will have very poor contrast. In good
tube. A characteristic x-ray is produced in both instances because radiographic technique, x-ray beams have an energy in which
an electron is ejected from an atom in each process, and the photoelectric absorption predominates. This maximizes dif-
void created by the ejected electron being filled by another ferential x-ray absorption between tissues and image contrast.
electron leads to characteristic x-ray production. However, in The photon scattering that occurs with Compton interactions
the photoelectric effect a photon from the target ejects an is also disadvantageous because the scattered photons are
electron from an atom in tissue, while in collisional x-ray radiation safety considerations for technologists, and they also
production it is a high-energy electron from the filament that degrade the image by producing fog.
ejects the electron from an atom in the target of the x-ray
tube. When the vacancy created by the electron ejection is
filled, a characteristic x-ray is emitted in both processes. In the BASIC CONCEPT OF MAKING A RADIOGRAPH
case of the photoelectric effect this x-ray has very low energy
because of the low binding energy of inner shell electrons in To make a radiograph, the patient is placed between the x-ray
tissue versus x-ray production where the characteristic x-ray tube and the film cassette or imaging plate (Fig. 1.17). As
is of much higher energy because of the much higher inner noted earlier, x-rays produced in a diagnostic x-ray tube have
shell binding energy of elections in tungsten, the target material a broad spectrum of energies. Very low-energy x-rays serve no
in an x-ray tube. useful purpose because they are all absorbed by the patient
and make no useful contribution to the image. Therefore, filters
Compton Scattering are placed in the x-ray tube housing to remove these very
All significant scattered radiation encountered in diagnostic low-energy x-rays from the x-ray beam before they ever strike
radiology results from Compton scattering. In the Compton the patient. The geometric shape of the x-ray beam striking
reaction, an incoming x-ray photon interacts with a peripheral the patient is configured to the size needed by the beam-shaping
shell electron of a tissue atom. The peripheral shell electron collimator. In Fig. 1.17, three x-rays pass through the collimator
is ejected, and the original photon is scattered at a different
angle and at a lower energy (Fig. 1.16). The scattered electron
is called either a Compton electron or a recoil electron. The
probability of a Compton reaction is independent of atomic
number and depends mainly on the physical density (grams


e e
1. Incoming x-ray Collimator
ejects outer shell
electron from atom. Tissue Edge of collimated
e 3. The scattered
Incoming x-ray is atom x-ray can have x-ray beam
scattered and nucleus high energy and
not absorbed. e
go on and have
Compton or a
interaction. It can
also exit the
patient, causing
2. Ejected electron can produce e or film fogging.
additional ionizations but is X-ray film
eventually absorbed in patient
Fig. 1.17 The geometric relation between the x-ray tube, patient, and
Fig. 1.16 The Compton absorption process. An x-ray produced in the cassette or imaging plate. A filter in the tube housing removes low-energy
x-ray tube ejects an electron, usually from an outer shell, of a tissue atom. x-rays that serve only to increase patient dose. The shape of the beam is
The incoming photon is scattered at an angle and with lower energy, but configured with a collimator. The fate of three x-rays that pass through
is not absorbed as in the photoelectric process. The energy of the scattered the collimator opening and strike the patient is shown. The x-ray on the
photon is always lower than that of the original photon. The ejected electron left penetrates the patient and strikes the cassette. The x-ray in the center
and scattered photon may produce additional ionizations and the scattered is absorbed by the patient. The x-ray on the right is scattered by the patient
photon may exit the patient and fog the film or strike personnel. and could fog the film or contribute to personnel exposure dose.
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 15

opening. The left x-ray penetrates the patient and will be The distance from the x-ray tube to the film also affects
recorded on the x-ray film. Some fraction of the oncoming film blackness. This distance is referred to as the focal spot—film
x-rays must penetrate the patient and strike the cassette or distance (FFD). As the FFD increases and the source of x-rays

imaging plate or no information would be recorded. The middle is further from the film, film blackness decreases because the
x-ray hits a structure within the patient and is absorbed. intensity of x-rays in the x-ray beam (x-rays/unit area) decreases
Absorption of some of the x-rays is also necessary and empha- (Fig. 1.20). In the type of x-ray machines used in most small
sizes an important point: Radiographs are possible only because animal practices, the distance from the x-ray tube to the film
of differential absorption of x-rays by the patient; this provides is relatively fixed. However, when using a portable x-ray
contrast between different tissues in the image. The x-ray on machine, as in many large animal radiographic settings, the
the right strikes the patient and is scattered. At this direction distance between the x-ray tube and cassette is variable. Use
of scatter, the x-ray may strike a technologist. If the technologist of an incorrect FFD is a common source of overexposure (FFD
is not wearing a lead apron, lead gloves, or a thyroid shield, too small) or underexposure (FFD too great) in equine radi-
they will receive unnecessary radiation dose. If the angle of ography. One might think that a few inches difference in FFD
scatter had been different, the scattered x-ray may have struck would not lead to detectable differences in film blackness, but
the cassette or imaging plate, causing fog and degrading the that is not true because of the inverse square law, which is
image. described by the equation:
A radiograph is the image of the internal makeup of an I1 (d 2 )2
object based on the spatial distribution of x-rays transmitted =
through the patient. For decades, radiographic images have I2 (d1 )2
been recorded on film but as technology has advanced, the where I is intensity in terms of number of x-rays/unit area,
pattern of x-rays transmission through a patient is recorded in and d is distance. In the equation, I1 is the intensity at d1, and
a digital format. The digital radiograph can then be viewed I2 is the intensity at d2. Therefore, as FFD increases, intensity
and manipulated on a computer monitor. The basis of film-based and film blackness decrease and as FFD decreases, intensity
(analog) imaging is discussed in this chapter, and digital and film blackness increase. These changes in intensity are a
radiographic imaging is discussed in Chapter 2. function of the square of the distance, not simply the distance
(Fig. 1.21).
Film Blackness and Opacity As an example, assume that when an equine limb is radio-
X-ray film is a photographic film with a light-sensitive emulsion graphed the FFD should be 40 inches, but instead the machine
containing silver halide. After exposure to either x-rays or visible
light, silver halide crystals become sensitized and precipitate
on the film during the chemical development process, forming
neutral silver deposits. These neutral silver deposits appear
black on processed film. Unexposed crystals are removed during 100mAs 100mAs 100mAs
fixation, leaving clear areas on the film. Thus, the amount of 50kVp 70kVp 90kVp
precipitated silver on any particular part of the film determines
how black, gray, or clear that part of the film appears. The
degree of film blackness is affected by the number of x-rays Patient
striking the film, which is related directly to the x-ray machine
output (mAs) (Fig. 1.18).
Film blackness is also affected by the energy of the x-ray
beam, which is controlled by the kVp setting. As already
discussed, the kVp determines the magnitude of the voltage Radiograph
difference between the filament and the target. The greater
Fig. 1.19 The effect of kVp on the number of x-rays reaching the film,
the voltage difference between the filament and the target, the
and thus the film blackness. Increasing kVp while keeping mAs constant
faster the electrons travel from the filament to the target, and results in the same number of x-rays being produced, but at higher kVp
the greater the energy of the x-rays produced. As x-ray energy settings the x-rays have more energy, and a larger fraction will penetrate
increases, a greater proportion of the x-rays will penetrate the the patient. This will result in more x-rays hitting the film and an increase
patient, increasing film blackness (Fig. 1.19). In reality, increasing in film blackness.
the kVp also increases the number of x-rays produced slightly,
but that effect is of less importance than the effect of kVp on
x-ray energy and is not considered in this discussion.


50mAs 100mAs 200mAs



Fig. 1.18 The effect of mAs on the number of x-rays reaching the film, Fig. 1.20 As distance from the focal spot increases, the x-ray intensity
and thus the film blackness. Increasing mAs while keeping the kVp constant in the beam (x-rays/unit area) decreases because of beam divergence. Thus,
will result in more x-rays striking the patient, and then proportionally more as FFD increases, film blackness decreases. To obtain film blackness at FFD
will pass through the patient, increasing the blackness of the radiograph. 2 that is similar to film blackness at FFD 1, the mAs would have to be
Thus, as mAs is increased, film blackness also increases. increased.
16 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

Focal spot Focal spot


A x

1 ft Object Object

2 ft

Fig. 1.21 The intensity of an x-ray beam in terms of x-rays/unit area

changes with the square of the distance. At a distance of 1 foot, the diverging
x-ray beam covers an area represented by square A with each side of
dimension x, or an area of (x) times (x) = x2. At 2 feet, the diverging beam
Edge blurring
covers an area represented by square B and each side is now twice as long
as it was at 1 foot. The area covered by the beam at 2 feet is therefore
(2x) times (2x) = 4x2, which is four times the area at 1 foot. The intensity Fig. 1.22 The effect of focal spot size on detail. With a large focal spot,
falling on the square at one foot distance must spread out over an area the edge unsharpness, or the penumbra, is larger. This contributes to image
that is four times as large by the time it reaches the large square at a unsharpness.
distance of two feet.

100 (40)2
= ;
is held too close, at a distance of 32 inches. If we arbitrarily mAs2 (30)2
define the x-ray intensity at 40 inches as 100, what change in 100 1600
intensity will result from the error of having the x-ray machine = ;
at 32 inches rather than at 40? Thus, in the equation I1 = 100, mAs2 900
d1 = 40 inches, I2 = ?, d2 = 32 inches. Substituting, the equation 100
= 1.77;
becomes: mAs2
100 I2 = (32)2 ( 40)2 100
mAs2 = ;
100 I2 = 1024 2500 mAs2 = 56.25 mAs
100 I2 = 0.64
Thus, the mAs needed at a 30-inch FFD is 56.25, which is
I2 = 1.56 lower than the original value of 100 mAs needed at a 40-inch
FFD. In this example, the x-ray intensity (x-rays/unit area) at
Therefore, by being 8 inches too close, the exposure to the film is the same under either circumstance—that is, 100
the film is increased by 56%, which leads to observable mAs at 40 inches, or 56.25 mAs at 30 inches.
The inverse square relationship can also be used to compute
a new mAs value if the FFD is changed intentionally. Suppose FACTORS AFFECTING IMAGE DETAIL
an exposure of 100 mAs is needed to make a radiograph of the
abdomen with a 40-inch FFD. When another x-ray machine Motion
is used, the maximum FFD that can be obtained is 30 inches. Motion, which leads to image unsharpness, is the biggest enemy
What milliamperage must be used to maintain the same x-ray of detail in veterinary radiology. Short exposure times are used
intensity as at a 40-inch FFD? Common sense indicates that to minimize the effect of motion. In some x-ray machines, the
because the distance is shorter, lower mAs must be used. timer is capable of millisecond exposures. When exposure time
The required mAs can be calculated from the inverse square becomes very short, the mA must be large; otherwise, the mAs
principle. The inverse square law equation noted previously will be too low to produce the necessary film blackness. Mil-
cannot be used for this calculation because it relates the change liampere values up to 1500 can be obtained in some x-ray
in x-ray intensity as a function of distance. In this example, machines. In private veterinary practices, however, the choice
the same x-ray intensity should be maintained at the film, of mA values is usually more limited, with most machines
which is now 10 inches closer to the x-ray tube. The ques- having a maximum mA value of 300. This means that the
tion is, how much does mAs have to decrease to maintain exposure time must be longer to obtain suitable film blackness,
the same x-ray intensity? In this situation, a direct relation- and motion can become more of a problem. Fast intensifying
ship exists between the milliamperage needed to maintain screens, discussed later, are one way to overcome motion
the same x-ray intensity and distance, so the equation is as artifacts.
Focal Spot Size
mAs1 (d1 )2 Some x-ray tubes have an operator selectable focal spot size
mAs2 (d 2 )2 (see Fig. 1.14). Use of the small focal spot results in improved
detail (Fig. 1.22). The disadvantage of the small focal spot is
and from the above, mAs1 = 100, mAs2 = ?, d1 = 40 inches, d2 that lower mAs values must be used to prevent the filament
= 30 inches. Therefore: from overheating. With a large focal spot, edges of anatomic
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 17

structures are projected more unsharply than with the small layer, the greater the chance of an x-ray being absorbed in the
focal spot. This edge unsharpness is termed penumbra (see Fig. screen and thus more light is produced at any given mAs. But
1.22). In practice, small focal spots are used rarely because of with a thicker fluorescent layer, there is more light diffusion

the associated mAs limitations to prevent filament burn out before hitting the film and degradation in image quality. Thus,
or melting, as mentioned earlier. as speed increases, detail decreases (Fig. 1.25). In some intensify-
ing screens, particularly those with a thick fluorescent layer, a
Intensifying Screens light-absorbing dye is added to the fluorescent layer to reduce
In reality, the x-ray film emulsion is much more sensitive to the amount of diffused light reaching the x-ray film; this leads
visible light than to x-rays. Therefore, converting the x-ray to increased radiographic detail. However, these light-reducing
energy into visible light and then using the visible light to dyes also result in more radiation required to produce a satisfac-
expose the film and create the image is a convenient way to tory radiographic image.
increase the efficiency of radiographic production. X-rays are Intensifying screens originally incorporated calcium tungstate
converted to visible light in intensifying screens; which are (CaWO4) as the phosphor, but rare-earth phosphors have
thin rectangular sheets of fluorescent material mounted inside replaced CaWO4. These newer phosphors are called rare-earth
the cassette. Much lower mAs values are needed to create a phosphors, not because the components are uncommon but
radiograph when intensifying screens are used compared with because some of the components come from the rare-earth
using x-rays to expose the film directly. For example, it may series of elements, which includes elements of atomic numbers
require 100 mAs to obtain a suitable radiograph when using 57 through 71. The x-ray-to-light conversion factors of rare-earth
x-rays to expose the film directly, but 1 to 2 mAs might be intensifying screens are greater than that of CaWO4. For
suitable when an intensifying screen intermediary is used. example, one x-ray absorbed in CaWO4 produces approximately
Producing visible light from x-ray energy is possible because 1000 visible light rays versus approximately 2000 to 4000
of the property of x-rays to cause certain compounds to fluoresce visible light rays produced per x-ray photon by a rare-earth
(see Box 1.1). Intensifying screens contain a fluorescent layer phosphor. Thus, lower mAs settings can be used with rare-earth
containing phosphorescent crystals that emit light when struck intensifying screens than with calcium tungstate screens.
by x-rays (Fig. 1.23). In the cassette, the x-ray film is sandwiched
between two intensifying screens (Fig. 1.24). The front of the Grids
cassette is composed of a low atomic number, low physical If Compton scattered photons reach the film, they will produce
density polymer that absorbs very few of the incident x-rays. unwanted generalized exposure or generalized blackness called
The cassette compresses the film between a pair of intensifying fog that reduces detail and contrast. Photon scattering is increased
screens that are secured to the front and back of the cassette as the following factors increase: the physical density of the
to ensure good film-to-screen contact. If there is not good patient, the total volume of tissue irradiated, and beam energy
contact between the film and the intensifying screens, light (kVp). Most of the scattered radiation can be removed before
from the screens would diffuse before striking the film, and it reaches and fogs the film by a device called a grid. A grid is
detail would be degraded. a flat, rectangular plate with alternating strips of an x-ray
Intensifying screens are characterized by speed and detail absorbent material, such as lead, and an x-ray transparent
parameters that are inversely related. The thicker the fluorescent material, such as fiber, plastic or aluminum (Fig. 1.26). Some

