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Tilenga Project

Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring


10.1 Introduction
This section describes how the mitigation measures identified in this environmental
and social impact assessment (ESIA) will be implemented and monitored. This
section has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the:
 National Environment Act, Cap 153, 1995
 Ugandan Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations, 1998
 Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment in Uganda (National
Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) 1997)
 Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines for the Energy Sector in Uganda,
2004 and the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Guidelines for the
Energy Sector in Uganda, 20141.
 International Finance Corporation Performance Standard 1.
 JICA Guidelines

10.2 Management Plans

This section describes the management plans that will support the implementation
of the ESMP. Minimum content of these management plans are the mitigation
commitments developed throughout the ESIA.
The management plans are applicable during construction and operation, other
than for the decommissioning plan.
Where applicable, separate plans will be drafted for construction and operation that
account for the activities and anticipated potential impacts.
Management plans will be revised annually as a minimum or, more frequently as
required, in response to Project changes, lessons learnt and or adaptive
The project will be responsible for the content, drafting, implementation and
revisions of the management plans described in this section.
A separate suite of management plans will be drafted for construction and
An overview of each management plan is described in this section. The project will
prepare management plans for the relevant phase of the GKMA Project that
include, but are not limited to, this minimum content in support of implementation
of the ESMP.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans Tilenga Feeder Pipeline

1. Air quality management plan

2. Noise and vibration management plan
3. Water quality management plan
4. Waste water management plan
5. Re vegetation plan
6. Emergency response plan
7. Grievance Redress Mechanism
8. Oil spill/ leakage management plan
9. Construction waste management plan
10. Wetland protection and restoration plan
11. Traffic management plan
12. Physical cultural management plan
13. Soil Erosion Control Plan
14. Public awareness plan
15. Labor force management plan
16. Gender Management plan
17. Construction environmental monitoring plan
18. Contractor's environmental program
19. HIV prevention plan

10.2.1 MP01: Biodiversity Management Plan

The biodiversity management plan (BMP) will define the approach to reduce
impacts on biodiversity and will address:
 pre-construction surveys and pre-clearance surveys
 biodiversity action plan
 construction biodiversity considerations, such as signage, reducing habitat
disturbance, habitat and species protection, biosecurity plan
 mitigation measures to be applied immediately before the onset of construction,
such as translocation plan for flora and fauna, immediate pre-clearance checks.

10.2.2 MP02: Pollution Prevention Plan

The pollution prevention plan (PPP) will define the approach to prevent pollution
and will specify minimum requirements for:

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

 good international industry practice that will be used in project activities to

attenuate impacts resulting from noise, light, dust, nuisances and other sources
of pollution
 blast management
 energy management, including sources of emissions and project emission limits
 selection, safe management, use and disposal of chemicals
 handling and disposal of contaminated soil (from chance finds as well as
potential project incidents)
 watercourse crossings addressing issues such as fuel and chemical handling
and storage, surface runoff into watercourses at crossing points and,
management of potential project-related sediment loading of the watercourse.
 management of washwater from vehicles and concrete delivery trucks
 planned maintenance of facilities and equipment.

10.2.3 MP03: Waste Management Plan

The waste management plan (WMP) will define the approach to reduce potential
waste related impacts and will address:
 development of a waste management hierarchy
 identification and classification of project waste streams
 requirements for waste collection, segregation, treatment, storage and
 final disposal options
 waste management documentation to show compliance with duty of care.

10.2.4 MP04: Natural Resource Management Plan

The natural resource management plan (NRMP) will define the approach to
manage natural resource use and will address:
 aggregates management (sourcing, storage, use, reuse and disposal)
 water management including potable water and sharing community resources
 timber management.

10.2.5 MP05: Soil Management Plan

The soil management plan (SMP) will define the approach to soil management and
temporary erosion control and will address:
 construction planning surveys and assessments
 soil handling, including topsoil stripping and segregation of soil types during
temporary soil storage
 disturbance of contaminated land
 temporary erosion control.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans Tilenga Feeder Pipeline

10.2.6 MP06: Cultural Heritage Management Plan

The cultural heritage management plan (CHMP) will define the approach to the
identification, assessment and mitigation of potential impacts on tangible and
intangible cultural heritage and will address:
 pre-construction surveys and assessments avoidance and or preservation of
known archaeological or cultural heritage assets
 chance finds procedure for tangible and intangible cultural heritage
 interface meetings.

10.2.7 MP07: Reinstatement Plan

The reinstatement plan (RP) will define the approach to manage reinstatement
incorporating permanent erosion control and bio-restoration, and will address:
 permanent erosion control
 bio-restoration, revegetation and / or reseeding
 site reinstatement, including decommissioning of temporary work sites and
 watercourse and wetland crossings reinstatement including vegetation removal
and bank stabilisation
 the procedure to identify where location-specific reinstatement plans are
required as per the findings of the ESIA
 exit surveys documenting site condition on construction completion.

10.2.8 MP08: Stakeholder Engagement Plan

The stakeholder engagement plan (SEP) will define the approach to maintain a
social licence to operate2 among project-affected communities (PACs) and will
 effective messaging, including: construction safety awareness, communicable
diseases, employment opportunities and limitations, expectation management,
grievance procedure
 activities of community liaison officers
 information sharing
 community relations training
 initiatives to establish good community relations
 the grievance procedure.

10.2.9 MP09: Resettlement Action Plan

The resettlement action plan (RAP) will define the approach for addressing physical
and/or economic displacement of project affected persons (PAPs) and will detail:
 the applicable national and international laws, policies and standards which will
govern the resettlement programme and the land acquisition process

A social licence to operate exists when a project has ongoing approval or acceptance within the local
community and other stakeholders.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

 the methods of identifying PAPs

 resettlement, valuation and compensation mechanism for planned activities and
accidental damage
 livelihood restoration process for land and water-based livelihoods
 stakeholder engagement and participation.

10.2.10 MP10: Labour Management Plan

The labour management plan (LMP) will define the approach to ensure recruitment
practices and working conditions comply with legal requirements and project
The LMP will:
 comply with international labour standards, National labour laws and
regulations concerning transparency, accountability, anticorruption and human
 recognise workers’ right to trade union representations and organise collective
 providing suitable working conditions, including rest facilities and breaks
 provide a mechanism for compliance with the International Labour Organisation
Maternity Protection Convention (2000)
 respect workers’ rights to privacy including data protection requirements.
The LMP will detail:
 recruitment policies and process, including guidance for local recruitment
 provision for national content, development of local enterprise and capacity
 location and operation of recruitment centres
 labour contracts, including workers’ rights, workers’ conduct, camp rules and
workers’ grievance procedure
 disciplinary procedures
 a retrenchment plan to manage retrenchment at the end of the construction
 workforce environmental and social training and awareness programmes and,
local skills development.
 training to ensure workforce have the skills to perform their responsibilities.

10.2.11 MP11: Project Induced In-Migration Management Plan

The project induced in-migration management plan (PIIMP) will define the approach
to prevent project induced in-migration and manage negative impacts of potential
project induced in-migration and will address:
 measures to avoid or limit consequences associated with the in-migration of
people into project areas as a result of the project’s presence and activities.
 measures to manage planned and unplanned in-migration and the indirect
impacts of this on biodiversity and host communities.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans Tilenga Feeder Pipeline

10.2.12 MP12: Procurement and Supply Chain Management Plan

The procurement and supply chain management plan (PSCMP) will define the
approach to supply chain management including environmental, social and quality
considerations, maximise the purchase of local goods and services, and will
 procurement and supply standards
 national content policy for local business and community development
 third-party vendors of services, materials and products
 third-party aggregate extraction and batching facilities
 capacity development
 ring-fencing contracts
 workers’ rights compliance.
The PSCMP will include a national content plan informed by the National Content
Regulations 2016 (Clause 7.1). The national content plan will address the following
where applicable:
 the employment and training of Ugandans
 the required quality, health, safety and environment standards for goods and
services to be procured
 the transfer of technology, knowledge and skills to Ugandan companies,
Ugandan citizens and registered entities
 research and development in Uganda
 the procurement of goods and services obtainable in Uganda
 local sup

 plier development
 partnership with Ugandan companies, Ugandan citizens and registered entities
 the succession of expatriates by Ugandan citizens
 support to local education institutions
 support to partnerships and collaborations
 services to be provided by Ugandan companies, Ugandan citizens and
registered entities
 any other information as the Authority may require.

10.2.13 MP13: Infrastructure and Utilities Management Plan

The infrastructure and utilities management plan (IUMP) will define the approach to
monitor use of and/ or accidental damage to infrastructure and utilities and define
the process of corrective action and will address:
 crossing schedule and planning
 use of public roads and associated infrastructure
 utilities and service integrity
February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring
 irrigation and drainage systems
 flood control
 buildings.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans Tilenga Feeder Pipeline

10.2.14 MP14: Community Health, Safety and Security Plan

The community health, safety and security plan (CHSSP) will define the approach
to manage community health, safety and security matters and will address:
 community health including the management of sexual and communicable
diseases, and vector control plan
 construction activity awareness and community safety
 community security.

10.2.15 MP15: Occupational Health, Safety and Security Plan

The occupational health, safety and security plan (OHSSP) will define the
management of workforce occupational health, safety and security and will address:
 camp workforce health and wellbeing
 drug and alcohol policy
 camp facilities, including health clinics and potable water provision
 workforce fitness for work, sexual and communicable diseases prevention plan,
vaccine preventable diseases management plan and vector control plan
 pest control and appropriate measures to reduce workforce interactions with
wildlife (e.g., reptile control at camp-sites)
 safe procedure should unexploded ordnance be encountered during
construction and or operation activities.

