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Edition By Stephen Cecchetti


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Financial Markets 6th Canadian

Preface l vii

Through frequent use of FRED, students will gain up-to-date knowledge of the U.S.
and other economies and an understanding of the real-world challenges of economic
measurement; they will also gain skills in analysis and data manipulation that will
serve them well for years to come. Many of the graphs in this book were produced
(and can be easily updated) using FRED. In addition, end-of-chapter Data Explora-
tion problems call on students to use FRED to analyze key economic and financial
indicators highlighted in that chapter. (For detailed instructions for using FRED online
to answer the Data Exploration problems in Chapters 1 to 10, visit www.mhhe.com
/moneyandbanking5e and click on Data Exploration Hints.) Students can even do some
assignments using the FRED app for their mobile devices.

Impact of the Crises

The effects of the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 and the euro-area crisis that
began in 2010 are transforming money, banking, and financial markets. Accordingly,
from beginning to end, the book integrates the issues raised by these crises and by the
responses of policymakers.
The concept of a liquidity crisis surfaces in Chapter 2, and the risks associated with
leverage and the rise of shadow banking are introduced in Chapter 3. Issues specific to the
2007–2009 crisis—including securitization, rating agencies, subprime mortgages, over-
the-counter trading, and complex financial instruments like credit-default swaps—are
included in the appropriate intermediate chapters of the text. Chapter 16 explores the role
of the European Central Bank in managing the euro-area crisis. More broadly, the sources
of threats to the financial system as a whole are identified throughout the book, and there
is a focused discussion on regulatory initiatives to limit such systemic threats. Finally, we
present—in a logical and organized manner—the unconventional monetary policy tools,
including the use of negative interest rates and the concept of the effective lower bound,
that have become so prominent in postcrisis policy debates and remain relevant today.

Early Introduction of Risk

It is impossible to appreciate how the financial system works without understanding
risk. In the modern financial world, virtually all transactions transfer some degree of
risk between two or more parties. These risk trades can be extremely beneficial, as they
are in the case of insurance markets. But there is still potential for disaster. In 2008,
risk-trading activity at some of the world’s largest financial firms threatened the stabil-
ity of the international financial system.
Even though risk is absolutely central to an understanding of the financial system,
most money and banking books give very little space to the topic. In contrast, this book
devotes an entire chapter to defining and measuring risk. Chapter 5 introduces the
concept of a risk premium as compensation for risk and shows how diversification can
reduce risk. Because risk is central to explaining the valuation of financial instruments,
the role of financial intermediaries, and the job of central bankers, the book returns to
this concept throughout the chapters.

Emphasis on Financial Instruments

Financial instruments are introduced early in the book, where they are defined based
on their economic function. This perspective leads naturally to a discussion of the uses
viii l Preface

of various instruments and the determinants of their value. Bonds, stocks, and deriva-
tives all fit neatly into this framework, so they are all discussed together.
This approach solves one of the problems with existing texts, use of the term
­financial market to refer to bonds, interest rates, and foreign exchange. In its conven-
tional microeconomic sense, the term market signifies a place where trade ­occurs, not
the instruments that are traded. This book follows standard usage of the term market
to mean a place for trade. It uses the term financial instruments to describe virtually
all financial arrangements, including loans, bonds, stocks, futures, options, and insur-
ance contracts. Doing so clears up the confusion that can arise when students arrive in
a money and banking class fresh from a course in the principles of economics.

Parallel Presentation of the Federal Reserve

and the European Central Bank
To foster a deeper understanding of central banking and monetary policy, the presenta-
tion of this material begins with a discussion of the central bank’s role and objectives.
Descriptions of the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank follow. By starting
on a theoretical plane, students gain the tools they need to understand how all central
banks work. This avoids focusing on institutional details that may quickly become obso-
lete. Armed with a basic understanding of what central banks do and how they do it, stu-
dents will be prepared to grasp the meaning of future changes in institutional structure.
Another important innovation is the parallel discussion of the two most important
central banks in the world, the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank (ECB).
Students of the 21st century are ill-served by books that focus entirely on the U.S.
financial system. They need a global perspective on central banking, the starting point
for which is a detailed knowledge of the ECB.

Modern Treatment of Monetary Economics

The discussion of central banking is followed by a simple framework for understand-
ing the impact of monetary policy on the real economy. Modern central bankers think
and talk about changing the interest rate when inflation deviates from its target and
output deviates from its normal level. Yet traditional treatments of monetary econom-
ics employ aggregate demand and aggregate supply diagrams, which relate output to
the price level. Our approach is consistent with that in the most recent editions of the
leading macroeconomics textbooks and directly links output to inflation, simplify-
ing the exposition and highlighting the role of monetary policy. Because this book
also skips the IS-LM framework, its presentation of monetary economics is several
chapters shorter. Only those topics that are most important in a monetary economics
course are covered: long-run money growth and inflation and short-run monetary
policy and business cycles. This streamlined treatment of monetary theory is not only
concise but more modern and more relevant than the traditional approach. It helps
students to see monetary policy changes as part of a strategy rather than as one-off
events, and it gives them a complete understanding of business cycle fluctuations.

Integrated Global Perspective

Technological advances have dramatically reduced the importance of a bank’s physi­
cal location, producing a truly global financial system. Twenty years ago money and
Preface l ix

banking books could afford to focus primarily on the U.S. financial system, relegat-
ing international topics to a separate chapter that could be considered optional. But in
today’s financial world, even a huge country like the United States cannot be treated
in isolation. The global financial system is truly an integrated one, rendering separate
discussion of a single country’s institutions, markets, or policies impossible. This book
incorporates the discussion of international issues throughout the text, emphasizing
when national borders are important to bankers and when they are not.

This book is organized to help students understand both the financial system and its eco-
nomic effects on their lives. That means surveying a broad series of topics, including what
money is and how it is used; what a financial instrument is and how it is valued; what a
financial market is and how it works; what a financial institution is and why we need it;
and what a central bank is and how it operates. More important, it means showing students
how to apply the five core principles of money and banking to the evolving financial and
economic arrangements that they inevitably will confront during their lifetimes.

Part I: Money and the Financial System. Chapter 1 introduces the core prin-
ciples of money and banking, which serve as touchstones throughout the book. It also
presents FRED, the free online database of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The
book often uses FRED data for figures and tables, and every chapter calls on students
to use FRED to solve end-of-chapter problems. Chapter 2 examines money both in
theory and in practice. Chapter 3 follows with a bird’s-eye view of financial instru-
ments, financial markets, and financial institutions. (Instructors who prefer to discuss
the financial system first can cover Chapters 2 and 3 in reverse order.)

Part II: Interest Rates, Financial Instruments, and Financial Markets.​

Part II contains a detailed description of financial instruments and the financial theory
required to understand them. It begins with an explanation of present value and risk, fol-
lowed by specific discussions of bonds, stocks, derivatives, and foreign exchange. Students
benefit from concrete examples of these concepts. In Chapter 7 (The Risk and Term Struc-
ture of Interest Rates), for example, students learn how the information contained in the risk
and term structure of interest rates can be useful in forecasting. In Chapter 8 (Stocks, Stock
Markets, and Market Efficiency), they learn about stock bubbles and how those anomalies
influence the economy. And in Chapter 10 (Foreign Exchange), they study the Big Mac index
to understand the concept of purchasing power parity. Throughout this section, two ideas are
emphasized: that financial instruments transfer resources from savers to investors, and that
in doing so, they transfer risk to those best equipped to bear it.

Part III: Financial Institutions. In Part III, the focus shifts to financial institu-
tions. Chapter 11 introduces the economic theory that is the basis for our understand-
ing of the role of financial intermediaries. Through a series of examples, students see
the problems created by asymmetric information as well as how financial intermedi-
aries can mitigate those problems. The remaining chapters in Part III put theory into
practice. Chapter 12 presents a detailed discussion of banking, the bank balance sheet,
and the risks that banks must manage. Chapter 13 provides a brief overview of the
financial industry’s structure, and Chapter 14 explains financial regulation, including
a discussion of regulation to limit threats to the financial system as a whole.
x l Preface

Part IV: Central Banks, Monetary Policy, and Financial S

Chapters 15 through 19 survey what central banks do and how they do it. This part of
the book begins with a discussion of the role and objectives of central banks, which leads
naturally to the principles that guide central bank design. Chapter 16 applies those prin-
ciples to the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank, highlighting the strategic
importance of their numerical inflation objectives and their communications. Chapter 17
presents the central bank balance sheet, the process of multiple deposit creation, and the
money supply. Chapters 18 and 19 cover operational policy, based on control of both the
interest rate and the exchange rate. Chapter 18 also introduces the monetary transmission
mechanism and presents a variety of unconventional monetary policy tools, including
negative interest rates and the concept of the effective lower bound, that have become so
prominent in recent years. The goal of Part IV is to give students the knowledge they will
need to cope with the inevitable changes that will occur in central bank structure.

Part V: Modern Monetary Economics. The last part of the book covers modern
monetary economics. While most books cover this topic in six or more chapters, this
one does it in four. This streamlined approach concentrates on what is important, pre-
senting only the essential lessons that students truly need. Chapter 20 sets the stage by
exploring the relationship between inflation and money growth. Starting with inflation
keeps the presentation simple and powerful, and emphasizes the way monetary policy-
makers think about what they do. A discussion of aggregate demand, aggregate supply,
and the determinants of inflation and output follows. Consistent with the presentation
in recent editions of leading macroeconomic textbooks, Chapter 21 presents a com-
plete macroeconomic model with a dynamic aggregate demand curve that integrates
monetary policy directly into the presentation, along with short- and long-run aggre-
gate supply curves. In Chapter 22 the model is used to help understand the sources
of business cycles, as well as a number of important applications that face monetary
policymakers in the world today. Each application stands on its own, and the applica-
tions are ordered in increasing difficulty to allow maximum flexibility in their use.
Finally, Chapter 23 explores the monetary transmission mechanism in some detail and
addresses key challenges facing central banks, such as asset price bubbles, the effec-
tive lower bound for nominal rates, and the evolving structure of the financial system.
For those instructors who have the time, we recommend closing the course with a
rereading of the first chapter and a review of the core principles. What is the future
likely to hold for the six parts of the financial system: money, financial instruments,
financial markets, financial institutions, regulatory agencies, and central banks? How
do students envision each of these parts of the system 20 or even 50 years from now?