Protective layer
Fluorescent layer
Reflective layer

Plastic base
Fig. 1.23 The anatomy of an intensifying screen. Intensifying screens are
covered with a protective layer. Beneath this is the fluorescent layer, which
emits visible light when struck by x-rays. A reflective layer, which lies deep Film
beneath the fluorescent layer, reflects light back in the direction of the
x-ray film. The plastic base provides support for the intensifying screen.
In the cassette, the x-ray film is in contact with the protective layer, and
the protective base is glued to the cassette.

Cassette Film

Screen Fig. 1.25 Effect of thickness of the fluorescent layer in an intensifying

screen on light diffusion. The fluorescent layer in the top intensifying screen
Film is thicker than in the intensifying screen at the bottom. Phosphorescent
Screen crystals are shown in each screen as small black circles; there are many
more crystals in the thicker fluorescent layer than in the thin layer. In the
thicker fluorescent layer, there is more light diffusion from each crystal
before striking the film. This will lead to some slight blurring of the image
Fig. 1.24 The anatomy of a film-screen cassette. X-ray film is placed in compared with the thinner fluorescent layer at the bottom where there is
a cassette, sandwiched between two intensifying screens. The use of two less light diffusion from each crystal before striking the film. There is also
intensifying screens increases the efficiency of image production compared more overlapping of the light emitted from each crystal in the thicker
to using only one screen. The tradeoff of using two intensifying screens fluorescent layer, which will also contribute to degradation in detail. However,
rather than one is a slight loss of detail compared with only one screen. the thicker fluorescent layer requires less radiation (lower mAs) to produce
The relative thickness of the film versus intensifying screen is not to scale the radiograph than the thinner fluorescent layer, but the detail of the
in this image; in reality the film is much thinner than shown here. radiograph made using the thicker fluorescent layer will be reduced.
18 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

X-ray tube

1 4
2 3 8:1

Fig. 1.27 The grid ratio is the ratio of the height of the lead strips, shown
here in black, to the distance between them. Two grids are shown here.
One has a ratio of 5 : 1 and the other a ratio of 8 : 1. It is easy to see that
more oncoming radiation will be absorbed in the 8 : 1 grid because the
space between the lead strips is thinner. This increases the chance that an
incident x-ray will hit a lead strip.

strips per linear inch are preferable because if the lead strips
become too thick they will be visible in the radiograph as
radiolucent lines. However, as the number of lead strips per
Grid linear inch increases, so does the cost of the grid. The radiolucent
lines created by the lead strips in a grid can be obscured by
causing the grid to oscillate back and forth during the radio-
Cassette graphic exposure. This blurs the radiolucent lines, rendering
them invisible. One disadvantage of an oscillating grid is that
Fig. 1.26 A grid is composed of alternating strips of an x-ray absorbing it may make noise or vibrate during a radiographic exposure,
material, such as lead, and an x-ray transparent material, such as aluminum.
startling the patient and causing unexpected movement. The
The grid is positioned between the patient and the film, usually fixed in
the x-ray table, to intercept scattered radiation before it reaches the cassette
device in the x-ray table that causes the grid to oscillate is
or imaging plate. The lead strips in this illustration are shown as gray called the Bucky, after its inventor.
regions, and the interposed aluminum strips are shown as the interposed Besides the number of lead lines per inch, the grid ratio is
white regions. The size of these strips is exaggerated greatly in this drawing. another parameter used to describe a.grid. The grid ratio
The aluminum absorbs very little radiation, but the lead absorbs nearly all describes the relationship of the height of the lead strips
of the x-rays that strike it. Photon 1 penetrates the patient, carrying useful (typically up to 5 mm) to the distance between them (typically
information, but does not reach the cassette because it hits a lead strip 0.4 mm or less). That is, if lead strips are five times as high as
and is absorbed. Therefore, a grid does remove useful information, meaning the space between them, the grid ratio is 5 : 1 (Fig. 1.27). The
that the mAs must be increased when a grid is used to ensure that adequate
higher the grid ratio, the more effective the grid is in absorbing
numbers of x-rays reach the cassette. Usually the mAs must be increased
by a factor of 2-3. Photon 2 penetrates the patient, carrying useful informa-
scattered radiation, but the more difficult it will be for primary
tion, hits an aluminum strip and is not absorbed so it reaches the cassette. x-rays to pass through it. This should be apparent by comparing
Photon 3 is absorbed in the patient. Differential x-ray absorption, with the 5 : 1 and 8 : 1 grids in Fig. 1.27. Thus, the higher the grid
some x-rays being absorbed and others penetrating the patient, is necessary ratio, the more mAs needed to produce acceptable film black-
to create an image. Photon 4 is scattered but strikes a lead strip and is ness. The grid ratio is independent of the number of grid lines
removed by the grid before it hits the cassette. If the grid were not present, per inch. For example, in a 5 : 1 grid having the same number
this photon would have degraded the image by fogging. of lines per inch as an 8 : 1 grid, the height of the lead strips
would have to be lower. In Fig. 1.27 there are more grid lines
per inch for the 8 : 1 grid than for the 5 : 1 grid. The number
of lines per inch determines how conspicuous the lead grid
x-rays passing through the patient will be aligned with the lines will be in a radiograph, assuming that the Bucky is not
transparent material and reach the film (see Fig. 1.26, photon used. The grid ratio determines the effectiveness of scatter
2). Some x-rays interacting with the patient will be scattered removal. A summary of the relationship of grid lines per inch
at an angle that does not allow them to pass cleanly through versus grid ratio is given in Table 1.5.
the space between the lead strips and they will be absorbed Note that in Fig. 1.26 the lead and aluminum strips are
by the lead and not reach the film (see Fig. 1.26, photon 4). angled more steeply toward the periphery of the grid. This is
These scattered x-rays represent potentially useless information, necessary because the divergence of the grid lines must match
serving only to fog the film. Some primary x-rays also are the divergence of the primary x-ray beam from center to
absorbed by the lead if they strike the lead strips head on (see periphery so that the grid does not cut off excessive x-rays from
Fig. 1.26, photon 1). Therefore, the mAs must be increased the primary beam (Fig. 1.28). Grids constructed with peripheral
when grids are used to compensate for the portion of the angulation of the lead strips are called focused grids. Focused
primary x-ray beam absorbed by the lead strips. In general, grids must be used within a defined range of FFDs to maintain
the mAs must be increased by a factor of 2 to 3 when a grid a symmetric relationship between the oncoming x-ray beam
is used. Because small patients do not scatter many x-rays, and the radiolucent strips.
grids are used only for patients with a thickness greater than When a grid is installed into the x-ray table, the grid must
approximately 10 cm. The increase in mAs needed to use a be oriented such that the lead strips run parallel with the long
grid is offset by the marked increase in contrast resulting from axis of the x-ray table (Fig. 1.29). The center of the primary
removal of scattered photons. x-ray beam must always be aligned with the centerline of the
The size of each lead strip in Fig. 1.26 has been exaggerated grid or cutoff will occur because the diverging pattern of the
greatly. Typically a grid contains 80 to 160 lead strips per linear x-ray beam does not match the diverging pattern of the grid
inch. Thus the lead strips are very thin. Grids with more lead lines (Fig. 1.30; see Fig. 1.29). The excessive loss of the primary
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 19

Table • 1.5
Criteria Characterizing Grid Efficacy


Lines per Inch Number of lead strips per linear 80 lines per inch Has no effect on mAs required
inch of grid 100 lines per inch
140 lines per inch
Grid Ratio Ratio of height of lead strips to 5:1 Higher grid ratio requires more mAs
distance between them 8:1 for comparable film blackness
10 : 1

Fig. 1.28 Cutoff of useful radiation because of malalignment of the grid

lines to the pattern of x-ray beam divergence. In this example, the lead
and aluminum strips in the grid are all vertical. This would be called an
unfocused grid. The diverging nature of the primary x-ray beam does not
match the verticality of the lead and aluminum strips, and many oncoming
x-rays are absorbed in the grid, particularly at the edge where the divergence
of the x-ray beam is maximal. An unfocused grid would only be functional
if the oncoming primary x-ray beam had little or no divergence. This
example illustrates the importance of having the geometry of the x-ray
beam match the geometry of the grid.

X-ray table Grid

Fig. 1.30 Lateral decentering. When the central ray is centered over a
focused grid, the divergence of the x-ray beam matches the divergence of
Fig. 1.29 Illustration of proper orientation of the grid with the x-ray the lead and aluminum strips and a high percentage of the oncoming
table. The grid is centered in the table, and the lead and aluminum strips primary photons pass through the grid. When the central ray is laterally
run parallel with the long axis of the table. If the grid is a focused grid, decentered, the divergence of the beam no longer matches the divergence
with angled lead strips, the center of the primary x-ray beam can be of the lead and aluminum strips in the grid, and the lead strips will absorb
positioned anywhere along the dotted line. But if the center of the primary more of the primary beam, reducing film blackness. Lateral decentering is
x-ray beam is peripheral to the dotted line, there will be grid cutoff because the most common grid-induced artifact.
the divergence of the x-ray beam no longer matches the divergence of the
lead strips.

closer to the x-ray tube than the rest of the object (Figs. 1.31
beam caused by positioning the center of the primary x-ray and 1.32). As a result of the three-dimensional nature of patients,
beam peripheral to the center line is called lateral decentering. there will always be some anatomic distortion. To minimize
the effect of distortion, it is important that patients are always
positioned in a standard manner. One learns to recognize the
DISTORTION normal pattern of distortion. If patient positioning is not
standardized, or is limited by disease, the unfamiliar distortion
Distortion is defined as unequal magnification of the part being that results can be confusing and interfere with making an
radiographed. This results from one part of the object being accurate interpretation.
20 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

X-ray beam


X-ray beam

Fig. 1.31 Distortion is caused by unequal magnification of an object. The

object on the right will be magnified slightly as it is not directly against
the cassette. However, the magnification will be uniform because the object
is perpendicular to the x-ray beam. On the left, the object is angled, and
one end is further from the cassette than the other. The image of this
object will be distorted because of unequal magnification and will not
represent the actual shape accurately.


Radiographic contrast refers to the difference in film blackness

between structures in the image. If no contrast were present,
all parts of the patient would be of the same opacity and
individual structures would not be visible. Radiographic contrast A
depends mainly on the relationship between kVp and mAs,
and the amount of film fogging by scattered x-rays.

