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Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

Participatory integrated watershed management: Evolution

of concepts and methods in an ecoregional program of the
eastern African highlands
L. German , Hussein Mansoor b, Getachew Alemu c, Waga Mazengia d,
T. Amede e, A. Stroud a
African Highlands Initiative (AHI/ICRAF), Eastern Africa, Plot 13, Binayomba Road, Bugolobi, P.O. Box 26416, Kampala, Uganda
Selian Agricultural Research Institute, P.O. Box 6024, Arusha, Tanzania
Holetta Agricultural Research Centre, c/o P.O. Box 2003, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Areka Agricultural Research Centre, Southern Region, P.O. Box 6, Awassa, Ethiopia
CIAT/AHI, c/o ILRI, P.O. Box 1412, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Received 29 January 2005; received in revised form 29 June 2006; accepted 10 August 2006


This paper focuses on the conceptual evolution of watershed management within the context of an action research program operating
in the highlands of eastern Africa, as informed by both theory and practice. Following a review of the watershed management literature,
and brief program and methodological overviews, the paper explores in detail the concepts of ‘‘participation’’ and ‘‘integration’’ in
watershed management. Conceptual and methodological dimensions of the terms are discussed in the context of a watershed implemen-
tation process, clarifying how ‘‘watershed issues’’ are defined by local users, how ‘‘stakeholders’’ are defined with respect to those issues,
and how participation and integration may be operationalized in practice. Data are selectively chosen from different pilot sites to illus-
trate how concepts underlying watershed management have been refined, and methods improved. It is clear that ‘‘participation’’ in prob-
lem diagnosis and program implementation must move beyond community-level fora to socially-disaggregated processes and explicit
management of trade-offs to diverse groups. Secondly, integration does not come about through implementation of parallel interven-
tions, but rather through an explicit analysis of potential trade-offs and synergies of interventions to diverse system components, and
strategies to define and reach systems-level goals. Each approach requires attention to ways to optimize returns to diverse social groups
and system components while minimizing negative spin-offs. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications for agricultural
research and development in the eastern African region.
Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Participatory watershed management; Systems; Integrated natural resource management; Eastern Africa

1. Introduction (Shah, 1998; UNCED, 1992). Given this new funding cli-
mate, there has been a surge in actors involved in
Fresh water is expected to become the most limiting watershed management programs. Yet as often occurs as
resource in many parts of the world in the near future (Gle- interests soar in response to funding levels rather than
ick, 2000; Postel, 1997; Postel et al., 1996). This has led to a endogenous developments, an imbalance emerges between
surge in funding for watershed management programs development aims and outcomes (Hinchcliffe et al., 1995;
Rhoades, 2000; Shah, 1998). Therefore, there is an urgent
* need to take a critical look at the motives for watershed
Corresponding author. Tel.: +256 41 220602/712 220600; fax: +256 41
223242. management, the beneficiaries, and methods used to reach
E-mail address: (L. German). specified objectives.

0308-521X/$ - see front matter Ó 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
190 L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

This paper highlights forms of watershed management stakeholders and methods. If implemented for the benefit
emerging in the global arena, focusing on a participatory of local users, for example, boundaries can be defined by
integrated watershed management (PIWM) program being the issue at hand – whether inscribed within a set of contig-
implemented under the African Highlands Initiative (AHI), uous farms, the micro-watershed at other spatial scales. If
an ecoregional program operating in the highlands of east- the aim is water provision for society at large, then bound-
ern Africa. The bulk of the paper highlights recent progress aries become the basin. If for scaling out technologies or
made in operationalizing concepts underpinning PIWM reforming policies, administrative units may be equally use-
on-site through the design and testing of approaches for ful units of analysis and intervention. Any attempt to oper-
enhancing participation of heterogeneous groups of people ationalize watershed management must therefore be
managing highland watersheds and integration of land- grounded in a preliminary statement of aims, beneficiaries
scape-level components and processes. The paper fills an and the nature of problems to be addressed.
important gap in the watershed management literature by
contributing to methods and approaches for participatory 2.2. Participatory, integrated watershed management
watershed management, and by illustrating how the stated
objectives and beneficiaries influence the design of In participatory integrated watershed management, the
watershed management programs. approach can be qualified through two aims. First, the pro-
cess must be participatory in terms of the particular issues
2. Watershed management to be worked on, and how related activities are carried out
(Hinchcliffe et al., 1995; Rhoades, 2000; Turton and Far-
2.1. The political ecology of watershed management rington, 1998). A critical question to ask when formulating
a participatory watershed management agenda is, ‘‘Why
The recent surge in funding and interest in watershed would a farmer want to think beyond the farm level?’’.
management must be looked at closely in terms of its polit- Only by gaining clear answers to this question can a partic-
ical foundations. Political ecology helps to shed light on ipatory watershed approach be developed. Participatory
how the agendas of different actors in the global system problem definition also implies that the relevant bound-
shape how ideas are shaped by political interests and lever- aries for interventions are not necessarily the ‘‘watershed,’’
aged toward particular ends (Agrawal and Gibson, 1999; but perhaps units defined by non-biophysical parameters
Leftwich, 1994). It is no different within the watershed (administrative or cultural units) or at other scales (for
domain (see Shah, 1998), where multiple actors see in the example, a set of neighbouring farms or a particular land-
approach a means to accomplish disparate objectives. This scape niche). It must therefore be treated as a hypothetical
has resulted in multiple visions of the ‘‘watershed unit of analysis until participatory diagnosis confirms that
approach’’. Among agronomists, it is seen as a means of problems conform to hydrological boundaries.
scaling out technologies, primarily those for soil and water Second, the process must be integrated. While different
conservation or environmental protection more generally people may define integration differently, a common
(see analysis by Hinchcliffe et al., 1995). For the water approach is to emphasize the integration of disciplines
resource sector and policy-makers, it is seen as a means (technical, social and institutional dimensions) (Bellamy
for enhancing environmental services and public goods et al., 1998; FAO, 1977; Reddy, 2000) or objectives (conser-
emanating from upper watersheds for the society at large vation, food security, income generation) (Shah, 1998).
(FAO, 2000; IIED, 2004). Among conservationists, it is While it is increasingly clear that the success of watershed
viewed as a framework for enabling trans-boundary natu- management programs rests on the integration of
ral resource management (NRM) (van der Linde et al., conservation with livelihood goals, and technical with insti-
2001), in which livelihood concerns are often addressed tutional interventions (Reddy, 2000; Shah, 1998), few pro-
only to the extent that they help to further conservation grams have effectively achieved such integration in practice
goals. Yet among social scientists and others, watershed (Rhoades, 2000; Shah, 1998). It is therefore essential that
management is seen as a framework for enhancing collec- any approach integrate an understanding of the principles
tive action and equity in natural resource access and gover- operating within natural and social systems (Meinzen-Dick
nance, or livelihood problems that cannot be solved at the et al., 2002; Reddy, 2000).
level of the farm or household (Meinzen-Dick et al., 2002).
A critical question that we must ask ourselves to unravel 3. The African highlands initiative
the political ecological foundations of watershed manage-
ment aims and methods (in terms of who benefits and The African Highlands Initiative is an ecoregional pro-
whose agendas are furthered by the approach) is, gram of the Consultative Group for International Agricul-
‘‘watershed management for whom?’’ A clarification of tural Research (CGIAR) and the Association for
the intended beneficiaries, whether local users, society at Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Cen-
large or diverse external stakeholders (i.e. agricultural, con- tral Africa (ASARECA). The program operates in bench-
servation or health organizations), is needed to define every- mark sites of the eastern African highlands that share
thing from watershed objectives to watershed boundaries, similar characteristics: high population density, declining
L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204 191