Organizational Alternatives
While this book greatly streamlines the traditional approach to money and banking, it
remains flexible enough to be used in a broad variety of courses; up to 19 of the book’s
23 chapters can be assigned in the following courses:
General Money and Banking Course. Chapters 1–8, 11, 12, 15, 16, the first section
of 17 (through page 463), 18, and 20–22
This course covers the primary material needed to appreciate the connections
­between the financial system and the economy.
General Money and Banking Course with International Emphasis. Chapters 1–8,
­10–12, 15–19, and 20
Preface l xi

This alternative to the general money and banking course substitutes chapters on
foreign exchange and exchange-rate policy for the macroeconomic model included
in courses with less international emphasis.
Financial Markets and Institutions. Chapters 1–9, 11–18
The traditional financial markets and institutions course covers money, financial
instruments and markets, financial institutions, and central banking. The focus is on
Parts II and III of the book.
Monetary Economics and Monetary Policy. Chapters 1–7, 10–12, 15–23
A course called monetary economics and monetary policy uses the material in
Parts II and III as a foundation for understanding the material in Parts IV and V.
A half-semester course for students with a background in financial instruments and
institutions might cover only Chapters 1–3 and 15–23.

What’s New in the Fifth Edition?

Many things have happened since the last edition. For that reason, all of the figures and data
have been updated to reflect the most recent available information. In addition, the authors
have made major changes to enhance the fifth edition of Money, Banking, and Financial
Markets. In quantity terms, the changes in this edition are the most extensive since the first
edition was published in 2005. What follows is only a sample of these changes.

New Topics in the Integrated Global Perspective

The fifth edition reflects the wide range of monetary and regulatory developments that
have taken place since 2015. New topics introduced or discussed in much greater detail
∙ The role of paper money and vir- ∙ Stress testing banks to ensure
tual currencies resilience
∙ Mobile banking and financial ∙ The size of central bank balance
inclusion sheets
∙ Peer-to-peer lending ∙ Negative interest rates
∙ Bond market liquidity ∙ Chinese exchange-rate policy
∙ Conflicts of interest in finance ∙ Narrow banking
∙ Reforming LIBOR ∙ Big data and the macroeconomy
∙ High-frequency trading ∙ Secular stagnation

The most extensive changes are in Chapter 14, which includes a discussion of continued
reforms to financial regulation in the aftermath of the financial crisis; Chapter 18, which
includes a full treatment of the Federal Reserve’s new operational policy regime; and
Chapters 21 and 22, where the macroeconomic model has been further enhanced so
that it now conforms to the recently revised treatment in leading intermediate macro-
economics textbooks.

Changes at the Federal Reserve and the ECB

The discussion of the Federal Reserve and the ECB now considers their evolving com-
munications strategy (Chapter 16); the use of unconventional policy tools, including
negative interest rates and the dramatic growth in central bank balance sheets, aimed
xii l Preface

at addressing first the financial crisis and then the weak economic recoveries that fol-
lowed (Chapter 18); the interactions between monetary policy and financial stability
(Chapter 18); and the impairment of the monetary transmission process during the
crisis (Chapter 23). It also reflects recent challenges to Fed independence, including
the role of central bank capital (Chapter 15).

Updated Coverage of Current Events

The biggest change since the fourth edition is the new and updated Learning Tools
inserts. Each chapter now contains an In the Blog excerpt from the authors’ Money and
Banking blog (www.moneyandbanking.com). In addition, one-quarter of the other fea-
tures have been updated. Overall, more than 50 of the 140 inserts in the previous edition
have been replaced or altered substantially. These changes capture new developments in
the key areas of technological change, the financial crisis, regulatory reform, and mon-
etary policy.
Here is a partial list of the new features:
In the Blog
Virtual Frenzies: Bitcoin and the Blockchain (Chapter 2)
Banking the Masses (Chapter 3)
Bond Market Liquidity: Should We Be Worried (Chapter 6)
In Search of Better Credit Assessments (Chapter 7)
To RMB or not to RMB? Lessons from Currency History (Chapter 10)
The Cloudy Future of Peer-to-Peer Lending (Chapter 12)
Narrow Banks Won’t Stop Bank Runs (Chapter 14)
Do Central Banks Need Capital? (Chapter 15)
How Big Should Central Balance Sheets Be? (Chapter 18)
Is 2 Percent Still the Right Inflation Target? (Chapter 22)
A Guide to “Secular Stagnation” (Chapter 23)

Applying the Concept

Basics of High-Frequency Trading (Chapter 3)
How Much Is the Distant Future Worth? (Chapter 4)
Do U.S. Households Benefit When Growth Is Stable? (Chapter 5)
China’s Stock Market Boom and Bust (Chapter 8)
Truth or Consequences: Ponzi Schemes and Other Frauds (Chapter 11)
Shadow Banking in China (Chapter 12)
Reforming LIBOR (Chapter 13)
Negative Nominal Interest Rates: Blast from the Past? (Chapter 17)
Alternative Monetary Policy Targets: Inflation, Price Level, and Nominal GDP (Chapter 18)

Your Financial World

Why You Are Obliged to Buy Health Insurance (Chapter 13)
Making Finance Safe (Chapter 14)
Has Paper Money Outlived Its Purpose? (Chapter 17)
Is International Diversification Dead? (Chapter 19)

Lessons from the Crisis

Threats to Fed Independence (Chapter 15)
The Euro-Area Crisis and the ECB (Chapter 16)
The Financial Stability–Monetary Policy Nexus (Chapter 18)
Preface l xiii

Learning Tools
In a sense, this book is a guide to the principles students will need to critically evaluate
and use what they read in the financial press. Reading a newspaper or a blog and apply-
ing the information it contains require some basic knowledge. Supplying that knowl-
edge is the purpose of the five types of inserts that complement the chapters, providing
a break from the more technical material in the body of the text:
• Applying the Concept • Tools of the Trade
• In the Blog • Your Financial World
• Lessons from the Crisis
 or a complete listing of the boxed features and their page references, refer to
the detailed table of contents. At the start of each chapter, the book now includes
more comprehensive learning objectives, to which the end-of-chapter problems
are linked.
The end-of-chapter material is divided into five sections: Key Terms, Chapter Les-
sons, FRED Data Codes, Conceptual and Analytical Problems, and Data Exploration.
Key Terms lists all the technical terms introduced and defined in the chapter. The key
terms are defined in full in the glossary at the end of the book. To aid student compre-
hension and retention, Chapter Lessons lists key lessons in an outline that matches the
chapter’s headings.
For a detailed description of FRED Data Codes, Data Exploration material, and
Conceptual and Analytical Problems, as well as the aforementioned boxed features,
please refer to the walkthrough on the pages that follow.

Supplements for Instructors

The following ancillaries are available for quick download and convenient access via
the Instructor Resource material available through McGraw-Hill Connect®.

Solutions Manual
Prepared by James Fackler (University of Kentucky) and Roisin O’Sullivan (Smith
College), this manual contains detailed solutions to the end-of-chapter questions—
Conceptual and Analytical Problems and Data Exploration Problems.

Test Bank
The revised test bank of more than 2,500 multiple-choice and 600 short-answer and
essay questions. The test bank can be used both as a study guide and as a source
for exam questions. It has been computerized to allow for both selective and random
­generation of test questions.

PowerPoint Slides
Updated presentation slides outline the main points in each ­chapter and reproduce major
graphs and charts. This handy, colorful supplement can be edited, printed, or rearranged
to fit the needs of your course.
Learning Tools Walkthrough
54 l Chapter 3 Financial Instruments, Financial Markets, and Financial Institutions

than borrowers of conventional mortgages—played an important role in the

financial crisis of 2007–2009 (see Chapter 7, Lessons from the Crisis: Subprime
Mortgages). The owners of these securities receive a share of the payments made
by the homeowners who borrowed the funds. Asset-backed securities are an
innovation that allows funds in one part of the country to find productive uses
elsewhere. Thus, the availability of some sorts of financing no longer depends on
local credit conditions.4

Learning Objectives Core Principle IconsUsed Primarily to Transfer Risk

Financial Instruments

Chapter 3
The learning objectives (LOs) introduced at the start of
each chapter highlight the material and concepts to be
The entire textpayments
following five core
2. Futures
1. Insurance contracts. The primary purpose of insurance policies is to ensure that
is organized around the
will be made under particular, and often rare, circumstances. These
instruments exist expressly to transfer risk from one party to another.
A futures contract has value;
is an agreement risk
between two parties to
exchange a fixed quantity of a commodity (such as wheat or corn) or an asset
mastered. EveryInstruments, Financial
end-of-chapter problem is denoted by requires compensation; information is the basis for
(such as a bond) at a fixed price on a set future date. A futures contract always
specifies the price at which the transaction will take place. A futures contract is a
LO to whichand Financial Institutions
it relates for reinforcement. sions; marketstype set prices and allocate resources; and
of derivative instrument, since its value is based on the price of some other
asset. It is used to transfer the risk of price fluctuations from one party to another.

