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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Education
Saudia Schools/ Girls' Section /American Diploma

Worksheet (Unit 1)
Grade 4 Date:
Name: _____________________________________ 26.Sep.2023

Q1/Mark each sentence True (T) or False (F):

1 - Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was born in Makkah and moved to Madinah. (…..)

2- The main job of the Caliphs was to win battles. (……)

3- Uthman ibn Affan (MABPWH) Caliphate is often called the Golden Age of Islam, because made the
Caliphate bigger. (…..)

4- Before he accepted Islam, Umar ibn Al-Khattab (MABPWH) wanted to kill Quraysh. (…….)

5- Abu Bakr (MABPWH) helped to unite Muslims after the death of the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH)and so he made Islam stronger. (…….)

6- The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) He was the last and final prophet of Allah. (……..)

7- Uthman ibn Affan (MABPWH) is killed. Ali ibn Abi Talib (MABPWH) becomes the fourth Caliph.

8- Ali ibn Abi Talib (MABPWH) agreed to become Caliph because he wanted to try and bring pace to
Madinah and to the ummah. (……..)

9 - Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) A was only six when his mother passed away. cared for by his father.

10- Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) A was the son of Abdullah and Aminah. (……)

11- Abu Bakr (MABPWH) He belonged to the Banu Taym clan of the Quraysh tribe. (…....)

12- zakat one of the five pillars of Islam the Muslim practice of giving some of our wealth to help others.

13- Abu Bakr (MABPWH) was a close companion of Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). (….….)

14- Umar ibn Al-Khattab (MABPWH) bought slaves from other people and set them free. (……..)

15- Uthman ibn Affan (MABPWH) belonged to the Umayyah family of the Quraysh tribe. (……..)

16- Ali ibn Abi Talib (MABPWH) married Fatimah Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) youngest daughter.


1-The religion of Muslims is called

a. Quran
b. Islam
c. Zakat

2- Revelations from Allah to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

a. Muslims
b. Quran
c. habits

3- The Muslim people who follow Islam.

a. Byzantine
b. Golden
c. Ummah

4- The journey that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made from Makkah to Madinah with the believers in
622 AD.
a. Hijra
b. Colonial
c. Middle East

5- An Islamic system of government.

a. Job
b. Caliphate
c. Battles

6- rules made by Islamic scholars.

a. Fatwas
b. Quran
c. Sunnah

7- laws based on the Quran, the Sunna and fatwas.

a. Messages
b. Sharia Law
c. Sassanid

8- disagreement among Muslims

a. Arabian
b. Fitnah
c. Fight

9- formal prayers that all adult Muslims offer each day

a. Assassin
b. Attack
c. Salah

10- first young person to accept Islam.

a. Umar ibn Al-Khattab (MABPWH)
b. Uthman ibn Affan (MABPWH)
c. Ali ibn Abi Talib (MABPWH)

11-a line showing a set of events in the order in which they happened.
d. Story
e. Timeline
f. Life

12- an old and very sacred place in Makkah.

d. Ka'aba
e. Home
f. Madinah

13- Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) A married ……………………… who bore him six children.
d. Khadijah bint Khuwaylid (MABPWH)
e. Fatima
f. Zainab

14- The Angel……………………. brought Allah's message to Hijra.

d. Micheal
e. Jibreel
f. Noah

15- Everyone who lives in a country has to obey the laws of the country.
d. Ummah
e. Arabian
f. Being a good citizen

16- Allah reveals his ……………… to Prophet Mohamed (PBUH).

d. Fatwas
e. Quran
f. messages
17- Chart of dates, weeks, months and years.
d. Hijra
e. Sharia Law
f. Calendar

18- Some of Uthman ibn Affan (MABPWH) achievements.

d. Preserving the Quran
e. Fight
f. Al Fitnah

19- The Prophet Mohamed (PBUH) was ……… years old when he accepted islam.
d. 40
e. 20
f. 60

20- The Arabian Peninsula is between ………………

a. the north and south.
b. Africa and Asia.
c. Egypt.

Q3/Make a map about Uthman ibn Affan (MABPWH)

Uthman ibn Affan (MABPWH)


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