Radiographic Technique
Radiographic contrast refers to the distribution of gray shades
in the image and is caused by differential x-ray absorption in
various body parts. Radiographic contrast is affected by differ-
ences in thickness, physical density, atomic number, and x-ray
beam energy. The effects of thickness, physical density, and
atomic number on x-ray absorption were covered earlier. The
effect of x-ray beam energy (kVp) on contrast is covered in
this section.
The ability of an x-ray to penetrate tissue depends on its
energy (see Fig. 1.19). X-rays generated at higher kVp values
have higher energy. Selecting the kVp setting is one of the
most important factors to consider in choosing the exposure
factors.* For a constant mAs, if the kVp is too low, too few
x-rays penetrate the patient, and the radiograph is underexposed
(too white), whereas if the kVp is too high, too many x-rays
penetrate the patient, and the radiograph is overexposed (too
black). The kVp also has an effect on subject contrast. To
understand how kVp affects contrast, it is important to realize B
that there are innumerable combinations of mAs and kVp that
result in an acceptable radiograph in terms of film blackness Fig. 1.32 A, The pes at the top is positioned properly for radiography
(Fig. 1.33). If high mAs values are used (many x-rays generated), with the metatarsus parallel to the surface of the cassette. The pes at the
bottom is angled, and the metatarsal bones are not parallel with the cassette.
then low kVp values must be used to prevent too many of
B, Radiographs of the canine pes positioned as illustrated in part A.
the x-rays from penetrating the patient and reaching the film. The pes on the left was not parallel to the cassette, and it appears shorter.
If low mAs values are used, then high kVp values must be The pes on the right was positioned with the metatarsal bones parallel
to the cassette, and the anatomy is not distorted. In the image on the
left, the phalanges appear larger than normal because of magnification as
*The selection of exposure factors is less critical if one is using a digital they were further from the cassette than when the pes was positioned
radiographic system compared with a film-screen system; this is discussed correctly. Distortion adds another level of complexity to radiographic
in detail in Chapter 2. interpretation, an already difficult art.
CHAPTER 1 • Radiation Protection and Physics of Diagnostic Radiology 21

used so that more of the x-rays penetrate the patient and reach shades of gray are present. High-contrast radiographs are also
the film. referred to as having a short scale of contrast because everything
Even though multiple combinations of mAs and kVp can is either black or white. Low-contrast radiographs have few

result in a satisfactory radiograph in terms of film blackness, blacks and whites but many shades of gray; low-contrast
the contrast of the image will depend on the specific kVp-to- radiographs are referred to as having a long scale of contrast
mAs combination selected (Fig. 1.33). In a high-contrast because many shades of gray are present between the lightest
radiograph, mostly black and white opacities and very few and darkest portions of the image (Fig. 1.34).
In general terms, the reason that high mAs-low kVp tech-
niques result in greater radiographic contrast than low mAs-high
kVp techniques relates to the relative energies of the x-ray
beams produced using these techniques. With the high mAs-low
kVp technique, the energy of the x-ray beam is relatively low,
and this predisposes to x-rays either being absorbed or not.
Using a high mAs-low kVp technique also means that the
photoelectric absorption predominates, which is highly depen-
dent on atomic number. Thus, bone will absorb many x-rays
whereas soft tissue will absorb fewer, and there will be high
contrast between these tissues. Conversely, with the low mAs-
high kVp technique, the energy of the x-ray beam is higher,
and all tissues become less efficient absorbers of x-rays. More
photons are absorbed by the Compton process, which is
independent of atomic number. Therefore, the differential
absorption between bone and soft tissue is minimized, and
their radiographic opacity becomes more similar; that is, the
radiograph has less contrast.

Film Fogging
Fig. 1.33 Many combinations of mAs and kVp will produce a perfect The effect of fog is to reduce radiographic contrast. As discussed
radiograph. The term perfect is used here to mean a radiograph that is previously, fog produced by scattered radiation can be prevented
neither underexposed nor overexposed. With low numbers of x-rays the by use of a grid, and radiographs made with a grid have higher
energy must be high (mAs1 and kVp2) so that sufficient numbers reach
contrast than those made without a grid. Film can also become
the film. With many numbers of x-rays their energy must be low (mAs2
and kVp1) or too many will reach the film. Although both of the mAs and
fogged by exposure to pressure or high temperature, or by
kVp combinations shown here will produce adequate film blackness, the accidental exposure to light, such as results from a defective
contrast of the image will be different. A low mAs and high kVp technique darkroom safelight or a faulty light seal around the darkroom
will result in a lower contrast image than one made with a high mAs and door. Taking care to store and handle x-ray film safely will
low kVp. reduce fogging.

Fig. 1.34 A high-contrast (A) and low-contrast (B) radiograph of the same canine shoulder. The high-contrast
radiograph would be made using a low kVp and high mAs technique, whereas the low-contrast radiograph
would be made with a high kVp and low mAs technique. Both radiographs are of acceptable overall film
blackness, but the high-contrast image is more useful for assessment of bone architecture. In areas of the body
with high inherent contrast, such as the thorax, it would be desirable to use a high kVp–low mAs technique
to prevent the radiograph from having too much contrast. Conversely, in areas of the body with low inherent
contrast, such as the abdomen, where only fat provides contrast, it would be desirable to use a low kVp–high
mAs technique to maximize contrast, and therefore organ discrimination, in the radiograph.
22 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

FILM PROCESSING 8. NCRP: National Council on Radiation Protection and

Measurements: NCRP report no. 116—limitation of exposure
Many technical errors that degrade image quality are related to ionizing radiation, Bethesda, 1993, NCRP Publications.

to the processing of radiographic film. Fortunately, with the 9. NRC: Title 10, Chapter 1, Code of federal regulations—
transition to digital imaging, issues with film processing errors energy. Part 20, standards for protection against radiation.
are decreasing. If using manual processing, the darkroom should In United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission rules and
be clean, dry, lightproof, and uncluttered. It is difficult to regulations, Washington, 1995, U.S. Government Printing
encourage a technologist to perform a radiographic examination Office, pp 20–27.
carefully if the quality of the darkroom facilities leads to degrada- 10. NCRP: National Council on Radiation Protection and
tion of image quality. Processing radiographic film manually is Measurements: NCRP report no. 160—ionizing radiation
time consuming and inefficient. In most private practices that exposure of the population of the United States (2009), 2015,
use film, the radiographic volume justifies a transition to NCRP Publications.
automatic film processing. 11. Smth-Bindman R, Miglioritti DL, Larson EB: Rising use
Automatic film processors will increase the quality of of diagnostic medical imaging in a large integrated health
radiographic production significantly compared to manual system: the use of imaging has skyrocketed in the past
processing. The self-contained nature of these devices eliminates decade, but no one patient population or medical condition
the need for chemical mixing, temperature control, and is responsible, Health Aff (Millwood) 27:1491, 2008.
replenishment. However, automatic film processors cannot be 12. NCRP: National Council on Radiation Protection and
left on autopilot for long durations. They require periodic Measurements: NCRP report no. 107—implementation of
maintenance, and this is critical to keeping them performing the principle of as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)
optimally and from producing radiographic artifacts. for medical and dental personnel, Bethesda, 1990, NCRP
13. Tyson R, Smiley DC, Pleasant RS, et al: Estimated operator
REFERENCES exposure for hand holding portable x-ray units during
1. Roentgen W: On a new kind of rays, Vet Radiol Ultrasound imaging of the equine distal extremity, Vet Radiol Ultrasound
36:371–374, 1995. 52:121, 2011.
2. Hall E, Giaccia A: Radiobiology for the radiologist, ed 7, 14. Barthez PY, et al: Comparison of single-phase and high-
Philadelphia, 2011, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. frequency generators for x-ray units, Vet Radiol Ultrasound
3. NCRP: National Council on Radiation Protection and 43(2):118–122, 2002.
Measurements: NCRP report no. 82—SI units in radia- 15. Bushberg JT, Seibert JA, Leidholdt EM, Jr, et al: The
tion protection and measurements, Bethesda, 1985, NCRP essential physics of medical imaging, ed 3, Philadelphia, 2012,
Publications. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
4. Campion EW: A retreat from SI units, N Engl J Med
327(1):49, 1992.
5. Clark DE, Laeseke PF: Systeme International in the ICU ELECTRONIC RESOURCES
in the United States, Chest 137(4):932–937, 2010. Additional information related to the content in Chapter
6. Hall E, Giaccia A: Radiation carcinogenesis. In Hall E, 1 can be found on the companion Evolve website at http://
Giaccia A, editors: Radiobiology for the radiologist, ed 7,
Philadelphia, 2011, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. • Chapter Quiz
7. ICRP: Chapters 5 and 6, Ann ICRP 37(2-4):81–123, 2007.
Digital Radiographic Imaging

Ian D. Robertson • Donald E. Thrall

WHAT IS DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGING? patient (ultrasound), or the pattern of radiofrequency emission
from the patient (magnetic resonance imaging, MRI). In digital
Digital radiographic imaging involves the following steps: (1) photography, the signal is the color and intensity of light emitted
electronic measurement of the pattern of x-ray transmission by a medium and focused by a lens onto a receptor.
through the patient, (2) conversion of the electronic measure- In diagnostic medical imaging, the computer file is a Digital
ment into a digital computer file, and (3) viewing the digital file Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) format.
on a computer monitor. This process is analogous to acquiring A DICOM file is a computer file format of the same basic
a photograph with a digital camera where the camera records type as .jpeg and .tiff files.1 In addition to the actual image
the pattern of colors and intensities irradiating from an object information, every DICOM file contains a large amount of
and converts that information to a picture. Digital radiographic ancillary information stored in what are called metadata tags.
imaging is not photographing a radiographic film image with These tags contain other related information about the
a digital camera, nor is it running an analog radiograph image, including the manufacturer of the device that generated
through a film scanner to convert the hard copy image into a the image; the date and time of image acquisition; patient
digital file. demographic information; acquisition parameters; referrer,
Conventional x-ray machines are used for digital radiography. practitioner, and operator identifiers; and various other image
Thus, to transition from analog to digital imaging, purchase of parameters.1
a new x-ray machine is usually not necessary. A new x-ray The DICOM file format was derived mainly for consistency
machine purchase could be considered if the existing unit is to ensure interconnectivity between imaging devices.2 Without
substandard, or if the hardware associated with the new digital- seamless interconnectivity, such as would occur if every vendor
imaging system is actually housed in the x-ray table. This latter encoded the digital radiographic image into a proprietary file
situation is discussed in more detail later when charge-coupled format, the convenience of having images in a digital format
device (CCD) digital radiography systems are described. In is reduced greatly. For example, without a standard DICOM
veterinary medicine, the transition from analog (film-to-screen) file format, images acquired on a digital plate from vendor “A”
radiographic imaging to digital radiographic imaging has occurred could be viewed only on software provided by vendor “A.” This
very quickly, and film imaging will soon be obsolete. is a disadvantage because the purchaser might like the features
There can be substantial capital outlay required to transition of the hardware but not the features of the software. With the
from analog to digital radiography, and selecting the correct DICOM standard, images created on equipment from vendor
system requires significant time, energy, and planning. All digital “A” can be viewed on a variety of platforms, not only on those
systems are not equal, and low-end, less expensive systems from vendor “A.” Compliance with formatting digital image
may not deliver optimal quality. In the end, the full range of files in DICOM format is voluntary. Most reputable vendors
advantages of the digital radiographic environment will not be realize the advantages of total DICOM compliance, and the
realized. The old saying “you get what you pay for” is relevant. DICOM format has become the universal standard in medical
Unless one is thoroughly versed in digital technology, it is imaging, across vendors, modalities, and computer operating
worth hiring a consultant to assist with equipment purchase. systems. It is important that vendor adherence to the DICOM
Radiation protection and patient positioning are just as standard be verified before the digital system is purchased,
important in digital radiography as they are in analog imaging. otherwise this tremendous flexibility in viewing and file
Overall, however, the digital transition has improved the quality transmission is lost. The DICOM standard provides for the
of radiographic studies acquired in veterinary medicine appre- transmission of medical images from one device to another,
ciably. It is critical that those working with or considering the such as from the x-ray machine to the server or server to
purchase of a digital radiographic system have a thorough workstation, using a network protocol that runs on top of the
understanding of all aspects of this modality. existing internet standard protocol. DICOM images can also
be transferred using browser-based technology, and this enhances
image portability, particularly when accessing images beyond
THE DIGITAL IMAGE FILE the local area network.

The basis of a digital image is a computer file that contains

information relating to a signal that has been measured. In THE COMPONENTS OF A DIGITAL IMAGE
diagnostic medical imaging, the signal can be the pattern of
x-ray emission from a patient (radiography), quantification When the digital file is viewed using appropriate software,
of fan-beam x-ray attenuation by the patient (computed discussed later, the digital image comprises picture elements
tomography), the pattern of sound waves reflected by the termed pixels. The pixels are arranged in a row by column

24 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

matrix. In radiographic, ultrasound, computed tomography, and affect the “clinically useful” spatial resolution. Also, detailed
magnetic resonance images, each pixel has a specified shade later, software manipulation of the raw image file so as to
of gray. In color photographic images, the pixel will have an optimize the displayed image is, within limits, more important

assigned color and intensity, not a shade of gray. The more than pixel density.
pixels in a digital file, the greater the matrix size and the larger As noted before, in medical digital images each pixel is
the file size. Uncompressed digital radiographic image DICOM assigned a shade of gray. The number of available gray shades
files are typically in the order of 4 to 12 MB per image, for each pixel will influence the contrast of the image. If a
compared to approximately 0.1 MB for a 30-page document pixel can have only a few gray shades, the image can only have
(.doc) file and 0.5 MB to 2.0 MB for a high-resolution, color, a very short scale of contrast (high contrast) because there will
digital photographic (.jpg) file. be only black pixels, white pixels, and pixels of a few gray
The size of each pixel in a digital image determines the shades. If, conversely, there are many gray shade options for
spatial resolution of the image; that is, how small of an object each pixel, the scale of contrast can be long. Computer files
can be detected (Fig. 2.1). The hardware provided by the vendor use binary notation to assign a gray shade to a pixel. In binary
determines the size of the pixel array in a digital radiographic notation, the only digits used are 0 and 1. For grayscale assign-
image. In general, more pixels are better, but for any imaging ment, a 0 is assigned black, and a 1 is assigned white; combina-
system there is a point at which more pixels do not result in tions of zeros and ones can be used for various intermediate
a superior image. Although pixel size is important, there are gray shades. If n equals the number of allowable number of
many other hardware and technical factors that ultimately zeroes and ones per pixel, then 2n is the number of combinations
of zeroes and ones, and consequently the number of gray
shades that are possible. The more combinations of zeroes and
ones, the more gray shades there are possible in each pixel.
The number of possible gray shades is referred to as the bit
depth of the image (Fig. 2.2). Image file size and bit depth are
directly related. Without the ability to assign multiple gray
shades to each pixel, the image would have no diagnostic value
(Fig. 2.3).


