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5. Is pedicab traditional transportation?

a) No, it is b) No, it is not

Worksheets Name c) Yes, it is d) Yes, it is not

Soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 4 semester 2 Class

Total questions: 25 6. I live in Purwokerto with my family. I really like this town. In this town, we can find many pedicabs. Those are traditional transportations. A
Date pedicab has three wheels. The driver of pedicab drives a pedicab behind the passenger. My mother sometimes goes to the traditional market
Worksheet time: 13mins
by pedicab. It is cheap and safe.
"From the text above, we know the writer talks about pedicab. Which picture is it?"

a) b)

c) d)


jam di samping menunjukkan pukul...

7. These are kind of water transportations, except…

a) it is one o'clock b) it is two o'clock

c) it is twelve o'clock d) it is eleven o'clock a) Boat b) Helicopter

c) Ship d) Submarine

8. Translate into Bahasa Indonesia!

“I always go to bed at nine o’clock p.m.”


9. Arrange the words into the correct sentence!

usually – He – goes – to – on – cinema – the – Fridays
Charis : "Is it a boat?"
Syarif : "............" Ans.

a) Yes, it is b) Yes it is not

c) No, it is not d) No, it is 10. Arrange the jumbled words into correct sentence!
Early – up – sister – never – Sundays – on – gets – My

3. Rizky dan Dhani pergi ke Jakarta naik pesawat a) My Sunday never gets up early on sister b) My sister never gets up early on Sundays

c) My sister gets never Sundays on early up d) My sister never Sundays on gets up early

4. “The driver of pedicab drives a pedicab behind the passenger.” What is the meaning of passenger?

a) Penumpang b) Sopir

c) Kendaraan d) Roda 07/06/24, 8:19 AM 07/06/24, 8:19 AM

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Daffa sometimes ……………….. in the afternoon



What does she do after get up in the morning?

12. “Then I do dawn prayer” The bold words mean….

a) She usually makes the bed b) She usually cooks the breakfast
a) Sholat Subuh b) Sholat Dhuzur
c) She usually does the dawn prayer d) She usually sweeps the floors
c) Sholat Maghrib d) Sholat Isya'

13. “At a half past five, I take a bath and get dressed” in Bahasa Indonesia means…

a) Pada jam 06.30, saya sarapan dan ganti baju b) Pada jam 05.30, saya sampai di sekolah dan sarapan

c) Pada jam 05.30, saya mandi dan ganti baju d) Pada jam 05.30, saya mandi dan berangkat sekolah

14. My Morning Activities

My name is Febri Kuncoro Bhakti. I am a student of elementary school. Now, I study at SD Permata Mulia. I always get up at five o’clock every
morning. Then I do dawn prayer. After that I make the bed. At a half past five, I take a bath and get dressed. I have breakfast at six o’clock. At
a half past six, I go to school. I arrive at school at ten to seven. And the school begin at seven o’clock.
"Febri does dusk prayer after get up in the morning"

a) True b) False
19. The students usually go home at a half past twelve. Which picture is correct?

15. My Morning Activities a) b)

My name is Febri Kuncoro Bhakti. I am a student of elementary school. Now, I study at SD Permata Mulia. I always get up at five o’clock every
morning. Then I do dawn prayer. After that I make the bed. At a half past five, I take a bath and get dressed. I have breakfast at six o’clock. At
a half past six, I go to school. I arrive at school at ten to seven. And the school begin at seven o’clock.
"Febri gets up at five o’clock"

a) True b) False

16. My Morning Activities c) d)

My name is Febri Kuncoro Bhakti. I am a student of elementary school. Now, I study at SD Permata Mulia. I always get up at five o’clock every
morning. Then I do dawn prayer. After that I make the bed. At a half past five, I take a bath and get dressed. I have breakfast at six o’clock. At
a half past six, I go to school. I arrive at school at ten to seven. And the school begin at seven o’clock.
"What time does the writer get up?"


17. Neysa has lunch in the…..

20. “It is a quarter past four” in Bahasa Indonesia means….

a) Morning b) Afternoon

c) Midnight d) Evening a) Jam 4 kurang lima belas menit b) Jam 4 lebih lima belas menit

c) Jam 3 lebih lima belas menit d) Jam 4 lebih tiga puluh menit 07/06/24, 8:19 AM 07/06/24, 8:19 AM

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21. “Jam 5 tepat pagi.” In English means….

a) It is five o’clock p.m b) It if four o’clock a.m.

c) It is a half past five a.m. d) It is five o’clock a.m.

22. “It is a quarter past four” in Bahasa Indonesia means….

a) Jam 4 kurang lima belas menit b) Jam 4 lebih lima belas menit

c) Jam 3 lebih lima belas menit d) Jam 4 lebih tiga puluh menit

23. Wikan : “What time is it?”

Yoga : “It is a half past seven”
Which picture is correct?

a) b)

c) d)


What time is it?

a) It is a quarter to eleven b) It is a half of eleven

c) It is eleven o’clock d) It is a quarter past eleven 07/06/24, 8:19 AM

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