agricultural productivity, and limited economic opportuni- be integrated into higher-level (watershed or basin) man-
ties. Since 1995, the AHI has worked in partnership with agement initiatives at a future date.
national agricultural research systems (NARS) of Ethiopia,
Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania and Uganda to develop new 4. Methodology for approach development
working approaches that enable improved farm- and land-
scape-level natural resource management among rural 4.1. Research sites
communities. Research and funding during Phases 1 and
2 of the AHI emphasized farm-level natural resource man- Research was conducted in four AHI benchmark sites
agement, primarily through technological innovation. In located in the highlands of eastern Africa: Lushoto District
recognition of the strong interactions among land users in the East Usambara Mountains of Tanzania, Vihiga Dis-
and components (trees, cropland, water, livestock) at land- trict in western Kenya, and Ginchi and Areka Woredas in
scape level, Phase 3 aims to address broader dimensions of central and south-central Ethiopia, respectively (Table 1).
NRM beyond the farm level. This has catalyzed funding Each region is characterized by high population density,
for what has become a full-fledged emphasis on participa- natural resource degradation and declines in agricultural
tory, integrated watershed management and the develop- productivity – posing significant challenges to farmers to
ment of methods to operationalize this approach. provide for the growing population while maintaining the
Important lessons are now emerging for agricultural productivity of basic resources (water, food, fuel, fodder).
research and development (R&D) in the eastern African Benchmark sites are delineated by topographical bound-
region. aries (micro-watersheds), encompass from 6 to 9 villages,
It is important to take a look at the foundations of and lie within larger administrative units (Districts or
watershed management within the AHI, given the variabil- Woredas) where some of the activities take place. They
ity of objectives and approaches falling under the serve as the testing grounds for methodology development
‘‘watershed management’’ umbrella. The program’s aim and enable comparative synthesis at the ecoregional level.
is to operationalize a participatory, integrated watershed
management approach to address problems of immediate 4.2. Research objectives
relevance to highland communities. This means that it is
a largely endogenous approach in terms of the motives Research objectives within AHI may be defined at a
for change (i.e. NRM problems identified by watershed res- broad program level, as well as at watershed level – where
idents themselves) and the ultimate beneficiaries (upper they are defined in relation to the specific problems identi-
watershed residents). Principles guiding the design and test- fied by land users. The program-level objective in Phase 3
ing of approaches within AHI include equity, sustainability may be stated as, ‘‘To develop and test an approach for
and local empowerment. While higher-level actions in the participatory integrated natural resource management at
near future will be restricted to district-level institutional watershed scale.’’ Sample watershed-level objectives are
and policy interventions in support of watershed-level illustrated in the section on ‘‘Integration in Watershed
actions, it is possible that such ‘working watersheds’ will Management.’’

Table 1
Characteristics of African highlands initiative benchmark sites in Phase 3
Site Benchmark site
Attributes Areka Ginchi Lushoto Vihiga
Ethiopia Ethiopia Tanzania Kenya
Altitude (meters above sea level) 1800–2600 >2200 1100–1450 1500–1700
Population density (/km2) 400–600 100–200 200–300 600–1200
Enterprises Enset, wheat, pea, maize, Barley, pulses, irish potato, Maize, banana, tea, Maize, beans,
barley, sorghum, sweet wheat, oilseeds, seasonal coffee, horticulture in horticulture, some
potato, faba bean, rotation from individual valley bottoms, high-value coffee, tea, sugar cane
horticulture, communal cropland to communal trees, zero grazed and semi- intensive
grazing grazing livestock dairy
Irrigation None None Seasonal Riparian areas only
Livestock trends Low numbers and High numbers yet decreasing; Small numbers and Low numbers but
decreasing; intensive access to grazing land good decreasing; zero-grazed stable.
management mostly.
Forest/wood-lot access Medium (tree planting Limited (planting limited; Medium to high (mostly Limited (only
common) remnant forest is distant) cultivated; natural forests cultivated; high
are protected) population limits
Market integration Limited, some off-farm Medium Medium to good (tea, Medium to good
employment vegetables)
Adapted from AHI, 2001.
192 L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

4.3. Evolution of concepts and methods in the AHI: action diverse social groups (by gender, age, wealth and landscape
research location of households) were systematically consulted on
landscape-level natural resource management problems
Action research and social learning approaches are cen- that affect them. All of the action-based learning is there-
tral to the evolution of concepts and methods within the fore focused around watershed management issues previ-
AHI. The ‘validity problem’ in action research has been ously identified and prioritized by local residents,
the subject of both criticism and scholarship, and merits grounding methods development in problems of local
attention here. Different from controlled experiments, com- importance. These include common property resource
plete replicability in action research is not possible. To keep (CPR) management problems, negative trans-boundary
one’s ‘‘intellectual bearings in a changing situation’’ interactions (among neighbouring farms and villages),
(Checkland and Holwell, 1998, p. 13), claims to validity problems of resource access and distribution, and areas
require a ‘‘recoverable research process based on prior dec- for which limited collective action hinders agricultural pro-
laration of the epistemology in terms of which findings ductivity and livelihoods more generally (German, 2003).
which count as knowledge will be expressed’’ (Checkland While a central office or regional research team assists in
and Holwell, 1998, p. 9). This consists of an area of con- the coordination of strategic research and interventions
cern, a framework of ideas, and a methodology (Check- and to synthesize findings at regional level, national scien-
land, 1991; Checkland and Holwell, 1998). It is to these tists in each benchmark site develop methodology on-site
dimensions that the paper now turns. and carry out the bulk of the work with watershed resi-
The overall area of concern is sustainable livelihoods in dents. As the action research process unfolds, site teams
densely-settled highlands of eastern Africa experiencing work with one or more regional research fellows to develop
high levels of natural resource degradation and poverty. ‘‘best bet’’ approaches to facilitating change, test them with
The area of concern may also be expressed with respect communities, and improve upon them before implementing
to the particular program contributions to this dilemma. more broadly. Thus, while most ideas are generated
These include development and testing of more effective through a ‘‘constructivist’’ approach (Chambers et al.,
approaches for agricultural research and development in 1992; Rodwell and Woody, 1994) to knowledge generation
support of highland residents in the management of natural and social learning on-site, regional staff enhance cross-fer-
resources at landscape or watershed level, and their institu- tilization of ideas between sites. The latter enables a more
tionalization within research and development institutions robust approach through cross-site comparison, and
throughout the region. Phase 3 of AHI focused specifically greater regional integration (Fig. 1). While this cross-fertil-
on approach development for ‘‘participatory, integrated ization helps to strengthen the approach followed as well as
watershed management’’ – defining the watershed the regional research dimension, sites are encouraged to
approach around issues of local concern and using an inte- innovate during each phase of watershed management
grated, multi-sectoral approach. (diagnosis, planning, implementation, monitoring) to
The framework of ideas guiding the research looks at enable testing of a diversity of approaches and enhance
the complementarities or disconnect between the objective comparative learning between sites.
(addressing landscape-level NRM problems of local inter- The nature of issues identified in AHI benchmark sites
est) and current approaches used by research and develop- has also enabled a more explicit understanding of
ment institutions in the region. The latter include an watershed ‘‘integration’’ and ‘‘participation.’’ While several
emphasis on individual decision-making on farm-level forms of integration can be identified, the most prominent
innovations, strategies targeting single components of the include: (a) managing interactions between and benefits to
system (crop, livestock, soil, tree, water), and aggregate diverse watershed-level components (trees, water, livestock,
approaches to ‘‘participation’’ operationalized through crops, soil); and (b) a multi-disciplinary (multi-sectoral)
community fora. The framework is defined in this way approach to integrate biophysical, social, market and pol-
due to the emphasis on institutional change. Key values icy interventions. Operationalizing ‘‘participation’’ around
underlying knowledge acquisition move beyond the pre- specific issues allows it to becomes less associated with a
dominant value operating in the development arena particular methodology (i.e. Participatory Rural Apprai-
(income generation) to include sustainability and equity sal), and more linked to underlying values of equity and
concerns. These become an important lens through empowerment. It therefore assumes multiple meanings,
which approaches under development are scrutinized, as from local ownership of the process (from problem identifi-
manifest in part through efforts to operationalize the con- cation to planning and implementation) to collective action
cepts of ‘‘integration’’ and ‘‘participation’’ in watershed (in terms of widespread motivation and participation, and
management. more negotiation of processes and outcomes) and more
The methodology used to develop and test methods in equitable benefits to diverse user groups.
practice consists largely of an iterative process of reflection These normative understandings beg the question,
and implementation at site and regional levels, where prac- ‘‘whose concepts, whose understanding?’’ McClintock
tice informs concepts and vice-versa. This paper follows a et al’s ‘‘Metaphors for Reflecting on Research Practice:
diagnostic phase across all benchmark sites, in which Researching with People’’ (2003) helps to clarify the rela-
L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204 193