In general, there are two main types of digital radiography

acquisition hardware: computed radiography (CR) and direct
digital radiography (DDR).3
As noted earlier, a conventional x-ray tube, x-ray table, and
grid are used for both CR and DDR applications. The difference
between analog and digital imaging is that the film cassette,
used for analog imaging, is replaced with a digital recording
device to record the distribution of x-rays transmitted through

Possible pixel Number of
Bit depth
values shades of gray
1 0,1 2
2 00,01,10,11 4
4 16
8 256
etc. to
12 4096
etc. to
Fig. 2.2 The concept of bit depth. The number of gray shades possible
in an image depends on bit depth, which is the range of binary values that
B can be assigned to a pixel. If only 0 or 1 are possible (bit depth = 1), the
pixel can be only black or white. If both 0 and 1 are possible (bit depth
Fig. 2.1 Close-up view of the caudal thorax of a dog. A, The resolution = 2), the possible pixel values are 00, 01, 10, and 11, and the pixel can
of the image is 72 pixels per inch. B, The resolution is 300 pixels per inch. have one of four gray shades. Other possible pixel values can be seen in
The effect of pixel size on image detail is clear. The requirement for a this figure, along with a representation of the possible grayscale values for
small pixel size is one reason that digital radiographic image files are very bit depths of 1, 2, and 4. The sheer number of possibilities prevents illustrating
large. all grayscale shades for a bit depth greater than 4.
CHAPTER 2 • Digital Radiographic Imaging 25


Fig. 2.3 A, Craniocaudal radiograph of the distal antebrachium of a dog with a bit depth of 12, meaning that
4096 shades of gray are available for pixel assignment. B, is a close-up of the styloid process of the ulna (region
of arrow in A). At this magnification, individual pixels are visible, and the large number of gray shades used to
create the image can be appreciated. It is easy to see how if the number of gray shades was reduced the contrast
in the image would have a very short scale with many blacks and whites but few intermediate gray tones. C,
The image was acquired at a bit depth of 10. The image D was acquired at a bit depth of 8. The inadequate
range of gray tones is readily apparent in the 8-bit image.

the patient. In CR systems the digital recording device is a imaging plate coated with a photostimulable phosphor (PSP).
cassette that contains a flexible imaging plate, and in DDR In CR, the x-ray attenuation pattern of the patient is temporarily
systems the digital recording device is a rigid imaging plate or stored as a latent image in the PSP. The latent image is created
imaging chip (no cassette). Charge-coupled device (CCD) by changes in electron energy bands that result from x-rays
systems, which are a special type of DDR, may require purchase striking the PSP. The latent image is read out optically as
of a new x-ray table because the hardware components are photostimulated luminescence when the PSP plate is subse-
housed in the x-ray table, and it may not be possible to retrofit quently stimulated using a scanning laser (Fig. 2.4).4 Therefore,
the new equipment into an existing x-ray table adequately. the CR plate must be processed in a plate reader following
radiographic exposure. The processing steps in the CR radiog-
Computed Radiography raphy process are summarized as follows:
CR was the first digital radiographic system to come on the • After exposure, the CR cassette is removed from the
market. In CR, a cassette that appears outwardly similar to a x-ray table and inserted into the reader.
film cassette is used. The CR cassette does not contain an • The reader automatically removes the PSP plate from
intensifying screen or x-ray film but instead contains a flexible the CR cassette.
26 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

e e eee ee

ee e eee

Electrons at ground Oncoming x-rays elevate

state in PSP some electrons to higher
energy level

e e eee ee

e  e e  eee eeeeeeeeeeeee

PSP plate illuminated Electrons return to ground

with laser beam state and visible light
emitted from PSP in pattern
similar to original incident
x-ray distribution
Fig. 2.4 Photostimulable phosphor plate. Prior to exposure, all electrons reside at a low energy state. X-rays
that exit the patient elevate electrons to a higher energy state in a pattern that represents the distribution of
incident x-rays having been transmitted through the patient. When the photostimulable phosphor (PSP) plate
is processed, it is illuminated with a laser that causes the electrons trapped at the higher energy level to return
to the ground state; their excess energy is emitted as visible light. The visible light strikes a photomultiplier
tube housed in the reader (not shown here) where the light is converted to an electronic signal. The signal is
then processed by a computer, and a digital image file is created. The pattern of visible light emission is identical
to the pattern of original incident x-ray distribution.

• The PSP plate is illuminated in the reader by a laser. plates are. This provides more flexibility and reduces constraints
• Laser illumination causes visible light to be emitted from in obtaining nonstandard views, such as images made with a
the PSP plate. horizontally directed x-ray beam, because the geometric relation-
• Emitted visible light strikes a photomultiplier tube where ship between the x-ray tube and CR plate can be adjusted
it is converted into electronic signal. easily.
• The electronic signal is digitized and stored as a digital
file. Direct Digital Radiography
• The PSP plate is exposed to bright white light to make There are three distinct types of DDR: (1) indirect flat-panel
sure all electrons are at ground state in preparation for detector system, (2) direct flat-panel detector system, and (3)
the next exposure. CCD system. In DDR, the detector replaces the film cassette,
• The PSP plate is automatically returned to the cassette in and within a few seconds after the radiographic exposure, the
the reader. digital radiographic image is ready for quality-control evaluation.
• The cassette is ejected from the reader for use on the Direct and indirect flat-panel detectors are commonly tethered
next patient. to a processing computer by an electric cable, although wireless
CR remains in widespread use in human imaging but is not DDR plates are becoming more affordable and are extremely
as popular in veterinary imaging. There is nothing inherently convenient, particularly for equine imaging.
wrong with CR imaging, and the reason for this relative lack
of market penetration is multifactorial. Because the CR plate Indirect Flat-Panel Detectors
is handled and manipulated much the same way as an analog Indirect flat-panel detectors are termed indirect because they
film cassette, it may take 1 to 2 minutes for the digital plate produce visible light as an intermediate step in image formation.
to be processed completely in the plate reader, whereas with An x-ray intensifying screen, identical in principle to those
DDR systems the image is available almost immediately. Because discussed in Chapter 1, is used to convert x-ray energy emerging
of this, CR does not increase workflow compared with analog from the patient into visible light.5,6 The intensifying screen
imaging. For example, a CR plate reader that can read only is layered onto a panel containing an array of tiny photodiodes.
one plate at a time is actually slower than a modern automatic Much as with the photostimulable phosphor found in the CR
x-ray film processor on a per-image basis. When throughput plate, the photodiodes convert visible light emitted from the
is not an issue, a good-quality CR system can function perfectly intensifying screen into an electronic signal that is then read
adequately as a replacement for an analog system. One advantage out by a thin-film transistor array and transformed into an
of a CR system is that damaged cassettes can be replaced rela- electronic file (Fig. 2.5). To have good spatial resolution, the
tively inexpensively, whereas the cost of replacing a damaged size of each detector element is very small, and a full-size
DDR plate, discussed in the next section, is considerably more imaging plate measuring approximately 43 cm × 43 cm may
expensive. Another advantage of CR is that the cassette is not have a photodiode matrix of 2600 × 2600. Thus, an indirect
tethered to a computer by a cable as non-wireless digital-imaging flat-panel detector can have 6 to 7 million photodiodes or
CHAPTER 2 • Digital Radiographic Imaging 27

Intensifying screen Selenium photoconductor

Intensifying screen

Silicone Silicone
detector detector
array with array
Readout electronics Readout electronics Fiberoptic
light collection
Indirect flat panel Direct flat panel
Fig. 2.5 Comparison of the makeup of indirect versus direct flat-panel
detectors. With the indirect detector, an x-ray intensifying screen converts
oncoming x-ray energy to visible light. The visible light interacts with the
detector array, which is composed of small elements that each contain a
photodiode and an amorphous selenium detector. The light from the
intensifying screen is converted to an electronic signal by the photodiode
and then readout by the amorphous selenium detector. Readout electronics Focusing
maintain spatial resolution and transmit the information to the computer, lenses
where it is converted to an electronic file. With the direct detector, there
is no light intermediary. The oncoming x-rays strike a selenium photodetector,
where the energy is converted to an electronic signal that is collected by
CDD chip
the amorphous silicon detector array directly, with subsequent processing
by the readout electronics and formation of an electronic file. Fig. 2.6 A charge-coupled device (CCD) radiography system. X-rays
from the patient strike a conventional intensifying screen where the spatial
distribution of x-rays is converted to a comparable spatial distribution of
visible light. The light is collected using fiberoptics and strikes focusing
more. As can be imagined, the electronics needed to record lenses that direct it onto the light-sensitive CCD chip. Overall image quality
and spatially localize the signal from each photodiode, or pixel, is determined mainly by the efficiency of light collection and the quality
and to also incorporate the photodiode into each detector of the focusing lenses. All of these components are encased in a housing
element is quite complicated. This contributes to the relatively that must be incorporated into the x-ray table. The housing is fixed, which
high cost of flat-panel detectors compared with a film-screen means that the x-ray tube must always be perpendicular to the face of the
cassette system. Indirect flat-panel detectors are commonly housing.
capable of a bit depth of 14, meaning there is a grayscale resolu-
tion of 16,384 gray shades per pixel.6 Most digital radiographic
systems range in bit depth from 10 to 16 (1024 to 65,536 than either CR or flat-panel DDR radiography. However, some
shades of gray). Because the human eye can register only 50 vendors are marketing veterinary radiography systems based
to 100 simultaneous shades of gray, even with extreme manipula- on the CCD chip. CCD systems are included in the discussion
tion of image contrast (postprocessing—see later), there is of DDR because no equipment manipulation is needed between
probably little benefit in generating images with more than radiographic exposure and image visualization, such as is
14- to 16-bit depth. required in processing a CR cassette.
CCD chips are relatively small compared with a flat-panel
Direct Flat-Panel Detectors detector, being only a few centimeters on each side, compared
In a direct flat-panel detector there is no visible light intermedi- with up to 43 cm for flat-panel detectors. Although small,
ary. Oncoming x-rays strike a photoconductor, typically there may be millions of pixel elements on the surface of a
composed of amorphous selenium, which has high efficiency CCD chip. The CCD chip is sensitive to visible light, not
x-ray absorption. Electrons liberated in the selenium layer by x-rays; this is the basis for their use in camcorders and digital
the oncoming x-ray beam are collected to form a charge. This cameras. Thus, for radiography based on CCD technology, a
charge is then read out directly by the thin-film transistor array, light intermediary is necessary, and this is accomplished by
processed by the readout electronics and converted to an integration of a relatively standard x-ray intensifying screen
electronic file (see Fig. 2.5).5,6 As with indirect flat-panel between the patient and CCD chip. When the CCD chip is
detectors, there are millions of detectors in the array, and the exposed to visible light that has been collected and focused
pixel matrix is of comparable size, also with a bit depth of 14. from the intensifying screen, the pixels in the CCD chip
Thus, the main difference between indirect and direct flat-panel accumulate electronic charge, which is read out and converted
detectors is the intermediate step of light production from the to an electronic file.5
intensifying screen in indirect systems. The geometry of the CCD system deserves special consid-
As discussed in Chapter 1, there is some light diffusion eration. Given the small size of the CCD chip, the visible light
within an x-ray intensifying screen. This light diffusion, which output from the intensifying screen needs to be focused onto
can potentially lead to blurring, is a purported disadvantage the chip, whereas in an indirect flat-panel detector the intensify-
of indirect flat-panel detectors versus direct flat-panel detectors. ing screen is layered directly onto the detector. Focusing of
However, with modern engineering techniques, and the structure light from the intensifying screen onto the CCD chip is usually
of the crystals in the intensifying screen, the amount of light accomplished by integration of fiberoptic light collection and
diffusion that actually occurs in the intensifying screen is a focusing lens between the intensifying screen and CCD chip
minimal and not clinically significant. For all practical purposes, (Fig. 2.6). Thus, the quality of the image depends more on the
the functionality of modern-day indirect and direct flat-panel quality of light collection and focusing than on the quality of
detectors is comparable. the CCD chip. Also, there is some loss of light and potentially
much light distortion between the intensifying screen and CCD
Charged-Coupled Device chip, leading to image degradation.
CCD chips are used routinely in video camcorders and digital CCD chips are becoming more and more elaborate. An
cameras, but their use in radiographic imaging is less common important component of this is pixel density. It is important
28 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

to realize that the pixel density of a CCD chip cannot be and variation in efficiency between individual detector elements.
compared directly to the pixel density of a flat-panel DDR These preprocessing steps are aimed at eliminating artifacts
detector. This is because it is not CCD chip pixel density but created by the imaging system itself7 and are critical to image

