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Grenadier Yogendra Singh Yadav motivates me to….

Wet the barrens from the unnerved soul, erupt the self from the unknown knoll
A dim, an essence
An eternity, a presence
Life being a wad of wings
Hail My god to the extreme swings
Struggle and scream
Liberty, being my heavenly dream
Too far I drown, I merit my crown
Too deep I cry, I've no bit to sigh
The shadow blazed to the rocks
Awaited till the last breeze and the shocks
From the faith to the death
Of my last breath I thinketh
Down the blue, on the ground
The star goes round and round
With a parched leaf
And the mystic grief
The moon slugged her shrill
Whilst mustering my nasty thrill
The tears dripped from the wild shy
Ran and ran over the mild sky
A spring could sever the prime
My strife never holds for the time
Energy, be my mist
'Wake up dear', the sight kissed
A meagre thirst in my slum
Rain and raindrop stunned the glum
The hut might pray my gay
Fluster and cluster the day, the ray
Seasoning the hazy, easy rice
Envoy! Why my muddled dice?
Fire, mess my rage!
With a bloom in my cage
Petals, squirrels and symphony
The awful notions, my epiphany
Piano on the load
Stroll, hiss, the howl of the road
The potency, slay my motion
To the timid erosion
I vow if I could tell
I would have edged by spell
The snow, my glow
I lost! Whispered the frost
They sense you are fence
You are might, the nature's knight
No such pace for the race
The curls are what you embrace
I swirl, I whirl
The shake, I break
Myself, giggling to the fate
'Why?' Begged my trait
I would wave too close
Blood night, be my ingrained rose!
-Sohini Naskar

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