Pooled/Processed Ideas
(2) RRTasynthesizes (1) Preliminary (3) Research and
lessons and approaches Development Development On-
(Site-Regional Linkages); and Testing of Site Informed by
Quality Control Methods Regional Analysis &
Research Framework

Regional Research Team, a small interdisciplinary team providing support to Site Teams in disciplines
underrepresented within the NARS.

Fig. 1. Site-regional linkages in AHI.

tionship between project staff and watershed residents in for true participation in decision-making and benefits.
the creation of new understanding. Two metaphors jointly Throughout the diverse stages of watershed management,
describe this relationship: research-as-facilitation and we have experimented with diverse forms of participation,
research-as-narrative. The first process is about facilitating from equity to representation in decision-making to nego-
learning by the participants themselves by creating ‘‘oppor- tiated decisions and actions.
tunities for everyday research.’’ Watershed residents are
engaged in their own learning processes that would not 5.1. Participation in problem definition
have taken place without the role of AHI-as-facilitator.
Yet creation of new understanding (the content of The political ecology of watershed management suggests
research) must move beyond the watershed residents them- that those involved in defining the watershed management
selves, as we are not only facilitating solutions to local approach will have important influence on the definition of
problems – but distilling general lessons on the approach objectives and methods. It is therefore important to look at
that can be utilized by a broader set of research and devel- how the questions asked, and the methodologies utilized,
opment institutions in the eastern African region. influence the outcomes of problem definition in watershed
Research-as-narrative helps to capture this second dimen- management. An iterative approach to the development of
sion of researching with people. This metaphor describes diagnostic methods was utilized, both in terms of differen-
a process in which research is used to give coherence to tiated planning processes by the different site teams
the process of discovery by describing and reflecting on (enabling subsequent cross-site comparison), and imple-
experience. While the second of the two metaphors is the menting and adjusting the approach in practice. Site teams
essence of the present paper, it is profoundly influenced tested both proscriptive (testing of pre-determined check-
by the first; the very fact that concepts and methods have lists) and constructivist approaches (participatory
evolved within AHI attests to the determining influence mapping, historical trends analysis) to diagnosis to comple-
of experience and the people shaping that experience (both ment the strengths and weakness of each. Following a
watershed residents and AHI research teams) on the cross-site comparison of emerging questions for diagnosing
authors’ understanding. watershed problems in each benchmark site, an integrated
As this paper is as much about concepts and methods as checklist was developed and tested in one of the sites
it is about findings, data presented in the pages that follow (Lushoto, Tanzania) to monitor the relationship between
are often chosen selectively for their role in illustrating a questions asked and elicited responses. The strong diver-
principle or concept. The paper is not intended as a synthe- gence in responses when watershed management issues
sis of findings, but rather a synthesis of concepts and meth- are elicited in different ways (Table 2) clearly illustrates
ods under development. Apparent disparities in findings how the formulation of questions influences the definition
also stem from the social learning approach used to of problems. Reliance on proscriptive checklists alone
develop and test new approaches in each site, in which can make watershed diagnosis subject to the bias of exter-
select methods were only tested in single sites or slowly nal facilitators who frame questions. On the other hand,
spread from one site to another as ‘‘best practices’’ are not all of the problems identified through checklists were
identified. captured through more constructivist approaches. This
suggests that triangulation of both research questions and
5. ‘‘Participation’’ in watershed management diagnostic methods may be most effective for a robust diag-
nosis of watershed problems.
‘‘Participation’’ means different things to different peo- Open-ended interviews were also conducted selectively
ple. All too often, however, it is taken to mean mere in the diagnostic phase to cross-check whether emerging
turn-out at community fora, a grossly inadequate proxy questions asked in semi-structured interviews were
194 L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

Table 2
Correlation between questions and elicited responses in Lushoto benchmark site
Research question Elicited responses
1. What activities could benefit from collective action? Soil and water conservation, farmyard manure application, banana planting
Maintaining community bull
Community mill construction and operation
Maintenance of roads and community buildings
Managing water sources and irrigation infrastructure
2. How do activities of neighboring farms Eucalyptus spp. on farm boundaries compete with crops and dry soil in neighboring
and villages influence your livelihood? farmland
Neighboring fields harboring rodents, pests and weeds
Stray fire from neighbors’ fields
Failure of upslope neighbors to conserve their plots, harming crops from
uncontrolled drainage/erosion
Lack of respect for farm boundaries
3. Are there any natural resource Land shortage/boundary encroachment
management conflicts? Free grazing
Theft of crops and village trees
Traditional vs. modern beliefs on NRM
Limited drinking/irrigation water
4. Are there any problems associated with Water shortage (drinking, irrigation)
the management of communal property? Water pollution
Fires and theft in village forest
Impact of crops and Eucalyptus spp. on water availability