rather light capture, image minification, and subsequent light quality optimization.
loss and distortion that control the spatial resolution of a CCD The processing step is aimed at converting the corrected
system. Multiple CCD chips and focusing devices are a way raw image data to a useable radiographic image. These manipula-
to increase the efficiency of light collection and focusing, but tions, also done on the raw image data, can be controlled to
as yet the technology is not clinically reliable. some extent by the user and are aimed at optimizing image
In general, CCD radiography in humans has been reserved contrast, edge enhancement, minimizing image noise, and
for situations where the part being imaged is relatively small optimizing other aspects of image presentation.5,7 These
(e.g., dental radiography and mammography) and there is less settings are usually configured by the vendor as “presets” or
need for light focusing. In veterinary medicine, the parts being factory default settings, such as thorax, abdomen, and extremity.
radiographed are larger and requirements for focusing more However, most systems allow customization by the user. Most
stringent; this can lead to poorer images than obtained with commonly, the raw data file is not permanently overwritten,
flat-panel detectors, and image quality from CCD systems is and additional image processing can be performed at a later
considered by many to be inferior to both flat-panel and CR time if necessary, provided the raw data files have not been
systems. Also, the distance required for collecting and focusing deleted from the system. Assessing image quality when the
the light from the intensifying screen means that the physical digital image first appears at the QC workstation at the x-ray
device is large compared with a flat-panel detector. As a result, machine, and making adjustments to optimize image presenta-
CCD detectors are housed within the x-ray table. This hardware tion, is part of the “processing” step. Preprocessing and, most
cannot be retrofitted easily and purchase of a new x-ray machine importantly, effective image processing are critical, and this
may be necessary if CCD technology is chosen. The size of functionality is often what sets good vendors and products
the device also limits portability, and there is a requirement apart.
for a constant vertical relationship between the x-ray tube and Once the preprocessing and processing adjustments have
CCD camera. Both of these factors eliminate the possibility been completed, the image is ready for viewing and interpreta-
of using CCD technology for portable imaging and horizontal tion. The processed image file (which may or may not be in
beam radiography. CCD systems are typically less expensive DICOM format) is converted to DICOM format, appropriate
than flat-panel imaging systems or high-quality CR systems, header information inserted, and the study is distributed
but image quality is usually inferior. A summary of the various through the local network to the viewing computer(s) and an
hardware options is shown in Fig. 2.7. appropriate archive. DICOM files, although a graphics file,
cannot be viewed directly in programs such as Adobe Photoshop
or Microsoft Paint. Rather, they must be viewed with dedicated
IMAGE PROCESSING AND VIEWING DICOM file-viewing software. Licenses for this software are
typically sold by the hardware vendor and are part of the
Regardless of the type of digital radiographic hardware selected, original purchase package, but some free DICOM viewers are
the electronic data are processed by a computer before the available. The most popular free viewers are OsiriX (http://
final image file is created and displayed. Image file processing and Horos (https://www.horosproject.
and modification occur at a number of points and can be org) for Apple computers. ClearCanvas Open Source Project
broken down into preprocessing, processing, and postprocessing ( is a robust PC-based viewer,
steps.7 available in both 32- and 64-bit versions. eFilm Workstation
Preprocessing of the image is usually beyond the control of ( is also a popular Windows-based
the user. Manufacturers apply various corrections to the raw medical image viewer. Which viewing software will be adequate
image data to accommodate such things as inhomogeneity for any particular practice should be considered carefully, and
in light collection, image distortion by focusing lenses in consultation with an expert may be needed to make the best
CCD systems, nonfunctional or dead pixels in the detector, selection.
The functionality of DICOM viewing software represents
one of the major advantages of making the transition from
analog to digital radiography. This is the postprocessing step of
image manipulation, and this is 100% user-controlled. DICOM
viewers allow images to be magnified and rotated, and the
DIGITAL IMAGING image blackness and contrast can be adjusted independently.
Other features are also available, such as viewing multiple
images simultaneously and obtaining quantitative measures of
area and length (Fig. 2.8). The myriad of image adjustments
that can be accomplished is a tremendous advancement over
CR DDR viewing film-based radiographs, which cannot be manipulated
Computed Radiography Direct Digital Radiography
at all following their creation. It should be noted that post-
processing image manipulation does not permanently alter the
original image in any way.
Ambient lighting and monitor quality are two important
Flat Panel CCD considerations when optimizing image viewing. As ambient
Digital Radiography Charged Coupled Device light increases, the perceived difference between light and dark
on a monitor decreases, and this can affect image interpretation
negatively.8,9 Interestingly, viewing of digital radiographs in a
completely dark room with no light other than the monitor
Indirect Direct light also reduces accuracy.10 For this reason, computers used
for primary image interpretation should be in a room with
Fig. 2.7 Chart showing the image capture hardware options available in adjustable, or permanently dimmed, lighting but not in total
digital imaging. darkness.
CHAPTER 2 • Digital Radiographic Imaging 29

Fig. 2.8 Screen capture from a DICOM viewing program. A left lateral thoracic radiograph is displayed in
the left panel. In the right panel, the same radiograph has been enlarged and the contrast adjusted to increase
the conspicuity of a nodule in the caudal lung field.

Monitor quality is another factor that influences the accuracy Medical-grade monochrome LCD monitors should be calibrated
of interpretation of digital radiographic images. Both mono- using the DICOM grayscale display function standard.
chrome (black and white) and color liquid-crystal display (LCD)
monitors are available, and their technical specifications are
highly variable, leading to a wide range of image display quality. DIGITAL VERSUS ANALOG IMAGING
Ideally, radiographic images are best viewed on a dedicated
medical-grade monochrome LCD monitor.11 Such monitors The advantages of digital imaging are quite far reaching, and
are characterized by superior brightness, contrast ratio, and some have been alluded to in prior sections. It is noteworthy
resolution. Monitor brightness relates to how bright a white to outline specifically what these advantages are and to expand
screen is, and a brighter display enables the user to resolve on those that have not been covered in adequate detail.
more shades of gray. Contrast ratio is a measure of the monitor’s Advantages of transitioning to digital radiography are (1) reduced
ability to display true black as black and true white as white. expendable supply cost and elimination of darkroom mainte-
Because LCD technology relies on backlighting, displaying true nance; (2) contrast optimization and exposure latitude; (3)
black is technically challenging, and as a result, LCD monitors image postprocessing, ability to adjust image blackness and
with a high-contrast ratio are more expensive. Monitor resolution contrast after exposure; (4) improved image accessibility and
also affects how well digitally captured images appear on the consolidated image storage; (5) enhanced portability enables
screen. Medical-grade monochrome LCD monitors typically consultation; and (6) an opportunity to change the imaging
have 3 megapixel resolution or higher. For example, a typical paradigm.
display for such a monitor is 2048 pixels × 1536 pixels, yielding
a 3.1 megapixel display. This level of resolution approximates Reduced Expendable Supply Cost and
the average resolution of most digital radiographs, which means Elimination of Darkroom
there is no image downsizing by the graphics card during initial With the transition to digital imaging, the requirement for
image display. For the user, this means there is no need to purchasing x-ray film, film-filing envelopes, darkroom chemistry,
routinely magnify images to ensure all the digital information and other related supplies is eliminated. Although these items
available is evaluated. Unfortunately, medical-grade monochrome are not inherently expensive, their use over time can amount
LCD monitors are expensive, and their routine use throughout to a considerable sum, and this expense is eliminated in digital
the veterinary imaging environment cannot be justified finan- imaging. Also, and perhaps more important, the time and effort
cially. Consumer-grade color LCD monitors are improving required for darkroom maintenance will also be eliminated.
continuously, and the diagnostic advantage of the more expensive Darkroom errors, such as outdated chemicals, incorrect tem-
monochrome monitors is becoming less clear. As a result, perature settings, chemical spills and splashes, and safelight
consumer-grade color LCD monitors are commonly used in fog or other light leaks, make up a substantial fraction of errors
many digital-imaging environments. Even in specialty hospitals, that compromise analog image quality. The elimination of
there is no need for expensive monochrome LCD monitors darkroom errors is a major factor that contributes to the overall
in examination rooms or in the surgery suite. However, given higher quality of a digital versus film-based radiographic system.
the substantial investment in image acquisition that occurs Additionally, there are increasingly more stringent local govern-
when transitioning from an analog to a digital radiography ment requirements in ensuring personnel safety with respect
system, an additional investment to acquire at least one medical- to darkroom chemicals and fumes and also in the safe disposal
grade monochrome monitor for the primary interpretation of of exhausted darkroom chemicals.
digital radiographic images is justifiable.
Whatever viewing system is chosen, it is important to ensure Contrast Optimization and Exposure Latitude
that monitors are calibrated correctly. Test patterns to assist When one begins to evaluate digital radiographic images
in monitor calibration are available through the Internet. compared with analog film radiographic images, the initial
30 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

commenting specifically on their use in digital radiography.

Box • 2.1 Antiscatter grids should be used routinely in analog radiography
when patients are thicker than approximately 10 cm to remove
Factors Contributing to Inherent Spatial

unwanted scatter from the x-ray beam before it strikes the

Resolution in Digital Versus Analog Radiographs cassette; this was described in detail in Chapter 1. Although
antiscatter grids can be used in digital radiography, some
Digital Radiograph manufacturers have incorporated a scatter-correction algorithm
Focal spot size into the image-processing software that makes grid use unneces-
Patient scatter sary (Fig. 2.9). When a grid is not used, these scatter-correction
Grid efficiency, if used algorithms can manipulate the raw image dataset and effectively
Size of crystals in intensifying screen* remove much of the unwanted image plate exposure that
Size of detector element in digital plate results from scattered photons.13 Thus the end result of the
scatter-correction algorithm is an image that has less degradation
resulting from scatter, but without actually using a grid.
Analog Radiograph Implementation of an antiscatter algorithm avoids the higher
Focal spot size milliampere second (mAs) values that are needed to compensate
Patient scatter for the presence of an actual grid in the x-ray beam (see Fig.
Grid efficiency, if used 2.9). The possibility of a grid artifact, as described in Chapter
Size of crystals in intensifying screen 1, is also eliminated when grids are not used. Whether or not
Size of light-sensitive crystal in x-ray film emulsion the end user will be satisfied with the quality of the antiscatter
image-processing algorithm will be a matter of individual
*For digital radiography, an intensifying screen is used only in indirect preference, and the functionality of this feature should be
flat panels and in CCD systems evaluated in any digital system prior to purchase.

Contrast Optimization
Contrast optimization, also termed contrast resolution, is a feature
Table • 2.1 of digital radiography that is related to the bit depth of each
pixel and the processing software that accompanies the digital-
Inherent Spatial Resolution of Various Imaging imaging system. The processing software can assign a gray shade
Modalities* to a pixel in a digital image that would have been either black
or white in an analog image. This results in more of the image
MODALITY RESOLUTION (mm) having interpretable gray shades and not appearing overexposed
(black) or underexposed (white).
Screen film radiography 0.08
With radiographic film, radiographic contrast is associated
Digital radiography 0.17
rigidly with the relationship between kilovoltage peak (kVp)
Ultrasound imaging (5 MHz) 0.30 and mAs, as discussed in detail in Chapter 1. Consider film
Computed tomography 0.40 radiography of a patient where the thickness of various parts
Magnetic resonance imaging 1.00 of the patient within the primary x-ray beam varies considerably;
one example of this would be a lateral radiograph encompassing
*Modified from Bushberg JT, Seibert JA, Leidholdt Jr. EM, et al: the caudal abdomen, pelvis, and femurs and stifle joints of
Introduction to medical imaging. In Bushberg JT et al, editors: The a dog. The lumbosacral region of the pelvis is very thick and
essential physics of medical imaging, 3e, Philadelphia, 2011, Lippincott primarily bone. The caudal abdomen is somewhat thinner
Williams & Wilkins.
and primarily soft tissue. The distal femur and stifle joints are
much thinner. When the radiographic technique that is suitable
for the average thickness and physical density is selected (e.g.,
impression may be that of improved detail in the digital caudal abdomen), the lumbosacral region in the film image
radiograph. This is a misconception created by the excellent will be too white (underexposed because of excessive x-ray
contrast optimization that characterizes digital radiographs. absorption) and the thinner parts in the film image (stifle) too
The detail of an image relates to how small of a structure can black (overexposed because of excessive x-ray transmission).
actually be discriminated in the image; this is termed spatial One can think of this result as being caused by the film having
resolution. The spatial resolution in a digital or analog radio- a bit depth that is too low to capture all the needed gray
graphic image depends on many factors, some of which apply shades. The region of the film in the lumbosacral region can
equally to both analog and digital imaging, but there are a few only be white, and the region of film in the stifle region can
differences (Box 2.1). In the end, it is the collective effect of only be black.
these factors that determines the final spatial resolution. The With digital radiography, however, the computer can
relative inherent spatial resolution from various medical-imaging compensate for the wide range of thickness of the patient by
techniques is provided in Table 2.1.12 From Table 2.1 it can assigning a suitable gray shade to pixels in the thick lumbosacral
be seen that the inherent spatial resolution of digital radiographs and thin stifle regions, as well as in the caudal abdomen. What
is roughly half that of analog radiographs; this is the end result this means in practical terms is that opacity differences associ-
of all factors listed in Box 2.1. Although there is a factor of ated with differences in thickness are much less obvious in
two difference in spatial resolution between analog and digital digital radiographs than in analog radiographs (Fig. 2.10). This
radiography, this difference is not relevant clinically because same principle applies to structures of similar thickness but
the spatial resolution of both analog and digital radiography containing parts that have markedly different physical density,
is excellent. Thus it is not spatial resolution that makes digital such as massive bones (Fig. 2.11) or air-filled lung (Fig. 2.12).
radiographs superior to analog film radiographs. The major The result is a more pleasing image with more gray shades,
factors contributing to the superior image quality of digital with no regions that cannot be assessed because of being too
radiographs are contrast optimization and exposure latitude. white or too black. It should be noted that some vendors have
Because the use of an antiscatter grid can have a major superior software in this regard, with not all digital systems
effect on both spatial resolution and image contrast, it is worth being equal. The lateral view of the pelvis of a medium-to-large
CHAPTER 2 • Digital Radiographic Imaging 31

Fig. 2.9 Diagram illustrating the principle of scatter removal by a grid versus a scatter-correction software
algorithm. On the left, the scattered photons are removed by a grid. This is standard practice in analog radiography
and can also be used with computed radiography (CR), direct digital radiography (DDR), and charge-coupled
device (CCD) systems. On the right, there is no grid, and the effect of the scattered photons has been corrected
by a software scatter correction algorithm. The mAs can be lower on the right because there is no attenuation
of the primary beam by the grid. Whether the efficacy of any scatter-correction software will be adequate is
subjective and should be field-tested prior to purchase.