10.2.16 MP16: Transport and Road Safety Management Plan

The transport and road safety management plan (TRSMP) will guide pipeline
logistics and support community and driver road safety during pipeline related
transportation activities and will address:
 definition of pipeline transport routes
 local road upgrades
 notification of over-sized loads
 journey management, including convoys and scheduling of traffic movements
 suitable diversions routes during temporary closure of roads
 safety awareness education for local communities
 signage of hazards.

10.2.17 MP18: Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan

The emergency preparedness and response plan (EPRP) will define the approach
to emergency preparedness and response and will address:
 emergency risk analysis, emergency preparedness and response planning and
definition of the relationships with contractors’ emergency response plans
 incident management, including spill response planning, location of emergency
response equipment and PPE, material recovery and remediation techniques
 the type and content of emergency response exercises and the minimum
personnel participation in these exercises

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

 the location of emergency response equipment; minimum equipment and PPE

at these locations
 roles and responsibilities and specify communication and notification
requirements (according to Tier 1, 2 and 3 thresholds).

10.2.18 MP19: Monitoring and Reporting Plan

The monitoring and reporting plan will define the approach to ensure that:
 monitoring, inspections and audits are undertaken in a systematic way
 the implementation of the environmental and social mitigation measures is
 monitoring programmes would involve appropriate external stakeholders such
as local government and civil society
 data on environmental and social conformance is gathered
 investigation of nonconforming monitoring results.
 internal and external reporting requirements are met.
The monitoring approach for potential impacts are described in the ESMP matrices
(Section 10.12), with monitoring parameter(s), target criteria and monitoring
frequency. The plan will address:
 a monitoring programme identifying monitoring locations (based on sensitive
VECs and receptors) and monitoring methodologies
 environmental and social inspections and audit programme
 noncompliance management
 monitoring results tracking system
 responsibilities for reporting, content, level of detail and format of reports and
reporting deadlines
 internal and external notifications and reporting.

10.2.19 MP20: Decommissioning Plan

The decommissioning plan will define the decommissioning of operation3
infrastructure at the end of the life of the project and will:
 identify applicable laws and standards that will guide the decommissioning
 define a schedule during the project life for developing a decommissioning
process, including financing arrangements
 outline the approvals process for decommissioning
 define the environmental and social evaluation process.

10.3 Supporting Subplans

The management plans described in Section 10.7 define the minimum
requirements based on the findings of the ESIA.

Decommissioning of construction phase infrastructure will be addressed in the reinstatement plan (see
Section Error! Reference source not found.).

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring Plans Tilenga Feeder Pipeline

There will be a requirement for other, more specialised supporting subplans to be

developed, including but not limited to:
 location-specific biodiversity management plans specifying features and
species for retention and protection, translocation, biorestoration requirements
 plans for erosion and sediment control and reinstatement for areas of fragile,
567/.sensitive or thin topsoil, side slopes or narrow ridges and at watercourse
 OHSSP subplans, addressing, among other things: substance misuse, malaria
(and vector controls) and, communicable diseases.
The subplans, as with all the primary management plans, will be revised annually or
more frequently if required, in response to project evolution, new information and or
adaptive management.

10.4 Training Needs and Capacity Building

10.4.1 Training Needs

An environmental and social training programme will be implemented and will
include a system for assessing personnel competence and training needs.
The environmental and social training programme will include:
 induction training – both worksite induction and construction camp induction
 worker awareness training, including:
o toolbox talks to be conducted as a minimum before any new work activity or
work at a new site to include site-specific requirements such as sensitive
vegetation, features of biodiversity and cultural heritage value to be
o workers' rights and grievance procedure
o health awareness
 financial literacy
 skills training to:
o ensure competent and safe performance of duties, appropriate to the work
being performed
o training that optimises skills development for local personnel.

10.4.2 Capacity Building

The labour management plan and the procurement and supply chain management
plan will identify priorities for capacity development and measures to increase the
capacity of the project workforce, contractors and subcontractors. Capacity
development priorities include:
 waste management
 safe driving
 handling of chemicals
 rules of engagement for security personnel
 basic health and safety training
 first aid training.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

February 2020
February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Generic ESMP Matrix

Generic ESMP Matrix – Construction Phase

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Project and
Procedures will be developed, incorporating plans for
erosion and sediment control and reinstatement. These will
be produced before work begins at areas of fragile,
bodies who
sensitive or thin topsoil, side slopes or narrow ridges and at
Loss of topsoil may conduct
Soil management watercourse crossings. Sediment interception measures will Bi-Weekly until
Habitats of through erosion by Rills or gullies on independent
plan be installed, inspected and maintained to prevent sediment No visible signs of vegetation is
Soil erosion conservation wind or water topsoil stacks and or monitoring or
runoff from the RoW or construction sites affecting erosion established in
importance causing impaired Reinstatement plan reinstated areas review the
watercourses, wetlands, waterbodies or environmentally reinstated areas
reinstatement data include:
sensitive areas. Procedures will include additional
precautions to be taken and increased monitoring
(minimum twice per week), with the aim of preserving the
topsoil for subsequent replacement.

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria

February 2020
Procedures will be developed, incorporating plans for
erosion and sediment control and reinstatement. These will
be produced before work begins at areas of fragile,
sensitive or thin topsoil, side slopes or narrow ridges and at
watercourse crossings. Sediment interception measures will
be installed, inspected and maintained to prevent sediment Zero incidence of Project and
runoff from the RoW or construction sites affecting sedimentation above project
watercourses, wetlands, waterbodies or environmentally background levels contractors;
Daily - during relevant
sensitive areas. Procedures will include additional greater than 50 m up-
watercourse government
precautions to be taken and increased monitoring Installation of erosion or downstream of
construction bodies who
(minimum twice per week), with the aim of preserving the and sediment crossings during
Reduced primary activities. may conduct
topsoil for subsequent replacement. controls. construction.
productivity in Daily during rain independent
Surface water that could be affected by runoff from the Separate storage of Zero incidence of
watercourses, seasons. monitoring or
Habitats of Soil management pipeline route or worksites will be visually inspected on a bank and bed material collapsed banks after
smothering of plan regular basis and remedial measures implemented if during crossings. reinstatement Weekly after review the
Soil erosion conservation
invertebrates, lethal sediment or contamination arising from project activities are reinstatement data include:
importance Reinstatement plan River crossing method Zero incidence of
or sublethal effects visible. until vegetation NEMA,
on fish, degradation statements developed sediment loaded DWRM,
is re-established.
of spawning habitat During open-cut watercourse crossing activities, bank and for wet crossings. surface water run-off MEMD, PAU,
bed material will be segregated, stored away from the entering watercourses Daily when
Compliance with district
active channels, and not be placed where flow or drainage (causing sediment load pumping trench
permit-to-pump. environment
will be obstructed. above background and or spread
water. officers,
As much riparian vegetation as possible will be left in place levels) from the RoW. MAAIF, NFA
until immediately before a watercourse crossing needs to Zero noncompliance UWA and
be made to maintain stability of the banks. During site with permit-to-pump. WMD
preparation, the height of vegetation on the riverbanks will
be reduced, but roots will not be disturbed, to dissuade
animals from nesting. The vegetation will then be removed
when the crossing is made and the area reinstated as
quickly as possible.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Preconstruction biodiversity surveys will be undertaken at

locations identified in the baseline appendices of the
environmental and social impact assessment to record
details of habitats and species of conservation importance
within the working areas. This information will be used to
produce site specific biodiversity management plans that
will identify fine-scale route changes (where feasible), mark
features for retention and protection, develop biorestoration
measures including seed collection, translocation and
species propagation and provide details of the specific
mitigation measures (such as seasonal construction
restrictions) to be implemented to reduce impacts on
biodiversity during construction.
As part of the Biodiversity Management Plan a vegetation
removal method statement to reduce impacts on
biodiversity will be developed. This will include but not be Changes in species Project and
limited to measures such as: populations and project
Minimum of 7
habitats, particularly in contractors;
 directional felling of trees on land inside the RoW days before soil
habitats of relevant
 avoiding damage to trees outside the RoW stripping
conservation government
 identifying areas where strimming, coppicing or commences for
importance; bodies who
other works will be undertaken in advance of Comprehensive data preclearance
Documentation records from surveys. may conduct
Permanent loss of (reports, checklists, supplementary independent
Habitats of There-after
habitat from AGIs Biodiversity etc) demonstrating preconstruction surveys monitoring or
Loss of habitat conservation weekly until sites
and operational management plan A biodiversity survey strategy will be developed to include that supplementary review the
importance Compliance with are reinstated for
RoW timings and methods of surveys to be undertaken, including preclearance surveys data include:
site- specific compliance with NEMA,
but not limited to: have been completed;
management plans biodiversity DWRM,
 supplemental preconstruction flora and fauna surveys and site-specific
management MEMD, PAU
 supplemental preconstruction biodiversity surveys of biodiversity
plan; there-after and district
pre identified species of conservation concern management plans
monthly until environment
 a biodiversity assessment of watercourses have been drafted
sites are fully officers, PAU,
and wetlands and implemented
restored. NFA and WMD
 an assessment of fish spawning habitat at open-cut where necessary
river crossings where the watercourse crossing is
planned to occur during the fish-spawning season
and International Union for Conservation of Nature or
Red Data Book species are known or likely to occur
 preconstruction checks on the RoW.