sufficient in capturing the full range of issues affecting local were identified, they were compiled into single lists and
residents. In one case, this enabled identification of a major ranked. For the ranking procedure, individual interviews
issue affecting the livelihoods of women, namely the decline were utilized to capture inter-group variation in responses.
in fuel wood access due to changes in forest cover and Ranks were compiled into watershed averages, as well as
access. Recognizing that the evolving list of questions being group averages (by gender, wealth, age and landscape posi-
used to elicit local perceptions of key watershed problems tion). Results demonstrate the critical importance of
did not effectively elicit this problem, an additional ques- socially-disaggregated problem diagnosis (Table 3). Issues
tion was added to the semi-structured interview protocol reflecting female domains of activity such as domestic
– namely, ‘‘How have land use and landscape changes over water supply receive a much higher rating by women than
time influenced livelihoods?’’ While the methodology was by men, while issues affecting male rights (i.e. rights to land
being developed for subsequence use by outside facilitators and irrigation water) and responsibilities (road mainte-
of watershed management, the idea was to design a process nance) are prioritized more highly by men. Similarly,
that would enable subsequent facilitators to adequately wealth influences how issues requiring significant resource
capture a robust list of salient problems faced by different inputs (labour, capital) are ranked. Finally, landscape posi-
local interest groups. tion influences the relative access to drinking and irrigation
Another critical issue are the methods used to identify water, and the corresponding ranks for these issues.
watershed problems. The community forum is the most Participation in problem definition can also be opera-
popular approach to problem definition due to widespread tionalized through the identification of strategic leverage
experience with Participatory Rural Appraisal techniques points or ‘turn keys’ from a social perspective. One way
and lower transaction costs. However, in recognition of to do this is to identify issues of high importance to most
the influence of more outspoken individuals on effective social groups. This can be done by contrasting the ranks
participation, approaches aimed at greater social disaggre- given by different social groups to watershed issues falling
gation were tested within the AHI. Individual interviews within each category (as in Table 3) or overall. An example
and focus group discussions were both utilized. While indi- from Lushoto illustrates how trans-boundary issues are
vidual interviews are more advantageous for understanding prioritized by different groups (Table 4). Here, out of all
how perceptions differ within different groups, focus group 11 trans-boundary issues identified in the watershed, only
discussions were found to foster greater rapport and debate 3 or 4 are considered highly by most groups.
over elicited responses. To identify the key watershed prob-
lems from the standpoint of diverse social groups, focus 5.2. Participation in planning
group discussions by gender, age and wealth were utilized
in several benchmark sites. In other sites where there is a Decisions on farm-level innovations, while often involv-
clear patterning of landholdings on the landscape, land- ing group work, are generally made at the level of the
scape location (i.e., upper vs. lower slope) was an addi- household and applied to private property. Watershed-
tional basis for focus group formation. Once the issues level interventions have the potential of enabling
L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204 195

Table 3
Socially-disaggregated ranksa of selected watershed issues in Lushoto benchmark site
Watershed issue Socially-disaggregated ranks
Men Women Eldersb Youth Highc wealth Low wealth Upper slope Lower slope
Water issues
Limited access to potable water M VH – – – – VH M
Insufficient irrigation water in the dry season H L – – – – H M
Individual ownership of springs L H – – – – – –
Trans-boundary issues
Insufficient respect for farm boundaries M VL – – – – – –
Other land management
Need for group tree nurseries M VH VH VH VH VH M H
Lack of improved seed H VH VH VH M VH VH H
Need for cooperation in road maintenance VH L – – M VH – –
The total number of issues ranked (n = 28) are not shown here, but only those issues for which significant differences were found in average responses
given by different social groups. Very High (‘‘VH’’) refers to average ranks of 1–5 (1 being of greatest importance); High (‘‘H’’) to average ranks of 6–10;
Medium (‘‘M’’) 11–15; Low (‘‘L’’) 16–20; and Very Low (‘‘VL’’) greater than 20.
Elders were defined by local residents as greater than 60 years, and youth as younger than 30.
Local residents defined their own wealth categories based on local indicators (landholdings, livestock holdings and quality of housing), established cut-
offs between categories and classified households accordingly.

Table 4
Top three trans-boundary issues by social group, Lushoto benchmark site
Gendera Age Location
Women Men Elder Youth Upper slope Lower slope
Theft of others’ property 2 3
Trans-boundary pest and disease effects 1b 2 2 1
Lack of respect for farm boundaries 3
Stray fire crossing farm boundaries
Run-off from upslope cultivation 1 1 1 2
Non-respect for communal land boundaries 3 3 2
Shade from boundary trees
Run-off from upslope Black Wattle trees
Drying of land from boundary trees 2 3 3 1
Rodents from fallowed land
Free grazing across boundaries
Age classes have the same cut-offs as in Table 3.
Figures in bold font indicate trans-boundary issues priority highly by three or more social groups.

technological interventions to work better from both tech- are important implications of watershed-level planning and
nical and social standpoints, given the strong interactions implementation in which representatives of each village
between neighbouring landscape units (farms, individual come together to take key decisions for the entire area. The
and private property, etc.). The question then becomes first of these is that levels of participation are compromised.
how to ensure equity in such negotiated outcomes, in terms Geographical and demographic barriers hinder participa-
of moving from potentially interest-based to more equita- tion by influencing the effort that must be expended in
ble decision-making. Watershed action plans must be nego- attending planning sessions and influencing the number of
tiated among diverse users with different priorities and voices that may be heard during group discussions. Equally
levels of influence. When attempting to ensure effective par- critical are psychological barriers to participation within lar-
ticipation in watershed planning, several issues should be ger, less familiar groups, which hinder the participation of
taken into consideration: (a) the level at which planning less empowered and outspoken groups. One possible solu-
is carried out, (b) whether to plan for multiple issues simul- tion, watershed planning with community representatives,
taneously or around specific issues, and (c) how to address poses new problems. First, representation in name does
social trade-offs in decision-making. not imply representation in practice, as those involved in
Regarding the level at which planning is carried out, prac- planning will more often than not plan according to their
titioners have a tendency to take the watershed as the appro- own priorities and benefits than for those they are supposed
priate level of diagnosis and planning – compelled both to to represent. This poses a problem in terms of elite capture of
conform to watershed boundaries and to simplify the ‘‘com- program benefits. Furthermore, unless high-quality feed-
munity-project interface’’ for practical purposes. Yet there back mechanisms are put into place, the broader watershed
196 L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

community will have little understanding of decisions taken resources. Villages with more water were being visited by
and therefore little incentive to participate. Several strategies farmers and livestock from neighbouring villages. Paths
for addressing these constraints are currently under develop- through the farms and villages were being blocked as a man-
ment within the AHI. ifestation of resistance to water sharing. As we work to
The first involves decision-making at the watershed level develop watering points in the watershed and water quantity
only after watershed units (village or other) elect represen- and quality are positively affected, neighbouring villages are
tatives and establish a plan for more widespread feedback likely to want access to these water resources. A solution
and validation once preliminary decisions have been taken. may, therefore, be the source of a future problem (in this
Yet for this to be effective, performance criteria for elected case, water resource conflicts), a problem that can be antici-
representatives should be established prior to the identifica- pated from what is known about the current situation. We
tion of individuals due to the tendency for elected represen- are currently developing strategies for facilitating communi-
tatives to reflect existing power dynamics rather than ties to consider such potentialities up front, and to develop
robust leadership criteria. The second strategy involves an approach for managing watering points once ‘‘devel-
greater devolution of decision-making and management oped’’. This might include negotiations among neighbouring
within the watershed, moving to higher levels of negotia- communities to develop structures and rules of governance
tion only for those issues that demand it. for the resource given anticipated demands on the resource
The second consideration when seeking effective partic- in the near and distant future, and strategies for periodic
ipation in watershed management is whether to develop re-negotiation of these strategies under changing
general watershed action plans, or plan around specific circumstances.
issues. While the former enables an integrated approach To better target such efforts at negotiated planning, it is
to planning, the latter is more suited to an emphasis on important to consider the conditions under which collective
stakeholder equity. This involves the identification of action, negotiation and/or formal by-laws (as opposed to a
stakeholders specific to each issue, followed by multi-stake- more individualized approach) are needed to enable
holder negotiations at village or watershed level. A stake- improved NRM and equity. Thus far within the AHI, three
holder approach minimizes involvement to only those scenarios have been encountered which would require
who have a direct ‘stake’ in the issue at hand, and lends negotiation in planning to ensure effective participation:
itself more easily to effective representation – since for
any given issue the individuals directly involved in negoti-  Negotiation of any program benefits among all
ation will hold views that approximate those of their con- watershed residents, so that criteria for the design of
stituents. It is also preferable in terms of the depth of implementation processes and/or selection of early and
planning, given that a single issue is addressed at a time late beneficiaries are agreed upon and transparent;
and the nuances of different perspectives made central to  Negotiation among participants in innovations that may
analysis and planning. Stakeholders can be defined in a have an overly negative impact on certain groups, and
number of ways – according to the issue at hand (Table the parties likely to be affected; and
5), or specific sub-components of these issues that define  Re-negotiation of rights and responsibilities among
more specific stakes (see tree niche example, Table 6). existing and new user groups where an intervention is
A final consideration for enabling effective participation likely to cause conflict through increased demand over
is how to anticipate and manage the benefits and costs of a resource.
interventions to diverse groups. Only by acknowledging such
social trade-offs during the planning phase can solutions –
and the benefits derived from them – be negotiated by differ- Table 6
ent user groups. Without explicit acknowledgement of such Niche-specific stakeholders, Lushoto district, TZ
differential impacts and the development of strategies to Niche Stakeholders
manage processes and benefits more equitably, collective
Farm boundaries Owners of boundary trees, neighbouring
action will occur at the expense of equity rather than as a farmers, missions, churches
means to further it (Ramı´rez and Berdegué, 2003). An exam- Forest buffer zone Farmers in buffer zone, Ministry of Natural
ple from Ethiopia helps to illustrate this better. During the Resources and Tourism
watershed exploration exercise, researchers identified con- Watering points Individual landowners, water users
Within farmland Individual household members (by gender, age)
flict among neighbouring villages due to limited water