­stability improvesare based welfare.

on the value of Exploring
some underlying asset. these
Options principles
3. Options. Like futures contracts, options are derivative instruments whose prices
give the holder the

is the basis forright,learning what the financial system

time during adoes,
but not the obligation, to buy or sell a fixed quantity of the underlying asset
at a predetermined price either on a specified date or at any speci-
Learning Objectives fied period.
how it is o­ rganized,
4. Swaps. Swapand how
contracts it is linked
are agreements to exchange twoto specific
the real econ-
cash flows at
After reading this chapter, you should be able to: omy. They arecertain
swap might involvein detailof in Chapter 1; through-
times in the future (as discussed in Chapter 9). For example, an interest-
the exchange payments based on a fixed rate of inter-
est for payments based on a rate of interest that fluctuates (or “floats”) with the
LO 1 Explain what financial instruments are, how they are used, and how they are valued.
out the rest ofmarket.
the Swaps text,comemarginal
in many varieties,icons
differences instudents
maturity, pay-
LO2 Discuss the role and structure of financial markets and identify the characteristics ment frequency, and underlying cash flows. The cash flows and other contractual
of a well-run financial market. of the principles thatusually
arrangements underlie
are designed particular
so that there is no discussions.
upfront fee for the swap.
These are just a few examples of the most prominent financial instruments. Together,
LO3 Describe the role of financial institutions and structure of the financial industry. they allow people to buy and sell almost any sort of payment on any date under any
circumstances. Thus, they offer the opportunity to store value and trade risk in almost
any way that one might want.5 When you encounter a financial instrument for the first
Long before formal financial institutions and instruments became common, there time, try to figure out whether it is used primarily for storing value or for transferring
were times when people lacked the resources to meet their immediate needs. In the risk. Then try to identify which characteristics determine its value.
terminology of introductory economics, people’s incomes were exceeded by their
necessary consumption. When a harvest was poor, they would dip into the reserves 2 5
Money and How We Use It Chapter 2 l Financial Markets
stored from previous years or exchange assets like land and livestock for food. But
Financial markets are the places where financial instruments are bought and sold.
often those measures were insufficient, so communities developed informal financial They are the economy’s central nervous system, relaying and reacting to information
arrangements that allowed people to borrow or lend among themselves. After a poor MARKETS quickly, allocating resources, and determining prices. In doing so, financial markets
harvest, thoseYOUR people with FINANCIAL
relatively good yields WORLD would help those with relatively poor
ones. When the tables were turned, help would flow the other way. In some societ-
Debit Cards versus Credit Cards
ies, families spread out geographically to facilitate these arrangements. For example,
For an introduction to how asset-backed securities work, see Andreas Jobst, “What Is Securitization?” Finance
and Development, International Monetary Fund, September 2008.
in rural Indian communities, households deliberately married off their daughters to 5
An important exception is the common desire to borrow using future income as collateral. While young people
When you goin different
shopping, should regions
you pay withto increase
a credit cardthe chance
A creditthat
card their
a deferred would
with good career prospects might wish to spend their future earnings now, lenders worry that such loans will
diminish the borrower’s incentive to work and repay.
orto respond
a debit card? inTo a timeyou
decide, of need
crisis. These informal
to 1understand the agreesinsurance
to make thearrangements
payment for you, and ensured
you repaythat
the debt
everyone had enough to eat.
Lessons from the Crisis
difference between the two. First make sure you know which later. That sounds good, but there’s a catch. If you’re late pay-
one of your cards is which. Usually an ATM card (the one ing, there’s a late fee. And if you don’t pay the entire debt
that you family
got from members
the bank and friends
when you opened still make
your checking everyloans
you paythemselves,
interest on the the informal
balance—at what is
account) that
is a debit card. Butwere
check the mainstay
to make sure. of the financial
usually a verysystem centuries
high interest rate. If ago have
you do pay given
your entire
What’s the real difference, from the shopper’s point of credit card debt every month, however, there is no late fee
way to the formal financial instruments of the modern world. Today, the international
view? A debit card works just like a check, only faster. When and no interest charge. Hence, you get an interest-free loan These boxes explain concepts or issues that are both inte-
financial system
check, exists
it usually to facilitate theto design,
from sale, and
youexchange of a broad setyouof pay
gral to the chapter and central to understanding how
you write a paper takes a day or two go the time make the purchase to the time
through withAadebit
the system. verycardspecific
of characteristics.
through the balance. If you can pay off your credit cards in full and on
right away. The electronic message gets to your bank on the time, it’s to your advantage to use them.
In recent decades, finance has evolved at an unprecedented pace, and our under-
same day, and your account is debited immediately. So, if
you want to use ofyour
it has
debitchanged, too. Formerly,
card, your account
Credit cards have another advantage over debit cards.
balance has economists
They help you distinguished
to build a credit sharply between
history, which you’ll need the financial crisis of 2007–2009 and the subsequent
direct finance (in which a borrower sells a security directly to a lender) and indirect
crisis in the euro area transformed the world of money,
to be higher than the payment you want to make. During and when the time comes to buy a car or a house. Because debit
after the financial crisis that began in 2007, debit card use cards are just extensions of your bank account, they don’t
sharply outpaced(incredit
which an institution
card activity, as lenders andlike a bankshow
borrowers stands between
potential lendersthethat lender
you are and the bor-
creditworthy. In fact,
sought to slowIfthewe need (ora even
level) of household debt.
loanreduceto buy a car, wesome
the outstanding usually get itlikefrom
businesses, a bank
car rental or finance
customers to use credit cards for this reason.
require their
banking, and financial markets. The topics range from
See M. R. Rosenzweig, “Risk, Implicit Contracts, and the Family in Rural Areas of Low-Income Countries,”
specific aspects of the crisis such as shadow banks and
Having a unit
Economic 98 (December
of account
Journal 1988).
is an incredible convenience. Remember from microeco- central bank policy responses to broad concepts like
Your Financial World
nomics that prices provide the information consumers and producers use to ensure
that resources are allocated to their best uses. What matters are the relative prices of
goods and services. When the price of one product is higher than the price of another,
liquidity, leverage, sovereign default, and systemic risk.
that product is worth more to both producers and consumers. Using dollars makes
These boxes show students that the concepts taught in
these comparisons easy. Imagine what would happen if we needed to compute rela- Financial Markets Chapter 3 l 63
tive prices for each pair of goods. With two goods, we would need only one price.
the text are relevant to their everyday lives. Among the
With three goods, we would need three prices. But with 100 goods, we would need
4,950 prices, and with 10,000 goods (substantially less than the 42,000 products in
topics covered are the importance of saving for retire-
a typical supermarket), we would need nearly 50 million prices.1 Using money as a LESSONS FROM THE CRISIS
risks at low cost (see Chapter 9). After 2000, the use of
customized derivatives that do not trade in open markets
yardstick and quoting all prices in dollars certainly is easier. (so-called over-the-counter, or OTC, derivatives) rose dra-
ment, the risk in taking on a variable-rate mortgage, matically. Those derivatives permitted some large financial
institutions to take risks that were unknown to their inves-
Store of Value Over the past few decades, financial intermediation and
the desirability of owning stocks, and techniques for
For money to function as a means of payment, it has to be a store of value, too. That
leverage in the United States has shifted away from tradi-
tional banks* and toward other financial institutions that are
tors and trading partners and to the public officials who
were supposed to monitor them. The spillover from the fail-
ure of these firms during the financial crisis nearly sank the
getting thetomost
is, if we are going use moneyout to payof theandfinancial
for goods services, then itnews.
must retain its
worth from day to day. Sellers are much less likely to accept things that are perishable,
less subject to government rules. These other intermediaries
include brokerages, consumer and mortgage finance firms,
insurers, investment organizations (such as hedge funds and
entire system.
The financial crisis of 2007–2009 transformed shadow
banking. During the fateful week that began with the failure of
like milk or lettuce. So the means of payment has to be durable and capable of transfer- private equity firms†), money-market mutual funds (MMMFs),
Lehman Brothers on Monday, September 15, 2008, the larg-
ring purchasing power from one day to the next. Paper currency does degrade with use and even bank-created asset management firms, such as
est U.S. brokerages failed, merged, or converted themselves
special investment vehicles (SIVs).
($1 bills have an estimated life span of 70 months in circulation), but regardless of its into traditional banks in order to secure access to funding. In
These other intermediaries have come to be known as
physical condition, it is usually accepted at face value in transactions. shadow banks because they provide services that compete
the same month, the loss of confidence in MMMFs required
Of course, money is not the only store of value. We hold our wealth in lots of a U.S. government guarantee to halt withdrawals. During the
with or substitute for those supplied by traditional banks.
crisis, many SIVs failed or were reabsorbed by the banks that
other forms—stocks, bonds, houses, even cars. Many of these are actually preferable Unlike banks, however, shadow banks do not accept depos-
created them. Many hedge funds chose to shrink or close as
to money as stores of value. Some, like bonds, pay higher interest rates than money. its. In addition, the leverage and risk taking of shadow banks
investors fled.
can be greater than that of traditional banks while being less
The future of shadow banking remains highly uncertain.
The general formula is that for n goods we need n(n − 1)/2 prices, so for 10,000 goods, the number would be transparent.
The crisis has encouraged governments to scrutinize any
10,000(9,999)/2 = 49,995,000. Beginning in the 1970s, financial innovation sped the
financial institution that could, by its risk taking, pose a threat
shift of intermediation to the shadow banks and was, in
to the financial system. Partly as a result, the scope for lever-
turn, stimulated by it. Broader markets, plunging information
age and risk taking is lower for now, but incentives to take
costs, new profit opportunities, and government practices all
risk—at others’ expense—still can fuel future disruptions.
encouraged the development of new financial instruments
and institutions to meet customer needs at lower cost.
Over time, the rise of highly leveraged shadow banks—
*One traditional form of bank is a commercial bank, which is
combined with government relaxation of rules for traditional defined in Chapter 12 as accepting deposits from and making
banks—permitted a rise of leverage in the financial system as loans to businesses and individuals.
a whole, making it more vulnerable to shocks (see Lessons †
Hedge funds (defined in Chapter 13) are private, largely unregu-
from the Crisis: Leverage earlier in this chapter). lated investment partnerships that bring together small groups of
Rapid growth in some new financial instruments made wealthy people who meet certain financial requirements. Private
it easier to conceal leverage and risk taking. Derivatives— equity funds are investment pools that typically invest directly in
options, futures, and the like—allow investors to transfer private companies to gain management control.
34 l Chapter 2 Money and the Payments System

