Belly of The Beast Character Sheet

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Belly of the Beast

character sheet


 character portrait

Instincts Manuevers
pick two pick from each selected instinct

❒ Spend 1 ID to learn of something immediately useful in the Scene

❒ Curiosity
❒ Each ID spent to Identify a particular reason is an auto success

❒ Spend 1 ID to Identify every potential danger in the Scene

❒ Fear
❒ Each ID spent to retreat, hide, or flee is an auto success

❒ Spend 1 ID to discover the most valuable objects in the Scene

❒ Greed
❒ Each ID spent to haggle or sella haul is an auto success

❒ Spend 1 ID to suffer an ally’s Complication, Consequence or Injury

❒ Loyalty
❒ Each ID spent toward a Scene/Long Task with others is an auto success

❒ Spend 1 ID to learn an enemy’s weakness, granting +Ad

❒ Violence
❒ Each ID spent to ignore Injury or Consequence in combat is an auto success

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Awareness Lore Brilliant: 3+

Coordination Might Capable: 4+
Cunning Resolve Acceptable: 5+
Influence Stealth Rotten: 6

Specialties Talents
pick one

❒ Alchemist ❒ Forager
❒ Bileborn ❒ Iron Lungs
❒ Chirurgeon ❒ Smith
❒ Connections ❒ Tracker Equipment
❒ Engineer ❒ Trader
Pulls of greater value ❒ ❒ ❒
Back Legs

favors Chest



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