Fig. 2.10 Radiographs illustrating the contrast resolution of digital radiographs versus analog radiographs. A,
Film radiograph made with exposure factors appropriate for the lumbar spine. The distal aspect of the femurs
and the stifles are overexposed because they are thinner and cannot be adequately evaluated. B, Film radiograph
made with exposure factors appropriate for the stifles. The spine and pelvis are underexposed because they are
thicker. C, Digital radiograph where both the thick and thin aspects of the patient can be assessed. This wide
range of gray shades characterizes the wide contrast resolution of digital radiographs. The ability to assign a
gray shade to a pixel is the basis of this wide range of gray shades; this is a feature of the processing software
provided by the hardware vendor.
32 SECTION I • Physics and Principles of Interpretation

Fig. 2.11 Lateral views of a canine skull made with analog (A) and digital (B) systems. In A, the nasal planum
and maxillary structures are overexposed while the temporomandibular joint region is underexposed. Bone
underexposure is primarily the result of its increased physical density leading to increased x-ray absorption. In
B, the image-processing algorithm can compensate for these differences in absorption and assign a more useful
gray shade to pixels in soft tissue and bone, leading to an image where thick and thin regions of both bone and
soft tissue can be assessed.

Fig. 2.12 Lateral canine thoracic radiographs of the same patient made with analog (A) and digital (B) systems.
In A, the lungs are exposed reasonably and can be interpreted, but the bones, cranial aspect of the abdomen,
and paraspinal soft tissues are underexposed, and the periphery of the patient is overexposed. Note the poor
visibility of the ventral lipoma because of overexposure (white arrow in A). The lungs, being of low physical
density, absorb few x-rays, and the exposure factors were adjusted for this. The film is incapable of displaying
meaningful information in other underexposed or overexposed areas. In B, the image-processing algorithm can
compensate for the differences in physical density and assign a more useful gray shade to pixels in soft tissue
and lung, leading to an image where both can be assessed. Note the increased conspicuity of the small ventral
lipoma that was overexposed in the analog image.

dog with the pelvic limbs displaced cranially and caudally, as imaging system to display thick and thin regions, and regions
illustrated in Fig. 2.10, is a good field test for contrast optimiza- of low and high atomic number, suitably in one image, and
tion software. the term exposure latitude to define the ability of digital plates
The terminology used to describe this contrast optimization to compensate for either high or low kVp-to-mAs combinations
feature of digital radiographic systems can be confusing. Some that would result in overexposure or underexposure, respectively,
have used the term dynamic range to mean the same thing as in an analog system.
contrast resolution, but there are, in fact, many differing defini-
tions of dynamic range, depending on the system being discussed. Exposure Latitude
The term dynamic range has also been used to describe the As mentioned, exposure latitude refers to the relative indepen-
low dependence of digital-imaging plates on absolute x-ray dence of digital radiographic image quality on the magnitude
exposure (kVp and mAs), which in this chapter we call exposure of incident x-ray exposure (i.e. the radiographic technique).
latitude.14 To avoid this confusion, we recommend use of contrast With analog radiography, there is only a narrow range of kVp
resolution or contrast optimization to define the ability of an and mAs combinations that will result in satisfactory film
CHAPTER 2 • Digital Radiographic Imaging 33

0.5 mAs 1.0 mAs 2.0 mAs

4.0 mAs 8.0 mAs 16.0 mAs

Fig. 2.13 Lateral analog radiographs of an equine tarsus exposed at the same kVp value but at a wide range
of mAs values, from 0.5 to 16. At low mAs values, the entire image is underexposed, whereas at high mAs
values the entire image is overexposed. At 2 mAs and 4 mAs the soft tissues can be evaluated, and at 8 mAs
the bones can be evaluated. This is an example of the narrow exposure latitude of analog radiography. In daily
practice, many poor radiographs are produced because of the selection of incorrect exposure factors.

blackness, and even then there will usually be regions of the errors in radiographic exposure.17 However, the wide exposure
film image that are too white or too black (see Figs. 2.10, 2.11, latitude that characterizes digital radiography does not mean
and 2.12). Any combination of kVp and mAs outside of the that underexposure or overexposure is not a problem; these
suitable range will result in underexposure or overexposure problems still occur, but only at the extremes of exposure
(Fig. 2.13 and Fig. 2.14). With digital plates, however, the factors. With underexposure, the overall image quality may
ability of the processing software to create an image of suitable appear satisfactory from a global perspective, but on close
blackness is much more independent of the kVp and mAs inspection, the underexposed image will appear grainy. This
values used (Fig. 2.15; see Fig. 2.14). The magnitude of the grainy appearance is caused by image noise, created by statistical
range of radiographic exposures that can be used to create a uncertainty in computer assignment of a gray shade to under-
diagnostic radiographic image is called exposure latitude. exposed regions of the image.18 This grainy appearance will be
One potential disadvantage of the wide exposure latitude obvious on close inspection and could interfere with detection
that characterizes digital-imaging plates is exposure creep, where of a subtle lesion, especially those affecting the trabecular
unnecessarily high exposure factors are not recognized as they pattern of bone (Fig. 2.16).
would be when using an analog system.15,16 In analog radiographs, Overexposure of digital radiographs does not result in overall
high exposure factors result in excessive film blackening that film blackening, as with film. The detector elements and process-
is recognized easily. This is not true in digital radiography, ing software are able to compensate electronically for overex-
where overexposure is corrected by the image-processing posure, up to a point at which the detector becomes saturated
software. The disadvantage of exposure creep is unnecessary and cannot respond to additional exposure. At saturation, the
patient and personnel exposure to ionizing radiation and computer assigns the maximum pixel value, black, to the pixels
increased wear and tear on the x-ray tube. Most digital radi- that are saturated.18 This results in some parts of the image
ography manufacturers have incorporated an exposure index being interpretable with other parts of the image being absent
(EI) metric that enables the user to evaluate the amount of or having an abnormal gray shade assignment (Fig. 2.17). Because
incident radiation that strikes the plate (i.e., the exposure only portions of the image are overexposed, as compared to
factors) and this EI can be used to judge whether radiographic the entire image, the overexposed region can be misinterpreted
techniques are too high or too low. However, the EI is only easily as a lesion.
useful if it is monitored routinely. Routine checking of the EI
should be part of the quality assurance process used to evaluate Image Post-Processing
the digital-imaging process for every patient. Despite the tremendous contrast resolution of digital radio-
The transition to digital radiography has led to a dramatic graphs, there is sometimes a desire to make some regions of
reduction in the number of retakes, especially those related to the final processed image blacker or whiter to facilitate
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
Mercian bishopric from Lichfield, now described as “a little town in
the woodland, with a rivulet flowing by it, far away from the throng of
cities,”[104] to Chester, whence, however, it was soon removed again
to the great abbey of Coventry.[105] The same reason, too, caused
Norwich to succeed Thetford as the seat of the bishopric of East-
Anglia. It was but very recently that Lincoln had outstripped Norwich
as the chief city of eastern England. The mouth of the Yare, which
had a tideway navigation quite up to the point where the Wensum
falls into it, was no less conveniently placed than that of the Witham
for intercourse with northern Europe; and the Scandinavian traders
and settlers in the first half of the eleventh century had raised
Norwich to such a pitch of prosperity that at the coming of the
Norman it contained twenty-four churches, and its burghers seem to
have been more numerous than those of any town in the realm
except London and York.[106] Twenty years later their number was
indeed greatly diminished; the consequences of Earl Ralf’s rebellion
had wrought havoc in the city. But if its native population had
decreased, a colony of Norman burghers was growing up and
flourishing in a “new borough,” now represented by the parishes of
S. Peter Mancroft and S. Giles; the number of churches and chapels
had risen to forty-four,[107] and in the Red King’s last years the
foundations of the cathedral were laid by Bishop Herbert Lozinga,
whose grave may still be seen before its high altar.[108] Once in the
next reign Norwich supplanted Gloucester as the scene of the
Midwinter Council; King Henry kept Christmas there in 1121.[109] It
may have been on this occasion that the citizens won from him their
first charter; but the charter itself is lost, and we only learn the bare
fact of its existence from the words of Henry II., confirming to the
burghers of Norwich “all the customs, liberties and acquittances
which they had in the time of my grandfather.”[110]

[104] Will. Malm. Gesta Pontif., l. iv. c. 172 (Hamilton, p. 307).

[105] Ib. cc. 172–175 (pp. 307–311).

[106] Domesday, vol. ii. pp. 116, 117.

[107] Ib. pp. 116–118.

[108] Will. Malm. Gesta Pontif., l. ii. c. 74 (Hamilton, p. 151).

[109] Eng. Chron. a. 1122.

[110] Charter printed in Blomefield, Hist. of Norfolk, vol. iii. p.

Plan IV.

Wagner & Debes’ Geogˡ. Estabᵗ. Leipsic.

London, Macmillan & Co.

It was, however, in the valley of the Thames that English town-life

was growing up most vigorously. Tried by the test of statistics,
indeed, Oxford was still but a small place; in the time of the
Confessor it had only contained about a thousand dwellings, and
before the Domesday survey was made the town had, through some
unexplained cause, suffered such decay that more than half of these
were waste.[111] But the “waste” was quickly repaired under the wise
government of Robert of Oilly, to whom the chief command at Oxford
was entrusted by the Conqueror, and of his nephew and namesake
who succeeded to his office. Before the close of Henry’s reign every
side of that marvellously varied life of Oxford which makes its history
seem like an epitome of the history of all England was already in
existence, though only in germ. The military capabilities of the site,
recognized long ago by Eadward the Elder, had been carefully
strengthened; within the natural protection of its encircling rivers, the
town was “closely girt about with rampart and ditch,”[112] and the
mound, raised probably by Eadward himself, at its western end had
been made the nucleus of a mighty fortress which was soon to
become famous in the struggle of Stephen and Matilda.[113] Nor was
fortification the sole care of the D’Oillys; within and without the city,
works of piety and of public utility sprang up under their direction.
The ancient ford which had given the town a name was no longer the
sole means of crossing the network of streams which fenced it in on
every side save one; the High Bridge of our own day represents one
built by the first Robert of Oilly.[114] Of the sixteen churches and
chapels which Oxford now contained,[115] S. George’s-in-the-Castle
was certainly and S. Peter’s-in-the-East probably founded by him;
[116] several of the older parish churches which had fallen into decay

were restored at his expense;[117] and those of S. Michael and S.

Mary the Virgin, as well as that of S. Mary Magdalene without the
walls, were all founded in his time or in that of his nephew, if not
actually by their munificence.[118] One of these, S. Mary the Virgin,
was to become famous in after-days as the University church. As
yet, the centre of intellectual life at Oxford was the ancient
monastery of S. Fritheswith or Frideswide, which after many
vicissitudes had finally passed into the hands of the Austin canons,
[119] and entered upon a new career of prosperity under its learned
prior Guimund, the builder of the beautiful church which now stands
hidden away beneath the later splendours of Christ Church, like a
buried and yet living relic of an earlier and simpler age. Even S.
Frideswide’s, however, had a formidable rival in the priory of Oseney
which the younger Robert of Oilly founded, also for Austin canons, in
the island-meadow overlooked by his castle-tower.[120] The
Augustinians were a new order whose rise was closely associated
with the revival of intellectual and social culture; their houses were
the best schools of the time—schools in which the scholars were
trained for secular no less than for clerical careers—and their
presence at Oseney and S. Frideswide’s was already preparing the
intellectual soil of Oxford to receive, at the close of Henry’s reign, the
seeds of the first English University in the divinity lectures of Robert
Pulein.[121] The burgher-life of the city had long gathered round the
church of S. Martin; in its churchyard was held the portmannimot or
general assembly of the citizens; they had their merchant-gild and
their gild-hall;[122] they had their common pasture-land,[123] the wide
green “Port-meadow” beyond the Isis; and we see the growth of a
local industry in the appearance of the leather-sellers’ and weavers’
gilds. Shortly before Henry’s death, there were indications that
Oxford was soon to regain the political position which it had held
under the old English and Danish kings, but had entirely lost since
their time. A strange legacy of awe had been left to the city by its
virgin patroness. The story went that Fritheswith, flying from the
pursuit of her royal lover, sank down exhausted at the gate, and,
despairing of further escape, called upon Heaven itself to check him;
as he entered the town he was struck blind, and though her prayers
afterwards restored his sight, no king after him dared set foot within
the boundaries of Oxford for fear of incurring some similar
punishment.[124] It must be supposed that the councils held at
Oxford under Æthelred and Cnut met outside the walls; we cannot
tell whether any countenance was given to the legend by the
circumstances of Harald Harefoot’s death; but from that time forth we
hear of no more royal visits to Oxford till 1133—the very year of
Robert Pulein’s lectures. Then we find that Henry I., whose favourite
country residence was at Woodstock, had been so drawn to the
neighbouring town as to build himself a “new hall” there,[125] just
outside the northern wall, on the ground afterwards known as
Beaumont-fields. He held but one festival there, the last Easter
which he ever spent in England; but each in turn of the rival
candidates for the throne left vacant by his death found Oxford ready
to become a political as well as a military centre of scarcely less
importance than London itself.