Table 5
Local interest groups holding a ‘‘stake’’ in specific watershed issues
Issue Stakeholders
Input quality Stockists, farmers (by wealtha), suppliers
Water Those implicated (owners of springs, tree lots), those most affected (irrigating farmers, women)
Poor governance Local leaders, diverse local constituents (relatives of local leaders vs. others), district
Farmers with different resource endowments will rely on different types of inputs, requiring that these divergent ‘stakes’ be made explicit.
L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204 197

5.3. Participation in implementation (i.e. capturing negative impacts on less outspoken or more
vulnerable groups) in societies governed by hierarchical
Fostering effective participation during implementation decision-making processes. Ultimately, such external deci-
can be seen in terms of greater numbers of participants, sions on how to structure M&E to enchance equity should
or in terms of negotiation of rights and responsibilities give way to a more vibrant civil society in which more mar-
among diverse groups. For the first of these, collective ginalized groups can voice their own concerns.
action is seen as a vehicle for greater access to program
benefits due to higher numbers of participants. Yet as men- 6. Integration in watershed management
tioned above, collective action can be achieved through
both voluntary and authoritarian means and either further Similar to participation, ‘‘integration’’ means different
or reduce existing inequities (Ramı´rez and Berdegué, 2003). things to different people. Within the AHI alone, addressing
It is therefore critical that collective action be seen as a con- identified watershed problems required several forms of inte-
ceptual framework for enabling equitable stakeholder gration that were formerly absent in agricultural R&D. The
involvement in implementation processes. For this, a sys- first of these was to manage benefits and spin-offs to diverse
tem for ensuring that rules of governance established dur- watershed-level components, including forest, water, live-
ing the planning stage are implemented in practice. It is stock, crop and soil components (both common property
also important to consider that rules established at the out- and interactions among individually-managed landscape
set are ‘best bet’ approaches, and not yet tested in practice. units). This is required so that gains to one particular compo-
As such, overly rigid adherence to established rules can be nent (i.e. timber yield) do not have an overly negative impact
as detrimental to program success and effective participa- on other components (i.e. water resources) – or on users
tion as non-adherence to rules (Kloppenburg, 1983; Nem- depending on the viability of this other component for their
arundwe and Kozanayi, 2003). A flexible yet accountable livelihood. If a research or development actor were to expe-
system of governance can be best achieved through an iter- rience this form of integration, they would no longer be
ative social learning process, in which jointly agreed mech- focused on their specific area of expertise (i.e. maximizing
anisms for ensuring equity are tested, monitored from the yield of a single crop) but rather on system-level goals (opti-
perspective of diverse social actors based on problems they mizing gains to diverse components) and the impact of alter-
encounter during implementation, and modified accord- native interventions on these components.
ingly. This, in turn, requires a participatory monitoring Integration also means integrating diverse solutions
and evaluation system that encourages active reflection through a multi-disciplinary or multi-sectoral approach.
on the implementation process, and timely capture of prob- This form of integration was required to address priority
lems and adjustment. watershed problems through the integration and sequenc-
In recognition that not all ramifications of watershed ing of technical solutions with social, policy and market
interventions will be anticipated, an effective monitoring interventions. Fig. 2 is an idealized scenario of multi-sec-
and evaluation strategy is needed to capture trends in ben- toral approaches to addressing watershed problems, illus-
efits capture and other social impacts as they emerge. With- trating the many angles through which assumedly
out such monitoring systems in place that make the ‘‘biophysical’’ problems can be addressed. While only a
distribution of benefits and social impacts explicit, it is few of these dimensions have actually been employed for
likely that current interventions will become problems for any given problem, it helps to keep in mind the diversity
certain social groups and further existing inequities. Con- of strategies to be considered when supporting local com-
tinuous monitoring also enables continuous (re-)planning. munities to address identified watershed problems. Trees
This enables the ‘best approaches’ prescribed early on in found to be incompatible with certain landscape niches
the planning process to be questioned and modified based (springs, farm boundaries), for example, required not only
on the performance of established indicators and realities substitute species – a technical solution – but local negoti-
encountered during implementation (Chevalier, 2004; Hol- ations between the owners of woodlots and tree lines and
ling and Meffe, 1996). the affected parties (a social solution). At times the resolu-
While an optimal strategy for monitoring the impacts of tions reached through negotiations needed to be governed
interventions on diverse system components and social or by formal byelaw reforms (a policy solution), or propelled
stakeholder groups has yet to be determined in the context through identification of environmentally friendly high-
of the AHI, it is clear that both rigor (in the sense of cap- value trees (a market solution). This form of integration
turing diverse views) and efficiency must be considered. The has required agricultural research and development practi-
trade-offs of external and participatory monitoring should tioners to move far beyond their technological bias in
be weighed in terms of the ability of each to capture nuan- development interventions.
ces and political dynamics within a community, and the A third form of integration can be seen in the need to
need to minimize time investments of farmers and outside manage interactions among diverse tenure systems, so that
actors. While socially-disaggregated monitoring could be investment in individual and private ‘‘goods’’ (i.e. economic
taxing for facilitators and other participants, it may prove returns from trees planted on private property) can be bal-
to be the only means to ensure effective ‘‘participation’’ anced with investment in common and public goods
198 L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

Opportunities for value addition

and improved returns; coupling
natural capital investments with
income generation.
Policy Marketing
Dimensions & Economic
Support local by-law Dimensions
formulation & reform;
advocacy on higher-level
policy reforms.

Technologies to diversify,
Prioritised intensify and increase
Watershed farming system efficiency.
Institutional Problem Technological
Dimensions Dimensions
Structures, rules and
processes for effective
decision-making and
representation. Build upon local institutions
(governance), knowledge and
conflict resolution mechanisms.
Key: Local Knowledge,
= Bottleneck Values, Practices,
= Opportunity Institutions

Fig. 2. Multi-disciplinary and multi-sectoral integration in watershed management.