Virtual Frenzies: Bitcoin and the Block Chain

Bitcoin is one of several new “virtual currency schemes” transactions globally, compared with more than 500 million
that devotees hope will revolutionize everyday payments. in the United States alone.
By one definition, Bitcoin is “a decentralized peer-to-peer Bitcoin’s value is extremely unstable: the dollar value of
network that allows for the proof and transfer of own- a single Bitcoin surged from just pennies in 2010 to nearly
ership without the need for a trusted third party.”* The $1,150 at the peak in 2013, before plunging back below $300
technology used to record Bitcoin ownership—the block for most of 2015. Since 2012, the daily percentage change
chain—is an ever-growing public ledger of transactions in Bitcoin’s U.S. dollar value has ranged from –31 percent
that is encrypted and distributed over a network of com- to +42 percent. Had Bitcoin been employed as a unit of
puters. Promoters of the block chain technology believe account over this period, all other prices would have been
that it will have broad applications in supporting payments subject to enormous day-to-day swings.
in any currency. Bitcoin’s use was initially fed by those seeking anonymity—
Advocates view Bitcoin as a new form of digital money including money launderers, tax evaders, and drug traf-
with two important advantages: (1) its value cannot be fickers. Perhaps the most notorious users of Bitcoin were
undermined by government fiat (because its value is created participants in the online black market known as Silk Road,
and controlled by the network of users and a set of unchang- which the U.S. government shut down in 2013. In 2015,
ing rules, not by government), and (2) its users can remain most Bitcoin currency transactions were against China’s
anonymous while making payments electronically and renminbi, probably to get around government controls on
3 8 l Chapter 2 Money and the Payments System
efficiently. moving capital out of the country.
In the Blog
However, Bitcoin lacks the three key characteristics of Government attention to activity in digital currencies has
money. It is not a commonly accepted means of exchange. It surged. And despite Bitcoin’s complex TOOLS infrastructure,
Oneis article per unit
not a reliable chapter is featured
of account. from
And it is not the store
a stable authors’
experts question its security: according The Consumer to one
at www.moneyandbanking.com. These
of value. As for the block chain, only extensive readings show
experimenta- about 40 percent of Bitcoin users can be identified by track-
tion will determine whether it can beat out existing payments ing their activity in the Understanding
public block how to chain ledger thatto records
concepts introduced in the chapter are applied to transactions. standing
measure inflation is central under- And for 2018, we get $165. Choosing 2017 as the base year,
economics and finance. Most of us keep a close the index level in each year equals
Bitcoin eye on measures like the consumer price index (CPI) to help Cost of the basket in current year
CPI = ___________________________ × 100
contemporary issues
Let’s start with in money
Bitcoin itself. In and
some banking,
countries, itincluding
gauge the value of our salary increases or the purchasing
Can a private currency—digital
power of the money weor otherwise—do
hold. a job
And adjusting interest rates
for inflation is critical for making investment decisions. (See
Cost of the basket in base year
The result of this computation is the fifth column of the table.
treated as a commodity subject to capital gains taxation or better as money than what Chapter 4.)we currently have? So far, the
changes in technology, regulation, and the mechanisms of
Finally, we can use the index number to compute the
inflation rate from the previous year. From 2017 to 2018, this
its use is severely restricted. And in no country can Bitcoin answer is no. Government-issued fiatit cost
for peoplelike the today
The CPI is designed to answer the following question:
dollar,means that

be widelypolicy.
How much more would to purchase
CPI in 2018 − CPI in 2017
exchanged for goods and services. As a result, in euro, yen, and renminbi are
bought farfixed
at some moretime in reliable
the past? than Bitcoin Inflation rate 2018 = _____________________
the same basket of goods and services that they actually
CPI in 2017

early 2015, Bitcoin accounted for less than 70 thousand daily as a means of payment,Bureau unit of account, and store of value.
To calculate the CPI, every few years statisticians at the Using the numbers from Table 2.2 to compute the inflation
of Labor Statistics (BLS) survey people to find out rate in 2018, we get that
what they bought. This gives us the basket of goods and ser- 110 − 100
vices bought by the typical consumer. Next, every month the × 100 = 10%
BLS collects information on the prices of thousands of goods and for 2019 the result is
Applying Present Value Chapter 4 l 87 and services—everything from breakfast cereal to gasoline to
washing machines to the cost of cable television. Combining 120 − 110
________ × 100 = 9.1%
the expenditure and price surveys allows statisticians to com-
pute the current cost of the basket. Finally, this current cost is (These numbers are just for illustration. The U.S. inflation rate
compared to a benchmark to yield an index. And the percent- is closer to 2 percent.)
APPLYING THE CONCEPT $0.02. Spending more than these amounts today would not age change in this index is a measure of inflation. Inflation measured using the CPI tells us how much more
money we need to give people to restore the purchasing
more of themWhatagaindiscount transform thevaluepayments process over the next decade (see In the
make economic sense. To see how this works, let’s look at an example. Assume
HOW MUCH IS OUR DISTANT power they had in the earlier period when the survey was done.
rate should we use to things in the people spend 25 percent of their income on food, 50 per-
FUTURE WORTH? But adjustments in wages based on fixed-expenditure-weight
Blog: Virtual Frenzies:
market prices. Bitcoin and the Block Chain).
distant future? For questions like this, economists usually cent on housing, and 25 percent on transportation. That’s the
look at survey information. Examples of the prices are in Table 2.2. inflation indexes like the CPI are known to overcompensate
One possibility is to adjust the yield on ultra-long-term Importantly, these are the prices of exactly the same bundle people in an unintended way. This overstatement of inflation
of food, the same size and quality of housing, and the same comes from what is known as substitution bias. Because infla-
Many people worry about the challenges their descendants debt—like British consols, which never repay principal—for
transportation for each year. tion is not uniform, the prices of some products will increase
will face. There are plenty of things to fret about, ranging from the level of inflation. In 2014, the consol with a coupon of 2½
Using the numbers in Table 2.2 we can compute the cost by more than the prices of others. People can escape some
the threat of rising sea levels in this century to the long-range percent (first issued in 1751) yielded on average just over 4

Measuring Money of the basket of goods in each year: of the inflation by substituting goods and services that have
challenge of managing radioactive waste, which can be toxic percent. Assuming inflation of 2 percent, that is equivalent to sustained less inflation for those that have sustained more.
for many thousands of years. Physicist Stephen Hawking a discount rate of about 2 percent. Cost of the basket in 2017 By assuming that any substitution makes people worse off,
has argued that human beings “won’t survive another 1,000 Policy disagreements among serious analysts of climate = 0.25 × Price of food + 0.5 × Price of housing the index overstates the impact of price changes. To address
years without escaping our fragile planet.” change are closely related to their views on the appropri-
Changes in the amount of money in the economy are =related
How much ought we be willing to spend now to avoid to changes in interest
+ 0.25 × Price of transportation
ate discount rate. One well-known report applied a relatively
0.25 × $100 + 0.5 × $200 + 0.25 × $100
this problem, and take into account changes in spending pat-
terns, the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2002 began changing

rates, economic growth, and, most important, inflation.= Inflation is the pace at which
damage 100 years from now that will cost $1 at that time? The low discount rate of 1.4 percent and called for a large tax on the weights every two years. Nevertheless, many economists
answer depends on many factors, including the relative afflu- carbon emissions to limit future losses from climate change.
$150 believe that the CPI still overstates inflation.

prices in general are increasing over time—and the inflation is a the

rateComputing measure of that
ence of our descendants, the degree of uncertainty about A different analysis used a relatively high 4.3 percent dis-
the future, and the possibility of existential threats. count rate and called for a carbon tax only about one-tenth
Table 2.2 Consumer Price Index
process. With inflation, you need more units of money to buy the same basket of goods
To simplify the question, suppose that the only thing we
care about is the present value of the expected losses asso-
8 the level implied by the 1.4 percent rate analysis. Why? The
low discount rate puts a great deal more weight on losses
ciated with a preventable future disaster. In that case, the dis- that are predicted to occur hundreds of years in the future.
count rate we use is critical for determining what we should Of course, it’s not just about discount rates. It’s about the Price of Price of Price of Cost of Consumer
The terms inflation and inflation rate are often used interchangeably. We will
do today. For example, for a disaster that 8is 100 years away,
the value today of a $1 future loss at an annual discount rate
Year refer to
scale of future losses, too. If policy actions today can prevent ainflation Housing
calamity that threatens life on earth, then people might judge the
as the process
Transportation the Basket Price Index

of prices rising, and inflation rate as the measurement of the process. The 2017
of 1 percent is $0.37. But at a discount rate of 2 percent, the relationship
appropriate discount rate to be quite low because they would between these
$100 $200 terms is $100 $150 100

analogous to that between heat and temperature. The second is the measure
present value drops to $0.14. And at 4 percent, it is less than of the first.
not weight the value of future lives any lower than their own.
2018 110 205 140 165 110
2019 120 210 180 180 120

Applying the Concept

be 7.3 percent. Clearly, the three payments are better for you as the lender, but we had
to do quite a bit of work to figure it out.