Ways to achieve an increasing trend in vegetation regrowth

and diversity of desired species, specifically species
composition and, plant species that support forage, refuge
and nesting for species of conservation importance, in
reinstated areas will be sought, with reference to nearby
areas undisturbed by project activities. The re-
establishment of vegetation will be monitored following
reinstatement until long term re-vegetation targets have
been reached.

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Preconstruction biodiversity surveys will be undertaken at
locations identified in the baseline appendices of the
environmental and social impact assessment to record
details of habitats and species of conservation importance
within the working areas. This information will be used to
produce site specific biodiversity management plans that
will identify fine-scale route changes (where feasible), mark
features for retention and protection, develop biorestoration
measures including seed collection, translocation and
species propagation and provide details of the specific
mitigation measures (such as seasonal construction
restrictions) to be implemented to reduce impacts on
biodiversity during construction.
As part of the Biodiversity Management plan a vegetation
removal method statement to reduce impacts on
biodiversity will be developed. This will include but not be Changes in species
populations and Project and
limited to measures such as: Minimum of 7 project
habitats, particularly in
 directional felling of trees on land inside the RoW days before soil contractors;
habitats of
 avoiding damage to trees outside the RoW stripping relevant
 identifying areas where strimming, coppicing or commences for government
Temporary loss of importance;
other works will be undertaken in advance of Comprehensive data preclearance bodies who
habitat from Documentation records from surveys.
clearing. may conduct
construction (reports, checklists, supplementary
Habitats of There-after independent
activities (RoW, Biodiversity etc) demonstrating preconstruction surveys
Loss of habitat conservation weekly until sites monitoring or
other temporary management plan A biodiversity survey strategy will be developed to include that supplementary
importance Compliance with are reinstated for review the data
worksites main timings and methods of surveys to be undertaken, including preclearance surveys
site- specific compliance with include:
camp and pipe yard but not limited to: have been completed;
management plans biodiversity NEMA, MEMD,
MCPY)  supplemental preconstruction flora and fauna surveys and site-specific
management UWA, DWRM,
 supplemental preconstruction biodiversity surveys of biodiversity district
plan; there-after
pre identified species of conservation concern management plans environment
monthly until
 a biodiversity assessment of watercourses have been drafted officers, PAU;
sites are fully
and wetlands and implemented WMD and NFA
 an assessment of fish spawning habitat at open-cut where necessary
river crossings where the watercourse crossing is
planned to occur during the fish-spawning season
and International Union for Conservation of Nature or
Red Data Book species are known or likely to occur
 preconstruction checks on the RoW.

Ways to achieve an increasing trend in vegetation regrowth

and diversity of desired species, specifically species
composition and, plant species that support forage, refuge
and nesting for species of conservation importance, in
reinstated areas will be sought, with reference to nearby
areas undisturbed by project activities. The re-
establishment of vegetation will be monitored following
reinstatement until long term re-vegetation targets have
been reached.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Preconstruction biodiversity surveys will be undertaken at
locations identified in the baseline appendices of the
environmental and social impact assessment to record
details of habitats and species of conservation importance
within the working areas. This information will be used to
produce site specific biodiversity management plans that
will identify fine-scale route changes (where feasible), mark
features for retention and protection, develop biorestoration
measures including seed collection, translocation and
species propagation and provide details of the specific
mitigation measures (such as seasonal construction
restrictions) to be implemented to reduce impacts on
biodiversity during construction.
As part of the Biodiversity Management plan a vegetation
removal method statement to reduce impacts on
biodiversity will be developed. This will include but not be Project and
limited to measures such as: Minimum of 7 project
 directional felling of trees on land inside the RoW days before soil contractors;
Documentation stripping
 avoiding damage to trees outside the RoW relevant
(reports, checklists, commences for
 identifying areas where strimming, coppicing or government
etc) demonstrating Comprehensive data preclearance
other works will be undertaken in advance of bodies who
that supplementary records from surveys.
Modified habitat clearing. may conduct
preclearance surveys supplementary
Habitats of structure following There-after independent
Biodiversity have been completed; preconstruction surveys
Loss of habitat conservation habitat weekly until sites monitoring or
management plan A biodiversity survey strategy will be developed to include and site-specific
importance reinstatement after Compliance with are reinstated for review the data
timings and methods of surveys to be undertaken, including biodiversity
construction site- specific compliance with include:
but not limited to: management plans
management plans biodiversity NEMA, MEMD,
 supplemental preconstruction flora and fauna surveys have been drafted
management UWA, DWRM,
 supplemental preconstruction biodiversity surveys of and implemented
plan; there-after district
pre identified species of conservation concern where necessary
monthly until environment
 a biodiversity assessment of watercourses sites are fully officers, PAU;
and wetlands restored. WMD and NFA
 an assessment of fish spawning habitat at open-cut
river crossings where the watercourse crossing is
planned to occur during the fish-spawning season
and International Union for Conservation of Nature or
Red Data Book species are known or likely to occur
 preconstruction checks on the RoW.

Ways to achieve an increasing trend in vegetation regrowth

and diversity of desired species, specifically species
composition and, plant species that support forage, refuge
and nesting for species of conservation importance, in
reinstated areas will be sought, with reference to nearby
areas undisturbed by project activities. The re-
establishment of vegetation will be monitored following
reinstatement until long term re-vegetation targets have
been reached.

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria

February 2020
Preconstruction biodiversity surveys will be undertaken at
locations identified in the baseline appendices of the
environmental and social impact assessment to record
details of habitats and species of conservation importance
within the working areas. This information will be used to
produce site specific biodiversity management plans that
will identify fine-scale route changes (where feasible), mark
features for retention and protection, develop biorestoration
measures including seed collection, translocation and
species propagation and provide details of the specific
mitigation measures (such as seasonal construction
restrictions) to be implemented to reduce impacts on
biodiversity during construction.
As part of the Biodiversity Management plan a vegetation
removal method statement to reduce impacts on
biodiversity will be developed. This will include but not be Project and
limited to measures such as: Minimum of 7 project
 directional felling of trees on land inside the RoW days before soil contractors;
Documentation stripping
 avoiding damage to trees outside the RoW relevant
(reports, checklists, commences for
 identifying areas where strimming, coppicing or government
etc) demonstrating Comprehensive data preclearance
other works will be undertaken in advance of bodies who
Loss of wetland and that supplementary records from surveys.
clearing. may conduct
riparian habitat preclearance surveys supplementary
Habitats of There-after independent
through open cut Biodiversity have been completed; preconstruction surveys
Loss of habitat conservation weekly until sites monitoring or
crossing during management plan A biodiversity survey strategy will be developed to include and site-specific
importance Compliance with are reinstated for review the data
construction of the timings and methods of surveys to be undertaken, including biodiversity
site- specific compliance with include:
RoW but not limited to: management plans
management plans biodiversity NEMA, MEMD,
 supplemental preconstruction flora and fauna surveys have been drafted
management UWA, DWRM,
 supplemental preconstruction biodiversity surveys of and implemented
plan; there-after district
pre identified species of conservation concern where necessary
monthly until environment
 a biodiversity assessment of watercourses sites are fully officers, PAU;
and wetlands restored. WMD and NFA
 an assessment of fish spawning habitat at open-cut
river crossings where the watercourse crossing is
planned to occur during the fish-spawning season
and International Union for Conservation of Nature or
Red Data Book species are known or likely to occur
 preconstruction checks on the RoW.

Ways to achieve an increasing trend in vegetation regrowth

and diversity of desired species, specifically species
composition and, plant species that support forage, refuge
and nesting for species of conservation importance, in
reinstated areas will be sought, with reference to nearby
areas undisturbed by project activities. The re-
establishment of vegetation will be monitored following
reinstatement until long term re-vegetation targets have
been reached.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Table 10.12-1 Generic ESMP Matrix – Construction Phase

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
 Spill response personnel and equipment will be
provided to contain, clean-up and remediate (Tier 1
spills). A wider range of resources will be utilised to
contain, clean-up and remediate Tier 2 and Tier 3

February 2020
A strategy for tree removal and replanting will be
developed; the strategy will consider:
 where trees are to be removed, the species and
size/age of trees that will be recorded prior to
removal; data to be recorded includes: trunk
diameter at chest height, number of each species,
species and, location
 the number of trees and species to be
removed during construction
 conservation value of the species to be removed
 variety of species to be replanted
 provenance of species used for replanting
 the region-specific environmental characteristics
influencing replanting success. Preconstruction
surveys will be referred to when deciding suitable
locations for replanting of translocated species or
species planted to compensate for those
removed during construction.

