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Let’s Celebrate!
Talking about holidays, festivals, customs celebration

Nama : Silvia Puspitasari

NIM : 63230335
Class : 63.2A.04

I. Read again the article. Then answer these questions. Discuss the answer with your
1. How do people in Mexico dress their animals on St. Anthony’s day? Mexican's
dress their animals with ribbons and flowers before bringing their pets to church
on St. Anthony day's to ask for the protection of their pets.
2. Why do koreans celebrate Chusok? They celebrate Chuseok because that day is
one of the biggest celebrations in South Korea besides Seollal and Dano,
besides Chuseok is also the day of the autumn harvest and honors elders'
families. Usually they will gather with their families and use them to go home
like during Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia.
3. Why do indian woman give men a bracelet for the festival of Rakhi? The day of
the Rakhi festival is also known as the day of love, during the Rakhi festival a
woman will tie a bracelet to the man she loves who is not related by blood at all
and she has considered him as a brother as a symbol of love that will not be
broken as long as the breath is still blowing.
4. What do families in Argentina do on New Year’s Eve? In Argentina, it is
popularly called as 'Ano Nuevo'. In Argentina, it involves a late dinner, with
close friends and family members in attendance.
5. What do Japanese families do during Setsubun? Setsubun is considered an
important festival in Japan. Japanese families who gather together to throw
roasted soybeans out their front door, or at a family member (usually the father)
who is dressed up as an oni (demon), while chanting “Oni wa soto!. Then
Throngs of people gather at Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines to pick up and
throw roasted soybeans, they also visit shrines to pray for health and good fortune
after throwing beans at home.

II. What do these words refer to? Write the correct word (s).
1. Them (par 1, line 2) Animals
2. It (par 2, line 2) Koreans Thanksgiving
3. Their (par 2, line 3) Korean families
4. Them (par 3, line 4) Princess and Emperor
5. This (par 4, line 3) Argentina is new Year’s Eve
6. Them (par 5, line 4) Family In Japan

III. How much do you know about these days and months? Complete the sentences in
column A with information from column B A B
1. New year’s Day is a day when (B) a . Brazilians celebrate carnaval.
2. April Fools’ Day is a day when (F) b . People have parties with family and
3. May and June are the months when (C) c . Many young adults choose to get
4. Valentine’s Day is a day when (E) d . People in many countries honor workers.
5. Labor day is a day when (D) e . People express their love to someone.
6. February is the month when (A) f. People sometimes play tricks on friends.

IV. What do you know about wedding customs in North America? Match these phrases
with the information below.
1. Before a man and woman get married, they usually (F)
2. When a couple gets engaged, the man often (D)
3. Right after a couple gets angaged, they usually (E)
4. When a woman gets married, her family usually (A)
5. When people are invited to a wedding, they almost always (C)
6. Right after a couple gets married, they usually (B)

1. What kind of celebration is celebrated on January 17 in Mexico?
C. St. Anthony’s Day
2. When do people in Japan celebrate the end of winter and the beginning of spring?
D. February 3
3. The time of year when crops are cut and collected from the fields, or the activity
of cutting and collecting them, or the crops which are cut and collected is called?
B. Harvest
4. What do families in Argentina do on New Year’s Eve?
C. Get together and have a big meal.
5. A day when people in many countries give chocolates, flowers, or jewelry to the
people they love is called?
E. Valentine’s Day

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