Bonds: The sections
Basics showcase history and examine issues Tools of the Trade
relevant to the public policy debate to illustrate how
One of the most common uses of the concept of present value is in the valuation of
bonds. A bond is a promise to make a series of payments on specific future dates. It These boxes teach useful skills, including how to read
an IOU to the lender, or buyer, in in
introduced the
return chapter
for some canBoth
amount of money. begovernments
applied to the
is issued as part of an arrangement to borrow. In essence, the borrower, or seller, gives
bond and stock tables, how to read charts, and how to
world around us. Subjects include the
and corporations need to borrow, so both issue bonds. Because bonds create obliga-
tions, they are best thought of as legal contracts that (1) require the borrower to make scandal; do some simple algebraic calculations. Some provide
why Long-Term Capital Management
payments to the lender and (2) specify what happens if the borrower fails to do so.
Because there are many different kinds of bonds, caused
to focus our discussion, we’ll look at a near brief reviews of material from the principles of eco-
the most common type, a coupon bond. Say a borrower who needs $100 “issues” or sells a
$100 coupon bondof to a the world
lender. The financial
bond issuer is required to makesystem; and
annual payments, calledwhat mon- nomics course, such as the relationship between the
coupon payments. The annual amount of those payments (expressed as a percentage of
the amountpolicymakers learned
borrowed) is called the coupon fromratethe
rate. If the coupon Great
is 5 percent, then the­Depression
current account and the capital account in the balance
borrower/issuer pays the lender/bondholder $5 per year per $100 borrowed. The yearly
of the
coupon 1930s.
payment equals the coupon rate times the amount borrowed. The bond also speci- of payments.
fies when the issuer is going to repay the initial $100 and the payments will stop, called the
maturity date or term to maturity. The final payment, a repayment of the initial $100 loan,
is often referred to as the principal, face value, or par value of the bond.
Before the advent of computers, an investor buying a bond would receive a cer-
tificate with a number of dated coupons attached. To claim the coupon payments, the
End-of-Chapter Features

l Chapter 2 Money and the Payments System

Using FRED: Codes for Data in This Chapter FRED Data Codes
The FRED table lists key economic and financial
Data Series FRED Data Code ­indicators relevant to the chapter and the codes by
Price of gold (U.S. dollars)
Consumer price index
which they are accessed in FRED, the free online
M1 M1SL ­database provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of
Currency in circulation
St. Louis. With the data codes, students can use FRED
Traveler’s checks TVCKSSL to analyze key economic patterns and illuminate the
Demand deposits DEMDEPSL
Other checkable deposits OCDSL 44 l Chapter 2 Money ideas in theSystem
and the Payments chapter. See Appendix B to Chapter 1 for
Small-denomination time deposits STDCBSL help using FRED.
Savings deposits and MMDAs* SAVINGSL
19. If money growth is related to inflation, what would you expect to happen to the
Retail MMMFs** RMFSL inflation rates of countries that join a monetary union and adopt a common cur-
Nominal GDP GDP rency such as the euro? (LO4)
20. Why might one doubt that current new forms of digital money, such as Bitcoin,
2 l Chapter 2 Money and the Payments System will replace more traditional fiat currencies? (LO3)
*Money market deposit accounts 21. Is the challenge of making “time consistent” policy unique to fiat-biased paper
**Money market mutual funds money? (LO4)
Chapter Lessons
Chapter Lessons
1. Money is an asset that is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or
Data Exploration
repayment of debts.
is generally accepted in payment for goods and services or Data Exploration
i. Means of payment
repayment of debts.
New, ii. detailed
a. Money
Unit of accountend-of-chapter ­questions
has three basic uses: For detailed instructions on using Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) online
iii. Store of value to answer each of the following problems, visit www.mhhe.com/moneyandbanking5e
askb. Money
i. Means ofto
is liquid. use FRED
Liquidity to which
is the ease with analyzean asset can be turned into a and refer to the FRED Resources and Data Exploration Hints.
ii. Unit
means of account
of payment.
c. For Store and
iii.financial financial
value dataisrelevant
market liquidity the ease with towhich they can sell
1. Find the most recent level of M2 (FRED code: M2SL) and of the U.S. population
(FRED code: POP). Compute the quantity of money divided by the population.
a Money
security is or liquid.
loan forLiquidity
Appendix is the liquidity
B toeaseChapter
money. Funding with which
is the easean
be can
turned into a (Note that M2 is measured in billions of dollars and population is in thousands of

meanstoofacquire payment. a security or loan. individuals.) Do you think your answer is large? Why? (LO1)
2. Money
c. For
fi information
nancialthe payments
institutions, on using
system work.
market The
is the system
ease is
with the web
which of can sell
2. Reproduce Figure 2.3 from 1960 to the present, showing the percent change from
a securitythat or allows
loan forpeople
money.to exchange
Fundinggoods and services.
liquidity There
is the ease are which
with three they can
a year ago of M1 (FRED code: M1SL) and M2 (FRED code: M2SL). Comment
and sets
a. Cash
categories stagea security
to acquirepayments,for itsor loan.
all of use thereafter.
which use money at some stage.
on the pattern over the last five years. Would it matter which of the two monetary
Checksmakes the payments system work. The payments system is the web of aggregates you looked at? (LO4)
c.arrangements that allows people to exchange goods and services. There are three
Electronic payments 3. Which usually grows faster: M1 or M2? Produce a graph showing M2 divided by
3. Inbroad categories
the future, moneyof payments,
will alland
be used less of which
less as ause money
means at some stage.
of payment. M1. When this ratio rises, M2 outpaces M1 and vice versa. What is the long-run
4. Toa. understand
Cash the links between money and inflation, we need to measure the quan- pattern? Is the pattern stable? (LO4)
b. of
tity Checks
money in the economy. There are two basic measures of money: M1 and M2. 4. Traveler’s checks are a component of M1 and M2. Produce a graph of this component of
M1, the narrowest
c. Electronic measure, includes only the most liquid assets. M2, a broader
payments the monetary aggregates (FRED code: TVCKSSL). Explain the pattern you see. (LO1)
measure, includes assets not usable as a means of payment. 5. Plot the annual inflation rate based on the percent change from a year ago of the
the future, money
with will be
high money used have
growth less high
and less as a means of payment.
inflation. consumer price index (FRED code: CPIAUCSL). Comment on the average and
countries with
thelow inflation,
links between money growth
money andisinfl
a poor forecaster
ation, we needoftoinflation.
measure the quan- variability of inflation in the 1960s, the 1970s, and the most recent decade. (LO4)
tity of money in the economy. There are two basic measures of money: M1 and M2.
M1, the narrowest measure, includes only the most liquid assets. M2, a broader
measure, includes and Analytical
assets not usable as aProblems
means of payment.
Conceptual and Analytical Problems
a. Countries with high money growth have high inflation.
1. Describe at least three ways you could pay for your morning cup of coffee. What
countries with
advantages low
and inflation, money
disadvantages of each?growth
(LO2) is a poor forecaster of inflation.
Each chapter contains at least 18 conceptual and
2. You are the owner of a small sandwich shop. A buyer may offer one of several pay- analytic problems at varying levels of difficulty,
ment methods: cash, a check drawn on a bank, a credit card, or a debit card. Which
of these is the least costly for you? Explain why the others are more expensive. (LO2) which reinforce the lessons in the chapter. All of the
3. Explain how money encourages specialization, and how specialization improves
everyone’s standard of living. (LO4)
problems are available as assignable ­content within
4.* Could the dollar still function as the unit of account in a totally cashless society? (LO2) Connect, McGraw-Hill’s ­homework ­management
5. Give four examples of ACH transactions you might make. (LO2)
6. As of July 2016, 19 European Union countries have adopted the euro, while the
platform, organized around ­learning objectives to
remaining member countries have retained their own currencies. What are the
advantages of a common currency for someone who is traveling through Europe?
make it easier to plan, track, and ­analyze student
(LO1) performance across different learning outcomes.
7. Why might each of the following commodities not serve well as money? (LO2)
a. Tomatoes
b. Bricks
c. Cattle
Preface l xvii

Assurance of Learning Ready

Many educational institutions today are focused on the notion of assurance of learning,
an important element of some accreditation standards. Money, Banking, and Financial
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McGraw-Hill Global Education is a proud corporate member of AACSB Interna-
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The statements contained in ­Money, Banking, and Financial Markets­, 5/e, are pro-
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I owe thanks to many more people than I can possibly list, including a large number
of academics, central bankers, and financial market participants around the world. A
few of these deserve special mention. I would like to thank Robert M. Solow, who set
me on the path doing economics as a 20-year-old undergraduate; George A. ­Akerlof,
whose inspiration still guides me, even more than 25 years after he signed my dis-
sertation; William J. McDonough, who gave me the opportunity to watch and ask
questions from inside the Federal Reserve; Peter R. Fisher, who was my day-to-day
guide to what I was seeing during my time at the Fed; and Jaime Caruana and Hervé
Hannoun, whose patience and understanding helped me appreciate the global central
bank community.
xviii l Preface

Of my numerous collaborators and colleagues over the years, Nelson Mark (now at
the University of Notre Dame) is the most important. His encouragement, counsel, and
friendship have guided me for more than 15 years. In addition, ­Michael Bryan of the
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta has been a constant source of help and encourage-
ment, as have numerous friends throughout the central banking world.
Among all of the professional colleagues who took the time to read early versions of
the manuscript, I would like to single out Jim Fackler for his insight and patience. This
book is much better for the time he generously devoted to correcting my logical mis-
takes and helping ensure that the exercises would reinforce the lessons in each chapter.
Without all the people at McGraw-Hill this book would never have been written.
Gary Burke and Paul Shensa first convinced me that I could write this book, and then
taught me how. Erin Strathmann worked tirelessly (and daily) to improve the book.
Betty Morgan made my sentences and paragraphs readable. And all of the people in
production and design turned the words and charts into a beautiful, readable book.
Starting with the third edition, Gregg Forte has made notable contributions through his
skilled editing of the manuscript. And, for the last two editions, Christina Kouvelis has
done the hard work of ensuring everyone maintained the high standard.
Without students, universities would not exist. And without a class in money and
banking to teach, I would not have written this book. I owe a debt to every student who
has sat in a classroom with me. Several deserve special mention for the time and effort
they put into helping with the manuscript: Margaret Mary McConnell of the Federal
­Reserve Bank of New York, Roisin O’Sullivan of Smith College, Stefan Krause formerly
of the Banque de France, Lianfa Li of Peking University, Craig Evers of Brevan How-
ard, and Georgios Karras of the University of Illinois at Chicago.
And finally, there is my family; my wife Ruth and our sons Daniel and Ethan. For
years they put up with my daily routine of writing, rewriting, and rewriting again and
again. To them I owe the biggest thanks.