[111] Domesday, vol. i. p. 154. Mr. Parker, in his Early Hist. of

Oxford (Oxf. Hist. Soc.), pp. 200, 201, suggests that the damage
was done by the army of Eadwine and Morkere on their
southward march in 1065.

[112] Gesta Steph. (Sewell), p. 88.

[113] The chief stronghold of the new fortress, however, was
not on the mound; it was a lofty tower—still standing—on the
western side of the enclosure. It was built by the first Robert of
Oilly, in 1071; Ann. Osen. ad ann. See Parker, Early Hist. Oxf.,
pp. 202–204.

[114] Hist. Monast. de Abingdon (Stevenson), vol. ii. pp. 15,

284. See also Parker, Early Hist. Oxf., p. 219.

[115] See lists in Parker as above, pp. 284–286.

[116] He founded S. George’s in 1074; Ann. Osen. ad ann. On

S. Peter’s see Parker as above, pp. 250–254.

[117] Hist. Abingdon (Stevenson), vol. ii. p. 15.

[118] See the evidence in Parker’s Early Hist. of Oxford, pp.

209, 223, 258–261.

[119] Will. Malm. Gesta Pontif., l. iv. c. 178 (Hamilton, pp. 315,
316). Dugdale, Monast. Angl., vol. ii. pp. 143, 144. The
Augustinians came there in 1111, according to the chronicle of
Tynemouth, quoted in Monast. (as above), p. 143; but the local
record in p. 144 gives 1121.

[120] Ann. Osen. a. 1129.

[121] Ib. a. 1133.

[122] Charter of Henry II., Stubbs, Select Charters, p. 167.

[123] Domesday, vol. i. p. 154.

[124] Will. Malm. Gesta Pontif., l. iv. c. 178 (Hamilton p. 315).

[125] “Ad Pascha fuit rex apud Oxineford in novâ aulâ.” Rob. of
Torigni, a. 1133.
Plan V.

Wagner & Debes’ Geogˡ. Estabᵗ. Leipsic.

London, Macmillan & Co.

Our great picture of medieval London belongs in all its

completeness to a somewhat later date; it was painted in the closing
years of the twelfth century. But, as in the case of so many other
things which only come out into full light under Henry II., although the
colouring and the details may belong more especially to his time, the
main features were already there in the time of his grandfather. The
outline of the city was a sort of irregular half-ellipse, fenced in upon
the northern or land side by a girdle of massive walls pierced with
gates and fortified with lofty towers; the wall on the south side, being
built close upon the river bank, was gradually washed away by the
ebb and flow of the tide constantly beating upon its foundations. On
this side the river itself was an all-sufficient protection. The eastern
extremity of the city, where the wall came down towards the water’s
edge, was guarded by a mighty fortress, founded by King William in
the earliest days of his conquest to hold his newly-won capital in
check, and always known by the emphatic name of “the Tower.” The
western end was protected by two lesser fortresses,[126]—Castle
Baynard and Montfichet, whose sokes filled up the space between
the cathedral precincts and the city wall. Another, which must have
stood in the same neighbourhood, seems to have been partly
destroyed by the fire which ravaged London a few months before the
Conqueror’s death, and in which the cathedral of S. Paul entirely
perished.[127] Part of the ditch of this fortress was surrendered by
King Henry to make room for a wall with which Bishop Richard was
now enclosing his precincts;[128] while within this enclosure a new
church, gorgeous with all the latest developements of Norman
architectural skill, was now fast approaching completion.[129] S.
Paul’s was the rallying-point, as it had been the nucleus, of municipal
life in London. In time of peace the folkmoot assembled at the
eastern end of its churchyard at the summons of its great bell; in
time of war the armed burghers gathered at its west door and
beneath its banner, with the lord of Baynard’s castle as their
standard-bearer.[130] The internal constitution of London, however,
was scarcely a town-constitution of any kind; it was more like an
epitome of the organization of all England. The ordinary system of
the parish and the township, the special franchises and jurisdictions
of the great individual landowners, of the churches, of the gilds—all
these were loosely bundled together under the general headship of
the bishop and the port-reeve, to whom King William addressed his
one surviving English writ, just as he would have addressed the
bishop and sheriff of a county. The writ itself merely confirmed to the
citizens “all the law whereof they had been worthy in King Eadward’s
day”;[131] but by the end of Henry I.’s reign the Londoners had got far
beyond this. By virtue of a royal charter, they had exchanged their
regally-appointed port-reeve for a sheriff of their own choice, and this
officer served at once for the city and for the shire of Middlesex,
which was granted in ferm to the citizens for ever, as the other shires
were granted year by year to their respective sheriffs; they were
exempted from all tolls and mercantile dues throughout the realm,
and from suit and service to all courts outside their own walls, even
the pleas of the crown being intrusted to a special justiciar elected by
themselves. Yet there was no complete civic organization; the
charter confirmed all the old separate jurisdictions and franchises,
the various “sokens” and “customs” of churches, barons and
burghers, the wardmoots or assemblies of the different parishes or
townships, as well as the husting or folkmoot in which all were
gathered together,[132]—and left London as it found it, not a
compact, symmetrical municipality, but, as it has been truly called,
simply “a shire covered with houses.”

[126] Will. Fitz-Steph. (Robertson, Memorials of Becket, vol.

iii.), p. 3.

[127] Eng. Chron. a. 1087.

[128] Dugdale, Hist. of S. Paul’s, app. xxiv. (Ellis), p. 305. Stow

(London, ed. Thoms, p. 26) says that this fortress “stood, as it
may seem, where now standeth the house called Bridewell.” But
this is impossible; for the later palace of Bridewell stood on the
right bank of the Fleet, separated from S. Paul’s by the course of
that river and the whole width of the soke of Castle Baynard, so
that the gift of the ditch of a castle on its site would have been
perfectly useless for the enlargement of the precincts.

[129] Will. Malm. Gesta Pontif., l. ii. c. 73 (Hamilton, p. 146).

[130] Stow, London (Thoms, p. 121). For the rights and duties
of the lord of Castle Baynard, see ib. p. 24.

[131] Stubbs, Select Charters, pp. 82, 83.

[132] Stubbs, Select Charters, p. 108.

This mass of growing life lay chiefly north-east of S. Paul’s, where

a crowd of lesser churches, conventual and parochial, rose out of a
network of close-packed streets and alleys thronged with busy
craftsmen and noisy, chaffering traders. Through the heart of it
flowed the “Wall-brook,” on whose bank there lingered, long after the
stream itself was buried and built over, a tradition of the barges laden
with merchandise which were towed up from the Thames to a
landing-place at the eastern end of the Cheap.[133] Beyond the
Walbrook lay the East-Cheap, almost busier and more crowded still;
while to the north, along the upper course of the Walbrook, was a
thriving Jewish quarter.[134] Population was spreading, too, beyond
the walls. Many of the wealthier citizens dwelt in pleasant suburban
houses, surrounded with bright gardens and shady trees.[135] Some
two miles higher up the river, the populous suburb of Westminster
clustered round the famous abbey built in honour of S. Peter by the
last Old-English king, and the palace of William Rufus, a splendid
edifice with a breast-work and bastion stretching down to the water’s
edge.[136] North-west of the city, just outside the wall, lay the plain of
Smithfield, where a great horse-fair was held every Friday.[137]
Beyond was an expanse of fruitful tillage-lands and rich pastures,
watered by running streams and made merry with the rush of
countless watermills;[138] and this tract was sheltered by a wide belt
of woodland stretching away across the northern part of Middlesex to
the foot of the Chiltern Hills. Here the stag and the fallow-deer, the
boar and the wild bull, had their coverts, beside a multitude of lesser
game; all of which the citizens were by a special privilege entitled to
hunt at their pleasure.[139] Such quasi-regal sport was doubtless
only enjoyed by the greater and wealthier among them; the mass of
the young burghers were content, in the summer evenings when
their day’s work was done, with a saunter among the shady gardens
and fresh springs which enlivened the northern suburbs; while in
winter their favourite resort was a tract of low-lying moor or marsh—
the Moorfields of later times—on whose frozen surface they could
enjoy to their heart’s content the exercises of sliding, sledging and
skating.[140] Business, pleasure, piety, intellectual culture, all had
their places in the vigorous life of the great city. Each of the two great
minsters, S. Paul’s and S. Peter’s, had a school attached to it, and
so had the abbey of our Lady at Bermondsey, just over the water.
[141] Money-getting did not absorb all the energies of the burghers;
“they were respected and noted above all other citizens for their
manners, dress, table and discourse.”[142] “Moreover, almost all the
bishops, abbots and great men of England are, in a manner, citizens
and freemen of London; as they have magnificent houses there, to
which they resort, spending large sums of money, whenever they are
summoned thither to councils and assemblies by the king or their
metropolitan, or are compelled to go there by their own
business.”[143] And between these visitors and the resident citizens
there was no hard and fast line of demarcation. Neither the knight-
errant’s blind contempt for practical industry nor the still blinder
contempt of the merely practical man for everything which has not its
value in hard cash had as yet come into existence. Under the old
English system the merchant who had made three long voyages
over sea on his own account was entitled to rank as a thegn, and to
take his place among the nobles of the land. Under the Norman
system a link between the two classes was supplied by the citizens
of Norman origin, to whom London in no small measure owed the
marked importance which it attained under Henry I. The Norman
knights had no monopoly of the enterprizing spirit of their race; the
victorious host had scarcely settled down upon the conquered soil
when it was followed by a second invasion of a very different
character. Merchants, traders, craftsmen of all sorts, came flocking
to seek their fortunes in their sovereign’s newly-acquired dominions,
not by forcible spoliation of the native people, but by fair traffic and
honest labour in their midst. The fusion of races in this class, the
class of which the town population chiefly consisted, began almost
from the first years of the conquest. The process was very likely
more helped than hindered by the grinding tyranny which united all
the Red King’s victims in a community of suffering; but its great
working-out was in the reign of Henry I. His restoration of law and
order, his administrative and judicial reforms, gave scope for a great
outburst of industrial and commercial energy. England under him had
her heavy burthens and her cruel grievances; they stand out plainly
enough in the complaints of her native chronicler. But to men who
lived amidst the endless strife of the French kingdom or the Flemish
border-land, or of the Norman duchy under the nominal government
of Robert Curthose, a country where “no man durst misdo with
other,” and where the sovereign “made peace for man and deer,”[144]
may well have looked like a sort of earthly paradise. It is no wonder
that peaceable citizens who only wanted to be quiet and get an
honest living came across the sea to find shelter and security in the
rich and prosperous island. For settlers of this kind it was easy
enough to make a home. No gulf of hatred and suspicion, no ever-
present sense of wrong suffered and wrong done, stood fixed
between them and their English fellow-burghers. Even before the
Conqueror’s reign had closed, English and Normans were living
contentedly side by side in all the chief cities of England: sometimes,
as we have noticed in the case of Norwich, the new-comers dwelt
apart in a suburb or quarter of their own, but the distinction was one
of locality only; the intercourse was perfectly free and perfectly
amicable; Norman refinement, Norman taste, Norman fashions,
especially in dress, made their way rapidly among the English
burghers; and intermarriages soon became frequent.[145] In the
great cities, where the sight of foreign traders was nothing new or
strange, and the barriers of prejudice and ignorance of each other’s
languages had been worn away by years of commercial intercourse,
the fusion was naturally more easy; in London, whither the “men of
Rouen” had come in their “great ships,” with their cargoes of wine or
sturgeons,[146] long before their countrymen came with bow and
spear and sword, it was easiest of all. The great commercial centre
to which the Norman merchants had long been attracted as visitors
attracted them as settlers now that it had become the capital of their
own sovereign; and the attraction grew still stronger during the
unquiet times in Normandy which followed the Conqueror’s death.
“Many natives of the chief Norman cities, Rouen and Caen, removed
to London, and chose them out a dwelling there, because it was a
fitter place for their trade, and better stored with the goods in which
they were wont to deal.”[147]

[133] Stow, London (Thoms), p. 97.

[134] The only body of Jews who appear in the Pipe Roll of 31
Hen. I are those of London.

[135] Will. Fitz-Steph. (Robertson, Becket, vol. iii.) p. 3.

[136] Will. Fitz-Steph. (Robertson, Becket, vol. iii.) p. 3.

[137] Ib. p. 6.

[138] Ib. p. 3.

[139] Ib. p. 12.

[140] Ib. p. 11.

[141] Ib. p. 4.

[142] Ibid.

[143] Ib. p. 8.

[144] Eng. Chron. a. 1135.

[145] Ord. Vit. (Duchesne, Hist. Norm. Scriptt.), p. 520.

[146] De Institutis Lundoniæ, Thorpe, Anc. Laws, p. 127 (folio


[147] Vita S. Thomæ, Anon. II. (Robertson, Becket, vol. iv.) p.


