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AP Statistics: Final Project

By Arpit Uppal

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What are the statistics of the student

population of San Joaquin Delta College?
Questions to be asked:
1. ID?
2. Age?
3. Major enrolled?
4. Study Time?
5. Gender at birth?
6. GPA?
7. Credits Taken?
8. Semesters enrolled?
9. Receiving financial Aid?
10. Race?

Used to find: Found by performing:

Avg. Age 1 sample t-interval

Does any major have a different proportion than others? X2 for GOF

Difference in proportion of boys and girls? 1-prop z-interval

Avg. GPA? 1 sample t-interval

Avg. Credits Taken vs. Avg. Years enrolled Linear Regression

Proportion of students receiving financial aid? 1-proportion z-interval

Difference in study time between STEM and non-STEM Majors? 2-sample t-test

Homogeneity of proportion of races enrolled? X² test for homogeneity

(Will only be presenting first 3)

Survey/Data Collection & Conditions:

All students agreed to the enrollment conditions upon enrollment, which includes these data being
collected by their system, and it being publicly available on request. I went to the Mountain House branch and
got the data, which included information on every one of the 18224 students enrolled at SJDC. I used SQL to
conduct analysis on 1,000 randomly selected students. The conditions are met as follows:
1. Large Ct./Sample: The 1,000 students is more than the 30 needed for normality.
2. Independence: The sample of 1,000 students is less than 10% of all at SJDC.
3. Random Cond: The random sample was selected by Computer RNG.
4. All Conditions are also met for Linear Regression.
Applying the raw data:
Avg. Age
C−Level=0.99x=24.92 s x =4.47 n=1,000.State: ; , ,

Plan: Conditions checked above.

Do: 1-Sample t-Interval(C=0.99 ; x=24.92, s x =4.47 , n=1,000)¿(24.555 ,25.284 )

Conclude: We are 99% confident the average age of every student at SJDC is in between
(24.555 , 25.284).

Does Business Admin have a different proportion than other majors?

H 0 : There is no difference between the proportions of students in each major.
H a : There is a difference between the proportions of students in each major.
OBSERVED: [BA=198, MATH=106, EC=12, CHEM=88, BIO=67, PHYS=42, HUM=105, N/A=99,
ENG=81, HIST=141, CS=71]
EXPECTED: [BA=90.91, MATH=90.91, EC=90.91, CHEM=90.91, BIO=90.91, PHYS=90.91,
HUM=90.91, N/A=90.91, ENG=90.91, HIST=90.91, CS=90.91]

Plan: Conditions checked above.

Do: X² test for GOF [Enter values into Calc]: X2=265.787, x^2=18.31, p=0

Assuming there is no difference in proportions of students’ major choice, there is a nearly 0% chance of
getting this distribution of proportions. Because p<a, we reject H0 and there is a significant difference
between the proportions of students in each major.

Difference in proportion of boys and girls?

State: p^=0.62, p0=0.5, n=1000
H 0 : p=0.5
H a :p≠ 0.5

Plan: Conditions checked above.

Do: 1 prop z int(p^=0.62, p0=0.5, n=1000): z=7.58, p=0.

Conclude: Because p<a, we reject H0 and there is significant evidence of girls having a proportion
different than 0.5.
4. Create a newspaper article (1page maximum) to convey your survey, its purpose, your results, and your
conclusions (interpret your calculations from step 3 here). This should be well written, starting with an
introduction of the topic, including the calculation results, and ending with an overall summary (what did
you get out of the survey?). This should be eye-catching and should include a graph/visual as well. Make
sure you include the following…

5. Finally, you and your partner will jointly reflect on this process and what changes you would make to a
future assignment like this one. This should include…
Because I chose to use given data and SQL’s random choice method, there was no bias in the data. The
questions were fine as well. I completed every procedure listed above with no problems but only reported
the 3 required. The data I found matched up perfectly with the population statistics I later calculated.

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