Environmental and social evaluations will be undertaken

to identify suitable offsite disposal sites for waste soil and Height of stockpiles to
avoid significant Project
rock, and appropriate management measures to be
implemented. All temporary borrow pits and soil and rock change in views and
bodies who
disposal sites will be reinstated, unless instructed landscape; Restriction
Biodiversity may conduct
Visual Change of otherwise by the regulatory authorities, in accordance of vegetation independent
intrusion of landscape management plan with pre-entry agreements with landowner and location- clearance to only monitoring or
project character and Reinstatement specific reinstatement plans will be prepared and within the construction No significant change in
Landscape Weekly during review the data
components views caused by plan implemented. RoW; landscape reinstatement include:
into project Where benching is required then the areas will be re- Before and after NEMA, MEMD,
landscape components contoured to original profiles. Side casting in areas of UWA, WMD,
management photographs with
steep terrain will be prohibited. The effects of accidental district
plan regard to contouring,
spoil slippage on steep slopes will mitigated, e.g., by environment
using fences or a geotextile membrane. drainage, waste and
officers, NFA
debris. reinstatement
Recontouring should be sympathetic and in keeping with and PAU
of borrow pits
preconstruction profiles, where this is not precluded by
risk to integrity of the pipeline or erosion considerations.
Before construction personnel and equipment are
demobilised, temporary buildings and equipment,
aboveground and belowground infrastructure, utilities,
tools and any excess material brought onsite or
generated during construction and commissioning will be
removed. All off ROW sites impacted upon will be
reinstated to meet pre-entry agreements with the
landowner and in accordance with location-specific
reinstatement method statements or plans to be
prepared and implemented. Location-specific closeout
reports, including photographs, will be produced to
document the condition of temporary sites at handover
following reinstatement.
A preconstruction survey, including photographs, will be
undertaken to document the condition of the land on
which the RoW, construction and permanent facilities
and access roads will be located. The survey will include
immovable assets, crops and any remediation required to
the land before construction. The survey will:

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
 provide baseline evidence in the event of a claim
for damage
 identify existing contamination such as
illegal disposal
 inform pre-entry agreements including:
o agreement for temporary measures to be installed
(e.g., during disruption to drainage or irrigation,
temporary fencing)
o reinstatement requirements. Pre-entry
agreements will be made with landowners,
including reinstatement requirements, prior to
access onto a site.
Project and
Height of stockpiles to
Before construction personnel and equipment are avoid significant
demobilised, temporary buildings and equipment, change in views and
aboveground and belowground infrastructure, utilities, tools landscape; Restriction
Soil management Immediately after government
and any excess material brought onsite or generated of vegetation
Permanent change plan reinstatement bodies who
Disposal of during construction and commissioning will be removed. All clearance to only
of views as a within the construction Zero noncompliance Weekly until all may conduct
surplus Waste of RoW sites impacted upon will be reinstated to meet pre- independent
Landscape result of disposal RoW; reinstatement of with the Reinstatement excess soil is
subsoil and management plan entry agreements with the landowner and in accordance
Plan removed, reused monitoring or
of surplus subsoil with location-specific reinstatement method statements or borrow pits;
aggregate Reinstatement and or disposed review the data
and aggregate plans to be prepared and implemented. Location-specific Presence of excess
plan of include:
closeout reports, including photographs, will be produced to soil remaining on site NEMA, MEMD,
document the condition of temporary sites at handover immediately after
following reinstatement. District
reinstatement is
Officers, PAU
To minimise emissions to air, vehicles, machines and
Servicing and Project and
equipment will:
maintenance of project
 be appropriate for the task required contractors;
project vehicles,
 have a valid maintenance and inspection certificate relevant
machines and
or log books government
 be allocated a unique identifier to be used in bodies who
Release of Reduced air quality a maintenance log Documentation to Zero noncompliance
may conduct
gases, from combustion of  be maintained regularly in accordance with the support that all with scheduled
Pollution prevention independent
exhausts and Air quality fuel in construction combustion servicing and Monthly
plan manufacturer's recommendations to maximise fuel monitoring or
vapours to equipment and efficiency and help reduce emissions equipment on any maintenance of
review the data
atmosphere vehicles Project or contractor combustion equipment
 not be allowed to idle – engines will be switched include:
off when not in use. site is up to date on NEMA, MEMD,
manufacturer's district
recommended environment
Vehicles or equipment seen to be emitting excessive black maintenance and officers, PAU
smoke will not be permitted to continue work and will be servicing and MGLSD
sent for maintenance.

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Project and
A refuelling procedure will be developed and implemented government
which will include but not be limited to: bodies who
Release of Hydrocarbon vapour Refuelling procedures; All personnel
 details of mobile and static refuelling areas Effectiveness of spill may conduct
gases, emissions from responsible undertaking
Pollution prevention and equipment (e.g. impermeable drip trays) prevention measures; independent
exhausts and Air Quality refuelling operations refuelling activities are Monthly
plan  regulatory / GIIP constraints of refuelling operations monitoring or
vapours to causing reduced air Training records trained to reduce spills
to sensitive environmental receptors review the data
atmosphere quality targeting refuelling. and vapour emissions.
 spill prevention measures include:
 training on refuelling procedures. NEMA, MEMD,
officers, PAU
Project and
Zero noncompliance project
with dust suppression contractors;
measures described in relevant
Where construction generated dust may affect sensitive the Pollution Prevention government
receptors, the following mitigation measures will be Implementation of Plan bodies who
Pollution prevention considered: dust suppression Weekly – site
Nuisance from dust plan Continuous verification may conduct
emissions from  dust suppression at work-sites and transport routes measures improvement on independent
Dust Air Quality Transport and road Monthly –
construction site  adherence to RoW speed limits supplemented Site verification percentage of monitoring or
activities safety management complaints, review the data
by awareness training Number of related unresolved complaints
plan documentation include:
 sheeting of fine materials being transported or complaints on project vehicle dust
stored on-site. emissions after Project NEMA, MEMD,
has proposed district
solution(s) during environment
engagement officers and

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Project noise emissions will not result in an exceedance of
PES or national legislative noise criteria at any existing
sensitive receptor site.
Location specific assessments will be undertaken at Zero exceedance of Project and
sensitive receptors in proximity to project activities Noise levels at project
project environmental
occurring between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. to identify appropriate sensitive receptors; contractors;
mitigation where there is potential to cause disturbance field verification. relevant
from noise and vibration. Number of related government
improvement on
Preference will be given to selecting low noise and vibration complaints. Weekly for noise bodies who
percentage of
emitting equipment for all construction works. Documentation to level monitoring may conduct
Disturbance or unresolved complaints
support that all at sensitive independent
Acoustic nuisance from noise Pollution prevention To minimise emissions to air, vehicles, machines and on noise after Project
Noise combustion receptors. monitoring or
Environment from construction on plan equipment will: has proposed
equipment on any review the data
the RoW  be appropriate for the task required solution(s) during Monthly for
Project or contractor include:
engagement. documentation.
 have a valid maintenance and inspection certificate site is up to date on NEMA, MEMD,
or log books Zero noncompliance district
 be allocated a unique identifier to be used in with scheduled environment
a maintenance log servicing and officers, OSH
maintenance and
 be maintained regularly in accordance with the maintenance of Department –
manufacturer's recommendations to maximise fuel combustion equipment. MGLSD
efficiency and help reduce emissions
 not be allowed to idle – engines will be switched
off when not in use.
Project noise emissions will not result in an exceedance of
PES or national legislative noise criteria at any existing
sensitive receptor site.
Location specific assessments will be undertaken at Zero exceedance of Project and
sensitive receptors in proximity to project activities Noise levels at project
project environmental
occurring between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. to identify appropriate sensitive receptors; contractors;
mitigation where there is potential to cause disturbance field verification. relevant
from noise and vibration. Number of related government
improvement on
Preference will be given to selecting low noise and vibration complaints. Weekly for noise bodies who
Pollution prevention percentage of
emitting equipment for all construction works. Documentation to level monitoring may conduct
Disturbance or plan unresolved complaints
support that all at sensitive independent
Acoustic nuisance from noise To minimise emissions to air, vehicles, machines and on noise after Project
Noise Transport and road combustion receptors. monitoring or
Environment from traffic equipment will: has proposed
safety management equipment on any review the data
movement  be appropriate for the task required solution(s) during Monthly for
plan Project or contractor include:
engagement. documentation.
 have a valid maintenance and inspection certificate site is up to date on NEMA, MEMD,
or log books Zero noncompliance district
 be allocated a unique identifier to be used in with scheduled environment
a maintenance log servicing and officers, OSH
maintenance and
 be maintained regularly in accordance with the maintenance of Department –
manufacturer's recommendations to maximise fuel combustion equipment. MGLSD
efficiency and help reduce emissions
 not be allowed to idle – engines will be switched
off when not in use.

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Project and
Project noise emissions will not result in an exceedance of project
PES or national legislative noise criteria at any existing contractors;
sensitive receptor site. Documentation
demonstrating noise Zero noncompliance Daily during relevant
To minimise emissions to air, vehicles, machines and with project noise government
and vibration construction
equipment will: standards bodies who
assessments have where
Disturbance, Pollution prevention  be appropriate for the task required been completed, Continuous construction may conduct
nuisance or plan  have a valid maintenance and inspection certificate mitigation is improvement on occurs near independent
Vibration cosmetic / structural or log books implemented, and percentage of sensitive monitoring or
Environment Stakeholder
damage from  be allocated a unique identifier to be used in noise levels meet unresolved complaints receptors review the data
vibration engagement plan on noise after Project include:
a maintenance log project emission Monthly for
 be maintained regularly in accordance with the standards has proposed NEMA, MEMD,
solution(s) during documentation District
manufacturer's recommendations to maximise fuel Number of related and complaints
efficiency and help reduce emissions engagement Environment
complaints Officers, OSH
 not be allowed to idle – engines will be switched
off when not in use. Department –
A Procurement and Supply Chain Management Plan
(PSCMP) will be developed to maximise the purchase of
goods and services from within Uganda/Tanzania. This will
be contingent on whether local suppliers can offer sufficient
quality and reliability and can meet project requirements.
PSCMP will include, as appropriate, enterprise
development, capacity development and ring-fencing Project and
contracts. project
An approved recruitment procedure will be implemented contractors;
The generation of that: relevant
national employment government
opportunities leading  Is transparent and open to all regardless of race, bodies who
National content political opinion, colour, creed, sexuality or National recruitment Meeting National
Employment Economy to an increase in Quarterly may conduct
plan gender. target recruitment target
household income independent
and an improvement  Includes a local recruitment strategy. monitoring or
in living standards.  Considers social and cultural sensitivities. review the data
 Describes the employment criteria for the recruitment of include:
professional, semiskilled and unskilled labour. MEMD, PAU
 Prohibits discrimination or harassment of job and MGLSD
applicants. Job descriptions will advertise vacancies in
local languages in the PACs through accessible media
and on the project website. Targets for local recruitment
from project-affected communities will be set by the
project. These will be designed to meet legal
requirements. An employment office will be established
in the local area to conduct local recruitment.