Stephen G. Cecchetti
Brandeis International Business School

There is not enough space here to thank the many people who taught me about finan-
cial markets and institutions during my more than two decades of work as a market econ-
omist, but a few deserve special mention. Hugh Patrick was an inspiration in graduate
school and remains a friend and guide. In the financial markets, I benefited especially
from the wisdom of Henry Kaufman and the economists he gathered at S ­ alomon Brothers
in the 1980s—Richard Berner, Robert DiClemente, John Lipsky, and ­Nicholas Sargen.
The members of the economics team that I was privileged to lead at Salomon (and later at
Citi) continued my education, including (among many others) Lewis ­Alexander, Robert
­DiClemente, Don Hanna, Michael Saunders, ­Christopher ­Wiegand, and Jeffrey Young.
I also owe an extraordinary debt to my colleagues at the New York University L
­ eonard
N. Stern School of Business, who welcomed me, gave me the privilege of teaching
excellent students, and entrusted me with the honor of directing Stern’s ­Center for
Global Economy and Business (www.stern.nyu.edu/cgeb). For their sustained ­support
and guidance, I thank former Dean Thomas Cooley, current Dean Peter Henry, former
Vice Dean Ingo Walter, and the distinguished current and former chairmen of the
Department of Economics— the late David Backus, Luis Cabral, Paul Wachtel, Law-
rence White, and Stanley Zin. David Backus, Kim Ruhl, and Michael Waugh gave me
Preface l xix

the tools to teach MBA students. Jennifer Carpenter has been my partner as Asso-
ciate Director of the Center for Global Economy and Business, while John Asker,
Thomas Philippon, Kim Ruhl, Laura ­Veldkamp, Paul Wachtel, and Michael Waugh
have all served as Center research group co­ordinators and my advisors. Jonathan
­Robidoux keeps the Center operating efficiently and with a smile each day. Many
­others deserve thanks for making Stern the thriving research and teaching environment
that it is today, but I am especially grateful for the support of Viral Acharya, Gian Luca
­Clementi, Robert Engle, Mervyn King, Matthew Richardson, Bruce Tuckman, Stijn
van ­Nieuwerburgh, and Robert Whitelaw. Finally, many thanks to Brian LeBlanc for
his research assistance in the preparation of this fifth edition.
Of course, my greatest debt is to my wife, Elvira Pratsch. I also thank my parents,
Harold and Evelyn, as well as my sister and brother, Sharon and Andy.

Kermit L. Schoenholtz
New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business

Thank you to the following contributing reviewers for this and previous editions.
Burton Abrams Robert Boatler Nan-Ting Chou
University of Delaware Texas Christian University University of Louisville
Douglas Agbetsiafa Christa Bouwman Isabelle Delalex
Indiana University at South Case Western Reserve Pace University
Bend University Mamit Deme
Pedro Albuquerque Latanya Brown Middle Tennessee State
University of Minnesota at Bowie State University University
Duluth James Butkiewicz Seija Doolittle
Abdiweli Ali University of Delaware Delaware Technical
Niagara University Anne Bynoe Community College
Thomas Martin Allen Pace University at Wilmington
Texas A&M University Douglas Campbell David Doorn
Brad Altmeyer University of Memphis University of Minnesota at
South Texas College Giorgio Canarella Duluth
Harjit Arora California State University Demissew Ejara
Lemoyne College at Los Angeles William Patterson
Foued Ayari Bolong Cao University
Bernard M. Baruch Ohio University, Athens Paul Emberton
College Tina Carter Texas State University
Raymond Batina Florida State University at Robert Eyler
Washington State University Tallahassee Sonoma State University
Clare Battista Matthew S. Chambers Gregory Fallon
California Polytechnic Towson University College of Saint Joseph
State University Dong Cho Richard Froyen
Larry Belcher Wichita State University of North
Stetson University University Carolina at Chapel Hill
xx l Preface

Craig Furfine Andrew Kayanga Jianjun Miao

University of Chicago Dillard University Boston University
William Gavin Kathy Kelly Peter Mikek
Washington University University of Texas, Wabash College
Ronald Gilbert Arlington Ossama Mikhail
Texas Tech University Kent Kimbrough University of Central Florida
Gregory Gilpin Duke University Kyoko Mona
Montana State University Paul Kubik Bernard M. Baruch College
Lance Girton DePaul University Ray Nelson
University of Utah Pamela Labadie Brigham Young University
Stuart Glosser George Washington James Nguyen
University of Wisconsin at University Southeastern Louisiana
Whitewater Larry Landrum University
William L. Goffe Virginia Western David O’Dell
Oswego State University Community College McPherson College
of New York Tom Lee Roisin O’Sullivan
Stephan F. Gohmann California State University Smith College
University of Louisville at Northridge Dennis O’Toole
Elias Grivoyannis Serpil Leveen Virginia Commonwealth
Yeshiva University Montclair State University
Joanne Guo University Daniel Owens
Pace University Melissa Lind University of North Dakota
David Hammes University of Texas, Hilde Patron-Boenheim
University of Hawaii at Hilo Arlington University of West Georgia
Scott Hein Mark Longbrake Robert Pennington
Texas Tech University Ohio State University at University of Central Florida
Ying Huang Dennis Placone
Manhattan College Fiona Maclachlan Clemson University
Manhattan College
Julio Huato Hamideh Ramjerdi
Saint Francis College Michael Madaris William Patterson University
William Carey University
Owen Irvine Ronald Ratti
Michigan State University Ellie Mafi-Kreft University of Western
at East Lansing Indiana University Sydney, Australia
Aaron Jackson Vincent Marra Rupert Rhodd
Bentley College University of Delaware Florida Atlantic University
Yongbok Jeon Ralph May at Davie
University of Utah at Salt Southwestern Oklahoma Kevin Salyer
Lake City State University University of California,
George Jouganatos Robert McAuliffe Davis
California State University Babson College Julia Sampson
at Sacramento Chris McHugh Malone College
Chulhee Jun Tufts University Drew Saunders
Texas Technical University Alice Melkumian Purdue University
Chris Kauffman Western Illinois University Timothy J. Schibik
University of Tennessee at Alla Melkumian University of Southern
Knoxville Western Illinois University Indiana
Preface l xxi

Sherrill Shaffer William Stronge Dale Warmingham

University of Wyoming Florida Atlantic Rutgers University at
Eugene Sherman University New Brunswick
Baruch College Scott Sumner Chao Wei
Anna Shostya Bentley College George Washington
Bernard M. Baruch College Philip Tew University
Harindar Singh University of Mississippi Mark Weinstock
Grand Valley State Sven N. Thommesen Pace University
University Auburn University Niklas Westelius
Robert Sonora Mark Toma Hunter College
Fort Lewis College University of Kentucky at Eugene White
Souren Soumbatiants Lexington Rutgers University at
Franklin University Kudret Topyan New Brunswick
Richard Stahl Manhattan College Ruhai Wu
Louisiana State University Brian Trinque Florida Atlantic
at Baton Rouge University of Texas at University
Herman Stekler Austin King-Yuen Yik
George Washington Rubina Vohra University of Michigan at
University New Jersey City Ann Arbor
Mark Strazicich University Derek Yonai
Appalachian State William Walsh Campbell University
University University of St. Thomas


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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
reporter in the lead, Sam, to keep the sexes straight—'to the
clubhouse, where he spoke for the first time.'"
"How about some description here, Riddie?"
"I was just getting to it. 'The alien, who said he came from a country
called Monolithia on a nameless planet outside our solar system,
had a tanned complexion, a prominent nose and long black hair. But
except for his single garment, a heavy roughly-woven cloak which
covered him from neck to ankles, he could have been taken for an
earth man. In some parts of the world even the clothing would not
seem odd.' You know what I mean, Sam; fix that up, will you?"
"It's fine," I told her. "I'll get this away and turn you over to Stew for
the rest. Give him all the quotes you can and don't worry about the
length. You sure you're all right?"
She assured me that she was and I heard her saying "Don't forget
my byline" as I passed the phone over to Stew Macon, who pushed
his monolithic research aside.
Stew cradled the receiver between ear and shoulder and said,
"Okay, shoot, Riddie; give me the gory details. He didn't rape you,
did he, honey?" Stew wasn't crazy about Eurydice Playfair either.
I typed out Riddie's story, with byline, and fed it to Nancy a sentence
at a time.
Collie Jones had got something meanwhile:
I sent that, then looked to see if Stew had another take of Riddie's
piece ready. He sailed a sheet of copypaper across the desk,
grimaced at me and rolled another into his typewriter.
It was all in lower case, wire-service style. Everything comes out in
caps on the teletype anyway. It looked like this:
stranger 2 bethesda
in the club house, once the favorite playground of former president
eisenhower, the tall stranger said, in good bookish english: "forgive
this untypical show of force. i really came in peace, as do my
brothers, but i must speak to you lest you misunderstand and falsely
alarm the populace."
the reporter got the impression that the man was speaking the truth.
"i believe you," she said. the alien smiled, his teeth a striking white
against his tan, handsome face.
"ah," he said, "if only we could solve all problems so easily. fervently
i hope that our meeting may be a harbinger of interplanetary amity."

