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रैदासबानी - संत रैदास

जन्म : सन १३९८ [1398]

जन्म स्थल वारणासी

मृत्यु : सन १५४० [1540]

गुरु : रामानंद

माता : कलसा देवी

पिता : संतोख दास (रग्घु)

Among the Nirgun saints of the Bhakti period, the name of Saint Raidas is taken with great respect. His
knowledge was the result of satsang (Satsang means contact of Truth, which is God. Satsang can be had
either in the company of saints or by conversing, singing or reading about God and His glories by a group
of His devotees. ) and worldly experience. You were a saint in your conduct and a devotee in your
meditation. Your devotion is simple and easy. There is neither the complexity of the path of Yoga nor the
classical method of devotion in it. Raidas actually followed Prema Bhakti. (Premabhakti (प्रेमभक्ति)
refers to “stage of bhakti characterized by pure love; the perfect stage of devotion”.)

Feelings of devotion, wider interest of the society, human love etc. have found a place in your speech.
People were inspired by your hymns and sermons and became followers. The influence of your speech
was present in all sections of the society. Saint Raidas ji has proved through his conduct and behavior
that a man does not become great because of his birth and occupation but becomes great only on the
basis of superiority of thoughts and qualities.

In the verses, Saint Raidas expresses his devotion and humble service to God. Accepting the Lord with
full devotion, Raidas ji has addressed himself as water, wick, thread and slave and has accepted the Lord
as sandalwood, lamp, peart and master. It also emphasizes the value of hard work and the importance
of an equal society.

Note: Nirguna comes from the Sanskrit, nir, meaning “without”; guna, meaning “properties,”. Hence
nirguna is a concept of a formless God which means that god do not exist in a particular form or have
particular properties. In nirguna bhakti, God is worshiped in an unmanifested form.

साहित्य गौरव

अब कै से छू टै राम रट लगी। प्रभु जी तुम चंदन हम पानी, जाकी अंग-अंग बास समानी ।

Now how can I stop chanting Ram. Prabhu, You are the sandalwood and I am the water, whose
fragrance pervades each and every part.
प्रभु जी तुम घन बन, हम मोरा जैसे चितवत चंद चकोरा ।

Prabhu, you are rain/cloud/monsoon and I am a peacock . Like how the bird Chakar gets attracted to
the moon, I am attracted to you.

प्रभु जी तुम दीपक, हम बाती, जाकी जोति बरै दिन राती।

Prabhu, you are the lamp and I am the wick, whose light shines day and night.

प्रभु जी तुम मोती, हम धागा, जैसे सोने मिलत सुहागा

Prabhu, you are the pearl and I am the thread, which holds it. Like Bronx and gold. It was created with
such good togetherness.

{Borax Powder is also known as Suhaga. It is specially used for melting gold, silver, aluminium, brass and
other metal in furnaces. This powder acts as a fluxing agent to improve the efficiency of the melting
process. It can be used to melt gold, silver, copper and other metals in the furnace.}

"Sone mein suhaga" is a Hindi idiom that means an additional bonus or an added benefit. It is used to
describe a situation where something good happens on top of an already favorable circumstance,
making it even better. The phrase is often used to express the idea of an unexpected or extra advantage
that makes a good situation even more advantageous. Similar to icing on cake.

प्रभु जी तुम स्वामी हम दासा ऐसी भगति करै रैदासा

Prabhu, you are the master and I am your servant. Just as a servant finds fulfillment in serving their
master, so do I find fulfillment in serving you.

रैदास श्रम करि खाइहि, जो ली पार बसाय । नेक कमाई जठ करइ, कबहुँ न निहफल जाय ||2||

Raidas says, work hard for your livelihood, only then, you will get the fulfillment. Hard work will never go
as waste. Earn your livelihood by your own efforts.

ऐसा चाहो राज में, जहाँ मिले सबन को अन्न । छोटा-बड़ो सभ सम बसै, रैदास रहै प्रसन्न ||3||

I want to live in such a Kingdom where everyone gets enough food to eat. Where every one is treated
equally. Raidas will be happy to stay at such a place.

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