That the influence of these Norman burghers was dominant in the

city there can be little doubt; but they seem to have won their
predominance by fair means and to have used it fairly. If they, as
individuals, prospered in the English capital, they contributed their
full share to its corporate prosperity, and indirectly to that of the
nation at large. They brought a great deal more than mere wealth;
they brought enterprize, vigour, refinement, culture, social as well as
political progress. In their pleasant, cheerful, well-ordered dwellings
many a noble knight or baron may have been glad to accept a
hospitality such as his own stately but comfortless and desolate
castle could never afford; many a learned and dignified ecclesiastic
may have enjoyed a refinement of society such as he could rarely
hope to meet among the rough and reckless swordsmen with whom
the ranks of the high-born laity were filled. We are not dependent on
mere general statements; we can do as did these barons and
prelates themselves; we can go with them to visit the home of a
typical London citizen of the early twelfth century. In the heart of the
busiest trading quarter, on the spot where Mercer’s Hall now stands
in Cheapside, under the shadow of S. Mary Colechurch, and well
within sound of the bells of the more famous S. Mary-at-Bow, was
the house of Gilbert Becket and Rohesia his wife. When their son,
grown to manhood and high in office, was asked of his origin and
extraction, he answered simply that his parents were citizens of
London, dwelling blameless and respected among their fellow-
burghers.[148] Had not the inquisitive zeal of his biographers led
them to search more closely into his pedigree, we might never have
known that his father and mother were foreigners—Gilbert, born at
Rouen, of a respectable burgher family; Rohesia, sprung from the
same rank of life at Caen.[149] Gilbert once filled the office of port-
reeve of London,[150] and bore a high character for intelligence,
industry and upright dealing. Rohesia was the pattern of wives and
mothers. Her domestic affections and her wider Christian
sympathies, her motherly love and her charity to the needy, are seen
exquisitely blended together in her habit of weighing her little son at
stated intervals against money, clothes and food which she gave to
the poor, trusting thereby to bring a blessing on the child.[151] As
soon as he was old enough, he was sent to school at Merton Priory
in Surrey,[152] where his father seems to have been treated as a
friend by the prior; and when the boy came home for his holidays, it
was to spend them in riding and hawking with Richer de L’Aigle, a
young knight sprung from one of the noblest families of Normandy,
and a constant visitor and intimate friend of the little household in
Cheapside.[153] It is plain from the simple, matter-of-fact way in
which that household is described that it in nowise differed from the
generality of burgher-households around it. Its head was wealthy, but
not to such a degree as to excite special notice or envy; he and his
wife lived in comfort and affluence, but only such as befitted their
station; they seem to have been in no way distinguished from the
bulk of respectable, well-to-do, middle-class citizens of their day. The
one peculiarity of their home was the circumstance to which we owe
our knowledge of its character and its history:—that in it had been
born a child who was to begin his career as Thomas of London the
burgher’s son, and to end it as Thomas of Canterbury, archbishop,
saint and martyr.

[148] S. Thomæ Ep. cxxiv. (Robertson, Becket, vol. v. p. 515).

[149] Anon. II. Vita S. Thomæ (ib.vol. iv.), p. 81.

[150] Will. Fitz-Steph. (ib. vol. iii. p. 14) calls him vicecomes,
which in relation to London at this period can only mean port-
reeve; and a constant tradition of later days pointed to the father
of S. Thomas as the most venerated predecessor of the mayor.

[151] Anon. I. Vita S. Thomæ (Robertson, Becket, vol. iv.), p. 7.

[152] Will. Fitz-Steph. (ib. vol. iii.), p. 14.

[153] E. Grim (ib. vol. ii.), p. 359. Anon. I. (ib. vol. iv.), p. 6.
Garnier, Vie de S. Thomas (Hippeau), p. 3.

The Norman settlers were not the only new element in the
population of the English towns. Flanders, the border-land of
Normandy, France and the Empire, the immediate neighbour of the
Norman dukes, the ally of the English kings, had been for ages
associated with the destinies of England. The relation between the
two countries was primarily a political one; but kindred blood, kindred
speech and kindred temper drew Fleming and Englishman together
in the bonds of a natural sympathy which grew with the growth of
both nations. The merchants of Bruges were even more familiar
visitors in London than those of Rouen and Caen. The trade with
Flanders was the most important part of the trade of eastern
England. Not only was the estuary of the Scheld a high-way of
communication with the more distant regions of central Europe, but
Flanders herself was the head-quarters of a flourishing industry for
which the raw material was in great part furnished by England. The
cloth which all Europe flocked to buy at the great yearly fairs of
Bruges and Ghent was made chiefly from the wool of English sheep.
Dover was the chief mart for this export; in the itinerary of the canons
of Laon we see Flemish merchants dispersing to buy wool all over
the country and bringing it up to Dover in great bales, which were
deposited in a warehouse built for that special purpose till they could
be shipped over sea.[154] As yet the Flemings had almost a
monopoly of this weaving trade, although the appearance of
weavers’ gilds at Huntingdon, Lincoln, Oxford and London may show
that Englishmen were already beginning to emulate their example; it
may, on the other hand, point to a Flemish element in the population
of these towns. In the time of William the Conqueror some fellow-
countrymen of his Flemish queen had come not merely to traffic but
to dwell in England; in the time of Henry I. they seem to have
become numerous and prosperous enough to excite the jealousy of
both Normans and English. It may have been partly to allay this
jealousy, but it was surely, nevertheless, a marked testimony to their
character as active and trustworthy members of the state, that in
1111 Henry, casting about for a means of holding in check the
turbulent Welsh whose restlessness was the one remaining element
of disturbance in his realm, planted a colony of these Flemings in the
extremity of South Wales, the southern part of our Pembrokeshire.
[155] The experiment was a daring one; cut off as they were from all
direct communication with England, there must have seemed little
chance that these colonists could hold their own against the Welsh.
The success of the experiment is matter not of history but of present
fact; South Pembrokeshire remains to this day a Teutonic land, a
“little England beyond Wales.” But the true significance of the
Flemish settlements under Henry I. is for England rather than for
Wales. They are the first links of a social and industrial, as
distinguished from a merely political, connexion between England
and the Low Countries, which in later days was to exercise an
important influence on the life of both peoples. They are the
forerunners of two greater settlements—one under Edward III. and
one under Elizabeth—which were to work a revolution in English

[154] Herman. Mon., l. ii. c. 5 (D’Achéry, Guib. Noviog. Opp., p.

[155] Will. Malm. Gesta Reg., l. v. c. 401 (Hardy, p. 628). Flor.
Worc. (Thorpe), vol. ii. p. 64; Ann. Camb. a. 1107; Brut y
Tywysogion, a. 1105.

A third class of foreign settlers stood in a totally different position

from both the Fleming and the Norman. These were the Jews. Their
first appearance in England is said to have been due to the
Conqueror, who brought over a Jewish colony from Rouen to
London.[156] They were special favourites of William Rufus; under
Henry they play a less conspicuous part; but in the next reign we find
them at Lincoln, Oxford, and elsewhere, and there can be no doubt
that they were already established in most of the chief English
towns. They formed, however, no part of the townsfolk. The Jew was
not a member of the state; he was the king’s chattel, not to be
meddled with, for good or for evil, save at the king’s own bidding.
Exempt from toll and tax and from the fines of justice, he had the
means of accumulating a hoard of wealth which might indeed be
seized at any moment by an arbitrary act of the king, but which the
king’s protection guarded with jealous care against all other
interference. The capacity in which the Jew usually appears is that of
a money-lender—an occupation in which the scruples of the Church
forbade Christians to engage, lest they should be contaminated with
the sin of usury. Fettered by no such scruples, the Hebrew money-
lenders drove a thriving trade; and their loans doubtless contributed
to the material benefit of the country, by furnishing means for a
greater extension of commercial enterprize than would have been
possible without such aid. But, except in this indirect way, their
presence contributed nothing to the political developement of the
towns; and in their social developement the Jewry, a distinct quarter
exempt from the jurisdiction of merchant-gild or port-reeve as well as
from that of sheriff or bishop, shut off by impassable barriers from the
Christian community around it, had no part at all.

[156] Will. Malm. Gesta Reg., l. iv. c. 317 (Hardy, p. 500, note).
Outside this little separate world of the Jewry the general manner
of life was much the same in all ranks of society. The domestic
arrangements of the castle or manor-house differed little from those
of the citizen’s dwelling. In both the accommodation usually
consisted merely of a hall, a “solar” or upper chamber raised on a
substructure of cellars, and a kitchen with its appendant offices.[157]
The hall was the general living, eating, and sleeping-apartment for
the whole household. Its floor was of wood, strewn with hay or
rushes;[158] a fire blazed upon a great stone hearth in its centre, or in
a wide recess at one end; and round the fire were ranged in due
order the tables and benches at which the family, guests and
servants all assembled for meals. In the higher ranks of society the
king’s friend Count Robert of Meulan had set a fashion of taking but
one daily repast—the mid-day dinner—and those who wished to ape
courtly manners followed his example; the practice, however, found
little favour with the mass of the people, who attributed it to
aristocratic stinginess, and preferred their four meals a day
according to ancient English custom.[159] It was in the hall that noble
or merchant transacted his business or conversed with his friends;
and it was in the hall too that at nightfall, when the tables were
cleared and the wooden shutters which closed the unglazed
windows safely barred,[160] guests and servants, divided at most by
a curtain drawn across the room, lay down to sleep in the glow of the
dying fire.[161] The solar was used at once as bedroom and private
sitting-room by the master and mistress of the house;[162] a
curtainless bed and an oaken chest,[163] serving as a wardrobe and
fastened with lock and hinges often of elaborate ironwork,[164] made
up its ordinary furniture; in the story of S. Thomas we catch a
glimpse, too, of the cradle in which a burgher-mother rocked her
baby to sleep, wrapped in a dainty silken coverlet.[165] The whole
house, whether in town or country, was commonly of wood.[166] With
open hearths and chimneys ill-constructed, or more probably
altogether lacking, the natural consequence was that fires in towns
were of constant occurrence and disastrous extent; Gilbert Becket’s
house was burnt over his head several times, and in each case a
large part of London shared in the destruction.[167] But the buildings
thus easily destroyed were as easily replaced; while the cost of a
stone house was beyond the means of any but the great nobles,
unless it were here and there some exceptionally wealthy Jew; and
there was no other building material to be had except wood or
rubble, for the nearest approach to a brick which had yet come into
general use was a tile;[168] and although these were sometimes
used for roofing, the majority of houses, even in great cities like
London, were covered with thatch.[169] All the architectural energy of
the time spent itself in two channels—military and ecclesiastical; and
even the castle was as yet a very simple edifice. The various
buildings which occupied its outer ward were mere huts of wood or
rubble; and the stone wall of the keep itself, though of enormous
thickness and solidity, was often nothing more than a shell, the
space inside it being divided by wooden partitions into rooms
covered with lean-to roofs of thatch. Even where the keep was
entirely of stone, all thought of accommodation or elegance was
completely subordinated to the one simple, all-important purpose of
defence. It is this stern simplicity which gives to the remains of our
early castles a grandeur of their own, and strikes the imagination far
more impressively than the elaborate fortifications of later times. But
it left no scope to the finer fancies of the architect. His feeling for
artistic decoration, his love of beauty, of harmonious light and shade,
had free play only in his work for the Church; while the more general
taste for personal luxury and elegance had to find expression chiefly
in minor matters, and especially in dress. During the last reign the
extravagance of attire among the nobles had been carried to a pitch
which called forth the energetic remonstrances of serious men;
prelate after prelate thundered against the unseemly fashions—the
long hair curled and scented like a woman’s, the feminine
ornaments, the long pointed shoes and loose flowing garments
which rendered all manly exercises impossible.[170] After the Red
King’s death a reforming party, headed by the new sovereign and his
friend Robert of Meulan,[171] succeeded in effecting a return to the
more rational attire of the ordinary Norman knighthood; a close-fitting
tunic with a long cloak, reaching almost to the feet, thrown over it for
riding or walking.[172] The English townsfolk, then as now,
endeavoured to copy the dress of their neighbours from beyond the
Channel. Among the rural population, however, foreign fashions
were slow to penetrate; and the English countryman went on tilling
his fields clad in the linen smock-frock which had once been the
ordinary costume of all classes of men among his forefathers, and
which has scarcely yet gone out of use among his descendants.

[157] Turner, Domestic Architecture, vol. i. pp. 2, 5.

[158] Ib. p. 16.

[159] Will. Malm. Gesta Reg., l. v. c. 407 (Hardy, p. 636).

[160] Turner, Domestic Architecture, vol. i. p. 13.

[161] Ib. pp. 2, 15.

[162] Ib. p. 5.

[163] Ib. p. 16.

[164] Ib. p. 10.

[165] Ed. Grim (Robertson, Becket, vol. ii.), p. 357. Anon. I. (ib.
vol. iv.), p. 4.

[166] Turner, Domestic Architecture, pp. 8, 17, 18.

[167] According to Will. Fitz-Steph. (Robertson, Becket, vol. iii.

p. 8), fires and drunkenness were the two plagues of London.

[168] Turner, Domestic Architecture, p. xxvii. (introduction).

[169] Ib. p. 18.

[170] Ord. Vit. (Duchesne, Hist. Norm. Scriptt.), p. 816. Will.

Malm. Gesta Reg., l. iv. c. 314 (Hardy, p. 498).

[171] Will. Malm. as above, and l. v. c. 407 (p. 636).

[172] We see this long cloak in a story of Robert of Bellême

(Hen. Hunt. De Contemptu Mundi, ed. Arnold, p. 310), and in that

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