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Project and
Development of a contractors;
A Procurement and Supply Chain Management Plan
Procurement and relevant
(PSCMP) will be developed to maximise the purchase of
Supply Chain government
Project procurement goods and services from within Uganda/Tanzania. This will Zero noncompliance
Provision of Management Plan bodies who
providing National content be contingent on whether local suppliers can offer sufficient with the Procurement
goods and Economy (PSCMP) to maximise Monthly may conduct
opportunities for plan quality and reliability and can meet project requirements. and Supply
services the purchase of goods independent
national businesses. PSCMP will include, as appropriate, enterprise Management Plan
and services from monitoring or
development, capacity development and ring-fencing
within review the data
Uganda/Tanzania include:
Project and
Contribution to
Contribution to the bodies who
Revenue Economy national economy - - - Annual
national economy may conduct
from investment.
monitoring or
review the data
include: MEMD
and PAU
Project and
Changes to the Contribution to the bodies who
Revenue Economy - - - Annual
fiscal balance national economy may conduct
monitoring or
review the data

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
An approved recruitment procedure will be implemented
 Is transparent and open to all regardless of race,
political opinion, colour, creed, sexuality or
gender Project and
 Includes a local recruitment strategy. project
 Considers social and cultural sensitivities. contractors;
Procurement and  Describes the employment criteria for the recruitment of relevant
supply chain professional, semiskilled and unskilled labour. government
The generation of management plan
Local economy  Prohibits discrimination or harassment of job bodies who
project local Local recruitment Meeting local
Employment (nonland-based Labour applicants. Job descriptions will advertise vacancies in Quarterly may conduct
employment target recruitment target
livelihoods management plan local languages in the PACs through accessible media independent
Stakeholder and on the project website. Targets for local recruitment monitoring or
engagement plan from project-affected communities will be set by the review the data
project. These will be designed to meet legal include:
requirements. An employment office will be established MEMD, PAU
in the local area to conduct local recruitment. and MGLSD

As part of the tendering process, (sub) contractors will be

required to include training components in their proposal
aimed at increasing local employment as well as improving
skills of local staff.
As part of the tendering process, (sub) contractors will be
required to include training components in their proposal
aimed at increasing local employment as well as improving
skills of local staff.
A public awareness programme to communicate
employment and training opportunities will be implemented
that includes but is not limited to:
 the local recruitment strategy Project and
 criteria for employment project
 the number and types of employment opportunities Continuous contractors;
improvement on relevant
Procurement and  the procedure for applying for employment.
The provision of Number and content percentage of training government
Local economy training and skill supply chain bodies who
of training sessions participants versus total
Employment (nonland-based development management plan Information will be disseminated publicly, including via Quarterly may conduct
Number of training number of workers
livelihoods opportunities within Labour media announcements at regional and national levels and independent
employment. during public meetings in PACs. Care will be taken to participants One training sessions monitoring or
management plan
reach women and vulnerable groups if necessary through documented per week review the data
targeted meetings scheduled at times and locations that and work site include:
may increase women’s participation. MEMD, PAU
As part of the OHSSP, a risk-based worksite and and MGLSD
construction camp training programme will be developed
and administered to the workforce, vendor representatives
and site visitors; the training programme (including daily
toolbox meetings) will be updated in accordance with
changes made in scope, incident statistics and/or regulatory
requirements. Daily toolbox meetings will be held where
health and safety issues will be discussed.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Project and
Financial management workshops will be held with workers project
to raise levels of financial literacy. During the recruitment contractors;
Procurement and process and throughout their contract, workers will be Documentation relevant
supply chain advised regularly that the duration of their employment is demonstrating worker government
Local economy Loss of employment management plan temporary and that they should maintain their existing awareness training on Full coverage of bodies who
Employment (nonland-based after project Labour livelihoods during this period and prepare through sound limited duration of workforce at start of Monthly. may conduct
livelihoods construction phase management plan financial management for the ultimate termination of their employment and need employment. independent
Stakeholder employment. to maintain existing monitoring or
engagement plan The Project will develop a campaign focused on providing livelihoods. review the data
realistic community expectations with regard to livelihood include:
options and employment opportunities. MEMD, PAU

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
An approved recruitment procedure will be implemented
 is transparent and open to all regardless of race,
political opinion, colour, creed, sexuality or
 includes a local recruitment strategy
 considers social and cultural sensitivities
 describes the employment criteria for the recruitment of
professional, semiskilled and unskilled labour
 prohibits discrimination or harassment of job applicants.

Job descriptions will advertise vacancies in local languages

in the PACs through accessible media and on the project Project and
website. Targets for local recruitment from project-affected Full coverage of project
communities will be set by the project. These will be Documentation workforce at start of contractors;
Dissatisfaction Project-induced in- designed to meet legal requirements. An employment demonstrating worker employment. relevant
arising from unmet migration office will be established in the local area to conduct local awareness training on Continuous government
Local economy expectations over management plan recruitment. limited duration of improvement on bodies who
Employment (nonland-based the scale and Labour employment and need percentage of Monthly may conduct
livelihoods duration of project management plan to maintain existing unresolved related independent
A public awareness programme to communicate
local employment Stakeholder livelihoods complaints after Project monitoring or
employment and training opportunities will be implemented
opportunities engagement plan Number of related has proposed review the data
that includes but is not limited to:
complaints solution(s) during include:
the local recruitment strategy engagement MEMD, PAU
criteria for employment and MGLSD
the number and types of employment opportunities
the procedure for applying for employment.

Information will be disseminated publicly, including via

media announcements at regional and national levels and
during public meetings in PACs. Care will be taken to
reach women and vulnerable groups if necessary through
targeted meetings scheduled at times and locations that
may increase women’s participation.

The Project will develop a campaign focused on providing

realistic community expectations with regard to livelihood
options and employment opportunities.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
An approved recruitment procedure will be implemented
 is transparent and open to all regardless of race,
political opinion, colour, creed, sexuality or
 includes a local recruitment strategy
 considers social and cultural sensitivities
 describes the employment criteria for the recruitment of
professional, semiskilled and unskilled labour
 prohibits discrimination or harassment of job applicants.
Effectiveness on Project and
stakeholder project
Job descriptions will advertise vacancies in local languages messaging (by contractors;
Project-induced in- in the PACs through accessible media and on the project Continuous relevant
feedback templates or
migration website. Targets for local recruitment from project-affected improvement on government
interviews) regarding
Local economy Competition over management plan communities will be set by the project. These will be percentage of bodies who
Employment (nonland-based employment Labour designed to meet legal requirements. An employment  recruitment unresolved complaints Quarterly may conduct
livelihoods opportunities management plan office will be established in the local area to conduct local opportunities and after Project has independent
recruitment. process proposed solution(s)
Stakeholder monitoring or
 grievance during engagement review the data
engagement plan A public awareness programme to communicate
procedure include:
employment and training opportunities will be implemented
 number of related MEMD, PAU
that includes but is not limited to:
complaints. and MGLSD
 the local recruitment strategy
 criteria for employment
 the number and types of employment opportunities
 the procedure for applying for employment.

Information will be disseminated publicly, including via

media announcements at regional and national levels and
during public meetings in PACs. Care will be taken to
reach women and vulnerable groups if necessary through
targeted meetings scheduled at times and locations that
may increase women’s participation