This was pretty gloppy stuff, I thought, and decided to hold it a while.
I caught Stew's eye and he gave a shrug as if to imply that this was
none of his doing. Then he said, "What was that? Hello! Hello!" He
tapped the little pips in the phone cradle. "Operator, I was cut off....
All right, call me back as soon as you can, will you?" He hung up.
"What was all that?" I asked him.
"It sounded like shooting," he said. "She stopped dictating and then I
heard her yelling. She hollered, 'Don't shoot!' and then there were
two shots and the line went dead."
"Somehow I have a feeling it's phony," I said. "How do you feel?"
"I don't know, Sam. I don't think she was acting. Here, have a look."
It was a straightforward description of how the reporter's dictation
was broken off and what Stew had heard on the phone. There wasn't
much more than he'd told me.
"I don't know," I said. "We'd look pretty sick if it were a hoax. I
wonder what AP's doing."
Just then the AC&R machine rang for an acknowledgment and the
copy boy brought over a cable from our London office. It said:
"Okay." I showed the cable to Stew. "They asked for it."
I gave Nancy the second take of Riddie Playfair's story to send to
London and handed the third back to Stew. "Jazz it up," I said. "If
that's the way they want it, that's the way they'll get it. You don't
suppose they were shooting at Eurydice, do you? I'll see if Ian can
get anything from the Maryland state police. Find out what number
she was calling from, will you?"
Stew picked up the phone and I tapped out a note to Washington.
Ian acknowledged:
Half a minute later Washington gave us this:

Good old Nancy had the first part of it in London before Washington
finished its sentence.
2 (JULY 23, WED.)
An informed White Horse source predicts....
—CBS Washington commentator

Actually there wasn't much more hard news that first day. I hung
around for a while after the night man came on, the way you do
when a big story is going, wanting to see what will happen next, but
finally I left. I listened to the radio as I drove home from the bus stop,
and watched the 15-minute night television news programs, then
went to bed.
"Any coffee?" I said to the copy boy as I came in, grinning it in lieu of
a good morning.
"You must be the sole support of Brazil," he said.
"Africa," I said. "This powdered stuff comes from Africa."
"It's an education being around you, Sam," he said.
I said good morning to Charlie Price and read in.
There had been, as I suspected, little hard news after President
Allison's statement. Much of the night file had consisted of rehashing
the known facts and padding these out with interpretation and
"Washington officials" said the contents of the Monolithian note were
being studied and a reply might be expected soon. These would be
State Department and White House spokesmen who didn't want to
be identified.
"Diplomatic sources" said it was reasonable to assume that Britain,
France, Russia and perhaps India and the United Arab Republic had
received similar notes. These would be embassy personnel
asserting their belief that any sensible aliens would not have
snubbed their countries by communicating only with the United
"Experienced observers" said receipt of the note had taken officials
by surprise and that lights were burning late in government buildings
as policy-makers tried to cope overnight with the advent of
interplanetary relations. These would be newsmen interviewing each
"Unconfirmed reports" said any race of people capable of hurtling
billions of miles across space would be sure to have an equally
advanced military machine whose weapons would be to our nuclear
stuff what our stuff was to the M-1 rifle. This would be a roundup of
informed guessing and common sense.
I had a look at the late morning papers before relieving Charlie.
The New York Times gave it an eight-column headline, three lines

The Daily News said it in four words:

"Okay, Charlie," I said, meaning I had read in. "Anything going on
"Washington's not in yet. Jones called from UN a little while ago and
said he was working on something. Good night."
"Good night," I said to Charlie. "'Morning, Nan," I said to the operator.
"Any spacemen out your way?"
"Not yet. But believe me, I made sure the door was locked last night.
What happened to Riddie Playfair, anyhow?"
"According to our file last night, she sent a message saying she was
all right. Stew Macon followed it up. He'll be in soon. We'll get the
inside story."
The UN machine started up:
Stew Macon came in, saying: "Well, how are all you inhabitants of
the second greatest planet in creation this historic morning?"
"Keeping the old chin up, Stew," I said. "Say, while you were
grappling with that dictionary piece yesterday, did you ever find out
what the opposite of monolithic is?"
"Come to think of it, no." He grinned. "Paleolithic, maybe?"
"That'll be enough of that subversive talk. I see by the file that Riddie
Playfair wasn't a casualty. Did you get to talk to her again?"
"Not exactly. The Maryland cops tried to bust into the clubhouse at
Burning Tree. That's what the shooting was about. They retired in
confusion without anybody getting hurt. Something about a
mysterious defensive shield the aliens have. The cops got a phone
call later. The spacemen said they would not use force except in self-
defense. Then they put Riddie on for a minute and she said
everything was hunky-dory and we'd be hearing from her again."
"When?" I asked.
"She didn't say. Want me to try to reach her?"
"It's worth a try. Sure."
Stew picked up the phone and I looked over the rest of Collie's UN
piece and gave it to Nancy.
Washington clicked in. Ian McEachern told me on the printer that
Reb Sylvester had gone directly to Burning Tree in case the
spacemen made a personal appearance and that Josh Holcomb had
said he might have something later in the morning. He'd had nothing
to add to President Allison's "reasonably certain" statement of
yesterday. He declined to go beyond that, resisting all attempts to
get him to say officially that the aliens had landed.
What he'd actually said, Ian told me off the record, was, "We'll jump
off that bridge when we come to it." Asked whether he meant that the
United States had doubts about the spacemen's professed peaceful
intentions, or that in view of their presumed superior technology the
Pentagon was obsolete, Josh had said he'd said all he was going to
So much for the White House. The State Department was "studying
the situation." The Pentagon sat behind a wall of No Comments.
"No soap on the Alien Friend," Stew said, hanging up the phone.
"They don't answer at the clubhouse and the cops say they don't
know nothin'."
"We've got to get this story off the ground," I said. "All we've got so
far is Collie's UN piece. It's all right, but there's no action. How about
calling up the Mayor's office and seeing if they plan a ticker-tape
"This is action?"
I shrugged. "You got a better idea?"
"I'll call the Mayor's office," Stew said. "Maybe something will occur
to me."
I went over to the incoming teletypes to see if WW had developed
anything overseas. London's piece was chiefly newspaper comment
and unofficial speculation about what the Foreign Office would do.
Cooperate with the aliens if they were friendly and resist them if they
were not seemed to be about the size of it.
Paris reacted in the spirit of Jules Verne. There was an unofficial
report that the travelers of space would be invited to moor their
vehicle interplanetary to the Tour Eiffel.
Moscow was keeping mum. No mention of the story had appeared in
Pravda or Izvestia, and Radio Moscow was also ignoring it. The
foreign diplomatic corps was agog, but no one seemed to have any
idea of what the Kremlin's official attitude would be to a true
monolithic state.
The evening papers came up. The Post had interviewed a
representative collection of cab drivers, waitresses, etc. Israel Kraft,
a Bronx hackie, said the seven-foot aliens could ride in his cab any
time if they fit, but they better not try to palm off any funny money on
him. The manager of the Mayfair Theater, which was showing "I Was
a Teen-Age Necromancer," said all bona fide space aliens would be
admitted free. The manager of the Gaiety Delicatessen said he
assumed the spacemen had to eat and invited them to his place for
the best hot pastrami sandwich in New York. Patrolman Patrick
O'Hanlon said he'd leave it to the Commissioner to say how they
should be treated, but if they tried jaywalking they'd get a ticket just
like anybody else.
The World-Telegram had a front-page editorial asking how the aliens
had managed to get through our radar without detection. It was not
the first time the Defense Department and the Central Intelligence
Agency had been caught napping, the World-Telegram said. It
demanded a Congressional investigation.
The third evening paper, the Journal-American, said it was reserving
judgment on whether the aliens were as friendly as they professed to
be and urged Americans to keep their guard up.
I sent that to London after crossing out the "alleged." I figured if
things had gone this far they must be for real.
I asked Ian:
He replied: 11:45. MINE. REB IS WITH MOTORCADE.
I sent that information off as an FYI to London. Ian had little more
that was new, but he paged on several paragraphs of background.
John Hyatt, the general news manager, came in from his office. He
read the latest and said, "Good stuff. Have you got enough bodies?"
"We're not overstaffed, John, but we're all right for now."
"Okay. We can haul a few people in from Chicago if necessary. And
let me know if you need another hand here today. I think I can still
bang the old mill."
"Thanks, John."
World Wide has found that if you saturate the field with first-rank
outside men you need only two or three men on the desk. Too many
bodies have a tendency to get in each other's way.
Reb Sylvester had wangled a limousine with a radio-telephone and
was dictating a running story on the short drive from Burning Tree to
the White House.
The aliens, about a dozen of them, were wearing the heavy, rough-
looking cloaks which Eurydice Playfair had described yesterday.
They were accompanied by more than twice that number of Secret
Service men, Maryland state police, State Department security
guards and Washington police.
The cavalcade sped along River Road, then into Wisconsin Avenue
and through Georgetown. There hadn't been time for many people to
hear about it on the radio and few crowds gathered.
But then the cars went past the White House gates without entering.
Reb said he couldn't find out what was going on. The cavalcade was
headed in the general direction of the National Press Building at 14th
and F Streets. That's where we have our Washington bureau, as
does almost every other news organization. I could imagine Ian
rushing to his window for a glimpse of them.
The cars came to a stop on F Street, strung out in front of the Press
Building and the Capitol Theater, where they immediately snarled
auto and street-car traffic. The cloaked aliens got out, as did the
security men in their neat suits.
It looked as if the aliens were deliberately snubbing the President; as
if they intended to keep him waiting while they held a press
conference. They couldn't have picked a better place, if that was
their intention. There are more reporters per square foot at 14th and
F Streets than anywhere else in the world.
But the aliens didn't enter the Press Building. Instead they crossed F
Street, which by now was clogged with crowds of curious people
ignoring the Don't Walk signs and clustering around the aliens, who
politely pushed through them and went into the Young Men's Shop.
They came out twenty minutes later, dressed in neat, conservative
suits which made them indistinguishable from the security men.
They got back into the limousines and circled back the few blocks to
the White House, where they arrived on the dot of 11:45 A.M.

"And then what happened?" my wife asked me at supper.