(i.e. water emanating from private property, which is influ- problem diagnosis, grouping of like issues, and socially-
enced by tree location and species selection). This last form disaggregated ranking of issues as described above. In
of integration can be aided by collective action theory, which addition to identifying issues of high importance to most
seeks a better understanding of the conditions required to social groups, research teams grouped carried out their
enable greater investment in common property resources own analysis of the functional linkages among discrete
and public goods (Meinzen-Dick et al., 2002; Ostrom, issues put forth by farmers (German et al., 2003a). The idea
1990; Pandey and Yadama, 1990; Wittayapak and Dearden, behind this was to identify clusters of issues that could be
1999). This last form of integration can be treated in unison addressed simultaneously, so as to foster positive synergies
with the first, given that system ‘‘components’’ can be among them and multiple returns (i.e. water, food, fodder
defined in biophysical or legal (tenure) terms. Multi-stake- and fuel). Efforts to conduct this analysis as a participatory
holder negotiations have proven effective in enabling com- process have included historical trends analysis and partic-
promises to be reached between watershed residents ipatory mapping, in which linkages among discrete land-
interested in the status quo and those affected by it. scape-level processes are easily identified. The Tanzanian
site is also testing a strategy for a fully participatory
6.1. Integration in problem definition approach to integrated micro-watershed planning with
minimal outside guidance. The idea is to test in practice
During problem definition, integration can be achieved the ability of groups of households residing within a contig-
through a fully interdisciplinary exploration of watershed uous area of land to identify creative strategies for enhanc-
problems (including biophysical, social, policy and market ing positive interactions among landscape components and
dimensions) and through a systems analysis of component users for improved livelihoods and conservation at land-
linkages. Research questions guiding problem and oppor- scape level. This experience is too new to consolidate les-
tunity identification in AHI benchmark sites are illustrated sons learnt.
in Table 7. These questions are not meant as a template for
watershed exploration in other sites, given that biophysical 6.2. Integration in planning
dimensions are given more systematic treatment than other
areas. It nevertheless illustrates a certain degree of interdis- Integration in planning can be addressed from the
ciplinarity in problem identification. standpoint of both component integration and disciplinary
The second step, systems analysis of component link- or sectoral integration. For the first of these, higher-level
ages, can be carried out once key watershed problems have system goals should be specified for each cluster in order
been identified and prioritized. In each AHI benchmark to avoid disintegration during planning. With a mandate
site, a list of biophysical issues was generated from the to develop approaches for integrated watershed manage-
above research questions through socially-disaggregated ment of use by national agricultural research and extension
L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204 199

Table 7
AHI regional research questions for watershed exploration (German et al., 2003b)
Primary questions Secondary questions
What are the key NRM problems, from the 1. How have changes in the landscape and land use over time influenced livelihood?
community’s perspective, requiring a 2. Do on-farm management practices of your neighbors’ have any influence on your livelihood?
watershed How about the management of resources by neighboring communities?
approach or collective action? 3. Are there any NRM problems that could benefit from collective action?
4. Are there problems associated with common property resources?
5. Are there any conflicts associated land or NR management (within or between villages)?
6. How do different groups (by gender, age, wealth or landscape position) prioritize these issues?
What are the key opportunities (social capital, 1. What local social units (internal) and institutions (external) exist in the watershed? What are their
policy mechanisms) and constraints (social & characteristics (history, objectives, strengths & weaknesses, tendency to cooperate with other
policy barriers) for enabling collective action in groups, decision-making processes and importance to diverse social actors)?
the watershed? 2. Are there traditional practices or beliefs influencing NRM?
3. Are there any NRM conflicts? Are there any traditional mechanisms for conflict resolution &
4. Who are the influential individuals in the communities? How effective are they in community
5. What brings people together for cooperation? Is there anything that keeps people from
6. How do local, district or national policies influence land management & use of communal
resources? Do any of these policies influence collective action?
7. What strengths & limitations exist for by-law enforcement?

systems, AHI has done a considerable amount of planning Overall IPNM Cluster Objective: To improve farmer
with researchers to identify higher-level system goals incomes and system productivity (crops, livestock, trees)
around which integrated research and development inter- while ensuring sustainable nutrient management in the
ventions can be structured. An example from Ginchi system.
Benchmark Site in Western Shewa Zone, Ethiopia, can Finally, when the watershed management program
help to illustrate the point. In Ginchi, two system clusters integrates research and development, higher-order
were identified by interdisciplinary research teams to iden- research questions can be established toward which each
tify where strong functional linkages exist among discrete component contribution is ultimately linked:
watershed problems: Primary Research Question, SWCU Cluster: How can
Soil and Water Conservation and Utilization (SWCU) NRM practices (SWC structures, tree planting, drainage
Cluster: systems, etc.) enhance agricultural production/produc-
tivity through decreased erosion while also enhancing
 Poor water quality spring recharge long-term?
 Water shortage for livestock and humans Primary Research Question, IPNM Cluster: How can
 Loss of seed, soil and fertilizer from excess run-off income be improved through increased agricultural pro-
 Crop failure due to drought duction/productivity (crop, livestock, tree and nutrient
 Loss of indigenous tree species management) and marketing while also enhancing sys-
tem nutrient stocks?
Integrated Production and Nutrient Management
(IPNM) Cluster. Following the identification of a higher-level system
goal, component contributions to this integrated objective
 Feed shortage should be clearly identified, particularly given the emphasis
 Wood shortage of conventional R&D on enhancing the performance of
 Soil fertility decline single components rather than the system at large (Table
 Loss of indigenous tree species 8). Defining the role of different system components in
 Lack of income-generating opportunities terms of the broader agricultural system and landscape
enables national agricultural research systems to better
System-level objectives were then established not for dis- respond the system-wide problems faced by farmers, mov-
crete problems, but for the cluster as a whole: ing beyond the Cartesian logic which assumes systems
problems can be addressed piecemeal. Component contri-
Overall SWCU Cluster Objective: To enhance the posi- butions to system objectives for the Soil and Water Conser-
tive synergies between water, soil and tree management vation and Utilization Cluster at Ginchi are illustrated
in micro-watersheds. graphically in Fig. 3 (Ginchi Site Team, 2004). It is clear
200 L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

Table 8
Re-defining research and development objectives for greater component integration
Component Conventional objective Integrated objective
Soil Soil fertility and stabilization To optimize soil quality and stability, water quality, and the production
of food, feed and timber
Agroforestry Maximize the production of treeproducts To optimize the yield of tree products, crop yield, soil quality and water
Crop Maximize the yield of edible and marketable plant To maximize the yield of edible plant parts and crop residues (for soil
products fertility and feed) without compromising soil fertility
Livestock To maximize the production of edible and marketable To optimize the production of livestock products (including dung) while
livestock products (milk, meat, eggs, hides) maintaining or increasing soil fertility

Problem Integrated Solution

Water Spring
Degradation Development

High Soil & Water Watershed
Run-Off Conservation Management

Indigenous Niche-Compatible
Tree Loss Afforestation

Fig. 3. Articulating component interactions in solutions to watershed problems at Ginchi Site, Ethiopia.