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
A public awareness programme to communicate
employment and training opportunities will be implemented
that includes but is not limited to:
 the local recruitment strategy.
Effectiveness on
 criteria for employment. stakeholder
 the number and types of employment opportunities. messaging (by
 the procedure for applying for employment. Project and
feedback templates or
Continuous project
interviews) regarding
improvement on contractors;
Procurement and Information will be disseminated publicly, including via  recruitment Quarterly for relevant
Diversion of supply chain media announcements at regional and national levels and percentage of
opportunities and complaints. government
workers gaining management plan during public meetings in PACs. Care will be taken to process unresolved complaints
Local economy after Project has For bodies who
employment from reach women and vulnerable groups if necessary through  grievance
Employment (nonland-based Labour proposed solution(s) benchmarking, 90 may conduct
the project away targeted meetings scheduled at times and locations that procedure
livelihoods management plan during engagement. days prior to independent
from existing local may increase women’s participation.  number of related
Stakeholder construction monitoring or
businesses or complaints. Preproject salary
engagement plan Before construction, a benchmarking exercise gathering commencing. review the data
public-sector jobs benchmarking is
data associated with average incomes in the private and include:
public sector for each region/district will be undertaken. This completed. MEMD, PAU
Labour management
information will be used to identify salary levels for the and MGLSD
plan is informed by
construction workforce so that disparities between project- preproject salary
related salaries and local businesses/public sector salaries benchmarking.
are avoided.
The Project will develop a campaign focused on providing
realistic community expectations regarding livelihood
options and employment opportunities.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Project and
Procurement and An awareness campaign targeting schools at sensitive contractors;
supply chain locations within the project AOI will be developed, No underage persons
Evidence of a relevant
management plan addressing: to be employed as part
standard clause in all government
School drop outs Monitoring and of the project workforce
Local economy  importance of staying in school contracts that no bodies who
seeking employment reporting plan Inspections and audits
Employment (nonland-based
in the project supply  risks particularly to girls of relationships with employees shall be
to identify whether
Monthly may conduct
livelihoods Labour transient workers, transactional and commercial sex hired, directly or independent
chain children under the age
management plan  road safety awareness indirectly, under the monitoring or
of 18 are being hired
Stakeholder  awareness about their rights age of 18 years of review the data
by the Project
engagement plan  project grievance mechanism and their right to use it. age include:
A Procurement and Supply Chain Management Plan
(PSCMP) will be developed to maximise the purchase of
goods and services from within Uganda/Tanzania. This will Project
be contingent on whether local suppliers can offer sufficient Documentation that
quality and reliability and can meet project requirements. demonstrates a
PSCMP will include, as appropriate, enterprise benchmarking
Zero noncompliance agencies who
Provision of Local economy Inflation and effects Procurement and development, capacity development and ring-fencing exercise is completed 90 days before
with the Procurement may conduct
goods and (nonland-based on supply owing to supply chain contracts. and that information construction
and Supply independent
services livelihoods project procurement management plan informs the commencing.
Before construction, a benchmarking exercise to gather Management Plan monitoring or
Procurement and
data associated with average prices for goods will be review include:
Supply Management
undertaken in each region/district. This information will be MEMD and
used to identify appropriate prices so that large price PAU
disparities between project-procured goods and local
goods are avoided.
A resettlement policy framework (RPF) has been developed
Effectiveness on Project
in line with national legislation, Good International Industry
stakeholder relevant
Practice (GIIP) and IFC Performance Standard 5. The RPF
Transport and road messaging (by government
will outline procedures related to compensation for loss of Continuous
safety management feedback templates or agencies who
Restriction of access assets and livelihood restoration. A resettlement action plan improvement on
plan interviews) regarding may conduct
Provision of Local economy to small businesses, (RAP) will describe the modalities of identifying Project percentage of
goods and (nonland-based street vendors and Monitoring and Affected People (PAP) and the procedures related to  compensation unresolved complaints Quarterly
monitoring or
services livelihoods local markets during reporting plan compensation for loss of assets and livelihood restoration process after Project has
review include:
construction Stakeholder strategies. Post resettlement monitoring of livelihood  grievance proposed solution(s)
engagement plan restoration measures will be implemented. Additional procedure during engagement
measures will be developed and implemented where  number of related MTWA and
necessary to ensure livelihoods are restored as a minimum complaints MGLSD
to pre-project levels.

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Any planned diversion of utility services, closures of any Project in
road or track, or planned traffic diversions will be consultation
communicated to local authorities and affected communities with respective
Effectiveness on
at least 72 hours before the works. Information provided to utility service
the community will include (as relevant to the diversion) but Continuous provider.
messaging (by
not be limited to details of the timing and duration of the improvement on Relevant
Increased Infrastructure and feedback templates or
diversion; the route of traffic diversions; and traffic control percentage of government
Local economy transportation costs utilities interviews) regarding:
Temporary measures for road crossings where delays and public unresolved complaints agencies who
(nonland-based and travel time with management plan notification; grievance Quarterly
Road Closure safety are key factors. on employment after may conduct
livelihoods economic Stakeholder procedure; and
The Project will implement a grievance procedure to compensation Project has proposed independent
consequences engagement plan
provide opportunities for PACs to express grievances about process. solution(s) during monitoring or
project activities. The grievance process will be engagement review include:
Number of related
communicated to and promoted within all PACs; it will be MEMD, PAU
clearly communicated to PACs that complaints related to and district
interactions with public or private security forces will be local
addressed. governments

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
The maximum length of open trench at any one time (per
spread) will be defined based on:
 the habitats present and potential ecological
Project and
sensitivities (e.g., terrestrial commuting routes for
large mammals) Location and length of contractors;
 community safety. open excavations relevant
Community health, Continuous
safety and security Documentation government
improvement of
plan Gaps will also be left in soil stacks and pipe strings at (reports, checklists, bodies who
Accidents due percentage of
Land-based Livestock falling into strategic locations to allow passage of animals where it is etc) demonstrating may conduct
to open Stakeholder unresolved complaints Monthly
livelihoods excavations considered safe to do so. that appropriate risk independent
excavations engagement plan. after Project has
Community awareness programmes will be developed and assessment has been monitoring or
Monitoring and proposed solution(s)
implemented in project-affected communities to explain: implemented review the data
reporting plan during engagement
Number of related include: PAU,
 road safety risks and how to increase the safety MEMD, NEMA
of pedestrians particularly children complaints
and local
 how to ensure their safety during construction government
 the measures that have been, or will be, implemented
to protect their health and safety (e.g., provision of
safe access).

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
As part of the project OHSSP, a Communicable Disease
Management Plan will be developed to manage infectious
disease outbreaks in construction camp/MCPY and
prevention of spread to PACs.
A HIV/STD awareness and prevention programme will be
put in place at the rest stops used by project drivers to Project and
address: project
 awareness and understanding among drivers about the contractors;
risks of HIV and STDs relevant
 the associated health implications government
 the preventative measures that can be taken bodies who
Number of instances may conduct
An improvement in  community awareness meetings
of communicable No increase in independent
the health and safety  counselling and testing services diseases in workforce
Workers' health, Occupational health communicable diseases monitoring or
of workers from  the distribution of information, leaflets and condoms. per worksite
Employment safety and safety and security of workforce by Monthly review the
disease awareness
welfare plan Trends in category and worksite data include:
and reduction
A vaccination plan will be identified to prevent communicable against baseline NEMA, district
communicable diseases for which vaccinations are diseases in PACs local
available from being transmitted between the government,
national/international and local workforce. This plan will OSH
apply to all project workers and visitors. Department –
As part of the OHSSP, a risk-based worksite and MGLSD and
construction camp training programme will be developed Ministry of
and administered to the workforce, vendor representatives Health
and site visitors; the training programme (including daily
toolbox meetings) will be updated in accordance with
changes made in scope, incident statistics and/or regulatory
requirements. Daily toolbox meetings will be held where
health and safety issues will be discussed.
Project and
Evidence that a risk government
assessment has been bodies who
undertaken regarding may conduct
worker health posed independent
Risk of wildlife As part of the OHSSP Risk Assessment process, the risk by wildlife at each Number of recorded
Workers' health, Occupational health monitoring or
interaction/ animal to worker health posed by wildlife at each camp and yard camp and yard incidents of workforce
Employment safety and safety and security Monthly review the
bites and contracting will be assessed and appropriate management measures interactions with wildlife
welfare plan Evidence of data include:
zoonotic diseases will be developed and implemented. at MCPY
appropriate NEMA, District
management Local
measures Government,
implemented OSH
Department –
and Ministry of

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
As part of the project OHSSP, construction camp will be
designed and built to meet national requirements and
regulations. Measures will be detailed to avoid and reduce
impacts associated with the development and occupation of
construction camp, including but not limited to:
 suitable and sufficient welfare facilities will be
provided appropriate for both genders
 clean and sanitary toilet facilities and showers will
be provided appropriate for both genders.
 adequate segregation between different areas
(e.g. accommodation and hazardous areas) Project and
 measures to reduce or remove community project
disturbance or nuisance from the camp, e.g. contractors;
preventing litter, dust generation, odours and noise. relevant
Occupational health  include a helicopter landing area and secure government
safety and security fencing around the boundary. bodies who
plan may conduct
Other occupational Labour independent
Provide workers with personal protection from prevalent
Workers' health, health and safety management plan Trend of reduction of monitoring or
diseases where feasible (e.g., condoms and ITN). Health and safety
Employment safety and incidents causing Community health, health and safety Monthly review the
As part of the OHSSP, a food and water management plan incidents.
welfare diseases, injuries safety and security incidents. data include:
and mortality will be developed and implemented to reduce the risk of NEMA, district
water- and food-borne disease outbreaks occurring among local
Transport and road the workers and the associated risk of transmission to
safety management government,
local communities. OSH
As part of the OHSSP, a pest control plan will be developed Department –
for implementation on construction camp. MGLSD and
As part of the OHSSP, a risk-based worksite and Ministry of
construction camp training programme will be developed Health
and administered to the workforce, vendor representatives
and site visitors; the training programme (including daily
toolbox meetings) will be updated in accordance with
changes made in scope, incident statistics and/or regulatory
requirements. Daily toolbox meetings will be held where
health and safety issues will be discussed.
PPE appropriate for the task will be provided to all workers.
As part of the OHSSP, basic workplace wellness programs
that are culturally and religiously acceptable will be
developed and implemented.