"My God, Mae, you must have heard it on the radio. And they
televised the press conference."
"I saw that, Sam. But what's the good of having a husband in the
news game if he won't give you an eyewitness account?"
"It's not a game," I told her for the hundredth time. "And you don't get
an eyewitness view from the desk."
"You know what I mean," Mae said. "Robert E. Lee Sylvester was
there." That's Reb's full name and my wife likes the sound of it.
"What did he say? You know, off the record?"
"Not much. The meeting with Gov and Marriner lasted about two
hours. Then they all came out and all they said was that they were
going over to State. They talked there for another hour or so. Then
they came out and posed for pictures and Ells said they'd had a
useful exchange of views."
"Who's Ells?"
"George Ellsworth, the State Department spokesman. Josh said just
about the same thing in a statement later. That's Joshua Holcomb,
the White House man."
"I know him. He gets more publicity than Gov himself. Doesn't it
confuse people to call the President 'Gov'? What do they call the
"Washington doesn't have a governor. It's a city, not a state.
Honestly, Mae...."
"All right, Sam. I suppose I should know these things. What
happened after everybody exchanged views? Did they sign that
"Things don't happen that fast. The aliens went to Blair House for the
night. They'll have more talks tomorrow morning and in the afternoon
they may come up and see Nils."
"Nils Nilsen, the Secretary-General of the UN. I know him."
"Good for you," I said.
"They look like nice boys," Mae said. "They're all so young and
handsome. I hope we can get along with them."
"So do we all."
3 (JULY 24, THURS.)
I told them once, I told them twice;
They would not listen to advice....
—Through the Looking-Glass

The overnight file consisted of about 10 percent fact and 90 percent

speculation. Sources close to the White House thought that
President Allison had been favorably impressed with the
Monolithians and that they would issue a joint communiqué today
announcing their intention of signing a treaty of friendship in the very
near future. Congressional sources said it was likely that the Senate
would want to take a long, hard look at such a treaty before it ratified
it. There was some talk of a full-scale investigation of the aliens by
the Senate Internal Security Committee.
The factual part of the file included a description of the spaceship,
which remained under guard at the Burning Tree Club, and
interviews with the manager and salesmen of the Young Men's
Shop. The size of the ship indicated that it had not made an
interstellar voyage by itself; that it was a sort of scout ship or lifeboat
from a much bigger craft which presumably was moored somewhere
out in space.
The ship at Burning Tree was about as big as our biggest nuclear
submarine. It was wingless and cylindrical and its means of
propulsion was a mystery.
The people at the Young Men's Shop, honored at having been
chosen to outfit the visitors, described them as pleasant, athletically
built men whose height ranged from five-feet ten to six-feet three.
The aliens spoke excellent, almost unaccented English, but had
discussed nothing except the clothing they purchased. They had not
paid cash but said the bill should go to the Monolithian Embassy,
Burning Tree Club, Maryland. The cloaks they changed from were
made of wool much softer in texture than it looked. They had taken
the cloaks with them after being fitted from the skin out in Earth-style
clothing. It was delicately indicated in one of the stories that the
aliens had worn nothing under the cloaks and that they seemed to
be human in every respect.
The dozen young Monolithians had barely arrived at the White
House for the scheduled morning meeting when it was
simultaneously announced by Josh Holcomb and at the United
Nations that the aliens were flying to New York immediately.
President Allison was going with them in his personal plane.
My second cup of coffee got cold while I handled a series of fast-
breaking developments. Gov asked for a meeting of the Security
Council at which he would propose that Monolithia be admitted to
UN membership. If the Council made such a recommendation, Nils
Nilsen would convene an extraordinary meeting of the General
Assembly for the purpose of voting on Monolithia's application.
A think-piece by Ian McEachern speculated that this was a tidy way
of bypassing possible Senate objections to a U.S.-Monolithian treaty.
By going directly to the world organization the Monolithians would in
effect be signing a treaty of friendship with Earth, avoiding the time-
consuming process of negotiating unilaterally with each of the eighty-
odd nations in the UN.
Collishaw Jones contributed a few takes of interpretation from his
end. While no one was so undiplomatic as to say it aloud, the
thought persisted in many a mind at UN Headquarters that the
Monolithians might not be as friendly as they seemed. Thus it would
be well to vote them into the UN as quickly as possible, legally and
morally binding them to the preservation of the peace. If they failed
then to uphold the principles of the Charter, no one nation would be
in the perhaps hopeless position of trying to repel their aggression.
The combined might of the world's armies would be pledged to deter
them: to take, in the words of the Charter, "effective collective
measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace."
Ian departed Gov and the aliens from the White House and Reb
arrived them at Washington National Airport. Gov had a brief
statement for the newsreel and television cameras; it was a
marathon sentence to the effect that he would personally sponsor
the Monolithians' application, which he hoped would be acted on
with alacrity, reflecting in a concrete way the friendly feeling he was
sure the world already had for the interplanetary visitors, who had
shown themselves to be genuinely desirous of establishing bonds of
comity and of exchanging cultural and scientific information which
undoubtedly would be mutually beneficial.
The President declined to answer questions and the aliens
courteously but firmly followed suit. The plane then took off for New
WW's airport stringer arrived it at LaGuardia, where Gov made much
the same statement and the Monolithians maintained their silence.
The party then roared off in a siren-screaming motorcade to the
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel by way of lower Broadway and City Hall so
that the aliens could have a ticker-tape parade and be officially
welcomed by the Mayor.
Stew Macon finished taking the stringer's dictation, then wandered
around the desk to watch Nancy Corelli send it off to London. He
shook his head.
"What's the matter?" I asked him.
"I don't know, exactly," Stew said, "but this sure isn't the way I
thought the interplanetary age would dawn."
"From the other direction, you mean?"
"No, I don't mean that, though of course it would have been more
soothing to the ego to see Earth people pioneer space travel."
"Well, we did get to the Moon," I pointed out.
"Moon-shmoon," Stew said. "Big deal. What I mean is that it's all too
pat. Here we have the biggest story since creation and it has about
as much kick to it as a punch bowl at the Temperance Society's
convention. It's all surrounded with protocol and rigmarole."
"Would you have been happier if they came down shooting?"
"Maybe I would."
"Maybe we'd all be dead."
"Yeah, there's that. But this way there's no drama, no color. First
chance they got they even swapped their native costumes for Brooks
Brothers suits. Now they look like everybody else. They might as
well have come over from France on the Liberté."
"The French have wider lapels," I said.
"Ha ha," he said. "Look, ma, I'm laughing. No, really, I have a hunch
there's more to these characters than interplanetary amity or comity,
or whatever that old fool Gov called it. I have a feeling they're up to
something we're not going to like at all. They're too smooth.
Everything's just too smooth."
"Shall I mark your words?"
He shrugged. "File them in the circular file."
"Did you read Collie's piece? He hints at rumblings in the corridors.
You're not the only one with a suspicious mind."
"Good for Collie. I didn't see it. Where is it?"
I handed him the clipboard and he went back around the desk.
The phone rang. I answered it: "Desk, Kent."
"Sam, this is Riddie. Want a story that'll stun 'em in the Strand?"
"Where are you?" I asked her.
"I'm at the Waldorf. I've got a suite with three telephones. This is
class, man."
"I thought you were a captive of the invader. How did you escape?"
"Escape hell. They hired me. I'm their information officer."
"Their press agent, you mean? I thought you were working for us?"
"I quit. Tell Hyatt my resignation's in the mail."
"Fair enough," I said. "Now we know where we stand. What's your
"I just told you. Earth gal joins aliens."
"Is that all? It might just make a paragraph. How about some real
news? Like where they came from and how long they're going to
"No comment, pal. It's a pleasure to say that for a change instead of
hearing it."
"What are they really up to? What are they—explorers? Traders?"
"No comment; no comment. They'll say what they have to say in the
Security Council tomorrow."
"Tomorrow? I thought it was going to be today."
"No, tomorrow. This is the pukka gen, laddie. They won't have their
speech ready till then. I'm collaborating on it. I'll see that Collie gets
an advance text. Maybe even tonight, embargoed for about noon
"Thanks," I said.
"Don't thank me. AP and Reuters and UPI'll all be getting them at the
same time. Can't play favorites, you know."
"How much are they paying you?"
"Plenty," Riddie said. "They're loaded, son. If you want to get on the
bandwagon I might be able to fix it up for you."
"Thanks, but I'll string along with the poor old Earth types for a while.
When are your boys going to hold a press conference?"
"I'll let you know."
I tried to get her to say something storyworthy but she seemed
prepared to no-comment me to death.
"I gather that was Eurydice Playfair, girl reporter," Stew said when I
hung up.
"Girl press agent," I told him. "She's on their payroll."
"She always was an enterprising old witch. She give you anything?"
"Only that the Security Council meeting's been postponed to
tomorrow, she says. Will you ask Collie about that? I want to tell
John Hyatt he's just lost a staffer."
Collie checked and confirmed that the meeting had been put off and
gave us a story to that effect.
Soon afterward the Gov-alien cavalcade reached the Waldorf and
holed up for the night. Reb Sylvester, who had been assigned to the
Presidential party, gave us the word that the lid was on, meaning that
Josh had told the press there'd be no more news today. Gov was
putting the finishing touches to his speech and the Monolithians were
preparing theirs.
It was turning out to be the dullest big story of the century.
"Mark my words," Stew reminded me.
"Which ones?" I asked him. "That it's a complete bust, or that it's
going to erupt?"
Stew merely grinned.
Fortunately for the file, a good torso murder turned up in a coin
locker at Grand Central and that occupied us until it was time for me
to go catch my bus.
4 (JULY 25, FRI.)
We come from a world where we have known incredible standards of
—Thornton Wilder

President Allison, the dozen aliens, and their entourage rolled

smoothly down to United Nations headquarters in their limousines
and were whizzed up to the 38th-floor skyscraper office of Nils
They ignored a ramshackle group of writers who were picketing in
UN Plaza. Two of the writers wore beards and all of them looked
self-conscious. One of the placards they carried said: SCIENCE
OUR RACKET. A handful of subteenagers, clutching copies of
Galaxy and Fantasy & Science Fiction, gave them an occasional
cheer and occasionally a new arrival sought an autograph. The UN
police looked on tolerantly. One of them said: "Poor guys. First
sputniks. Then Moon rockets. Now this."
The President, the Secretary-General and the aliens, each of whom
had picked up a dispatch case to go with his Earth-style suit, came
down the elevator and went to the Security Council chamber.
The Council was called to order. Allison read his speech proposing
membership for Monolithia. The chief delegate of the space nation
was invited to address the Council. He read his speech, five hundred
words of platitudes which didn't deviate by a comma from the
advance copy Eurydice Playfair had delivered to the wire service

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