from this diagram that in addition to contributing to their synergies among system components. An example of such
own component-specific objectives, activities falling within component trade-offs is illustrated in a tree niche analysis
each cluster must aim to achieve system-wide benefits conducted in two AHI benchmark sites. Key informants
wherever possible. knowledgeable about the properties of indigenous and exo-
While not overtly participatory, this approach to clus- tic tree species were asked to identify key species and spe-
tering and identification of higher-level system goals was cies characteristics making them compatible with different
necessary to move multi-disciplinary R&D teams – largely landscape niches. Negative impacts of trees identified in
rooted in disciplinary thinking and interventions – beyond each of the two sites are compiled in Table 9, where
their conventional mandates and thinking. The approach trade-offs between gains to forest and other components
builds directly on landscape or system ‘‘disconnects’’ iden- (soil, crops, water) are clear.
tified by local residents, and the resulting clustering has Similar to efforts at achieving effective participation in
been useful in enhancing awareness among farmers of cau- watershed management, it is useful to consider the condi-
sal linkages at landscape level. A case in point concerns fuel tions under which system interactions and trade-offs should
scarcity in Ethiopia, in which increasing amounts of dung be addressed during the planning stages to enable optimal
and crop residues are used for fuel at the expense of agri-
cultural productivity. Researchers are contributing to Table 9
strengthen local understanding and commitment to collec- Perceived negative impacts of trees in two AHI benchmark sites
tive solutions, given the role of local institutions (which Lushoto, Tanzania Ginchi, Ethiopia
define dung and crop residues as open access resources dur- Arrests undergrowth Is bad for crops
ing free grazing periods) in exacerbating the problem by Creates large shady area Dries springs
strengthening incentives for farmers to ‘‘mine’’ their fields Has aggressive root system Is bad for soil changes the taste of
spring water
of biomass before the seasonal shift to free grazing.
Leaves bad for crops, soil
While not immediately obvious, such strategies Hinders infiltration & increases
acknowledge the component interactions and trade-offs runoff
characterizing watersheds. The aim of such integration Heavy feeder on groundwater
would be to avoid negative interactions (where maximizing Out-competes other tree species
Dries valley bottoms
one system objective hinders another) and to foster positive
L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204 201

(system-wide) benefits. Thus far within the AHI, two such To achieve integration of landscape-level components,
conditions have been encountered: there are several implementation options for any given
problem. While the diagram in Fig. 3 would appear to sug-
 where the intervention in any given component is likely gest an implementation pathway, there are two clear possi-
to have a negative impact on other system components bilities for operationalizing this form of integration. First,
(water, livestock, crop yield, soil fertility), and teams of scientists and practitioners can work on individual
 where integrated planning is likely to enhance positive components (spring development, soil and water conserva-
synergies among components (multiple system benefits). tion practices and niche-compatible afforestation) indepen-
dently, yet ensure the work addresses system goals, as
In terms of achieving sectoral or disciplinary integration defined in the overall cluster objective. The pitfall of taking
during planning, two considerations have come to light this option is that existing disciplinary biases will tend to
within the AHI. First, unless ‘‘other’’ dimensions of the disintegrate the approach into component-specific
problem are made explicit during planning, biophysical approaches unless mechanisms are taken to ensure
interventions will take precedence. For each major interven- accountability to the system goal. This can include the inte-
tion, it is therefore critical to cross-check identified solutions gration of relevant disciplinary expertise on teams working
by considering whether diverse dimensions (technical, social, on each component, so that hydrologists, soil scientists and
policy, market) have been considered. An example from Gin- foresters (in addition to social scientists and community
chi and Lushoto benchmark sites (Table 10) illustrates how facilitators) jointly work on niche-compatible afforestation,
doing so ensures that complementary dimensions of for example. Other mechanisms include assigning a Cluster
watershed management are brought on board. Ensuring that Leader to oversee implementation and adherence of each
strategies falling within each dimension are considered will component to the higher-level system objective, and
help to address the second consideration, which is how to detailed interdisciplinary planning in which the actions to
identify and enable positive synergies among diverse types be taken in the name of integration are made clear to
of solutions. Three types of such synergies have been identi- and debated by all team members.
fied thus far within the AHI. These are illustrated in Table 11, The second option to ensure component integration is to
along with examples of each. The implication is that agricul- implement each of the component activities through a sin-
tural research and development practitioners need to move gle set of activities, for example by focusing activities on
beyond isolated, uni-dimensional solutions to explore how ‘‘Integrated Watershed Management’’ rather than individ-
such synergies can unlock the potential to achieve multiple ual components as in Fig. 3. Within the AHI, this approach
goals simultaneously. has been planned in two ways that differ in terms of
sequencing of activities. The first entails the physical pro-
6.3. Integration in implementation tection of springs with cement structures (‘‘spring develop-
ment’’) to enhance enthusiasm about project activities,
While a number of strategies have been developed and are followed by integrated afforestation and soil and water
undergoing implementation in AHI benchmark sites, lessons conservation activities in different landscape units (Ginchi
on the relative success of different approaches – or of similar Site Team, 2004). One assumption inherent in this
approaches sequenced differently – are only beginning to approach is that if spring development – as the most imme-
emerge. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify strategies diate solution to a highly-prioritized issue – is used as an
being targeted to ensure biophysical and multidisciplinary entry point, outcomes of future R&D investments will be
integration during early stages of implementation. greater due to increased community trust and enthusiasm

Table 10
Technological, social and policy dimensions of niche-compatible afforestation
Technological Social and policy dimensions Economic dimensions
Niche adaptation trials Rules on nursery management benefits, Identification of alternative high-value trees to support stakeholder
responsibilities, sanctions agreements (i.e. removal of harmful species) through provision of livelihood
Tree nurseries Negotiation of niche-compatible afforestation alternatives
(regulations on species’ location or density)

Table 11
Types of synergies among diverse types of interventions
Nature of the synergy Example
Disciplinary or sectoral synergies (social, policy, technological) Niche-compatible afforestation, as in Table 10
Income-natural resource management synergies Introducing high-value crops with soil fertility management
practices and conservation structures
Synergy in short- and long-term solutions Spring rehabilitation with a longer-term integrated watershed
management approach
202 L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

Facilitation Plan for Integrated Watershed Management, Lushoto BMS

(a) Awareness creation through feedback of watershed findings, in particular the complex
linkages between hillside erosion and valley bottom fertility, hillside management
(physical structures & vegetation) and spring discharge, and existing problems (increased
erosion due to iron sheet roofing) and possible solutions (water capture to enhance
availability to domestic water and reduce erosion).
(b) Establish an integrated watershed management competition by offering integrated services
(technical assistance and materials for water reservoirs, technical assistance on soil and
water conservation and niche-compatible afforestation; organizational and by-law
support) in exchange for high-quality negotiated action plans and social mobilization at
micro-watershed level.
(c) Interventions in select micro-watersheds (up to 3) to further develop and implement action
plans. Findings and lessons from prior and current working groups (linked technologies,
tree niche analysis, spring management) will be fed into the integrated watershed
management approach to enhance impact.
(d) Impact studies to document the impacts of the above methodology in relation to other
approaches being utilized (including technology dissemination approaches targeting
individual farmers and isolated approaches to spring management).

Box 1. Facilitation plan for integrated watershed management, Lushoto benchmark site.