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria

Damage to
Third Party
Cables and

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Community liaison officers will encourage PAC Leadership relevant
to provide advance warning of local events so that government
construction activities can be avoided at these times. agencies who
Stakeholder Vehicle movements will be restricted to defined access Zero noncompliance Weekly whilst may conduct
engagement plan routes and demarcated working areas (unless in the event with the Stakeholder heavy loads are
Social Documentation independent
Use of road Traffic congestion of an emergency). Engagement Plan and being transported
infrastructure Transport and road supporting journey monitoring or
network leading to delays the Transport and Road
and services safety management Authorities will be notified when oversize heavy loads need management Monthly review include:
Safety Management
plan to be transported and such loads will be escorted by the thereafter PAU, MEMD,
project. district local
Preference will be given to transport of pipe and other government,
construction materials by rail to Isaka where feasible. UNRA and
local police
The Project will conduct regular inspection of access roads
to check for damage caused by project vehicles to repair
damage in a timely and efficient manner. Strict load
management will be enforced on all project vehicles.
Vehicle movements will be restricted to defined access
routes and demarcated working areas (unless in the event
of an emergency). Project and
Community liaison officers will encourage PAC Leadership project
to provide advance warning of local events so that contractors;
construction activities can be avoided at these times. Zero noncompliance relevant
Documentation government
Vehicle movements will be restricted to defined access with journey
Infrastructure and supporting journey Weekly whilst bodies who
routes and demarcated working areas (unless in the event management.
utilities management heavy loads are may conduct
Social of an emergency). All access roads
Use of road Disruption of traffic management plan Road inspection being independent
infrastructure Authorities will be notified when oversize heavy loads need regularly inspected.
network flows Transport and road records. transported. monitoring or
and services to be transported and such loads will be escorted by the Journey management
safety management Stakeholder Monthly review the data
project. responsive to include: PAU,
plan engagement records. thereafter.
A post-construction exit survey will be conducted covering community events. MEMD, district
Exit survey.
all areas surveyed during preconstruction (and any Exit survey completed. local
additional land requirements during construction) to assess government,
the condition of dwellings, roads used including bridges, UNRA, local
drainage structures, signage, traffic management and other police
road infrastructure. Any actions, such as repairs, arising
from the exit survey will be closed out on a timely basis to
allow a prompt return to the relevant authority, village or
Preference will be given to transport of pipe and other
construction materials by rail to Isaka where feasible.

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
The Project will implement a grievance procedure to
provide opportunities for PACs to express grievances about
project activities. The grievance process will be Project
communicated to and promoted within all PACs; it will be relevant
clearly communicated to PACs that complaints related to government
interactions with public or private security forces will be agencies who
addressed. may conduct
Resettled Continuous
households’ An RPF has been developed in line with national improvement on
monitoring or
exposure to areas of legislation, Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) and percentage of
Community Resettlement action Number of related review include:
Resettlement higher vector IFC Performance Standard 5. The RPF will outline unresolved complaints Monthly
health plan complaints PAU, MEMD,
densities, increasing procedures related to compensation for loss of assets and after Project has
the burden of vector- livelihood restoration. An RAP will describe the modalities proposed solution(s)
related diseases of identifying PAP and the procedures related to during engagement
Ministry of
compensation for loss of assets and livelihood restoration Health,
strategies. Post resettlement monitoring of livelihood MLHUD and
restoration measures will be implemented. Additional district local
measures will be developed and implemented where governments
necessary to ensure livelihoods are restored as a minimum
to pre-project levels.
The Project will implement a grievance procedure to
provide opportunities for PACs to express grievances about
project activities. The grievance process will be
communicated to and promoted within all PACs; it will be Project
clearly communicated to PACs that complaints related to relevant
interactions with public or private security forces will be government
addressed. agencies who
may conduct
An RPF has been developed in line with national improvement on
Resettled independent
legislation, Good International Industry Practice (GIIP) and percentage of
Community households’ Resettlement action Number of related monitoring or
Resettlement IFC Performance Standard 5. The RPF will outline unresolved complaints Monthly
health decreased food plan complaints review include:
procedures related to compensation for loss of assets and after Project has
security PAU, MEMD,
livelihood restoration. An RAP will describe the modalities proposed solution(s)
of identifying PAP and the procedures related to during engagement
compensation for loss of assets and livelihood restoration MLHUD and
strategies. Post resettlement monitoring of livelihood district local
restoration measures will be implemented. Additional governments
measures will be developed and implemented where
necessary to ensure livelihoods are restored as a minimum
to pre-project levels.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
A malaria and other vector control management plan will be government
developed and implemented to ensure adequate control agencies who
Community health, over malaria and other vector-related conditions in camp. Documentation
(records, reports etc) One health talk per may conduct
safety and security As part of the project OHSSP, vector management on all independent
plan demonstrating that month and full camp
Project activities project sites will be risk based. Corridor controls for appropriate vector coverage of monitoring or
Community Community leading to an Occupational landscape maintenance, as well as integrated pest control management participation. review include:
Health health increase in vector- health, safety and management procedures (environmental, biological and plans have been PAU, MEMD,
related diseases security plan chemical), will be implemented. Decreasing trend in NEMA,
developed vector related medical
Stakeholder As part of the project OHSSP, ensure that vector MGLSD,
Instances of vector cases. Ministry of
engagement plan management on all project sites (camp and construction) related medical cases
align with national vector control programmes and Health,
strategies. MLHUD and
district local
Project noise emissions will not result in an exceedance of
PES or national legislative noise criteria at any existing
sensitive receptor site.
Project and
Location specific assessments will be undertaken at project
sensitive receptors in proximity to project activities contractors;
occurring between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m. to identify appropriate relevant
Community health, mitigation where there is potential to cause disturbance government
safety and security from noise and vibration. Documentation
bodies who
plan Preference will be given to selecting low noise and vibration (records, reports etc)
Excessive noise Zero exceedance of may conduct
Community emitting equipment for all construction works. demonstrating that
Noise exposure due to Pollution prevention project environmental Monthly independent
health noise monitoring at
project activities plan Activities that generate high levels of noise and vibration standards. monitoring or
sensitive receptors is
Stakeholder will be assessed to determine potential impacts and review the data
engagement plan mitigation will be implemented where appropriate. include: PAU,
Notifications of work will be given at least 72 hrs in MEMD, NEMA,
advance of work to residents / occupants located within: MGLSD and
district local
 100 m of RoW prior to trenching
 50 m of RoW prior to lowering and laying of pipe
 50 m of RoW prior to backfilling and compaction
 250 m of any road upgrades and new access roads.
Documentation agencies who
Increased pressure
(reports, records, etc) may conduct
Disposal of on regional waste Zero noncompliance
Community Waste management supporting that audits independent
solid and liquid management - with Waste Monthly
health plan of waste facilities monitoring or
waste facilities due to Management Plan
being used by the review include:
project activities
project are completed PAU, MEMD,
NEMA and

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
A workers’ code of conduct outlining expected worker
behaviours will be developed and implemented. This code
of conduct will cover the interaction between the national
and international workforce and local workforce but also
interactions with unemployed PAC members. Compliance
with the workers’ code of conduct will be a contractual
requirement for all contractor, including subcontractors'
employees. In the event of non-compliance, workers will be Project and
disciplined in accordance with project disciplinary project
procedures and structures. contractors;
Community health, A HIV/STD awareness and prevention programme will be relevant
demonstrating that
safety and security put in place at the rest stops used by project drivers to government
An increase in the plan address: bodies who
interventions covering HIV/STD awareness Documentation
burden of disease Occupational may conduct
 awareness and understanding among drivers about the malaria control and and prevention - 30 days before
along the project’s health, safety and independent
risks of HIV and STDs HIV/TB have been programme delivered construction in a
Use of road Community transport corridors security plan monitoring or
 the associated health implications implemented as per plan (dates, new location
network health as a result of drivers review the data
Infrastructure and  the preventative measures that can be taken Site verification (e.g. locations, distribution of Site verification
spreading include: PAU,
utilities  community awareness meetings spot check) that information and every 3 months
communicable MEMD, NEMA,
management plan  counselling and testing services HIV/STD awareness condoms etc) (quarterly)
diseases MGLSD,
Stakeholder  the distribution of information, leaflets and condoms. and prevention
Ministry of
engagement plan programme delivered
as planned
An awareness campaign targeting schools at sensitive MLHUD,
locations within the project AOI will be developed, District Local
addressing: Governments
 importance of staying in school
 risks particularly to girls of relationships with
transient workers, transactional and commercial sex
 road safety awareness
 awareness about their rights
 project grievance mechanism and their right to use it.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Construction barriers will have visible warning signs
understandable by local communities. Signage will be in Project and
accordance with internationally accepted symbols and/or be project
well known to local communities. Site verification that contractors;
warning signs in relevant
Regular meetings will be held with PAC representatives, appropriate languages
during construction in their area, to update them on government
Community health, and bright colours are bodies who
safety and security construction progress and to receive comments or queries. installed. Zero noncompliance
Community health Weekly for site may conduct
plan A community liaison log will be maintained detailing the with signage.
and safety incidents Stakeholder verification. independent
Community content of all meetings.
Community associated with Occupational engagement records Zero noncompliance Monthly for monitoring or
safety, security Appropriate measures will be implemented to prevent fauna
safety construction health, safety and indicating PACs are with stakeholder stakeholder review the data
and welfare or people from entering welded pipe sections or open
activities resulting in security plan regularly engaged engagement plan. engagement include: PAU,
accidents excavations; there will be fauna ladders placed at suitable regarding community MEMD, NEMA,
Stakeholder First aid available 24/7. records.
intervals in all open excavations. Animals will be removed relevant project MGLSD,
engagement plan safely and released into suitable habitat away from the information. Ministry of
working area. Health,
First aid available at
As part of the OHSSP, a first aid needs assessment will be all camp. MLHUD,
undertaken for each camp to determine first aider and first District Local
aid kit requirements (e.g., qualifications, content of kits, Governments
Financial management workshops will be held with workers
to raise levels of financial literacy. During the recruitment
process and throughout their contract, workers will be Project and
advised regularly that the duration of their employment is project
temporary and that they should maintain their existing contractors;
Community health, livelihoods during this period and prepare through sound relevant
The capturing of safety and security financial management for the ultimate termination of their government
project benefits by plan employment. bodies who
men leads to a may conduct
Community Stakeholder An Information Education and Communication (IEC)
Community decrease in quality Compensation Both spouses sign independent
safety, security engagement plan programme will be developed for workers addressing Monthly.
dynamics of life and access to agreements. agreement. monitoring or
and welfare Labour social conduct and including topics such as: gender-based
resources for review the data
management plan. violence and, drug and alcohol misuse. The IEC
women and children include: PAU,
Resettlement action programme will explore opportunities to support community
plan initiatives addressing vulnerable groups including gender
Spouses will be consulted and present during the land District Local
surveys, entitlement briefings and compensation Governments
agreements and both spouses will sign the compensation

