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Home Task 1.

Practicing 7 Cs in Sentences
Please rewrite the sentences according to the example done for you in each exercise.

Exercise 1. Correcting and Eliminating Wordiness

i. The production manager was forcefully urged into making a poor considered

Example: The production manager was urged/forced into making a poor decision.

ii. Mr. Khan personally thinks that there are too few favourable surveys being re­turned
back in to the Finance department in order to justify a raise for anyone.
iii. Every one of the letters, notes, memos, and etc. should have arrived in the office no
later than 15 April.
iv. The way things usually go, we make an effort to notify most of our customers
regarding the status of their accounts, irregardless of their balance.
v. We find it necessary to inform you that we've located other office space to use
during the period of the project while the building is being remodelled.

Exercise 2. Using Active Verbs

i. It’s Mr. Hasan’s feeling that he discussed it already.

Example: Mr. Hasan feels that he discussed it already.

ii. There will certainly be an overheating of the radiator by our ancient en­gine.
iii. If there are decreases in freight rates by the shipping lines, there's the possibility of
making our bids noncompetitive.
iv. The utilization of computers creates a great reduction in the amount of calculating
v. Ali Akhtar is someone who can be of significant help to your ad­vertising campaign.

Exercise 3. Constructing Active Sentences

i. The team has been informed of your recent assignment by the new director.

Example: The new director has informed the team of your recent assignment.

ii. This television show was produced by PTV for children who would soon enter
iii. After customers' requests for refunds are accepted by the manager of the
department, credit coupons are then sent to them by it.
iv. The workshop following the teacher's presentation was cut short be­cause few
people had questions.
v. Purchasing the usual goods via the regular channels was Mr. Farooq's decision.

Exercise 4. Being Courteous

i. Why are you always late for your appointments with the doctor?

Example: Please do not be late for your appointments with the doctor. (or)

Please arrive on time for your appointments with the doctor.

ii. If you fail to pay your last month's telephone bill ­with­in three days, you won't
receive any more service from us.
iii. You must notify us of your intention to attend the president's recep­tion because
such failure will create confusion.
iv. No product can be purchased before 10:00 A.M. or after 5:00 P.M. on weekdays.
v. Because you came to the president's office without proper authority, your actions
appeared to us to be highly unprofessional.

Exercise 5. Being Specific

i. At my school, some students eat their second meal of the day in this eat­ing area.

Example: At my school, some students eat their lunch in this café/cafeteria/mess.

ii. She ran water over her hands with a bit of soap after she got them dirty in the
iii. In some area of the world, merchants use a small device of wood and beads to
calculate their profit.
iv. I often use this small, hand-held machine to balance my chequebook.
v. Inc. magazine discusses the many dimensions of new, small, growing, creative

Exercise 6. Using Modifiers Correctly

i. To swim well, some practice is required.

Example: To swim well, much practice is required.

ii. While leaving the room, his head bumped into the dangling, low fixture.
iii. When only a child, Carla's kindergarten teacher inspired her.
iv. In his arms, the teacher was holding a baby lecturing to the students.
v. At the next Toastmasters meeting, she wanted to give her speech badly.

Exercise 7. Using Parallelism Correctly

i. He loves to ski, dance, and to swim.

Example: He loves to ski, dance, and swim./He loves skiing, dancing, and swimming.

ii. Typing on the computer isn't difficult, but to input data into dBase is another story.
iii. I believe she is intelligent, reliable, and has the potential to learn quickly.
iv. You'll begin reading financial statements and how to write a business plan.
v. The marketing function emphasizes the four components of product, price,
promotion, place, and stressing rational management.

Exercise 8. Being Natural

i. I would like to most graciously thank you for your nifty, swell ideas.

Example: I would like to thank you for your great ideas.

ii. Ms. Saira is a regular gal although she flies off the handle at times.
iii. At your earliest convenience, I'd be most grateful if you could please, kind sir, make
haste with your reply to me.
iv. Mr. Abrar is pulling his hair out; all of his students skipped his afternoon class.
v. The company gave the good-for-nothing employee a pink slip.
Home Task 2. Applying Principles of Effective Writing
Rewrite the following texts applying the Cs (whichever and wherever applicable) to make them
more effective:



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