(Ibid). The second approach, planned for implementation spectives that will be monitored for each. Examples of
in Lushoto Benchmark Site, does not assume this and potential effects and indicators for afforestation activities
rather ensures that the high-priority entry point is used have been developed with farmers from Lushoto and Gin-
as a stimulus for more integrated and long-term watershed chi benchmark sites, and are presented in combined form in
planning from the outset (Mowo, personal communica- Table 12.
tion) (Box 1). The difference between these two approaches In terms of multidisciplinary integration, it became clear
lies in the sequencing of activities, and in the expected during early stages of implementation that monitoring and
impact this will have on community willingness to invest evaluation of all program activities will benefit from inter-
not only in short-term solutions (spring development) but disciplinary dialogue. In a recent case, it was found that
in long-term natural resource management investments quality control was being determined in purely technolog-
(i.e. niche-compatible afforestation or soil and water ical terms due to the strong biophysical basis of site team
conservation). expertise, in effect marginalizing social and policy dimen-
In addition to considering the level at which integration sions despite joint planning on these issues. Two lessons
is operationalized (at the level of objectives and research can be derived from this experience. First, it is important
questions, as in the first example, or of activities as in the that interdisciplinary planning be done in detail, down to
second), it is important to include a monitoring and evalu- the level of activities and the approach to be used to carry
ation system that seeks to ensure integration through peri- them out. Second, interdisciplinary planning should specify
odic re-assessment. For the purposes of component the sequencing of activities, so that principles specific to
integration, monitoring must assess the impacts of activi- each discipline or sector are well integrated into the
ties on diverse system components. Therefore, whether sequencing of technological and other interventions. In
monitoring is carried out by component (niche-compatible social terms, how to motivate and mobilize the community
agroforestry, spring protection) or by system (integrated to balance short- with long-term benefits, and farmer
watershed management), monitoring must address the investments with project inputs (as in the spring develop-
impact of activities on diverse components (water, livestock, ment example), becomes critical. In economic terms, mar-
crop yield, soil fertility). To operationalize this, it is impor- ket opportunities should be identified prior to the
tant to: (a) consider all potential interactions between the selection of the agro-enterprises or crop varieties to be
activity conducted and different components, and (b) to field-tested to counter the supply-driven emphasis of small-
identify priority indicators from scientific and local per- holder farming systems (Ostertag Gálvez, 1999). Finally,
Table 12
System interactions and indicators for niche-compatible afforestation in Lushoto, Tanzania and Ginchi, Ethiopia
Potential interactions Indicators
Crops – competition or compatibility (nutrient, Does not arrest undergrowth; leaves have neutral or positive effect on crop growth;
light, hydrological and allelopathic interactions) can be pruned to reduce shade; canopy holds onto rain and releases it slowly; does
not extract too much water from soil.
Soil – nutrient interactions; erodibility Does not hinder infiltration/enhance run-off; neutral or better effect on soil fertility;
leaves decompose easily.
Springs – water quantity; taste Does not change the taste of water; has a shallow root system and neutral or positive
effect on spring discharge.
Livestock – provision of feed; effect on grazing land Makes good feed for livestock; has neutral or positive effect on crop growth (crop
residues used as feed); serves as shade for livestock; seedlings survive browsing after
2 years (for grazing areas).
Trees – competition or compatibility with other species Does not inhibit the growth of other tree species.
L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204 203

and most important during the implementation phase, for change), much remains to be done for internalizing les-
both intermediate planning (required to adjust action plans sons learnt and scaling up the approach. One of the key
to field realities) and monitoring and evaluation (of all challenges lies in managing a complex, ambitious agenda
activities, independent of their disciplinary or component in which diverse types of trade-offs and synergies must be
focus) should be done by multidisciplinary teams at project identified and managed – both social and biophysical.
level and by multiple local stakeholders. This ‘‘constructiv- While the paper presents tools for managing complexity
ist’’ form of planning and evaluation, in which multiple and stakeholder interests, moving from trade-offs to syn-
views are consulted and negotiated, is one of the funda- ergy will ultimately involve a creative process that is both
mental principles of social learning and adaptive manage- critical and experimental. It is likely to require integration
ment (Chevalier, 2004). of local and scientific knowledge and the diversity inherent
Finally, several insights may be drawn from the chal- within each. It will also require a critical approach to mon-
lenges faced in staying integrated during the implementa- itoring that questions assumptions, is explicit about who
tion stage. First, integration is a continual challenge, wins and loses, and in which unanticipated spin-offs are
given the role of disciplinary biases in favoring certain captured.
viewpoints and approaches, and the institutionalization A second challenge lies in the gap between current insti-
of disintegration (in university training, the division of tutional arrangements, which foster disciplinary planning
departments and programs, peer review, etc.). The AHI is and action and isolate research from development (Ham-
testing a number of approaches for ensuring ongoing inte- mersley, 2004), and those required to operationalize inte-
gration: (a) mutual capacity-building to reach a common grated planning and action, research and development.
understanding of the goal; (b) team and cluster manage- To test new institutional arrangements for more wide-
ment to ensure that each component keeps the primary spread application of the approach, it is important to take
objective and research question in mind during the imple- a systematic look at the tasks and skill base required to
mentation phase; and (c) regularly scheduled meetings at operationalize PIWM, and the degree to which existing
program and community levels to share experiences, evalu- institutions can be mobilized to fill the gap. Funding for
ate and re-plan. action research and social learning approaches to test
new types of institutional arrangements and linkages can
7. Discussion and conclusions be a starting point from which broader experiences are
drawn and strategies formulated.
This paper highlights some of the challenges and poten- A fourth challenge lies in staying integrated when mov-
tialities of moving beyond a focus on farm-level agricul- ing from systems thinking to systems action. Agricultural
tural productivity concerns driving current agricultural research and extension institutions in sub-Saharan Africa
research and development to encompass landscape-level have been exposed for two decades to the farming systems
interactions, multi-stakeholder interactions and the trade- approach, yet research objectives, variables and outputs –
offs or synergies characterizing these. It explores how con- and the resulting technologies advocated by extension –
cepts and methods for Participatory Integrated Watershed continue to have a strong disciplinary bias. Exposure seems
Management have evolved within AHI through both to have enhanced ability to talk in systems terms, but not
reflection and action, focusing on how the concepts of to modify research behavior. In the watershed management
‘‘participation’’ and ‘‘integration’’ have been operational- process within AHI, the systems approach to planning gen-
ized in practice. Far from representing a simple process erated considerable interest among site teams, yet when
of scaling out farm-level technological innovations, partic- moving to operationalize research there was a tendency
ipatory approaches to watershed management require a to divide up tasks along disciplinary lines and to lose inte-
shift of attention to both the ecology and the politics of gration in the process. This challenge lies in the Cartesian,
natural resource management (who wins and who loses). disciplinary paradigms through which professionals learn
This paper fills an important gap in the watershed man- to understand reality, requiring greater attention to sys-
agement literature by illustrating how key principles (par- tems thinking and constructivist modes of knowledge
ticipation, integration) can be operationalized in practice. acquisition within formal education.
By taking a step-by-step look at diverse stages of watershed Another key challenge lies in forging stronger linkages
planning and implementation, the paper illustrates key between research and development, to raise the status of
challenges faced and principles to be applied when trying development and action-based research. For this, univer-
to enable widespread participation and landscape-level sity training, institutional mandates and incentive systems,
integration. Approaches developed thus far for integrated and opportunities for social learning at local and institu-
and participatory diagnosis, planning and implementation tional levels must be given close consideration if the inte-
are outlined, citing specific examples that will enable other grated mandate embodied in PIWM is to be enabled.
R&D actors to learn from the AHI experience. These challenges highlight key directions for the pro-
While significant progress has been made in operational- gram in the coming years. AHI’s mandate to move beyond
izing a particular form of watershed management (inte- pilot work and disseminate concepts and methods through-
grated, small-scale, and driven by endogenous motives out the region will require not horizontal expansion, but
204 L. German et al. / Agricultural Systems 94 (2007) 189–204

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