February 2020
Management Parameter to be Monitoring
Aspect VEC Potential Impact Plan(s) Mitigation Measures
Indicators/Targets or
Acceptance Criteria
Security personnel engaged by the project will receive bodies that
training on Voluntary Principles (this will include where army Training records. may conduct
Community health, and or security forces are engaged by the project); Effectiveness on independent
safety and security performance will be monitored. Full coverage of
Community Conflict between stakeholder monitoring or
Community plan security personnel.
safety, security PACs and project The Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights will messaging (by Monthly review the data
dynamics Zero community-
and welfare security personnel Stakeholder be implemented; compliance will be monitored. feedback templates or include: PAU,
security incidents.
engagement plan Public awareness programmes for stakeholders will include interviews) regarding MEMD, NEMA,
a specific section about the security presence around project security. MGLSD,
camp and security protocols which apply. MLHUD, Local
Police, District

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

A preconstruction survey of the RoW will be undertaken to

collect data on location, extent and mitigation measures of
known and unknown assets (tangible and intangible
cultural heritage (TCH and ICH)) and to consult community
leaders about ICH sites or practices not yet identified. A
report including a GIS file will be prepared that will
recommend location-specific actions to be undertaken that
could include:
 avoidance of a site
 access constraints to reduce disturbance to a site
 excavation of a site
 a watching brief during vegetation removal or
topsoil stripping
 requirements to maintain access to cultural
heritage assets.

A schedule of sites and actions to be undertaken will be

prepared and included in the cultural heritage management
plan (CHMP) and any appropriate licences obtained.
Project and
A senior cultural heritage monitor (SCHM) will ensure that
Documentation project
the cultural heritage management plan (CHMP) will be
(records, reports etc) contractors;
Increased implemented, in agreement with relevant government
demonstrating that a relevant
knowledge of authorities, in advance of construction. The CHMP will
written scheme of government
tangible and include a chance finds procedure. The cultural heritage Zero noncompliance
investigation has been bodies
intangible cultural team will schedule regular meetings and progress reports with written scheme of
Tangible and conducted including:
Disturbance or heritage. so that government authorities and appropriate community investigation (WSI).
Intangible Cultural heritage NEMA,
loss of cultural leaders are kept informed, including: Documentation Monthly
Cultural Employment of management plan Zero noncompliance Ministry of
heritage  regular report on progress of excavations (records, reports etc)
Heritage people to survey and with chance finds Tourism,
 a post-excavation assessment report demonstrating Wildlife and
investigate cultural procedure.
 a research archive compliance to the Antiquities
heritage affected by
 a final publication of results of tangible or Cultural Heritage (MTWA) –
the project.
intangible heritage investigations as appropriate to Management Plan Department of
the significance of the outcomes. (CHMP) Museums and
 chance finds reports will be provided to the government Monuments
authority and relevant stakeholders. The SCHM will be
supported by a tangible cultural heritage monitor
(TCHM) and an intangible cultural heritage monitor
(ICHM) to evaluate the effectiveness of the cultural
heritage protection measures and deliver awareness
training for all project personnel.

A written scheme of investigation (WSI) will be prepared

where an intervention is needed and appended to the
cultural heritage management plan (CHMP). Until
investigation and recording in accordance with the WSI, or
avoidance or management activity is signed off by
government authorities, construction may not proceed in
that area.
The senior cultural heritage monitor (SCHM) will prepare
the chance finds procedure (CFP); Chance finds will be
excavated by suitably qualified and approved
archaeologists, in accordance with the CFP and authorised
by the relevant government authority.

February 2020
A preconstruction survey of the RoW will be undertaken to
collect data on location, extent and mitigation measures of
known and unknown assets (tangible and intangible
cultural heritage (TCH and ICH)) and to consult community
leaders about ICH sites or practices not yet identified. A
report including a GIS file will be prepared that will
recommend location-specific actions to be undertaken that
could include:
 avoidance of a site
 access constraints to reduce disturbance to a site
 excavation of a site
 a watching brief during vegetation removal or
topsoil stripping
 requirements to maintain access to cultural
heritage assets.

A schedule of sites and actions to be undertaken will be

prepared and included in the cultural heritage management
plan (CHMP) and any appropriate licences obtained.
Project and
A senior cultural heritage monitor (SCHM) will ensure that
Documentation project
the cultural heritage management plan (CHMP) will be
(records, reports etc) contractors;
implemented, in agreement with relevant government
Damage, demonstrating that a relevant
authorities, in advance of construction. The CHMP will
disturbance or written scheme of government
include a chance finds procedure. The cultural heritage Zero noncompliance
disruption of access investigation has been bodies
team will schedule regular meetings and progress reports with written scheme of
Tangible and of unknown conducted including:
Disturbance or so that government authorities and appropriate community investigation (WSI).
Intangible Category 1 and 2 Cultural heritage NEMA,
loss of cultural leaders are kept informed, including: Documentation Monthly
Cultural tangible cultural management plan Zero noncompliance Ministry of
heritage  regular report on progress of excavations (records, reports etc)
Heritage heritage features, with chance finds Tourism,
such as evidence of  a post-excavation assessment report demonstrating Wildlife and
previous settlement  a research archive compliance to the Antiquities
and graves.  a final publication of results of tangible or Cultural Heritage (MTWA)
intangible heritage investigations as appropriate to Management Plan Department of
the significance of the outcomes. (CHMP) Museums and
 chance finds reports will be provided to the government Monuments
authority and relevant stakeholders. The SCHM will be
supported by a tangible cultural heritage monitor
(TCHM) and an intangible cultural heritage monitor
(ICHM) to evaluate the effectiveness of the cultural
heritage protection measures and deliver awareness
training for all project personnel.

A written scheme of investigation (WSI) will be prepared

where an intervention is needed and appended to the
cultural heritage management plan (CHMP). Until
investigation and recording in accordance with the WSI, or
avoidance or management activity is signed off by
government authorities, construction may not proceed in
that area.
The senior cultural heritage monitor (SCHM) will prepare
the chance finds procedure (CFP); Chance finds will be
excavated by suitably qualified and approved
archaeologists, in accordance with the CFP and authorised
by the relevant government authority.

February 2020
Tilenga Project
Tilenga Feeder Pipeline ESIA Section 10: Environmental and Social Management and Monitoring

A preconstruction survey of the RoW will be undertaken to

collect data on location, extent and mitigation measures of
known and unknown assets (tangible and intangible
cultural heritage (TCH and ICH)) and to consult community
leaders about ICH sites or practices not yet identified. A
report including a GIS file will be prepared that will
recommend location-specific actions to be undertaken that
could include:
 avoidance of a site
 access constraints to reduce disturbance to a site
 excavation of a site
 a watching brief during vegetation removal or
topsoil stripping
 requirements to maintain access to cultural
heritage assets.

A schedule of sites and actions to be undertaken will be

prepared and included in the cultural heritage management
plan (CHMP) and any appropriate licences obtained.
Project and
A senior cultural heritage monitor (SCHM) will ensure that
Damage, project
the cultural heritage management plan (CHMP) will be Documentation
disturbance or contractors;
implemented, in agreement with relevant government (records, reports etc)
disruption of access relevant
authorities, in advance of construction. The CHMP will demonstrating that a
of unknown government
include a chance finds procedure. The cultural heritage written scheme of Zero noncompliance
Category 3 bodies
team will schedule regular meetings and progress reports investigation has been with written scheme of
Tangible and intangible cultural including:
Disturbance or so that government authorities and appropriate community conducted investigation (WSI).
Intangible heritage, such as Cultural heritage NEMA,
loss of cultural leaders are kept informed, including: Documentation Monthly
Cultural meeting places, management plan Zero noncompliance Ministry of
heritage  regular report on progress of excavations (records, reports etc)
Heritage sacred natural sites, with chance finds Tourism,
 a post-excavation assessment report demonstrating
rivers or ceremonial procedure. Wildlife and
 a research archive compliance to the
ways, traditional Antiquities
Cultural Heritage
dance, rituals,  a final publication of results of tangible or (MTWA)
Management Plan
traditional healing intangible heritage investigations as appropriate to Department of
and syncretism the significance of the outcomes. Museums and
 chance finds reports will be provided to the Monuments
government authority and relevant stakeholders. The
SCHM will be supported by a tangible cultural heritage
monitor (TCHM) and an intangible cultural heritage
monitor (ICHM) to evaluate the effectiveness of the
cultural heritage protection measures and deliver
awareness training for all project personnel.

A written scheme of investigation (WSI) will be prepared

where an intervention is needed and appended to the
cultural heritage management plan (CHMP). Until
investigation and recording in accordance with the WSI, or
avoidance or management activity is signed off by
government authorities, construction may not proceed in
that area.
The senior cultural heritage monitor (SCHM) will prepare
the chance finds procedure (CFP); Chance finds will be
excavated by suitably qualified and approved
archaeologists, in accordance with the CFP and
authorised by the relevant government authority.

February 2020
February 2020

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